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File: 85 KB, 1200x800, 22-40-32-1200px-Flag_of_the_United_Nations.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40113536 No.40113536 [Reply] [Original]

We, the major ruling parties of the human race have received news, along with evidence, of an attempted purification of Earth without the knowledge nor consent of him. This would have been an act that would have responded by total war.

This speech is made today to condemn the Lunarian, and take a stance against them.

The Lunar Lords, in their current forms, is an enemy of Earth, and must be defeated either by diplomacy or force. They may be pure in body - that is certain. But they have made actions that cause them to be impure in heart and soul. Their obsession with purity have clearly ground down their morals.

The moon rabbits, natives of the moon, have been long enslaved. They are nothing more to the Lords that of rubber gloves, or condoms - extremely useful, but entirely disposable. They should be considered our friends, and a 5th medium against the Lunar Lords. It is our duty to aid them in taking back their home, if they choose, and help them establish a better society that serves them and, and not those who invaded from Earth.

Once, when man were superstitious, youkai were parasitic kami that survived off the fear and pain to humans. They were created by the Lunarians to keep Earthlings down, crafted in a awful manner from regular humans. This deliberate act alone should be an act of evil against use - one of many.

The Youkai, despite their harm to mankind up to this point, are however valuable in this common cause. They have far evolved from the monsters of the past, and must be seen differently as such, on a case by case basis. In this context of struggle, the intelligent and peace-willing Youkai peoples (the Tengu, Oni and Kappa and those who also believe in this message) should find in their interests to join us in this battle - if they so choose - in this conflict would ensure their recognition and by extension, their existence by man. Likewise, we are also to give back to the Youkai who join us. Whether that would be drink to the Oni, rifles to the Tengu, and salt to the Kappa, we should provide.

To the Lunar Lords that run their kleptocratic society, a false paradise held by good fortune and obscurity from those they harmed - your chance to seek peace is here. The peoples of Earth graciously give you this chance, to reconcile, and make amends. Perhaps we can be friends if the best smiles on us.

However, in the case that sours and turns for the worst, then know this. We all will rise to the cause, arm ourselves; with reality and fantasy, magic and technology, logic and faith. By taking both of these of these planes, mankind and his friends can build a greater society, and they will move forward. For the better.


>> No.40113731

Fair enough, but I see no need for a grand united military effort if the Apollo missions were an existential threat for them.

Couldn't we just load a rocket with a bunch of poo and shoot that at them? That would be extra impure.

>> No.40113738

Wait...did Junko learn how to use a computer?

>> No.40113750
File: 244 KB, 630x840, peach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an absurdly foolish earthling, you will quickly realize your mistake and cravenly bow down before the lunarians, the superior gods that shall rule over your pathetic monkey race

>> No.40113887

And lose the chance to study an artificially Shinto-pure land, and steal Lunar tech? Nope, I wanna salvage stuff from this war. Plus, if we crack purity, it'll be big business for a certain misfortune goddess.

>> No.40113971

What, a land ruled by inbred nephew fuckers (your sister and your son come to mind) who would fall to pieces the exact moment of they come into contact with impurity?

Have you seen the way Sagume chokes on that moon bunnies dick? And the way you exploit them? Before the Occult Ball incident, I remember hearing stories of grand and exquisite cultures and culinary on the moon, with sauces that make dumplings indescribable to an Earthlings tongue, and the powerful Lunar peaches. I thought you were an example. An example for the rest of humanity to follow. But now I know that it was luck, Eirin, and unprecedented kikery that puts Israel to shame that put you cunts at the top.
Hell, if moon bunnies abandon your "world" just because the food tastes better here, really speaks volumes.

You "people" are a degenerate existence that doesn't deserve your paradise, and once man's scientists figure out how your world, tech and powers tick, it's hasta la vista moonie.

>> No.40113990

She came with Heca to the UN. She told us how she got screwed over by the moon. This sent us on a journey around Lunar crimes.

>> No.40114022
File: 1.60 MB, 751x1415, ___.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol loony, you will be humiliated in the worst ways possible, enjoy your sheltered haughtiness while you can, it won't last long, your days are numbered

We will use your sexy moon princesses as sex slaves, aswell, and liberate the moon bunnies

>> No.40116010
File: 433 KB, 2480x2480, 25112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon won.
Mutts lost.

>> No.40118155
File: 71 KB, 680x544, humans vs moonies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder the Lunar Capital got shit on by Americhads with golf balls.

>> No.40122623
File: 255 KB, 661x623, weakest_american_male_vs_strongest_lunarian_warriors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drag humanity into a war with the Lunar Capital!

>> No.40124854 [SPOILER] 
File: 891 KB, 800x1130, infernal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to even prepare a war for this thing
Just call up to Hekate, the greek goddess of hell and you'll have an instantaneous extermination of the moonies
Give them hell for existence

>> No.40125149

>the major ruling parties of the human race
unfortunately most of our leaders are globalist authoritarian scum, I don't think the future is too bright as it is the way things are going

t. depressedCanadian

>> No.40125159

Join the lunarian side, they'll have better rulers for you

>> No.40131807 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 800x473, 008269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just nuke Muttmerica together with Lunaryans.

>> No.40138013

don't join the moonies, they're worse than the shit we have on earth
they will use anyone that isn't their own without a single care for their well-being in their schemes
they are your enemy

>> No.40138029

whoops, forgot to reply to you

>> No.40138071

Globalist got compromised swiftly, if not right from the start, and authoritarianism isn't inherently bad.
Do try to think about political matters before settling on such childish conclusions about literally global matters.

>> No.40139223

fuck lunarians
nuke the lunar capital

>> No.40139870
File: 100 KB, 335x877, lunarians btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're the ultimate kike

>> No.40140202
File: 15 KB, 902x159, THE MAN is MONOPOLISING MOON PUSSY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck lunarians
don't mind if i do

>> No.40149631
File: 772 KB, 850x2475, 09e5eb52b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunayans won.
Amerimutts lost.

>> No.40149796
File: 91 KB, 992x992, FSPaRuPVcAIfK8-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn the moon rabbits against their masters and the moonies won't be able to do shit without their slaves.

>> No.40149983

>It is actually piss easy to be an astronaut

>> No.40151896

thats the point of this message

read the fourth paragraph

>> No.40154606

Sole existence of the Lunarians was disastrous in it's consequences to the human race.

>> No.40160761

Oh look, a pedophile.

>> No.40165022


>> No.40169918
File: 552 KB, 874x1400, SAVE_20211215_223050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to fuck moonies up.

>> No.40174263

stupid mutt slave, don't drag earth into a needless war
the youkais are happy with you idiots as fast food in gensoukyou and undisturbed

>> No.40179499
File: 62 KB, 800x559, bombs-US-Air-Force-training-exercise-B-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy parasite that is conjured from mankind's dark nightmares thanks to Lunar scum. OP is giving you monsters an out from your decrepit "lives" but if you will not take it, mankind will stamp you out.

>> No.40179519
File: 131 KB, 1272x1123, gunkoish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the moon rabbits.

>> No.40181810

planes can't fly on the moon dumbass

>> No.40183763

If there can be Earthlike conditions on the Far Side of the Moon, then I'm pretty sure planes can fly. Including bombers.

>> No.40184181

stop monopolizing you ass

>> No.40190757


Poise and decorum. Poise and decorum.

Yorihime was mouthing the mantra drilled into her from a young age (insofar as such a concept applied to a Lunarian, anyway) in a futile attempt to distract herself from the vile stench of impurity assaulting her senses.

The humans had made no effort to limit the Lunarian envoys' exposure to their disgusting planet - not that hosting the peace talks on one of their space stations would be much help. She suspected that this was not so much a deliberate power play as simple ignorance, and this stung her already wounded pride all the more.

Poise and decorum. Toyohime had told her in no uncertain terms that the diplomatic mission, humiliating as it was, would likely influence the fate of the besieged Lunar Capital more than any military campaign Yorihime's remaining household rabbits could still carry out.

At least the humans themselves had received her rather professionally, as disgusting of a species as they were. She noticed, however, some signs of discomfort and what almost seemed like embarrassment from her tour guide as he gave her a memo in poorly-translated Lunarian; apparently, the earthlings' leader, a man with an almost offensively ugly expression named Trump, wished to meet her personally.


>> No.40190903

Listen here you fucking wretch. Do you know what a fucking youkai is? It's a parasite. A parasitic kami that feeds off human belief through their fear! Unlike regular kami, who at least perform blessings that benefit their worshippers, and are born from man's hopes and faith, youkai bring no benefit to man. They are born from his dark fears and misgivings. Some may be better than others, but the underlying principles are the same.

Do you know who created the youkai?
That's fucking right, the Lunarians. How? They lowered the brightness of the moon so humans (who were very behind at that point) would freak out and make up stories that effectively created the youkai. Hell, if what Kaguya says is true:

>"The moon gave many powers to beings of the earth. Many of them, such as magic, were originally the moon's power." "We of the moon turned some on the Earth to monsters, to regulate their filthiness..."

then the Lunar Capital is directly responsible for plaguing man with the youkai. These fucking parasites, created by the Lunarians still continue to this day. They bring him no benefit, yet they linger. They are created from man's dark dreams, yet they still linger.

I hope the Lunar Capital gets nuked.

>> No.40190965

There's no earthlike conditions on the moon at all. meds now.

>> No.40191288

I like this writing. Keep it up Anon.
Touhou isn't real?

>> No.40191334

Did Reisen wrote this?

>> No.40191708

sneed and cope at the bottom of the food pyramid, mortal

>> No.40194219


>> No.40194681

>lacks critical information

>> No.40195682

relevant thread:

>> No.40202441


>> No.40208358

Junko, please stop, we have real problems

>> No.40212366

The moon is a problem.

>> No.40223782

I hope not.

>> No.40234615

fuck the moonies (sexually)
