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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 805x650, angel game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3761082 No.3761082 [Reply] [Original]

I've never played a game with an angel in it. Found this one by accident. Nothing more pure than god's own divine creatures and nothing better than defiling one. You run into this angel and she demands you appologize but you're an asshole, asshole. So she follows you awhile demanding an apology before she passes out so you take her home, then you steal her rosary cause yeah, you're an asshole, which she needs to get back to heaven and trick her into sex so she can get life energy. You trick her into taking her clothes off to take a shower cause she's all dirty then tell her she can't have them back for 3 days while they're being cleaned, then trick her to wear a collar and chain as a fashion 'accessory'. She's pretty naive. After forcing her to call you master you pretty much turn her into a sex slave.

Pretty hot. Game is linear but cute angel is cute.

In before sauce you mindless fucks.

>> No.3761088

True love had one.

>> No.3761092

I didn't even remember that and I've played it too. Oh well.

>> No.3761101

I love the sub-titles. You always find the same words in it, lewd, rape, slave, master, etc.

>> No.3761123

I played the Eris one. It was ok, I wouldn't play another unless it had a really good gimmick.

>> No.3761129


>> No.3761137

princess eri maybe
that one is translated

>> No.3761142

Nice knockers.

>> No.3761172

I'm lazy, link a download.
I did a quick search on hongfire but the thread I found had been deleted.

>> No.3761173

but...god's angels are all men. also lol at angels need sex to replenish life force.

>> No.3761187

Proof that god's a fag.

>> No.3761207

sauce you mindless fucks

>> No.3761216

it sure doesn't say 聖天使シャーロット・淫虐の奴隷調教 right in the caption window

>> No.3761220

Moreover don't angel have like 4 or 6 wings and three faces, a Lion, a Lizard and a Man ?
Seriously people need to stop this, these are fucking Valkyries rip-offs, not angels.

>> No.3761223

>Moreover don't angel have like 4 or 6 wings and three faces, a Lion, a Lizard and a Man ?

Who would want to fuck that?!

>> No.3761224

Depends on the angel. Loas are awesome and come in both male and female variants, Islamic angels are strictly genderless.

>> No.3761228

her name is norn? i cant play this

>> No.3761229

>Moreover don't angel have like 4 or 6 wings and three faces, a Lion, a Lizard and a Man ?

Again, depends on the angel. Archangels have thousands of wings. What you're describing is akin to a cherub, which had four faces: lion, ox, eagle and man; as well as four wings.

Angels are meant to be scary. Some are so large that can only be conveniently measured in astronomic units.

>> No.3761230

What, isn't her name Charlotte?

Also, Norn is a company - Cybele and Norn are possibly branch companies under the same umbrella or something, since they've made games together and they share staff.

>> No.3761231

Her name is Charlotte. Also you 'trick' her into sex for life force, not she needs life force through sex. You just convince her that it's the most direct way to give her life force and she's naive enough to believe you.

>> No.3761235

angels aren't naive, they are manipulative and sadistic. after all, they are the ones who became demons.

>> No.3761240

dl link, anyone?

>> No.3761241

That's some stupid japanese idea that angels are pure thus know nothing about lies or deceit.
Considering all that Yamato Nadeshiko stuff it doesn't surprise me.

>> No.3761251

I think I got it here

>> No.3761257

No that ain't it. Let me look around, my torrent's still active, I got it somewhere dammit.

>> No.3761262

Ah fuck it, I'm a computer moron, how do I make torrents and shit?

>> No.3761263

How big is the game? You could always just put it up on megaupload.

>> No.3761264

Your torrent client probably saved .torrent somewhere, just upload that.

>> No.3761271 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3761277

Not Megaupload! It never works for overseas IPs. Mediafire/torrent please.

>> No.3761281

One of them even taught mankind cosmetics. That one'd be one of those "innocent" sluts, acting all naive but jumping your dick on the first occasion.

>> No.3761282

Ya it does.

>> No.3761304

Yeah, well, devils are just angels who picked the losing side. Contract with a devil? Just consider yourself lucky you didn't get into a contract with one of those self-righteous pricks.

(inb4 GTFO hell devs)

>> No.3761313


>> No.3761319
File: 403 KB, 1007x1163, thrones1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3761322

Sounds loosely based off an old Eastern fairy tale, the one where a poor peasant captured an angel and made her his wife by stealing her magical clothes while she was bathing.

>> No.3761326

Oh yeah, and I was thinking what I forgot to mention. That sort of tale's all over the place, like with selkie skins.

>> No.3761338

That sounds like the farmer who was a werewolf who's wife stole his clothing when he was a wolf so he couldn't change back then married some other guy. Guy spent years as a wolf till he managed to get clothing again then killed his wife in revenge.

>> No.3761346
File: 92 KB, 802x647, angel game2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are horny /jp/ anons. Enjoy your angel slave


>> No.3761372

Much appreciated.

>> No.3761397

Why is the protagonist always either not enough or too much of a dick?
Not that I'm complaining or anything.

>> No.3761407

A decent guy would never harm an angel, and a wimp would not dare because he lacks the balls.

>> No.3761424

can't get it to work even with apploc

>> No.3761425


is this game a sexfest or does it have a remotely compelling plot.

>> No.3761427

Life lesson: be an asshole and it will get you to places?

>> No.3761432

Take a look at her bosom and make a guess.

>> No.3761436

so what ? I mean.... unless she renounces god or something I fail to see how being an angel matters .

she might as well be a bio-creature with wings.

>> No.3761445


I've read a Tuvan folk tale like that. It's called "The Tale of Oskus-Ool and the Sky God". To this day, it's still my favorite fairy tale ever.

>> No.3761449
File: 267 KB, 820x1200, 1-BUKJG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to nitpick, there is little difference.

In my humble opinion, redeeming an otherwise malevolent creature would make for a far better plot. OR YOU CAN MAKE PORN OUT OF IT.

>> No.3761472

>In my humble opinion, redeeming an otherwise malevolent creature would make for a far better plot.

Some European fairies would make good material for that sort of thing. Sometimes it's not that they are evil, but they simply don't notice killing and eating humans is a bad thing. So if one of those falls in love with you, she may leave her prey on your door as a present like cats do sometimes, which isn't fun when the prey is human.

>> No.3761477


would someone tell em who publishes this and the name .

I just think it would be better if they spent a good buildup as how holy she wasthen a long fall followed by even longer wallowing in the gutter.

>> No.3761483
File: 198 KB, 1024x768, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior eroge with angels.

>> No.3761499
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, 1229732885890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any angels you get to love tenderly?

I want to feel God's love ;_;

>> No.3761501

Not quite like that.

The name is Oretama/My Balls. It is almost porn/erotic comedy.

"The fate of the world rests on one man's shoulders. Or, to put it more exactly, it rests on his balls.

In a freak sealing accident the Queen of Terror is sealed into Satou Kohta's balls, thus preventing her from reigning destruction on the world. However, a lesser devil, Elyse, has been sent up to Earth to release the Queen at all costs. The only way to do so is to make Kohta ejaculate, and Elyse only has 30 days to do it.

The battle for mankind has begun, in Kohta's pants."

She practically goes renegade in the name of love.

If you like to read stories about redeeming demons...


>> No.3761515


erogeshop turns up nothing ..is that really the title >=(

>> No.3761525
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 52344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a manga.

>> No.3761540


I mean this>>3761082

what is its name in romanji

>> No.3761557

no one please ;_; ?

>> No.3761559

I don't feel like looking up the name at the moment, but there was a Goetic demon who constantly tries to redeem but is doomed to fail. Poor bastard. I want to pat its head and tell it to keep trying.

>> No.3761568


>> No.3761570

Datenshi CHarlotte

>> No.3761581


>> No.3761635

Sounds like she's screaming bloody murder the whole time. Why do Japs think it's hot for girls to constantly scream like they're being stabbed to death during sex?

>> No.3761726

Good question. And why do western pornstars loudly inhale for that matter?

>> No.3761733

God, I hate these.

>> No.3762390

Western porn looks so faaaaaaaaaakkeeeeee, the "acting" is lame, and since the plots suck dead donkey dicks I am not entertained in the least.

Eastern porn features either stupid/absurd porn, and the women look downright bored.

>> No.3762423

What did those guys use to kill an Angel?
At least a dozen AIM-120, a fuckload of 20 mm., and a YAL-1 laser to the head?

>> No.3762640


High pitched squealing while shouting "No, stop, no more" is what the Japanese find appealing, I guess.


This is even more annoying. Hearing random grunts along with them shouting annoying stuff like "YEAH FUCK MY PUSSY HARDER" just makes it painful to watch. Thankfully I stopped watching pig disgusting 3D stuff years ago.

>> No.3762836

Figured some people can't figure out how to hold ctrl so I made a cg set for you retards. All 30 pictures or so


>> No.3762845


>> No.3762849 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3763016

You shouldnt spoil them so much anon!

>> No.3763028

utorrent won't open these.... guess i'm just gonna dl >>3762836

>> No.3763048

I pretty much can't bear to hear anything the "actors" say during sex. Watching porn videos means an instant mute for me.

>> No.3763306

It's not a torrent, it's a rar file split into two parts containing the whole game
