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File: 126 KB, 640x480, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37107697 No.37107697 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>37070238

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.37107797
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, ふゆから、くるる。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men don't belong in エロゲー

>> No.37107812
File: 2.21 MB, 1495x841, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women do not belong in eroge

>> No.37107856

futanari aren't women

>> No.37107917

You missed the point.

>> No.37107984

What are Fuyukuru sales anyway, Silkyplus maybe the nicest company ever or just retards to hire Watanabe twice to write whatever he wants and get away with it without making that much of profit
Their previous titles seemed much way financially successful

>> No.37108074

Waffle has a new game releasing next month while still no update on the two-timing game what the fuck

>> No.37108083


>> No.37108114

waif so if english version of Muramasa has no censure, is there a way to remove it from the normal version as well?

>> No.37108125

Probably, but you can't just swap game archives, because engine ver is different in en release. You probably can make a patch, dunno, look for some tools

>> No.37108330

Wasn't there a remake of this?

>> No.37108359

Thats Kakyuusei 2, known for the famous incident about a seething fan sending a letter with a broken game disc to ELF after finding out Tamaki (girl in OP pic) was a slut. The remake was for Doukyuusei

>> No.37108524
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, 1628958110920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presumably Kanoseka sold well enough that Silky's were happy keeping him on as writer

>> No.37108598
File: 257 KB, 438x700, eb21b1a18ef9023ed7080cd23a431702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy, did smee delete 1/1彼氏彼女 from getchu due to the backlash

stream in 2 hours, let's see how they PR this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=518IZX-hiYU

>> No.37108641


>> No.37108668


>> No.37108689

It looks bad

>> No.37108707

How is the remake? I'm not one of those nostlgiashitters who REE at the new art. Just as long as the overall content is still there, I'm fine with it.

>> No.37108812
File: 1.39 MB, 1642x926, tkhsyycr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's alright. new art is pretty fucking good imo. QOL change such that you don't have to go through the hassle of dating sims shit if you just want to read most of the dialogues. not your typical VN though, so it still has all the problems from older games. some texts may feel incoherent to read, super short sex scenes, multiple non-virgin grils etc

>> No.37109333

what backlash? is it over the artist

>> No.37109391

Gechu always goes retarded and leaks games, they just weren't ready to reveal it yet.
Smeefags are already used to shit art.

>> No.37109706

Do you guys always read one VN / one route at a time?

>> No.37109740

I like to switch between saves every few minutes to read every route at the same time.

>> No.37109851

Aside from sometimes reading some nukige when I get really horny, yes.

>> No.37110043

anyone read kyojin tachi? what's it about? read one ending and came out more confused than when I started
and does anyone have the soundtrack?

>> No.37110164

I usually read about 5 vns of different genres at the same time because different vns fit the different mood and I hate to force myself to read something just to finish it as I did back in the days

one day I want something light, the other day may want something dark, and the next day I just decide to reread one of my favorite vn out of nostalgia

I still try to not put aside vns for too long to not forget plot details, but if I read it for an hour and it feels like a slag I simply will switch to another one to not waste my time procrastinating instead

>> No.37110246

generally 2 vns at a time

>> No.37110300

Reading usually three, sometimes four different eroge at the same time. Always one nukige and one plotge at least. Not at the same time on different screens, but swapping from one to the other depending on my urges on that day.

>> No.37110484
File: 26 KB, 360x352, 1629281641162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can VirtualBox Guest Additions no longer be installed on Windows XP?

How will I play erotic games on Linux now?

>> No.37110510

How learn hack vns?
Mainly to extract soundtracks and stuff.

>> No.37110517

You can install the guest additions on XP but they stopped supporting the 3D acceleration driver. It's been like that for literally years though. Just use a windows 7 VM for anything that actually needs 3D acceleration. XP is only good for shit that requires 32-bit and/or is really old.

>> No.37110548

Anon, don't tell me you're using XP as your main machine.

>> No.37110588

I hope the Astronauts Sirius kusoge that's releasing in less than an hour is fun

>> No.37110595

I'm not trying to install 3D acceleration. It seems the problem even effects ReactOS VMs since I found a bug report for that with the exact same issue I'm having.

I can't meet the minimum system requirements for Windows 7 in a VM on my shitty PC so that's not an option, and the erotic geemu I want to play won't work properly on Wine Staging (BGM won't play for some reason even though it's just WAV files not MIDI).

No, running it in a VM. But Guest Additions which are pretty much essential for it to work properly won't install.

>> No.37110623
File: 1008 KB, 1215x999, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to use 6.0.24 virtual box if you want it to support 3d acceleration on winxp either way

>> No.37110688

Welp, I actually tried to pop up my windows xp VM out of curiosity and it seems to be broken so maybe you're on to something. If I really care, I'll try vmware later.

>> No.37110736

Does setting your Windows in Slav Runes affect Japanese game text?

>> No.37110803

Not really, as long as you install asian language support with jp locale. Too lazy to install en language pack and too dumb to find jp language pack for it.

>> No.37110930

google GARbro

>> No.37110953

Already use it. I'd like to learn how to do it myself.

>> No.37112174

I installed guest additions on xp VM literally like 2 weeks ago. I had to let it run over night because it takes a very long time.

>> No.37112204

The designs are garbage and I'm saying this as someone who likes the design in other SMEE games. But, the concept https://youtu.be/518IZX-hiYU?t=388 is interesting.

>> No.37112238
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>> No.37112272
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But what the fuck kinda name is 千津 lmao more like 膣

>> No.37112446

Premise looks quite interesting, not gonna lie.
I'm sold.

>> No.37112513

Guys what's a dark (murder/yandere/torture) yuri VN or at very least female protag? I've already read manakashi and it was great.

>> No.37112527
File: 586 KB, 588x754, 1619558152256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spreading lies you sick fucks

>> No.37112529

Aoi Sora no Camus?

>> No.37112537

https://vndb.org/v29404 came out pretty recently.

>> No.37112542

Literally no one cares about your EOP release. Shoo.

>> No.37112546

Stop trying to start something all by yourself.

>> No.37112553

Wait so is it getting censored or not? If so will there be a fan translation?

>> No.37112556


>> No.37112563
File: 115 KB, 800x566, image-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have an update on imouto instead of schizo posting.

>> No.37112575

Thank you.
NBR routelet imoutos are the best.

>> No.37112584

I'm interested to know what VN is she from.

>> No.37112601


>> No.37112630
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>> No.37112650

Nice. Hopefully there's harem scenes for them. Would be a waste if they never meet up.

>> No.37112654
File: 545 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any decent なろう style VNs?

>> No.37112662

It's the same one heroine, dude.

>> No.37112673

I know. Let me goddamn dream.

>> No.37112688

It's the Gal/tinkle guy, I guess. Thought this looked familiar.

>> No.37112691

literally the entire rance franchise

>> No.37112698 [SPOILER] 

The girls not being virgins is a problem?

>> No.37112699

Yes, same director, same writer, same artist.

>> No.37112704

>The girls not being virgins is a problem?

>> No.37112714


>> No.37112715

But... Isn't nukige soposued to make you cry? I'm a filthy normie new to visual novels. (other than SciADV)

>> No.37112723

retard EOP

>> No.37112736

Explain pls. Is it just a fetish you have, or...?

>> No.37112738

Wasn't that not very good though? 

>> No.37112740

that's nakige, nukige are those that are porn-heavy

>> No.37112743

Only if you are a moebuta.

>> No.37112755


do not reply to troll that wants to start another meaningless virgin discussion here

>> No.37112756

Ah! Thank you!

>> No.37112761

the battle mechanics were pretty fun
story was alright, on the level of the average narou-kei wn

>> No.37112773

Is it really narou if it started long before narou was a thing

>> No.37112783

It sets a bad precedent for their future games. Don't let Giga be the next Eushully.

>> No.37112816

Sorceress Alive

>> No.37112834

Not that anon but I thought it was decent enough. I had fun playing it at least. That's what matters.

>> No.37112858


>> No.37112866


>> No.37112901

This looks like a cute and funny version of Chusingura

>> No.37113320

You're not human.

>> No.37113452

Finished watching the SMEE stream. 30 year old virgin moege heroine. Impressive. Very impressive.

>> No.37113498

eop normies are going to hate the first eroscene

>> No.37113505

That's like triple the acceptable age

>> No.37113746 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.12 MB, 1600x900, BGI_2021-10-28_22-35-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the Fione route, it was pretty good even though everything went way too smooth for an overarching plot that this vn supposed to have

shame they didn't put more time into it but I didn't expect it to end with wedding so I think it was worth reading it (h scenes were meh though, even mc's seiyuu didn't bother to voice them)

wonder what will be with Eris next but plenty of people said that it's the worst part of vn so I will go with lowered expectations

>> No.37113882
File: 1.15 MB, 1788x1006, 同級生_リメイクnanpa_re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doukyuusei is a 30 year old game with a fresh coat of paint and a few QOL changes to make actually progressing in the routes less trial-and-error obtuse, and that's about it. It very much plays and feels like a very, very old nanpa game from when the medium was brand new. How much you'll like it depends on whether you like that kind of stuff or not. Some of the heroines 'routes' are two scenes long.

>> No.37113894

Eris acts like a total retard in her chapter, enjoy

>> No.37114299

It was very good, sold great and is getting an expansion soon.

>> No.37114318

Is it a moege?

>> No.37114333
File: 1.41 MB, 642x1386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noo. I want all the imouto. Not "choose your imouto".
It seems like Lose is supporting this release financially(?). Thanks Lose.

>> No.37114342

Of course. The charm point of Giga games is the lack of story and extreme reliance on moe.

>> No.37114352

Can't tell if this is trolling anymore

>> No.37114358

don't know what zoomers define as moege these days

>> No.37114364

Yes, financially and marketing.

>> No.37114399
File: 1.04 MB, 800x533, 一番後ろでけつの穴の匂いを追いかけよう.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plenty of people said

>> No.37114406

Games they hate.

>> No.37114421

No one hates moeges

>> No.37114428

White people do.

>> No.37114443

i fucking hate moeges

>> No.37114448
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, 【秤結衣 進展3】ハジラブ (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love moeges.

>> No.37114452

I'm not white but I fucking hate moege.
The ones with some substance like Noratoto don't count.

>> No.37114454

I am indifferent towards moeges.

>> No.37114459

You're trying to be white.

>> No.37114463
File: 503 KB, 826x1348, img2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new milkfactory when...

>> No.37114498

But I hate white people.
Though maybe not as much as I do Yuzusoft.

>> No.37114504

Most based post I've seen on /jp/ this year

>> No.37114556

it's been 6 months, dont expect anything until 2023

>> No.37114660
File: 68 KB, 890x839, 1599994068533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished fuyukuru. That last third was incredible.

>> No.37114723

Do you need to have read the other kuru stuff before fuyukuru or does it work as standalone?

>> No.37114755

reading previous kuru works will heavily spoil the overall plot for you so it's best to read fuyukuru as your first kuru game because it's the best one

>> No.37114864


>> No.37114913
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, 154143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkeys bros ww@

>> No.37115036

is there any va as cute sounding as 飴川紫乃

>> No.37115078

so what's the deal with those monkeys and why are people getting hyped for it? looks like default trap comedy from the surface

>> No.37115091

That's what it seems like, fairly typical delinquent MC crossdresses into all-girls school. But even if it's a generic story it looks like a good version of it. I'm willing to give it a shot, at least.

>> No.37115144

huh protag is voiced by savasava, I guess I will also give it a try as well just for that

>> No.37115148

It is a kusoge that wasted Kirihana comeback to eroge. Not really surprising because titles with trap MC are always shit.

>> No.37115163

It's not a comeback to eroge if she doesn't voice any H-scenes.

>> No.37115190

are they? I haven't really read any but I heard only good things about tsuriotsu so far at least

>> No.37115218

Wasn't someone looking for this? Pretty sure it's IP blocked though

>> No.37115233 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 3840x1080, Keiken Zero na Classmate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I support super advanced UI for short 1-heroine moege

>> No.37115256

nice self-dox, Mrkew-kun

>> No.37115258
File: 1016 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault game actually ignores share x

>> No.37115299

producer made noraneko which is decently popular, also kiritani hana is in it, hence the hype

>> No.37115306

Fuck, I did not even realize that. Compared to that, 空丘島 had a good end. That the last thing you hear about her is how she's pretty much still broken is still hard. I'm at least glad she or her legacy finished her chess project.
Makes me wonder how much other small fucked up details I did not notice.

>> No.37115357

Develop your own tools?
Learn to code, then learn how to analyze file formats in a hex editor and how to analyze assembly.

>> No.37115373

Man that reverse engineering and assembly crap is all magic to me. I'm a big baby that can only program if there's human readable source code.

>> No.37115384

Bro, hacking is all about learning and being a man.
If you can't look up shit, you can't hack stuff.

>> No.37115399

As someone who can sort of do it, I believe that anyone who could learn how to code can understand assembly.

>> No.37115409

>can understand assembly
Rather, can learn how to read it, poor wording

>> No.37115435

managed to dl it with tor but don't really feel like clicking random exe
did you try it out?

>> No.37115467


>> No.37115482

I ran it in wine and it just installed a game to a directory of my choice. What is this anyway?

>> No.37115571

Trial for some unreleased game.

>> No.37115669
File: 1.30 MB, 1429x1403, Official Music CD_Front02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does everyone else read the OP lyrics as being from Tsukikadojima's perspective?

>> No.37115682

no because I didn't play past the first fuck scene in the trial and never listened to the op

>> No.37115704
File: 130 KB, 205x344, 6O5U3JRe0s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, how did you get filtered by the first H-scene? It's so tame compared to some of the others.

>> No.37115711

Why do you think I was replying to people who finished the game?

>> No.37115713

hype for Kiritani Hana voicing a m*le, haha...only a monkey would think that.

>> No.37115748


>> No.37115852

All the stuff starting from here looks kinda cool, maybe I'll play it.

>> No.37115885

why the fuck are you checking out cgs before playing the game...

>> No.37115977

Give protag voice in H scenes REEEEEEE
I want to mute the heroine and pretend getting fucked by futa Kirihana

>> No.37115987

While reading the VN I just assumed it was mostly from Soraoka's perspective but reading through the lyrics now Tkukikadojima would make sense.
I still don't understand what the
"Breakout! Dirty Lily-Liar [...]"
would be about.

Also don't see much speaking against 宇賀島 either.

>> No.37116006 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 682x720, N4smmYMnJn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because we all want to be the 薔薇人間.

>> No.37116059

I guess lily=百合.
The big tells that's it Tsukikadojima to me are:



I don't think Ugajima was really all that opposed to Soraoka and the men.

>> No.37116063

Like that anon a few threads ago I'm actually a bit butthurt about not seeing that.

>> No.37116117
File: 351 KB, 458x402, dOu6DeHksV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real. Though I guess since losing Shihon made Yuuhi-prime lose her marbles for pretty much the rest of her natural life, I guess I understand why she never made good on that promise. Still, come on. One CG at the very least.

>> No.37116623

>new version of virtualbox guest additions is bugged and doesn't install (windows 7)
>new version of vmware/vmplayer is still unusuably buggy and glitchy (also windows 7)
Is there a conspiracy against us loonix fags all of a sudden? I'm coped by downgrading my distro's virtual guest utils iso package and it works again.

>> No.37116658

Nah, starts aligned.
Just learn to use wine and stop worrying.

>> No.37116735

Wine is randomly buggy depending on the game though.

>> No.37116770

Yes... But actually no.
Nowadays at least, working flawlessly is the rule, not the exception.
Sure, there's a few games that are randomly bugged and cannot be fixed with winetricks, but they aren't games worth my time to start a VM to play anyway.

>> No.37116801

> sakutoki release date isn't announced yet
Fuck you, scajizz

>> No.37116820

Black screens on fullscreen were pretty common last time I bothered with it. It tended to happen with older games.

>> No.37117352

>age 13

What the hell, bros? And they're just gonna show her taking dick?

>> No.37117382

>everything went way too smooth for an overarching plot that this vn supposed to have

Yes, that's the major issue with the side branches in Eustia and Senmomo (i.e. other heroines that Eustia and Akari).

Honestly you shouldn't even consider them routes. They're like extra content with endings that ignore or marginalize the plot of the main game.

>> No.37117386
File: 65 KB, 800x450, main_4c86f036-957d-4caa-9402-24b5eb54907f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the beauty of being a dujin game.

>> No.37117398

Very nice.

You know it's roughly million times more erotic when the girl's age is stated. In doujins, games and *otherwise*.

>> No.37117567
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, Is this Crows Zero?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone reads Monkeys yet?
What do you think of it so far
Is the MC still not voiced in the H-scene?

>> No.37117749

It's only been out for a few hours. Give people a week to actually read it.

>> No.37117800

A decade later and I still feel bad for the other guy.

>> No.37117875

Use spoiler function fucking nigger

>> No.37118001

The medical student?

>> No.37118015


>> No.37118934

can you upload it? it will probably take several days until it appear on nyaa

>> No.37118978
File: 169 KB, 1920x462, bg_headre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck le monkey face, real game of the month when?

>> No.37119010

wasn't the last astronauts game not great? I didn't play it but I remember seeing a lot of complaints.

>> No.37119026

https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3501076 monkeys up

>> No.37119079
File: 1 KB, 121x76, qbittorrent_2021-10-29_12-41-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice speed

>> No.37119089
File: 4 KB, 391x146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37119220

It's up

>> No.37119260
File: 37 KB, 664x449, setup_2021-10-29_13-09-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it fails

>> No.37119357

I love girlcelly in a non gay way because he is male.

>> No.37119370

Yes, that's a very hetero way of acting. I approve of it in a manly way.

>> No.37119513

Read eroge until I'm stuck at the H-scene wall -> take a break -> see hot eromanga and fap to it -> no juice for eroge
Repeat every day

>> No.37119602

Didn't watch the stream but just saw it's not a hag game, the girls in the middle part are younger than you.
I don't like how Kitaooji Yuki sounds here, she's made to play young cute girls.

>> No.37119658

Do you have enough memory, senpai?

>> No.37119921

yes i have, tried to instal in the default location tried locale emulator with admin etc nothing works

>> No.37119940

Do you have another machine to test it out?

>> No.37120140

No need to install, just run as it is

>> No.37120260

because you didn't buy it

>> No.37120279


>> No.37120317

this doesn't work either

>> No.37120384
File: 382 B, 91x19, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37120711

oh nvm then i'm stupid, i assumed you need to crack after installation and then forgot about it
seems to work fine w/o instal now, whats even the point of those instal files then

>> No.37121247

Completely forgot it's release day. Turns out nothing much comes out.

Redpill me on these Monkeys you guys talk about.

>> No.37121289

They throw poop at each other.

>> No.37121433

I haven't even finished last month's releases...

>> No.37121496

Who here is Pinoy? Oh wait they don't read, much less anything that isn't in English translated.

>> No.37121549

What a faggot.
Ah, of course. A recently "graduated" EOP.

>> No.37121615

Hato's stories are just really charming and their games always have that extra bit of effort and soul in them that sets them apart from your regular moege.

The Chikan duology wasy alright if you are into the fetish. Actually had some funny scenes wich is a nice change of pace from their usual snorefest storylines/dialogue. Astronauts only really fucked up with Guildmaster which was like 5 games back. Main complaints of their recent games are a lack of gameplay and, at least for me, the formula and stories getting too stale.

>> No.37121819

Funny or cute and funny

>> No.37122131

Any new gyaru game that doesn't involve big breasts and brown? I know of the Sisters one but that isn't out yet.

>> No.37122294

>gyaru game
>doesn't involve big breasts and brown
They... exist?

>> No.37122348

Is this VN based?

>> No.37122365

>Blod: A
>Protag Blod: B
Oh no, anons!

>> No.37122706

Kill yourself, faggot. I'm saving this screenshot, now everyone on vndb gonna learn how you're using 4chan and piratefagging.

>> No.37122899
File: 17 KB, 828x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah, of course. A recently "graduated" EOP.
wow i didn't know it's mister kew shitting this whole thread up every time people mention hooking

>> No.37122908

What does it mean? I don't know how blood works.
And I still don't understand how that game is going to work, says your choices decide what kind of imouto she becomes but they all have different last names, how can your choices affect that?

>> No.37123035

>gyaru game without delcious brown and big tits
What's the point?

>> No.37123084

You can you choose whether you want each girl brown or normal, big tits stay though.

>> No.37123140

Yes, something like
Don't discriminate. Gyaru can come in all forms and sizes.
Hm, I'll take it, but I want more flat gals.

>> No.37123146
File: 849 KB, 1920x1080, 2021-07-19 15_24_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, I loved Manakashi so much. Especially the daruma ending, it was the right amount of fucked up for me. I like yuri but I also want some regular eroge with a yandere/sadist heroine too.

>> No.37123164

>now everyone on vndb gonna learn how you're using 4chan and piratefagging.
Isn't that most people on vndb though?

>> No.37123232

I think you'll just pick at the start.

>> No.37123256

still possible though, mom and dad AB+OO, protag BO, imouto AO
he's probably implying that they are not blood related, although given what's written on there nothing gets ruled out, could also be that devs don't know how bloodtype works.

>> No.37123340

Oi cunt, that's 85 eroge completed in jp. It can't be helped that you're having a laugh, but don't say recent. 2 years is a long time in a NEET's life.

>> No.37123363

No, his little vndb e-celeb life is over now.

>> No.37123726

>could also be that devs don't know how bloodtype works.
Can you really claim to be Japanese if you don't know your bloodtypes.

>> No.37123742

There's a difference between knowing that A-type blood is lucky on Thursdays and based virgin directors having biological knowledge on genetics.

>> No.37124006
File: 88 KB, 2081x759, diforus-1379045785698992128-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a game with entirely optional sexual content? As in getting a girl's full route and happy ending without ever boning her. I think the only one I know of is Kakyuusei.

>> No.37124039

Don't you remember everyone sperging about "extra menu only ero". Happened with a game by Purple, and Lose did it before scrapping ero altogether. Probably happened elsewhere as well.

I still think these extremes are shit. Extra menu ero is great to fill quota in case the route doesn't allow for the quota amount of scenes to be there in a reasonable way. Meanwhile it's usually used to add an equal amount per heroine on top, while all in route scenes are also the same number, or it's all in there. Stupid. [/rant]

>> No.37124068

Kakyuusei, the one with Mizuho, Ai and those heroines? Were the h-scenes optional there?

>> No.37124414

i already knew he posts here exactly because he made the same retarded posts about hooking on vndb he makes on here

>> No.37124469
File: 292 KB, 310x472, Rei_Ijuin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You can date, kiss, see all their endings for all the girls.

One of them, Tina, *requires* that you never slept with any of the girls in order to get her ending, although she doesn't have a route per se. She is almost like Rei Ijuuin in Tokimemo in how she works.

>> No.37124471

isn't it any lose games

>> No.37124493

Aren't a lot of Elf games like this? Isaku, for instance. Also the twist of Biniku no Kaori ties into this concept, where you have to resist a heroine's advances in order to get the good ending. Maybe not the same thing you had in mind.

>> No.37124539

In https://vndb.org/v26537 to get good ending you shouldn't bang your sister who wants it really bad.

>> No.37124630

But it says only good endings?

>> No.37124705

any good horror vns? I like stuff with denpa elements but I'm down for anything spooky or just gory

>> No.37124727

Shizuku is all about denpa, even if it is quite aged.

>> No.37124743 [SPOILER] 
File: 659 KB, 1920x1080, Monkeys!¡_2548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this scene made me laugh
really enjoying the style of the game so far

>> No.37124779

I notice an uptick on manga style presentations in eroge these days with this and Dohna Dohna. Guess it's a sign of the medium trying to modernize.

>> No.37124799

仄暗き時の果てより is pretty mindfucked.

>> No.37124823

>monkey runs perfectly without installing and without locale emulator
what the fuck

>> No.37124857

Gore Screaming Show

>> No.37125036

I've had this on my list for a while. Gonna bump it up
hadn't heard of this one. Adding it to the list
fun classic
thank you bros

>> No.37125255

lol the menus in maoujo re hilde are so fuckin slow what the hell were they thinking

>> No.37125274

Are they using in-house engine or unity

>> No.37125336

Rei was never worth the trouble and you can't change my mind.
Same as Shiori.

>> No.37125536

Oh shit I completely missed the new (5 month old) Moonstone moenukige

>> No.37125557

I'm trying to remember an eroge which the girl (has purple hair) was being a mega slut and she ended up giving in to it. I think it was NTR too.

>> No.37125588

my first thought is this

>> No.37125590

Most of the time you just find out by accident. It was a failed run for me with bomb blowing up on the daily, but I just kept playing just to see if it was possible to get into the hardest university.

I believe the guy with the hateboner for Shiori is still making ntr manga about her to this day. As I was told, everyone has gotten cucked. Everyone. I don't see how he could make Shiori seem even a greater whore at this point.

>> No.37125605

There we go. Thanks. My vndb wishlist was too messy to shift through it.

>> No.37125666
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 経験ゼロなクラスメイトπ_2021-10-29_10-33-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you roleplayers. I'm sorry I previously said this month is dead release-wise. That was a good fucking moege. I didn't even mean to read it, it was just a spontaneous decision as I was waiting for Astronauts.
You might look at the cover and think it's one of them one-heroine semi-nukige, but it only has 2.5 H-scenes placed at the end. I think the strong points are:
MC falls in love and immediately goes for it and doesn't give up.
The heroine テンパるs super easily whenever anything related to romance is brought up and tends to just sprint off. Moe.
Hot moles - pic related
Cute gyaru friend MC's sister helps out both of them with figuring out love every step along the way (based on knowledge from shoujo manga)

The one thing that was over the top is that she's got heart pupils 99% of the time during H. I'd understand if it was just for the climax, but all the time is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.37125703

shut up mrkew

>> No.37125711

Focus on eroge discussion, retarded hookfag.

>> No.37125721
File: 3.04 MB, 1920x1080, truth about elves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37125726
File: 59 KB, 472x372, elves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37125728

Is elves being a race of megasluts a purely Japanese invention or did some other degenerate come up with that first?

>> No.37125749

It's a global phenomenon that came from our recent cultural shift to "if it looks too clean outside, the dirty parts are all inside" mindset.

>> No.37125802

subvert expectations in my opinion. virgin succubus. vampire that doesnt bite and can walk under the sun. nonslut gyaru. good maou. irresponsible angel. slutty nun.

>> No.37125816

bet u started with some sub optimal meme method because ur retarded and now ur coping by shitting up the thread every time some idiot comes asking about hooks

>> No.37125829

Keep MTLing, but do it on /vg/.

>> No.37125846

I feel like pure elf is more common than slut elf at this point.

>> No.37125852

I typed that backwards like a retard. Sorry

>> No.37125866
File: 342 KB, 2258x1900, elf_cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, here's a good way to understand it.

>> No.37125906

>The heroine テンパるs super easily whenever anything related to romance is brought up and tends to just sprint off. Moe.
this fucking sucks lmao

>> No.37126004
File: 1.11 MB, 1832x3786, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very cute when paired up with MC's never give up Japanese fisherman attitude. And just look at her eyes.

>> No.37126032

Yup, I'm so going to be playing this once I'm done with 魔王城Re:ビルド.

>> No.37126137
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 2_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality release.

>> No.37126197

yeah, noticed this too...

>> No.37126699

There is a shitload of japanese ips downloading monkeys right now. I thought they didn't pirate or is it westerners in japan

>> No.37126723

nice joke
only normies who are afraid of laws don't pirate, anyone who got at least 2 digit iq already figured out how to set up proper proxy and not waste thousands of yen

>> No.37126781


>> No.37126862

Get a better PC, Unity is not optimized for potatos.

>> No.37126890


>> No.37127047

Fuck off mister faggot kew and kill yourself

>> No.37127062

Sorry to burst the secret club bubble but there is nothing wrong with hooking nor you can stop someone from using it.

>> No.37127117

Sorry to burst the secret club bubble but there is nothing wrong with eating shit nor you can stop someone from doing it it.

>> No.37127321

that's just a bunch of retards-elitists from djt/reddit who for some reason think that they are better than others for not using textcuckers and manually lookup stuff when it's objectively faster and easier to use hook and lookup stuff+create anki card in 1 click and use the saved time for more reading instead

unless you already reading vns for 10 years and can read for hours without the need to look up stuff not using hookers is either being a brainlet retard who can't figure how to setup it or cummer-moebuta who doesn't read anything but kusoges so he doesn't even need to look up anything

>> No.37127354
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37127383

>moeshit pic
you literally proved what I just said, no need to learn new works when there are no new words right

>> No.37127437

new words* typo btw

>> No.37127512
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, 俺の恋天使がポンコツすぎてコワ~い.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37127522

I should probably use anki. My Japanese is dogshit and I'm a slow reader.

>> No.37127582

>second Shiroi and Soujuurou scene in KKK
>it's schizo rape
Very fitting for these two. I was wondering how the H was going to go.

>> No.37128019

Lol at you, i'm reading this in English just to rest and read some hardcore plotkamige in japanese next.

>> No.37128026

I want to be raped by cute anime girls

>> No.37128045

i want cute loli(s) to tie me up with a rope and tickle until i can't take it anymore but they still wouldn't stop

>> No.37128058

*in non sexual way, i'm not a fucking pedo

>> No.37128078
File: 639 KB, 611x564, 7NEhQIfc7J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tickle torture scenes are pretty good.

>> No.37128635

Finally JOP bros

>> No.37128637

wrong thread

>> No.37128651

It's the right though.
I've always wanted to read Yamizome without mosaics.

>> No.37128862

Any anon got Hoshiuta to share? Can't find it anywhere

>> No.37129187

Were you too young to remember Perfect Dark and Winny?

>> No.37129295

Scatbros, we can't stop winning.

>> No.37129331

Do you guys pay attention to EGS and VNDB rankings when it comes to choosing which VN to read next?

>> No.37129344

lmao no, never. I just read reviews by people in FC2.

>> No.37129346

Yes, but not as much as I pay attention to moogy/kastel/quof/sacredge0 scores, reviews and opinions.

>> No.37129379

I never bother to check egs/vndb review scores, or even really read summaries or descriptions. I just open nyaa and check key art and read the title and decide what to read based on that. Don't get me wrong, I read a lot of total crap, but at least I'm the one who decides that it's total crap without letting someone else's opinion affect me.

>> No.37129652
File: 295 KB, 1275x1079, 1560701101635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37129680

I get it monkeys, it's 硝子ノ宮 because it's alice going through the looking glass
you don't have to keep repeating it

>> No.37129681

>because it's alice going through the looking glass

This is... deep....
I feel like ascending right now...
Panache... Koufuki ni iki yo!

>> No.37129682

>i'm reading this in English just to rest and read some hardcore plotkamige in japanese next.
if you actually knew japanese you wouldn't even consider doing that

>> No.37129691
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, 2557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37129699

It's retarded to limit yourself to just one language, anon.

>> No.37129706

>It's retarded to limit yourself to just one language, anon.
true but it's even more retarded to read the translation of something you could read in the original
if you knew japanese you would know how botched even """good""" translations are so the thought of reading an english version shouldn't even cross your mind

>> No.37129717

I'd read a nukige in English if it was uncensored and the art was good and I couldn't find a way to patch the uncensored art into the Japanese version. That's about it, though.

>> No.37129739

Based. He is just not using his full power, like a true chuuni protagonist. He is limiting himself just to power up and defeat the strong VN later.

>> No.37129795

>true but it's even more retarded to read the translation of something you could read in the original
not really, blick tl is pretty good and there is no """"prose"""" in original text, so i'm losing nothing by reading translation instead
you should realize this once your weabwu initial phase is over and you don't glorify japanese language this much anymore

>> No.37129810

You will never know Japanese.

>> No.37129815

Too late

>> No.37129936


>> No.37130002

i'm not glorifying anything, english can't be translated perfectly into japanese and japanese can't be translated into english
english works should be experienced in english, and japanese ones in japanese
neither language is objectively better than the other
>there is no """"prose"""" in original text, so i'm losing nothing by reading translation instead
it's crazy how you could think you don't "lose" anything in a game with lots of jokes and wordplay that is literally impossible to translate and will necessarily have to be replaced with a different joke that works in english
not to mention that whenever you're reading any translation, you are reading something that was entirely rewritten by a person who is not the original author, so the resulting text is guaranteed to be heavily influenced by how the translator interpreted the source when reading it himself
you can put two translators on the same work and they'll both come out with something completely different, that should tell you everything really

>> No.37130009

bait posts will never stop if you keep responding

>> No.37130043

>can't be translated
>literally impossible to translate

>> No.37130058

yep he's right there is wordplay that can't be translated keep reading your eop garbage though lol

>> No.37130119

keep sucking your own dick off, schizo

>> No.37130180

You don't even know what "prose" means, EOP.

>> No.37130217

prose is a good detector for pretentious fags
especially when fag doesn't know what else to say about eroge

>> No.37130336

99% of the text in any given VN is "prose", you illiterate subhuman.

>> No.37130361

Dont care, still using MTL to read untranslated porn games

>> No.37130376

This reminds me during the time I was reading KoiChoco, pretty basic SOL, literally the first 10 minutes there was a joke about the importance of 濁点, then everyone tries to comes up with a ネタ, remove 濁点 so it becomes a completely different phrase just for the gigs. How the translator manage to pull of the translation while keeping the meaning intact is beyond my comprehension, though I'm not willing to download the English patch to find out.

>> No.37130384

And you're pretentious faggot. Eroge != literature. You don't need to pretend eroge = literature to enjoy eroge. But comparing actual literature and eroge (written by virgin eroge writers) is just disrespectful towards literature.

>> No.37130391
File: 1.92 MB, 1263x1576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so i'm losing nothing

>> No.37130479

>is just disrespectful towards literature.
lol most literature writers were repressed weirdos who would've been called incels in current era.

>> No.37130488

that's tragic

>> No.37130499

Basically dumb filler conversation.

>> No.37130505

cope harder

>> No.37130507

You don't even know what "prose" means, fag.

>> No.37130513

I love how it makes absolutely no sense that he brings up February 13th in the English version

>> No.37130523

prose is the default cope after realizing gatekeeping is dead and looking back at all the wasted time learning wapanese

>> No.37130529

nobody was even talking about prose until you brought it up eop scum

>> No.37130541

Oh wow, 11/22, いい にーに, such clever prose, brain literally explodes.

>> No.37130542

Hookfriend is upset. Hookfriend goes back to reading his favorite chuunige with MTL while realizing he only understands 5% of it.

>> No.37130691

once you get to a point you realize rankings and scores of the majority aren't good indicators for your personal experience. that's normal, everyone is different and has different perception. and I'm not even talking about other variables like fan bias, bots spamming, normies voting, differences in criteria. you don't understand why this game is highly praised when it's so fucking boring. you enjoyed the hell out of this game but it has a low score. this game fucking sucks balls but it still has 75 on EGS. it's normal. but you also realize these scores are meaningless when all you care about is your personal experience.

>> No.37130818

Mister kew is upset. Mister kew goes back to reading his favorite moege without hooking (N1 profficiency) while realizing 100 hours passed since beginning.

>> No.37130862

to be honest vndb ratings are still a great indicator despite everything you just mentioned
at least 70% of vns from the first 2 vndb pages are overall great and worth reading regardless of your tastes, and anything beyond 2nd page is mostly garbage outside of 10-20% of hidden gems you can find if you are lucky

>> No.37130960

You actually read slower with hooking due to the time ALT+tab-ing and looking up words, but MTL fags will never understands since they only read it in broken english.

>> No.37131006

The longest part of reading VNs is listening to voices. But the voices don't mean anything to people who don't understand Japanese.

>> No.37131061

Imagine having the patience to listen to all the んんんん and あああああ for every heroine in every route, no thanks.

>> No.37131195

>Doesn't appreciate their orgasm voices
Pretty pleb of you I must say. Several seiyuu I've grown to love by their sex yells.

>> No.37131201

>part of reading
Are you dumb, faggot?
> But the voices don't mean anything to people who don't understand Japanese.
Cope harder with your inability to read fast enough, mister kew.
Why would you need alt-tab, dumb nigger? As expected retard doesn't even know how to set shit up, lol.

>> No.37131258
File: 13 KB, 792x514, locale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is a locale issue right?
I'm trying to install atlach nacha because I couldn't find a pre-installed copy, but I can't get the installer to not display properly. Although regardless of the choices it just crashes, so it might just be corrupt to shit too.

>> No.37131286

Just play it in your browser bro https://kichikuou.github.io/web/

>> No.37131307

Of course I do, but unlike you I don't base my completion on voices. You on the other hand nitpicking other people's playtime based on total voice length, which is one of the most retarded shit I've ever seen.

>> No.37131352

> nitpicking other people's playtime based on total voice length
Holy shit, i sense some small dick energy here.

>> No.37131358

So you expect me to turn my game to window mode 100% of the time while playing something that only need like one look up every 10 minutes or so, faggot? Also I'm broke so don't suggest me to buy a second monitor.

>> No.37131364

Alright, first of all, you can stop with your retarded shit about the namefagging. An accidental screenshot is something completely different to intentionally posting with a name. This is an anon imageboard, so act like it. The only thing you're doing is embarassing yourself by reading it in a stupid anglo way, which is completely wrong. Don't think for one second that it's hard to identify several posters, including you, in this thread simply from the way they post or what they post. Ignoring that and focusing on the content of the post is the right manners.
Now, for your post, yes listening is one part of consuming a VN. Or would you say you're not reading a VN while the OP/ED is playing? While you're waiting for scene transition, while you're watching cool effects during a fight scene? All of it combined makes a VN what it is. As someone who self-inserts, it brings me closer to the characters when I watch them (their sprites) as they speak. I turn on dramatic mode to hide the textbox when others speak whenever it's available. VNs are an audiovisual experience, don't you ever forget that while you're reading the hooked text in your notepad.

>> No.37131396

just use locale emulator??????

>> No.37131411
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, 2402214B7A8943BC8B0824EFA7EBA97E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can mtl/hook/eop person or peoole go back to discord please? you either blend in here or leave. you're not welcomed here. your kind only drags down thread quality. we're not interested in any of the things you say. we don't care about translation release. we don't want to help you troubleshoot hook or mtl or whatever code that is. post something about actual VN

>> No.37131468

The EOP chads are here to stay. Don't like it? Tough fucking shit.

>> No.37131491

If you can ask the vndb e-celeb here to stop triggering the Hookers, but maybe that's out of your league.

>> No.37131497 [DELETED] 

seethe, cope and dilate, mrkew

>> No.37131511

That wasn't me you mongoloid. I merely came to reply at your pleb take.

>> No.37131595

Mister kew, i think you need you kill yourself.

>> No.37131653 [DELETED] 

Oh no no no no JOPcuck bros I thought this thread was our safespace??? At this rate we will be forced to go back to our trannycord hideouts

>> No.37131661

Anyone here read Symphony rain?
Which version is better original or remake

>> No.37131774

i worked on that game and though i didn't touch that part i recall the guy that worked on it completely changed that word game to something else

>> No.37132009

very entertaining schizo couple

>> No.37133153

I thought 魔王城 was a nukige. Why the fuck does a nukige have a bleep censor? My ears are not happy about this.

>> No.37134017

Shit happens sometimes. I don't know. Nips are dumb. "My contract lets me scream at the top of my longs while voicing an orgasm but I can't say ちんちん"

>> No.37134135

Those words amount to the N word to them.

>> No.37134192

I very much enjoy the Heero Yuy school of romance where you constantly just threaten to kill the other person as a pickup line.

>> No.37134596
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 魔王城Reビルド!_1.01_2021-10-30_18-29-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not bully the NEET princess

>> No.37134644

Oh hey, there was a drama CD with the Fuyukuru DL, I wonder what it's about--
>title: 水名さんがお尻でいくとこ見て欲しいって言い出して
Well then

>> No.37134658

Mostly old companies being retarded and holding on to their old ways, you'd never see bleep censoring in games by newer companies, or that adapted correctly to modern standards.
Also the porn gacha released by DMM constantly are full of uncensored ちんぽ and まんこ.

>> No.37135006

I've been recently rewatching the Monogatari series and I realized that I crave a heroine with good banter. I know there are some in moege but ideally she should be an older or more mature type who is able to cut the jokes when things get serious and responsibility needs to be taken.

>> No.37135201 [SPOILER] 
File: 481 KB, 1920x1125, true_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen a love so pure that it made you wonder if you ever truly loved at all?

>> No.37135217


>> No.37135254

What did I just watch?

>> No.37135348
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, asairo_2021-10-06_18-25-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should've been the main heroine. Hiyo was boring

>> No.37135402

both statements are completely wrong

>> No.37135470

Both statements are very obviously true

>> No.37135510

One BOB COFFEEX, please.

>> No.37135845

Any scifi recommendations? I enjoyed Island and Himawari. I/O was ok. Could not finish root double.

>> No.37135929

"Hello, World", Baldr Heart, Natsukumo Yururu

>> No.37135948

Apeiria, Baldr Sky/Heart

>> No.37135993

>I enjoyed Island
my condolences

>> No.37136260

Thanks. I started HaruKuru and it was too boring to continue reading. Is NatsuKuru the same?
Thanks. I forgot I had started Baldr Sky. Will need to start over. I paused it because of the flashbacks.
At the time of reading I enjoyed it. Later I realised it is not that good. Rinne's voice carried the game.

>> No.37136317
File: 133 KB, 932x720, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to play the game instead of just reading

>> No.37136339

Quote whometh?

>> No.37136342

Natsukuru is better game than Harukuru for sure, better characters and pacing, it also doesn't have an endless stream of h scenes in the beginning.

>> No.37136346

I just downloaded the torrent with all three drama CDs.

>> No.37136357

if you are interested in Baldr games, play Baldr Force too.

>> No.37136389

saucenao/etc not helping.
What's this picture from? That blackhair is nice.

>> No.37136402


>> No.37136403


>> No.37136430

I will have to look for the other two, then. The Mizuna one was great.

>> No.37136448
File: 353 KB, 1272x1440, 1629587462084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind Anons.
Pic related: The output of some algorithm I'm working on.

>> No.37136709

that was a long フツーーー

>> No.37136799

Let's face it bros
Monkeys is kamige

>> No.37136805

How many H scenes does Monkeys have?

>> No.37136854

When will Kiritani Hana comeback to eroge again?

>> No.37136879

12. Ones i've seen so far have multiple 2 CG's each.

>> No.37136882

Yes, she's in Monkeys.

>> No.37136885


>> No.37136894

Thats not comeback. She doesnt have voice in H.

>> No.37136903

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only eroge reader in the world who doesn't care about seiyuus.

>> No.37136941

In her 40s once she doesn't get hired for anime anymore.

>> No.37136969

I know a handful from constant exposure but yeah I don't give a shit about 90+% of them.

>> No.37136971

You're missing 「押しの弱い宇賀島さんにエッチしたいと言ってみた」 and「月角島さんが部室で一人エッチを見せてくれるって」

>> No.37136981

So would you rather play eroge unvoiced?

>> No.37137009

i recognize their voices between games and i have some favorites but i don't know any names

>> No.37137030

I already do.

>> No.37137092
File: 3.43 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot_20210918120511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy hearing cute girls say funny or dumb lines, engrish or tongue twisters, but I couldn't care less who's behind the moaning. Mid-tier or high-tier VAs are all the same to me so long as they don't downright sound like random whores off the street who just finished smoking a pack of cigars.

>> No.37137120

most seiyuus are professional. you'll definitely care when you happen to hear absolutely god awful voices

>> No.37137158


>> No.37137192

I feel like the voice director guy might be the most underappreciated role in all of this.

>> No.37137227

Yeah, right after the dude making the sucking sounds in lieu of the voice actresses.

>> No.37137260

When you consider all of this is recorded by each girl individually in a booth it is pretty impressive to get it all together working well.

>> No.37137304

>the dude making the sucking sounds
anon pls no

>> No.37137312

Which game is this cute and funny foreigner from?

>> No.37137319

Worth playing

>> No.37137361

Did APOLLOCRISIS save Aikome?
