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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39829940 No.39829940 [Reply] [Original]

A thread to discuss みけねこ

Previous: >>39806148

>> No.39829941

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>> No.39830002

She's so precious

>> No.39830443

Reminder みけ will soon be 40 years old. Reminder みけ has no real job skills.
Reminder that by donating to みけ you're stunting her growth and keeping her as a hopeless woman child.
The best you could do for みけ is to stop giving her money and let her come to terms with cold, harsh realty.

>> No.39830512
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I, Anon the Great, submit my life to the service of Mikeneko. She shall never again feel pain so as long as I am with her, nor will she ever need lift a finger ever again. I hereby enlist not in to the Nekofami but instead the Neko’s Elite Regiment.

>> No.39830876

Loving Mike until we both have to wear adult diapers and holding her hand while our maid helps change hers and wincing in slightly pleasant pain when she squeezes my hand in an iron grip while glaring at me as the maid changes mine

>> No.39830918

Mike has double eyelid surgery?

>> No.39830929

No? She only got her teeth fixed and that's it anon.

>> No.39830953

What the fuck

>> No.39830991
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Instructions unclear I just gave her my life’s savings

>> No.39832150

When did she change her sub’s profile picture?

>> No.39832307
File: 9 KB, 135x137, IMG_20220516_111901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears she changed it twice since reactivating it, seems like she used this one for a bit before the current since my twitter app shows her with this profile pic in some places which isn't what she actually has now.

>> No.39832935

Okay that makes me feel a little better because leaker anon at least had good intentions even if he was retarded
I apologize for what I said about you in there then, even though I'm still slightly upset about the whole thing

>> No.39832960
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>> No.39832963

>The best you could do for みけ is to stop giving her money and let her come to terms with cold, harsh realty.
there's nothing cold or harsh about me spending the rest of my life with her

>> No.39833460 [SPOILER] 
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Dunno why you guys hate him. They are such a cute couple.

>> No.39833704

the smug cat should remember he's only keeping my spot warm

>> No.39833721

Personally I'm happy for them and hope they have a good future together

>> No.39833775
File: 160 KB, 979x1280, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute wife so much

>> No.39834426

When was the last time somebody checked her Genshin

>> No.39834454

Last game was 22 hours ago

>> No.39834466

Misread that. Ignore that message

>> No.39834511

I checked it around about 2 days ago, doesn't look like anything changed

>> No.39834623


>> No.39834731

Can someone advice her on a twitcast or something to get another cat. In fact her entire home should be filled with cats to avoid further stress. I worry about Nyanko sensei's age

>> No.39834823

Well well, if it isn't Michael Jackson

>> No.39835222

Members Twitcast too

>> No.39835276
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>> No.39835306

Is it a bath stream?

>> No.39835323

Could be, but I don't know, I'm not a member.
Would be a good reason to become a member though..

>> No.39835382 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, 1651527590895.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Shocking News] Mikeneko shows her pussy live on stream!

>> No.39835409

can't believe she can get her face that close to it

>> No.39835434

she's telling all the others that me and her are getting married soon

>> No.39835606

I missed both twitcasts

>> No.39835625
File: 220 KB, 946x2048, 1633329194315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally telling her how to add a background

>> No.39835641

..in English

>> No.39835656

Any summary of the public twitcast?

>> No.39835671

Why are we even bothering to gatekeep summaries of member streams anyway

>> No.39835703

it was probably decided in the bunker since I never saw it discussed here

>> No.39835736

I only could catch a bit of both while working so I feel t ya

>> No.39835752

summary anon makes one for the public ones when he can
last time someone posted a summary/recording of a member twitcast someone sperged out so hard the entire thread was ruined

>> No.39835774

No, I am the sperg. I no longer give a shit. I have no fucks left to give.

>> No.39835783

The autism of keeping things close-knit is very strong here.

>> No.39835788


>> No.39835809

All I can say is take my word for it.

>> No.39835872

thanks for ruining it for poorfags and busy people I guess

>> No.39835882

I'm so sorry...

>> No.39835888

Public twitcast summary, add and fix as necessary.

Prepare yesterday, today cold kikan something?, asks everyone what they were doing today, says お疲れ様 to everyone who's just coming home or had work, says she can't ride trains due to being unvaccinated, offers to cook, delivery expensive but so is cooking, someone says cooking for one has bad cost to performance, food delivery has extra cost but is fine since it's tasukaru, is thankful to people who send with bikes, extra cost could be for their gas money, someone says it's cheaper with bikes, says she doesn't know since too scared to ride one, wonders how they ride when raining, does a self intro for a new viewer, taps her chest due to asthma, says she has an ugly laugh and wants, but everyone calls it cute and she does a shy laugh, does cute voices, is happy when someone praised her voice, says she's been cooking lately but not today, went to eat fried rice, the place(s?) she went to were partitioned off (corona probably), says asthma feels like become a cat and tells to don't mind the goro goro noises, starts question time, someone asks if there's a place she wants to go, wants to go to that aquarium where you're guaranteed to get a dolphin doll, asks us to go with her, says it's fine anytime as long as we get home by 9, says she likes deep sea fish thinks their kimokawaii, wonders how far that aquarium is, talks about several deep sea fish, likes spotted garden eals so much her cat toy is one, someone says she has a cute voice and likes her now so she does a shy laugh, talks about 1mil face reveal tweet, someone misunderstands she will stop using live 2d, says that's not the case and wonders if they don't know she used facecam before, wants to cosplay for it too maybe Yor or Anya, someone suggests maid outfit but she says it doesn't feel like a cosplay, feels like working at a maid cafe again, gets DM a lot by concept cafes, gets interested when learns you cosplay, but realizes since she tells things straight if she finds problems she will likely get fired, someone mentions problem customers but she says the customers during her maid cafe days were nice, often get recommended stuff by customers which is how she started liking anime, someone says the girls could be scary behind the scenes but she says everyone at her old place was nice so she liked staying around, someone worries about her going home late and she recalls being told not to walk outside at night, remembers when she went to an aquarium before she called some of the fish looking delicious surprising her friend, someone says it can't be helped since she's a cat and she agrees, randomly says she likes B blood type and asks why they are so cute, also likes O type who are apparently dumb but positive people, says she doesn't like A types and can't really get along with them but says her shinyuu is an A type, doesn't really understand AB types and can only think of one middle school irl friend with it, then remembers someone funny who was AB type during early internet days who kept throwing stuff at her while laughing, clarifies they were a nice person, talks about a person who called in sick and asks Mike to take her shift at work, but the phone call kept going for 40 minutes while laughing and stuff, says weird people can be any blood type, says she wants to be born B type, says they tend to be self-sacrificial and are so nice to other people that they eventually get overwhelmed, clarifies that she likes all her listeners likes regardless of blood type, has an impression that A types are cheaters, has a friend who gets cheated on really often and whenever she asks they were almost always A type, has an impression that O types are loyal but airheads, talks about her A type friend (shinyuu?) who tends to snap at her (in the way only friends can do) when she drinks from empty drink boxes and grabs it from her to throw it away, says the friend tends to throw her trash away for her and someone calls them a mama type, someone mentions AO type but she can't think of anyone, playfully lies her blood type was actually different, wonder why thieves start from lies and everyone explains it to her, thinks up a situation where someone lies when they stole her pudding (continued)

>> No.39835901


Says she went to a cute girlish shop and saw two male customers being uncomfortable there and thought that was cute, maybe they were buying for their girlfriend, randomly remembers about two guys doing something together but stops the story, thinks how great a world where you can proudly declare your true self is, talks about a maid cafe experience where a boyish girl hit on her and gave her contact but that stuff is NG between customers, asked coworkers about it and apparently that stuff happens often, that person dated with a different girl after she stopped working and feels weird about it, remembers a different occasion but when she cut her hair short that person says that they don't like short hair and stopped coming, someone says she should tell them to look at her personality not her hair but it's work so she can't, almost drinks old tea again, ends soon after.

Also member cast was just a continuation of the public stream and more small talk

>> No.39835923

>says she doesn't know since too scared to ride one
I never thought I'd find someone who relates to this.
Blood types are bullshit, you heard it here first.
Thank you for the summary

>> No.39835947

Thank you as always.

>> No.39835980

>she can't ride trains due to being unvaccinated
Kek I forgot this detail. Based wife.

>> No.39835993

She has one dose of 5g in her already, sorry

>> No.39835994

I've rode a bike with a friend once for like 300 meters. Apparently I gripped his shoulders so hard it hurt and I didn't even notice.

>> No.39836024

So odds of her streaming before 1M are slim?

>> No.39836035

This is another girl who has proposed to her, I remember the story of her friend in school who she turned down
I wonder if more girls have hit on her

>> No.39836041

I had a big fear to get over for my drivers license.

>> No.39836074

she literally can’t because of allergies antivaxtard

>> No.39836080

she's very cute so chances are high. I remember shion talking about how cute and stylish she is when they met

>> No.39836084

She got one shot but that doesn't count as vaccinated.

>> No.39836101

I wonder if she seriously doesn't know that there are multiple vaccines from different companies and that she has a known allergy to only one of them. Hope her doctor brings it up to her one day.

>> No.39836107

Doesn't take Shion to know that

>> No.39836111

she said she wants to stream on YT in the menshicast

>> No.39836302


>> No.39836324

You're a lifesaver

>> No.39836359

Settle down, it's a joke.

>> No.39836470

Also according to the members she's met she smells nice

>> No.39836508

it's only another 16 boosters to be up to date as of yesterday

>> No.39836515

I want to sniff her

>> No.39836579

how many senses do you think she would let me use on her during the first meeting?

>> No.39836589

>is a type A
my wife hates me…

>> No.39836590

I miss her...

>> No.39836603
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>> No.39836744

It's going to be very complicated for her to get to 1M with no new videos or streams in the channel

>> No.39836947

Does the pain ever go away? February 10 is over a quarter away but I still tear up when I think back what happened then and the weeks that follow

>> No.39836959

did she release lewds yet im assuming they will be leaked everywhere when it happens but i just wanted to check

>> No.39836975

They're right here in your imagination.

>> No.39837107 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 467x447, 1648580469307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her pussy got leaked

>> No.39837114

I can't believe these people on NND called her ugly. This is what we've been missing out on.

>> No.39837115
File: 604 KB, 1280x720, AB type.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AB type who kept throwing stuff at her while laughing

>> No.39837160

Great video, absolutely fantastic

>> No.39837256

Here's the one I found of her fingering her pussy(catbox link because I don't want to be banned)

>> No.39837264

I actually got the vid for that one

>> No.39837266

It's almost insane how many times I fall for this. I'm starting to think I'm just genuinely retarded

>> No.39837330

I had assumed at this point that the reason anon was posting it every thread was just an excuse to post something of her being very very cute.
But I suppose there's always one, isn't there?

>> No.39837750

For anybody that hasn't gotten it yet, recently she streams at around midnight JST, give or take 2 hours. You should at least try to be awake during that 4 hour timeblock if nothing else gets in the way anons

>> No.39838461

That's 11am here in New York time zone, prime work time. Sadly, can't listen to her at work.

>> No.39838477

I "fall" for it every time just to see the cute mikeneko pussy one more time, because why not, they are cuties.

>> No.39838501

kinda miss horny posters

>> No.39838659

I want to have sex with my wife

>> No.39838826

Anon that hasn't busted a nut since Feb here. Just wanted to update fellow nekofami here that I finally let loose after the bath stream. I am a happier man now

>> No.39838872

Idiots, she will do a face stream at 1M. She's not saying she will never stream until 1M.

>> No.39839784


>> No.39839933


>> No.39840374

I thought /jp/ was bad until i came to the 5ch thread

>> No.39840407

Please find better things to come to, you're worth more than that

>> No.39840671

I love her so much

>> No.39840715


>> No.39840974 [DELETED] 

Stop projecting

>> No.39840982

Stop projecting

>> No.39841007

looking forward to the day mikeneko will cook food for me

>> No.39841366

That is 100% the 5ch thread though lmao

>> No.39841821


>> No.39841845
File: 692 KB, 1125x1818, C8AE6C08-9B74-4504-B0C2-876B2FCCE1B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New tweet, I wonder how her therapy sessions are like

>> No.39841861
File: 510 KB, 663x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my menhera wife

>> No.39841869

I like her better off her meds, it's hotter that way

>> No.39841932

maybe just a place for her to vent since I haven't seen her doing that anywhere for a while

>> No.39841947

off her meds is how we got here anon

>> No.39841991

I'm all she needs.

>> No.39842076

I hope they help her and i'm glad that she is keeping her promises. It still feels weird sometimes to be the reason for her to actually want to get better though.

>> No.39842104

I'm proud of my wife for taking her meds

>> No.39842226

Meds are sub-optimal in general.
They just remove symptoms of an illness instead of treating the illness.
Ideally you want the illness to be treated.
Meds often have undesirable side-effects and in the long run can ruin some parts of your body, like liver and such.
You also can built tolerance to meds or develop an addiction...

Her illness is psychological, illness of a mind as one would say in moon runes, so the meds she would take are various anti-depressants, sleeping pills, etc. which is kind of scary side-effects wise.
Anyway, I'm glad she is trying to address the issues she is having, and as >>39841991 >>39842076 pointed out, I'm glad that she wants to better herself for listeners' sake. If not for that, there is nothing we could do to make her seek treatment, which is a scary thought.

>> No.39842518

She is being cute today

>> No.39842730

> loveです。

>> No.39842772

funbox post

>> No.39842903


>> No.39842940


>> No.39842973

>liked this on sub account
I’m sorry Mike, but that doesn’t look very appetizing…

>> No.39843021

I've been seeing more of these weird pies posted online

>> No.39843052

We should tell her to not take the meds.

>> No.39843067

The cheesecake she liked before it looks good though. Japan’s palate seems to have different associations for green food than elsewhere.
Like this just looks like a wasabi cone to me.

>> No.39843527

She likes green things because she was green before

>> No.39843643

retvrn to green

>> No.39843926
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>Liked a landmine girl drawing
Based landmine wife

>> No.39844063

>self harms so cute omg

>> No.39844173


>> No.39845438


>> No.39845558

I miss the twitcast, I'll wait for the summary I guess

>> No.39845579

Did she do a bio change again?

>> No.39846378

Gave the fast fish credit for pfp.

>> No.39846724

My wife has good taste

>> No.39846812

Here's the summary, fix and add as needed.

Was holding nyanko before the start and rashes come out so she puts on medicine, talks about the pasta and how she's putting the effort to cook lately, got a weird instagram message asking can they go to her place to eat it in a bit and she laughs at how overly friendly it is, says yeah it's her 3rd day of twitcast in a row, rash is very itchy and she wonders if she ate something to trigger allergies, asks what triggers rashes for everyone and responds to them, notices everyone saying こんばんは a lot, says again wants to stream on YouTube, someone new asks if they can stay and listen and she wonders what kind of question is that, like if there is a streamer that would actually reject new viewers, is happy she gets her voice praised even though she's using a natural tone (地声), someone mentions ASMR and she says she wants to do it when she feels up to it and not force or fake the feeling of wanting to heal someone, especially when the experience heals her too, says she doesn't want to use ecchi stuff as a selling point, is fine when it just happens naturally but doesn't want to do it intentionally, for example when cosplaying and taking photos normally and it feels sexy naturally that would be best, asks what cosplay everyone is interested in and gets multiple suggestions (rezero, railgun, spy family, violet evergarden, toradora, konosuba) , says the konosuba full name is amazing, says she feels the opposite lately (kono zankoku no sekai ni ??? wo) , changes it so it's not the whole world just Japan, someone mentions about a mikeneko original anime and she says her anime would make people jump from buildings, talks about hunter x hunter (I have zero knowledge here so I didn't pick up much), says she wants to be gurapika?, suddenly starts to relate to characters she didn't like before, starts to see bad points of kuroro, jumps around thinking about the POV of several characters including bakugo, asks where gon has gone, disappointed people don't recognize a hxh song because they didn't watch it, asks what everyone watched and gets a bunch of recommendations, someone mentions Jojo and she says she stopped watching after the first arc, happy someone calls her voice cute even though she's in the middle of otaku talk, cried a lot to shigatsu no uso and likes Kaori, wonders why everyone is mentioning Haruhi and there's even art hung up in the city, remembers the endless eight loop and how crazy it was at the time, someone says her voice is making them sleepy and she says she gets that all the time, says if she were in hero academia she would have a healing voice quirk and would be sad if whenever she wanted to talk to someone they would fall asleep, someone mentions making bakugo asleep and she says she could watch him sleep for several hours, has daydreamed about being in the same class as bakugo, wonders if everyone else does it, her daydream powers are strong enough that she could make realistic reactions like thinking bakugo would actually be scary, someone mentions Mikey and she mentions the slap scene and that he wouldn't hit a girl so he's fine, missed the part that made everyone tell her 好き and she starts getting shy, accuses someone of being a hentai and gets a "yes I am" answer (continued)

>> No.39846819

>captcha: ASTMA

Gets confused when someone says 気持ち悪い, thinks its because of her acting like an otaku and pretends it's fine (no damage) because she is one, people start saying "damage dealt" (ダメ入ってる) and she says to stop because it reminds her of apex damage call outs, acts out multiple funny apex situations in rapid succession, someone says get out (because she died first and cannot respawn anymore) but she says no and that she will watch to the end, says she got out of the new rookie tier recently in one day and is proud she did it solo, starts to feel like she might do an apex stream, tells people to try solo queuing through rookie instead of teaming, says she's stuck in bronze, says she's always liked fps but apex feels different from an fps, is sad that AVA ended, feels her asthma getting worse especially at night but it does get better with medicine, says solo games are the best and that she can play whenever, says she hasn't been able to play games at all recently but when she tried turning on Apex she played for the whole day solo, someone says they can't get their schedule to align with friends to play with and she tells them to play solo, rants about the player count counter being so slow and says she plays with her phone while waiting, the person from before apologizes and she says it's fine and tells them to just play it off, apologizes for making them feel bad, wants to match and play with everyone and says it's easy to tell who she is from her name, someone mentions apex mobile and she talks about it a little (こうやこうど?), talks about when playing in the past (not sure what game, probably AVA) kids would bully her on voice chat, but when she plays the yes man they would slowly go quieter and be nicer and even apologize at the end, when they get too noisy she would throw a bomb at them and kill them, says she would give a greeting while dropping (again not sure what game) but if she didn't get a response she would go back to mute, someone mention League of Legends and says she did try it a few times, but the friend that invited her played with her boyfriend, and when she failed at stuff and died they would start to fight over it which made her start to play seriously, she stopped playing when the same thing happened again, says that couple started living together not long after but broke up sometime after, says she often gets stuck between couples like that and would do a background check on the boyfriend on Skype, says how nostalgic Skype is and wonders if it's still being used, notices it's 12am and decides to end.

>> No.39846881

Thank you. You're the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.

>> No.39847037


>> No.39847391

bunker culture is the worst thing to happen to these threads

>> No.39847458

thank you anon

>> No.39847490

Look who's still seething, filteredfag

>> No.39847491

reminder that it was supposed to be temporary

>> No.39847493

>bunker culture

>> No.39847534

My only issue with Bunkerfags is they're very against newfags like myself despite being here since the very first Mikeneko thread and being subbed to all her monetary platforms. But I'm not too mad about it I just wish there was a way I could join without having to do my reps on their "super secret" passwords but regardless I have my own ways to keep track of her stuff I guess so it's not all bad.

>> No.39847613

It's such an relief to hear her voice 3 days in a row even if the situation is still what it is. Literally the only thing i want is for her to get better..

>> No.39847631

There's no way to get in now even if you stalk the archives for everything

>> No.39847647


>> No.39847670


>> No.39847692

There is no password and most of the stuff there is also posted here

>> No.39847712
File: 33 KB, 465x565, 1362509198912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed Twitcast

>> No.39847829

Anons like you that make posts about bunkers are the ones ruining these threads.
I'm fucking done with 1/3 of threads being anons whining and arguing about bunkers.
I'm not in any bunker, nor am interested in joining any, and don't care if anyone is part of any, I just want to discuss Mikeneko in here, that's all.
Go create your own thread to discuss your bunkers, stop derailing the thread with your off-topic banter.

>> No.39847901

So what's holding her back from streaming on YouTube?

>> No.39847908
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>> No.39847931

And this is in response to what, exactly? They're not even doing anything now.

>> No.39848079

Focusing on mental health care first and foremost, doctor's advice. It's progressing well by the looks of it.

>> No.39848127

Setup recording of her streams if you care that much about it, otherwise there is summery above.

I could share my recording, but I'm not sure what Mikeneko's stance on sharing public twitcasts is, especially with her not leaving the archive, so I feel dirty whenever I share it.

>> No.39848237

fuck bunkerfags. all her membership twitcasts are on holopirates anyway

>> No.39848270

>dude, just pirate her content to screw over some anons I don't know
Fuck you.

>> No.39848431

Betraying mikeneko to own the bunker

>> No.39848538

betraying the bunker to own (have (something) as one's own; possess) mikeneko

>> No.39848567

I’ll pay a sizable sum of cash to see her do Yor cosplay

>> No.39848591

I would throw all of you fuckers into a pot of boiling oil feet first for a chance to sniff a pair of her underwear.

>> No.39848737


>> No.39848757

Fuck everyone who shares member streams, indiscriminately, regardless of their affiliation, be it bunkerfags, non-bunkerfags, holopirates or your dog.
I think it's a bad idea to be sharing member stuff as it goes against Mikeneko's wishes of these things being pay-walled.

>> No.39848981
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I am happy she seems to be getting better and hopefully she can continue streaming regularly.

>> No.39849289

who said i pirate? i just said fuck the "muh super secret club" fags
keep being booty blasted

>> No.39850269

>come back
>like 2 anons freaking out over le bunker
literally nothing is even posted there relax
the only time anything relevant was withheld was unironically just her Apex username

>> No.39850301

Some people just complain about things

>> No.39850353

24h https://litter.catbox.moe/deq5p2.mp3

>> No.39850693

I am literally seconds away from kissing her on the lips

>> No.39850717
File: 2.11 MB, 1656x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mikeneko!

>> No.39850720

nobody is "freaking out"
it's just being reaffirmed that bunkerfags are cancer. it's like wifeposter saying he loves his wife.

>> No.39850809
File: 308 KB, 1111x2048, 35E1E492-4639-49DC-A053-55042141F2D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will be cute today too

>> No.39850965
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>> No.39850976

Why are you like this

>> No.39850994


>> No.39851012
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>> No.39851017
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>> No.39851078

Thank you!

>> No.39851122

Do you not love your wife?

>> No.39851123

Bunkerfag here, there's nothing there most of the time besides stuff that could either be here (be it talk about her wellbeing or "oh man I missed her stream") or meta talk about the thread sometimes when a schizo goes wild. Its main use for me is how it has a bot that autoarchives her tweets that inevitably get deleted for me but that's also in another public nekofami Discord.
There's no circlejerking, 90% of the people are named Anon, no sharing of anything paywalled (Albeit there was early on when it was on poal where things were more chaotic), not dick measuring with people who didn't get in, no Illuminati and it's dead 90% of the time.

tl;dr: It's a fucking boogeyman for this thread and it's time people get the fuck over it.

>> No.39851188

and still it's apparently you fags that get to decide which things are shared

>> No.39851197

People (who may not even be in the bunker right now) have consistently shared things with a bunker-only password. That shit is obnoxious. That said, as far as I can tell this current anti-bunker jihad is literally over nothing and just trying to stir shit, so I get where you're coming from.

>> No.39851203

of course i love my waifu

>> No.39851215

>People (who may not even be in the bunker right now) have consistently shared things with a bunker-only password.
Because that's the safest option I have right now. I'm not doing for the lulz.

>> No.39851219

Never been a bunker only password. Saying shit like this is why you got filtered, it's obvious you're either an anti or retarded

>> No.39851224

At least one of the commonly used passwords has been in use for months before February. The password used is entirely up to what the poster wants to use.

Also everyone shut up new tweet.

>> No.39851226

>there was early on when it was on poal where things were more chaotic
You guys aren't even throwing a bone to the card filtered anons? New bunker sure seems like a harsh environment, too.

>> No.39851244

There is a bunker-only password and the other anon admitted it. It's been discussed before in this thread. Saying shit like this is why you get hated on, you're either autistic or retarded.

>> No.39851255

All offtopic posts above this post.

>> No.39851278

>requests to report through DM if people are using unarchived stuff (deleted twitcasts, youtube)

>> No.39851279

new twitcast archive

>> No.39851321

No such thing happens, stop writing fanfics.
>bunker-only password
No such thing, password is a bit hard but can be solved if you lurk and know a bit about her. I recall a fellow bunkerfag being filtered by it too and he didn't get any handouts publicly, he just got given a hint.
I'm pretty convinced that those streams stopped being shared, at least in a direct manner through Discord like they used to be in the poal. If they are being shared then it's probably through the pastebin people regardless of bunker affiliation have probably seen floating around.

>> No.39851352

No idea what the password is, but another anon already shared it without a password >>39850353

>> No.39851367

If the mengen weren't archived and the place people are supposedly uploading them to hadn't been mentioned here multiple times I might have shared them here but I really just see no benefit to
It's not like users here not using holopirates has any effect on people uploading there so people here may as well benefit from anti activities if we can't stop them
If we had a reason to be panicking atm I'd be sharing freely, that's why I shared the sub tweets initially, because many of us had reasons to worry. Right now though she's been back for going on 4 days now, is really happy, we have no reason to doubt her activities as of late, etc
It's a balancing act for anybody here to both empathize with people in a similar position but also still respect her wishes as much as possible. I don't want anybody to be sad or nervous so if I felt like sharing something here would make people less so I would do so. But it's not like we shared Rushia membership posts back on the Rushia threads even when we did share twitcast archives.
It's hard to figure this shit out, essentially. I don't like the idea of exclusivity at all.

>> No.39851374

This thread is retarded
Have you wished your wife good morning yet?

>> No.39851384

Of course I have, what do you take me to be?

>> No.39851425

>filteredfags arguing with each other
Pffft hahahaha

>> No.39851546
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>> No.39851885

My wife thinks Brock is the best wife

>> No.39851935

It’s a fact though

>> No.39852057

who is Brock?

>> No.39852061

Hey, for the anon that does the twitcast TLs, I just wanted to say thanks

>> No.39852069

>he doesn’t know

>> No.39852071

I got confused until I remembered likes

>> No.39852129

insta post

>> No.39852150
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>> No.39852216

I will cuddle this woman

>> No.39852230

Password hint?

>> No.39852615

Obviously I did and then went back to bed

>> No.39852641

I now understand the neck and collarbone people. how can this be so lewd to me?

>> No.39852775

An alternative has already been given. Post the password in one of her membership posts. Only people who would have access to the stream in the first place would be able to see it.
But no, you just have to push everyone who wants the archive to those other sites.

>> No.39852798

Like I said when I suggested that the first 3 times
>excuses intensify

>> No.39852802

That would be why I asked.

>> No.39852809

Anyone with a small amount of money could access it then, it's a good idea.

>> No.39852817

Best Waifu Brock Lesnar

>> No.39852902

>3 negative RP games

>> No.39852953

she's so cute

>> No.39853021

That just how it be when you solo qu-ee

>> No.39853149

there seems to be more casual players right now. I had someone who was more set on exploring the map on my team yesterday

>> No.39853417

look at her twitter likes

>> No.39854234

Insta again

>> No.39854559

My wife is such a good cook

>> No.39854633

What I would do to even just taste her food once…

>> No.39854962

I bet she tastes good too

>> No.39855177

Well yea

>> No.39855410
File: 1.46 MB, 1598x2048, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but she's my wife. You fuckers better to keep your horny in check

>> No.39855479

it's hard to do when she's posting lewd neck pics and some nice looking sauce

>> No.39855533

I want to taste her saliva

>> No.39855671

Thankfully my wife is ok with it. She’s also p sexy and all.

>> No.39855783

harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem harem

>> No.39855992

my wife is cute

>> No.39856003


>> No.39856084

she's certainly active today. is it because she's feeling better or worse?

>> No.39856151

Probably not much different from yesterday and just her way of being active without steaming.

>> No.39856291

Likely similar to yesterday as another anon said
If anything, yesterday she was even more active, tweeting about lunch and starbucks and stuff like that throughout the day
All signs point to improving, she may still have some hang-ups or worries over streaming on Youtube/PC, or even if she feels like she can manage it she may be playing it safe and making sure she recovers a bit more so that she doesn't spiral back down immediately after trying it again

>> No.39856332
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>> No.39856405
File: 104 KB, 1703x1045, FTCaeAyUYAA2Tyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, are we actually cats?

>> No.39856508

I'm gonna try to sleep since I don't think we'll be getting a twitcast today, remember to remake the /vt/ thread since it's about to hit 300

>> No.39856598

Good night.
We'll make sure to enjoy the twitcast that will happen as soon as you're asleep.

>> No.39857293


>> No.39857398

It's ok if it's a 2d character
It's ok if it's a 2d character
It's ok if it's a 2d character
It's ok if it's a 2d character

>> No.39857445

Been a while since the last time she tweeted about ヒプマイ stuff, it's nice to see her do sub account-ish things on the sub.

>> No.39857450

It is because this way we can become the 2d character in 3d

>> No.39857493

Isn't this just like your girlfriend liking a boy band or an anime character? Who gives a shit? What you should be worried about is me, because I'm already married to her.

>> No.39857514

I am the schizo who threatened to kill her and myself if she cheated on me and don't want her to ever play with guys again, but I've strangely never had any sense of jealousy over this stuff
I mean, imagine if she got sad over us asking her to cosplay various characters
All it means is that I need to work on my cosplay reps

>> No.39857523

>are the Nekofami a family of cats?
Hmm, not sure, Anon

>> No.39857534

That is unironically fine.

>> No.39857593

I'm fine with this because as much as I love her she's a candle in the wind compared to my waifu.

>> No.39857619

I hope you've suggested cosplaying as whoever that is to her when she asks

>> No.39857926

I actually like her more than any 2d girl..

>> No.39858046
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>> No.39858078

There also happened to be announcement of lottery items from a certain popular vtuber group. Funny coincidence

>> No.39858309

What i mean is i learned japanese to play eroge and a couple of years ago i didn't even have much interest in 3d, but damn she changed that.

>> No.39858356
File: 1.68 MB, 1094x1516, FSgPjtWVkAAuFUz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39858366

Pretty based, anon.
I'm curious about the ratio of people who already knew Japanese compared to those who learned it for her.

>> No.39858972

Personally I was a casual learner for a month or two before I knew her, started being a bit more serious because of her, then got even more serious post-termination. I'm still terrible at it and will be for quite a while, unfortunately.

>> No.39859075

Thanks to learning Japanese I could actually understand the antis erping as her and mafumafu on a discord server. I don't recommend it, just have clips spoonfed to you.

>> No.39859207

Antis are literally gay, man. In the most faggy of sense

>> No.39859790
File: 432 KB, 1600x2000, 7202F107-A8BB-4614-A2FC-251ABDECCADA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is doing what she can to improve herself, but are YOU?

>> No.39859853

I will become Bakugo

>> No.39859859

She said she would hate bakugo in real life...
You've been misallocating your time anon...

>> No.39859931
File: 1.18 MB, 1081x782, ForcedBakugoification.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mikeneko Viewer Experience

>> No.39860314

In Japan, if someone sleeps with your wife, you can sue them for ¥¥¥, even if they didn't know she was married and even if she was the one doing the advances.
I can make so much money off Mikeneko and anons if I get to marry her!

>> No.39860561

Oy vey

>> No.39860599

We should put people like you down

>> No.39860609

>antis erping as her and mafumafu on a discord server
What the fuck

>> No.39860644

I'm pretty sure it was as a joke, I'm too dekinai to tell Japanese irony yet but it still happened and I wish I hadn't read it.

>> No.39860942

I hope you guy with card issues have been looking into different banks

>> No.39861094

Just fun-posting since horny anons showed up again, of course I won't let anyone have her.

>> No.39861578

Have you told my wife good morning yet?

>> No.39861582

Astounding that there are grown adults here that don't have credit cards

>> No.39861662

It's not that anon, some credit cards straight up don't work AFAIK. I feel for the filtered nekofami.

>> No.39861821

I ruined my credit early on and as such still can't get one issued

>> No.39861983

I only have a debit card. I prefer to use the money I actually have in the present instead of resorting to credit.

>> No.39861999

>sub account
I love her so much

>> No.39862019

The words of people too stupid and irresponsible to understand how credit is meant to be used. Credit gains you advantages if you know how to use it, and not having it will only make your life more difficult. Getting filtered is truly this concept in a microcosm.

>> No.39862032

Ok man, now let's get back to the main topic.

>> No.39862034

Mengen stream this week on Youtube

>> No.39862060

Apex? I hope she chooses a good schedule

>> No.39862068

She did not say what game

>> No.39862071

Today at 11:24 PM EST

@nekoyanvv's location changed

@nekoyanvv's description changed
>日常 さぶ あか 鬱病+αなのでめちゃんこ情緒不安定です(;▽;) icon さかなさん
>日常 サブ垢 鬱+αなので不安定です(;▽;) icon さかなさん

She also liked more food at that time

>> No.39862079

Followed Hypmic on sab

>> No.39862102

I miss green hair

>> No.39862105

I can hypnotize her

>> No.39862106

Of course

>> No.39862145

Impossible to read this girl sometimes

>> No.39862157

I don't really understand what this is. Is it a group or a person or a character?

>> No.39862168

She regretted it and deleted the tweet

>> No.39862172

>Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle (Japanese: ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-, Hepburn: Hipunoshisu Maiku: Division Rap Battle) is a Japanese multimedia project by King Records under their Evil Line Records label. The characters were designed by Idea Factory under their Otomate label, with Yuichiro Momose as the main scenario writer. The project features eighteen voice actors and is centered on rap battles, with fans voting for their preferred team. The CDs have ranked high on mainstream music charts and the franchise has grown to include manga adaptations, stageplay adaptions, a mobile game, and an anime.

>> No.39862200

This is stupid as a concept, so I assume it's very popular, especially with women

>> No.39862286

It's Yume stuff yup

>> No.39862654

>Reminder みけ will soon be 40 years old. >Reminder みけ has no real job skills.
>Reminder that by donating to みけ you're stunting her growth and keeping her as a hopeless woman child.
>The best you could do for みけ is to stop giving her money and let her come to terms with cold, harsh realty.

funnily enough, I can apply all these same things to you for the most part.

>> No.39862819


>> No.39862837
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She's doing it guys
