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4128671 No.4128671 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I can be Sakuya

I would be in Remilia's arms flying towards the SDM after a long night of adventure, while she softly whispers into my ears that I am the only human who has ever made her undead heart ache


>> No.4128752

Typical SDM fan, projects himself into a mary sue to be close to his GRIMDARK vampire crush.

>> No.4128836



>> No.4128846


>> No.4128847

Go back to /g/. You're not welcome here, with your stupid inter-game rivalry shit.

>> No.4128851

What's the matter, too MATURE for you?

>> No.4128855

I wish to be the voyeuristic moon.

>> No.4128862

I didn't start this, it was those damn wannabe elitist EoSD peasants who shit on everything.
They started it, not me.

>> No.4128864

Shut the fuck up Underage Secondary SDM B&!

>> No.4128869

Get the fuck out, you ashame every IN fan out there with your shit posting.

>> No.4128879

God, yeah, imagine the view.

>> No.4128880
File: 18 KB, 176x220, 1235958528188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? Well, I dreamt that I was her hat.
I rode her head everywhere.
Outside. Inside. Over hills and over fences.
It was the most beautiful dream that I ever had.

When I woke up and realized that I could never be the hat, I was filled with a sadness that I had never felt before.

tl;dr: I wish to be the hat.

>> No.4128889


>> No.4128895


Remi's bloomers? Fuck that shit.

I'd rather see under Sakuya's skirt, too bad she's actually holding it up unlike Remi who's putting on a full show.

>> No.4128899
File: 363 KB, 536x464, remiliaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"they started it" is a pretty immature response.

Besides, Remilia sparkles in the sunlight, blinding everyone around her.

That's why Reimu kicks her ass so hard, it's fucking painful on the eyes

>> No.4128903

...now I want to be her hat ;_;

a frog is fine too

>> No.4128905
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Aside from Kein and Mokou, everything else about IN is just complete garbage.

I do appreciate the occasional well drawn Eirin porn though. She's one of the few Tohoes I fap to when she's getting gangbanged.

>> No.4128915
File: 65 KB, 850x557, sample_0695eb700056a3476807bb89fe0eca9019443c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's why Reimu kicks her ass so hard

not canon lol

>> No.4128923

I don't know about Eirin but Keine/Mokou is a blessing.

inb4 sweet hakutaku

>> No.4128925
File: 181 KB, 600x849, 1252378298812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Western Touhou fandom would be a lot better if all the IN fans just packed up and left, along with all the idiots who waste time playing the actual games.

>> No.4128948
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Yea shame on the people who like Mokou/Neet more.

>> No.4128973

That's, kinda harsh! I just play the games, I don't give two shits about the characters.

>> No.4129356


Then you're a silly goose.
