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39615474 No.39615474 [Reply] [Original]

New lotus eaters chapter!
The build-up is pretty good in this one, but will it deliver?

>> No.39615483
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>> No.39615488
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>> No.39615504
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>> No.39615512
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>> No.39615517
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>> No.39615523
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>> No.39615528
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>> No.39615531
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>> No.39615538
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>> No.39615545
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>> No.39615553
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>> No.39615557
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>> No.39615561
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>> No.39615564
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>> No.39615566
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>> No.39615573
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This is kinda sexy

>> No.39615578

Thanks for dumping

>> No.39615580
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>> No.39615590
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>> No.39615635

Interesting. Its nice to see Meira 3.0 coming back.

Btw any idea when next Satori chapter releases?

>> No.39615655
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*appears in your official works*
*acts all smug calls 2hus you like shit then solves whatever incident is happening*
nothing personnel kid

>> No.39615791
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UM feels like it came ages ago, only now actually getting the newbies to appear.

>> No.39615852
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This chapter makes me want to run out and buy some chew

>> No.39615909

At least they did get an appearance. How many WBaWC touhous has appeared so far?

>> No.39615964

Kutaka in 17.5 and thats it. Its really sad, i hoped that Yachie would be playable in that game.

>> No.39616146

Kutaka is the only one I remember from that game. I honestly have no idea what happened in WBaWC dispite having finished it.

>> No.39616184

Reimu and pals accidentally carry out a hit for the beast mafia

>> No.39616393


>> No.39616529

We Kaiji now?
Also out of all the th18 characters I expected to come back, mountain prostitute and the Yamawaro were at the bottom.

>> No.39616540

Cute frekles

>> No.39616702

Isn't Yachie a smoker too? Maybe she'll appear in this story arc.

>> No.39616737

This month's chapter was cancelled like an hour AFTER it was supposed to be released. Here's the tweet:
The reason is because they are making some kinda "Labyrinth Edition" thingy with FDS. Releases on the May 27.
MTL says it's some kinda "relaunch" with changed manuscript and new drawings, but I'm honestly not sure what the hell this thing is. Maybe someone with nip knowledge can share some light?

>> No.39616744

I know it was already in her omake, but seeing Sannyo use her smoke to tard wrangle noisy gamblera is pretty funny

>> No.39616752

Should I read this chapter? It doesn't look that interesting

>> No.39616786

I think its just common fanon thing since it fits her character. Kinda how plenty of artists draw her in chinese dress.

>> No.39617099

You should give it a read.

>> No.39617241

Go fix this >>39558354

>> No.39617588

>of all the th18 characters I expected to come back, mountain prostitute and the Yamawaro were at the bottom.
This you forget this is a demi-eromanga?

>> No.39617627

-lore expanded
-locations mentioned in the games finally seen
-lots of new mob characters and world building
-newhu in the spotlight
-ok cliffhanger

This is the least bad LE chapter ever.

>> No.39617721

Really? Are you 12?

>> No.39617741

Hi Clarste

>> No.39617751
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>a type of raspberry called a "fuyu ichigo"(winter + strawberry) in Japanese.
So you're complaining about what exactly?

>> No.39617759

That wouldn't make sense even if I was Clarste. This post >>39558354 is referring to the new anonymous translator as a "tranny" for reasons beyond my comprehension other than clearly spending too much time on /v/.

>> No.39617811

Aya is way too serious in this manga

>> No.39618062

It's a raspberry, not a strawberry.

>> No.39618117

You can't be a translator without the trans

>> No.39618128

Sure but it's called a winter strawberry.

Basically it's a translation choice: do you call it "raspberry" and abandon what it's actually called, or do you call it "winter strawberry" (what it's called) and get someone calling you a tranny(?) for "translating it incorrectly"?
Or add a TN? But does something so inconsequential even need a TN? Well, probably, since if you look up "winter strawberry" in English, you won't get raspberries. I'd give it a TN if I was translating the manga. It's at any rate a low tier issue

>> No.39618870

It's a raspberry, retard. There's no debate about it.

>> No.39619022

I was hoping for a Megumu cameo in the gambling hall
Surely Aya's boss frequents the place too

>> No.39620657

We may get to see her in a future chapter, I hope

>> No.39621000
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At least we got more normal outfit Aya.

>> No.39621332

So Aya is nothing special regarding her looks? She's just your average Tengu?

>> No.39621779
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Take it up with the Koreans maybe. And maybe also take it up with the Japanese, who thought calling raspberries "tree strawberries" was a sensible choice.
Not to mention winter strawberry IS the more popular name for this fruit in English.
Go and start a campaign against the buckwheat next. Buckwheat is not wheat retards!!!111 Help I'm going insaneeeee.
As this guy >>39618128 said, just add an asterisk at the end of the name, and write *Rubus buergeri on the margin, nobody cares anyway.

>> No.39621839
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Glad to see Sannyo make an appearance. That and the page above that gives us a more through look at what the Gambling Den looks like is quite nice. I hope it inspires at least an artist or two to draw it colored.
About Sannyo herself, it'll probably be more interesting to see the direction she takes in the next chapter. She's a lot more rough in her UM dialogue, but I guess within her own business and with her ability's purpose, which was already implied to have use to calm down the tantrums of the Kappa & Tengus attending her Den. It'll be interesting to see where dialogue with Mamizou heads.
I'm usually not one to pay much attention to the manga but if it is to develop elements brought or hinted in the newer games and develop these new characters further, i'm all in. Next release is next month, right?

>> No.39621856


>> No.39622062

I like the idea that the gambling den moves around, even if it doesn't seem like it would really need to
in real life you'd do it to prevent the police from knocking on your door but it's not like anyone's coming to do that in gensokyo, so it could have stayed in one place

>> No.39622558

I hope Chimata shows up one day

>> No.39623841

People do hate on her, but honestly i feel like Mamizou should've been a main character of some manga, because of how often she goes around solving problems.

>> No.39623972

Thanks to ZUN, now i am an alcoholic and heavy smoker.

>> No.39624233

I would prefer a manga revolving around Aya but I can see where you're coming from

>> No.39624457

She already is.
Miyoi is not a mc anymore, just a foil for the actual mcs (Aya, Suika and Mamizou) to do stuff.

>> No.39624887

I would love to because Aya is my 2nd favorite 2hu, but other than doing interviews and being annoying, ZUN doesn't make her do much at all, and he already makes her the pov of the official books, meanwhile Tanuki spends time chatting with people undercover, has experience with the outside world so it's fun to see what she knows, and not only in this manga but also FS she tends to fix problems caused by Youkai. It just ZUN pushes her a lot I'm thinking it would've been better if she was the MC instead of just hijacking other manga.

>> No.39625093

I think that's pretty much the big reason why people tend to dislike Mamizou, she doesn't really have anything of her own but she's constantly butting in on matters unrelated to her ever since her first appearance.
Makes me wonder if the people joking around about Mamizou being his wife's self insert may actually be onto something.

>> No.39625141

If by people you mean loud whiny minority, sure.

>> No.39625250
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>constantly butting in on matters unrelated to her
that pretty much also Aya, but people hate for Tanuki always felt too much and weird even when she does good.

>> No.39625384

I didn't say it wasn't, you fucking moron.

>> No.39625418

Her introduction was "I (Nue) brought this person in to do stuff" and now she does stuff. I don't understand why anyone complains. Mad that Rumia isn't doing stuff? She doesn't do stuff. Mad Yukari doesn't appear enough? She doesn't like to appear often.

>> No.39625926

I can't speak for others but I get annoyed since he bothers creating all these characters yet only has a few of them actually bother interacting with the rest of Gensokyo because it "makes sense". So and such character wouldn't go outside or talk to others, despite doing so when introduced, because "that's not like them".
He limits himself with writing despite having the most flexible setting a writer could have, and as a result most stories outside of a handful of games feel rather same-y.

>> No.39628814

Tengu society is the most regulated place in Gensokyo. Gambling and porn is probably illegal there.

>> No.39628837

It's funny because Mamizou is a better detective than Satori and more mysteries have been solved in this manga than CDS.

>> No.39628849

Those characters are all throwaways and should just be considered dead after you beat them.

>> No.39628871

All characters are throwaways except for the ones that ZUN is sexually attracted to

>> No.39628911
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If Satori wasn't a sickly cripple things would be different around here.

>> No.39629083

Aya, Mamizou has been here for more than a decade.

>> No.39629092

For a youkai that's hardly any time at all

>> No.39629095

What was even the point of this scene? What was the point of anything that happened in CDS so far? This makes me angry.

>> No.39629231
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No one knows.

>> No.39629262
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If I had more faith in this manga I'd think that Satori getting conked, presumably to hide the culprit's identity, only for what'sherface newhu to reveal herself pretty much right after anyways is a hint that she's a fake-out culprit and at some point Satori's gonna actually do her job and drag out the real one and it'll be really cool and shit.
Unfortunately I'm not getting that kind of impression...

>> No.39629338
File: 384 KB, 476x514, satori moe harukawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was supposed to happen?
>"Hello girls, I've managed to bring myself here. The spirit is in the forest right now and it's thinking of going to the village. Of course I didn't do anything about it. It's possessing Mokou btw"

>> No.39629533

I wonder of they have prostitutes in there.

>> No.39630045

sheesh, yet another chapter with mamizou
and she is even disturbing morals by promoting crack usage
sasuga whale manga

>> No.39630627

I wanna fuck Mamizou

>> No.39630689

Fuck off ZUN, don't you have three more gachas to greenlight?

>> No.39630739

Kanako brought alcohol from outside Gensokyo
Mamizou brought tobacco from outside Gensokyo
Yukari brought orcs from outside Gensokyo
Suika brought a sake bug from outside Gensokyo
Is Aya the only one who hasn't been messing with the outside world yet?

I wonder if Miyoi went there temporarily with the others in WaHH

>> No.39630741

no wonder Aya can't get promoted. they all look the same.

>> No.39630751

Like I said it's not really about limits it's that the majority of characters are not active characters, which is fine.

The only thing I'd MAYBE complain about is that not all the final and extra bosses have been active, yet it's still quite a lot of them. 12-16 all have final bosses who appear past their debut several times. Of course, because they're active. IMO 17 still seems recent (and of course 18 too) but even if you wanted TH17 characters they live in a completely different world.

>> No.39630767

>Suika brought a sake bug from outside Gensokyo
Not exactly. It's a little ambiguous whether you can call the Underground "another world".

>I wonder if Miyoi went there temporarily with the others in WaHH
Someone lucky got a paizuri guardian, huh?

>> No.39630778
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I like this guy, who appears to be playing against a male tengu.

>> No.39630801

Is that the snek guy mamizou smoked away in FS?

>> No.39630984

what game is that anyway?

>> No.39631113
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I wonder what that is

>> No.39631151

The mangas sometimes make me forget they can fly

>> No.39631155

Honestly he was my favorite part in this chapter.

>> No.39631170

Depictions of nonhumanoid youkai are always nice

>> No.39631213

So male Tengus really are ugly or rather they don't change their appearance like female Tengus do

>> No.39631234

It's a good thing the Touhou series centers around female characters and not male characters or else it wouldn't even be half as popular without the cute girls amiright guys?

>> No.39631244

Only when not dealing with humans, they look exactly the same as the others when interacting with humans.

>> No.39631267

> they look exactly the same as the others when interacting with humans.
So potentially half the Tengu population are traps? They really are a bunch of degenerates aren't they?

>> No.39631273

Got a source to back that up?

>> No.39631281

No, I made it up, we're just seeing a male tengu for the first time.

>> No.39631290

As expected of the mass rapists of Gensokyo, they have no shame

>> No.39631292
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There is literally no evidence about that thing being a male tengu

>> No.39631674

All this talk about smoke and the guy next door can't stop smoking weed, fucking hell.
This shit is making me want to try smoking tobacco.

>> No.39631693

>trusting food picked up by dumb fairies

>> No.39631701

I think its a uniform.

>> No.39631703

I want to bang a tanuki.

>> No.39631789
File: 316 KB, 503x872, 27e7120a99cdd36bc0f2538a41917cb9ddb7e399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but while she's wearing the suit

>> No.39631807
File: 865 KB, 800x1119, 55b2bb5b89a549f416b781e372790dd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can cum to this

>> No.39631918

that poor mountain kappa wasn't the same girl after that night

>> No.39632094

Is that the snake dude from Forbidden Scrollery?

>> No.39634739

Dirty mountain whore turning the kappa gay

>> No.39636365

Me too bro, me too.

>> No.39637392

Sannyo awoke something in her and now she's a raging lesbian

>> No.39643473

I'm looking forward to see how it will disappoint us this time

>> No.39643521

They're basically republishing some chapters starting from the Labyrinth Chapter (IN arc) onwards in physical form. That's the thing on May 27.

>> No.39646447

ZUN please stop forcing Mamizou into every single chapter. Is she his self insert or what?

>> No.39646665

Either backgammon or ban sugoroku

>> No.39646691

Are those gravemarkers the fairies are hanging out by?

>> No.39646746

The right is a tiny Mamizou, the left is probably a sparrow

>> No.39647278

It's his wife's self insert

>> No.39650776

Wasn't it Aya?
Nope, that's Rinnosuke

>> No.39650794

Nope, Aya is his waifu.

>> No.39650838
File: 849 KB, 1050x1400, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_hyudora__41a5e986627b065df48cea18341d0ad9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nope, Aya is his waifu.
Impeccable taste, as expected of ZUN

>> No.39651554

>thing picked by cute and funny fairies
you really think guys who will buy it cares about health or even buy it for eating?

>> No.39651861

What you'd buy it for, if not eating?

>> No.39658647

there's a photo of her and she doesn't look that much like Aya, although rumor has it that her name is Aya (and he apparently met her pre-PoFV...)

>> No.39662477

Who are you guys quoting?

>> No.39666517

I want to get corrupted by a hot mountain hag

>> No.39666827

This picture is the best thing that came out of that manga so far.

>> No.39668123


>> No.39668162

There isn't, They changed the release to the following month at last second

>> No.39668335

>smoking chapter

>> No.39668360

skipped this month because the artist is working on a bunch of redraws and stuff for the volume release
probably fixing eirin's fivehead

>> No.39669380

Why are you surprised? They are all asians, it is obvious they all look the same.

>> No.39669559


>> No.39669953

The first chapters will end up being non canon and redrawn? Or is it the original artist that's making them delay again even beyond the grave? Imagine being taken off the manga and having nothing to do but redraw the chapters you've already done and still have delays after months.

>> No.39670158

it's just for the IN arc since it ended, the new artist did the whole arc on their own and now fixing it for the volume

>> No.39675061

Define ugly
Not all youkai have humanoid forms. The humanoids just get most of the attention.

>> No.39677190

It's jut a hairy arm and part of a wing(? or someone's hair). How can you tell if they were ugly?

>> No.39679684
File: 32 KB, 349x492, Karasutengu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking they would look something like pic related or like a red-faced pinocchio.

>> No.39679760

I guess Kourin was lucky because he was half Youkai

>> No.39683624
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>> No.39683670

Aya is so fucking fat

>> No.39683758

It was never a joke

>> No.39684076

And that's a good thing, in fact, she needs to get fatter so her tits, ass, and thighs get bigger.

>> No.39684462
File: 44 KB, 300x350, 1394932304026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can't be the fastest like that

>> No.39684481

Common sense doesn't work in Gensokyo

Common sense doesn't work when it comes to Touhou manga either. How anybody can appreciate a boring manga like Lotus Eaters is beyond me

>> No.39685374

She bulked up for mating season as per instinct for female tengu, she'll eventually slim back to normal

>> No.39685412

>fixing eirin's fivehead
There's nothing to fix, 6head Eirin is cute. Don't bully the big brain girl.

>> No.39685430

What are some interesting non-Touhou manga?

>> No.39685574

She can, in fact, gaining some weight would make her more aerodynamic than she already is.

>> No.39686605

If official manga has too much common sense then that's how it is. Sanae was wrong all along.
There's no fat Aya going fast.

>> No.39691816

Lots of intersting sights and stuff in this chapter, but this little fella wone me over big time. Playing board games against a snake sounds like a day well spent.

>> No.39699992


>> No.39709582 [DELETED] 


>> No.39709616

Is ZUN a smoker now? His body will collapse at this point.

>> No.39711560

He's already made a life's work and reproduced, it's fine if he does.

>> No.39722888

What makes you think that
