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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4060518 No.4060518 [Reply] [Original]

Do you NEETs know of any good ways to make money online?

>> No.4060525


>> No.4060529

Get a real job and join the Marines.

>> No.4060534


>> No.4060544


>> No.4060546

recon sniper platoon reporting in!

>> No.4060564

Scam other people looking to make easy money online without any real skill or effort.

>> No.4060565

Mechanical Turking.


(Don't do this).

>> No.4060574

Online poker.


>> No.4060586


How much you lose/earn?

>> No.4060598

Google AdSense

>> No.4060612

You can apply for social security online can't you?

>> No.4060614

Stocks, running a website, ebay hunting.

>> No.4060619


OP I'll tell you my secret for a one time fee of $99.99. WOW!

>> No.4060623

Why not?

>> No.4060638

does any NEET really make an honest dime, without technically voiding the second E in NEET

>> No.4060651

Disability gives you all you need and if you can't get it, then you don't deserve to live it out as a NEET.

>> No.4060671

No, they don't. That's why this thread is full of bullshit answers.

>> No.4060700

Stockmarket, some neets do stocks never leaving their rooms

>> No.4060711
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>> No.4060712


Wouldn't that make them self-employed?

>> No.4060713


>> No.4060719

neets don't earn money they live off welfare

>> No.4060729

Yes I'm sure most NEETs have enough money to start a healthy portfolio

>> No.4060743

medical transcription
just pretend all the patients are lolis

>> No.4060748

Gambling is bad

>> No.4060751

>Reward: $0.01

so how long does it take to do each one?

>> No.4060777
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>Yes I'm sure most NEETs have enough money to start a healthy portfolio
I got tree fiddy.

>> No.4060782

How much does it take? I've got 1000 bucks lying around that I can't afford to risk.

>> No.4060792

Anyone know any good places to research getting into the stock market? I know next to nothing about it, but I've got some disposable income laying around and it seems like a decent idea.

>> No.4060797

Get a real job, seriously.

>> No.4060799

Create a blog on blogger.com, write interesting articles, get linked to by other people, and earn money with Google AdSense.

>> No.4060807

That requires genuine creativity and effort though.

If you really want a way to earn money without much labor you need to speculate with what you have, but I doubt you have very much. Currency speculation isn't worth it unless you have a lot of money, same with blue chip stocks, high risk is your only option to make money quick, and that's dangerous by definition.

>> No.4060816

Stop posting, seriously.
Go back to /a/.

>> No.4060817
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high risk creates miracles without love it cannot be seen etc etc

>> No.4060815

MMO's and Real Money Trading.
ie. Gold farming, item farming and then just selling it.

>> No.4060833

I'm a NEET on government disability and have around 30k lying in the bank.

How should I start to invest this?

>> No.4060835

Find a private forum / group to join. Anything open will be shit

>> No.4060838
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Lottery tickets!

>> No.4060862

Go find a real financial advice forum. Or wait for Mugen to show up, I'm sure he can help.

>> No.4060863


I charge $100/hr for consulting and contract coding and I make some pretty decent coin off that. But of course, I have a niche specialty; if you're an average PHP codemonkey you won't earn shit.

>> No.4060865

With only $1000, you'll lose enough to brokerage fees that it would be hard to make any money without taking risks. You may as well go to Vegas with it.

With five or ten times that amount, you could trade relatively safe stocks and turn a decent profit by watching the patterns.

>> No.4060866

Where's law abiding pedophile and investment banker at a time like this?

>> No.4060890

buy gold
crash stock market

>> No.4060911

ロナルド・アーネスト「ロン」ポール(Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul, 1935年8月20日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家。テキサス州選出下院議員で任期は10期目を



>> No.4060915

Does freelancing count as employment? I don't know/care for the specifics of the term.

If you've got a talent, say 3D design, charge people for your work.
You can exaggerate how much time you need and charge by the hour. If you're a douche

>> No.4060928

Funny story, and I do believe I've told this before on /jp/:
I have a friend who came into some money, so he waited for the price of gold to drop and bought a few ounces. He then waited for the price to peak again and sold it, then waited until it dropped again and bought more with the profits from the sale.

He kept doing this over a few years, and now he's got a hunk of gold the size of a brick. Where does he keep it? He painted it black and uses it as a doorstop.

>> No.4060944

If you're making money on our own, it's employment.

>> No.4060939

By decent profit do you mean enough to survive on?

>> No.4060954
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I was talking about this, but yeah.

>> No.4060998

Possibly, but if it's your only source of income, then you would really want a good sized savings to fall back on to pay the bills, if you had a bad couple of months. There are definitely people who make a living off of the market, tho.

>> No.4061016


Is your friend's name GORUDOSMITTO, by any chance?

>> No.4061025

I was thinking of doing it in addition to my part time job, yeah.

>> No.4061032

Watch Akagi, become a mahjong master, gamble online.

>> No.4061049

I trade foreign currencies and earning roughly 30 dollars a day.

>> No.4061085

Or just gamble normally online with Poker or Black Jack.

Keep an excel sheet and read books on said topic.

>> No.4061092

We should make a private board for /jp/ NEETs to share money making methods.

>> No.4061119

>If you've got a talent, say 3D design, charge people for your work.

You couldn't even pay /jp/ to take an interest in 3D!

>> No.4061122

Huh? As far as I know, professional gamblers don't just eagerly teach their techniques to anyone. If that happens then everyone would be gambling the same way and it makes it harder for themselves to earn money.

>> No.4061124

Tell that to all the Love Plus threads months ago

>> No.4061145

did ZUN really draw that?

>> No.4061162

I'm not really on the ball for that stuff. My brother does have a few books since he's a real poker buff, though I don't know WHO wrote the books. I would assume the books tell you how to play during heads up or whatever.

>> No.4061165

>Not in Employment, Education or Training
>Not in Employment,

>> No.4061189

>did ZUN really draw that?
Isn't that from fangame (Underwater Palace or something)?
