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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3897562 No.3897562 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/ are your parents christian?

how do they feel about Japanese things?

how do you deal with them?

>> No.3897566

my mom thinks anime is cartoons for kids , thank god.

>> No.3897567

my mom told me that japanese make the best wives and that i have to move there if i want to marry one

i told her that they are racist

>> No.3897569


why do you need to move there?

>> No.3897572

My parents love Miyazaki and bought me the Azumanga Daioh box set a couple years back. What do I win?

>> No.3897573

My mother plays MMORPG's and likes to pretend she's a terminally ill teenage girl.

I deal with them normally, neither really know my interests.

>> No.3897579

When I got stationed in Japan my father told me that I had better marry me a girl over there because that was my last hope of ever finding a wife. Needless to say he was disappoint.

>> No.3897581

>implying my parents know about my power level

>> No.3897583

My dad enjoys black lagoon and liked ghost in the shell (dubbed of course)

so I don't take alot of son I am dissapoint.

Mom doesn't care as long as I'm scoring well in college.

>> No.3897584

I got kicked out of my hosue when my family saw me playing in the toilet

>> No.3897585


a wonderful family life free of stress.

for instance , my mom will tolerate live action movies like godzilla , but if I asked her to buy me the game in ops pic she would give me a disappoint look and want to read the bible together.

>> No.3897586

People just don't understand, anon

>> No.3897589

playing what , touhou?

>> No.3897591

One is, one isn't, but since I don't live with them and I don't have Japanese things it's a doubly pointless question.

>> No.3897595

Tell us the whole story.

>> No.3897599

My dad thought KnK was morbid ;_;

>> No.3897605

My parents friends watched my play Imperishable Night on my laptop once. It was a little surreal, but they were fascinated that I had any idea what I was doing.

>> No.3897608


You people are a shame to Christianity.

>> No.3897609

She also stole a box set of Diebuster I had purchased a while back and was going on about how she too wanted to become a buster machine or some such.
She also wanted more material like it.

>> No.3897614

So I was taking a crap and fapping. But then the toilet was clogged, and I paniced. plunger wasnt there, so i decided to dive in with my hands. I didn't think about openign the lid and messing around with the stuff to stop the water flow.

My family heard the commotion and though I passed out / fainted or something so they broke in.

They see me with my hands in the toilet covered in shit and my fap boner still hasnt gone away. they assume the worst.

>> No.3897636

I'll believe it's true, because it's more fun that way.

>> No.3897656

True or not, it has now been saved for future generations.
For the first time in a while, I lol'd.

>> No.3897678

what would happen if I sat down in class next to a rabid christian and began to play saiminjutsu 2 on my laptop

>> No.3897680


My dad was far from Christian and used to say to me, "Son, when you die, you rot." He never cared for my fascination with Japanese crap. I believe my mother was religious at one time early in her life, but lost interest somewhere along the way. She's a huge fan of the space program and thought Carl Sagan was awesome, so that's probably what tipped her to the agnostic logic and reason side. My mother never had an issue with my hobbies. We've also had some lively discussions on the topic of censorship and loli. Surprisingly enough she's of the opinion that people should be allowed to enjoy themselves just as long as no actual people are hurt. I can't agree more.

>> No.3897698

thats awesome about your mom.

do you mean your dad is apathetic , or that he never liked you partaking in japanese culture.

>> No.3897720


Did you tell you parents that they themselves were racist, or that the Japanese are racist?

>> No.3897726



>> No.3897743


>do you mean your dad is apathetic , or that he never liked you partaking in japanese culture.

He grew up during the war so he ended up being VERY anti-Japanese. He never quite lost his hating "dirty Japs" before he kicked the bucket. Even though he was very critical of my hobbies, we had a good relationship. I miss the guy.

>> No.3897762
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Both of my parents are fairly sane Christians. My mom is fine with it. As for my dad, well to be honest I don't entirely know. We never talk.

>> No.3897767

Holy fuck I love your mother.

>> No.3897791

Why does it have to just be a parent thing? I'm a christian. What does that have to do with "japanese things". I think parents are more concerned with porn in general than with what specifically you're wanking it to.

>> No.3897806

Moms a Wiccan first of all

And she knows I'm interested in the stuff, but doesn't really care.

Cirno scares the shit out of her though

>> No.3897818

So does this mean I should have a Cirno amulet around incase some wiccan tries to start shit with me?

>> No.3897824
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Why would she be afraid of a fairy of Ice? Is she afraid of the chill of the grave? The harsh, cold winter?

>> No.3897827

>>3897806 Cirno scares the shit out of her though

I'm interested in knowing why.

>> No.3897844

because parents are your financial providers for a very long time and also you have an obligatory relationship with them. if they are christian but you are not and dont want to tell them , it would lead to a strain.
also so many christians believe Japan to be in satans thrall.

>> No.3897850

My parents are both Christians, and I am too (Pascal's Wager). My parents both disapproved of my /jp/-related hobbies when I lived with them. They once apparently rooted through my mango collection, and later told me that there were "sinful" things in in there. To this day, I still have no idea what they were talking about, and they refused to explain when I asked them.

One day, I was playing FSN on my PC when my Mom entered the room. It was a non-H scene, but I still minimized out of it, just to avoid receiving her reproachful look. I was too slow, and was treated to a speech about how she was "worried about me and what I was becoming" and how she "keeps seeing the same character all over the place and how she thinks that I'm obsessed". When she said that, she pointed at the CP. It's strange, because the only character that was on the screen was when I was playing Ilya, and I don't particularly like Ilya.

>> No.3897854

My mother doesn't believe in anything and my father trolled the hospital priest that came to do last rites or whatever. Don't see why they'd have any opinion either way on nips.

>> No.3897856

My mom doesn't care.

>> No.3897865
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>christians believe Japan to be in satans thrall

I dunnot about Satan, but there is something completely unholy about them.

>> No.3897867

>my father trolled the hospital priest that came to do last rites
Do tell.

>> No.3897880


that is why its difficult having christian parents , also I hope your trolling bro.

Pascals Wager is a load of shit.

>> No.3897903
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I was the one who converted them into christianity. And since I am not into any kind of fetish whatsoever they don't say anything to me.

They used to be agnostics/atheists.

>> No.3897907
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Had this as my wallpaper when she was on my computer when I was at work.

"I know you like anime but that is just creepy and wrong. What are you a pedofile?"

>> No.3897909


>> No.3897922

Oh wow. How did you manage that?

>> No.3897927
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She nailed it, didn't she?

If you weren't a pedo you would have used Letty instead.

>> No.3897931

Ilya just has that effect on parents in general. Post some fucking Ilya, you faggot.

>> No.3897932


because christianity has as much "evidence" as any other religion from buddhism to zorastranism .
since all religions have zero in the way of hard evidence . your odds of picking the right one are pretty slim.

>> No.3897933

My parents are NOT THAT christian.
There are various levels of belief, you know...

I doubt it is as fun IRL as I imagine. But it sounds awesome.

>> No.3897945

Agreed. But it's still infinitely better than zero. If there are 10,000 religions, my chance of picking the right one and getting the goods are 1/10,000. If I'm an atheist, then my chances are 0/10,000. It's not like I have to go to church or anything, so why not do it?

>> No.3897949
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Example. Only example. They asked, I answered. I do not preach. What's the point anyway?

They eventually got interested enough to follow me into one of their services. Been teaching them ever since.

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible requires lots of study and archeology.

>> No.3897960


why did god have to go down to "take a look" at the tower of babel?

>> No.3897965

Even if you pick one, your chance of "getting the goods" is still 0/10,000

>> No.3897975

If God doesn't exist. And he may not. But if it's not going to cost me anything to bet on the 1/10,000 chance, then why the hell not do it?

>> No.3897984

Pride. Overwhelming pride of humanity. One of the same reasons they were kicked out in the first place.

Before you ask, the reason humanity is damned is because we refuse to accept we did something wrong, and even worse, blame others. Although you probably already know that.

>> No.3897988


well the problem with that is two fold

1. the theist god has been utterly refuted . the bible is flat out wrong . what this means is there is a chance , deism is right. an axiomatic god doesnt give a shit because you went to church.

>> No.3897991

stuff can be much more complicated than just choosing the "right" side. Theists can have their point right as much as Science-oriented fans. At the moment, no one knows shit about world's structure and history.

Didnt anyone think of that?

>> No.3898005


2. even if I grant you enormous premise that christianity is right, god will know you believe" for the sake of avoiding hell. also attending church is mandatory to get into christian heaven.

>> No.3898011

>1. the theist god has been utterly refuted

Please explain. Did you happen to search every corner of the universe at the exact same time without finding evidence of God? Unless you did that, then you can't prove that there is no God, just like I can't prove that there is.

>> No.3898013
File: 13 KB, 225x203, catgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, God here. I'm the one true god, believe me or not:

Believe and you get a prize.
Don't believe and you don't get a prize.

Let me know what you've decided!

>> No.3898015
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My mom doesn't really care about Japan-related things, although she'd probably freak if she found out about what series I liked (Touhou, Umineko, etc.)

My dad likes anime, manga, and video games, and both of us don't care much about religion, so yeah.

>> No.3898020

Make sure you tell them you're going down the blood related mother route first.

>> No.3898029
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Look, here is my opinion on this matter of atheists vs theists: I do not care.

Even if there is no god, I will go down to my grave with the knowledge that I did my best to better myself, do good, or at least do the least damage possible to others. And that is all that really matters. A life without regrets, and even yet, a way of life worth living.

>> No.3898039

>A life without regrets, and even yet, a way of life worth living.
I have no regrets, this was the only path?

>> No.3898043

They know I like Japanese Cartoons, but they don't know how fucked up I am. I prevent my nosy relatives from knowing anything by putting a lock on my computer and changing the password 2+ times a year. I also listen to everything with headphones so they can't hear anything that I listen to.

>> No.3898046


1. burden of proof falls on the claimant. look it up.
2. well the christian god sure leaves out al ot of shit , like evolution
and he makes shit up like floods.

>> No.3898048

Anyhow, personally I'm too weak to deal with the realities of death, so I create delusions.

>> No.3898049

>attending church is mandatory to get into christian heaven.

I don't mind having arguments about religion with people, but at least get your facts straight first. That's totally untrue.

>> No.3898053

good enough, everyone choose their own path.

>> No.3898055

Lack of proof =! lack of existence.

>> No.3898061

My parents are Baptist and I guess I may be as well. But we all have not been to church in at least 4 to 5 years. We are also not religious fanatics so I guess they would just shrug it off if they discovered my like of anime, VN, video games etc.

>> No.3898063

it is totally true bro , Im going to assume you thought all t hose commands about fellowship and shit were optional?

>> No.3898066

I hope you won't start to prove/disprove it right there.
Because it is silly in every possible way.

>> No.3898067
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Wasn't aiming for that, but I guess I should have seen it coming.

>> No.3898074

I'm not particularly deep.

I hope I don't die tomorrow, because I still haven't beaten Shoot the Bullet.

>> No.3898080


except the bible claims to be his message, and the bible is rife with factual error.

>> No.3898081

Catholic dad, Christain mom. They don't understand the stuff, but they allow me to go into it, and accept my oddities. Makes it much easier to do DnD and animu and shit when your parents react to whatever with "Cool story, son." Though I do have to do my part not to intrude on their shit with mine: hell, half the time I don't want to hear squeaky japanese bitch #540 sing, I'm sure as shit they don't want to hear it either.

>> No.3898084

I agree. I'm one of the participants in this pointless debate (the one who first mentioned Pascal's Wager). I didn't think that that would get the thread off track, but now I'm sorry that I mentioned it. I think I'll stop now.

tldr; /jp/- Religion/General

>> No.3898085


>humanity is damned

Then what's the point of living if we're all just waiting around for the end times? I dislike how many religions, Christianity in particular tend to beat you down by saying you're worthless, but then offers a way out through obedience and servitude. It seems too much like a con to me.


>Contrary to popular belief, the Bible requires lots of study and archeology.

Depends on how you read it. If you take it literally like a creationist, then you don't have to know jack shit. If you want to actually study how the bible was put together and how the belief system came about, then yes, the scientific methods work well, but studying the history of how the bible was put together does not require faith. In fact, many literalists are put off by seminary because they learn how the Bible changed over time, because the inerrant word of God shouldn't change over time right?

>> No.3898086
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>> No.3898095


>> No.3898103

Cont on several things I forgot: I'm catholic, I have no particularly weird attractions aside from slightly older women, girls with glasses, and maybe crippled girls, haven't tried it, and I do occasionally socialize with bros and broettes. Which probably adds to the "Whatever, son."

>> No.3898106


I didnt ask why humans were scattered, I asked why does an omnipresent being "need to go down and see what their doing" ?

>> No.3898109

Worst troll ever. Never troll drunk.

>> No.3898112

there are.

they live in seattle, so most japanese things are relatively normal.

>> No.3898115

Because he's not really omnipotent.

>> No.3898118

>obedience and servitude
Except that this particular god does not deman you to slave away, kill people, or do ridiculous processions. All it demands is to do justice.

There was no "Bible" until much later on. It was mostly letters and the old testament writings. Much had to be removed because people like to append things to it, or downright bad copies.

>> No.3898124

Dad's has a Masters in Divinity, mom teaches kid's sunday school.

They're pretty cool with what I like. My mom's a big Nodame Cantabile fan.

>> No.3898131

Figure of speech? Nitpicking much?

>> No.3898137

My mom has become oddly religious over the last few years, maybe because she's getting older. I don't think my dad cares but he would probably consider himself Christian. Neither one cares about my weeabooism.

>> No.3898148


what about the part of the old testament where God is owned by iron chariots?

>> No.3898162

The bible is just a book, nothing more. It is packed with errors. If the bible is the word of God, why is he making errors?

>> No.3898172

>The bible is just a book, nothing more.

>> No.3898183


>Theists can have their point right as much as Science-oriented fans. At the moment, no one knows shit about world's structure and history.

Yes, but there's a fundamental difference in the methodology. Science is driven by a desire to understand and explain the natural, whereas religion tends to invoke the supernatural to explain the natural, but that in the end really explains nothing. Saying a god created everything just pushes the problem back.
A lot of religious people make the mistake of putting the conclusion before the problem; they make up their mind before the question is even asked because the Bible told them everything they need to know. People that go out and do proper research without invoking a supernatural cause are expanding our collective knowledge about the natural world every day.

In the end, believe whatever you want, but don't make the same mistake as creationists by saying, "this is how the universe came to be" because outside of the Bible, there is absolutely no evidence for any of it. The only proof of the creation stories of the Bible IS the Bible, and that's not good enough. The only way to prove God exists is to provide evidence of a direct, testable link to the natural world that is more solid than laughable attempts like irreducible complexity. Again, saying "God did it so let's stop looking" is a non-answer.

>> No.3898227

>Science is driven by a desire to understand and explain the natural, whereas religion tends to invoke the supernatural to explain the natural, but that in the end really explains nothing. Saying a god created everything just pushes the problem back.

But that is just a popular opinion. Its just two extremities. There are a plenty of scientists that make up shitty theories just for their position (or under the unfluence of more authoritative person/structure), and there are philosophical theists that try to find a logical foundation for supernatural phenomenons in their works.

Not everyhing is just "lol, Darwin" or "lol, catholics and creationists"... thats what I tried to say.
Same goes for literal interpretaion of Bible, or the mankind history at a whole. Theories, theories.

>> No.3898260

One can be tested, the other cannot.

>> No.3898265


>There are a plenty of scientists that make up shitty theories just for their position

No, that's a misunderstanding of the word theory. A scientist may come up with a shitty hypothesis, but there are no shitty theories, only theories that are disprove by others or modified by further facts that bring the theory more in line with observation. A theory is nothing more than a collection of facts that do explanatory work for a particular phenomenon. If a proposed theory is not testable at all and the facts turn out to be garbage, it will get brutally destroyed in peer review. Science is a self-correcting process. Do religious ideas subject themselves to the same processes? Not really, because you're supposed to believe in them on faith.

>> No.3898271

You can test if God's there, you won't however get a response unless he wants to give one as he might care. Therefore you can't prove or disprove him because he is not required to respond to humans or earth in general at all.

>> No.3898273

You won't test the past. Thats why history is so fucked up now, and egyptians, for example, is count as retarded barbarians who built pyramids with bare hands. Same goes for world's creation, but in much worse state.

But that doesnt matter.

"(Dis)Proving a God" is as futile and pointless as presenting/denying an infinity.
You can't do that unless by ambiguations (Infinity symbol or naming a god), and even if you CAN present an infinity, no one ever will apprehend it, because of human perceptive limitations.

Either there is a difference in methodology or not, (Dis)proving god is a fetish point for fanatics on each side. It wont do anything constructive at all. Truth to the world's meaning probably lie between in understanding reason and origin of human theories, not in eliminating others points of view.

>> No.3898281

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

-Epicurus (Greek philosopher, BC 341-270)

>> No.3898295


>> No.3898303

I mean there are the same flaws that religion has for now. If the theory is favorable, no one will ever doubt it, making accents on proofs and not taking into account "theory holes". Vice versa, fresh and strong theory that will expose faults of others works and theories will be blamed to hell and back as "heresy".

It should be self-correcting, I agree. But its not. Its just as flawed as everyhing that human does.

>> No.3898304

My parents are Russian Orthodox Christian. I remember attending services during Christmas and Easter when I was a kid. That's about as far as we used to take it. They're still Christian, but I'm an atheist. Haven't told them, though I think my dad may suspect it.

My parents accept and often support the Japanese things I like, though they definitely don't know how far gone I am and what I enjoy these days. I can watch Kurosawa and Miyazaki with them without a problem, but I'd find it awkward to watch much of anything beyond that with them. I usually minimize out of games or anime, even something relatively tame, to avoid questions and sarcastic comments about where I got my Japanese interest. I guess the problem lies with me mostly, who's still embarrassed about my hobbies due to mental associations that others probably don't have.

>> No.3898343

>Then whence cometh evil?
The philosopher ignores what we know to be true about God. Not only is he omnipotent, but he is perfect justice, perfect mercy, perfect love. The reality of evil does not deny God's attributes but instead confirms them, and confirms God's ultimately plan and will. Not being willing to, at this time, eradicate evil, is not malevolence, but perfect love. Whence cometh evil? From creatures that were created in love by God with free will. Both angels and men. His choice not to cast evil men or angels into hell at this time is part of his perfect plan. It would be ultimately malevolent to create rational creatures with no free will.

>> No.3898366
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>> No.3898367

>The reality of evil does not deny God's attributes but instead confirms them, and confirms God's ultimately plan and will.
>Not being willing to, at this time, eradicate evil, is not malevolence, but perfect love.
>His choice not to cast evil men or angels into hell at this time is part of his perfect plan.

Typical christfag. Talking about the existence of a "perfect plan" without actually knowing the details or providing evidence.

>> No.3898370


>If the theory is favorable, no one will ever doubt it, making accents on proofs and not taking into account "theory holes".

There is little reason to doubt something if it makes accurate predictions and is testable. That said, I don't think "holes" in a theory are ignored. On the contrary I believe they are at the forefront of research. For example, Quantum Mechanics makes shockingly accurate predictions and quantum understanding is responsible for the computer you're sitting in front of, but it is mostly incompatible with General Relativity and our classical ideas of gravity. Theoretical physicists know this. I don't think anyone would deny that there is a problem.

If a theory comes along that explains the whole body of evidence, observation, AND makes accurate predictions time and time again, then it is only natural to toss aside old theories. For example, look up Caloric theory. It was a good idea at the time, but it was just wrong.

Of course I'm not saying that all scientists are good, honest people, but in almost all cases the peer-review process and the establishment forces out dishonest and shoddy practices. That's what I mean by self-correcting.

>> No.3898390


Well the Bible is the inerrant word of God you know... If the Bible said so, it must be true.

>> No.3898392


OP made the mistake of asking about family religion. The idiot.

>> No.3898394
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Dad, watches any cartoon as long as its simple and funny.

mom buys manga and dvds for us (got me steam boy when it first came out) and plays mmorpgs with us

big sis reads mangas and watches a lot of asian stuff mostly chinese

little bro reads things like gantz and jrpgs and fighters other stuff

little sis reads manga and plays mmorpgs and jrpgs

I have to tell them to turn there powerlvls down sometimes.
also we are a black christian family.

>> No.3898396

Disregarding the fact that it is written by humans and revised by humans over the years, of course.

>> No.3898398



>> No.3898401

You arent looking too clever either, with that kind of replies.

Yeah, there will be total chaos if its not for any constructive methods like that. I'm just a little irritated by such way "we dont know it yet, so it doesnt exist for sure" in front of popular yet still unstable theories everyone is bragging about.
Its happens more often in psychology and history than in exact science, because the notion of "proving" becomes too vague.

>> No.3898409

God is a senile old man. He doesn't care anymore.

>> No.3898437

Christianism is the worst and most morbid religion of all, they censored and destroyed tons of invaluable books, crippling humanity's knowdledge forever.
Only stupid and weak-minded people fall for that stupid shit, the perfect religion for the average retarded american pig.

>> No.3898448

I don't have any problem because my parents aren't fucking retarded moralfaggots.

>> No.3898459

The bible is just a recopilation of older history books with a twisted and inexact interpretation.
It's nothing special, actually it's pretty stupid.

>> No.3898465


>Yeah, there will be total chaos if its not for any constructive methods like that.

Ok, I'd say that you understand my points.

I'm just a little irritated by such way "we dont know it yet, so it doesnt exist for sure" in front of popular yet still unstable theories everyone is bragging about.

No serious scientist would draw a concrete conclusion on something based on something they don't know. The best they can say is that any particular outcome is unlikely or likely. On the whole God thing, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Trying to convince anyone that God absolutely exists or absolutely does not exist usually ends up treading dangerously close to this fallacy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance
Heck, even Atheist poster-boy Richard Dawkins doesn't say he knows for sure that God doesn't exist, it's just highly unlikely.

I'm happy with being an angry agnostic that says, "I don't know and you don't either!"

>> No.3898469

Seriously, If I ever choose to believe in something, it wouldn't be about a fucking doped magical hippie.

>> No.3898474

Perfect mercy? Perfect love?
If he does love you that much, then even if you turn into a horrible sinful ridden creature, he will eventually forgive you because he loves you and he has infinite mercy to spare.

Perfect justice? Just take a look at the mercilessly, cruel and injustice nature.

>> No.3898475


forgot mah ">" third line down.. fuck. Oh well, stupid discussion anyway.

>> No.3898485


>Perfect mercy? Perfect love?


>> No.3898486
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good to hear.
how is this related to anything in the thread?

>> No.3898500

>So /jp/ are your parents christian?

My father occasionally worships Odin and - having missed his shot at Valhalla after being judged unfit for air force service - plans for his reincarnation as a wild rabbit on Gotland.
My mother is neurotically frightened of anything vaguely religious, but still attends church every christmas because she had the habit imprinted as a child.

And I love them very much for what they are.

>> No.3898501
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I figured it out...

Thats your twisted opinion, man. Pretty normal reaction of twisted cripple creatures on perfect and absolute entities. Not bad for you, not bad for them.

>> No.3898504

I was not born and raised with religious dogma shoved down my throat, one of the few things I can actually thank my mom for.

This said, I don't actually know what her religious preference is, but if she does believe in god or the bible then she is clearly very lax about it as we haven't even gone to church once.

Japanese things, I don't know.
She certainly thinks of anime as just another cartoon, and cartoons are for kids.
She doesn't even watch disney/pixar movies.
The Incredibles were on the other night and she changed the channel in favor of CSI: rerun episode #1996371 that she has likely seen twenty times.

Needless to say, our hobbies rarely ever meet up.

>> No.3898526
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Old ZUNbro grew up attending a few private Catholic schools. But my parents mainly sent me because they wanted to "give me a better education". It ended up being slightly better than the public schools I attended. I also liked the school uniforms.

And my family as a whole is barely religious, so they don't care about my video games/animes/figures/eroge. As for my parents, I get along with them just fine. When I'm not fapping at my computer I'm usually in the living room talking with mom and dad.

Honestly, I think the religions of the world are pretty interesting. I see religion is a tool which can be used for good or evil anyways. And I also believe that the existence of some sort of universal creator can't be proven or disproven, so yeah.

>> No.3898554

my father is a christian, so does my mother

actually, my mother hates eastern things, my father loves them, but I don't really give a shit about them so whatever

>> No.3898557

Christianism is based of a fiction book about the adventures of a nigger hippie with magical powers.

>> No.3898560

are you implying that Jesus didn't exist?

>> No.3898567

>kill people
>old testament
The same old Testament that said I should kill my neighbour if he's Homosexual?

>> No.3898574

Not that anon, but I don't think most people will deny that the person called jesus existed.
It's every story about this jesus that is fictitious.

>> No.3898587


Or if he wears two or more different kinds of fabric, or one kind of fabric without a tassel at each corner. Or if he picks up a stick on a Sunday. Or if he has "an issue from his member". Or if he still has his foreskin. Or if he forgets to sacrifice two pigeons and a ram every day to create a pleasant odor for the lord. Actually you should kill him right away, just in case. Otherwise the lord might decide to "consume" you.

Seriously, the old testament god makes Cthulhu and the old boys pale in comparison. At least unlike him, they aren't outright evil.

>> No.3898591

You can't be a christian unless you're an ignorant.

>> No.3898599

What I need is some kind of 4chan filter that blocks out people arguing about religion.

>> No.3898600
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I thought you said it like its a bad thing.

>> No.3898607

Please, don't drag this stupid moralfag bullshit here, this is the reason I feel sick after browsing /v/ or /co/.
If there really are so many retarded pieces of shit in here I prefer not to know it.

>> No.3898613

Or you could like hide the thread.
The 4chan filter is great.

>> No.3898625

Dont forget to pray today then.

>> No.3898628

>an ignorant

Okay, buddy. Have fun with that.

>> No.3898637

Sauce on OP's pic?

>> No.3898700

Lol at people trying to explain the clusterfuck that is christianity.

>> No.3898743

You imply that homosexuals should not be killed? The only thing they do is convince women that starvation is beauty.

>> No.3898780


I don't think you know any homosexual

>> No.3898798

Disease ridden fools. Attention whores as well. I have yet to meet one who didn't scream in my face THAT THEY ARE GAY AND PROUD! GAY AND PROUD!

Personal experience. I suppose yours is different. I am willing to exchange my homosexuals for yours.

>> No.3898832

My dad has occasionally commented on my Japanese games, mostly something along the lines of "all those characters look the same." He doesn't seem to be that disappoint, though. I'm really interested in history, and I would always watch war movies and westerns and stuff with him.

>> No.3898839


I see where you're coming from, but as you say, I've never met one who was like that.
That said, they're not bad people.

>> No.3898858
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>So /jp/ are your parents christian?

>how do they feel about Japanese things?
Depends on the thing.
They're fine with the figures I have, along with the small miniature food that is propped next to the figures.
It's the collection of Hello Kitty plushies that made them stop caring about the figure part so I don't think they'll be all too shocked when I get around to buying a Dollfie Dream.

They think video games are a complete and infantile waste of time. Paternal Unit says Touhou hurts his eyes, although he approves of the PS3 due to BluRay.

As for animu and mangos, they'd rather have me study...

I try to minimize EVERYTHING I have mainly because I don't want any questions surging up and because Maternal Unit can't help but make comments on anything and EVERYTHING.
Seriously, mom. Leave it be. Maybe then I'd share what I'm working with you willingly

They only know I work on cosplay but don't know any specifics. They know I have a long wig but she thinks it makes me look like a Mexican indigenous due to the hime cut.
I've never shown them the Kaguya outfit mainly cause I don't think it's all that nicely made. Hence the V2 I'm working on.

Have some adorable IKEA crab.

>> No.3898867

They gave up
See above

>> No.3898871

My father doesn't know much about my life except where I'm studying, my mother didn't have a problem with it and even said my figures were "cute" once.
Since then I grew out of anime and manga. Now the only japanese-related hobbies I have are eroge/vn, but those no one knows I play.

>> No.3898884

Yep they are.
Well at least my mother, my father is one of those fake christians even though he won't admit it.
As for my hobbies, they stopped pestering me about it when I reminded my father of his obsession for soccer, and my mother her God Complex with the Big Brother.
Feels good man.

>> No.3898925

>So /jp/ are your parents christian?
>how do they feel about Japanese things?
normal, they're japanese. My mom watched mononoke hime but that's it.
>how do you deal with them?
My mom sometimes buys akamaru jump instead of regular jump, but she's fine usually.

>> No.3900829

Saiminjutsu 2

Go around hypnotizing your mom, aunt, cousin, tits neighbor and bitch neighbor. Not very christian behavior
