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3918501 No.3918501 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst thing about Nasu's writing?

>> No.3918519

He's not really cut out for doing ero writing.

>> No.3918514

There isn't more of it.

>> No.3918535

Definitely the way he tries to make his writing sound more intelligent by inserting some pseudo-philosophical garbage.
Or maybe it is more intelligent and a mere mortal like myself simply cannot comprehend it?

>> No.3918534


>> No.3918543


>> No.3918547

Aside from the ero thing, how about I would say that his biggest flaw regarding his writing is that he has many different flaws though they are still many.
Nothing really bad but lots of small thing evenly spread out in some kind of way.

>> No.3918550

He stopped doing it after F/SN because why work when you are getting paid to do nothing?

>> No.3918552

He's working on DDD.

>> No.3918558

I hate when he writes lines like

"It's (something). No, it's (something completely different)."

Can't think of any specific examples off the top of my head, but I remember seeing it a few times in his works.

>> No.3918566

He sets up an intricate system of rules, then proceeds to break every single one of them.

>> No.3918577

He obsesses over certain concepts and words. Like "paradox" and "antinomy".

>> No.3918587

Random engrish.

>> No.3918589

The only flaw is occasional overexposition, but that's more of a problem in F/SN than Tsukihime.

>> No.3918595

And deutzch

>> No.3918600

He doesn't have a good editor.

>> No.3918615

>Reality Marble
>Heaven's Feel
>Fate/Stay Night

What is this I don't even

>> No.3918624

It's bad when you start thinking it sounds completely normal.

>> No.3918633

I thought Heavens Feel was more like "A Feel of Heaven".

>> No.3918646

His hatred for limbs.


In all his universes someones gotta get cut up or something.

>> No.3918655

too many cooking scenes and other scenes that basically just waste my time without moving the plot along or developing the characters

>> No.3918667

Well there isn't anything good about it.

>> No.3918668
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But that's like his sole way of existing in awesomeness...

>> No.3918677

Ero. But besides that he's pretty good, I think.

>> No.3918697

I agree.

>> No.3918719

>"This is wrong.
This is wrong this is wrong this is wrong. I know this is wrong just by looking at it. My entire body is screaming this is wrong and the taste forming in my mouth tells me its wrong.
But the fact is...it's wrong."

That shit there. When he does that, it irks me.
It works for him at times, yeah, but at the same time it feels like he's doing it for word count and the inner litfag in me feels like screaming.

>> No.3918752

it be faster to list out the good things about his writing.

its, um, differant. cant think of anything else

>> No.3918755

It has dickworms. Dickworms are fucking awesome.

>> No.3918759

Something tells me you're not quite qualified to criticize someone's writing.

>> No.3918766

he doesnt have an editor at all

>> No.3918769

>In all his universes someones gotta get raped

Fixed that for you. I wonder who it'll be in Mahoyo?

>> No.3918778

I hope it's alice.

>> No.3918789

whatever it is, its wrong

>> No.3918796

He makes up pseudo philosophical sounding gibberish to fatten up his prose, power levels, his logic is pretty iffy, etc.

>> No.3918811

>the inner litfag in me feels like screaming

Same, it's like he took everything I ever learned about writing decent stories and threw them out the window. It's not style, it's just sloppiness.

>> No.3918832

Examples...the only part I read philosophical nonsense was in melty blood, but that sucked on the whole anyways.
Seriously, it's easy to bash him and all, but saying he has iffy logic and so is a little unfair.

>> No.3918848

>"It's (something). No, it's (something completely different)."
"Luvia couldn't believe what she was seeing. This aggressively stubborn adolescent, attempting the impossible, and refusing to yield no matter how many times he failed.

No, that's not quite right.

To say that implies that the thought of giving up even occurred to him. This is clearly not the case: the redhead has no grasp that this is impossible; it is simply something he MUST do. Whether he can or can't; whether it's possible or impossible is an irrelevant consideration. The bar is there, so the boy jumps.

Her chest felt uncomfortable; she couldn't stand to watch, yet neither could she tear her eyes away. A part of her wanted the boy to walk off in disgust, but she knew that would only tarnish the ephemeral beauty of the scene..."

>> No.3918853

I don't really have any particular complaints. Yeah the h-scenes could be better but most of them get by on emotional build-up and there are several that are outright good. This is just the normal h-scenes though, his rape scenes are pretty well done, as are the UBW scene (played for comedy, not eroticism), and the HF dream (played for horror).

Some people complain about the philosophy scenes, but they make sense in context, at least to me.

>> No.3918869
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>"It's (something). No, it's (something completely different)."

>> No.3918878

>clang clang clang

>> No.3918879

tl:dr Saber is elegant. Wordy, but I like it.

>> No.3918897

I think it made sense there. He's trying to say that Shirou first mistook the sound as beautiful, before realizing that it's nothing beautiful at all, and it was only Saber's beauty that made him think so.

>> No.3918903 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3918906

>What's the worst thing about Nasu's writing?

1. Teenage-level philosophy

2. Random exposition about his world that throws off the pacing of the writing and seem very out of character a lot of the time. It's the writing equivalent of masturbation; he's only pleasing himself.

3. He really, really sucks at ero. I never knew someone could be so bad.


>> No.3918910

Personally, i don't like his Mary Sues.

>> No.3918916

the real problem with this is that he's way too wordy

>> No.3918933

Again...examples? Where's this "teenage-level philosophy"?

>> No.3918928

next you guys are gonna tell me you rate touhou games based on story.

>> No.3918936

IN has the best story, followed by every other touhou game in last.

>> No.3918938
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Fanboys, powerlevels.

>> No.3918940

Let me quote wiki here:
>Shirō is a good-hearted and honest teenager, who always enjoys helping others. Shirō has no interest in the Holy Grail, and instead despises its use. However, he is determined to win the Holy Grail War with Saber, for he hopes his efforts will ensure that another disaster like the Fuyuki fire will never occur again. He is raised by Emiya Kiritsugu, who imparts on him basic sorcery, and the ideal of protecting the innocent. Shiro takes this ideal to the extreme, going as far to shield his own servant from danger. He is in his second year of High School, and his hobbies include fixing a variety of broken things, from VCRs to stoves, as well as cooking and cleaning.

>> No.3918943

I see nothing pretentious about that description.

>> No.3918958


That's the point. Shirou is supposed to be childish and idealistic.

>> No.3918959

You misspelled PCB there brah.

>> No.3918962

You really expect someone to bring up an example? Most of us have read tsukihime/fsn/whatever ages ago, and recalling specific examples is a bit taxing and not worth the effort.

The point is to list what you don't like about his writing. Not to start some stupid internet fight. Go do something constructive.

>> No.3918966

...did you read F/Sn, or did you just watch the anime...or are you just pulling stuff from nowhere? Anyone who read it would know that that's hardly a good summary of F/Sn.

If by "teenage-level philosophy" you're referring to Shriou's "save everyone" philosophy, Nasu obviously doesn't agree with that philosophy himself.

I'm being trolled, aren't I?

>> No.3918974

Doesn't have to be specific, but if you're going to say something bad about it I'd expect that you have some basis for it. Something vague would do.

>> No.3918979

>quote wiki
Hate to break it to you, bro, but...

>> No.3918991

>>3918974 Something vague would do.


Tsukihime. Kotomine.

>> No.3918998


>> No.3919007

The absolute worst thing that has to do with his writing?
That's it's one of the many things, regardless of whether it deserves or not (which is something I'm not faggy enough to take sides on), /jp/ will argue and complain about.

>> No.3919095

>"teenage level philosophy"

I do not believe your philosophical beliefs are esoteric enough to deem those of an entire generation of individuals inferior.

>> No.3919160

Isn't his world view mostly something that old med and really disturbed people find?

>> No.3919227


as much as i like Type-Moon works, i really hate the way he writes endings. it was particularly bad in Tsukihime (especially the Ciel endings, god). he seems to spend an effort to make alternate endings, but most of the time, they suck and feel shoddy. Kara no Kyoukai had a pretty shittacular ending as well, and don't even get me started on the loose ends and hypocrisy of the seventh movie.

seriously, i was disappoint

>> No.3919248

Kotomine's world view isn't that esoteric. Just what is evil? Is it evil to act how you seem to have been made to act? Is it evil to find happiness, which we are all told to find, in harming others?

Kotomine has great moments on exposing standing hypocrisies.

>he seems to spend an effort to make alternate endings, but most of the time, they suck and feel shoddy

That's just Arc/Ciel's good ends. They suck, yes. Hisui's good end is sort of nice, in a way. It's one of those that you think "Hey, maybe this is for the better... at least everyone didn't die."

Then you get Kohaku's end, and everything is all better~

>> No.3919261

Aside from the fact that Kohaku is fucking small time.

>> No.3919266

You are apparently not a human being.

>> No.3919268

Well, Kotomine kind of used logic to make terms such as "good" and "evil" moot.

>> No.3919285

>Kohaku's end
What. I think you meant Nanaya's end.

>> No.3919301
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But Kohaku is still called Kohaku in her end. It was her ending.

Kotomine's logic makes everything moot.

>> No.3919316


yeah, you're right, the Tohno route endings were a lot better

>> No.3919326

Derp. Off to replay the game.

>> No.3919339

>It's the writing equivalent of masturbation; he's only pleasing himself.
But when I read it, it feels more like he's acutally masturbating me.

>> No.3919350

There's no mollusk sex featuring Kokuto x Azaka.

>> No.3919368

But Azaka is Kokuto.

>> No.3919371

He includes romance in everything but treats it like he is writing some sort of great piece of literature. Your writing isn't some great love and war novel, Nasu.

And the ero thing is tied to his romance writing.

>> No.3919372

it's more exciting this way.

>> No.3919374

>1. Teenage-level philosophy
There's no fucking philosophy in his writing. I know what you think is philosophy, but think hard about what philosophy is, and you'll understand you are an idiot.

>> No.3919377

Nah, he dosn't break them.

His rules are pretty set. His protagonists are just usually odd parts of them. Shiki(s) and Shirou have loopholes due to unique quirks in their abilities.

>> No.3919382

I found War and Peace's romantic component to be laughable. But that's just me.

>> No.3919406

I wasn't referring to something specific. I was just commenting on how generic his romance plots are in the context of human suffering, human being, etc.

>> No.3919466

>>3919374 but think hard about what philosophy is

It's bullshit. Just like Nasu's writing.

>> No.3919506

Are you really calling the Tohno family romantic subplots generic? Your adopted sister wanting to love you, when she's the daughter of the man who killed your whole family, is saved by you as she saves you, and has a demonic heritage that makes you desire to kill her? The happy girl from your youth that had to kill her emotions to keep her sister from breaking down completely, wanting to finally show how much she cares for you, when ultimately everyone dies and she's left alone with you, not sure of what to do. The completely abused girl who did kill herself inside, who was horribly saved by the person you were as a kid, who went on to mastermind everything against everyone for no reason other than she couldn't think of anything else to do, who somehow finds it in herself to become a human again and wait for you at your old home?

If that's generic, then what exactly is originality? I'm not saying it's genius fiction, but it's not generic.

>> No.3919509

>I say it is bullshit therefore it is bullshit

>> No.3919525
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Philosophy is just applied sociology.

>> No.3919589

The only endings I have problems with are Arc good, which is just plain lazy, and HF Good because it feels way too happy compared to everything else about HF. Also I'm a Saberfag.

I don't get why everyone hates the Ciel endings though. True makes perfect sense and Good is a fine lol.

>> No.3919842

I think that one of my ultimate dreams in life is too just have one thread on /jp/ or /a/ where nobody bickers back and forth and calls everyone a troll even though there's absolutely no way to verify whether they are trolling or not and where the people who actually DO troll, who clearly exist what with the amount of bullshit that goes on, will finally start to realize that they do not or subtract anything from the pool of fecal matter that is 4chan.. and for one day, just one day, they can all SHUT THE FUCK UP.

>> No.3919936

The worst thing about Nasu's writing?

the faggots who wont stop crying about it.

>> No.3919963


I'm not sure if I understood Ciel's True End.

So Shiki is in a coma and meets his child self. He's probably not going to wake from this coma, so he's stuck in the dream. Then he wakes up?

>> No.3919965

Ciel's True was awesome.

>> No.3919968

How do you have problems with Arc's Good End, but not Ciel's? Doki doki harem comedy end is superior?

>> No.3920227

The fans who blindly worship his writing and thinks it's the best thing ever, then even create thousands of shitty daily threads like you did it now "A Certain Misfortunate"/"Angry Type-Moon fan".

>> No.3920296

Basically yeah. He woke up from the coma through sheer force of will

>> No.3920725

That has nothing to do with him.
