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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38627993 No.38627993 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>38582054

>> No.38628012

Nice Op.

>> No.38628022

Love these girls.

>> No.38628037

Minami Shinoda is so cute.

>> No.38628038

>early thread
Must be that retarded tripshit again.

>> No.38628072

Y.Aoi will play Makima?

>> No.38628078

lol that fag is talking to himself like in the mobage thread.

>> No.38628079

Kuma cuter

>> No.38628117

Don't make a new thread until the previous one is at page 10.

>> No.38628131
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Based OP making spergs seethe. Maybe it will keep them away.

>> No.38628146

It wasn't me this time. I literally just opened the thread for the first time right now, plus the OP pic has an iOS filename but I don't have an iPhone. I don't make early seiyuu threads anymore.

>> No.38628149

Don't impersonate the Y.Aoifag. OP needs to wait to make threads at the proper time.

>> No.38628166

Idolfags being mentally ill for the nth time. Zzzzzz

>> No.38628202

>Y.Aoifag is one person
How new?

>> No.38628219

Old enough to know not to make early threads.

>> No.38628329
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Tomoka is the cutest!

>> No.38628366

You're really hanging onto this. I will make one even earlier next time just so you have an aneurysm.

>> No.38628409

>refuse to follow board culture
Sasuga cancer.

>> No.38628442

You can just leave, bro

>> No.38628445
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Yeah it's clear you're only doing what you do just to fuck things up as usual.

>> No.38628486

I'm not OP, schizoid

>> No.38628489

Akarin is fucking disgusting.

>> No.38628606

>Shiori Izawa
Hags need to stop doing idol shit marry already.

>> No.38628622
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>> No.38628659
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Cute idol

>> No.38628702

>he's still having his meltdown from the previous thread
Take meds already.

>> No.38628898

Its weird to think that even in the early 00's the idol shit was being pushed.

I know it all comes down to the same thing. But I kinda don't buy I'm tried to push her. Like you said, she was already involved with Muv Luv and Romeo wanted Nakahara.

Yeah you can clearly see the drop, the only main roles she got were in kids shows. And then you can see a drop again in 2014.

I know you said she still appears in gacha but if you look at 2020 compared to 2021 its horrifying, that's a pretty decent drop.

Her wiki is grim reading and I hate looking at it.

>> No.38629070

NO! Do you know how traumatic it was to lose the first generation of Le S Ca?

Shiorin must be allowed to continue as an Idol as long as possible. She gave her best performance as one.

>> No.38629145

At least she seems to be sticking with it. Who knows she might have a revitalization as her 40s play out. Maybe her agency are not sure which roles to pursue yet, kind of like how she transitioned from the cute girl moe-type roles to more sultry or mature voiced characters.

>> No.38629220


>> No.38629283

>Who knows she might have a revitalization as her 40s play out.
I do hope she does, it'd be pretty amazing.

>Maybe her agency are not sure which roles to pursue yet
Well, how long does it take? 5+ years feels too long imo.

>> No.38629294

I need her and miss her

>> No.38629322

>I do hope she does, it'd be pretty amazing.
Examples of this? She'd also need more active social media or she'd be behind plenty of seiyuu that actively use it to promote themselves

>> No.38629333

>5+ years
You exaggerate, 2020 was decent and I feel like 2021 was as well, she just had a really bad 2018 or so and seems to be climbing back into more consistent roles, even if they are smaller roles.
I think social media is a must as seiyuu always use it not only to promote themselves but also whatever projects they're on.

>> No.38629403

2017-2019 were pretty bad for her. I mean, just a lot of her roles come from characters that appear for a few episodes then piss off.

I guess cause they're small roles in anime I'm not watching it feels like her career is dying

>> No.38629436

I wonder if that was when she got married, look up Kakihara and see if his career saw a similar dip, of course for a man it might not be the same. She also could have had a kid and didn't disclose either. Or that was when either her or her agency began to try and transition to different types of roles so naturally it took a few years.
I hope she gets a big role in something soon just for your sake.

>> No.38629506

>She'd probably be as big as Sawashiro if she did.
Nah, Sawashiro's already big name when she moved into Aoni though, Aoni only helped her got to be regular news narrator, got her roles in more dubbed works and mainstream anime like One Piece and MC of Gegege No Kitaro (which i think she played badly because honestly she can't voiced a boy) but her roles in late night anime decreased so much maybe also because her married and child.

>> No.38629519

I looked up Kakihara and yeah, no significant dips.

>I hope she gets a big role in something soon just for your sake.
Cheers, if she gets Makima I will forgive 2017-2019 and believe this was all a plan.

>> No.38629534

Actually has Y.Aoi ever voiced the protagonist or main heroine in a WSJ (or Jump in general) anime?

>> No.38629557

Not gonna happen, hikasa is more likely to get it, also be honest, can she even pull off makima?

>> No.38629560

Was One Punch Man wsj?

>> No.38629622

It’s Tonari no Young Jump (web comic site of YJ)

>> No.38629654

Then the closest off the top of my head is MHA, but I don't think she was a main heroine. Maybe Aoni can get her such a role, but it certainly won't be in CSM, and probably not for a few years.
Why else go to them if not to check that off her hypothetical career goal list?

>> No.38629705
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where 4u?

>> No.38629718

>can she even pull off makima?
Yes. Pretty well imo.

>> No.38629734

Any previous roles that indicate this?

>> No.38629753

Nanami from Katanagatari.

>> No.38629775

I'm not familiar enough with CSM to know, but she did nail that character and it was a departure for her to my knowledge, but being able to voice a character does not guarantee success in getting a role, as you well know.
Also when is the cast announcement so I can either laugh at you or congratulate you?

>> No.38629833

>being able to voice a character does not guarantee success in getting a role, as you well know
I know, but I also believe there's probably not a lot of VA choices for Makima, probably less than 10. Of course Sakamoto and Sawashiro and Hayami is who the Nips want as always.

Also I don't know, I can't give a date. There's been no info since last year. I guarantee everyone will laugh at me (including myself) when Makima is announced tho.

>> No.38630008

OPM is Jump but not WSJ then again they have no actual main heroine because females barely got screentime

>> No.38630427
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>> No.38630673


>Gegege No Kitaro (which i think she played badly because honestly she can't voiced a boy) but her roles in late night anime decreased so much maybe also because her married and child.

Not that I touched Gegege no Kitaro but didn't Sawashiro voice Carl Clover from the BlazBlue franchise?

>> No.38630682
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>> No.38630765


>> No.38631438
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>> No.38632142
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>> No.38632176

I mean, Sawashiro has voiced a lot of male characters in her career. Kurapika probably being the most famous.

>> No.38632224

What a qtpie

>> No.38632237
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Sawashiro has crazy range and has even voiced lolis. I do admit that she has been a bit generic lately, but if she wants she could probably voice almost any type of character.

>> No.38632345

Of course, Sawashiro's range is amazing, she can voice practically everything a female voice actress can voice (my favorite typecasting of hers being elegant, sexy adult females that may be evil or not)

>> No.38632390
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>elegant, sexy adult females that may be evil or not
I mean she excels at that, but what are some of the roles you enjoy that are counter to her usual typecasting?
I should admit that she is top five for me.

>> No.38632418

Trap is fine but i don't think she is good at doing actual boy voice, most of time she sounds like woman using low voice

>> No.38632431

You a trap connoisseur? Also, why are you so focused on boy characters?

>> No.38632588

I like when she voices ojousama characters. She did a great job voicing a butt monkey high class girl in an anime called Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun (overall okayish, but Sawashiro's work was solid as always).

Sawashiro def in my top 10 female voice actors. Probably one of the "mainstream" seiyuu I like the most.

>> No.38632605

Not really, just want to point out

>> No.38632618

Who are the non-mainstream seiyuu you like the most?

>> No.38632701
File: 181 KB, 800x1151, 1617185696517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*loses her self-insert to a Bushiroad slut*

>> No.38632719

Flat and unattractive

>> No.38632728
File: 68 KB, 412x653, bring me the head of MKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad some absolute autist ruined any actual conversation we can have about her.

>> No.38632858

If with non-mainstream you refer seiyuus with less than 1000 favorites on MyAnimeList, recently I got an interest in Yukiyo Fuji. Only 250 favs on MAL and she has a pretty good range (can voice sweet girls like Latifa in Amagi Brilliant Park, genki girls like Milliana in Fairy Tail, melancholic females like Sailor Saturn in Sailor Moon or tough tomboys like Sister in Edens Zero). Right now she's in the Fantasy Ojisan isekai as the Elf Chieftain and is amazing, she basically uses all of her range at the same time. Truly an underrated talent as far as I know.

>> No.38632883

And what are your other top ten favorite seiyuu, mainstream or otherwise?

>> No.38632885

Japs don't even use it.

>> No.38632908

No one does besides faggot zoomers who pretend to like anime. I doubt they know anything about seiyuu.

>> No.38632917

Post would have been better without referencing irelavant shit like MAL. Even nip polls with 300 voters are more relevant.

>> No.38632940

Don't have the list here, but if we talk about female seiyuus only, top 3 are Nana Mizuki, Rina Satou and Shizuka Itou.

>> No.38632950
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>thought you had shit taste
I stand corrected, carry on, based anon.

>> No.38633409

What's the context?

>> No.38633600

When you think seiyuu threads can't get any worse, studently MAL.

>> No.38633645

Suguta Hina's only other notable role before she got Marin was some side character from BanG Dream

>> No.38634004

What does that have to do with her though

>> No.38634022

MKL is retarded.

>> No.38634229

a plague.

>> No.38634301

What do nips use anyways?

>> No.38634563
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Their brains.
Seriously voicepigs got good memories

>> No.38634835
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Very beautiful Tanechan.

>> No.38634864
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>> No.38634957

A true idol.

>> No.38635001


>> No.38635003

She just needs to do a bikini PB now.

>> No.38635115

she looks like an AUTIST god damn it

>> No.38635153

N-no she just doesn't know the correct way to smile for photos!

>> No.38635212

Anyone is okay realy, as long as it not a goblin.

>> No.38635348

does she have that facial problem where one half can't smile? i can't put it, it's not dorky, it's not really retarded, but the best word i can use is autist.

>> No.38635459

Jesus christ she looks so old now.

>> No.38635496

name a seiyuu that is having SEX right NOW

>> No.38635592

Akarin is being fucked by her twink boyfriend now.

>> No.38635617

10chan taking 10 sony executives dicks right NOW

>> No.38635671

aoi yuki is having sex with herself

>> No.38635798

Hikasa or sawashiro with their respective husbands

>> No.38635875

sumipe and ____me

>> No.38635906

Pardon my ignorance, as I'm not well-versed with that term, but what's a goblin in this context? I heard people calling Aoi Yuuki that, but I don't know if it's something related only to her or is a broader term.

>> No.38635987

Lynn with all of her ex-boyfriends.

>> No.38636044

Well, no one else reached such goblin levels yet, so its only her, but technicaly its a broader term.

>> No.38636178

Nah she's just awkward and can't really smile in photos. She can smile just fine in other situations.

>> No.38636251

Yeah. Her smile is so lovely when talking about good looking young boys with other seiyuu.

>> No.38636557 [DELETED] 

>Chiwa Saito saying "I love you"
Take me back to the good old days.

>> No.38636566

Is really weird how they never exploited her beauty when she was younger.

>> No.38636753

It's never too late. In fact I prefer to see her older body if possible.

>> No.38636805

Probably impossible now that people could see her C section.

>> No.38636835

Bad meme. She was never pregnant.

>> No.38636881


>> No.38636909

I'm her husband.

>> No.38637502
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, TVアニメ「平家物語」玄田哲章・千葉繁・井上喜久子・西山宏太朗インタビュー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38638427

nips are very ugly

>> No.38639309

You're blind.

>> No.38639595
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>> No.38639706

I really hate how Lynn is so underrated

>> No.38639780

Me as one of her ex-bfs

>> No.38640237

as they say, hate is associated with rationality

>> No.38642440

How long are maternity leave periods in Japan? I ask because in this week's episode of the Koroshi Ai animated adaptation, Maaya Sakamoto appeared as the wife of one of the main characters.

As I understand, Sakamoto announced her pregnancy just last year (December 27, 2021). When the child is born, how long do you suppose her maternity leave will be?

>> No.38642644

>Sakamoto announced her pregnancy just last year (December 27, 2021).
Sakamoto also said in that same announcement that she had started coming back to work albeit slowly. Honestly I think that even during her maternity leave, her name will still show up in the credits of some anime-game that have the recording finished by then. Side character(s) of course, I’m certain she won’t be taking new protagonist/main heroine roles around this time

>> No.38643090
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>> No.38643185
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>> No.38643217


>> No.38643351

Just check for how long Sawashiro disappeared. Nana is semi-active at the moment.

>> No.38643417

oh my god.....

>> No.38643837
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>> No.38644130

dibs bottom right whoever that is

>> No.38644197
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>> No.38644287
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Boring idolfag thread is boring, what happen to Y.Aoifags, they too bored to come post about her alleged greatness?

>> No.38644325

They realised they were wrong.

>> No.38644341

Better than idolfags though and best ever maybe, too early to tell for many

>> No.38644352

>best ever
Fuck off, Aoifag.

>> No.38644368
File: 160 KB, 1094x1600, 828775426374eaa67019bdab195d3eaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many anons, including obvious esl anons tsundere for Y.Aoi?

>> No.38644372

>best ever
Fuck on, Aoifag.

>> No.38644379

>best ever
Fuck fag, Aoioff.

>> No.38644446

Lynn is better, true goat.

>> No.38644538

I recognize Hisako "The Zapper" Kanemoto

>> No.38644629

Mimorin>Hisako>>>>>>Seto>random nobody>>>>>>Arab>Inorin

>> No.38644648

Why yes, I still have not forgiven Kanemoto for Kokoro Connect

>> No.38644666

The only one capable of acting in that photo is the Arab, I care nothing for their attractiveness for that is why actual gravure models exist.

>> No.38644687

Based Satan but Seto is pretty good too.

>> No.38644689
File: 212 KB, 1619x1080, 7shade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cast is...

>> No.38644706

Perfect for a shitty series

>> No.38644711

Y.Aoifag is the devil

>> No.38644907

What if you were tasked to repopulate Japan with just them as the girls, would you do it

>> No.38644979

Only with the Arab

>> No.38645178

but she smells

>> No.38645193

I will make Japan as non-Japanese as possible.

>> No.38645436

Smell like exec cum.

>> No.38645459
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Reminder that Y.Aoi is taller than Maaya Uchida.

>> No.38645617

considering OnoKen's lift's he's not much taller

>> No.38646278

now that the dust has settled, how come Yukarin never got a role in Symphogear?

>> No.38646592

Nana doesn't like her.

>> No.38647313

Remember nobody needs your forgiveness

>> No.38647371

Bilibili produced anime again? Because spend quite a budget not a really big cast but everyone is having name somewhat, main heroines are also Hanakana and Hikasa

>> No.38647378

There;s only one big name in that photo, not much.

>> No.38647487
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>> No.38647601

Fai-chan: YES
Reina Kondo: YES
Mimorin: No, eggs are all dried up
Ayaka Asai: Butterface, but nice booba
Inorin: NO
Seto-chan: YES
Bullmoto: NO

>> No.38647602

kill it with fire

>> No.38647671
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>> No.38647741

kill yourself

>> No.38647853

Holy ESL gtfo

>> No.38648039

Yukari Tamura isn't in King Records anymore.

>> No.38648205
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piping hot qt coming thru

>> No.38648217
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>> No.38648291

lol at the concentrated ugliness on the left side

>> No.38648667
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>> No.38649542
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Season 2 when

>> No.38650073


>> No.38650856
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, TVアニメ「平家物語」杉田智和・梶裕貴・水瀬いのりインタビュー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38651364

Naobou a cute!

>> No.38651539

Shit show
Meme cast

>> No.38651800

why does sugita's skin looks yellowish ? No body make up ?

>> No.38653413

she was still with them when G and GX aired

>> No.38653585
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Mushoku Tensei - 01 (720p) [8B0550B4].mkv_snapshot_14.24_[2021.01.10_20.51.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullmoto: NO
your loss

>> No.38654322

He's a chink.

>> No.38655654

liver problem

>> No.38655862

Inorin getting uglier everytime i see her.

>> No.38656273
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>> No.38656542
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>> No.38656588
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Was this the big role you were waiting for? Also, not that bad of a cast if I do say so myself.

>> No.38656612

>Was this the big role you were waiting for?
Absolutely not. But its rare I get 2 cast announcements in less than 2 weeks. Looks like she'll just be one of the characters the MCs need to beat

>Also, not that bad of a cast if I do say so myself.
Yeah you can tell Bandai splurged a bit.

Probs gonna look like shit tho.

>> No.38656642

Eh, I might still watch it regardless of how shit it looks. Cute girls playing golf works for me. You should at least be happy that she is in the ranks of Kobayashi and Yukarin. In terms of those cute girl shows she's not going to play an mc at her age, and probably doesn't want to.
What would be nice is for a really good dramatic role in a more josei type show (outside of obvious shonen roles).
Nice to see her getting roles though.

>> No.38656667
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Yeah I'll still watch it, pls have Yuri undertones.

>You should at least be happy that she is in the ranks of Kobayashi and Yukarin.
yeah I saw that entire supporting cast, surely Seto, Sekine and Kitou gonna be the youngest there. They're gonna be voicemogged so hard.

>In terms of those cute girl shows she's not going to play an mc at her age, and probably doesn't want to.
Yeah don't worry I don't expect her to get those type of roles.

>What would be nice is for a really good dramatic role in a more josei type show (outside of obvious shonen roles).
Agrred, but doesn't look like a lot of josei gets animated. The only josei I know is Chihayafuru

>> No.38656687

Are you still holding out for that Makima longshot?
An anime that high profile will try to make a splashy casting choice in my opinion, and nothing against Nakahara, but she isn't splashy. Still, you could begin to see her gain more roles recently as she has been doing, and with more Higurashi likely coming she could gain some decent roles in lesser anime, and who knows those anime might end up being good.
I think, like you've said before, part of her problem is that she isn't that interested or in touch with the industry or its trends anymore, and because of that she might not be able to tune into which roles could be secret hits.
Congrats either way!

>> No.38656696


>> No.38656733
File: 108 KB, 640x483, すっげー!本当におっぱい大きいね!(CV=斎藤千和).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yukinari Toa
Now that's a name that you don't see often.

>> No.38656753

The Berserk 2017 anime bombing might have hurt her career

>> No.38656755

>Are you still holding out for that Makima longshot?
Of course. I 100% know it won't happen but the shitposting opportunity is too good to resist if she did get it.

>An anime that high profile will try to make a splashy casting choice in my opinion
Maybe, but they might also try and make a decent choice not based on fame or money. It'd be interesting if it was open auditions. I mean it doesn't matter who they get the casuals that read CSM will think if its not Sawashiro or Sakamoto it's a miscast.

>and with more Higurashi likely coming
Do not fucking remind me that a new anime is expected to be announced, after SotsuGou I''m burnt out of Higurashi. I'll only accept it if its an adaptation of one of the game only arcs. But I would not be shocked if they tried to animated the ongoing manga that has the gang's kids.

>I think, like you've said before, part of her problem is that she isn't that interested or in touch with the industry or its trends anymore, and because of that she might not be able to tune into which roles could be secret hits.
Partially that, partially also I'm mismanaging her and just not giving her opportunities which is why we were also discussing whether it'd be beneficial for her to do an Ayaneru and leave I'm.

Yeah I know. I only know her as Casca mainly and in Cells at Work.

>> No.38656773

I think the Nakaharafag unironically has autism.

>> No.38656781

Do you think it's too late now for her to leave IM? Also, don't get the Sakamoto thing, she just gave birth and has been phoning in roles lately. Sawashiro is also a bit tired too, I'm thinking it will be someone young.
>they might also try and make a decent choice not based on fame or money
Not. Gonna. Happen.

>> No.38656790

I agree, probably why he and the Y.Aoifag(s) are so based.

>> No.38656805

>Do you think it's too late now for her to leave IM?
Probably, because I would've said for her to go to Aoni cause they don't care about the idol shit as much. But there are massive heavy hitters there now she'd probably end up in a worse position.

>Also, don't get the Sakamoto thing, she just gave birth and has been phoning in roles lately. Sawashiro is also a bit tired too
Its a casualfag thing since they're the only 2 female seiyuu that casualfags know and as a result they get asked to voice every female villain. I'm convinced nips memed Sawashiro into the role of Daki.

>I'm thinking it will be someone young
We'll see. They honestly might do what they did for JJK, which was have three newbies voice the three mains and then the villain was voiced by a veteran.

I ask tho that the following seiyuu don't get considered.
>Komatsu (Nayuta was fine, but she'd be a shit Makima)
>Hayami (because she'd make a better Reze)

>> No.38656821

Tanechan, doggy style.

>> No.38656827

That's just you being a retard and not knowing anything about her (ie. not looking at her Japanese wiki page).

>> No.38656835

HanaKana can't do it, sorry. Hayami too, her voice matches but the whole villain thing just doesn't fit her. What about Marina Inoue or even the Tomato for veterans, or what about someone like Mariya Ise?
Not sure on new seiyuu who could work but I could see someone lesser known be cast just to do so and to push her. In fact, seeing as that role is highly coveted, I can almost guarantee it will be a young seiyuu, and wouldn't be surprised if it's someone as out of place as Neru.

>> No.38656897

HanaKana as Makima is a big no. I can see her as Reze, but I don’t think she fits Makima at all (I am aware she has voiced similar charas in the past, but I don’t think she meets the standards to voice someone as Makima).

>> No.38657030

>What about Marina Inoue or even the Tomato for veterans, or what about someone like Mariya Ise?
All too deep imo. And Tomato would only appeal to MKL.

>I could see someone lesser known be cast just to do so and to push her.
They'll do that with Power since Power honestly doesn't require much.

>wouldn't be surprised if it's someone as out of place as Neru
I would yeet myself if the Jew got it

>> No.38657082

Outside of Nakahara, who do you think will get the role?
You already know that I have admitted ignorance on CSM and Makima, so all I can do is guess. And yes, you can bet that the Jew is in contention. She's the right age for a push and can poorly voice those type of characters. It fits perfectly!
Who is Power? And why will the Arab voice her?
All jokes aside does anyone have a non-meme shortlist of the possible Makima seiyuu.

>> No.38657158
File: 82 KB, 800x534, DlMIJjKVAAA-92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38657522

Hanae Natsuki as Cuphead
Ono Kensho as Mugman
Horiuchi Kenyuu as the Devil
Nakai Kazuya as King Dice
Houki Katsuhisa as Old man Kettle
Sakura Ayane as Miss Chalice.

>> No.38657667

Who in the fuck

>> No.38657676

>Outside of Nakahara, who do you think will get the role?
Probably Hikasa or Sawashiro.

>Who is Power? And why will the Arab voice her?
Damn you caught one of my previous posts about CSM. Power's one of the main characters of CSM. Power's personality is right up the Arab's alley, and honestly she'd be a perfect fit. Have a look at a few pics of Power and you'll see why.

>All jokes aside does anyone have a non-meme shortlist of the possible Makima seiyuu.
Its hard since a lot of the choices are memed, but I've seen people suggest seiyuu like Shizuka Itou and Chiwa.

>> No.38657708

>Shizuka Itou and Chiwa
I said non-meme!
I also don't think Sawashiro gets it, and only Hikasa if they want to go cheap, and their first options didn't work.

>> No.38657727
File: 11 KB, 128x106, 1536217693968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then probably no one. Every seiyuu someone suggests is a meme choice to someone.

Unless you want me to suggest Sakamoto or Hayashibara? Otherwise we'll just have to wait and see and speculate if we want.

>> No.38657737

she has decent taste at least

>> No.38657774

What if it's someone like Sumipe? Or another such young seiyuu?

>> No.38657802

Guaranteed shitposting in /a/ and /jp/. Also it would be ovious King Records somehow snaked their way into the production committee despite only MAPPA and Shueisha being the only 2 in the CSM Production Committee.

>> No.38657830
File: 160 KB, 1280x896, b771110b8e5d23fac8193d2760724b19_b4de36d2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38657837
File: 34 KB, 533x800, sleepy aoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is MAPPA's histroy with seiyuu pretty grim and limited, all it has is SnK , JJK,and Zombieshit.
Not sure if they will be casting from the usuals or pulling from outside the box so to speak.

>> No.38657842
File: 163 KB, 1280x896, 7a93e0ca2ca693edf833aae781f0d09e_c08b1e88_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38657852
File: 9 KB, 153x216, 16344581868824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38657855

>Is it just me or is MAPPA's histroy with seiyuu pretty grim and limited, all it has is SnK , JJK,and Zombieshit.
Oh its extremely limited. Though that's mainly on the production committee. The thing with only MAPPA and Shueisha being the only two is you won't get any of the fuckery you get with you have someone say, ANIPLEX, on your committee.

Guess we will just have to see.

>> No.38657883

ANIPLEX just bought the rights to MAPPA and CSM

>> No.38657896

That's okay Nakahara gets put in Aniplex shows

But fr though it'd be pretty boring casting if Aniplex was a producer for CSM I can just see them giving Sakamoto the role

>> No.38657918

Snk is Pony Canyon, JJK is Toho and ZLS is Avex.

>> No.38657959

I was referring to the animation studio. Then what will CSM be in terms of publishers?
Might help anons figure out who voices who,

>> No.38657967

>Then what will CSM be in terms of publishers?
There is none, its just Shueisha and MAPPA. Which means if its successful, MAPPA makes bank, if it doesn't then they're in big trouble.

>> No.38657984

Well you're talking about seiyuu picks, not saying the main studio staff may not have their favourites but it's also determined by the producers and the 3 show you listed are by different committees.

>> No.38657997

Isn't the manga really popular? I assume it will make good money.

>> No.38657999

>endless shounenshit discussion
Sure smells like filthy spics in here.

>> No.38658011

>complaining about seiyuu discussion
Vociepigs being cancer as usual.

>> No.38658018

Yeah but the anime might be butchered. I mean I know it doesn't matter. Its guaranteed to be a success, but there's a few red flags right now. I'm hopeful the VA cast can help save it a little bit.

>> No.38658026 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, spic.

>> No.38658033

lol that fag always gets threaten that why there's few ramdom image dump in between.

>> No.38658045 [SPOILER] 
File: 465 KB, 1058x1450, aoi cute 134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a someone who doesn't watch shonen I still care about shonen seiyuu discussion.

>> No.38658058 [DELETED] 

Why are you always avatarfagging?

>> No.38658074

What red flags are those?
Again, not familiar with the source but after KnY my gut tells me that it will be a hit regardless of their choices . . unless there's a terrible misstep.

>> No.38658082 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 390x412, 1642877304684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry about it.

>> No.38658111

What's wrong with it? It's not against the rules.

>> No.38658118

>he doesn't know
Lurk a bit longer and stop trying to derail good seiyuu convos, newfren

>> No.38658151

>newbie director
>the fact we haven't gotten any solid news in well over 6 months
>last "PV" wasn't really a PV and Makima was butchered
>no future announcement of anything (haven't got a stage at AnimeJapan where you could announce the cast)
Bear in mind, this shit is supposed to air this year. We are now well over a year since the anime was initially announced. You could probably think that they're taking their time. But I like to think there are some serious production issues (apparently they've taken the animators from Mushouku Tensei).

>Again, not familiar with the source but after KnY my gut tells me that it will be a hit regardless of their choices . . unless there's a terrible misstep
Nah I agree, like, as long as you're not competing with KnY CSM is gonna dominate no matter what season you put it in.

I'm honestly of the opinion it should not have gone to MAPPA, since if you look at what they're working on its clear they've got a shitload of stuff.

>> No.38658154
File: 494 KB, 573x618, aoi yuuki cute 132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun.

>> No.38658158

Read global rule #13, newfren.

>> No.38658189

Is it possible that they didn't expect something like JJK to be such a big hit?
Or maybe they are aware of CSM's expectations and want to carefully roll it out, although from what I heard th4e MAPPA SnK stuff is not as good as what came before.
Still, will be interesting to see who is cast.

>> No.38658251

>Is it possible that they didn't expect something like JJK to be such a big hit?
Nah, JJK was also always gonna be super popular, considering how many copies sold.

>Or maybe they are aware of CSM's expectations and want to carefully roll it out
I wish I could believe, but lets be honest, that's never the case.

>Still, will be interesting to see who is cast.
Well the rest of the staff aside from the director is extremely solid. So I'm praying they don't drop the ball on the cast. I legit don't care if the main three are voiced by complete newbies, just please don't fuck up Makima and the rest of the main supporting cast.

>> No.38658308

Who are nips expecting for the big three roles? Curious to say the least.

>> No.38658337

I honestly don't know since they're more concerned about Makima.

But honestly you could just put three newbies in and it'd be fine, you'd have no complaints unless it was Sumipe.

>> No.38658354

>Sumipe ends up playing Makima

>> No.38658365

How horrifying

>> No.38658446

Sumipe is meh but it's worth it just to see Nakaharafag gets BTFO.

>> No.38658453

Wasn't everyone and their mother hoping for Nobuhiko Okamoto for Denji? Don't know if it is a western only thing or if nips also want him.

>> No.38658476

I'm getting BTFO either way but if I'm gonna get BTFO I'd rather it be Hikasa.

>> No.38658740

Then I hope it's not Hikasa so you will be double BTFO.

>> No.38658779

I hope Makima gets voiced by Y.Aoi.

>> No.38658794

She will voice Spider Devil.

>> No.38658867

Please do not lewd Inorin.

>> No.38659077
File: 1.90 MB, 2402x3017, SHEER 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got nothing, NOTHING against Miku's pits. shame on car.

>> No.38659123

Her career is less of a joke too. But are trash anyway.

>> No.38659135

Miku got a boost from her Toubun gig. I don't know if it'll put her trajectory a bit higher in the next seasons but it's way better than what Moe gets nowadays indeed.
Even has a movie coming in the 5th month of the year.

>> No.38659173
File: 110 KB, 624x575, 1643723447447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi will voice Pochita.

>> No.38659430

Mick is shite

>> No.38659448

I don't know who's worse he or the aoifag leading him on

>> No.38659452

Based, she can do that voice she uses for her furry project.

>> No.38659476

Both whores are shit. One sucked the right dick and got her 5toubun gig.

>> No.38659479
File: 17 KB, 549x139, avatarfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help us clean the board.

>> No.38659514

Too clean.

>> No.38659528

Shitposters constantly trying to derail and disrupt seiyuu discussion are worse.

>> No.38659569

Like you do when someone mention any seiyuu that isnt aoi? Go fuck yourself

>> No.38659582

>retard thinks everyone is the sane person

>> No.38659598

>every post I dislike is by a single person
Oh it's that schizo again.

>> No.38659611
File: 1.67 MB, 2400x3020, SHEER 094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a shit.
maybe this one

>> No.38659624

Idolfags know they're D tier seiyuu ain't getting anything worth shit.

>> No.38659629

>exactly one minute apart

>> No.38659640
File: 237 KB, 1114x1286, 1644951926791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i r geniuss

>> No.38659651

Your butthurt over real seiyuufags having seiyuu discussion is hilarious. There are 2 other idol threads for you to image dump.

>> No.38659686

I'm assuming this has been upscaled; the minute details in the image have been almost entirely removed.
A screenshot from a video looks better than this, sort it out.

>> No.38659710
File: 12 KB, 434x102, yous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. He couldn't be more obvious with the samefagging. He will deny it, but he can't post any meaningless screenshot as proof now.

>> No.38659717

Holy based hacker!!

>> No.38659724
File: 42 KB, 331x446, 1614103765793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer expert

>> No.38659735

>maybe this one
No. I want to see some stubble at least.

>> No.38659757

Aoifag sperging out on cooldown, you love to see it.

>> No.38659758

His ideal of on-topic seiyuu discussion is rubbish like armpit hair.

>> No.38659811

>still talking to himself
I don't know bros I think the Aoifag is broken

>> No.38659829

>talking to himself
You mean he's MKL?

>> No.38659833

>open seiyuu thread a few months ago
>nakaharafag is talking about chainsaw man
>open this thread today
>nakaharafag is still talking about chainsaw man
Seiyuu threads are pointless at this point.

>> No.38659918

I don't think so. It's edited so I assume from my source that it's the actual PB.

>> No.38659923

Hate to break it to you but you are on 4chan(nel)

>> No.38659937

>have meltdowns over nothing every other thread
No one is as fucked in the head as you.

>> No.38659945

On topic seiyuu discussion triggers low IQ voicepigs

>> No.38660001

Fair enough, they went real aggressive with the editing if that is the case.
Just be glad you missed a whole bunch of autism in the last 2 months or so, Nakaharafag is the least of these threads concerns.

>> No.38660102

Hey nakaharafag, she just got cast in the gold anime as additional cast

>> No.38660390
File: 196 KB, 871x1539, FL4LlhWaMAEMI6-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38660416

Fuck off not seiyuu.

>> No.38660466

What's her name?

>> No.38660480

Ugly Whore

>> No.38660524

Well atleast Nakahara got two new upcoming major supporting roles, what is Aoi doing next season? she has 0 new anime, i want to say a gap because agency transfer but Ayaneru did fine still voicing many roles.

>> No.38660556

She's busy molesting aryan shotas

>> No.38660592

Yomichi Yuki. New seiyuu on the block.

>> No.38660777

what did she got?

>> No.38660897

Who are you referring to?

>> No.38660940


>> No.38660952


>> No.38661207

Why do you think Aniplex anime = instant new role for Sakamoto? Take 2021 for example, I can only remember Ousama Ranking and Bishounen Meitantei

>> No.38661239

>Is it possible that they didn't expect something like JJK to be such a big hit?
JJK anime was decided around the time vol 2 got published. Maybe not close the big hit level, but they definitely had high expectation for the adaptation from the beginning

>> No.38661334
File: 53 KB, 600x902, 1639669253036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booba poster is that you?

>> No.38661412

>Nooooo this isn't a seiyuu, she hasn't voiced my favorite pokemanz yet

>> No.38662470

PB pre-order cancelled

>> No.38662490

The snk stuff this year has improved massively (bar the OP) for some reasons though. The first part last year was meh overall but still better than WIT's last season.

>> No.38662502

honest hat

>> No.38663505

This thread needs less discussion about seiyuu and their careers and more image dumps and fetishizing armpits.

>> No.38663574


>> No.38663605

There should be a /koebuta/ general for mindless dumps and trash posts about "seiyuu".

>> No.38663773


>> No.38663808

Absolutely correct, anons wanting to trash an image board with dialogues and signatures should move into another platform like IRC or texting each other.

>> No.38663819

It's MKL fault, after he came and forced idols, posting the same 3 images and talking about licking waki all the time, other retards though they were in good company.

>> No.38663838

aaand back at samefagging

>> No.38663872

It can't be help. Shitposter that hate seiyuu want to stop any seiyuu discussion so they will do anything to make it look like they are many.

>> No.38663898

I don't get why they care. If the discussion doesn't interest them then don't read it.

>> No.38663936

Too difficult for their pea brains.

>> No.38664054
File: 79 KB, 534x800, young_goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All. Me.

>> No.38664073
File: 80 KB, 675x1200, 1618950912837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based

>> No.38664137


>> No.38664145
File: 834 KB, 916x914, 1528897114933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a link? I've never heard of an anime with 'gold' in the title? If its true then that 3 cast announcements in less than 2 weeks.

>> No.38664164

She's an Aniplex regular and they probably wouldn't be able to resist. Like in SAO and Re:Zero she voiced the main villain in both shows.

Sakamoto sells.

>> No.38664260

Her body

>> No.38664301

Kek. Don't let Suzumura find out

>> No.38665412

Happy 8th Anniversary T7S.

>> No.38665631

It could be Golden Kamuy, pretty sure they're making more of it.

>> No.38665661

I think he's made a typo and meant the golf anime which I already posted about.

>> No.38665673

I see.

>> No.38665841

>we have a Nakaharafag
>we don't have a Hiranofag, a Notofag, a Horiefag, a Kuwashimafag, or a Sakamotofag
It's not fair

>> No.38665854

I like all of those except Hirano.Be the change you want to see int eh world anon!

>> No.38666003
File: 81 KB, 710x450, s-10298_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the hiranofag I just don't post a lot

>> No.38666221 [SPOILER] 

That faggot is still mad

>> No.38666232

What a loser.

>> No.38666274

>acts so much like MKL.
inb4 he denies it as usual.

>> No.38666354

I'll say it again, why doesn't he just post that picture in the current thread if he wants anons to see it?
Why make an early thread?

>> No.38666380

He has brain problems.

>> No.38666417
File: 4 KB, 241x198, 1540532773549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He clearly has an issue with me and others having actual seiyuu discussion. If he thinks he's gonna escape Nakahara, he's not cause her birthday is on Wednesday.

I'll quieten down after that

>> No.38666474
File: 18 KB, 320x180, 134753242124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her birthday is on Wednesday
Thanks for reminding me, I'll be watching

>> No.38667634

I'll get my printscreen ready

>> No.38667867
File: 332 KB, 1536x2048, FL8BmLFacAEh9gQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a new thread? This one hasn't even hit page ten yet.

>> No.38668350

And in the same year, her other role from an Aniplex show was in Balance:UNLIMITED. Only that show.

Not an Aniplex anime.

You might think Sakamoto shows up in a lot of Aniplex works but IMO that’s because she was given a lot of roles from TYPE-MOON, and TYPE-MOON anime all go to Aniplex with the exception of Prisma Illya. So yeah she indeed appears in many Aniplex anime but Aniplex didn’t give her those roles

>> No.38668466

does Sakamoto still play the Ghost in the Shell character, and is that Aniplex?

>> No.38668563

No to both

>> No.38668595

at least she got out before the franchise turned to shit, why do anons think she's an aniplex whore?

>> No.38668666

Retard is just mad no one wants to talk about his favorite seiyuu's armpit. I love how he projects his hatred onto anons who like to discuss actual on-topic shit.
This might be one of the most pathetic displays I have ever witness on 4chan.

>> No.38668742

imagine being mad because anons have a discussion you don't like and are not part of
