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3860146 No.3860146 [Reply] [Original]


2009.12.06. To everyone complaining about Soul Link being censored: kindly stop whining. At least they told everyone in advance unlike what happened with JAST USA earlier this year (see 7/20 update). Also, all who are aware of this have already seen the pictures. "But what about their future games, like Koihime Musou?!" you ask.

Once upon a time, the only anime you could get here was heavily edited made-for-TV shows like Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Did everyone know they were chopped up? Sure! Did people complain? Sure! Did it negatively affect anything in the long run? No! In fact, anime became more popular as a result because they were the gateway drugs of their time. The people wanting more got more because other companies adapted to their needs. Oh wait, they adapted too much. That's why Geneon USA went belly-up. As cute as Popotan was, it probably didn't sell very well at all.

Maybe there's room for complaining once MangaGamer has more than five good titles in its library and there's some actual competition (JAST USA can only respond with one "A" level title a year). For now, what they're doing is fine, because if that's what it takes to plant the seed, so be it. If you'd rather have nothing than something, that's just plain old selfishness.

It's time for one quick debunking, because we'd like to get back to work on ef instead of arguing about all of this:

>> No.3860147
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>(picture from Moogy's blog)

Hey Peter Payne, these are the type of people with whom you're co-operating! If we were Peter, we'd fire him/void his contract on the spot (assuming there was compensation for Demonbane) for making such brash comments about JAST USA and the industry in general. It's not exactly good PR for an "employee" to be mud-slinging. Even Microsoft has the tact to not directly call Apple a "bunch of huge pussies," instead highlighting the positives about PC vs. Mac, such as lower pricing. If you work on something professionally, you're expected to act like a professional during adversity. Leave the name-calling to people who have nothing better to do.

>> No.3860148
File: 28 KB, 677x178, 091206-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds us of everyone who complained about ef being a standalone, yet the people on the team who went through all the trouble of buying the game (including the biggest minori fanboy in Europe, De-JaY) have no problems with it. In the end, the amount of people who claim they won't purchase Soul Link as a result of this are insignificant. They were going to pirate it either way. Taken from Amaterasu TLs' forums:
>(attached picture)

This has been a dose of reality from No Name Losers. Thank you, and have a good December. The next update will most likely contain the ef release! Yay!

>> No.3860151

hurr durr

>> No.3860157

I would care if nnl wasn't composed of the same kind of faggots that they believe are getting told with this.

>> No.3860165


>> No.3860166

Guys, remember they dropped kodomo no jikan in the US?

>> No.3860173


>> No.3860176 [DELETED] 

Thank god we have Moogy to guide us and tell us what's right.

>> No.3860179

>Even Microsoft has the tact to not directly call Apple a "bunch of huge pussies," instead highlighting the positives about PC vs. Mac, such as lower pricing.
Bitches don't know about my Ballmer.

>> No.3860180

This is this, that is that. You can't compare something like Sailormoon with an eroge some anon has been looking forward to. Im torn about what's going to happen to Koihime Musou.

>> No.3860181 [DELETED] 

To sum up this post

Moogy is against censorship, since we are still butthurt from him leaving Ef, we will support censorship

>Once upon a time, the only anime you could get here was heavily edited made-for-TV shows like Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Did everyone know they were chopped up? Sure! Did people complain? Sure! Did it negatively affect anything in the long run? No! In fact, anime became more popular as a result because they were the gateway drugs of their time. The people wanting more got more because other companies adapted to their needs. Oh wait, they adapted too much. That's why Geneon USA went belly-up. As cute as Popotan was, it probably didn't sell very well at all.

Lets compare censoring porn being sold to adults to comparing the changes needed to the changes needed to sell a kids show to American kids. That obviously makes sense.

>If you'd rather have nothing than something, that's just plain old selfishness.

I would rather be able to buy the product how it originally was, and not how some unrelated people with no interest in the game think it should be

>Hey Peter Payne, these are the type of people with whom you're co-operating! If we were Peter, we'd fire him/void his contract on the spot (assuming there was compensation for Demonbane) for making such brash comments about JAST USA and the industry in general. It's not exactly good PR for an "employee" to be mud-slinging. Even Microsoft has the tact to not directly call Apple a "bunch of huge pussies," instead highlighting the positives about PC vs. Mac, such as lower pricing. If you work on something professionally, you're expected to act like a professional during adversity. Leave the name-calling to people who have nothing better to do.


>> No.3860185

Moogy doesn't actually work for JAST, they hire on a per-project basis, I believe.

It's a very important concern for all of us, and not just the pedo crowd. JAST claimed interest in releasing SUMAGA in the future, but what they are going to do? Censor Mira, possibly even Oki? Fuck that.

>> No.3860190

I wonder how many times OP is going to make this thread during the week.

>> No.3860193

To sum up this post

Moogy is against censorship, since we are still butthurt from him leaving Ef, we will support censorship

>Once upon a time, the only anime you could get here was heavily edited made-for-TV shows like Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Did everyone know they were chopped up? Sure! Did people complain? Sure! Did it negatively affect anything in the long run? No! In fact, anime became more popular as a result because they were the gateway drugs of their time. The people wanting more got more because other companies adapted to their needs. Oh wait, they adapted too much. That's why Geneon USA went belly-up. As cute as Popotan was, it probably didn't sell very well at all.

Lets compare censoring porn being sold to adults to comparing the changes needed to allow a kids show to be shown on TV to sell it to American kids. That obviously makes sense.

>If you'd rather have nothing than something, that's just plain old selfishness.

I would rather be able to buy the product how it originally was, and not how some unrelated people with no interest in the game think it should be

>Hey Peter Payne, these are the type of people with whom you're co-operating! If we were Peter, we'd fire him/void his contract on the spot (assuming there was compensation for Demonbane) for making such brash comments about JAST USA and the industry in general. It's not exactly good PR for an "employee" to be mud-slinging. Even Microsoft has the tact to not directly call Apple a "bunch of huge pussies," instead highlighting the positives about PC vs. Mac, such as lower pricing. If you work on something professionally, you're expected to act like a professional during adversity. Leave the name-calling to people who have nothing better to do.


>> No.3860196

Although I don't agree with NNL's attitude, they have a point. People are making way too big of a deal about this.

>> No.3860198

Fuck you.

>> No.3860199

>Once upon a time, the only anime you could get here was heavily edited made-for-TV shows like Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Did everyone know they were chopped up? Sure! Did people complain?

Here is the question though, did said people complaining end up buying the censored version?

>> No.3860200

No, fuck you.

>> No.3860203


It only seems uninportant because the character in question is not one of the main heroines.

>> No.3860205

No, except those hardcore collectors that must have everything.
The bulk of the sales of shows like pokemon is composed of clueless parents and their annoying kids.

>> No.3860207

Yes, and since they are only removing the images and keeping text, this shouldn't be hard to fix. And if they are going to do same with KoiHime, fix will be easy again since BGI got hacked for Soul Link.

>> No.3860211

I like loli the best if not sex'd ==> IT'S CUTE, NOT PEDO

We do not need the pedo crowd in the english market, their numbers are pretty much insignificant. For proof see how all those pedo anime failed even with the pirates crowd.

>> No.3860214


Pretty much this. I think this censoring bullshit is retarded but that's their decision, it certainly wont stop some guy from making a quick patch and putting the CG's back into the game again since all they're doing is removing them and keeping the text.

>> No.3860222

The problem is that if a silly law on an in theory unrelated country makes you cut of images, who knows what the fuck gets cut next, or which vns do not get localized at all.
If they told you that they will not bring over Koihime Musou at all for similar reasons, would that make you understand what the issue is?
You should try to not allow silly censorship take effect.

>> No.3860223


I still think it matters that you don't get to see those CGs uncensored.

Or JAST and MG could throw a bone to us and leave the CGs in the code but not in the game (like was done with May Club back in the day).

>> No.3860224



>> No.3860226

>If you'd rather have nothing than something, that's just plain old selfishness.

And then you have people going "Fuck you MangaGamer, I'm not buying Higurashi because of this!" What the hell, that's idiotic.
If you refuse to buy the game that's censored, okay, that's your decision, but what's the point in not buying others?

>> No.3860232

Those CGs there weren't censored in the first place. The angle is so that you don't see anything that would have to be censored.

>> No.3860233

They never planned to buy Higurashi to begin with.

>> No.3860237


Yeah, but I'm talking about future releases with loli heroines that have proper H-scenes.

>> No.3860238

nnl have a point as all of you little hipocrists would have pirated the game anyway, so in the end you don't even have the right to baaw about. Same with Family Project.

>> No.3860242



>> No.3860244

I hate it when people use shit like this as excuse to justify piracy. If you're going to pirate something, just admit it, don't act like you wouldn't have done it anyway.

>> No.3860248

Wait what? Is the example on that blog correct? Where the fuck is that considered to be loli?

>> No.3860252

I thought support disc thing was Insani's idea? I mean, they're the ones that made the big deal from Planetarian patch for voiced version.

>> No.3860258

I hope MG is just playing it safe for a while until the situation calms down.

>> No.3860275

Are you talking about moogy's blog? We sure don't consider it "loli" and like the Aoko tripfag said, all the characters can be seen as underage if somebody really gets int trouble for it so the whole deal is futile.
Anyway, ITT people repeating themselves. Reported.

>> No.3860276


I didn't visit /a/ at the time that become a meme, but according to LURKMORE they were the ones responsible.

>> No.3860288

What do you mean, 'play it safe'? They just released Suck my Dick or Die, which had a scene where you rape a mother and her daughter, then force them to get off with each other whilst continuing to rape them.

The more the fans make a big deal about these sorts of things, the more likely pressure groups will hear about them and then force the publishers to make the changes.

Besides, it's not as if someone won't find a way to hack in the original CG if they really want it.

>> No.3860291

>Our deliberations on the fate of our Wind patch are over. We have voted to have a one-month test period, at the end of which our patch will be released publicly. We did this because we felt, finally, that there was no other fair way for those few who had bought the game in the hopes of playing our patch to obtain that which they deserve -- and that a private distribution method would miss some of these people.
>Seung Park
>Lead translator, insani.org

Looks like it was Insani's idea.

>> No.3860297


What is that fag doing these days? The site hasn't updated since last year's altogether.

>> No.3860299

I guess they're like Mirror Moon. They're not doing anything.

>> No.3860306

Do I have to break my support disc this time?

>> No.3860310

This part basically makes everything sound like it's just them being butthurt at Moogy. Normally someone speaking against his own contractors for the sake of preserving quality is applauded. The arguments are incredibly retarded as well, it boils down to "You've put up with shit-ass quality before when you had no choice and thus have no right to demand anything better even when things have radically changed".

Really, it just sounds like they are taking a stance they can't really defend just to spite Moogy.

>> No.3860317

Yes, you also have to eat the remains of said disk and upload a video to niconico.

>> No.3860325

Damn we're totally told.

>> No.3860344

so mangagamer removes loli in fear of law for future releases but leaves loli in already released titles? they don't know how probability works right? this doesn't make sense

>> No.3860350

In before "all the characters you think are loli from the previous games are not loli" and a bunch of conjectures already posted.

>> No.3860377

Why do they hate moogy so much? Just for trollan and lulz?

>> No.3860409

> Why do they hate moogy so much? Just for trollan and lulz?

Moogy used to be an Ef editor, then he said fuck them and left.

>> No.3860411
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Sounds fair. Just slap a disclaimer on the front and you're good to go.

>> No.3860412

Moogy stopped editing ef for them, so he could work on other projects that interested him more. Gipface got very pissed at that, and has been trying to troll Moogy ever since.

>> No.3860419

They don't have lolis in their previous games that get sexed up. Don't confuse loli and underage-looking characters.

>> No.3860420

Don't most eroge already have that?

>> No.3860433

Japan prefers to not specify ages except to mock the status quo as seen in >>3860411. SUPPORT JAST USA has been doing it since the beginning. I don't know about MG because I haven't played any releases from them.

>> No.3860441

Did anyone even know who the fuck this girl was before they released this statement? It seems like a low tier VN, and I doubt a few missing pictures are going to hurt anything. This Moogy character seems like a huge faggot. Besides, what VNs can be more interesting than ef?

>> No.3860453

>what VNs can be more interesting than ef?
They see me trollin', they hatin'

>> No.3860455

Sup Gipface

>> No.3860457
File: 13 KB, 209x168, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besides, what VNs can be more interesting than ef?

>> No.3860458

I laughed out loud.

>> No.3860459

> Did anyone even know who the fuck this girl was before they released this statement? It seems like a low tier VN, and I doubt a few missing pictures are going to hurt anything. This Moogy character seems like a huge faggot. Besides, what VNs can be more interesting than ef?

Hey there GipFace, actually, there has been discussion for months on here speculating if they would or would not censor this character, it isn't something that was out of the blue. We all knew of this possibility, however we had hoped that MangaGamer wouldn't take this path.

>> No.3860469


>> No.3860470

Yes I even speculated from the beginning that they would censor the shit of her because she looked too young (compared to all the characters they ever released).

>> No.3860473

I agree, how dare people want everything in the original game, and how dare people be concerned for what this means for future titles, censorship is the way to go.

>> No.3860485

You know, this is like the second time somebody replies to the Caps Lock troll.

>> No.3860488

Censorship is wrong. Period. Any company that censors anything for any reason should go bankrupt and all of its employees should starve to death.

>> No.3860490

Yeah it's pretty dumb of them, but you can't expect much from the people who are offended by this. They're just as big of a close minded hypocrite as the Christian soccer moms that would be offended on their own forums about this being left in. They should just be the bigger man and let it go, they're not even taking out any fucking text.

But I guess when you do nothing but sit on the computer 10 hours a day you have nothing better to talk about than bullshit like this. Get a life.

>> No.3860495

commerce = regulation = censorhip

time to grow up my friend

>> No.3860504

some TLWiki VN's I guess? Sharin no Kuni came to mind...

>> No.3860519

You're about as good at trolling as a coral reef is at building cars.

>> No.3860526

>But I guess when you do nothing but sit on the computer 10 hours a day you have nothing better to talk about than bullshit like this. Get a life.
>Get a life.

Why hello there newfriend.

>> No.3860532

Sharin no Kuni was fucking terrible, why would you leave ef to finish that?

>> No.3860536

>implying ef is better

>> No.3860537

Because he has good taste unlike you?
Must be the reason.

>> No.3860539

ef isn't good, but Sharin no Kuni isn't good either. I am torn on this debate.

>> No.3860543

I wonder what your definition of "good" is.

>> No.3860545

I bet he likes suck my dick or die.

>> No.3860548 [DELETED] 

Sup NNL, shouldn't you be translating instead of trolling here?

>> No.3860547

So it's close-minded and hypocritical to have any thoughts or opinions at all?

In that case, you should probably take a gun to your head and get rid of that pesky brain.

>> No.3860552

>Implying suck my dick or die isnt better than those emoges.

>> No.3860554

but ef is PRETTY! and SHINY!


>> No.3860556

This thread is going places.

>> No.3860570

>Hey Peter Payne, these are the type of people with whom you're co-operating! If we were Peter, we'd fire him/void his contract on the spot (assuming there was compensation for Demonbane) for making such brash comments about JAST USA and the industry in general. It's not exactly good PR for an "employee" to be mud-slinging. Even Microsoft has the tact to not directly call Apple a "bunch of huge pussies," instead highlighting the positives about PC vs. Mac, such as lower pricing. If you work on something professionally, you're expected to act like a professional during adversity. Leave the name-calling to people who have nothing better to do.

Fuck that SEGA DOES WHAT NINTENDON'T forever. I miss the days when companies would so blatantly shit all over one another.

>> No.3860580

Get out nnl devs. Stop being so butthurt over Moogy and go work on ef.

If I recall, you guys were the ones who managed to start this whole censorship debacle in the first place with Family Project.

>> No.3860585
File: 213 KB, 799x597, nontondoOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No can't have it anymore. Regulations and lawsuits prevent people from doing that anymore.

>> No.3860590

I believe you are replying to a troll in the exact manner he wants.

>> No.3860592

Moogy needs to shut the fuck up and start translating Baldr Force EXE. It's about time something decent is going to get translated. It's the real deal.

>> No.3860595

Sega, Sonic, on a known monocycle SNES game stating "NOT COOL ENOUGH NAME".

>> No.3860597

Moogy doesn't understand Japanese you fucking troll, he doesn't translate shit.

>> No.3860598

Moogy is an editor, he doesn't translate.
As far we know, BF EXE barely started being translated, so I don't see how he could be editing when it's not even translated yet.

>> No.3860599
File: 223 KB, 576x720, BUTTHURT REPORT FORM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3860601 [DELETED] 

>NNL's 2009.07.20 post

It's the principle that matters. We wouldn't have complained if there was full disclosure, and we would have still plunked down $50 CAD for the game. Now we simply feel burned and ripped off. JAST USA already announced that all girls were 18 or over. Why did they have to censor these images? Whatever the case, there is no evidence of anyone being informed of this, so what we have here is a flat-out lie.

>> No.3860603

How does he work on all these games if he doesn't understand Japanese?

>> No.3860604

Calm down, I'll get started on BFE soon. I'm not going to rush it though because it's too good for that.

>> No.3860617

I remember you. Aren't you the guy who translated Mushi-Uta? You are an artist, that was incredible. Where is my second season?

>> No.3860619 [DELETED] 

But MangaGamer gave an advance notice.

From NNL's 2009.07.20. post.

>It's the principle that matters. We wouldn't have complained if there was full disclosure

Also check out their update on 2009.07.21.

>Within less than ten hours of the 7/20 post, the story spread to Sankaku Complex, leading to an official statement and apology by JAST USA. Sankaku Complex, of course, didn't feel like naming us directly. Boo!

I must say that I am humbled by the response. They are offering a full refund of the game to anyone who purchased it before this happened, even if you have already played it. Do you know how insane that sounds? This is a business decision that may cost them thousands of dollars. They didn't have to do this, but they did.

>> No.3860623

I actually only did random help here and there for mushiuta, never entire TL. DVD sales were pretty abysmal I wouldn't expect another season :/

>> No.3860626

Disregarding the fact that 'niot translating!=not understanding Japanese', making sure the resulting English makes sense can be done without such knowledge.
The translation may still be wrong, but the english will be fine at least.

>> No.3860627

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.3860631

I see, so he does understand Japanese...impressive.

>> No.3860633

Does anyone have the actual CG images? Would like to see said images for re-evaluation on MG's stance.

>> No.3860634

Too bad. It's one of my favorite shows.

>> No.3860635

No they didn't. JAST didn't tell people they were going to remove the images first and tried to pass it off. MangaGamer at least gave an advanced notice.

From NNL's 2009.07.20. post.

>It's the principle that matters. We wouldn't have complained if there was full disclosure

Also check out their update on 2009.07.21.

>Within less than ten hours of the 7/20 post, the story spread to Sankaku Complex, leading to an official statement and apology by JAST USA. Sankaku Complex, of course, didn't feel like naming us directly. Boo!

>I must say that I am humbled by the response. They are offering a full refund of the game to anyone who purchased it before this happened, even if you have already played it. Do you know how insane that sounds? This is a business decision that may cost them thousands of dollars. They didn't have to do this, but they did.

>> No.3860636

I hear it only shows like one tit.

>> No.3860645

Again why that? The character does not even look close to loli in the pic provived by moogy's blog.

>> No.3860648

Translation is just one step of the process, you seem to think one guy sits down a couple of days and craps out a masterpiece in the first draft. That's why companies hire localization TEAMS nowadays instead of throwing Ted Woosley a couple bucks and giving him a week to work.

The editors' job is to make sure the very often awkward and at times hardly legible first draft becomes actual coherent English, to point out and fix unclear parts with the aid of the translator and overal do the alpha stage of the quality checking. A lot of the final product's quality depends on how much crap the editor can catch and fix to make it resemble actual fluid English.

>> No.3860658

At least Manga Gamer told everyone in advance so now you can choose whether you still want to buy the game or not. (not like many of you were going to anyway.)

If you really want your CG, just get someone to make a patch to reinsert them. It shouldn't be that hard.

I find it funny how it seemed like no one cared about Soul Link until Manga Gamer made their post about the CG being removed.

>> No.3860679

We had threads about Soul Link release, especially on the eve of first expected release (end of november).
And the issue is not the CGs themselves, but censoring creeping up in future releases, with worse cuts.

>> No.3860709


Like Koihime, etc. etc. etc.

Also, can anyone link to the blog or page or whatever where the Family Project shitstorm happened?

>> No.3860740

I believe it was because of nnl.

Scroll down until the 2009.07.20. post.

Afterwards, it spread to sankaku, thus the shitstorm.

>> No.3860743

Mainly Koihime. They don't have any other game with lolis scheluded. Koihime has like 2 main characters as loli, 2-3 lolis with h-scenes and 1 loli with topless nudity (no h-scene).

>> No.3860745

I'm curious who the fuck the troll here is. You can't just do what you want in the srsbsnss world. Real deal is not disney after all.

>> No.3860762

Now wait. Someone first confirm the statement of moogy fagget that the girl in the pic is the one that is gonna be censored. In that pic she does not look like loli at all. Even Kirari, Haruka, Natsume or that DC 'loli' were 100% more loli that her.

>> No.3860765

People pay attention to No Name Losers?

>> No.3860767

JAST apologized and offered refunds. They didn't remove CG, they drew over them. Family Project can be patched with the original CG.

Mangagamer is notifying in advance. They will completely remove CG. They also use their own engine that is yet to be hacked.

It's close, but I'm still leaning towards JAST here.

>> No.3860793


Thank you.

>> No.3860794

JAST is pretty awesome. If only they could get decent titles.

>> No.3860796

>Real deal is not disney after all.

Can someone translate that into non-fucktarded English, please?

>> No.3860804

Since it's a violent and "dark" visual novel, there's bound to be scenes that should be edited compared to a boring story about a childhood love triangle

>> No.3860814

You're the biggest retard in a thread full of retards. Congratulations, shinji.
>108 posts and 6 image replies omitted.
Well I don't know, Jones. And I wonder why do I even bother.

>> No.3860824

"Subjective meaningless term is not subjective meaningless term". How this relates at all to business management, or anything relevant to this thread, in any coherent way is unknown.

Just ignore anyone who uses those fucking terms, they are retarded trying to pretend /jp/ has a cool exclusive dialect.

>> No.3860835

>violent and "dark" visual novel
>Soul Link
>Stuff completely unrelated to economics
Riveting story, Chap.

>> No.3860836

I'm sorry, does ANYONE get what the fuck this guy is on about? It seems like a huge non-sequitur. What novel? And what the fuck is real deal or disney?

>> No.3860850




>> No.3860858

I wish I could hate you to stop posting this shit.

>> No.3860864

disneyfag spotted

>> No.3860865

Hey. This is almost like the gamepatch curse taking effect here. I mean, think about it: Both the Shuffle! and Tick Tack! translation projects (both games are from Navel) were screwed over for one reason or another. I don't know about Tick Tack! but the Shuffle! translation never made it out because heklin, the lead translator, got busted by the feds for carrying loli manga when he tried to get on the plane back to Japan and went to jail. His translations are on his computer in Japan and will most likely never see the light of day again. Now MangaGamer is releasing Soul Link (also by Navel) and because of stupid laws that I don't care enough to know much about, they are removing 6 CG from the game that are considered loli. Is this because of some stupid rules against loli, or is it really the gamepatch 'curse' taking effect?

Ok, ok, I'll go back to /x/ now...

>> No.3860866

Please, someone tell me this is either joking sarcasm or trolling. Please, I beg you. I can normally tell, but the fact that I see people saying REAL DEAL without a drop of irony makes me think I'm overestimating their maturity.

>> No.3860875

lol what

He got arrested for having loli manga? How?

>> No.3860887
File: 32 KB, 476x570, Cool_story_bro!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3860888

It's bullshit. They were trolling and that's just the story they gave. They never were working on it.

>> No.3860889

Forgot your trip retard. And the point stands: commerce = regulations = censorship if you like it or not is not my problem. Now grow up or shut up.

>> No.3860890

Aren't all characters in h-games 18 or over anyway?

>> No.3860899

Which girl are you talking about?

>> No.3860903

>commerce = regulations
Digital black market, get here quick.

>> No.3860908

sure they are.

>> No.3860912


Not all. Devs only say that to cover their ass. The Shuffle characters are very obviously 16-17, with Primula looking like 13-14. And I highly doubt Aya from Yume Miru Kusuri is over 18, she's probably really 12 or 13 (though the English translation makes a joke about the whole thing).

>> No.3860916

In the west there is an chronic over-capacity of lawyers and lawyers want to be employed. So what do they do? They create new markets. You can hack every system and even if the risk is to crash the system, it does not matter in the end.

i.e.: Characters are over 18 you say? But what if they don't like 18? Now let's rally with our pressure groups to create new regulations because new regulations = new markets

>> No.3860917

It's by look. They never state underage ages in games because it's against the h-games regulations.

>> No.3860927

You mean Nanami? She looks younger than all the teenage non-loli characters that you mentioned. She's A LOLI.

>> No.3860946


She doesn't look THAT loli to me. I think Primula is even shorter than her, making Primula look more loli-ish. It's just Nanami has small breasts so that makes her look younger.

Now I'm fearing that devs can't make any girls that aren't D+-cup breasts because some whiner will go "OMG LOLI CENSOR THAT SHIT!"

>> No.3860951

Primula is a bit taller and has breasts. Nanami is shorter and as flat as a little boy.

>> No.3860954

But they're over 18.

>> No.3860958
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>Now I'm fearing that devs can't make any girls that aren't D+-cup breasts because some whiner will go "OMG LOLI CENSOR THAT SHIT!"

The new Overdrive game has no DFC in it. They're probably getting with the times since it's going to be released in english without a doubt.

>> No.3860986

She still doesn't look loli at all. If we had enough funds we could start some organization to represent the interests of small breasted woman in digital media.

>> No.3860993


That been translated yet? How is that game?

>> No.3861000

Brotip: It hasnt been released yet

>> No.3861002


It's still in development, silly.

>> No.3861005


Oh. My bad.

>> No.3861009
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>> No.3861024

Ok, I lol'ed.

>> No.3861036

How does a girl who looks barely 9 or 10 can't be loli? She's the youngest character they ever had H-scenes for (if you consider her fingering scene a H-scene).

>> No.3861037
File: 288 KB, 1128x1000, moe 73387 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worried about the prospect of a Sumaga release. There's no fucking to get around since half of Mira's jokes revolve around the prospect of Unkoman being a pedophile.

What are they going to do? Paint underwear over all of her H-CGs?

>> No.3861050

Maybe because of her facial futures. For me she doesn't look younger than your generic Navel heroine.

>> No.3861068

That's not a problem. She only looks underage. Also even if the fact of being loli-looking was a problem it wouldn't for her, since she's only borderline.

>> No.3861072

Mira has actual tits, Oki doesn't have any. None whatsoever. Flat like a board. What do you think about that?

>> No.3861076

Oki may be flat but she doesn't look like a loli at all.
Kind of like Mayumi in Shuffle.

>> No.3861079
File: 110 KB, 800x600, kiki catgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels good man

>> No.3861084


>> No.3861085

A boy
A boy, right?

>> No.3861096

Yeh like face is more important than a fully immature body.

>> No.3861121

I personally believe that the problem isn't her being a loli or not. The issue with her that in the story she's a few days old alien who takes the form of a loli.
It's arguable whether they could show a few days old entity if she takes the form of a young girl. They decided to play it safe and don't include her risky cgs. I can't blame them for that to be honest.
>Translator: "Technically she is born during the progress of the game, so by the time you have the option to lay your hands on her, she is about 3-4 days old. However, she's not necessarily human either and she matures at a hyper-accelerated rate. She makes the conscious decision to take the form of a child so that the other characters will overlook her ignorance and lack of knowledge, but she could have in fact taken the form of a 20-30-40-however many year old she wanted to because she does not age like a normal person."
As for why do the news says 'appears to be underage?' Because one shouldn't spoil that 'twist' with a news update, and thus it's easier to say she appears underage instead of lengthily explain her circumstances..
Then again she's just a side character anyway, so I find all that argument a bit exaggerated. (Removing most of the hscenes of one of the main heroines in Nocturnal Illusion, and May Club was far worse in my opinion).

As for Koihime, I wouldn't even be so sure they are going to work on it to be honest. They also know it wouldn't be such a good idea with so many scenes omitted, and it likely wouldn't prove profitable. To be honest we should only complain about it after there's a confirmation that there's someone working on it, instead of already rioting like now. I find it dubious that they'd even start working on it in the first place.

>> No.3861479

Actually, I agree with NNL for once...

Hm... That doesn't happen often.

>> No.3861487

Not happy with 150+ posts, OP? Go back to attention whoring somewhere else.

>> No.3861499

Excuse me, but I believe my name specifically says NOT OP. I think you should lrn2read.

>> No.3861506

Whatever you say, OP.

>> No.3861528

Learn Japanese, read as many VNs as you want, forget about shitty localisation companies.

>> No.3861579

Takes too long. Fuck that.

>> No.3861828

I'd rather whine like a faggot, thanks.

>> No.3862345


>> No.3862410

fuck yes Moogy

>> No.3862483

This isn't about the stupid 6cgs that were removed.
Give somebody an inch and they'll take a mile.
I will just leave this here.

>First they came for 2D lolis, and I did not speak out—because there are patches to reinsert the CGs;
>Then they came for the nukige games, and I did not speak out—because I was not into rape and gangbang;
>Then they came for the h content, and I did not speak out—because I was more interested into the story than the ero scenes;
>Then they came for all VNs and games that have questionable content ie violence and implied sex—and there was no one left in the industry.

>> No.3862493

Because censorship of a game in order to reach a larger market is comparable to Nazism.

>> No.3862501

Were you always this retarded, or did you just wake up today and go "REMOVING LOLI CGS FROM A SHITTY GAME? THEY'LL RUIN THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY."

>> No.3862545

<Pixymisa> ooh new news
<Pixymisa> is anyone actually around? XD
<Eriol-kun> no
<Pixymisa> ok
<Pixymisa> from a friend of one of the translators, apparantly the "removing CG" isn't set in stone
<Pixymisa> which is at least some comfort
<Pixymisa> and they know it's suicide if they do it
<Pixymisa> although we know that they knew that already
<|7hs|> just gather donations to move whatever guy they're worried about getting imprisoned to dutchland
<Pixymisa> It's more the general feeling currently around regarding loli
<Pixymisa> since translators only get scripts
<%dan88> I am doubtful that they will restore them for Soul Link (mainly because they already announced the issue), however I would suspect that in the future, they will think very carefully before censoring anything
<Pixymisa> dan88 - they are still debating it though
<Pixymisa> based on the outcry
<Pixymisa> so I'm not writing anything off

There is still chance, guys.

>> No.3862567

This was what happened last time when a certain group wanted to banned eroge.

Banned keywords
>Gang Rape
>Sexual violence (陵辱)
>Cruel sexual play (鬼畜)
>Reverse rape
>Forbidden sex (相姦) (such as adultery and incest)
>Reverse sexual violence (逆陵辱)
>Forced (強要)
>Group sex (複数プレイ)
>School council (生徒会)
>Bestiality (not catgirls or vampires etc)
>Train groping (車内わいせつ)
>Enjo Kousai (wikipedia link)
>Japanese bondage (緊縛)
>Rape (強姦) (another way to refer to rape)
>Pregnant woman

I am not too sure how this affect Rance8 but it was stopped and alicesoft went to rework Rance02 because of this.

>> No.3862600

It had nothing to do with Rance 8! Rance 8 was supposed to be all-star game with everyone's favourite characters from previous games to be released on Alice-Soft's 20th anniversary, but they couldn't finish it because Rance series' writer was working on another game at the moment, so there wasn't time.
They are doing Rance 2 because it's short.

>> No.3862635

>Nocturnal Illusion
FFFFUUUU. I just remembered how i played censored version of that game - during h-scene with red hood you could read descriptions, but screen was pitch black. This was realy... akward

>> No.3863022

Foot in the door, nose in the tent, give them an inch, etc.

>> No.3863198


Strange how VN sites and even people recommending it on 4chan fail to mention the censorship. You think they didn't know, eitehr?

>> No.3863212

There is a patch to reinsert it and the game is old as hell. We are probably still in primary school when the game is released. Pretty sure some uncle out there complain about it back then.

>> No.3863390

>we'd like to get back to work on ef instead of arguing about all of this


>> No.3863588

I'm still not the OP.

Also, NNL are awesome.

>> No.3863611

I'm not going to bother reading the thread to see if someone mentioned it before, but if this is an english translation of a VN, then shouldn't it be possible for someone to get a hold of the original japanese VN and upload the missing CGs? I mean, it wouldn't even be that large a file, this 'patch'. The only problems would be (1) getting the game, then (2) extracting the CGs, and the second one might not even be that big a problem if the guy is software-savvy enough.

Well, whatever, I'm not going to play it anyway. Too busy refreshing 4chan.

>> No.3863618

Holy shit Gipface, you're fucking shameless. Kill yourself.

>> No.3863755


That's been suggested many times since this shitstorm began. It's happened with Family Project. But Mangagamer's VN engine is different from JAST's, so who knows when it'll be hacked to get the CGs.

The main drawback is that the CGs would be mosaic. Then again, I heard the missing CGs didn't have mosaic or any showing of genitals at all, so...

>> No.3863770

Is Gipface still washing dishes for a living? I love when he posted his sob stories on that page.

>> No.3863772

The main issue is not the CGs themselves, is the fact that they decided to cut off content in the first place.
Bad precedent, especially considering more controversial future releases.

>> No.3863861

let me just repeat what i say in all of those threads.

Nanami was censoured because she was CANON UNDERAGE, undeniable. They can't do the same to all the lolis in Koihime because we're dealing with experienced Chinese manly generals, not 3y old aliens or shit like that. They'll just lie their asses out as usual.
While i don't like censorship, i understand how they are fucking scared of Equality Now and moralfag judges around the world.

>> No.3863877

>They can't do the same to all the lolis in Koihime because we're dealing with experienced Chinese manly generals

Oh wow. Manly generals with tits that is

>> No.3863879


you lost me.

>> No.3863909
File: 22 KB, 256x256, 040-Cao-Cao_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cao Cao is so moe~

>> No.3863949

If you're going to be so anal with it, Chinese manly generals are not female. Seriously thinking they wouldn't screw that up will blow my mind

>> No.3863960

Generally speaking, I prefer Ikkitousen portrayal of the ROTK generals.
