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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 363 KB, 1808x1700, 1242114675210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3697812 No.3697812 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing that /a/ is shitting all over your beloved Chen:

>> No.3697822

I hide threads like that.

>> No.3697818

It's always been a joke to me

>> No.3697824

like a bag of ill omen

>> No.3697828

Chen has always been /a/ tier.

>> No.3697831

You should go back to /a/ now.

>> No.3697834
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Why should I care about a bunch of Narutards?

>> No.3697835
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damn this is an abomination

>> No.3697841

I'm angry now.

I just watched this video and now the happiness I gained from it is gone:


>> No.3697846


>> No.3697848

Well, it's /a/.


>> No.3697851

chen is cirno level so it's ok

>> No.3697857


>> No.3697872
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>> No.3697874

I don't think I care. A mod posted it after all, it was obvious that it would become a meme eventually.
In fact, it makes me happy to see that people still try to make original content nowadays.

>> No.3697870


>> No.3697869

/a/ here.

have you seen our sticky? it's a temporary meme now, we have to

>> No.3697875

Here, this'll cheer you up.


>> No.3697877

Chen has been /a/ tier since that Ranka dance edit.

>> No.3697879

>so I take it modcat is a meme?
Well, nevermind.

>> No.3697881

Not too different; we shit on her all the time.

PROTIP: Anybody who claims to be from /jp/ is just trolling; we hide our powerlevel.

>> No.3697883
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/a/, not so good.

>> No.3697884

As long as it's not Remi I don't give a damn.

>> No.3697887

To be fair, before /b/ was just random, the main driving force for originality and general 'lulz' where the weeaboos who inhabited Anime/Random.

>> No.3697897

LOL fucking Chern didn't see it coming!

>> No.3697895
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Who cares. Chen's a loser.

>> No.3697896

How do I go to /a/ less when I don't go there at all?

>> No.3697900
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>> No.3697902

I truly can't understand how can you guys think /a/ actually likes Bleach, Naruto and One Piece.

Of course there are faggots that truly start threads or post on them but most of those are trolls.

>> No.3697910

That's because /jp/ just assumes that animu/mango = Bleach and Naruto.

>> No.3697911

/a/non here, that thread was full of faggots. Is it cool if I hang out here instead?

>> No.3697912

sup /jp/

>> No.3697918

You do know the reason we were kicked out?

>Oh no my Naruto, One Piece and Clorox are getting ignore and going to page 10.
>What the fuck is this toehoe faggotry, utawarerumono. clannad VN faggotry. I will send an email to moot about this offtopic thread shitting up /a/.

>> No.3697919

in the past two months i don't recall seeing /a/'s front page without a fucking kubo picture in it

>> No.3697925
File: 4 KB, 90x99, 2433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.3697927


The last time I went to /a/ was to try to start a discussion about Cencoroll, on the day the DVD was released. It went down with almost no serious replies while people were at large discussing how GAR Narutu is or some One Piece plot related shit.

>> No.3697933

Okay, that's a load of shit. And Cencoroll wasn't all that good anyways.

>> No.3697934

/a/non here.

I always expected /jp/ to be about... you know. Japan. Whoops, bit too newfag I guess. Yeah, I'll be leaving now.

>> No.3697931

thanks bro
Cencoroll how is it? ill have to torrent it

>> No.3697938


It's shit, don't bother. But /a/ couldn't know it yet.

>> No.3697949

>/a/ doesn't know actual japanese I am so superior

>> No.3697950

28mins of high quality animation.

Treat it like Hoshi no Koe but without the story.
Good music by supercell though.

>> No.3697954

>28 minutes of real photos altered to look drawn

>> No.3697963
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>> No.3697968

"Modcat is a meme full of win" - Anonymous of /a/
the sad part is that this post wasn't made to sound ironically or anything

>> No.3697970


It's a good reason to feel superior, don't you think? As far as weeaboo faggotry goes.

I'm against stupid board rivalry, I like animu and mango, I just don't visit /a/ because you guys do nothing but discuss Crunchyroll shows and troll what's actually good.

>> No.3697977

No one here cares. That post in your crappy /a/ thread was made by some fake /jp/sie who browses both boards (i.e. a faggot).

>> No.3697980

>I'll just quote one reply in a thread which has 178 posts to make MY SUPERIOR BOARD look better... this isn't bias at all.

>I'm such a badass

>> No.3697988

no, the thread was full of faggots saying HURR MODCAT IS A MEME EPIC LULZ ARCHIVE THIS SHIT

I think I'll be lurking on /jp/ for a while..

>> No.3697991

>because you guys do nothing but discuss Crunchyroll shows and troll what's actually good.

well shit

I think he got us there guys

>> No.3697992

But Suigin is also a prolific /a/ poster.

>> No.3697995

im not a mod so i dont know about cats

>> No.3697994

At first I read that as "Anonymous-san" and I was thoroughly disappointed. Then I realized you just said "Anonymous".

I'm not sure what you were expecting of /a/, Suigin.

>> No.3697996


>> No.3697997

>troll what's actually good.

Because the definition of what makes a piece of fiction "good" is totally not completely subjective to the current audience right?

I don't browse /a/, but MY TASTES > YOUR TASTES is a retarded viewpoint regardless of what board its expressed on

>> No.3697998

Of course it was meant to sound ironically

It had the troll face and all that

Not that I want to defend /a/ or something..

>> No.3698001

>discuss Crunchyroll shows

You've never been to /a/... have you?

>> No.3698002

So you're saying that spouting ARCHIVE THIS SHIT and EPIC WIN and LOL MODCAT IS A MEME is fun? Really, /a/?

>> No.3698008

if acting like a retard is fun then you probably have more fun than anyone else here

>> No.3698009

/a/ is all shounen shit and has been for almost 2 years now. Sorry. Go back there now, please, and stop shitting up our board.

>> No.3698010

I, for one, find spamming stupid memes hilarious.

>> No.3698016

No. But creating something, even if it is something crappy like this and sharing it with people who also enjoy this kind of things is something I'd consider as fun

>> No.3698015


>> No.3698025

epic for teh win /r/ some epic archive lulz 5get lulz win

>> No.3698031


No man, you're missing the point. I don't think shit like Narutu and Bleach should be trolled and sagebombed to hell.

But I also think you should be able to discuss other things with intelligent people without being bothered by bad trolls.

Even though we have our share of stupid trolls, the proportion of haters to decent users is not as bad as /a/. Yet. So I feel comfortable to post and discuss my shit here. That Cencoroll thread I mentioned? I created one on /jp/ at the same time. If the archive was up I could show you the difference between we and you.

>> No.3698033


And the majority is just ignoring them and continuing to entertain themselves.

>> No.3698042

Trolling anything is retarded

>> No.3698063

>between we and you.

Did you read the part where I explicitly point out I DON'T browse /a/, and I spend only minimal time on /jp/. So there is no "we and you". If we were actually talking about the board I spend the majority of my time on well. . . /tg/ discusses EVERYTHING better than the board actually designed to do so.

>> No.3698080

And then you conveniently ignored his point by picking on something completely irrelevant.

Back to whatever board you're from, please.

>> No.3698089
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Nice trolling! EPIC WIN EPIC WIN!!! XD

>> No.3698101


>> No.3698104

calling him out on an ad hominem is hardly irrelevant

But to talk about his point: He claims to blame trolls while in >>3697927(which I assume was him as he references "the Cencoroll tread he made on /a/")
He says he the thread died without any serious replies, no mention of trolling. So I have to call him out on whether there was actually trolling in the thread he used as an example or were people on /a/ at the time simply not interested in discussing Cencoroll?

>> No.3698113

I don't give a shit because Chen is shit.

Reported, saged, and hidden.

>> No.3698114


>> No.3698118

It's almost scary how the people on /a/ seem to be enjoying their antics a little too much.

Anyway, Niggerchen was never a good image nor did /jp/ particularly like it (beyond trolling purposes), so who cares? It's nice that they're doing their best to find ways of modifying it in meaningful ways to themselves.

>> No.3698123

Everyone know bkub chen is superior.

>> No.3698131

>so I have to call him out on whether there was actually trolling in the thread he used as an example or were people on /a/ at the time simply not interested in discussing Cencoroll?

I see how you can think I'm bullshitting you, and yeah, Cencoroll is not even that good, so it deserves a bit of apathy on its own, but the fact that few /a/ users wanted to discuss it while the front page was full of Naruto, Code Geass and damn Kubo Tito is still there.

>> No.3698143

>damn Kubo Tito

But he's awesome. The entirety of Bleach is an exercise in doing nothing and still getting rich, and you can see it all in Kubo's smug smile. A smile that says "Plot? Who cares about plot, my readers are a bunch of sheep who'll gobble it up even if I took a dump on the paper I was drawing on. Which is how I came up with cero, by the way. "

>> No.3698151

Holy shit this is awesome, it makes up for this whole thread.

>> No.3698160

>Kubo Tito

Who and what is so special about him?

>> No.3698164

He's the manaka of Bleach... that's all you need to know really...

>> No.3698167

the author of bleach and the userbase of /a/ thinks he's an EPIC TROLL because he doesn't put enough effort in his manga aimed for children

>> No.3698174

>How does it feel knowing that /a/ is shitting all over your beloved /jp/

>> No.3698183

Bleach author. Famous for stealing his plot from 2ch, never drawing backgrounds, all attacks being some sort of black glob (except the blind dude's, which is a very big black glob that makes you blind... He used this to not draw anything but speech bubbles for like 2 chapters. ), drawing three two-page sceneries in his 12 page long chapters and generally being as lazy as he can while still making absurd amounts of money.

>> No.3698185

What the fuck is wrong with /a/? Why would anyone like a lazy manga artist?

I guess that's why they never talk about Berserk anymore.

>> No.3698189

And they still read it?
I never understood their logic. Man I wish I have some drawing skills, I can be rich just drawing shounen manga.

>> No.3698200

>I guess that's why they never talk about Berserk anymore.

Thats more because Miura only releases a chapter every 4 months or so and everything in every chapter up to now has been discussed to death and back

>> No.3698206

to put it bluntly, he's their chado

>> No.3698209

> discussing manga on /a/
lol use GameFAQs instead

>> No.3698221

In my defense, reading Bleach is like fapping: it takes no effort to do it and you usually end up doing it when you're bored.

That and it gets more ridiculous as time passes. I laughed pretty hard at really tiny swords that look like cherry blossoms cutting apart people. I'm now expecting a bad guy with the power to eat backgrounds to gain power, and has fed on the past 400 chapters to become nigh-unbeatable.

>> No.3698223

There a difference between lazy and being a total hack.

Miura and Sadamoto for instance are lazy since they only release new volumes when the stars align. But those are good and worth reading and discussing.

>> No.3698246


I don't think authors that write for weekly magazines have that leniency, what with editors breathing down their necks like Nazis. It IS a job they get payed for and they have deadlines.
Miura and Sadamoto are the exception rather than the rule

>> No.3698249
File: 97 KB, 245x463, Donovan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually we had a perfectly fine Berserk thread today

>> No.3698255


That doesn't explain the shit Bleach gets away with. And I'm done with that sort of shounen manga anyway.

>> No.3698268

Guess who doesn't care?
