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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3785845 No.3785845 [Reply] [Original]

What is this?

/jp/ has started on a project to translate the visual novel Hatsukoi, one of the highest rated according to the Japanese.

Are you in need of translators?

Of course! Anyone with knowledge of Japanese (and English) is welcome to join in and start translating with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

Are you in need of editors?

Definitely. You don't even need to know Japanese to help improve the English text, so your participation is encouraged.

What is the length/progress/ETA?

The total length of the content is approximately 32k lines. We are slightly over 17% as of this post. At our current rate of ~240 lines a week, we'll finish sometime in April of 2012. But the more translators we have, the faster everyone can enjoy the results! If we get to 712 lines a day, we'll finish before the end of the year.

Translator interface

Old threads
(Just follow the linked list from there, I'm not going to put the whole thread history here.)

Official site


Lite Version
Hacked exe for Lite Version

>> No.3785852

And I'll start this new one off by reposting the last statistics.

ANZU 590/5616
B 76/76
C 0/127
COCO 27/4937
COMMON 4642/6754
D 187/187
E 3/12
KARIN 52/4486
KOMOMO 317/7127
M 21/24
P 7/7
S 0/650
V 21/21
YUSUMI 37/4435
TOTALS 5980/34459 17.354%

>> No.3785866

So basically this will never be finished?

>> No.3785867


>> No.3786168


If you keep up to date with these threads you'd know that there will be a huge spike in the lines per week during December when the Christmas holidays start. It'll still take a few months but it'll be finished eventually.

>> No.3786180

wait wasn't this at 18% last time?
why the fuck aren't you making progress?

>> No.3786300


It was 16% at the start of the last thread

>> No.3786304

>we'll finish sometime in April of 2012
Wait wha-
>240 lines a week

Oh. That really is slow.

>> No.3786615


>> No.3786896

I might be willing to do a few lines if someone explained to me how that reTrans thingy works

>> No.3786914

Chose a script file (route), click the line you want to translate/edit.

Such as:



>> No.3786935

>My Sibling is a Changed Person

Who the fuck translated that

>> No.3786953 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming Anon Talk .com thanks

>> No.3787111

Looks like we'll have to get a user's guide written after all...

Don't forget that we're still looking for editors, and if you find something wrong you're more than welcome to jump in and edit.

>> No.3787166

The issue is not the English, the issue is that it's a completely wrong translation.

>> No.3787172

Where do you see that?

>> No.3787173

Yeah, write a good guide, tell me where to start, also, do you have a page with conventions? It would help ensure that special words, titles etc. are translated the same way throughout the text

>> No.3787180

It was on E.txt. I fixed it.

>> No.3787192


they probably misread 恋 as 変. People make mistakes sometimes, that's why we need editors and people checking stuff over like you did.

>> No.3787218

Yes, well, not a user-guide for the interface, but in order to get a coherent translation, we should gather some general conventions and information for stuff like:
- name lists (kanji)
- honoforics use, when to translate stuff like onii-chan as big brother
- special traits of certain characters and the likes
- how to deal with characters like 。……▼ 「」? (use . ... "" ? instead etc.)

>> No.3787262


with the multitude of random anons that pitch in a few lines here and there, some people will miss any such announcement. This could help to some degree, but basically at 100% there'll be a lot of proofreading to do.

>> No.3787458

Can someone give me a name list, at least?

>> No.3787470 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming Anon Talk .com thanks

>> No.3787502

From the previous thread at >>3745050

加藤美木 - Katou Miki
鎌田直矢 - Kamata Naoya
西村陽子 - Nishimura Youko
初島杏 - Hatsushima Anzu
二木竜也 - Futaki Tatsuya
桜井小桃 - Sakurai Komomo
高鷺花梨 - Takasagi Karin
椎名柚純 - Shiina Yusumi
ココ・夏野・パルフェ - Coco Natsuno Parfait
聖桜館 - Seioukan (the school name)

>> No.3787632

。……▼ 「」? I've been copying and pasting them right back in or not deleting them at all.

>> No.3787959

I like this way of translating, despite the obviouse drawbacks. I will try to do a few lines every day. It does look like it's progressing rather nicely though, I can see change from when this thread was posted.

>> No.3788875

We're aiming to have that done before this reaches 20%. Currently, read the previous threads in the archive (starting at the linked list in the OP) to get yourself more knowledgeable with the project.

I asked multiple times in the past whether a discussion board or something similar would be useful, but was not met with any positive responses. Everyone thought these threads would be enough information. How about now?

>> No.3789484


>> No.3790139

This is what all the previous translators have done. And leave the quotes alone too, the game engine doesn't handle "English quotes" very well.

>> No.3790589 [DELETED] 

saving this thread from doom

>> No.3790603


>> No.3790614 [DELETED] 

delete the bump posts later after the flood is over

but keep this thread alive, it's not even a day old!

>> No.3791074

Bumping through the poll faggotry.

>> No.3791925

...and it looks like it's survived!

>> No.3792451

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3793027


>> No.3793640

another bump

>> No.3793660

You should also post this in /a/.
Sometimes /a/ has translation thread and suddenly a translator appear.

>> No.3794138


We aren't that desperate, Anonymous.

>> No.3794910

Bump. Godspeed, translators.

>> No.3794922

Agreed. /a/ would probably bring more unwanted attention to the project.

>> No.3796382


>> No.3796391

I will need to continue translating after I've returned from spending time with family. I had 2 papers due yesterday and today I've been recovering. Tomorrow is Turkey day which means I many not get back onboard till Friday

>> No.3796819

You're not the only one doing translation, so that's fine. But thanks for the update.

>> No.3797739

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3798562

KOKO and CARIN haven't changed much since last week... any extra translators coming in are advised to work on those.

>> No.3800394


>> No.3800505

There is some discussion going on around here that /jp/ wants to translate some other VNs as well. We may add another project or two to the site, so you can choose others to work on as well.

>> No.3800685

What? So that things get delayed even further? Expect a Hatsukoi translation in 2013 then.

Still, I'd very beneficial to have something like described in >>3787173

>> No.3800736

You would acctually need 915 lines a day to finish by december 31st. Also, I doubt everyone would work through the holidays. (Although... this IS /jp/ so maybe progress would bic UP. But in that case they won't work through exam week at least.)

Might I suggest: If you can get to 560 lines a week, it should be finished by the end of 2010.

That's still alot better than 2012, and way more realistic than ~1k lines a day, heck 560/week is a goal you can even EXCEED.

>> No.3800742

Ahhh, I see. The OP was post 2 days ago when ~700 a day was accurate (still ridiculous... I wonder if it's a joke). Neat that it's been bumped safe for 2 days now.

>> No.3800756

Convince me about the good points of this game and I might consider lending a hand.

>> No.3800769

Have you even read the EGS comments? That's probably the best place to start.

>> No.3801005

Chck out the initial threads on easymodo.

>> No.3801133 [DELETED] 

What are these "some other VNs"?

>> No.3801137

>/jp/ wants to translate some other VNs as well
Which would these be? Katahane, and...?

>> No.3801152


If it's F/HA then I'm all in for it.


>> No.3801155

Silly, hollow ataraxia already has a translation project!

Speaking of which, how 'bout that Otome Function?

>> No.3801161


I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3802019

It won't get delayed, in fact we may stand a better chance of picking up more translators.

5 translators, 100 lines a day, that's 3.5K per week. This is around what I'm expecting when we get to the winter break where everyone has nothing else to do besides translate (and play Touhou, lurk /jp/, etc.) The guy who did COMMON is capable of at least 300 per day.

>> No.3802956


>> No.3803917

up, thread, up!!!

>> No.3804320

keep this thread alive for 2 weeks just like the last one

>> No.3804331

pity bump.

oh, and how should i learn recursion before i read sicp?

>> No.3804380
File: 33 KB, 385x475, The_Little_Schemer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3804738


>> No.3805282


Receive SICP?

>> No.3805316

Thanks, bro.

>> No.3805371

Can you select chapters/scenes you want to play once you finished them? It would make translation for me, with my limited japanese knowledge much easier and more precise if I knew more about the context and tone of what is being said.

So if someone could upload a save file, I appreciate it.

>> No.3806136

Read the previous threads. Someone uploaded a savefile before.

>> No.3806323

Here ya go, everything in my folder with a .sav
http://www.mediafire.com/file/y4zyzl3y3my/Hatsukoi save.rar

It should be the beginning of every route and where I'm at translating Anzu

>> No.3806331

>5 translators, 100 lines a day, that's 3.5K per week
That's... Pretty insane speed.

>> No.3806342

If they just pulled of 5000 lines at Christmas, that's almost as much as they have done now.
If the project survives till summer, it will be ease to finish during it.

>> No.3807248

ANZU is coming along nicely.
COCO hasn't been touched in over a week.
COMMON is progressing well and over 70% complete.
KARIN also hasn't changed for more than a week.
KOMOMO is moving at a detectable rate.
YUSUMI looks like it recently acquired a translator.

...posting on 4chan from work, lol.

>> No.3809125


>> No.3810015

Gotten about 200 lines translated on Anzu today. Goddamn idioms again


>> No.3810020

So the rear end it makes the girl extend around year, forever and it is not possible to solve and.

>> No.3810027

Best I can come up with is, you're at the marriageable age already but your ass will forever stick out.

Though that would be rather humorous to leave translated like that I'm sure there's a better meaning.

>> No.3810058

TLDR: out of the only two interesting characters in this game, only one is actually having a translator.

>> No.3810088

(I?) can't let a girl of her age keep showing her butt like that forever.

Dunno the context, was the best i could come up with in english.

>> No.3810106

I'll go with that till someone comes up with something better. The next line is her yelling at him for being a pervert

>> No.3810146

Damn, I should've read two more lines, it's because she's squatting in front of the TV that he says that. Now the line makes sense. He's just picking on her again. Silly Onii-chan

>> No.3810254

What's wrong with a teenager showing her ass? You see that in anime all the time.

>> No.3810288

Make a real webpage for your translation or GTFO, troll.

>> No.3810571

>implying the current one isn't real and is only a shared imagination by some of /jp/

>> No.3810607

But that will just slow down the translation!

>> No.3811679

Morning bump.

>> No.3812006

...and as the end of the week approaches soon, so does the next status update!

>> No.3812710

That's the spirit.

>> No.3814084


>> No.3815524


>> No.3815553

(defun achieve-satori (lambda faggot (achieve-satori faggot)))

>> No.3815618

Only a few hours left until the next update, if you want to get in on this week's report then now would be a good time to work.

>> No.3815633

This isn't compiling, do (I (need (more (parentheses))))?

>> No.3815750


>> No.3816217 [DELETED] 

i died.

two more weeks and i'm done with school.

>> No.3816226

oh god. i forgot how to use 4chan.

school ends in 2 weeks.

>> No.3816240

You sure did be careful there.

>> No.3816755

Goddamn idioms

it's a stick in the bush? Seriously, what the fuck does that mean.

>> No.3816778


I'd be willing to help but I'd like to paid for it (my future career, currently taking advanced translations classes, I has proof of my 1337 translation skillz if you so desire to see it... in fact I'm working on a work right now.)

>> No.3816815

no no what the person is saying is this


But for girls of her age, it's impossible to get them to stick out their butts.

>> No.3816862

HAHA figured this one out basically it means

"W(TF). That was unexpected."

>> No.3816955

Fuck you all. FUCK YOU ALL. I finished up to 1000 lines of Anzu. I don't want to hear shit from anyone anymore ok? I'm sick of people complaining that it's not going fast enough. I'm translating because I enjoy the game and I started this whole project promising I would translate it. So I'm translating it, as promised.

No more complaints. Especially you.

>> No.3817220
File: 69 KB, 681x450, 1255203723343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You all right buddy ?

Seems like someone just cracked up.

>> No.3817228

Well, I do appreciate your efforts.
Just throwing that out there.

>> No.3817241

Hey, I heard someone fucked your girl, everybody hates you, and the only women who love are too young or too crazy/unholy . And your author is too busy wanking to nicovideo all day.

>> No.3817289

Fuck what everyone else says, anon. Thanks for the hard work and keep doing your best!

>> No.3817672

Actually, I started this project. But keep up the good work, your rate is good enough.

>> No.3817862

i think i've only actually done 30~ lines of translating.

also, bump.

>> No.3818033

ANZU 1001/5616
B 76/76
C 0/127
COCO 40/4937
COMMON 4762/6754
D 187/187
E 12/12
KARIN 54/4486
KOMOMO 363/7127
M 24/24
P 7/7
S 0/650
V 21/21
YUSUMI 68/4435
TOTALS 6615/34459 19.197%

636 lines this week. ETA is end of 2010.

>> No.3818048

I'm estimating almost 10x that speed during the holiday break. We'll finish early 2010 if that happens.

>> No.3818065


>636 lines this week.

Fuck yes.

>> No.3818073

That one guy who was talking like he planned to put forth all of his effort come December/January and not stop until it's completed. If that materializes, maybe we can see it completed sometime in February. Maybe.

I can dream, anyway.

>> No.3818489

For some reason I want to make the release on April 1st.

>> No.3818552



>> No.3818564
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Well played if you do.

>> No.3818777

A little over 4 months from now. We need 7Klines/month to achieve that goal, or around 233 lines per day. Editors and translators, this is what you should aim for!

>> No.3819659 [DELETED] 


>> No.3819676

Do you need any help with image editing and such?

>> No.3819730

Are there even any images that need editing?
All we seem to be doing are translating and editing the actual scripts.

>> No.3819757

That's why I'm asking. It's kinda unbelievable that there isn't any images to edit, so maybe nobody has done anything about it yet.

>> No.3819764

Looking at the level of quality you're aiming for right now you might as well just babelfish the whole script and be done tomorrow.

>> No.3820842

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3820851

Good work this week, translators. Keep it up!

>> No.3822107

It's not that bad, compared to some COMMERCIAL translations...

>> No.3822192

I think I did pretty good on Shuffle! before it got picked up by Mangagamer judging by how what I translated compared to theirs, granted I made mistakes (I'm about 85% efficient) but that's why I ask questions here and elsewhere. My translations come out kinda stiff but that's what editors are for.

>> No.3822541

And you're translating Hatsukoi right now? Awesome.

>> No.3823546 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3824116

Not much activity today... the calm before the storm?

>> No.3824147

I'm helping you translate you fags but I'm skipping around alot.

>> No.3824753 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3824781

Oh hey don't mind me,

just being a nice leech over here waiting for you fags to complete your work for me

>> No.3825842

another bump

>> No.3826181



>> No.3826208

I'll help you guys by the end of December.
Too much stuff to do now.

>> No.3826538

Don't worry about it. There are several translators.

>> No.3827419


>> No.3828445 [DELETED] 

pantsuing thread

>> No.3828802 [DELETED] 

Much sorry but after doing what I could over the weekend on Anzu I'm stuck with two more projects due this week (two papers last week, short break, two projects this week) then finals with little time in between I'm going to have to take another break.

School's out the 17th and I'll have nothing to do till January.

>> No.3828986

Much sorry but after doing what I could over the weekend on Anzu I'm stuck with two more projects due this week (two papers last week, short break, two projects this week) then finals with little time in between I'm going to have to take another break.

School's out the 17th and I'll have nothing to do till January.

>> No.3829629

That's expected

>> No.3830260

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3831010

Morning bump.

>> No.3831077

Why bump this shit? No one cares.

>> No.3831342


And yet you'll be all over this shit once it's done.

>> No.3831394

omg i cant wait :)

>> No.3831433

Why bump it? Because not everyone who visits /jp/ spends every waking hour here and someone who knows japanese or is able to work with programs or edit translated lines so they're smooth might have missed it before. So the longer it spends on the front page the better.

From the standpoint of someone like myself who likes visual novels but doesn't read japanese and hates atlas.

>> No.3831434

>not everyone who visits /jp/ spends every waking hour here
This is the problem with /jp/.

>> No.3831438

go fuck yourself

>> No.3831442

Shouldn't you be playing with your dolls right about now, Jun?

>> No.3831451

Their cases are still closed and I'm already making the tea.

>> No.3831878

We have, in a little less than 3 months, reached 20%. If we continue at the same rate, we'll be done in a year, but I'm still optimistic about the rate going up dramatically soon.

>> No.3831882

I get the feeling the TL checking and editing will take another few months, though.

>> No.3832651


It's nice to see 20% is finally broken.

>> No.3832657 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3832862

Would you guys want editors working on it before it's fully translated?

>> No.3832885

Try to come up with one reason why not.

>> No.3832900

I don't know how your editing goes down. Do you keep copies of the translation and the edited phrase just sits by it, or something? Because troll editors or people who just suck in general could screw this up.

>> No.3832946

Basic English editing shouldn't take long, since there are a lot more people on /jp/ who know English better than (or instead of) Japanese.

Take a look at the interface yourself. It keeps the change history for every line.

>> No.3832957

Awesome. I won't be afraid of sucking, then.
