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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4056573 No.4056573 [Reply] [Original]

>Preliminary health ministry statistics showed 22,000 fewer Japanese babies were born last year for a total of 1.069 million births. The decline follows a slight increase in 2008.

>Meanwhile, the number of deaths climbed for the ninth year in a row to 1.144 million - the highest figure since the government began recording this data in 1947.

>"The trend of increasing population decline is expected to continue in the future as the number of deaths increases due to the ageing of the population, while the number of women who are of childbearing age is decreasing," a ministry official said.

>With extremely low fertility rates and the longest-living people in the world, Japan faces a demographic time bomb expected to overwhelm health and social welfare programmes.

>Prime minister Yukio Hatoyama last week unveiled a budget which included boosted spending on child support to encourage more women to have babies.

>But he faces a daunting reality.

>Japan has the lowest percentage of children among 31 major countries. Its current population of 126 million is projected to shrink by a quarter by 2050, when about 40% of the country will be over 65 years old, according to government estimates.

>Fewer Japanese are getting married as well. The number of marriages in 2009 fell 1.7% from a year earlier to 714,000, the health ministry said. Divorces rose by about 2,000 cases to 253,000.

>> No.4056582
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At least they aren't importing millions of low-skilled, low-IQ, crime-prone immigrants. Instead, they are replacing their workforce with robots.

>> No.4056599

Fascinating tale, brother.

>> No.4056602
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A smaller population will ease ecological strains. Hopefully their birth-rate will eventually stabilize around 2.1 though. Don't want the Japanese to become extinct.

>> No.4056611

christ OP, you're so slowpoke.jpg that it hurts

>> No.4056627
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>> No.4056635 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4056641

We had this thousand times dude.
Japan is stuck in a deflation since like two decades, they saved them bankers while the citizen got nothing. Of course not to forget accelerating globalization and neoliberalism (to save the business boys).
And the third major reason is the contradiction of mass media lifestyle propaganda and the harsh realities. Young people can't afford to support a family while they have to increase the amount of goods to consume they do not really need (just look around you) in order to not be left out from society. Of course they will spend more money on useless things rather than lower their expections and set up a family.
And then they start crying when mass immigration become reality because the state must sustain itself

>> No.4056644

They're realizing that they went overboard in the last 50 years.

>> No.4056651


I'm sorry for the inconvenience :3

>> No.4056660

it's just a matter of time before Japan has to open up its borders and become a multicultural shithole as well, their population is declining and if they don't start making more babies fast they will become extinct, same shit is happening to the natives of many European countries, Italy is already beyond saving.

>> No.4056681

That's not how it works. That's why Japan's economy is dying. No robot can replace your population.

>> No.4056691

Causes of reduced fertility:
-widespread availability of birth-control products
-legalized abortion
-societal secularism
-social acceptance of licentiousness
-widespread consumerism

>> No.4056738

>-widespread availability of birth-control products
>-legalized abortion
>-societal secularism
>-social acceptance of licentiousness
>-widespread consumerism

My country has all this especially feminism, yet we are still outperforming the backwards catholics on continental Europe, let alone Japan.. We're even closing in on the Turks...

Guess what country that is..

>> No.4056755

And just like every other place on earth, it will become a shithole filled with off-white fucking arabs.

What, Sweden?

>> No.4056762
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Extinction is the inevitable path for all K-selected human population groups.


>> No.4056803

>What, Sweden?

Sweden's birth-rate is 1.67 children born per woman.

>> No.4056810

>Rushton asserts that Asians, who have slightly longer lifespans and lower rates of reproduction relative to other races

Lower rates of reproduction, like the Chinese I guess

>> No.4056865
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>That's not how it works.

That is exactly how it works. Technological advancements created mass production which inevitably resulted in corporations massively downsizing workforces while still multiplying output.

>> No.4056888

honestly, people that think a slightly lower death rate than birth rate for a population of so many millions will make them go extinct honestly wear a thicker tinfoil hat than Scientologists and JFK conspiracy theorists.

Birth rate will go down, population will just slightly shrink, cultural or economic change will occur, birth rate will rise again, just like it does in EVERY COUNTRY

>> No.4056892 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4056905

I fucking hate people that summons kids like retards.

>> No.4056929


Japan's fertility rate isn't slightly below replacement rate, it is massively below it. Japan's transition to a smaller population would probably be a lot more stable if the birth-rate was around 1.9 per-woman instead of 1.2.

>> No.4056948

The transition is already slow enough given the fact that the people that are dying are old and not working anyways, and still being replaced (albeit in slightly smaller numbers) by people that are being born (that still won't be working for a good 14 years or so.)
Yes, being born. Don't forget, you fucking tinfoil hatters, that a birth rate below death rate doesn't mean people aren't still fucking and producing kids

>> No.4056949


Han Chinese have an abysmal birth rate in an urbanized environment. Hong Kong has an even lower birth rate than Japan.

>> No.4056967 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4057022
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>The transition is already slow enough given the fact that the people that are dying are old and not working anyways

>> No.4057081

i shall repopulate japan!
with both my nuts
one nut one woman 10 mins. :D

thats 288 babies a hour!

>> No.4057091

Then it is our goal is to go to Japan and impregnate as many Japanese women as possible.

>> No.4057094

Nope, we've got over 2 kids per cumdumpster

>> No.4057127

France ? It has the highest fertility rate in Europe with Ireland.

>> No.4057154

France, Ireland or Iceland.

>> No.4057192

Europe isn't just the Federal States of the EU...

or just maybe my country is actually in North America... which would be much better

>> No.4057216

It's USA you idjits! But most of their births are from illegal immigrants from Mexico.

>> No.4057475

That's shitty. Even if the Whites don't want to admit it, their workaholic society will get upended by even more corrupt cultures because they don't assimilate minorities anymore like they used to due to political correctness.

>> No.4058740

Humanity can't sustain an ever growing population, at least for now. A drastical decrease in the birthrate is necessary. Immigrants won't solve the problem, they're just short term and bad solutions. They're deepening the wounds of the host country and delaying the inevitable problems of their own ones.
A total reform of the economy is necessary, but first the people's thinking is what needs to be reformed. The developed nations are on a good way, but while the 3rd world shitholes are overzerging everything without thinking about the consequences humanity is in a deep shit.
I hope this will force the japanese to change their society into an utopistic one, where profit is secondary.

You know, after this it doesn't seem so unreal what the UN did in Planetarian. Though starting to randomly kill off the population maybe wasn't the bes way, but wars are tend to solve population problems.

>> No.4058751

Then people return home after a bloody war and what's the first thing they do? That's right, they fuck and make babies.

>> No.4058781

Maybe that's because they have limited it manually to 1 child per family?

>> No.4058783
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Feminism is a darwinian blind alley. There is nothing that identifies a maladaptive pattern so quickly as a below-replacement level of reproduction; an immediate consequence of feminism is what appears to be an irreversible decline in the birth rate. Nations pursue feminist policies at their peril.

Hopefully Japan realises the solution is not a quick fix of importing millions of crime prone immigrants, but rather investing in robotics and realising that maybe, just maybe having a lower population isn't such a bad thing after all. Standard of living will likely rise, property values will fall etc.

>don't assimilate minorities anymore like they used to due to political correctness

Let me appeal to your reason here.

The descendants of West African chattel slaves have been in America for hundreds of years. They have learned English, become protestant, celebrate Christian holidays, and identify with America (at some level). Whatever ties they might otherwise have had to Africa have been completely severed. If there is anything to be said for a common race-blind culture between two very different peoples it should be between Blacks and Whites in America. But obviously this hasn't happened.

If Japan commits suicide by allowing third world immigration, it will be the end of everything we love about Dai Nippon. Remember how Sweden went from a Scandinavian State to a Banana Republic in 20 years? Liberals worldwide want to do that to their countries to, after all, they live in the leafy white suburbs, they don't have to deal with the immigration they support.

>> No.4058793

Interesting fact about Iceland. Libtards went there recently to perform a study about how their lack of genetic diversity has harmed them. It turned out, to the researchers shock, that 3rd and 4th cousins produced the most viable offspring. They actually proved that breeding with very similar partners was beneficial, when they set out to prove the opposite.

Yet another nail in the coffin for the 'hybrid vigor' myths.

>> No.4058818

It's a shame I wasn't born Japanese, that way I could enjoy all the untranslated VNs, manga and anime I wanted, and I'd have a long time to live to do it. Also, what's that athens fag doing here again? How did this thread turn into sexism and/or racism?

>> No.4058832

Been a while, huh? Are you using a trip again?

>> No.4058841


It seems the Orwellian thought police have arrived to engage in their tactics of ideological disarmament without having to actually make a succinct and viable argument of any kind.

'Just shout and call them racists/sexists/homophobes/bigots/fascists' - Do Liberals actually have any real arguments?

>> No.4058852



>> No.4058849

I actually never posted between now and the past 8 months or so.

>> No.4058856


You were doing so good! Why stop?

>> No.4058857

Well, I figured. It's easy to spot your posts even without a trip.

>> No.4058869

No kidding? What have you been doing all that time?

>> No.4058878

Between Sept and Dec I was at Uni, before that I was working during my Summer Hols and seeing friends.

>> No.4058884

I'm just saying whenever I see you post it's to insult women/racial groups, whether what you say is true or false. I was wondering how this thread managed to derail into that.

>> No.4058907

How can he be insulting when he's just saying the truth?

>> No.4058908

Well, I hope people will learn from their past mistakes if they commit them enough times!

>> No.4058926 [DELETED] 

I wasn't saying that. Women have undoubtedly led to things such as the lowering of wage rates for the middle classes, the growth in divorce, the growth in marrying later, having less children and so on.

They're fighting against their own biology, it's just.... sad.

You know a broken woman when you see a woman in her 40s without children. Women have an innate maternal instinct, and it is their best feature actually. It's part of what makes them so complimentary to the male's independent, entrepreneurial nature.

>> No.4058935
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I wasn't saying that. Women have undoubtedly led to things such as the lowering of wage rates for the middle classes, the growth in divorce, the growth in marrying later, having less children and so on.

They're fighting against their own biology, it's just.... sad.

You know a broken woman when you see a woman in her 40s without children. Women have an innate maternal instinct, and it is their best feature actually. It's part of what makes them so complementary to the male's independent, entrepreneurial nature. The family unit should be celebrated, as should both of its vital roles (homemaker and provider).

>> No.4058944

>they live in the leafy white suburbs, they don't have to deal with the immigration they support.

Nothing to do with that. Now you should lookup who controls the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK and what they have in common.

>> No.4058961

We've been through this before I believe. I simply don't believe in proactive conspiracy theories.

>> No.4059038

Okay, let's make a plan.

During that festival Japan has where beer is free and the other one where they adore wooden dicks, we need to get in there, expect the right time, and try to augment the incidence of births.

Thing is, i'm not sure WHERE exactly can this be pulled off. Which are the most loose places of Japan?

>> No.4059058

You think every woman should be a baby factory? What if the woman is a surgeon and could be performing life-saving work instead?

>> No.4059066

A man is better suited for important work.

>> No.4059076

do both, be awesome?

>> No.4059080

>You think every woman should be a baby factory?

I think it is the woman's primary biological duty. I think 'baby factory' is a derogatory name to give to it, bringing up children is hard work. Harder work than the hedonistic feminists give it credit for.

And you're positing a false dichotomy as well : /

>> No.4059082

Why is it sad? I think that if a woman chooses to work instead of having children, it's better for them. It's the women that think they can do both that run into problems.
It's an insult to say that the maternal instinct is their best feature when it also leads to a lot of irrationality.

My older sister made that mistake.

>> No.4059085

>Baby factory
I seriously don't understand why women insist on using such terms to try to disparage childbirth.

You are ALLOWED to have children, unlike us, and yet you still complain. Typically women.

>> No.4059086


Source on that, kind sir. I do not wish to refute your claim, just curious.

>> No.4059091

There's plenty of men who could do the same job, and do it better. Women aren't suited to high-pressure jobs that require intelligence and skill, like being a surgeon.

>> No.4059096

I find it a little ironic that people here are bemoaning increasing immigration, and at the same time planning on immigrating to Japan to impregnate their women.

>> No.4059097

>I think that if a woman chooses to work instead of having children, it's better for them.
For who? For them? Or for the economy? Since that seems to be the only thing government cares about. They don't want to get you to work to fulfill some feminist ideal, they just want to save their economy from toppling over.

And you're too stupid to see it and think what you do actually "matters" to society.

>> No.4059106

It's better than not being there for children that you can't raise properly, and it's better for the mother as well.

>> No.4059116

Women are naturally irrational, it's part of of charm. It doesn't really matter though, as long as men stay in charge of them.

>> No.4059126

>Women are naturally irrational
Not true. It's also not charming for the ones that are irrational.

>> No.4059124

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4059134 [DELETED] 

But why would they do it on purpose?

>> No.4059146


And I find it ridiculous that you can't tell which comments are said jokingly and which aren't.

>> No.4059147

well if they need my seed i can contribute

>> No.4059150

>it's better for them.

That is a selfish attitude, they should also consider their people and their nation. If they are healthy and intelligent and not having children, then they are contributing to the demographic suicide of White Europeans/North Americans.


It only leads to irrationality when you apply it to the central state.

Leftism is quite rightly associated with feminine values, this is because leftists attempt to 'mother' the nation with social welfare, like a child who never has to grow up.

In a family environment, maternal instinct is necessary and applicable. It is a way of emotionally bonding with a child that a father simply doesn't possess.


The idea of "hybrid rigor" has been dis-proven especially when looking at multi-generational lines. In the first generation it is as likely to have a negative affect as a positive one, and after several generations, the worst attributes of both lines usually come out. There is also little predictability in the quality of offspring, some will be bad, some terrible, while those who stick to their own breed result in predictable offspring with the qualities of their parents.

Livestock breeders have known these things for thousands of years. It is amazing that most people today can't fathom them. From one breed of wild dog both chihuahuas and the German Shepard were bred in a very short period; just image where human evolution could go if we guided it as we have our animals, or at least protected it from degenerate blood entering our gene pool.

A good rebuttal to a book by Alon Ziv, much loved by the MSM that promoted whites intermixing is also of interest to anyone wanting to study the whole hybrid vigor myth:


>> No.4059157

Women who are "capable" are just pretending they are men. What's attractive about that? As long as they have a man to keep them in line, their irrationality is just a charming flaw.

>> No.4059167

Women entering the workforce en masse at the behest of their feminist sisters actually drove down wages in real terms over the past 30 years.

I believe that you are a female.

>it's part of of charm. It doesn't really matter though, as long as men stay in charge of them.

Agreed 100%, it is part of their charm.

>> No.4059171

How is it selfish for a working woman to know when she can't raise her children properly?

>> No.4059184

>I believe that you are a female.
You got me again, my friend.

>> No.4059188

Women who wear power suits and want to compete with us in our professions (Law, Accountancy, Engineering, Banking) are not attractive to us anyway. We do not desire a competitor in the workplace. We desire a companion that complements us, fills in the gaps required to create a family.

>> No.4059202

I don't think everyone wants that. How boring.

>> No.4059208

If she is healthy, intelligent and doesn't have children then it is selfish. She has a duty to her people and to the society to propagate her genes if she satisfies these conditions.

Are you HelenXonpool? You sound like HelenXonpool.

>> No.4059210

>Women are naturally more irrational than men.

>> No.4059225

Embarking upon the creation of a family is boring?

Well, there's no point living then, is there.

As unfashionable as it is to believe in such things, I still believe in duty to your people and to the state.

>> No.4059232

But isn't that woman contributing to society in another way? It isn't a duty to have children. I don't think that all women are capable, really, especially those that can't devote their time to raising them properly.
>Are you HelenXonpool? You sound like HelenXonpool.
No sir.

>> No.4059237

You're a woman, so why would you think your opinion on what men want would matter? I guess it's just part of your charmingly irrationality :3

>> No.4059245


>> No.4059253

>Implying manchildren are men.

>> No.4059258

No, she's not. She's just taking up a job that a man can be doing better, which is a detriment more than anything else.

>> No.4059276

>But isn't that woman contributing to society in another way?

She is. But there is no more valuable contribution than having a healthy, intelligent child.

>It isn't a duty to have children.

As White Europeans we are dying out. Look at what is happening to Sweden. Look at some of the Southern areas of the US. We simple aren't having enough children.

>No sir.

Hm. I do believe we've argued/debated before though. Have we? And over what exactly?

>> No.4059282

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4059285

>As White Europeans we are dying out.
What's wrong with that?

>> No.4059287

I thought athens swore off /jp/

>> No.4059300

I don't really think the South needs any more children.

I think we've debated before, but I'm not sure over what exactly. It's been a while.

>> No.4059302

Because without white people the entire world would fall apart. We're the most important group on the entire planet, and the only stopping it from regressing back into the stone age.

>> No.4059305

>What's wrong with that?

Are you a White European?

It strikes me as odd that one would welcome one's own self-destruction so gleefully. But I guess Euripides was truly right, 'those whom the gods wish to destroy - they first make mad.'

Anyway, I want to preserve White Europeans because I love our diversity and our unique cultures.

>> No.4059308

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4059313

> Implying feminist dykes are attractive women

>> No.4059314

You make a huge stink when some species is dying out but when your own PEOPLE are dying out you just sit back and say "what's so bad about that"?

>> No.4059332

it doesnt help when they really hate foreigners to live there.

>> No.4059333

Who mentioned animals. I don't care about animals dying. And every human except myself is unimportant.

>> No.4059334

>I don't really think the South needs any more children.

It has plenty of children. Hispanic children though. History has shown that no nation can stand the forces of two competing languages/religions/ethnicities in a nation without either defacto/dejure segregation or a strong central authority (as was the case with multiethnic Empires) to stamp down on anyone acting out of line.

The US has neither of these things. As I look ahead I am filled with foreboding, I see the crime multiples against whites in such areas and its almost like a low intensity civil war against them in the especially bad areas.

>> No.4059337

Liberals are funny like that.
If something is cute and furry, they'll care about it far more than their own race.

>> No.4059338
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>implying they're not

>> No.4059347
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>And every human except myself is unimportant.

>> No.4059350

That's a great help, it means they're well prepared against the efforts of the liberal intelligentsia to turn them into a country just like our own.

Forgot to add:

>I think we've debated before, but I'm not sure over what exactly. It's been a while.

Fair enough. Lets keep this civil, I am a supporter of the New Right/Traditional Conservatism but I believe in civility and open platforms.

You're not really going to derive much utility from life if no whites/japanese are left. You'll just be running from black and hispanic gangs most likely, heh.

>> No.4059355

Most people only like Naoto because her boyish facade just makes her gushy feminine core more attractive. They don't actually like her masculine traits, they just like how they compliment her feminine side.

>> No.4059360

>Lets keep this civil
Of course.

>> No.4059369

Hey faggot, you know what? You can suck my cock.

>> No.4059375

Women who seriously believe men are attracted to males with pussies are retarded. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on their part, considering they usually have no feminine charms.

>> No.4059370

There is no danger of humanity as a species dying out.

>> No.4059371
File: 165 KB, 600x418, 1249523814798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that really the appeal of tomboys in general though? Like... the idea it's basically one big facade and they're just as gushy and feminine and vulnerable on the inside as any moeblob.

>> No.4059374

That's not very civil.

>> No.4059379

Hold on, Makoto wasn't a moeblob.

>> No.4059389

Well, men will have sex with anything.

So a lot of them seek validation through that. But in reality, every man knows what he wants as a wife and what he wants as a quick fuck are very different things.

That's the point, she still broke down though and started crying. She was just as vulnerable as any other girl, it's adorable.

>> No.4059388
File: 103 KB, 465x900, 1262572837737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no? Is it that odd to think one might genuinely like their confidence, energy and self-esteem?

>> No.4059396

You don't just cry over species as a whole though, you also get all upset when a subspecies dies out, like the Indian tiger or something like that, even though there are many different RACES of tigers left.

So stop being so hypocritical. Oh, you can't, you're leftist, it's innate.

>> No.4059392

>implying the stone age is a bad thing, and all things progress are good

>> No.4059394

Exactly. It's part of the moe. Some women don't get it though it actually think men are attractive to their masculine traits, and they make the mistake of thinking they'll still be attractive to men if they become power-suit wearing bulldykes.

>> No.4059402

Not right now, sure. But it is guaranteed to happen eventually.

>> No.4059399
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>Is it that odd to think one might genuinely like their confidence, energy and self-esteem?


In all seriousness though. Genuine tomboys are a very rare thing. How many of you can say you've met a -genuine- tomboy and not just some girl who wanted to be one of the guys?

>> No.4059413
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>Is it that odd to think one might genuinely like their confidence, energy and self-esteem?


In all seriousness though. Genuine tomboys are a very rare thing. How many of you can say you've met a -genuine- tomboy and not just some girl who wanted to be one of the guys for more nefarious ends?

>> No.4059405

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4059412

I have met plenty.

>> No.4059419

I like hwo you deledted your post, only to repost it with a more misogynistic ending. but then again you are athens.

>> No.4059417
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It's funny because there are people who actually believe this right-wing rubbish.

>> No.4059418

You're a lucky man then.

>> No.4059422

What, that you're a hypocrite?

>> No.4059432

Hold on, can you even say that you've met tomboys that had such intentions, or are you just making assumptions? I think you're being a little rude.

>> No.4059435

>this right-wing rubbish.
>right-wing rubbish

I was listening to Radio 4 today and they had a policy proposal program on. A person would propose a policy and the policy adjucators would analyze it and give feedback. One Oxford student came up with the idea of getting rid of the water regulator, privatizing the water supply and awarding some manner of water credits to people with the money saved instead.

Now, this old leftist in the panel goes to the student:

"Hold on, what makes you think privatization is any more efficient than public ownership?"


You cannot argue with leftists, they believe in faith based things. Not logic or empiricism.

>> No.4059444

All of your posts, and those of athens (provided you're different people), in general. That people can even have this sort of worldview and at the same time consider themselves intellectuals, somehow more intelligent than the average trailer trash redneck, never ceases to amuse me.

>> No.4059449

Legalise rape, problem solved.

Can't guarentee the kids will get a proper edumacation or live in decent conditions, though...

>> No.4059447

I'm actually making assumptions based on what people have told me, namely a couple of people I know through 4chan.

I am neither coming down on one side or the other, I'm just guessing with 'geek chic' and all that it's increasingly hard to find a genuine one.

>> No.4059462
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>> No.4059470

Well 'just wanting to be one of the guys' isn't bad in of itself. Some girls dislike other girls. That's fair enough in my opinion. Certain girls are insufferable. Others dislike girls simply because they see them as competition and want to maximize their chances of dating/sex with a group of boys.

>> No.4059472
File: 346 KB, 928x672, 1262573511626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059466

New President of Japan, 2010.

>> No.4059467

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4059482
File: 237 KB, 700x979, 1262573584710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059483

Teenage girls make the worst company.

>> No.4059484

athens is a tumor

>> No.4059490
File: 232 KB, 640x458, 1262573646661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059491

>trailer trash redneck

Assuming that all right wingers are rednecks is just like me assuming that all Liberals are vegan, anti-gun, anti-Western, anti-White, indie rock listening, che t-shirt wearing, macbook using hipsters who think they're being rebels by supporting such wildly controversial causes as 'world peace' and 'save the dolphins'.

Also, why do leftists denigrate the white working class so much? Aren't they supposed to represent them? You know they'd never say those kinds of things about the urban Blacks.

>> No.4059499

>low-skilled, low-IQ, crime-prone immigrants

Hey dude, that's offensive...

>> No.4059500
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>> No.4059502


I like him, i wish i could be as inexhaustibly verbose as he.

>> No.4059507

>Han Chinese have an abysmal birth rate

lolwut? I think it has something to with China's one child policy.

Asian Population (including South Asians) - 4 Billion
'Real' Asian Population (East + Southeast Asians) = 2.6+ Billion
East Asian Population = 1.6+ Billion
White Population = 900 Million

>> No.4059506
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>> No.4059514

Girls in general aren't as good company as guys. That much is true. I've often wondered why such girls themselves don't find any utility in having female friends though. Don't you require someone to talk to about what makes your vagoo get wet? Or what sex toy you want to buy etc? I would imagine you need other girls for that kind of conversation.

There are some girls who break the norm though it seems redundant to state it.

>> No.4059512
File: 108 KB, 1280x1024, 1262573839933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059513

It's called being pseudo-intellectual, and almost everyone on /jp/ can do it.

>> No.4059518

Oh wow, an ad hominem, a true classic sign of debate with a leftist!

>> No.4059517
File: 594 KB, 774x2268, 1262573900409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059527

>Don't you require someone to talk to about what makes your vagoo get wet? Or what sex toy you want to buy etc?

>> No.4059534

for a country who porno business is booming, why the fuck is the birth rate so low.

>> No.4059528
File: 142 KB, 500x600, 1262573961397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059529

Then why don't you do it?

>> No.4059537

I was being hyperbolic there. In general what I'm asking is, aren't there 'girl things' you'd be more comfortable discussing with other girls? Or even just one other girl?

>> No.4059541
File: 1.25 MB, 989x674, 1262574045445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059535

But that's what you do in all of your posts, athens.
And the white lower class is as a rule stupid and uneducated. Having been born into such a family, I know this first-hand.
I have no doubt that the black lower class is the same, merely differently colored.

>> No.4059549
File: 288 KB, 800x1131, 1262574107325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059544

Women are garbage

>> No.4059553

>And the white lower class is as a rule stupid and uneducated. Having been born into such a family, I know this first-hand.
Yes, I have no doubt that you are indeed an imbecile. Good to know you are aware of this as well.

>> No.4059557
File: 433 KB, 700x751, 1262574167101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059560 [DELETED] 

Because it's a bad thing?

>> No.4059562

Well the evidence for the heritability of g is pretty overwhelming these days.... lol

>> No.4059568

Not saging when you have nothing of value to add to the discussion is a bad thing.

>> No.4059567
File: 477 KB, 653x800, 1262574211142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059570

>In general what I'm asking is, aren't there 'girl things' you'd be more comfortable discussing with other girls? Or even just one other girl?
I know. It's still a no. Not everyone likes discussing personal things like that. The gender doesn't matter.

>> No.4059574
File: 170 KB, 500x739, 1262574271582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059585 [DELETED] 

The discussion itself has no value. Not in /jp/.

>> No.4059582

Fair enough, it's been a pleasure.

>> No.4059584
File: 156 KB, 552x792, 1262574331087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059598
File: 418 KB, 636x900, 1262574394443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059591

Fair enough, its been a pleasure.

>> No.4059592

This is true. I don't want to talk with other men over masturbation tactics either, or what sex acts they prefer. I see a lot of this kind of discussion on 4chan, of course, but I generally ignore it (or read it for a laugh at times).

>> No.4059600

Oh my fucking goodness...

>> No.4059602

You don't make a very strong argument for your case as you insist on aging.

>> No.4059603
File: 414 KB, 500x739, 1262574456326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059610

>History has shown that no nation can stand the forces of two competing languages/religions/ethnicities in a nation without either defacto/dejure segregation or a strong central authority (as was the case with multiethnic Empires) to stamp down on anyone acting out of line.
Lolno, look at Switzerland. The country had formed long before before the concept of "nation" was even born. It worked back and it works now.
Though you can't copy their example, because of the different historical backgrounds. My country tried it a few times but failed at it.

>> No.4059612 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 600x800, 1262574512630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059611 [DELETED] 

You think the thread wouldn't have been aged by someone else anyways?

>> No.4059618 [DELETED] 

Janitor. Why delete ALL my posts?

Delete the ones that were off topic fair enough, but then why not just delete most of the thread past the twentieth reply?

I'm emailing moot about this. Shame on you.

>> No.4059620 [DELETED] 
File: 911 KB, 1395x1968, 1262574526394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059625
File: 215 KB, 450x750, 1262574619583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059629

Similar culture ( Western-European). Also:

"Switzerland is commonly held up as an example of accomplished multiculturalism and multilingualism. Although appealing, this image is also fairly erroneous as the German majority and French "dominant" minority seem to live separate lives. Likewise, Italian and Rhaeto-Romance are generally marginalized and rarely either spoken or understood by the French- and German-speaking Swiss ..".

Ingmar Söhrman

Dept of Romance Languages, Göteborg University

>> No.4059630
File: 911 KB, 1395x1968, 1262574687014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059632

Similar culture ( Western-European). Also:

"Switzerland is commonly held up as an example of accomplished multiculturalism and multilingualism. Although appealing, this image is also fairly erroneous as the German majority and French "dominant" minority seem to live separate lives. Likewise, Italian and Rhaeto-Romance are generally marginalized and rarely either spoken or understood by the French- and German-speaking Swiss ..".

Ingmar Söhrman

Dept of Romance Languages, Göteborg University

>> No.4059633

Switzerland is a country with four languages, as many cultural backgrounds and the authority is delegated to the counties.
And the thing's holding damn well.
Don't blame the arabs, blame yourselves.

>> No.4059640

Haha. The deleted posts show us quite clearly that the anonymous guy was indeed Athens.
Isn't it sad, Athens?

>> No.4059651

I wasn't posting anonymously in this thread. Janitors cannot see IPs or delete all the posts of one single IP anyway. So the Janitor had to have manually deleted all of mine and the anonymous guy's posts.

Also, sup janitor. Your game was exposed by me.

>> No.4059674,1 [INTERNAL] 

What happened here?

Did Athens-kun delete his post? Or was it the meido?

>> No.4059657

>An outsider's opinion.
>Ignoring the fact that shit works.

>> No.4059658

If I were a janitor this thread would have been axed by 16:00.

>> No.4059665

Why bother deleting anything except spam? Everything can still be found at the archive anyway.

>> No.4059667

epic expose bro

>> No.4059684

Hi, Athens.

>> No.4059682 [DELETED] 

I can't say that I dislike this, but the janitor has been up to some pretty weird things lately.

>> No.4059674

Actually, I seem to remember an old discussion where we figured out the only mod or janitor assigned to /jp/ was a woman, of all things. moot probably did it to troll us.

>> No.4059685 [DELETED] 

Ok, I think my post being deleted just confirms it. Janitor is a butthurt woman

>> No.4059686 [DELETED] 

athens is a woman

>> No.4059687 [DELETED] 

Was it Allyson? Is she even still around?

Or was it that slut who wrote the story about the maggots?

>> No.4059691 [DELETED] 

Moderators and janitors are two different things.
But please, keep showing off your ignorance.

>> No.4059697 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 213x277, Sion's favorite reaction image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised athens hasn't gotten all buttmad and ghostbumped the thread yet, anonymously or otherwise.
It's inevitable, though; Meido-san has shut him down.

>> No.4059699 [DELETED] 

Lots of posts deleted that weren't caught by the ghost board, sadly.

>> No.4059708

Janitor can't do shit since we have the ghost board.

>> No.4059719

They don't show up if you delete them fast enough, dumbass.

>> No.4059708,2 [INTERNAL] 

The maid seems to actually be a maid.

>> No.4059742 [DELETED] 

Told you so.

>> No.4059708,1 [INTERNAL] 

The maid seems to actually be a maid.

>> No.4059765

Instead of poor foreigners Japan should develop a system of importing middle class western weeaboo's to repopulate there island with half-breeds

>> No.4059778 [DELETED] 

Sure is butthurt janitor deleting any opinion she doesn't like.

>> No.4059782 [DELETED] 

Weeaboos die too fast, there's no way that would work.

>> No.4059791 [DELETED] 

It's times like these I'm glad we have the ghost board.

And yes, maid, they DO show up. Too slow.

>> No.4059803 [DELETED] 

Eksopl being the white knight he is, I wouldn't count on using the ghost board for long, Athens.

>> No.4059814 [DELETED] 

But I'm not athens.

>> No.4059818 [DELETED] 

Maybe your posts are being deleted because they're off topic.
Well done, everyone.

>> No.4059820 [DELETED] 

Sure. We believe you.

>> No.4059824 [DELETED] 

Explain why the age/sage business remains.

>> No.4059825 [DELETED] 
File: 511 KB, 1007x4637, athens sure loves non-jaypee related discussions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, Athens sure does enjoy making non-2D related post.


>> No.4059831 [DELETED] 

Get out, Athens. If we ever want to read your posts, we will go to the archive ourselves.

>> No.4059838

Japan should start a program to fly people like us over to Japan to impregnate their women. Don't worry, they will have professional staff an liars to dress us up and pretend we are succesful white men.

>> No.4059842


Just as planned

>> No.4059849 [DELETED] 

Never heard of a sperm bank?

>> No.4059846

Wouldn't it make more sense to just fly over successful white men?

>> No.4059851


filthy Gaijins, on their Japan, you must be crazy

>> No.4059853 [DELETED] 

Can janitors not delete threads or something?

>> No.4059856 [DELETED] 

Maybe they can't delete posts older than X time?

>> No.4059858

those people have no incentive to leave, where as the socially inept are often under the false assumption they will be better elsewhere, and government support and presto

>> No.4059858,1 [INTERNAL] 

So this was actually the maid trying to make it seem like athens was samefagging as Anonymous.

>> No.4059889

Wouldn't it make the most sense for Japan to just invent a robo-womb to carry their babies to term, so that neither men nor women need lose a year or more of productive work time to the child-bearing process?

The children can be raised by their egg/sperm providers if they so desire; if not, families interested in adopting them may do so; if none are available to adopt them, then those left over can be raised by loving and devoted robo-parents.

This plan is flawless.

>> No.4059889,1 [INTERNAL] 

I made that post you referenced.
What are you trying to say, Athenaki? Do you lust for my janitorial girly parts?

>> No.4059969 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 809x163, -jp- - Japan-General_1262577384167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Athens has threatened our meido. Now it's personal.

>> No.4059978 [DELETED] 

Cry more, athens.

>> No.4059989

Mislead articles again.

>> No.4059989,1 [INTERNAL] 

Or maybe the maid deleted athen's posts and the rest of the off topic posts because that's her job.

>> No.4060018 [DELETED] 
File: 616 KB, 1200x1600, 1261010528026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4060049

This has been happening in Italy too, it is not new or even big news.

First world countries are getting smaller.

>> No.4060049,1 [INTERNAL] 

What maid?

/jp/ has a female for a mod/janitor?

>> No.4060049,2 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. She is specifically out to get you for your women hating ways.

>> No.4060049,3 [INTERNAL] 

Well I've heard she has fucked a lot of guys. And when I say a lot I mean a hell of a lot, like... 5 or 6 or something.

>> No.4060049,4 [INTERNAL] 

Greetings Athens, remember me? I thought I chased you out of /jp/, but I'm glad you returned. The ghost board was boring without you. Now if only Meru could return. Then we would be back to our former glory.

>Eksopl being the white knight he is, I wouldn't count on using the ghost board for long, Athens.
If I recall correctly, wasn't it Eksi that stepped in to save Athens the last time we had a circlejerk.

>> No.4060049,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.4060049,6 [INTERNAL] 

Did I go back a year in time or something?

>> No.4060049,7 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, dear. It seems we have.
This inv/a/sion will probably end soon, though.

>> No.4061004

Janitor-san, you are the best.

>> No.4061322

The japanese guys need to learn how tsundere works. All the women are tsundere, and the guys are too much pussies to do them.

>> No.4061350

OP Why you post JAV covers?

>> No.4061609


No. Hong Kong and Macau are exempt from the one child policy and they have the lowest birth rates in the world. Singapore is also majority Chinese and lower than Japan. Chinese immigrants to the West have very small families. In Shanghai, many couples don't even have one child, let alone the second many are qualified to have.

>> No.4061707

>People suggesting that Japan should import well educated foreigners
>Implying such a system isn't already in place

>> No.4061735

>implying such a policy should not be further extended.

>> No.4061741


>> No.4062767

Wouldn't work, would end up with filthy Indian scum like we get here in Australia. Accounting Degree for Permanent Residency and welfare for their family for the rest of their cockroach breeding lives.

>> No.4062767,1 [INTERNAL] 

Was it also you who was imagespamming the thread?

And I'm not athens, but you should know that.

>> No.4063754

Hi maid, trying to make it seem like you have lots of people backing you up by samefagging, like you've been doing on the ghost board ("Justice never dies!" email field)?
