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File: 51 KB, 800x600, ChooseWisely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3808896 No.3808896 [Reply] [Original]

Tough decision or toughest decision?

>> No.3808897


>> No.3808900


>> No.3808903


If you were going to pick Rin, you should have gone for UBW.

>> No.3808901

Good girl or Slut, hmm tough decision

>> No.3808905
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There should have been an option to say Both

>> No.3808917
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Ilya of course

>> No.3808925

Not tough at all. I chose Ilya without a second thought.

>> No.3808932

Are all the Rinfags hiding tonight or something? Usually someone would have sent out a call to arms for them to swarm the thread.

>> No.3808933

You are a faggot if you don't choose Ilya.

>> No.3808936

No-one has called Rin a slut yet

She is one though

>> No.3808939


>> No.3808941

What game is this

>> No.3808955

Yes, a glorified puppet who tries to kill you every chance she gets and is going to transform into an inanimate object to contain a great evil, vs an attractive honor student and magus who goes out of her way to help you with magic and survive every chance she gets.

What a tough choice.

>> No.3808960

I'd Ilya's eyelashes.

>> No.3808963
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Of course, glorified puppet all the way!

>> No.3808965

You can get pseudo-immortality by becoming a doll. Or you can get her to use her massive wealth to make you a homunculus body of a little girl so you can be her imouto.

>> No.3808970

What fucking game is this?

>> No.3808972


Girl who will die in 2 or 3 years, vs girl who I can actually grow old with.

Oh, decisions, decisions.

>> No.3808977

Ilya is going to die soon so of course Rin.

>> No.3808981

Boku no pico

>> No.3808984

Ohh you

>> No.3808989


Both of you get the fuck out you normalfag, only TRUENEETS allowed

>> No.3808990

I'd rather have Caster or Rider because I prefer beautiful women to little girls or whiny bitches

>> No.3808991

Why is that normalfaggotry? NEETs would want someone who could care and support their lifestyle longer.

>> No.3808992
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>> No.3808994


>> No.3808996 [DELETED] 


Ilya is a good girl. She just wanted to help her only friend win his contest. When she gets affixed to Shirou, she's awesome. Who else would sacrifice themselves to save him, so he can go back to his slut?

>> No.3809000

Fuck yall niggas ima go play mah Tsukihime

>> No.3809013


Ilya is a good girl. She just wanted to help her only friend, a large muscular death machine, win his contest. When she instead gets affixed to Shirou, she's awesome. Who else would sacrifice themselves to save him, so he can go back to his slut?

>> No.3809014
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I'm dissapoint onii-chan. Now brace for the last seconds of your pitiful life.

>> No.3809006

The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.3809023

Rin is superior but choosing Illya is better if you want to get the True End.

>> No.3809029
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>> No.3809032
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> Implying anyone would want to be friends with Ilya

>> No.3809036
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But you are not a real little girl. You were created by magi.

>> No.3809041
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I will impale 3D Rin with my penis.

>> No.3809065
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Ilya is a bad choice

>> No.3809071

dat white balance

>> No.3809078


This really was a tough choice, because the "neither" option wasn't there. It's like being asked which plate of shit you want to eat.

>> No.3809086

Saberfag detected

>> No.3809093

Shit with corn? Or shit with spaghetti?

>> No.3809098
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That was ridiculously easy.

>> No.3809100 [SPOILER] 
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You have to ask?

>> No.3809109

I turn my mind to steel. Emiya Shirou cannot be destroyed by projecting a sword.

My whole life has been...

>> No.3809119

unlimited sage works?

>> No.3809138

I chose that the first time because I thought it led to an Ilya route.
I was tortured by my ignorance.

>> No.3809146

At least you get the True End of Sakura's route.

>> No.3809154

Who the fuck cares, neither of them have a route.
UBW is Archer's route

>> No.3809164

So what if you choose Rin?

>> No.3809168

Illya is disappoint, Rin is pleased.

>> No.3809171
File: 114 KB, 800x600, ohgodihavetochoose3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any screenshots? Or would it be faster for me to just go to that place in the game?

>> No.3809175

I haven't reinstalled F/SN yet, so...

>> No.3809178

So, just like >>3809098, but with roles reversed?

>> No.3809187

That's usually how it is, isn't it?

>> No.3809197

Sounds logic

>> No.3809212

The call starts when a distinct poster goes 'Rin is an unbearable bitch that should die and is never helpful'

>> No.3809254

But thats a lie. Why would anyone post it?

>> No.3809256

I love Rin. She is my ideal girl. Everyday that I breathe I think about meeting a brunette haired fox just like her.

>> No.3809274


The only part that is a lie is the "never helpful". It has to be stuffed in because otherwise the strawman wouldn't be so easy to defeat and the rinfags would have to come to the terms with the truth: that she IS a total fucking bitch.

>> No.3809286

She's a bear, Anonymous.

>> No.3809287

lol at the fags that believe Rin is going to stay with them for a long time.

>> No.3809290

How is Rin a bitch? Or, at the very least, more of a bitch than Ilya?

>> No.3809291

Sure man.

>> No.3809299

What? How does that even make sense? She is the only type of girl that would be able to keep up with me. Sorry that you all want to date a child instead of a real girl just because you can only impress children.

>> No.3809303

She says so herself.

>> No.3809312

>real girl
This is what Rinfags actually believe.

>> No.3809316

Okay, well I guess that just shows how alike I am with her. She is my soul mate. And I hers.

>> No.3809322

>How is Rin a bitch?

The same way all the animu cunts of her archetype are. She's a belligerent, callous, abusive cunt with an entirely too high opinion of herself, in short, generally unbearable to be around.

Yes, she does help you. So fucking what? Hitler helped lots of people. That didn't make him a nice guy.

>> No.3809327

Ah yes, Hitler arguments.

>> No.3809331
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>> No.3809334
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Excellent post aniki. Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.3809336
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Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3809348

So comparing Rin to Hitler will also bring the Rinfags back from the hood?

>> No.3809355

But she is consistently sweet on the inside. As long as I am the type of guy that can brush off such remarks and act a bit like Archer than I can find a girl like her.

>> No.3809356
File: 490 KB, 1024x768, 90b25e99d467db746c3ead8afcad654a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its just your idiocy.

>> No.3809359

Remind me, what exactly caused them to make you choose?

>> No.3809365

Hitler also killed tons of people before shooting himself in the head to avoid getting caught be his enemies. What a coward.

Rin is a strong woman, a bit proud, yes, but certainly not callous. What's more, she doesn't run away unless she's certain she can regroup later and achieve victory.
As for her having "too high [an] opinion of herself", she's the number one top student in her entire school, deemed as an untouchable beauty by all students, both in her grade and below it. More than being attractive and smart, she also is the heir of the magically-famous Tohsaka family, which is so big that it has control over an entire town/region. I think that she was ample reason to be prideful of who she is.

>> No.3809376

Defensive Rinfags are defensive.

>> No.3809380
File: 186 KB, 796x597, ohgodihavetochoose1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were arguing on the way back from the church (or to it? Nah, I think it was coming back from) because they were both vying for power over who had control over you. It was pretty amusing, mainly because I'd never had two dominating girls fight over who I should call master.


>> No.3809381

>Hitler also killed tons of people before shooting himself in the head to avoid getting caught be his enemies. What a coward.

Why he's a coward? It was his choice. Anyway he could be killed after jujmento desu no.

>> No.3809384

Rin being bitchy because Shirou acknowleged Ilya's existance

>> No.3809387


He sounds so decisive. But the choice says "I guess". Huh.

>> No.3809388

Shitty troll is shitty. /b/ --->

>> No.3809392

He could've made a last stand, stood by his ideals, died for what he believed in, etc.

>> No.3809397

I think comparing anyone to Hitler will bring defender.
Try comparing Stalin in /k/.

>> No.3809402


>> No.3809403

How delicious are the replies?

>> No.3809410

Pathetic heroism.
Its not a comics and anime, dude.

>> No.3809415

Depends on the day.
You either get enraged fags or the serious lot.

>> No.3809423

Nah, but people use it against him all the time, plus how can your country stand by you if you don't even stand by your actions? Not that Germany would, maybe, but it's the point that counts.

>> No.3809428

Does Rin know that Ilya is his sister?

>> No.3809431

I dont think so at that point

>> No.3809478

Is Ilya a more powerful magus then Rin, or are they close in terms of skill and ability?

>> No.3809486

Combat-wise, Homonculi are not suited.
Plus, they way the process mana and do their shit is very different.

>> No.3809492

You can't really compare them. It's like apples and oranges.

But Ilya has fancy eye-magic.
I don't know if Rin does.

>> No.3809495
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>> No.3809499

Rin has eye-magic. When I look at her my heart skips a beat and my face turns red.

>> No.3809562

That's just the mind numbing rage you feel everytime she opens her mouth.

>> No.3809582

Nah, rage is what I feel when that dumb slut Saber beats around Shirou because of Food.

>> No.3809588

Being hypnotized by the Kaleidostick isn't eye magic.
