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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38119191 No.38119191 [Reply] [Original]

How's your language learning going Anon? Made good progress?

>> No.38119210

dropped that shit and started learning latin instead

>> No.38119283

I'm learning English. It is going good.

>> No.38119324
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I've always neglected grammar because I find it boring. I never finished Tae Kim.
I've been doing some practice tests for N3, and while I can get a passing grade, I rarely get this type of question right.

>> No.38122426

3 - 2 - 1- 4? So the answer is 1?

>> No.38122437


>> No.38122563

dropped learning japanese and started learning coding language instead

>> No.38122727

Im about N3-N2 as well and not good at grammar but I guess 3

>> No.38122753

Self-assessment is a famously flawed practice.

>> No.38122754
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going well


>> No.38122853

Said I wasnt good at grammar, I just know enough kanji to be around that level

>> No.38126614

What IME do you use to type? I'm currently using the Google one. The only complaint I have is that it doesn't always get kanji names (real and fictional) correct so I have to go and add it. Is there a better one that anyone here uses?


>> No.38126791

I'm using google too. There are dictionaries you can download for that sort of thing. I have the 東方Project辞書 imported into my ime.

>> No.38129807

My basic Japanese 101 class last semester was one of the hardest courses I've taken, and I'm not sure how much of that is the language being difficult and how much of it is my uni's Japanese program being dogshit. Might try and learn on my own for the time being

>> No.38139072
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What are these Japanese anons saying about Naomi Osaka? Does anyone know? Nihongo is hard to understand sometimes

>> No.38139079

Good for you

>> No.38139207

OP is baiting for replies by bringing up political correctness and calling Osaka an emperor.
Guy accusing her of faking depression.
Guy calling her anthropomorphized feces.
Guy accusing her of faking depression.
Guy accusing her of faking depression.
Guy called her based.

>> No.38139212

i just started today and my brain feels like its going to explode

>> No.38139249

Going well, though i don't use any standard method i just learn it the same way i learned english 10 years ago, just listening to it as long as i can. I also like doing Kanji Flashcard quizzes, they're fun and i have learned a lot from it.

>> No.38140001

You'd think the barfing emoji with 18 upboats would tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.38140373

It is going well.*

>> No.38152885

Breezed through learning hiragana and katana characters, now I need to actually start learning words/phrases/grammar rules.

Still making no progress learning kanji, which seems like the most important part in the first place.

>> No.38161792


>> No.38164233

4 months ago i've started learning English and i've thinking i got not bad results.This is sentence was write with my skills without using translator.

>> No.38172525

I got my N1 two years ago and have been living in Japan for a year now and I regret everything.

>> No.38173449

Am I not supposed to understand the sentences in the core deck?

>> No.38173592

it's not hard.
good luck.
I have forgotten many things and haven't studied in years. You can infer how it's going.

>> No.38174447


>> No.38175069 [DELETED] 
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do the same


>> No.38175071

did you even read the site?

>NOTE: Do not worry about the example sentences, just learn the words. The sentences are there to help you learn the word but if you can’t read them then please ignore them.

>> No.38175074

holy shit

>> No.38175087

how come?

>> No.38175174

needs more detail

>> No.38175189


>> No.38175287


>> No.38175359

Sorry OP.
This thread is doomed to die quickly because it doesn't show up when I ctrl+f djt
You can't convince creatures of habit to break that habit easily

>> No.38175366

Nobody wants the retards from the djt to post in their thread.

>> No.38175501


>> No.38178124

this is true, the curse of tatsucuckhold might spread

>> No.38179177

I passed N1 most likely, but I am only 20% of the way to where I want to be.

>> No.38179195

You learning it for a career or something? I wish I wasnt born with this language, it gives bad people access to my brain. Japanese is the only holy tongue.

>> No.38181103

I'm kind of on and off with the learning, but earlier today I was randomly trying out NES games and stumbled upon akira, was initially disappointed that it was all in japanese but by looking closely it seems I can actually read and understand some of the words, that kind of reinvigorated me

>> No.38181378

I agree. For four months that is pretty good. It is easy to understand.

Some of the wording is a little unnatural to a native speaker.

I would write it like this:

4 months ago I started learning English and I'm thinking my results are not bad. These sentences were written on my own without using a translator.

Or, even more naturally:

I started learning English 4 months ago and I think my results aren't bad. I wrote these sentences on my own without using a translator.

Good luck, anon!

>> No.38181445

Hey guys, I already know Hiragana and Katakana and i'm learning Kanji using WaniKani. I don't really know how to continue from here tho, is there a place where i can start to learn words, sentences, grammar etc? Any textbooks or websites you guys recommend? i'm stuck.

>> No.38181587

>learn words, sentences
Games, movies, anime, manga, etc.
Create a deck using Anki and start putting words/sentences in it. Try to get 20 new words everyday.
For grammar you can use a book like Tae Kim or Japanese The Manga Way.
And most important of all, study every day.

>> No.38181982

its really good, native language?

>> No.38184663

Learning Russian, but not seriously. If was serious, I would have made better progress by now, right? :(

Good job anon.
It's not perfect, but your progress for just 4 months is impressive.

>> No.38184699

I started getting lazy about 4 months ago, I'm never going to make it

>> No.38184750

I'm trying but its really hard

>> No.38184935

whenever my motivation falters i go to the jav thread

>> No.38201426

Russian is awesome, cute girls too

>> No.38203237 [DELETED] 

Why does it say to pick one, but it feels like you need to pick two?

>> No.38203469

unironically vtuber 雑談 is great for listening practice

>> No.38203695

unironically you should kys

>> No.38204187

I have been studying consistently for 66 days now. I think it's going well. This is the most consistent i have ever been. I was able to read hanahira with barely looking up any words. I think I am starting to under grammar more and more to.

So yeah its going great!

>> No.38206921

4 months ago, I felt really stupid as I spent 6 months on 2k/6k deck but my reading comprehension was still dogshit. So I started sentence mining everyday and I have improved a lot more comparatively. I still got a long way to go but I'm very motivated now.

>> No.38208982

Based. Reject asian pop-culture, embrace tradition.

>> No.38212007

I got really far last year, but depression hit and I haven't touched it in months. I just practice in my head now and don't look at text in games, just listening to the voices. I don't know how much progress I made since then. Feels bad.

>> No.38212335

Sounds interesting. What kind of stuff do they talk about?

>> No.38212499

I feel like I haven't made a dent going at it for hours a day. What the fuck? I mean, I learn things but I am scratching the surface of the surface.

>> No.38212507

Learning Japanese is like that.
The more you learn the more you realize how little you know.

>> No.38217580

which is the answer?

>> No.38218184

1 is the answer.
Direct reason for the delay of the game is delayed train so it uses のため.
Train delay was influenced by rain so it uses による.
Everything else fits pretty intuitively into 3-2-1-4. Only による and のため could be a bit confusing in this case.

>> No.38218534

I started attempt number 3 around a week before NY. Character recognition, at least, is far easier than before. I've realized that on past attempts I'd been afraid to start reading practice because I didn't know enough kanji to put most words together, but that's flawed thinking. Here's to no longer being dekinai.

>> No.38218631

Still having a bit of trouble comprehending longer paragraphs and my listening still needs a lot of work.
I learned not to ignore grammar books. Honestly just reading through one book per level will help a lot. Skimming through Tae Kim wasn't enough for me.

>> No.38222916

Who are you gonna talk to? Romans?

>> No.38223446
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>cute girls too

>> No.38223527

Nearly aced N3 before all the tests closed 2 years ago, been reading a lot since then. Feels a lot better to not take ages to read galge anymore.

>> No.38223962

Ha, thanks! Yeah the girls can be cute, but what's most important is being able to read Russian literature.

My new plan will be like this:
>1) Anki for absorbing tons of vocabulary. I will create cards for new words as I learn them.
>2) Movies for immersion, and pausing to look up new words as I go
>3) Journal for writing down new words, and for forming tons of new sentences on my own.

In this way I think I can make at least decent progress. At this point I feel like I just need lots of vocabulary, and everything else will come naturally.

>> No.38224056

lately i've been watching 年収チャンネル
their older episodes were a lot more interesting however.

>> No.38224971

Poop emoji

>> No.38229894

We really need a place for latin speakers to talk about otaku culture

>> No.38233166

It's like filling an ocean one drop at a time, learning just one new word seems insignificant but over time it adds up. Try to look at what you've accomplished so far to stay motivated and use that to dig deeper. Often there's sentences where I need to look up every single words and I feel stupid, but there's also times when I encounter things I can actually read. It's not much but compared to the beginning where I could not even read kana it's a huge improvement. As you progress, things you've already learned feel so obvious it's easy to forget just how much you had to do to reach that point, while you can't help but see all the things you don't know. So I'd say it's better to just keep pushing forward without worrying so much about what's left to do.

>> No.38233277

ironically enough, the most practice I get for my japanese isn't reading manga or watching anime, or TV shows or movies. It's the fancomics/fanart I see on twitter everytime I scroll down my TL that I can make cards out of

>> No.38238001
File: 7 KB, 129x73, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help with this

>> No.38238037

my jp sucks but my guess is 0気圧中で開けてはなら

>> No.38238057

arigato bre

>> No.38240603
File: 273 KB, 382x437, 1603299044180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about done with hiragana then onto katakana. Any weebs ITT that can say how learning katakana compares to hiragana?

>> No.38240725

Finished learning kana just a few weeks ago. Katakana fucking sucks (low shape variety and retarded inconsistent crutches for missing sounds) but it doesn't really matter for your kanji studies and you'll often be able to guess borrowed words after deciphering a couple syllables.

>> No.38240906

Dakuten is currently kicking my ass so maybe one day I'll be able to get wrecked by kana as well. Hilarious of that one chart to say you should able to learn gana and kata together in one week tops.

>> No.38241645

Anyone know of any good resources that go over Idioms? I know some JP->EN dictionaries often give examples on social media but I'd like something concrete like this that English has https://www.ef.edu/english-resources/english-idioms/

>> No.38241759
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i haven't posted here since 2014 when moot killed 2D/Random culture, has it gotten better?

i miss you guys

>> No.38242498

two years at japanese language school and I'm still no better than an elementary.

>> No.38247285

If you've learned hiragana, what is the recommended balance between learning katakana and kanji? Should I have been learning kanji this whole time?

>> No.38247305

Kana should take you about an hour or two each. Kanji will take you a few months.

>> No.38247324

Learn katakana and then kanji
Katakana is a bit hard to remember, so don't feel ashamed to consult a chart.
Learn some kanji and then start reading.

>> No.38247354


>> No.38247752

How do you post shit like this unironically?
>A few months to learn kanji

Yea right thats why japanese elementary schoolers learn all of them in their first year, clearly.

>> No.38248014 [DELETED] 

Been reading my first VN in Japanese and something confused me. I saw ほこり and ホコリ used to denote the same thing within the same context said by the same character. Is kana interchangeability just an inconsistency or there's something behind it?

>> No.38248062

Speedrun Katakana (being able to write down all the main kana) and move onto Kanji.

>> No.38249331

most foreign learners don't learn to write

>> No.38249496

School is a sham. A prison where they gather kids to force them to do shit they don't care about. They learn kanji over years for like an hour at a time and probably don't know shit about them compared to someone who read Remembering the Kanji as an adult. A person learning Japanese wants to learn Japanese well, is motivated, and can spend more than an hour if they want to. Colleges are a scam in the same way, you can learn whatever you want just by getting the textbook and actually learning instead of paying for a piece of paper.

However, just because they learned all the 'necessary' Kanji in a few months, plus 300 other ones that are only used by nerds in VNs, doesn't mean they have a vocabulary worth a damn or even the level of grammar knowledge an elementary schooler would have just from speaking to people. So they know what 分 means but not 分かる, but nonetheless know kanji which is a benefit towards looking up words they don't know.

>> No.38249742

Children have a million other things to learn, and they all go at the slowest pace possible so the retards don't drop out. I think I was about 8 when I realised that it was all a big joke and I could read a book about algebra and suddenly jump ahead 5+ YEARS of study.

>> No.38249797

You sound very bitter that you dropped out. I got my degree and enjoy it bit thats besides the point.
Im just learning 日本語 on the side, and I realize most people completly underestimate they have to put in, myself included. Im at 2200 kanji at a speed of around 10 new ones a day, and I already know once Im done with the 6k I will still be a できない .
All that rtk and similiar bullshit just snakeoil 外人 sell you.
I mean ive been learning japanese for a couple years now and im afraid of typong fill sentences here because they will probably be like 80% wrong.

>> No.38249815

How can I learn japanese without a textbook

>> No.38249839

Absolutely delusional lol. I bet any math problem slightly harder than you are used to would give you a mental breakdown, your just euphoric because you did something right for once? Whats with all these people completly overrating their own ability and then becomong delusional about what is realisticly possible?

>> No.38249920

I mean, it's a basic reality that I learnt 2k kanji in 3 months. I did it about 5 years ago, it was fairly trivial and I made my own mnemonics because I didn't like any of the existing systems and I thought a combination of meaning and 2 major readings linked to radical layouts would be a better option. Went through core2k at 100 cards a day after because I already knew 90% of them.

>> No.38249955

Math is logic, kanji is memorization. You can skip ahead on memorization you need to memorize every day, for many days. I'd say it should take you at least a year from starting to learn kanji to being able to read most of it comfortably. Yeah sure you can "learn" 100 kanji a day. Guess what you won't remember shit a year later, memorization is a slow physical process in your brain and it takes time

>> No.38249984

The amount of things you can memorise a day is limited only by your time commitment. I had no trouble doing my reps with an hour's worth of time a day, although obviously these days my reps take me about 5 minutes.

If you had 16 hours a day to dedicate to Japanese, you could very comfortably learn 200+ kanji a day. Most people aren't crazy enough for that.

>> No.38249994

Sure, 22 kanji a day is doable, however that's not actually LEARNING it, that's just introducing them into your brain. You then have to repeatedly memorize them for many days. If you were to actually only spend 3 months to learn 2k kanji and then stop learning japanese for a year, you wouldn't remember shit. I know because I've done that before, I've "learned" kanji twice now

>> No.38250060

> I had no trouble doing my reps with an hour's worth of time a day
Yeah I imagine that's the average time if you want to learn 22 kanji a day, that's pretty normal really.
>these days my reps take me about 5 minutes
There you go, you didn't fucking learn it then if you're still doing reps. I don't do reps on English even though it's my second language, you should at least get to that point before saying you know the language.

>> No.38250074

That just sounds like you're a fucking retard, then. Obviously I wasn't done after 3 months, but at that point I was no longer adding new cards each day and the reviews naturally dropped. At this point, my kanji deck has about 1-5 reviews per day, which take me somewhere between 5 and 20 seconds to finish.

Or are you seriously trying to say that I've spent the past 5 years "learning" kanji because I encounter them with interval rates in the 9 months to 2 years range? Guess I'll never be finished "learning" the joyo then, given 日 might crop up in a review when I'm 80.

>> No.38250108

At least with vocab, it takes an absolute minimum of 21 days (I think) for a card to reach "mature" status and, even then, you still forget those cards eventually, if not immediately after they become mature.

I'm finally a few chapters away from finishing Japanese for Everyone, which I can read with few interruptions now because I know 98% of the vocab, and moving onto Tobira. Each morning, I read at least one mukashibanashi I need to practice listening urgently.

>> No.38250271

"learned" doesnt mean clicking "good" on anki a couple times. You have to actually know it, not just lie to yourself.
This anon understands: >>38249994

This is also bullshit. Could you try to go through the 6k in 2 months at 100 cards a day? Sure, are you going to succeed when starting from zero or near zero? No, any fringe cases you find that do succeed notwithstanding.

>> No.38250670

Just a reminder: don't forget to sync your progress and export your mining deck onto some form of backup device/cloud storage every once in a while.

>> No.38250682

Who else dropped Anki before making any mining decks

>> No.38250705

>Could you try to go through the 6k in 2 months at 100 cards a day?
Yes, but 99% of people would burn out. 20 cards a day takes longer, but most people can handle that kind of pace, which is what it takes to learn 2k kanji in a few months.

>> No.38250740

I found that I needed a mining deck to get through my first textbook even with the 6k deck. There were a lot of words in my book that just weren't in the core vocab. Children's stories for first graders? Filled with vocab not found in the core deck. I don't know how your expect to learn all of the thousands of words out there without some form of memorization unless you have photographic memory or something.

>> No.38253746

Just start reading and keep reading, if you see it a word enough it'll stick, if not you probably don't need to worry about it.

>> No.38253827

Not the same anon but the internet is all English, that's why I learned it.

>> No.38254075

That is very inefficient

>> No.38254120

>ive been learning japanese for a couple years now and im afraid of typong fill sentences here because they will probably be like 80% wrong.
If only you felt the same about English.

>> No.38254380

tae kim is so long and boring I gave up halfway through

>> No.38254473

like the other guy said speedrun kana
i used this website to brute force it all, then immediately went to anki for kanji

>> No.38258186

If you cant differentiate between typos and ineptitude that sounds like a (you) problem. I never had to "learn" English because Im a native speaker. I wonder if its similiarly perplexing to native japanese /bilinguals where they wonder why these damn gaijins just stay dekinai even if they study for years.

>> No.38258213

me, it is too much of a pain

>> No.38258776

>Im a native speaker.

>similiar bullshit just snakeoil
Nice try, ESL, but you don't even know English. Not spelling, not punctuation, not even how to use "is". You're a double dekinai.

>> No.38259880

because you cant read. You really think I give a fuck about some loser critizing my spelling on the fucking internet? I enjoy doing it (what I as a job related to my degree) Is it really so hard for low iqs to figure out when something obvious is left out in a sentence?
Why are you even trying to argue about this in thread about japanese language learning anyway?
You called me an esl, were proven wrong, ergo, you failed again, like youve failed at absolutely EVERYTHING else youve attempted in your sad pathetic excuse of what you attempt to pass off as a "life".

>> No.38262380

>You really think I give a fuck about some loser critizing my spelling on the fucking internet?
>im afraid of typong fill sentences here because they will probably be like 80% wrong.
Sure looks like it, you insecure and butthurt retard.

>> No.38268301


>> No.38272173

I gave up already

>> No.38272299

Do you guys do your anki grind all in one session or spread it throughout the day?

>> No.38272325

Depends on the day but for me the ideal is to get it done in the morning so I don't have to think about it at all throughout the day.

Usually I peck at it during breaks at work and do the remaining 80% when ai get home

>> No.38273906

Getting back into my kanji reps after slacking off for weeks.
Romani ite domum

>> No.38275605

There's this one spotify podcast where two women do some small talk, they make a list for all the odd words they use. I think it's called "small talk in japanese" but I'm not too sure.

>> No.38281418

I already forgot what I learned 6 months ago

>> No.38286184

I studied japanese for 3 years so far now. I have an N1 and live in japan working for shitty salaryman wage.
My advice: do not try to spend hours on japanese aday. You will burn out. Just spend 10mins-1.5 hours a day and accept that its going to be a while before you feel good at the language. Everyone loves to go hard and they just fall apart. There's too much to learn in such a short amount of time.
