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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4038573 No.4038573 [Reply] [Original]

Do the Japanese have any world-famous classic literature that is worth reading? I've been trying to come up with great works of Japanese literature and I can't think of anything besides The Tale of Genji.

>> No.4038583


>> No.4038593

You forgot the Kojiki. How could you forget the Kojiki?

>> No.4038595

battle royale

>> No.4038596

No. The language simply isn't versatile enough to match the best that America/UK/Russia had to offer.

>> No.4038597


>> No.4038599

best Japanese literature is obviously Hokuto no Ken

>> No.4038632


Japanese literature is a classic of modern literature. It is a shame if you don't know about it.
Try Murakami or Ryunosuke.

>> No.4038635

Japanese can't write.

>> No.4038633 [DELETED] 


>> No.4038655

have you tried "Man Has Sex with A Bunch of Crippled School Girls"? or "Rape Everything VII"?

>> No.4038677

>I can't think of anything besides The Tale of Genji.
Well if you haven't read it yet you should.

Other than that everything by Kawabata Yasunari is awesome.

Also >Try Murakami or Ryunosuke.

>> No.4038679

>match the best that America/UK/Russia had to offer.


try Rashomon, op.

>> No.4038687

Somewhat related: were/are there any notable Japanese philosophers?

>> No.4038711

You might try Ryukishi

>> No.4038717


>Kawabata Yasunari is awesome.


Yukio Mishima is also god tier, though his works aren't as consistent.

If we're talking "classic" literature, though, as in written centuries ago, then Tale of Genji is the only notable one I've read.

Also, what the fuck happened to /jp/? I remember an awesome Japanese literature thread on here just a couple of weeks ago, and now all we get are shitposts?

>> No.4038727

ITT: faggots read japanese literature .... facepalm

>> No.4038732

Murakami is shit. Post modern shit and drops millions of jazz references like Tarentino drops old school Kungfu/western/samurai references.

>> No.4038746


Can't adapt to modern fiction? Shouldn't you be reading Victorian literature or something?

>> No.4038747


Not bad for beginner

>> No.4038758

Just read real deal stuff, mostly german stuff like 'Also sprach Zarathustra' you know and you will never need to read anything else. Japanese literature? You best be kidding me. Retard.

>> No.4038763
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>> No.4038771

This thread is painful, thank all of you for reminding me that I am posting on a board with a bunch of dumb pricks.

>> No.4038790

herp derp reading is for koreans

>> No.4038818

OP: just grab a list of mandatory literature for second years, google a few titles and pick which ones sound most interesting

>> No.4038838

suddenly communist spotted

>> No.4038848

Natsume Souseki is cool.

>> No.4038869

Not much on classic literature. Apparently, Japs spent more time slashing each others' throats for pieces of land.

>> No.4038875

>implying USA can have any book that can be considered a 'classic' by the rest of the owrld

>> No.4038883

Well that was only from like year 1200 to 1600. There's lots of good literature from before and after that.

>> No.4038889


>> No.4038892
File: 89 KB, 285x475, A_Day_No_Pigs_Would_Die.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like there can be anything more American than this classic book.

>> No.4038893



>> No.4038906

This. Literature pretty much doesn't come any better than what Germany has produced. English and especially "American" literature is a joke. And Asian literature is just... bad.

>> No.4038915

Faulkner, Pynchon, Mailer, Vonnegut, DeLillo, Pound

>> No.4038918

Read Yukio Mishima.

>> No.4038919



>> No.4038928

You forgot Russian literature.

>> No.4038943


Lovecraft, Asimov, Steinbeck etc etc

>> No.4038948


Recommend some German literature besides Kafka, Hesse and Mann.

>> No.4038956

Tales of the otori. shit was so cash

>> No.4038961

Don't forget Russian literature. Everyone here should know Nabokov.

>> No.4038969

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov?

>> No.4038970

But he considered himself to be an American author.

>> No.4038980

How about french? Dumas, Hugo, Satre, Camus?

>> No.4039028


Dumas was awesome, but Satre was a degenerate. Everyone on 4chan should hate him, and hate de Beauvoir especially. When Satre was quizzed about the gulags in Soviet Russia his reply was 'yes... but they're based around love!'

As for OPs question: Osamu Dazai is good, Kwaidan obviously is a must read, for more classical literature read The Diary of Lady Murasaki, I assume you are aware of The Tale of Genji already.

Generally speaking though, Russian Literature is the best. Dostoevsky and Brothers Karamazov inparticular.

I'm reading mostly non-fiction at the moment though, Hans Hermann Hoppe's 'Democracy: The God that Failed'.

>> No.4039034

Everything that comes from France = Shit, you're a pretentious hipster faggot if you think otherwise.

>> No.4039051

That guy who generalized all Asian literature into a single group is a fucking idiot. Japan has put out some of the best post-WWII literature, most other Asian countries haven't had anything written with artistic merit for centuries.

>> No.4039052

It's not that everything from France is shit, it's just that French have a tendency to go against the grain, for good or ill. So you end up with a lot of postmodernist/feminist/cultural marxist garbage from them. It's part of the reason they were so utterly defeated in WW2.

>> No.4039053


Books = Shit, you're a pretentious hipster faggot if you think otherwise.

>> No.4039059

OP here. Thanks for the suggestions both Japanese and otherwise. I now have some good reading material to seek out.

>> No.4039061

>said by the person who loves the police state grid in the UK

>> No.4039066

Books, the hip and cool thing amoung today's youth.

>> No.4039070


He's naming Dumas and Hugo and you morons are throwing out words like "hipster" and "postmodern". Don't you fuckers ever get tired of embarrassing yourselves?

>> No.4039071

I liked books before it was cool to like them!

>> No.4039079

sup dude, drank your coolaid in the wal-mart yet?

>> No.4039082


>Japan has put out some of the best post-WWII literature

Lol weeaboo detected.

>> No.4039094


>today's youth

But I'm over 30.

>> No.4039096

I'm talking about Satre.

The police state in the is regimented around culturally Marxist lines, so no, I don't support it.

It's just that my concern is not with CCTV cameras, it's with more important, less blatant things that intelligent people can pick up on: For example there is an entire class of journalists and other busybodies out there whose sole purpose is to analyze every word that comes out of someone's mouth to find some hidden 'racist/sexist/homophobic' meaning in them.

That is far more dangerous and Orwellian.

>> No.4039100


>other busybodies out there whose sole purpose is to analyze every word that comes out of someone's mouth to find some hidden 'racist/sexist/homophobic' meaning in them.

"omg he pealed and orange funny! GET HIM!"

>> No.4039103

Irrelevant, as people over 30 are never hipsters no matter what they do.

>> No.4039105


>> No.4039113


Ok good, because I'm happy to grab suggestions in this thread. Great books kick ass, but I own mostly non-fiction science related stuff.

>> No.4039115

No you said you support it. Protip: The UK is under complete control of the nep imperial eugenic group. They love to hide their population control stuff under current popular beliefs like socialism and liberalism.
Won't take much until laws get passed for one-child policies and child licenses (herp we so liberal derp we can't let proles bring up children that are inferior to the rest, therefore government control is needed)

>> No.4039127

>Woman In the Dunes not found

OP, read Woman In the Dunes.

>> No.4039141

The UK is not interested in population control, on the contrary, Jack Straw and other Labour figures have always refused to say whether they'd allow the population of this country to go past 70 million. That growth comes from third world immigration, white Europeans have low, below replacement level birth rates.

The most obvious solution to this is that the total inflow for settlement be reduced, at once to negligible proportions and that the necessary administrative and legislative measures be taken without delay. But nobody in Government seems to have the political will to do this, so take it up with them.

>> No.4039144


Oh look, it's another boring Internet libertarian.

>> No.4039153

But I don't read books about women.

inb4 Dune is oppressive to women rights because the mc is not female

>> No.4039155

What did I say that was implicitly Libertarian?

>> No.4039158

You are not that conspiracy anon, are you?

>> No.4039164

>Equating the UK police state with Marxist designs.
>Generic whining about PC culture in mainstream media.

>> No.4039165

VN > books
Books are for pseudo-intellectual people who think they are clever because they read Nietzsche.

>> No.4039181
File: 121 KB, 367x369, smzk3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say Marxism, I said Cultural Marxism.

The roots are there. Marxism states (incorrectly) that all men are equal and thus classes are nothing more than an artificial social construct. Hence the solution is to divide wealth up evenly and distribute amongst the masses.

Marxism is an extreme form of left wing government. Cultural Marxism, however, is a 'way of thinking'. The idea that all humans are equal may be extended to races and genders and this is where the roots of feminism and multiculturalism exist.

Feminism is more or less the idea that gender roles are nothing more than a social construct and therefore can be removed without problems. And multiculturalism is the idea that races are all exactly equal and therefore there should be no separation between them.

Cultural Marxism must be shied away from because it is based on an incorrect assumption. All humans are not equal. Genders are not equal and races are not equal. Believing they are does not make them so.

>> No.4039183


Protip: The intellectuals of this world got that way through education, life experience, and reading other works. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants."
The term "pseudo-intellectual" pisses me off because no one can tell me exactly where the line between pseudo-intellectual and intellectual is.

Nice job trolling though.

>> No.4039208


Clever. You must knock women off their feet in real life.

>> No.4039209

I read both for fun. I don't think reading books makes you intelligent, either.

>> No.4039210


>All humans are not equal. Genders are not equal and races are not equal.

Well obviously... There are many biological differences, but intellectually anyone should be able to do great things for society if given a chance (proper secular education, etc).

Besides, what does that have to do with literature?

>> No.4039213

>The UK is not interested in population control

You know who re-established population control into the scientific community in the western world right?
The British did it for more efficient control of their colonies.
Eugenics was a major thing in politics before WW2 but got covered up in history books. Most fags don't even know that the western establishment was 100% moe for Hitler as someone who 'got things done', eh implementing anglo-saxon teachings and doesn't afraid of anything.

btw the British want to 'stabilize' their population. I'm sorry that I don't have the right number in minds, but I believe that talk was to decrease the population by half.

>> No.4039214


That's really special and all, but it's all tangential to my actual reply, and if I somehow let on that I was actually interested in your politics, I apologize sincerely. Your ideas are pretty common on 4chan and not especially enlightening or nuanced.

>> No.4039217

Well, if someone calls you a pseudo-intellectual, you have done a good job of appearing as one.

So yes, you are.

>> No.4039220


awesome tier:

'No longer humans' (something like 'Nausea' by Sartre but this book is even more disturbing).

>> No.4039222
File: 105 KB, 700x950, 1259984405814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damn, athens, can you enter one thread without sparking a political shitfest?

>> No.4039226

>but intellectually anyone should be able to do great things for society if given a chance (proper secular education, etc).

You should read Tatu Vanhanen's work about the link between cognitive intelligence and a nation's development.

>given a chance

Right, this is the problem. Liberals have a religious belief in human equality/blank slate theory.

Then when they see that there are unequal outcomes, which conflicts with their religious belief that everyone has identical capabilities, you resort to racial discrimination against higher achievers to bring about racial parity (affirmative action).

Unfortunately in a completely unbiased society where everyone is judged based on abilities, certain people will have a lower level of achievement. Equal outcomes and equal opportunity are mutually exclusive.

>> No.4039230

There's a major difference: You can't get things done by force. Remember the world is not run by Jesus Christ. If someone advocates policies that strip down your liberties in favor of [insert some silly ideology that sounds at first interesting but without any logic to it] you should be very wary of the ones supporting it.

>> No.4039234

Hahaha, the /a/friends are replying to Athens.

>> No.4039241

Your 'actual reply' was a non-sequitur to begin with. It fallaciously asserted that I was a Libertarian because of two inferred points that could relate to any right wing political movement.

>Eugenics was a major thing in politics before WW2 but got covered up in history books.

You seem to be operating from the premise that I am opposed to eugenics. I'm not.

>> No.4039289


>Tatu Vanhanen's work

His work was not a peer reviewed scientific paper with actual genetic evidence presented and tested.

>Right, this is the problem. Liberals have a religious belief in human equality/blank slate theory.

It's not a religious belief, it's a biological fact so far as we know. I suppose it's possible that brain differences on a genetic level between the races might be found, but right now it appears the our body plan genes and the switches that trigger them are the same across the entire race.

>> No.4039320

>replying to fucking athens of all people

And you call yourselves a better board than /a/.
You are all disappointments.

>> No.4039325

I wonder what brings him here, I was hoping he wouldn't come back.

>> No.4039352

>His work was not a peer reviewed scientific paper with actual genetic evidence presented and tested.

No, it's a book with that utilizes a variety of peer reviewed studies. Notably Richard Lynn, Phillipe Rushton, Arthur Jensen as well as many others.

>It's not a religious belief, it's a biological fact so far as we know.

Actually, you're wrong. The idea that humans are all exactly equal and there are no differences between traditional population groupings came about with Franz Boas, who was effectively a fraud (see: 'Boas Revisited' by Corey Sparks and Richard Jantz). In truth, the majority of geneticists privately agree that there is a genetic element to intelligence and that this accounts for the racial IQ gap in part.

>The heritability of intelligence is now well established from numerous adoption, twin, and family studies. Particularly noteworthy are the genetic contributions of around 80% found in adult twins reared apart. And most transracial adoption studies provide evidence for the heritability of racial differences in IQ. For instance, Korean and Vietnamese children adopted into white American and white Belgian homes were examined in studies by E.A. Clark and J. Hanisee, by M. Frydman and R. Lynn, and by M. Winick et al. Many had been hospitalized for malnutrition. But they went on to develop IQs ten or more points higher than their adoptive national norms. By contrast, the famous Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study marked black/white differences emerged by age 17 even though the black children had been reared in white middle-class families (Weinberg, Scarr & Waldman, 1992).


>> No.4039354

Because you are in favor for the police state grid. Complete control over the population. No wonder. British love that shit. Darwins, round-table groups and so on.

In the end you are just butthurt that your beloved policies got hijacked by self-called liberals, who in fact aren't liberal but authoritarian.

>> No.4039364

That's because we're in the middle of a massive f/a/ggot influx due to New Years, Winter Break, and Umineko.

>> No.4039399

>In the end you are just butthurt that your beloved policies got hijacked by self-called liberals, who in fact aren't liberal but authoritarian.

Explain how allowing tens if not hundreds of thousands of illiterate Bangladeshis into the country constitutes 'eugenicist policies' or 'population control'.

Every great power dominates and overawes the rest, your mistake is ascribing these qualities exclusively to the British, when in fact they have been a characteristic of tension between collective entities of human beings for time immemorial.

>> No.4039451


>In truth, the majority of geneticists privately agree that there is a genetic element to intelligence and that this accounts for the racial IQ gap in part.

Yes, but it has nothing to do with race.... For example, compare Percy Lavon Julian to a random West Virginia hill-billy with a toilet in his yard.

>> No.4039465
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>Yes, but it has nothing to do with race....

It has everything to do with race.

>Our results indicate that there is consensus among experts in the science of mental abilities that g is an important, non-trivial determinant (or at least predictor) of important real world outcomes for which there is no substitute, and that tests of g are valid and generally free from racial bias.


>For example, compare Percy Lavon Julian to a random West Virginia hill-billy with a toilet in his yard.


>> No.4039498

I just said they re-estabishled it into the scientific community and they are pretty good in protecting their research from 'miss interpretations' because nobody wants to get linked with Nazi policies or even to get accused of having the Nazi leaders influenced.
Only the times change. Today those policies are bad for the super-race but tomorrow they will be praised for saving Gaia.

btw I believe immigration happens only to weaken the nation-states by the globalist cabal because it doesn't make sense to support this trend while jobs are being transferred into Asia.
They are said to hate everything that the industrial revolutions brought to the western societies. Makes their work a lot of harder, eh people that can write and read and understand stuff. Sounds dangerous to me.

>> No.4039511


So you do admit that some people of minority race can be brilliant, such as the case with Julian and many, many others.

>> No.4039540

what's all this shit? can we go back to the original topic?

>> No.4039550 [DELETED] 

Er yes, but when making policy you generally don't consider anecdotal evidence to trump empirical evidence. The fact I've met nice Chinese people for example doesn't mean I think we should grant 40 million of them citizenship.

You're wrong, there's no concerted 'bilderberg-esque' plan - It's just wealth white liberals living in their gated or defacto gated communities not having to deal with the consequences of the policies they enact. Simple as that.

>> No.4039545


Athens caused a shit storm... what else is new?

>> No.4039548

Great way to start the year.

>> No.4039559

Er yes, but when making policy you generally don't consider anecdotal evidence to trump empirical evidence. The fact I've met nice Chinese people for example doesn't mean I think we should grant 40 million of them citizenship.

You're wrong, there's no concerted 'bilderberg-esque' plan - It's just wealthy white liberals living in their gated or defacto gated communities not having to deal with the consequences of the policies they enact. Simple as that.

>> No.4039567

Fuck not knowing memes or how sage is used.

Responding to athens is the greatest indicator that one is new and/or retarded here.

>> No.4039590

athens I have never agreed with you as much as right now.

>> No.4039607 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 606x704, 14552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not jp/ related. Sage for tripfaggotry

>> No.4039641

>Not knowing how to use sage correctly
And you act like you know what is or is not /jp/ related, /a/ scum.

>> No.4039661

Haha, I've often wondered the same. It seems lefties simply cannot comprehend these concepts. "Blacks commit more crimes than whites on average." "But there are many that don't, so I just defeated your argument."

>> No.4039680

Haha yes, it's bizarre, Alice In Wonderland-esque stuff.

The funniest counter-argument I've heard recently is that liberals have never denied the hereditarian model of genetics.

In general I've noticed in the last year or so Liberals have taken to denying their belief in and support for Liberal policies as a last-ditch effort to defend Liberalism. It's quite odd. If there really was nobody who supported Liberal ideology and Liberal political parties then why do they wield so much power?

>> No.4039708
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>> No.4039753


Yeah but you have to answer WHY they commit more crime.

>> No.4039786


I guess athens and company don't know the difference between correlation and causation.

There's a correlation between being black and crime, yes. But is it caused by race (being black) or by the fact that there are more poor and uneducated blacks than whites?

>> No.4039783 [DELETED] 

Because they are less intelligent.

>> No.4039794

Why do you believe they commit more crime anonymous?

>> No.4039801

>It's just wealthy white liberals living in their gated or defacto gated communities not having to deal with the consequences of the policies they enact

Doesn't make sense for the bigger picture. You know like all the strategy papers, for example by the UN.
You don't even have to read them because it's like completely taken off from Brave New World. Of course it is as a British aristrocrat wrote the book with his brother working for the UN.

>> No.4039820
File: 63 KB, 238x951, correlation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But is it caused by race (being black) or by the fact that there are more poor and uneducated blacks than whites?

Many people believe that a bad social environment is a major contributor to crime. They believe that if people of all races had the same education, income, and social status, there would be no race differences in crime rates. Academic research, however, shows that these differences persist even after controlling for social variables.

In fact, the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic accounts for crime rates more than four times better than the next best measure: lack of education. Furthermore, even controlling for all three measures of social disadvantage hardly changes the correlation between racial mix and crime rates. The correlation between violent crime and the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic is 0.78 even when poverty, education, and unemployment are controlled, versus 0.81 when they are not. In layman’s terms, the statistical results suggest that even if whites were just as disadvantaged as blacks and Hispanics the association between race and violent crime would still be almost as great. It may seem harsh to state it so plainly, but the single best indicator of an area’s violent crime rate is its racial/ethnic mix.

>> No.4039918

Does anyone have that character picture of Athens as a moe girl, together with likes and dislikes? I saw a thumbnail a week or so back, but thread deletion before I could save it.

>> No.4039981

This is the same shit that Athens has gone through time and time before, even the pictures are the same. Misogynist Athens was so much more entertaining.

>> No.4039985


>> No.4040020

1) Copypaste isn't an argument.

2) He doesn't actually address correlations between different causational factors purported to account for racial difference in crime rates.

I'll address some points anyway, just to embarass a little Marxist egalitarian like you though.

>Secondly, to claim that blacks are more dangerous than whites because of official crime rates, is to ignore that when it comes to everyday threats to personal well-being, whites far and away lead the pack in all kinds of destructive behaviors: corporate pollution, consumer fraud, violations of health and safety standards on the job, and launching wars on the basis of deceptive evidence, to name a few. Each year, far more people die because of corporate malfeasance, occupational health violations and pollution than all the street crime combined, let alone street crime committed by African Americans (2).

This is called changing the subject. If he's right about white malfeasance, FINE. Let's see the studies, and make them public. What's that I hear? The air going out of Wise's balloon?

It's also a very vague statement (e.g., wtf does "far and away lead the pack" mean? Is that sorta like how whites "far and away lead the pack" in terms of being the largest demographic group in America?).

Wise has zero (that's right, none) evidence that whites outpace blacks in terms of rates of destructive behavior when put into a position to enact same.

In other words, by way of example, negroids have never nuked anyone in large part because they are incapable of buying, much less copying, much less creating, a nuclear weapon.

Furthermore, Wise opens himself up to his own argument, but is too stupid to realize it: he blames black crime on poverty, but doesn't blame white collar crime on on wealth.

>> No.4040038

>To begin with, the white victim totals in the Justice Department's victimization data include those termed Hispanic by the Census, since nine in ten Latino/as are considered racially white by government record-keepers. Since Latinos and Latinas tend to live closer to blacks than non-Hispanic whites, this means that many "white" victims of "black crime" are Latino or Latina, and that in any given year, the majority of black crime victims would be people of color, not whites.

Of course, Wise ignores the fact that "Hispanics" are lumped into the white offender totals by the federal government as well, which greatly inflates the appearance of black-on-white crime. It isn't rigorous to assume the two cancel one another out, but until we have better data that's a good rule of thumb; we have to go with the data we're given.

>From 1995-2000, blacks were 65 percent of racial and ethnic hate-crime victims, while whites were 21 percent of such victims (10). Adjusted for population, any given black person was nearly twenty times more likely to be the victim of a racially motivated hate crime than any given white.

Again, I'll have to go nosing into the stats. It sucks when you can't trust someone to report basic facts. Also, I have no idea what Wise means by "adjusted for population" here. Why would you need to "adjust for population" to calculate the likelihood of any given member of a race being a victim of a hate crime? Likelihood and "adjusted for population" seem to be at odds here, because if you "adjust for population" the likelihood, you no longer have an actual likelihood, but rather a derivative with God knows what meaning.

>> No.4040056

>And of course, profiling is not the typical method for uncovering serious already-committed crimes anyway, since solving such crimes logically involves using incident-specific information. Profiling is, instead, too often done as a way to uncover crimes, such as drug possession, that have yet to come to police attention.

>As for drugs, there can be no doubt that profiling is irrational. According to federal data, blacks are only 13.5 percent of drug users, while non-Hispanic whites are over 70 percent of users (16). So to profile blacks for drugs is to guarantee little success in actually uncovering drug crimes.

...except a huge part of the point of profiling blacks is to get them on those illegal gun charges, or those distro charges, or whatever, before they commit a violent crime. Again, none of Wise's argument addresses rates, which are the whole point.

>> No.4040063

>answer the racist claims of bigots and fascists, the fact remains that given the appeal of racist logic to so many, and given the strength of institutional racism as a defining force in American life, we can hardly afford the luxury of ignoring such positions, so as to "not give them legitimacy." The sad fact is that racism already enjoys plenty of legitimacy, with or without a rebuttal. Ignoring this reality isn't likely to diminish its strength, but responding to it forcefully might, at the very least, dissuade impressionable minds from accepting the twisted logic offered by the racist right.

Wise has miscalculated. Sadly, it is indeed in racial liberalism's interests to totally ignore race-realists. They can't win the debate (if they could, with their massive resources they'd have already done so). Their next best option is to pretend that only subhumans are race-realists, and that only borderline sub-humans treat them as people. The more "anti-racists" who break the taboo and cross that line, the weaker the taboo becomes, and the more faded the line. Eventually the lemmings might get the idea that they have to win the debate, and that spells disaster.

>> No.4039985,1 [INTERNAL] 

I never thought that I'd be happy to see anonymous of athens#bullshit again.

>> No.4040072
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Holy shit Athens... Thanks for shitting up my thread.

>> No.4040072,1 [INTERNAL] 

You missed him after all, Meru-chan?

>> No.4040118

>1) Copypaste isn't an argument.

1) You just copypasted your previous post...

2) I don't have so much free time to spend writing things that will get erased anyway, especially considering that I have 3 exams in the next 2 weeks.

So... see ya later

>> No.4040146 [DELETED] 

>1) You just copypasted your previous post...

No it isn't, that's my own abstract of part of Color of Crime dealing with purported causes of crime and the related datasets.

Your response however, was an article by the Marxist Gramscian Jew Tim Wise which doesn't even deal with the 2005 version of Color of Crime anyway.

>> No.4040167

>1) You just copypasted your previous post...

No it isn't, that's my own abstract of part of Color of Crime dealing with purported causes of crime and the related datasets.

Your response however, was an article by the Marxist Gramscian Jew Tim Wise which doesn't even deal with the 2005 version of Color of Crime anyway

>> No.4040167,1 [INTERNAL] 

athens ghostbumping his own thread.

>> No.4040224 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040230 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040237 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040244 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040255

Athens, can you detect black people posting in your threads like you can women?

>> No.4040251 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040262 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040270

you could try the books adapted in the anime blue library

>> No.4040274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040278 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040283 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040321 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040325 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040331 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040338 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040357 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040364 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040377 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040390 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040399 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040406 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040424 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040432 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040446 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040452 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040465 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040478 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040505 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040514 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040542 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040549 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040565 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040587 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040598 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040612 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040630 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040641 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040646 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040655 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040675 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040687 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040696 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040703 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040715 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040730 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040754 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040768 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040802 [DELETED] 

Imagebombing again, Jones?

>> No.4040819 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040829 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040835 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040854 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040863 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040877 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040891 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040907 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040917 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4040932 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041049 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041076 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041090 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041102 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041109 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041131 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041140 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041161 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041170 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041182 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041214

I liked your posts athens, but it's pointless to argue about that stuff with most people on here because, as you can see, their best counterargument is imagespamming the thread.

Actually, we don't. If blacks commit more crimes, all we have to do is punish them harder/check them more often and thoroughly than whites. It is really only academic WHY they do it, as a pragmatist I do not care, I just want them taken care of.

>> No.4041212 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041219 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041224 [DELETED] 

Disney's Alice is the cutest.

>> No.4041227 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041234 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041248 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041269 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041279 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041291 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041316 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041326 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041332 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041357 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041369 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041381 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041401 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041414 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041424 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041552

I love literature!

>> No.4041570
File: 279 KB, 442x335, 1251679548369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Image bombing spam deleted

I love you, Janitor-san!

>> No.4041612

I don't usually say this, but... thanks, janitor.

>> No.4041701

Souseki Natsume is rad, but also does not really count as classical literature.

>> No.4041725

I am a Cat.

>> No.4041746

I might as well re-read that when I'm done with The Chrysalids.

>> No.4041771 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041774 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041778 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041801 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041814 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041829 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041830 [DELETED] 

Oh, looks like he changed IPs.

>> No.4041840

Dunno if this has been mentioned but Kenzaburou Oue's novels are pretty damn good. Won a nobel prize for them too.


>> No.4041837 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 400x566, 9cebfa5734f761973e20af43091fd751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4041845 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041853 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041860 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041867
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Miyamoto Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa

A good long book

>> No.4041872 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041880 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041885 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041896 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041908 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041914 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041926 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041933 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041943 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041949 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041954 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4041962 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4042004
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>> No.4042011
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>> No.4042018
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>> No.4042023
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>> No.4042030
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>> No.4042034
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>> No.4042037
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>> No.4042044
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>> No.4042047
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>> No.4042052
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>> No.4042057
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>> No.4042067
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>> No.4042076
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>> No.4042088
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>> No.4042095
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>> No.4042106
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>> No.4042117
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>> No.4042122
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>> No.4042127
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>> No.4042127,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a horrible thread. Was Athens always this bad?

>> No.4042127,2 [INTERNAL] 

athens is back?

God please no.

>> No.4042127,3 [INTERNAL] 


I don't remember him being racist. The athens I remember shitted up threads with his insecurities about women not fascism.

>> No.4042127,4 [INTERNAL] 

He has always had something against Jews.

>> No.4042127,5 [INTERNAL] 

Jews do control the media and have basically destroyed almost all the civilized values of society. Porn was started and controlled by Jews, still is. Hip Hop music was relatively non-sensical until a Jew started the first hardcore rap label priority, source magazine was owned by Jews and rick rubin had run dmc. MTV was a rock and hair metal station until Jew Sumner Redstone took over in the 80's and made it totally gangster urban music. The Jews also control sports, but how many of you out there still watch Sports?

Right now we are witnessing the two greatest boxers in history with the Klitschkos, don't believe me look at their KO percentages and win streak, but the Jew controlled media will never promote them cause they are white. They should be promoted they both have PhD's and are good role models. All the Jew sports writers claim its the worst era in boxing, this is a straight lie, in fact the eras of Ali, Holmes, Tyson and Lewis were probably less competitive because the best european and cuban boxers of the time were never allowed to compete due to communism. Lets not forget Jews promoted Jack Johnson with the whole racial agenda. Shows like Jew Aaron Spellings 90210 promoted premarital sex. The Jewish controlled fashion industry is responsible for clothing a whole generation of girls like prostitutes. Jews did the same in Germany pre-ww2. I know they controlled the communist party and killed 20 million in Russia for their communist revolution, which forced a relatively tolerant German society to adopt National Socialism. Yes I said relatively tolerant, read Schopenhauer and his love for eastern wisdom. Yes I know Greenspan and Jewish bankers like the head of Lehman, Goldman and AIG have also gutted the Western Economy.

I have never said otherwise, but the small population of less then 20 million Jews could not have done any of this with out the mass of moronic Joe six pack whites or useful idiot wealthy white liberals. No one forced us into all this with swords like the Muslims will. For every senator Gellar there is a senator Kennedy, Kerry or Clinton by their side.

Muslims are no less dangerous. They are both cousins descended from Abraham, from the same region following different versions of the same ideology. Don't forget for 1400 years the most valued items in the slave markets of Mecca were white women. They weren't made sex slaves by the Jewish television or magazines, they were kidnapped at sword point after the men in their society were killed. 60 million European infidels and 270-300 Million infidels in total were killed by the sword in Muslim expansion.

I think with the Internet the Jews are slowly but surely losing their grip. Their agenda is being exposed. It is not just whites waking up, all people who value their culture, way of life, race, ethnicity, values, whatever are waking up to the Jewish hypocrisy of promoting globalization for all except themselves in Israel. But you don't ignore cancer because a heart attack is more deadly. You fight them both. There are 50 Million Muslims in Europe and Muslims already outnumber Jews in North America. In two generation they may be 1/2 of humanity and they do not use sly trickery and academic subversion like their Semitic cousins from Israel, they use the sword to either enslave or kill the infidel.

>> No.4042127,6 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off back to /r9k/, you piece of shit. Why did you have to come back?

>> No.4042127,7 [INTERNAL] 

I always hated him for his old /n/ threads. He was always pretending to be a buttmad chink. He's one of the reasons why I believe 4channers in general cant discuss /n/ related topics without dissolving into GDP vs GDP and social system vs social system circlejerks. Everything that was needed to be said about capitalism, Marxism or etc... has already been said (with more detail by non-pseudo intellectuals on various usenet newsgroups).

All misogynist are racist by default. No exceptions. Blame the girl that set him down this path of regurgitated inculcation. I guess being called ugly by a female he was trying to help, really made him angry. If said girl was a minority, it would speak volumes about his motives.

>> No.4042127,8 [INTERNAL] 

[Citation needed]

[Citation needed]

[Citation needed]

[Citation needed]

[Citation needed]

>> No.4042127,9 [INTERNAL] 

I almost forgot how crazy you were.

>> No.4042127,10 [INTERNAL] 

What do you mean by 'racist'?

All people are racist, even the most ardent White Liberals aren't prepared to take the next logical step and buy a house in a predominantly black neighborhood, or send their kids to a majority-minority school etc.

>If said girl was a minority, it would speak volumes about his motives.

It's like you're really spewing the pseudo-psychology of the unscientific fraud Freud!

>> No.4042127,11 [INTERNAL] 

>athens !SysNpnp3nU
>Posting on /jp/ and the ghost board.
Terrible. My reaction was basically the same as (>>4042127,2). Talk about starting 2010 off on the wrong foot!

>> No.4042127,12 [INTERNAL] 

Typical nonsensical ghostboard elitism.

Having said that, I am not against Elitism. There is something edifying about hierarchy.

>> No.4042127,13 [INTERNAL] 

athens is moe.

>> No.4042127,14 [INTERNAL] 

I'm bored, so I'll debunk your nonsensical rubbish.

>Jews do control the media and have basically destroyed almost all the civilized values of society.
Whites also control a large share of the media. Your point? Also, you say that as if a media corporation is a Chinese restaurant. Even if it's a mythical Jew that is giving the orders, the orders are still being done by (predominately) white employees.

>Porn was started and controlled by Jews, still is.
Citation needed. Also, what about the global porn industry? Does this mean I can thank the Jews for the advent of eroge games and tentacle rape sims? And if we're going to cherry pick things, then video games and the free software movement was also started by the Jews. The more I read, the more I love the Jews.

>Hip Hop music was relatively non-sensical until a Jew started the first hardcore rap label priority, source magazine was owned by Jews and rick rubin had run dmc.
Even if that was true, the Jews didn't hold a gun to our heads and force us to buy it. Whites account for more than 60 to 70% of rap record sells.

If your wholesome classical music is so great how come [insert genre] of modern music outsells it 10 to 1? If you fail to answer this question I will answer it for you.

>MTV was a rock and hair metal station until Jew Sumner Redstone took over in the 80's and made it totally gangster urban music.
Are you implying that rock music wasn't considered nigger music at its time of conception? Do yourself a favor and google the history of rock before opening your mouth about it. Hint: it makes you look stupid.

>The Jews also control sports, but how many of you out there still watch Sports?
Again, [Citation needed]. Simply regurgitating the unsourced articles you've read on some /r9k/ threads isn't enough to convince me.

>> No.4042127,15 [INTERNAL] 

>Right now we are witnessing the two greatest boxers in history with the Klitschkos,
Not really. It's a boring era of boxing because there's not really any great boxers out there at the moment. It's easy to be the best when there's no competition.

>They should be promoted they both have PhD's and are good role models. All the Jew sports writers claim its the worst era in boxing, this is a straight lie
You're taking a universally accepted opinion about boxing and turning it into a Jewish conspiracy. Good job. Well since there's a Jewish conspiracy we're going to have to rewind time back to the 50s and 60s to uncover the truth about boxing. For every white KO you can find I will find 5 for Mexicans/Africans. That slavish boxer might very well be the greatest boxer of all time, but you can rest assured that there is no conspiracy.

>The Jewish controlled fashion industry is responsible for clothing a whole generation of girls like prostitutes. Jews did the same in Germany pre-ww2.
Alright, now you're not even trying. Where's the evidence?

If girls are such sluts nowadays yet you're still a virgin, how would a person like you get laid in a world where they are NOT sluts?

What exactly do you want from females?

>> No.4042127,16 [INTERNAL] 

>What exactly do you want from females?

Why are you turning this into a MISOGYNY ghosthread?

I'm not the one who tries to justify black rape by claiming that it is motivated by 'feelings of oppression' and 'poverty' like White Liberals and Blacks do. The biggest misogynists are the Liberals and the Cultural Marxists who want to conflate gender roles when in reality they're just a natural division of labor based around our innate strengths.

>If your wholesome classical music is so great how come [insert genre] of modern music outsells it 10 to 1? If you fail to answer this question I will answer it for you.

Sales != Quality

>Does this mean I can thank the Jews for the advent of eroge games and tentacle rape sims?

These are victimless as they don't involve real people.

>Are you implying that rock music wasn't considered nigger music at its time of conception?

It certainly wasn't considered nigger music in the 1980s

>Whites account for more than 60 to 70% of rap record sells.

Doesn't that make sense given their proportion of the US population as a whole? In fact 60% is slightly less.

>Even if it's a mythical Jew that is giving the orders

Who said this was a proactive 'conspiracy'? It's just debate framed by Cultural Marxist norms, and Cultural Marxism was started by Jews. You cannot deny that, look at how Jewish the members of the Frankfurt School were. Look at Gramscian Marxists who also operate in that dynamic of death by a thousand cuts.

>It's a boring era of boxing because there's not really any great boxers out there at the moment.
>That slavish boxer might very well be the greatest boxer of all time


Also, you said it yourself. Less competition = Less interesting. What about the Communist era where Eastern Europeans, Cubans and Russians weren't competing?

>> No.4042127,17 [INTERNAL] 

If you reveal any more of our secrets, you will have to be put down.
Please proceed bearing this in mind.

>> No.4042127,18 [INTERNAL] 

>Why are you turning this into a MISOGYNY ghosthread?
The only thing I remembered about you was your misogyny; so sue me. By the way, have you grown ashamed of it?

>Sales != Quality
As I expected, you lack the intellectual curiosity to answer such an easy question. To understand the answer to my question you must first understand the correlation between music and moment. In movies, classical music is good for the moment, hence the reason why it is dominate. In the same way you don't listen to weeaboo music at parties with your friends, you listen to rap/rock music while trying to stay awake on the highway. Music sells are directly proportional to how much situations the music can be applied to. This is not rocket science Athens-kun.

>These are victimless as they don't involve real people.
And porn does include real people? How is pretending to orgasm over a microphone in an eroge game any different from pretending to moan in a porno?

>It certainly wasn't considered nigger music in the 1980s
It was still considered garbage by pseudo musical historians such as yourself.

>Doesn't that make sense given their proportion of the US population as a whole? In fact 60% is slightly less.
Blacks don't account for 10 to 20% of classical music sells. Hmm, I wonder why? I hate to tell you this Athens, but in the world of logical debates, there's not always a binary answer waiting for you for any given question.

>Who said this was a proactive 'conspiracy'?
I dunno, you tell me.

>That slavish boxer might very well be the greatest boxer of all time
It was a cheap joke eluding to the fact that he's most likely Slav/Jew/Turk.

>Also, you said it yourself. Less competition = Less interesting. What about the Communist era where Eastern Europeans, Cubans and Russians weren't competing?
In the past there were 'many' greats, as opposed to this time when there are only a few.

>> No.4042127,19 [INTERNAL] 

Please tell me you guys are just copying wikipedia articles and aren't actually typing this bullshit.

>> No.4042127,20 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.4042127,21 [INTERNAL] 

>> Please tell me you guys are just copying wikipedia articles and aren't actually typing this bullshit.

In the past we've shown that Athens copies text from white supremacist websites, slightly edits them, and reposts them on 4chan. If Athens is posting a big block of text, then it definitely is modified kopipe.

And Athens, I remember you said that you WOULD NEVER POST IN /jp/ AGAIN due to it "being a bad influence" on yourself (or something to that effect). Why the change of heart?

>> No.4042127,22 [INTERNAL] 

>Music sells are directly proportional to how much situations the music can be applied to.

This is a common liberal tactic, rather than seeing the obvious, that races have differing tastes - he dreams up complicated observations for observable reality, the fact it completely ignores changes in musical tastes, and sales of certain genres going up or down regardless of the causational factors he posited, doesn't matter to him.

>Blacks don't account for 10 to 20% of classical music sells.

Because people with an average IQ of 85 aren't going to be able to appreciate the perfect counterpoint of 6 different voices.

>In the past there were 'many' greats, as opposed to this time when there are only a few.

Isn't that relative? Ali's greatest rival, Foreman is widely considered to be one of the most overrated boxers of all time for example.

>And porn does include real people? How is pretending to orgasm over a microphone in an eroge game any different from pretending to moan in a porno?


>It was still considered garbage by pseudo musical historians such as yourself.

Because it is garbage.

The democratization of Culture destroyed Music, Art, Lit etc in the same way Universal Suffrage destroyed Nations. There is a constant appeal to mediocrity within this context.

>> No.4042127,23 [INTERNAL] 

And you, ZUN !bar, said you would never post on the ghost board because it was for 'normalfriends'.

>> No.4042127,24 [INTERNAL] 

I believe the reason ZUN initially avoided the ghost board was because of you and Meru

>> No.4042127,25 [INTERNAL] 

Athens probably came here following his /a/ comrades.
Umineko break and all that.

>> No.4042127,26 [INTERNAL] 

Also, note there is a difference between 'Nationalism' and 'Supremacy'. Purposefully using the two interchangeably isn't really fair, especially since the MSM takes such extreme care molly coddling and treading on eggshells around Black 'Nationalist' groups that openly call for the extermination of whites.

Well, in South Africa and Rhodesia they got their wish, and anyone who pays attention to History saw what happened there.

>> No.4042127,27 [INTERNAL] 

>This is a common liberal tactic, rather than seeing the obvious, that races have differing tastes - he dreams up complicated observations for observable reality, the fact it completely ignores changes in musical tastes, and sales of certain genres going up or down regardless of the causational factors he posited, doesn't matter to him.
Nice straw man. When did I say demographics didn't matter? I was just responding to your "Doesn't that make sense given their proportion of the US population as a whole?" comment. FACT: whites, blacks, and Hispanics make up the rap music industry. The average fans of rap music (in most first world countries) are in fact surburban whites. This isn't like the other genres of music that are dominated by whites. You offer no explanation to why this is the case, then you accuse me of being a liberal.

>Because people with an average IQ of 85 aren't going to be able to appreciate the perfect counterpoint of 6 different voices.
That still doesn't explain why modern music (a.k.a nigger music) outsells classical music 1 to 10. From Japan to Iraq, jazz/R&B/rap/rock/metal/soul/etc, dominates the market. Traditional music is going instinct and the market doesn't care. Unlike you, I at least tried to answer why this was the case.

>Isn't that relative? Ali's greatest rival, Foreman
Stopped reading the sentence at here.

>Wow...... I cant debunk your argument.

>Because it is garbage.
Indeed. But in comparison to what? Music genres are good for different situations.

>The democratization of Culture destroyed Music, Art, Lit etc in the same way Universal Suffrage destroyed Nations. There is a constant appeal to mediocrity within this context.

I thought you were a better debater than this Athens-kun. I am disappoint.

>> No.4042127,28 [INTERNAL] 


Zimbabwe makes a great example of a nation gone to shit, but the Rhodesia government was hardly a shining light of civilization.

>> No.4042127,29 [INTERNAL] 

>This isn't like the other genres of music that are dominated by whites.

How do you mean exactly? Classical Music isn't liked by -any- young demographic in great numbers. Though I'd suspect whites and asians pip blacks to the post if there were quantifiable stats. It's main audience is still Whites though, just older Whites.

Rock music is pretty solidly Young and White for its audience.
My response to you was concerning your claim that

>That still doesn't explain why modern music (a.k.a nigger music) outsells classical music 1 to 10.
>Unlike you, I at least tried to answer why this was the case.

Actually, I did answer it. Modern telecommunications enabled a meteoric rise of pop culture unparalleled in previous ages, this, together with the democratization of Culture (more people having more of an input over Cultural affairs) and the Postmodernist/Cultural Marxist cult of Relativism all combined to create a situation where high culture is maligned and pop culture is endlessly celebrated.

>Wow...... I cant debunk your argument.

I'm just seriously astounded that somebody honestly believes there is no difference between moaning over a mic and actually getting fucked for money.

>Indeed. But in comparison to what? Music genres are good for different situations.

In comparison to everything. Fans of Modern Music are dullard who view things through a vacuum of the past 40/50 years and completely ignore a Western Musical tradition stretching back to the Middle Ages and flowering in the Renaissance.

When assessing objective factors like Harmony and Counterpoint, Classical Music trounces everything, regardless of what modern genre it falls into.

Not -everything- is relative. Some things can be assessed quite easily in an objective manner.

> From Japan to Iraq, jazz/R&B/rap/rock/metal/soul/etc, dominates the market. Traditional music is going instinct

1) I'd like to see stats on the former.

2) The latter is absurd. Musical genres of such age do not go 'extinct', they merely occupy a niche.

>Stopped reading the sentence at here.

Ok, so he wasn't as important as Frazier, but Ali fought his most famous fight with Foreman, not Frazier. And despite the fact many acknowledge Foreman to be overrated, this is considered Ali's greatest victory by many.

>> No.4042127,30 [INTERNAL] 

>but the Rhodesia government was hardly a shining light of civilization.

Conditions for blacks under White Minority Rule in Rhodesia were better than they are now. Same goes for 'apartheid' South Africa and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Indeed, as far back as the early 1900s Africa was a place of hope. Hard to believe it, but it's true. Every indicator of human progress, lifespans, literacy rates, GDP, all were going up. There was even the beginnings of a Bantu middle class, particularly in places like Ghana, South Africa, Rhodesia, and of course Liberia, where the government began the "Unification Policy" to uplift the native tribal peoples. In the 1950s and 1960s, the horror of decolonization began. Mass murder, rape, and starvation crippled nation after nation. The USSR and USA, the anti-colonial superpowers, began to flood Africa with light weapons in their struggle for power. Between the beginning of decolonization and the 1970s, Africa's GDP as a whole declined. This is an easy thing to say, but imagine what that means. The entire efforts of tens of millions of people to create wealth wiped out AND THEN SOME EVERY SINGLE YEAR. At this point, only the Republic of South Africa, Rhodesia, and Portuguese Africa remained fairly stable, along with Liberia, the Ivory Coast and a few other enclaves which retained their white minorities. These combined represented together more than 75% of Africa's total wealth. In fact, the RSA alone represented more than half the wealth of Africa's 54 countries. After a determined effort by leftists abroad and the OAU, Rhodesia surrendered in 1980. Liberia's government was overthrown in a coup the same year, after which both countries slowly but surely sank into barbarism, mass murder and starvation. South Africa's government too was forced to surrender in 1990; the result has been the emigration of millions of the nation's most skilled people, including half of its medical professionals.

gg lefties

>> No.4042127,31 [INTERNAL] 

*My response to you was concerning your claim that Musical sales were dependent on context. So that popular music sold more simply because it was more context appropriate to what most people do.

>> No.4042127,32 [INTERNAL] 

>It's main audience is still Whites though, just older Whites.
This is getting off the point. I'm just saying that the Jews didn't force us to buy modern music. Unlike classical music that is dominated by whites, rap music is enjoyed by all younger demographics in the US (Asians included). This isn't an opinion, it'$ a fact.

>Rock music is pretty solidly Young and White for its audience.
Which is ironic considering the fact that it was invented by niggers and wiggers. Other genres of music such as R&B; however, are dominated by whites despite being of African American origin. Care to explain why that is the case? Oh wait, you already have explained it with your regurgitated Jewspiracy.

>Actually, I did answer it. Modern telecommunications enabled a meteoric rise of pop culture unparalleled in previous ages, this, together with the democratization of Culture (more people having more of an input over Cultural affairs) and the Postmodernist/Cultural Marxist cult of Relativism all combined to create a situation where high culture is maligned and pop culture is endlessly celebrated.
Jews really are the master race if they were able to pull off something like that. We should be worshiping them right now.

>I'm just seriously astounded that somebody honestly believes there is no difference between moaning over a mic and actually getting fucked for money.
Your christian morals have led you to believe that the sexual reproduction processes of organisms is a moral/holy process. Do you pray for street cats when you see them fucking?

>In comparison to everything.
You really believe classical music would be better in a club, don't you? Opinions rejected.

>1) I'd like to see stats on the former.

Obviously this list changes from time to time but if you focus on the genres, they're mostly R&B/rock/metal/Jazz/soul/pop/ and sometimes rap.

>2) The latter is absurd. Musical genres of such age do not go 'extinct', they merely occupy a niche.
A niche you say? More like shit people no longer care about. If traditional music genres like enka are going to survive, they're going to have to mix with other (more modern) genres.



>> No.4042127,33 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm just saying that the Jews didn't force us to buy modern music.

I never said they did, this is a bit of a strawman.

>Unlike classical music that is dominated by whites, rap music is enjoyed by all younger demographics in the US

Again, strawman. I've never doubted Rap Music's broad popularity.

>Which is ironic considering the fact that it was invented by niggers and wiggers.

Now... I'm not good with the History of Rock Music, but even I know this a contentious and hotly debated issue. One that hasn't really been resolved and is still going on.

>explained it with your regurgitated Jewspiracy.

Was Nikita Khrushchev also a believer in a 'Jewspiracy' because internal memos reveal that he believed 'over 50%' of certain top Soviet departments to be comprised of Jews? How about when Trotsky said that they would pay back the 'anti semites in the imperial family' tenfold? Or how about the support for the

Let me get one thing straight, I do not believe a secret cabal of globalist Jews meets up underground. I simply believe Jews have been over-represented in intellectual movements like Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Hedonism and so on that have been ultimately damaging to Nation, State and Society. Their motivations differ for doing this, some genuinely dislike White Society and make no secret of that fact:

>Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. …

>Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich’s intellectual marriage of Freud and Marx. …

>In light of the relatively tolerant Jewish view of sex, why are we ashamed of the Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it, but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about time it was written about seriously.

- Nathan Abrams, Triple Exthnics.

Others, like say.... Noam Chomsky genuinely believe what they are saying is the right way to a prosperous future. They view themselves more in terms of an academic vanguard that is going to lead the Proles towards the light than anything else.

>Your christian morals have led you to believe that the sexual reproduction processes of organisms is a moral/holy process.

I'm not Christian, and sanctifying sex is hardly exclusive to Christianity, Monotheism or even Religion (see Secular Ethics on the matter).

And comparing humans to cats is retarded. Humans construct narratives to understand our actions, cats do not.

This is why I believe in shame culture, if you believe that mere moral conscience is the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong then you are a moron. Because that is subject to all the philosophical gymnastics one uses to justify their transgressions (it is part of the liberal tradition that to understand is to forgive all) - On the other hand, shame culture, and the wider idea of constructing narratives to understand our actions is more rigid, and holds people to stricter standards.

I've often found that people who blame religion for all ills are missing the real issues though. And most of the people who do that just use their so called 'atheism' as a proxy to attack White Western Civilization, they never attack Islam or Hinduism or other religions as virulently because they don't have the balls.

>> No.4042127,34 [INTERNAL] 

>You really believe classical music would be better in a club, don't you? Opinions rejected.

A 'club' isn't really a context you can take as a standalone environment as the place itself sprang up around the popular forms of music and as a result of the music rather than the other way around. 'Venue' is more fitting. And Classical Music is more suited to venues.

In any event we're being detracted from the real issue here, when you assess something objectively you assess it in of itself. So you assess Music by the objective standards I mentioned.

>Obviously this list changes from time to time but if you focus on the genres, they're mostly R&B/rock/metal/Jazz/soul/pop/ and sometimes rap.

That's not really hard quantifiable data pertaining to your assertions though bro.

>If traditional music genres like enka are going to survive, they're going to have to mix with other (more modern) genres.

Enka will always survive, even amongst the younger generations there will be a niche market. Classical Music is doing just fine with the Middle Classes as is. It's a small market but it will survive.

>Jews really are the master race if they were able to pull off something like that. We should be worshiping them right now.

Must I repeat myself? It is not a proactive conspiracy. Cultural Marxism is well attested to and you can see it residually almost everywhere. Look at the rise of multilingualism and its defense as simply being 'polite' and 'respecting another culture' for a good residual example.

Marxism is an extreme form of left wing government. Cultural Marxism, however, is a 'way of thinking'. The idea that all humans are equal may be extended to races and genders and this is where the roots of feminism and multiculturalism exist.

Feminism is more or less the idea that gender roles are nothing more than a social construct and therefore can be removed without problems. And multiculturalism is the idea that races are all exactly equal and therefore there should be no separation between them.

Cultural Marxism must be shied away from because it is based on an incorrect assumption. All humans are not equal. Genders are not equal and races are not equal. Believing they are does not make them so.


NB: Referring to other forms of Jewish support for Communism, there is obviously the intellectual basis itself: Marx. But you've got things like financial support, even from Wall St. Bankers for the Reds during the Russian Revolution, they say this as an opportunity to take vengeance on the Whites/Royalists and the Christian population of Russia as a whole.

They dreamt it up, they brought it into being, they engineered the red terror (Trotsky) and forced Germany to adopt National Socialism (there was a LEGITIMATE FEAR amongst Europeans that what happened over there could happen in Western Europe too). Can you see how one could hold at least a little enmity to the Jews for all this?

>> No.4042127,35 [INTERNAL] 

>Again, strawman. I've never doubted Rap Music's broad popularity.
Okay... so what did you mean by: "This is a common liberal tactic, rather than seeing the obvious, that races have differing tastes."

You're either contradicting your own argument or you're claiming your argument was weak. Instead of implying the libs were wrong for assuming race wasn't a factor in sells, you should have said they were wrong for thinking it wasn't a 'partial' factor in sells. Because if you're saying ethnicity determines album sells, you're going to have a hard time explaining why whites keep listening to rap.

>Now... I'm not good with the History of Rock Music, but even I know this a contentious and hotly debated issue.
It's not really a question about whether blacks had a hand in the creation of rock, it's more like a question of which blacks had a hand in the creation of rock. With the only white factors being wiggers (who at the time received death threats from the KKK for making 'colored music').

>Was Nikita Khrushchev also a believer in a 'Jewspiracy' because internal memos reveal that he believed 'over 50%' of certain top Soviet departments to be comprised of Jews? How about when Trotsky said that they would pay back the 'anti semites in the imperial family' tenfold? Or how about the support for the
I don't have the time to debunk every Jew conspiracy you throw at me, but I will say this. Being influential != conspiracy to enslave white race. Whites do a pretty good job of doing that to themselves with their constant colonization of brown peoples' lands. How dare those brownies fight back to get their motherland(s).

>Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Implying there wasn't a never ending escalation of sexual revolutions prior to the 60s.

>Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it, but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about time it was written about seriously.
Where did you get this from? Oh, let me guess: http://tiny.cc/4zXNP

>I'm not Christian, and sanctifying sex is hardly exclusive to Christianity,
You sure do sound like one.

>Humans construct narratives to understand our actions, cats do not.
Mental masturbation much? Don't get me started on why that was wrong.

>This is why I believe in shame culture, if you believe that mere moral conscience is the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong then you are a moron.
Please practice what you preach.

>I've often found that people who blame religion for all ills are missing the real issues though. And most of the people who do that just use their so called 'atheism' as a proxy to attack White Western Civilization, they never attack Islam or Hinduism or other religions as virulently because they don't have the balls.
Siding with the extreme right now, are we? Die monster, you don't belong in this world.

>> No.4042127,36 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck. gb2/a/ Athens.

>> No.4042127,37 [INTERNAL] 

>And Classical Music is more suited to venues.
Thanks for proving my point in your own words that some music genres are "better suited" for a given scenario.

>That's not really hard quantifiable data pertaining to your assertions though bro.
Truth, my citation was lazy. Here's something lazier: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_albums_in_Japan

Most best selling albums in Japan fit into three categories: Rock/R&B/Pop. Japanese pop music in general is usually a less perverted version of our pop music. Koreans are just as bad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzjCfn9j79g

>Must I repeat myself? It is not a proactive conspiracy. Cultural Marxism is well attested to and you can see it residually almost everywhere. Look at the rise of multilingualism and its defense as simply being 'polite' and 'respecting another culture' for a good residual example.
And the rest of your post is copypasta from earlier copypasta in this thread. Now I see how you got to this situation.

1. A girl you were trying to help called you ugly.
2. This led you down the path of misogyny.
3. You searched for articles to discriminate against females. Which also brought you to articles about race. You assumed minorities like blacks and Mexicans were responsible for the slut culture of modern day women.
4. You needed one last group to link all of your hatred/insecurities together, so you included the Jews.
5. [Insert confirmation bias].

How does it feel knowing I read your life like a cheap 2 dollar book?

>> No.4042127,38 [INTERNAL] 

You know who I'd really like to see come to /jp/?

Hotaru Doll Faggot. I think he got permabanned from OPchan for some petty reason.

>> No.4042127,39 [INTERNAL] 

It seems you've been reduced to ad homs quicker than I expected. Ah well, just goes to show it is isn't worth showing your kind of people civility.

As for your hypothesis, you do realise I used to be a massive liberal right? Fuck I've even read Bakunin. My move to the right began when I started to read how flimsy the scientific evidence for blank slate theory was.

>> No.4042127,40 [INTERNAL] 

I can understand why a narcissist such as yourself would interpret my honest hypothesis about your upbringing was an argument (even though its context speaks the contrary), but I'm sick and tired of people misusing/abusing the phrase ad hominem. Had I substituted my argument with my hypothesis about your upbringing it would have been an ad hominem (argument). But clearly that's not the case.

>As for your hypothesis, you do realise I used to be a massive liberal right?
I guess that makes us opposites. As always Athens-kun, you're always the odd man out. A few months ago we ghost took a political compass test and most of us were leaning to the left.

>My move to the right began when I started to read how flimsy the scientific evidence for blank slate theory was.
I don't recall you speaking about such things prior to this moment. When did you become enlightened to the truth? Let's see what you really believe in: http://www.politicalcompass.org/test

>> No.4042127,41 [INTERNAL] 

>Ah well, just goes to show it is isn't worth showing your kind of people civility.

My kind of people you say? And by what pray tell did you mean by that? Does having a particular view on something forfeit my rights to common courtesy? You're not very nice.

>> No.4042127,42 [INTERNAL] 

And his posts were always more entertaining than Athens'.
I think he actually believes what he writes, unlike dear Athenaki who takes positions on the sole basis that the majority will disagree with them and then copy and pastes from radical sites to come up with material.

>> No.4042127,43 [INTERNAL] 

"We've been through this before I believe. I simply don't believe in proactive conspiracy theories."

I forgot how funny I found your posts. Anyway, I'm surprised this hasn't taken a turn to insulting athens for his low powerlevel. Isn't that what we used to do?

>> No.4042127,44 [INTERNAL] 


And no, I don't believe in pracotive conspiracy theories.

Nor is my use of the term 'ad hom' in this context improper, you make a series of naked assertions based on flimsy Freudian psychology, but even by those standards they're utterly negateable and of no consequence whatsoever.

>And by what pray tell did you mean by that?

People who are not gentlemen. I believe in gentlemanly conduct in any debate.

>> No.4042127,45 [INTERNAL] 


Sup Hitler, how's it going?

>> No.4042127,46 [INTERNAL] 

Not too bad Godwin. Thanks for comparing me to one of the greatest men of the 20th century though! : D

>> No.4042127,48 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't that the purpose of this board anyway? To quarantine this brand of faggotry? I'd rather them duke it out here then on /jp/ itself.

>> No.4042127,49 [INTERNAL] 

I want to have a threesome with athens and Elksop.

>> No.4042127,50 [INTERNAL] 

>Well, given /jp/'s current wave of newbros,
Ever since that Tohno guy appeared there has been a surge of neo /a/ tripfriends on /jp/. I wonder what's going on.

>it was a matter of time until our lovely one-trick-pony trolls returned.
It looks like our little pony has learned some new tricks.

>> No.4042127,51 [INTERNAL] 

>I wonder what's going on.
/a/ Crunchybros are using our board for Umineko. Unfortunately, some decide to stay.

>> No.4042127,52 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is really shitty right now, new threads being created every 5 minutes, discussions die and things are getting image spammed.

It's like I'm really back on /a/!

>> No.4042127,53 [INTERNAL] 

I'll take the newf/a/gs over ahtens any day.

>> No.4042127,54 [INTERNAL] 

I would rather have athens trolling over KoG, implying, and reaction image threads.

>> No.4042127,55 [INTERNAL] 

Hmm, I'm not reading all this bullshit, and it seems I don't agree with athens on everything he says, but I thought it was nice to hear a voice from the other side (conservative, that is) for once, and not by a religious person... though if athens now says he's a Christian that would change things.

I don't get why people try to be white knights and berate him for being a misogynist though, considering misogyny is so prevalent on 4chan. Don't tell me when push comes to shove you people all try your darndest to get into women's pants after all, or treat it all as some "inside joke"? The janitor being female and deleting (besides athens' posts) all posts that insulted her womanhood is typical of the kind of female behavior that I despise.

>> No.4042127,56 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not religious no. I'm not really that misogynistic either. I just believe that Women were never truly oppressed: gender roles were assigned by a division of labor based on our natural capabilities.

I'm not sure why everyone is so sure the Janitor is a female though. It could just be a trap.

>> No.4042127,57 [INTERNAL] 

It's been a while, but I just did a search and found the thread where we figured out the mod/janitor for /jp/ is female:


It was a thread where people were crying they couldn't post junior idols anymore, hahaha.

>> No.4042127,58 [INTERNAL] 

>that Women were never truly oppressed
That may be true, accounting for historical and cultural factors. I just don't think society gains anything by keeping women barefoot and pregnant. If a woman can be trained to do a job, and do the job as well is a man, she should be allowed to work.

>I'm not sure why everyone is so sure the Janitor is a female though. It could just be a trap.
It's a joke. Janitors aren't moe. Search the archive for "meido".

>> No.4042127,59 [INTERNAL] 


Good afternoon woman.

>I just don't think society gains anything by keeping women barefoot and pregnant.

How about an above replacement level birth rate?

>> No.4042127,60 [INTERNAL] 

With the amount of people on Earth we don't exactly need to increase birth rate, though... instead, we should focus on bringing it DOWN for Africans, Arabs, Indians, etc. which will also prevent us from becoming a minority ourselves.

>> No.4042127,61 [INTERNAL] 

>instead, we should focus on bringing it DOWN for Africans, Arabs, Indians, etc.

That's nigh impossible to do.

At the moment we're locked in a situation of sending constant food aid to Sub-Saharan Africa, so their birth rates are actually artificially high. What we -should- be doing is allowing famines and starvation to take its natural course so their population is lowered to a point where the carrying capacity of the land (with what little agricultural skill they have) can support it.

>> No.4042127,62 [INTERNAL] 

Also, why are women so opposed to having children anyway?

>> No.4042127,63 [INTERNAL] 

Lol, no that's going too far, I think. However, I do think that aid we send them should come at a cost. For example, before giving a man there enough money to get the tools and education he needs to support his family, he must get himself sterilized first. I don't agree with the current "pump money into the black hole and see if something useful comes out eventually" approach that is taken towards Africa.

>> No.4042127,64 [INTERNAL] 

Beats me. They actually have the ability to bear children, something we will never be able to do, and yet choose to disavow this gift. I find that impertinent, but I believe the majority of them are simply afraid.

>> No.4042127,65 [INTERNAL] 

Anons, why can't you just ignore this faggot? Stop replying to him and he will go away.

>> No.4042127,66 [INTERNAL] 

I believe zero aid should be given. The very principle of tax produced 'aid' is anathema to me.

>> No.4042127,67 [INTERNAL] 

Now let's see this interesting pattern I noticed.
Suigin appeared shortly after Athens disappeared.
Now Suigin disappeared and Athens reappears.

>> No.4042127,68 [INTERNAL] 

No, that's impossible!

>> No.4042127,69 [INTERNAL] 

Suigin did say he has many trips and wouldn't disclose what they were. But Suigin types like a child, and athens types like a high school student with a thesaurus.

>> No.4042127,70 [INTERNAL] 

I am athens, Suigin, Jones, ZUNbar, Dawson, KoG, Sion, Arc, and Eksopl.

>> No.4042127,71 [INTERNAL] 

I don't care, give me my suigin back.

He's been absent for 4 fucking days. I'm starting to think he left to live his life with Derek without telling us. That makes me very sad.

>> No.4042127,72 [INTERNAL] 

I've seen Suigin type intelligently before.
He just chooses to type like a child, maybe to fit in with his friends from /a/?

>> No.4042127,73 [INTERNAL] 

>Suigin did say he has many trips and wouldn't disclose what they were.
I believe you are mistaken. He has repeatedly told us that his only other trip-persona was Haruhi1994.

>> No.4042127,74 [INTERNAL] 

Let me try to reason with you Athens.



As far as I know, you're the only tripfriend (besides ISM) that goes from board to board inculcating random strangers with generic extreme right ideologies. With the mannerism of a typical bigot, you regurgitate proactive conspiracy theories from various misogynist and right wing forums — perhaps under the misconception that each time you rant, you some how manage to come to a unique ideological revelation.

Your lack of interest in discussing /a/ and /jp/ related topics has led some to speculate that perhaps the only reason why you don't discuss 'on-topic' topics is because the nature of their terminology escapes you. When your disposition of the week isn't leaning on the wonky feminist/Jew conspiracy territory, most of us applaud and agree with what you have to say. In case that didn't register with you, allow me to reiterate. Your rhetoric is nothing new to us and (if anything) you're just preaching to the choir. If we wanted to discuss such things we would be more than capable of going to the respective boards that handles such topics.

>> No.4042127,75 [INTERNAL] 


Being both the weaver and antibody of /jp/'s culture, you can imagine that I don't take kindly to board /a/n/a/r/c/h/i/s/m/. To me you're just as bad as the Idolfriends (but for legal reasons I cant denounce them). You're a better user than Arc, Bawson or KoGs, but they are better /jp/ers than you because they at least discuss/troll /jp/ related topics from time to time. This is not to say your off-topic shitstorms can't be entertaining; they just don't belong here on a board of 2D advocates that enjoy taking it easy. You claim to not be a troll yet with the advent of your sudden arrival you made me, ZUN!bar, Jones, Eksopl, meido, and a few other Anons say to ourselves, "oh great, Athens is back...." For a mere one-trick-pony, I can only tip my hat to whatever it is you do to get people to loathe you. Correct me if I'm wrong but you appear to display the characteristics of a narcissist that takes life way too seriously. You single-handedly dwindled my perception of /jp/ers being proud otakus that didn't care about normalfriend garbage such as virginity, friends, loneliness, or social hierarchies. When all your post consist of one or more of the following: girls, women, females, sluts, ronery, Jews, niggers, liberals, and feminist – can you blame us for assuming you suffer from some type of superiority complex that led you to your dispositions.



If you're trying to create/spread extreme right memes then you should already know the basic principles of memetics that states memes with low fidelity are best spread when they lack a source (i.e., anonymously), and parading around with an authoritative identity accomplishes nothing but raw criticism. Care to explain to us what led you down this path of mental masturbation and armchair anthropology. Enlightenment aside, what are you trying to gain on /jp/, /r9k/ and /a/? And in exchange, I will answer anything you want to know about me, or my history on old /a/ that led me down this path of culture janitorism.

You're not a complete and utter shitposter like Arc, so there may be some hope for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go tweak my physics engine.

>> No.4042127,76 [INTERNAL] 

Athens = FrozenVoid = ISM

>> No.4042127,77 [INTERNAL] 

Not reading this, but I saw Arc bolded and just wanted to mention that he is consistently one of the best posters on /jp/ and you are a massive culture janitor faggot. Please stop posting.

>> No.4042127,78 [INTERNAL] 

I laughed.
You out-faggoted robotechfriend in a single line, Arc, well done.

Time to reply to all of his threads with Don't see his posts!, then?

>> No.4042127,79 [INTERNAL] 

he probably gained his preference for shitposting from somethingawful. i dont know what forums he frequents there but im certain its some sort of fyadlite

>> No.4042127,80 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.4042127,81 [INTERNAL] 

That's what you get for making insane statements.

>> No.4042127,82 [INTERNAL] 

Liking Arc and hating culture janitors isn't insane, it's common sense.

>> No.4042127,83 [INTERNAL] 

Insane? More like inane.

Hi, Suigin ^_^

>> No.4042127,84 [INTERNAL] 

damn it, now that I've been accused again I have no follow-through

cut it out already

>> No.4042127,85 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't Arc the guy who was forcing that iPod+IOSYS meme? What's so great about him?

>> No.4042127,86 [INTERNAL] 

If you don't want to be called Suigin, stop typing like a little kid~

>> No.4042127,87 [INTERNAL] 

this isnt how little kids type and i like typing like this os no

>> No.4042127,88 [INTERNAL] 

Suigin is a little kid.
Suigin types like that.
Sion is a little kid.
Sion types like that.
I'm not going to draw up a proof by induction or anything, but it's pretty obvious that you're typing like a little kid.

>> No.4042127,89 [INTERNAL] 

ah i see. you dont know what a little kid is

>> No.4042127,90 [INTERNAL] 

God, go back to wherever athens.

>> No.4042127,91 [INTERNAL] 

I've always imagined Suigin/Sion as a cute little girl. But then again, I imagine all the tripfriends to be little girls.

>> No.4042127,92 [INTERNAL] 

Hi Bawson. When did you come out of the closet?

>> No.4042127,93 [INTERNAL] 

You are bad at detecting people.

>> No.4042127,94 [INTERNAL] 

I guess that makes me normal because the same could be said about all of us.

>> No.4042127,95 [INTERNAL] 

Does that include ZUN!bar and Currybutt? Do you imagine detailed little girls for each tripfriend or just a generic interpretation of what a little girl is?

>> No.4042127,96 [INTERNAL] 

ZUN!bar has a male name, so he's not a girl. Currybutt is because men do not have "butts."

>> No.4042127,97 [INTERNAL] 

*grabs dick*

>> No.4042127,98 [INTERNAL] 

*grabs pussy*

>> No.4042127,99 [INTERNAL] 

§üçk mý çøçk dūdê

>> No.4042127,100 [INTERNAL] 

doubles get

>> No.4042127,101 [INTERNAL] 


