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36738009 No.36738009 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>36696388

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.36738028
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>> No.36738109

Man, I really miss Ley Line. I had such a blast playing it. Do you guys know any games with a similar ノリ and episodic plot?

>> No.36738519


>> No.36738530

>play Amatsukaze
>can't read the baked in gameplay text and it's a card game
I'm probably doing SofthouseChara games instead while finishing 2k

>> No.36738985

Tried not being an EOP?

>> No.36740175

How to gain motivation to finish that stalled game you spent 70 hours playing?

>> No.36740189

you don't need to do it if you don't want to

>> No.36740314

Ugh, I still have to read most of the after stories from Nukitashi2.

>> No.36740348

I find playing something else for a change of pace helps for coming back afterward, if it's something you played recently. Otherwise, if I really want to force myself to finish it I'll do just that--something like not eating dinner before I read an hour minimum helps in the long run. It also helps if you need to lose weight.

>> No.36740392

Schwarzesmarken VN has really good production values and really nails the depressing winter atmosphere but it definitely leaves some stuff out. I haven't read the novels but I know that aside for the main one there are prequels for different characters. The game expects you to have read them or to read them after because it doesn't fully explain a few things like some character relationships.

>> No.36740447

Is the Itazuraneko library definitely gone or is some godly anon planning on restoring it and keeping it alive. It was super handy for retro games, eroge and stuff.

>> No.36740729

Could just read other Unisonshift Blossom games?

>> No.36741287

Why does she wear the hat

>> No.36741489

Does the Monkeys trial have any ero scenes?

>> No.36741637


>> No.36741649

MC isn't voiced on them.

>> No.36741840

I'm pretty sure they released the prequels after the main LNs so it's just a case of shitty writing really
there was also a prequel-prequel LN series that ended up getting cancelled when âge sold their company or some shit and it looks like it's never getting continued

>> No.36742799


>> No.36743559


>> No.36743598

Another Kiritani Hana fan vanquished.

>> No.36743801

Damn, this is gone? Say it ain't so.

>> No.36743832

it's alive, it's just that all the links have been dead for months :^)

>> No.36743911

I was recently checking it and most of the Atelier Kaguya games were still up. Grab them if you're interested because they could also vanish.

>> No.36744024

I think the reason for this is that Mega suspends your account and deletes your files if you don't log in every so often

>> No.36744367
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>> No.36744385

For now

>> No.36744547

What the hell is wrong with Silky Plus's engine? Fuyukuru literally crashes every other damn line for me.

>> No.36744792

Why is there no Tomefure S Soundtrack CD, it's so good.

>> No.36744817

The code detected that you aren't japanese so it runs a function that purposely crashes the game based on random chance.

>> No.36745100
File: 128 KB, 960x544, 2021-09-26-201445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect ojou-sama
>game is 17+ but not 18+

>> No.36745194

But people in EGS are giving it shit scores because of the performance???

>> No.36745203

Are there any real 18+ eroge beyond what KISS makes, anyways?

>> No.36745235

There's a lot of false positives as expected of Japanese programmers.

>> No.36745275

How can you even mess up programming a visual novel of all things? It's just a bunch of if statements and rendered pictures. I've played Elona for days without encountering bugs and that shit's way more convoluted.

>> No.36745391

Obviously when it comes to eroge you aren't going to get the most talented or knowledgeable people. You take what you can get even if they do an awful job.

>> No.36745396

>not using switch statements for optimum performance

>> No.36745397

To stop her 紙 from getting wet.

>> No.36745674

But can't stop her 蟹 from getting wet.

>> No.36746754

I want to fuck my sister

>> No.36746843

I was disappointed that there was no BGM player in the extras section.

>> No.36746918

I want to fuck anon's sister.

>> No.36746935

I took a look, and extracting Tomefure S's BGM is pretty easy. Just run GARbro, navigate to the Tomefure S folder (defaults to C:\Program Files (x86)\TomefureS), and open up bgm.fpk. They're already in Ogg format, so you can just extract them all to a folder and go nuts.

>> No.36747285

Imagine installing eroge to your system disk. My finished eroge folder is 1 tera big.

>> No.36747552

A single H-scene is 30 minutes. That's too long. Way too fucking long.

>> No.36747729

Every eroge should be like that. What's the game, Tomefure?

>> No.36747806

How's the new Hulotte? Any other good games release in the last 3 months?

Here's what happened a few months ago:
>retard asks for download link to some shitty game
>anon links itazuraneko
>someone spergs out about spoonfeeding links
>the beggar gets pissed and mass reports the downloads
>everything gone
The downloads were still live the day before it was posted here.

>> No.36747943

Yes. I can't stroke that long. My hand hurts.

>> No.36747956

>Any other good games release in the last 3 months?
Mr. Greenman, do you want to read a game set in a juvenile detention center?

>> No.36748013

it was about the google list
and i bet the itazuraneko links died because of mega starting to enforce account storage limits, i dont think its because someone reported them

>> No.36748015

Only done one route but it's the same as always, if you like other Hulotte and don't mind them switching to NBR imouto then you'll like this one.
Feels more like the yabai series than like the last two.

>> No.36748126
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>> No.36748127
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ummm, white bros

>> No.36748344
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Something sees off about this picture...

>> No.36748571

I like Hulotte but not sure what to feel about the new one. Only main girl with the hidden eye looks nice to me. Does the one with the purple sweater have a sub route or anything? What about the trap?

>juvenile detention center
Sounds like a nukitrash premise full of rapeshit. Oh wait is it the new game by the Nukitashi devs? If so then pass the characters looked like trash.

No, I remember the thread. Itazurako was posted and one guy said he's gonna report the list and then it was actually deleted. Would be a huge coincidence if Mega decided to delete old accounts at the same time for stuff that worked just a day before which it did.

>> No.36748606

>Oh wait is it the new game by the Nukitashi devs
It's not and it has no rape or ntr

>> No.36748614

Are you talking about that Mellow game? Was it good?

>> No.36748631

Kururu gets a route, and so does sensei, trap doesn't.

>> No.36748636

Yes, very.

>> No.36748732

There's some asshole in the gravure thread who issued fake dmca requests with a fake as fuck dmcasomething@cock.li email address, and mega actually took shit town.

>> No.36748797

I wonder why some links are still up then. Not everything was taken down

>> No.36748821

>marty friedman
Uh yeah, (((white))). He was cool in megadeth though to be fair.

>> No.36749043


maybe we mean different things

>> No.36749557

Dude I think your game is haunted

>> No.36749587
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>> No.36749670
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>> No.36749875

that thread is what made me download the whole masterlist, i figured if that faggot didn't cause problems someone else would. and itazuraneko was pretty small in comparison

>> No.36750091

I don't think google lets random trolls make DMCA requests like mega does. Probably the default privacy change to google drive like an anon mentioned.

>> No.36751243
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, 【秤結衣 恋人6】ハジラブ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finishing up Blonde's route in hajirabu. Are pink and brown worth doing? I haven't seen anyone talk about them.

>> No.36751252

She is cute.

>> No.36751274

Absolutely. What a beautiful cover and exquisite gilding.

>> No.36751630

Anyone ever play Memories Off? Was considering getting the Historia collection and just wanted to hear some thoughts.

>> No.36751660
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, 【秤結衣 恋人9】ハジラブ (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, I will become the prime minister of Japan, and when I do, I will make having cute girls who don't have routes fall in love with MC and ask him to go out with them illegal unless a fandisc is planned.

>> No.36751943

Would you rather have every girl who isn't 攻略可能 be an ugly slag?

>> No.36752009

Also mandate all cute girls get ass-fucked, pls.

>> No.36752179

Yeah, chest tumor too big

>> No.36752371

What's the difference between the 閃夜一夜 and 絢爛華麗 versions of Kurogane? Just that one is the PC version and the other is the console version?

>> No.36752487

Read 絢爛華麗, it has revised scenario.

>> No.36754485

Recommend me your finest NTRge.

>> No.36757227

河原崎家の一族 2

>> No.36757710

>河原崎家の一族 2

that doesnt really count... I mean in a way yeah, but its not quite the same formula

>> No.36759398

Thank you bro I didn't know this was a thing
BGM06 is perfection

>> No.36759453

which was better 1 or 2?

>> No.36759473

Is this scientifically accurate?

>> No.36759672

>got covid
>get 2 weeks off work
>some time to get some reading done
>symptoms are not severe but are extremely inconvenient
>constant feeling of tiredness which doesnt go away no matter how much i sleep
>impedes on reading and reading enjoyment
i fucking hate this

>> No.36759734

Reading is probably the literal last thing I would want to do when sick.

>> No.36759805

1 is a fun little ero romp, lots of choices, rather short (not a bad thing), intriguing premise (the original erotic western mansion), good art and va. it pioneered the character that would more or less become the protagonist of the itou-ke series (nanbara iirc)

2 is meanwhile a legendary kamige, basically bigger and better. its not a straight up cuckge as some may think, its rather some kind of ultimate bait and switch thing (especially if you played the first game): it often gives you the feeling of being in charge, only to mercilessly crush you into the ground. but theres bittersweet cathasis in the end. top notch art of rin shin, probably his (her?) best overall work. same with the music (one of those famous chuunige composers worked on it, whose name escapes me). one writing passage really stuck with me, something about an insect crawling through the light. thats the atmosphere conjured here, beauty hopelessly struggling in the most wretched ugliness. this game is obviously not for the masses, but if its your thing, well, it really is

>> No.36759825
File: 60 KB, 524x512, エガオノリユウver1.0 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jinsei tsuukodome does good stuff

>> No.36759920

>being an immune systemlet
There's a decent chance I got covid and didn't even notice it.

>> No.36760010

>>marty friedman
Marty Fridmann
and according to wikipedia there's an American musician with that last name, so yes it's white

>> No.36760074

Are you saying it was spelled like that somewhere in the game? Anyways, that has to be a reference to Marty Friedman. There's no way that's a coincidence given he's a gaijin weeb that lives there.

>> No.36760085

what are some good moenukige that aren't tomefure (since I'm already playing 2)

>> No.36760332

Did you get the 5G?
Mine's working fine and I could fly on airplanes and have enough energy to jack off multiple times a day.

>> No.36760684

Who are you quoting?

>> No.36761188

Based. I've read all of these games except 君が望む永遠. I will have to check that one out.

>> No.36761411

Wait, Kimonozo is NTR? What the fuck, I always though it was a moege

>> No.36761434

Hell no. I'm not sure how exactly NTRge is defined but technically most of the routes involve MC cheating so yeah NTR.

>> No.36761435

it's a shitpost list anon

>> No.36761471

>河原崎家の一族 2
Only a company as retarded as Elf could stir up a fiasco as big as the re-release of this did. I don't think anyone in Japan is sad that these idiots went under.

>> No.36761490

It's just a drama game
A route might feature a girl cheating but instead of the usual anime tropes all 3 characters involved just feel like shit about it and cry, with the girl saying she feels like a dirty slut and the MC thinking about how he can break up with her now without her commiting sudoku because he already wanted to break up with her before she cheated

>> No.36761558

I can reccomend first 2 games if you want good teen love drama

>> No.36761571

So White Album 2 but the girls actually cheat? Sign me up.

>> No.36761582

Also 50% of game is unnecessary side routes with unnecessary heroines.

>> No.36761583
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 【秤結衣 恋人5】ハジラブ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smee games
Marmalade games
Re Cation

>> No.36761588

Sorry but technically only Mitsuki cheats in one specific scenario outside her route. Otherwise, MC does all the cheating.

>> No.36761608

Kiminozo has all kinds of crazy shit, after you clear one of the main routes hospital nurses will randomly start asking you to have straight up FUCK because they're all sluts with 0 moral values. And one of them is a loli.

>> No.36761612

What are the most life-changing kamige?

Hard mode: no Subahibi

>> No.36761635


>> No.36761637

step on cat shit

>> No.36761651

Everyone agrees that Daikuuji's route is 100% necessary.

>> No.36761658

Picked up

>> No.36761692


>> No.36761723

Umineko changed my life by ruining Higurashi forever

>> No.36761733


>> No.36761773

終ノ空 remake

>> No.36761780


>> No.36761806

Ah, yes. That part in Sakura no Uta where they talked about how you can't have happiness without sadness was truly life-changing. My mind was blown.

>> No.36761813

It's true though, I can't have a prostate orgasm without first ripping my asshole apart.

>> No.36761828

everything is trite and obvious if you so decide

>> No.36761866

It's not like you can write porn games without assuming your audience has the mental faculties of a 5 year old.

>> No.36761870

I personally separate my life to pre-Higurashi and post-Higurashi periods, as reading it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to read it even if it’s the last thing you do.

My life has been an ongoing quest to discover life-changing works of fiction, and despite having gone through thousands of books, movies, games and the like, I have yet to find anything to even rival Higurashi. I’m honestly getting goosebumps just remembering it.

>> No.36761890

>bland life changing kamige bait discussion for the 99999th time
You guys were doing so good by ignoring it for a while. Why did it have to come to this.

>> No.36761903

Go back to your flavor of the month moege, kid. The adults are talking.

>> No.36761923

want me to talk about the DBZ higurashi anime instead?

>> No.36761925

Dude, Trannyneko was destroyed by both moogy-denka and Kastel-sama years ago.

That's right, trannies dabbed on Trannyneko.

>> No.36761927
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Is Higurashi the VN that's been milked the hardest? Besides Fate obviously

>> No.36761928

Yes, that sounds way more interesting.

>> No.36761936


>> No.36761944


>> No.36761956

If Scaji wasn’t writing visual novels, I’d expect his name to come up among Nobel Prize laureates in a year or two — I definitely read less profound books of the guys that actually won the prize.

>> No.36761983

Bob fucking Dylan won the Nobel Prize for literature. There are absolutely eroge writers that deserve it way more than that hack. Even fucking nukige ones.

>> No.36761996

yeah that was retarded t b h

>> No.36762025

Ok so it turns out that after the VN ends Rika wants to go to a really nice girls school and asks satoko to join her, and satoko makes it into the school but doesn't like it there because she has to study and Rika is spending time with other people. Then she meets a god who gives her looping powers and she uses them to go back to the VN and brutally murder all her friends a thousand times so that Rika never decides to go the school. Then Rika finds out and they have a dragonball battle over a sword that can kill loopers where they both start overflowing with KI and learn to fly. At one point Rika gets punched so hard she flies 30 meters into a trash pile and lands in a fridge that she crawls out of like indiana jones.

>> No.36762052

>really nice girls school
It's literally the same school Shion and Ange went to. It's a hellhole and it doesn't make any sense that during all the time they spent studying for the entrance exams they didn't talk to Shion about it even once, and she didn't try to dissuade them.

>> No.36762072

Higurashi didn't deserve this. The original game was good

>> No.36762076

It's okay dude R07 damaged controlled in an interview by saying the literal underground gay baby jail was just unreliable narration

>> No.36762085

Ryukishi must have really liked that one scene in the new Eva movie.

>> No.36762111

The fapping over a comatose girl one? Me too, man. Me too.

>> No.36762114

What about Da Capo?

>> No.36762124

I'm talking about the one where Shinji and Gendo ride their Evas and have a motion capture fight in subspace or whatever.

>> No.36762127
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What this has that others NTR's don't?

>> No.36762153


>> No.36762159

4.0 has a scene where 2 evas fight in imaginary space and the scene keeps cycling through famous locations the show had like Misato's garbage pile of a kitchen. New Higurashi does the same thing but there isn't really an explanation for why it happens

>> No.36762165
File: 143 KB, 670x939, Djbiw-uV4AEK86L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically more intellectual and challenging than any Bob Dylan song.

>> No.36762169

Pick the hagge from the lolicon master. You disgust me.

>> No.36762177

This general pretends to hate Kastel-sama but ever since they gave Gatenkei their seal of approval y'all have been talking about it nonstop.

>> No.36762178

Good prose

>> No.36762194

It's ok. I liked the other writer's works better like Biniku no Kaori and Ningen Debris.

>> No.36762197

Maro Gatenkei is better

>> No.36762203

That's the only one of his works I've actually read. Is the loli stuff good? Is it better than Bob Dylan?

>> No.36762257

i used to think that killing was good, that is until i read soukou akki muramasa

>> No.36762339

i think it was actually hinted somewhere that he isn't even gaijin

>> No.36762342

i used to think that futanari was bad, that is until i read subarashiki hibi furenzoku sonzai

>> No.36762418

Thought that was Takuji lol.

>> No.36762774
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I always thought I just wasn't japanese enough for noratoto but I guess japs think the humor sucks too, the new game doesn't look any better either,

>> No.36762904

COVID is basically airborne pneumonia plus dementia. You're fucked.

>> No.36762927

Higurashi isn't a VN, it's an SN.

>> No.36762972

No one uses the term sound novel anymore grandpa. Not even Japanese people

>> No.36762994

It has like 12 different VN ports, grandpa.

>> No.36762998

Japanese people don't use the term VN either.

>> No.36763060

And all of them with inferior visuals. The irony.

>> No.36763077

Fucking kids and their new fancy words

>> No.36763318
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Goddamn it, why did I laugh at this

>> No.36763402

I see it sometimes. ノーベルゲーム seems to be the most common term nowadays though.

>> No.36763411

ノベル obviously. Don't laugh at me please.

>> No.36763800
File: 457 KB, 1920x1125, spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sign up for 和風 chuunishit
>get comedy gold and random spooky stuff like pic related
wtf Masada. This is great though.

>> No.36763991
File: 22 KB, 480x296, Sanshimai_1204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giggolo play/Harem in a RenAi game: Are you in favor or against?

>> No.36764001

Kanon, back in the day.

>> No.36764168

Don't you mean ノーベルゲーム賞?

>> No.36764246

Sca-ji will win the Nobel Peace Prize when Sakura no Toki is finally released

>> No.36764383

Im so sorry you are the shittiest superhero, Daredevil.

>> No.36765050
File: 190 KB, 900x568, 1632968950322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never bring up Higurashi in this thread again. You made this happen

>> No.36765135

good intro vn?

>> No.36765168

Technically there are only three actual "visual novels" and those are Leaf's Shizuku, Kizuato and ToHeart. But yeah, jokes aside ノベルゲーム is used pretty often especially by news sites. Also, when it comes to casual discussion on the net the Japanese just call almost everything English speakers would associate with VN as just ADV.

>> No.36765173 [DELETED] 

SubaHibi has convinced you to live in happiness in your own realistic daily life (if you are open to the message that is) – whilst the entire story is made up of the highest level of artifice – and it directly throws this fact in your face with the very first epigraph. In other words, it is a story about the triumph of Fiction over life, underscoring life, and making life all the more vibrant because of it. The moral of the story is not just “Live Happily” but “Live Happy Fantasies” – the failure of happiness for some of the characters in the work is not due to being delusional, but due to having the wrong delusions.

And so, you find yourself drawn – asking: “Why is it that I’ve seen these acts before, done so many times, and yet all of those previous moments were merely amusements? Why is it now that I have realized their full enchantment?” If you examine the constituents of SubaHibi in their individual parts – you come to the same conclusion as what a character described Cyrano de Bergerac as – an easy entertainment designed to make you feel comfortable – not an outstanding play, but a witty and playful one.

It is for this exact reason that SubaHibi opens up the highest potential for the metafictional – it keeps you within the circle for the duration of its spell, despite you being fully aware of the circle. It uses that awareness the same way a magician uses misdirection in a magic trick. The more you are aware, the more you find yourself still strangely affected by its contents – and then that sets the stage for the true performance to sink in.

>> No.36765215

In which sense, anon? For starting the medium? Not overly complicated language?

うたわれるもの - (original eroge version, never played the PS2 version or remake) crisp visuals, fun characters, nice captivating story, fantastic pacing, cute, short and pretty vanilla ero scenes.

>> No.36765390

not overly complicated
already played that translated. though give me anything that I already know off untranslated and is or isn't a gameplayge. If not, anything simple

>> No.36765448

Give 一緒に行きましょう逝きましょう生きましょう a try. Short, pretty direct, no gameplay, very easy language. Cute heroine.

>> No.36765515

This is probably dumb but I'm trying to remove the fuwanovel tl of SR. Did they use a patch system or replaced the files altogether?

>> No.36766102

What are some good vns with melancholy atmosphere?

>> No.36766255


>> No.36766281

Symphonic Rain? Just get it from the masterlis..oh no...

>> No.36766421

I'm beginning to believe every masterlist on this board is cursed

>> No.36766454

Give 9nine a try. It was loved by a lot of casual fans, top tier 声優, engaging storyline.

>> No.36766589

I thought the master list didn't have the Japanese versions of games that were translated. Although I never tried downloading any. Not like it matters anymore... ;_;

>> No.36766600

a vn writer who takes his work seriously

>> No.36766605

it was considered top tier among NTR games for a long time, even here. just check the archive

what other masterlist had issues? i don't really recall threads originating from /jp/ having them

>> No.36766647

I downloaded Suika AS+ from there and it was the japanese version. Had to get the english ver from sukebei.

>> No.36766970

some games just had the jp version with the EOP patch separate

>> No.36767048

Does the OP picture get any better in the 2nd or third games? Axanael is a much better "babys first untranslated eroge"

>> No.36767090

Yes, second game is much better.

>> No.36767385

Yes and you should consider them as three parts of a single moderate length game, because that's what they are, and not three separate games.

>> No.36768634

Where is the エ口ゲスフ chart

>> No.36768989

why does she wear it?

>> No.36769073

the reason is a spoiler

>> No.36770935
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Really loved Dead Days, I fucking hoped Clock UP would do more titles like that, anyone got more recommendations?

>> No.36771053


>> No.36771072

Natsu no Kusari

>> No.36771273

already played it, I cried at the true ending
bruh this looks like a normal Clock UP tittle Rape only + Gore + 1 good ending, 3000 bad dings

>> No.36771366

>bruh this looks like a normal Clock UP tittle
It's rapege, but rape written in completely non-exciting non-sexy way with a lot of attention for protagonist and his thought process. No guro btw. I don't know what's normal clockup title for you.

>> No.36771450

it sound interesting if it is like that, but I was looking for a more romance type title, like Days Days or what the other anon mentioned, Yourou.
>I don't know what's normal clockup title for you
Euphoria, Maggot Baits, Fraternite.

>> No.36771481

Have you tried Vermilion?

>> No.36771557
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Is it worth playing the first Tokimeki Memorial today?

>> No.36771787

Probably not today, but tomorrow might be good.

>> No.36771882

Personally I found the lack of dialogue to be its downfall because it makes the characters come off as extremely boring and 1-dimensional. The bomb system is overdone to the point where it's annoying too. I think there are too many little things that add up to make it too much of grindy nuisance to play today. However you should definitely try it out if you're more interested in the historical significance of it rather than looking at it as something that holds up today. It was definitely impressive for its time as there was nothing quite like it, but nowadays where we get more fleshed out heroines it's pretty meh. Shiori and her high-standards are still legendary though.

>> No.36771894

i thought they were dead?
well new takahama game should be interesting but man they're really giving up on eroge huh

>> No.36771936

I think they only really perfected the formula with みつめてナイト and TokiMemo 2. As a product of its time 1 can be fascinating to look back onto, but it's hard to call it a peculiarly good game.

>> No.36772201

Maybe for one playthrough. Tokimeki 1 and 2 gameplay is a massive a chore after the first run, routes, if you can even call them routes, don't have good buildup because everything is optional. Payoff is weak and all the 'good' events are easilly missed if you don't follow a guide. If you don't have the nostalgia for them then don't bother.

>> No.36772751

For reference, he wrote Tsuushinbo, Amaenbo, and he's also the main writer for Sol-Fa Soft and Yoru no Hitsuji loliges.

>> No.36772890

I just hope they will port it to pc.

>> No.36773600

Oh, Switch.

I have a hackable one, so nice.

>> No.36773644
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Cute main heroine

>> No.36773667
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>MC buys a new set of clothes for Rana in her route
>she appears in that outfit in a different route

Wtf is this plothole, this is unplayable.

>> No.36773739

She bought it herself, duh.

>> No.36773766

She's fated to wear those clothes in every timeline, regardless of how she obtains them. She cannot escape her destiny, it haunts her and compels her to wear the same clothes every time.

>> No.36774165

what was impressive about it? it pioneered the stat autism, sure, but certainly didnt add anything new to the galge concept itself. nanpa games existed way before

>> No.36774189

scratch that, it didnt come up with the stat autism. it just applied the systems of princess maker to doukyuusei, ending up with something worse than both

>> No.36774229

How'd you like the last episode of higurashi anonymous

>> No.36774327

I really liked the part where K1 gives a speech regarding what he believes friendship is all about to a loli that just spend the last 130 years brutally murdering him and everyone he cares about because she doesn't want to study

>> No.36774369

Cast is using eroge aliases so 18+ port is likely, hopefully it won't take 6 years like that Minato Carnival game last month.

>> No.36774845

By nanpa games, do you mean Doukyuusei and the like? There is a big difference in tone between those and Tokimeki Memorial. And not to mention Tokimemo was fully voiced and you could have the girls call you by your name, which added to the personal factor. Rather than any crazy or innovative gameplay features, the popularity came more from the immersion and being able to connect with the girls more easily. Obviously looking back, you don't really get that immersion factor just because it's too barebones by today's standards.

>> No.36775765

is the faggot in chaos child going to stop stuttering like a retard when confronted by his bully or quit being a cuntslave to the nagging orange bitch anytime soon or can I safely drop this game

>> No.36775838

unfortunately the chad MC is stuck in chaos head and cucked by eternal steins gate spinoffs

>> No.36776221

why are dating sims not popular anymore? did nips stop feeling lonely?

>> No.36776244

They thought they weren't worth the effort, thus only girls get tokimemo now.

>> No.36776266

All of the dating sim players got married to their love plus cartridges, there's no playerbase left

>> No.36776271
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Truck-kun must be stopped.

>> No.36776283

>did nips stop feeling lonely?
no they're just booting up vns instead where they get attention from virtual girls without the annoying bullshit

>> No.36776293

Why go through all that effort when you can just get a moege?

>> No.36776441

It's just too much work. All the dating simulation bullshit isn't actually fun or interesting gameplay.

>> No.36776457
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There's a pretty massive build you own bundle offer on DMM, is it worth it? Any recs?

>> No.36777174

Because there's a chance of getting rejected, nips can't cope with being a loser in 3D and 2D.

>> No.36777340

Datesims were replaced by novelge because people don't actually want to balance stats or whatever - they want cute girls and romance. Datesim --> moege evolution is understandable.

>> No.36777590

There are some that walk the thin line between both somewhat gracefully and I think they're better than the usual moege for it. I would have never played LoveR if it weren't for that, anyways.

>> No.36777852
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So are they ever going to explain why Habaki smokes a pipe while fighting or is it just because it's cool?

>> No.36777886

>So are they ever going to explain why [insert literally anything here] or is it just because it's cool?
first masada game?

>> No.36777891

They are much better, dating sims have you handling calendar activities, items and of course stat points. Vapid moege will never be a replacement or evolution for them.

>> No.36778064

realistically lmao speaking, once he going to do with his nice kiseru when fighting? leave it on the ground? doesn't seem to have a belt with those cool clothes
logically conclusion is that its easier to enjoy a smoke whilst kicking ass

>> No.36778295

They got KEG, Sumeragi and the Silverio series main scripwriter? Looks like kamige is back in the menu.

>> No.36778301

I mean Eleonore smoked in Dies Irae but her power involved using fire so it kind of made sense.

>> No.36778320
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>pic related
>パパ活 vibes
>"now i never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from"
Took me by surprise.

>> No.36778643

Pure Girl
I'm on phone so here's 3. If you liked these you can ask for more later

>> No.36778698

Onikiss and Onigyu

>> No.36778751

It's cheating but the kind that feels bad and depressing. More of an 鬱ゲー .

>> No.36778854
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Is Lost Judgement a VN?

>> No.36778893

Damn there's fucking nothing for next month but nukige, and Monkeys! but I don't like Harukaze.

>> No.36779100

I use https://panapanapana.com/
If you're an all-ages cuck there's a game

>> No.36779566
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im looking for update 3.02 for xx na Kanojo no Tsukurikata2, do you know where i can get it?

i have the game, but its only 102

>> No.36779780

shit, i didnt even know that there was a sequel in the works

>> No.36779846

Maybe if they reales those on steam I'd give a fuck.
Is PC considered a porn-only platform on japan or something?

>> No.36779893

Nips don't know the glory of steam because half their publishers are jews

t. tried buying DQ11 on steam only to find out they removed japanese language text from the global release so they could release it separately as a japan only region locked product that is 10 dollars more expensive than the global version and never gets discounts

>> No.36780134

That's an extremely common practice. Even now, if you try to buy anime BDs/DVDs from a western publisher they will often make it impossible to remove the subtitles if you have the Japanese audio playing, specifically to discourage second-order importing because you can buy an entire series for what it costs to buy two episodes in Japan.

>> No.36780302

Second game is even better than the first?, too bad school shit infiltrated even there

>> No.36781059

Is Baldr Sky Zero any good?

>> No.36781612

I like it a lot, but it has 2 big problems. One is Shizel's route being absolute garbage, especially coming after Sakura and Fran who were great. The other one is that the game is pretty bloated. I like the cast a lot so I don't mind the scenario being too long but the combat part has so many filler missions that by the time you're less than halfway through Marelle's route you should already have unlocked and maxed out everything so fighting gets really pointless. I'm pretty sure they realized that since suddenly almost every mission let's you escape instad of fighting.

>> No.36782072

>game is pretty bloated
so just like the original, lol

>> No.36784406

Just started reading 神様のような君へ. What a fucking pretentious protagonist, just fade to background or something.

>> No.36784426

I have literally only heard bad things about it

>> No.36784455

>pretentious protagonist
picked up

>> No.36785201

what is the best jap board where they talk about vns

>> No.36785451
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Finished HimaNatsu last night.

There's a few things I have some gripes with, and I personally didn't like how the final route went, but it was still a nice game. It had a very nice atmosphere and I liked Yomi's and Ruka's routes.

I've pretty much finished all of Makura's catalogue at this point, at least until SakuToki comes out

>> No.36785488

Why is she rubbing her hands? Is she a merchant?

>> No.36785637

how bad are other routes outside of scaji one and that blond loli? i heard rest are shit and skippable
also how it in comparison with other scaji vns

>> No.36785799

They're fine for the most part, and if you like the characters, they're fun to read. Hina's route is entertaining, but like I said, I didn't like how things went. Maybe others like it, but it wasn't my cup of tea.

I would say it's on the same level as H2O, but below Supreme Candy. HimaNatsu is more consistent in quality, but I found the best parts of those games to be much better than everything in HimaNatsu.

In my opinion, SakuUta > SubaHibi > Tsui no Sora Remake > Supreme Candy > HimaNatsu> H2O > Ikikoi.

>> No.36786372

>sprites show legs
I like it. Kinda sick of only seeing the upper body all the time.

>> No.36786454

nvm, i found it.

>> No.36786499

supreme candy any good? i've only heard bad about it so far
also you should try nijuuei if you still haven't, one of the best scaji games imo (though need to use ps1 emulator if you want voices, works perfectly in duckstation)

>> No.36786504


>> No.36787001

Are you angry he didn't fuck Tsukuyomi on the first day?

>> No.36788475

So, Kuroinu 2-kai is out. It has some new scenes:

>radomila ganga rape by goblins
>radomlia bathing in cum in a bathtub, only like 2 CGs
>Iris and Serafina being double gang raped at the same time
>Iris,Serafina,and Eleonora the bishop pressing their tits on a 2-way mirror while they get fucked and guys watching them and blowing their load at the mirror
>Astrid,the fox girl,and the dekapai dwarf giving a triple blowjob
>Astrid being fucked and titjobbed on her knees while under super mindcontrol magic.

>> No.36788494

You are like a god...

Is that right?

>> No.36788541

More like "to a God-like (you)..."

>> No.36789814

It's a remake and not a fandisc, right?

>> No.36789925
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Without school shit, how would we get Detective Club?

>> No.36789959

It is "To you like goddess"

>> No.36790738

Both sort of, it includes everything from the first game but has a large sprinkling of new scenes in it. It's like the perfect version I guess.

>> No.36791267

Are there any other nukige that get to the point like Role Player does? I don't like skipping through story just to get to the sex scenes but being a wagie makes it hard to find the time to just sit down and read erotica for hours.

>> No.36791343

I can tolerate the pussy ass type protagonist. But when Tsukuyomi “steals” a bit of money to buy food for him, he acts like on the moral high ground while himself committed the worst crime of humanity (that may have cost a shit ton of damage if IRL) with the reason of “I like security” is fucking pretentious and hypocritical.
forgot the 君へ

>> No.36792238

nukige almost always gets to the point though. It's weirder when it doesn't.

>> No.36792253

Well, sometimes a nukige will disguise itself as a charage, so I can understand that anon's need for a clear pick.

>> No.36792560

In the topic of light's revival, how is Senshinkan and its sequel? Just some basic impressions about characters, scenario, music, battles compared to other light stuff like Silverio and Dies irae.

>> No.36792609

Senshinkan and its sequel are very good. Worse than Dies Irae but much better than Silverio series

>> No.36792621

>Worse than Dies Irae
What can be worse than two fodder routes, lol?

>> No.36792648
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Some madman out there got to this part, hit もう結構だ, closed the game, and never opened it again.

>> No.36792654

An entire game being a dream.[/spoilder]

>> No.36792705

Kei's route may technically be fodder, but it's damn cool fodder. I don't care if I'm literally the only person that thinks this.

>> No.36792718

I don't hate her route as whole, i really love some scenes in it, but still feels like a fodder for me, desu.

>> No.36792737

They are fodder and bad endings 2 in 1. A good setup for the real routes but nothing more.

>> No.36792752

Yeah but Beatrice vs Eleonore was fucking kino.

>> No.36793701

>the worst crime of humanity

I think you're exaggerating a bit, he's just a grey hat hacker who likes to break into security systems and then let the owner know of the vulnerabilities he found. There are much worse crimes he could have committed with his skills, but he didn't. "Find me my perfect girlfriend" was just supposed to be an inoffensive order to actually test the administrator privileges he gained, he obviously didn't expect to have a robot custom-made for him, but once she arrived at his door it was already too late to do anything about it.

It's not any more hypocritical than people in prison beating the shit out of child molesters even though they're both criminals. Everyone draws a different line with their morality. Just because you illegally grow some weed and sell it to your friends doesn't mean you have to go balls deep into the crime world and make your own mafia.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things I dislike about him, for example (and this is a spoiler from Tsukuyomi's route) him revealing to Kirika that Tsukuyomi was C-AI itself was completely unnecessary, just saying she's a robot would have been enough. And then saying "oh yeah if anyone else finds out they're going to take her away so can you promise not to tell anyone?" was a bit of a dick move, he offloaded that information and then emotionally guilt tripped her into silence.
However not wanting to ruin the economy by having Tsukuyomi give him infinite money is definitely not one of the bad aspects.

>> No.36793950

Supreme Candy is probably his second best work after Subahibi but only when you reach Yuuri and Jakoko routes where all the crazy shit starts. I don't like SakuUta at all if that tells you what kind of Sca-ji work you should expect.

>> No.36794821

You know what, while I do think you're undermining his crimes, I agreed on other points. Still, he's an insufferable trash of a protagonist and I'd pick any eroge with a mass murderer over him.

>> No.36795296

Is Tsukihime remake better than original VN?

>> No.36795373


>> No.36795390

Only if you're a zoomer.

>> No.36795426

It's incomplete, so it's worse by default. Ask again in 2026 or so, after the second half of the game comes out.

>> No.36795756

>second half
Did they really?

>> No.36797014

First learn Japanese.

>> No.36797153

I'd be impressed if it's worse.

>> No.36797325


>> No.36797408

It really varies
I've heard people mention how they liked Senshinkan more than Dies and KKK and I've heard people mention how they liked Silverio, the first two, more than Senshinkan
As for me, I think Senshinkan is pretty fun but it really has some issues, plus it's not as dramatic as Shinza which can be a letdown for some people.
In terms of productions and music however, it's significantly better than light's catalogue. I cannot wait to hear Yonao's new tracks in Avesta because the snippets from Pantheon sounded great

>> No.36797428

Well you can only compare the Near side routes for the time being and with how the remake actually treated Ciel's route, I'm inclined to say yes.

>> No.36798349

It really depends on a lot of factors. On the terms of presentation, shine, possibilities of the medium then yes, it is better (in my opinion, anyway). But then if we shift our sight from technicalities it gets more tricky. For example I'm very much into the eroge of late 90s and early 00s and original Tsukihime really scratches that itch. I love the presentation of the original despite it being significantly less polished than the remake. Same with the script. Remake will (eventually) offer more complete, thought out and polished take on the story but again I really like how succinct are at times older eroge. If I compare it to Tsui no Sora it's a similar situation - I consider the remake to be more complete, polished and better realized (both as a piece of software and as a text) than the original, but the original just has that charm I'm really weak to. Same with Tsukihime.

Guess I would say it depends. Both the original and the remake are worth your time. Cannot wait for the eight disc OST to come out at the end of November.

>> No.36798402

In a strictly near side vs near side comparison, yes absolutely. Arc's route is a straight-up upgrade. Ciel's may be radically different but in the original her route was easily the weakest anyway so it's much better in the remake.

>> No.36799026


>> No.36799732

kiss your sister

>> No.36799921

i'd love to

>> No.36800736


>> No.36801201
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>> No.36801220
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>> No.36803355

Planning on checking out Kiminozu, is there some sort of consensus regarding which version's supposed to be the superior? I vaguely recall reading something about "latest edition" removing a route, but I'm not completely sure and would appreciate it if someone can post a quick rundown.

>> No.36803495


>> No.36803531

Just read the latest edition. It has the fancier sprites plus a bunch of content from the fandisc and some extra scenarios.
>removing a route
I've never heard of that before but I'm pretty sure that isn't true.

>> No.36804117
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They're too different. One isn't a replacement for the other, it's worth reading both. It's like asking if FF7R is 'better' than FF7.

>> No.36804433

LE has all the routes including the endings where you impregnate underage characters
I think I heard what you're talking about before and I'm pretty sure it's just an /m/ EOP being confused and spouting garbage because there's an ending where you turn a character into a pseudo-fucktoy and Kiminozo had 2 console releases before LE where they no doubt removed all the crazy shit. VNDB lists they got a new writer for the PS2 version but I'm pretty sure nearly all of that shit was thrown out for Latest edition with how perverted it is. Never read the console versions so I can't really say

>> No.36805014

On the forehead?

>> No.36805078
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No. On the mouth. With tongue.

>> No.36805222

>an ending where you turn a character into a pseudo-fucktoy
There's like 2 or 3 of them kek.

>> No.36809446

Well, the answer to that is a resounding no, so you aren't helping your case there.

>> No.36811020

