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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 848x480, lock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3667858 No.3667858 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you saw someone you don't personally know browsing /jp/ in front of you? Either at school or anywhere you go when you have to leave your room.

Just curious.

>> No.3667863

Post on /jp/.

>> No.3667864

That is a happy happy lock.

>> No.3667865
File: 80 KB, 900x225, 2008-05-21-21-Telltale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would ignore them.

>> No.3667868

I'd shout a meme and them and then hide.....epic...

No but actually depending on if they looked stupid or not / what they were posting in say something? I'm too shy to talk to random people, so I'd probably say nothing and make a thread about it later.

>> No.3667869

I'd suigin him

>> No.3667871

Watch long enough to see them post, then reply to their post telling them their height, age, hair color, eye color, what school they go to, and their gender.

>> No.3667873

I'm posting on /jp/ from school right now.

Hour and a half downtime between classes, feels bad man.

>> No.3667879

ignore him, why should i care ?

>> No.3667884
File: 39 KB, 816x600, 1243269650432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people what browses /b/

pic related

>> No.3667886

Depends on what they looked like.

>> No.3667889

I'd lean slowly over his shoulder and whisper "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti" in his ear.

>> No.3667924

Doesn't count, most normals browse /b/ nowadays, if only for a few minutes/week and yell EPIC MEMES. I would never talk about 4chan with one of these, and I'd try to avoid talking to them period.

>> No.3667926
File: 16 KB, 300x216, 1253109425917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would honk honk at them.

>> No.3667936

I never browse /jp/ unless my laptop is facing a wall or I am sure no one is in the same room as me.

Work-safe board my ass.

>> No.3667939


>> No.3667942

Most optimistic lock I ever saw

>> No.3667944

Someone noticed me browsing /prog/ once, he asked me about boxxy and I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about because I hadn't visited /b/ in years.

>> No.3667946

Everyone post your pic!!!!!

>> No.3667960


also I never talked to that guy after that.

>> No.3667962

It's from CANAAN. I'm not sure if they did it on purpose.

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.3667965
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>> No.3667969

I can't say anything for /jp/ specifically, but I've seen people browsing 4chan before. I usually pretend I've never heard of 4chan, and then I avoid that person.

>> No.3667982

I'd do the same for any other board, but my feelings are kinda ambiguous about /jp/.

>> No.3667990
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>> No.3667992
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Walk up to him, get his attention, and then ask: "Why is /jp/ so shitty?"

>> No.3667995

If I see someone posting on /jp/, then this, definitely >>3667889
Otherwise, depending on the board, I will either walk up to them and say hi, or ignore them altogether.

Currently posting in the middle of a lecture.

>> No.3668002

>I'd lean slowly over his shoulder and whisper "Are you frustated?" in his ear.


>> No.3668014

See what thread he's in,troll him and watch his reaction.

>> No.3668045

Author of all the posts here: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp?task=search&ghost=&search_text=%2B%22blue+board%
22+%2Btouhou here.

Nothing at all. Saw her playing FS/N again today, though it was only for about 10 minutes and then she started taking notes related to the class. Probably reached a h-scene or something.

Too much of a pussy + her being surrounded by friends = me doing nothing about it.

I'd probably do something stupid (read: awesome) like >>3667889 if it was a dude, though.

>> No.3668072

Seize the day, anon! Introduce yourself as the bone of your sword! The miracle will not occur if you do not believe!

>> No.3668078


>> No.3668087

That would frustrate me.

>> No.3668092

Nothing, as I am a meek, timid coward.

>> No.3668100

does she have long chestnut hair?

>> No.3668117

No she does not.

>> No.3668119

That's scary, I was about to post this before I scrolled down the page.

>> No.3668121


>> No.3668125

I'd do nothing
True story

>> No.3668133

Switch between nicodou, pixiv, and /jp/ and make sure he can see what I'm browsing.

>> No.3668135

Riding the bus from UT Austin to Houston, you see all sorts of people exposing their powerlevels.
Saw some guy wearing a shirt with a light blue ⑨.
Some other annoying guy was watching the After Story DVD's on a Macbook. That guy definitely doesn't browse /jp/.
I've played Cross Channel and watched Umineko, but my laptop is tiny, so I don't think I've drawn much attention.

>> No.3668137

You guys are such fags, if it was a girl I would definitely try to get to know her.

I wouldn't care if it was a guy though. In fact I would try to avoid him, he's probably a freak/loser.

>> No.3668145

Yes, as opposed to the female /jp/ browses who are normal members of society.

>> No.3668146

I only go to classes when I'm at school.
If I saw anyone posting on /jp/ there, I wouldn't talk to them.

There's a girl in my class who saw me playing Rance (I was showing it to someone else in my class), and she mentioned something about triforce when she saw Houjou's flag.
I didn't react.

>> No.3668155

I know they are probably the same as well, that's why they'll be easy targets.

>> No.3668167

If there's one game I wouldn't play in public, it's Rance. H-scenes pop out of NOWHERE at all times.

>> No.3668169

Depends a bit. If its someone who takes the same classes in school as me, I'd probably put something touhou or VN related as my ringtone and hope that it rings during class and he/she talks about it.
I've had so many fantasies about meeting a nice girl in a similar way..

>> No.3668170

>she mentioned something about triforce when she saw Houjou's flag

Not one of us, you can just ignore her.

>> No.3668176

My class isn't that "public".
8 people when 100% attend.

>> No.3668179

>easy targets
You're a terrible person.

>> No.3668182

I surf /jp/ on my Blackberry. I doubt anyone notices what's on my 2 inch screen when I'm sitting with my back to the wall.

Also, if I saw a girl surfing /jp/, I'd probably tell her to take it easy~

>> No.3668183

arent we all

>> No.3668192

I'm not.

>> No.3668196

Easy targets?
No, we're all idealistic elitists. Not easy to seduce.

>> No.3668197

leave as soon as possible before this place corrupts you

>> No.3668199

W...want to trade BBMs! Un!

>> No.3668207

Been here since forever. /jp/ doesn't corrupt and we aren't terrible people. I take it easy.

>> No.3668209

Grab their ass, nibble his ear and then put your cellphone number in his pocket
Then go to jp and make a thread about it

>> No.3668211

There was a con about 2 weeks ago here for which I made a honk honk t-shirt. And from the 3000 people noone recognized it. Sometimes it feels I'm the only one that browses /jp/ in my country feels bad man;_;.

>> No.3668213
File: 70 KB, 889x445, 1238931279973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks, the only people I know that go to 4chan don't go anywhere close to here, and browse /v/, /b/, and /sp/ instead.

>> No.3668216

Put on my face paint and woop woo and ask if he a 'lo.

>> No.3668221

I would post a thread about it describing his exact clothing, his laptop, and so forth and so on, just to fuck with him.

>> No.3668229

>implying there are (non-underage) females doing weeaboo stuff in public

>> No.3668231

I'm fine with people from /jp/, but knowing the kind of people I meet, I'd be scared of him also browsing another board. Surely, there must be /b/ browsers among us. I wouldn't want to talk to one of these.

>> No.3668235


There are plenty of female weeaboos.

Of course, once you filter out the utter faggots and get down to those who don't like Inuyasha and don't write terrible slash Gundam/Death Note fanfiction, you're down to a pretty small group.

>> No.3668237

>implying there are underage females doing weeaboo stuff in public


>> No.3668239



>> No.3668242

I saw someone playing touhou during a lecture. I made a mental note that, that person is lowlife scum.

>> No.3668249

Walk up to them and whisper in their ear "japanese bird cooking spaghetti".

>> No.3668255

Thread's about someone browsing /jp/ in front of you, not girls in particular.

Back to /a/, /b/, /v/ or /g/, please.

>> No.3668257

And then how many of that group are decent looking?

>> No.3668258


fuck somebody else thought of this.


>> No.3668265

Sure, as soon as I figure out what mine is. It would be nice to take it easy with other people.

>> No.3668266


Most people aren't particularly ugly. Plus everyone knows that /jp/ is a bunch of skinny NEETs, so the proportion of fatties is probably pretty low.

The main problem is that most of /jp/ just isn't interested in a romantic relationship to begin with, males or females. We're a bunch of autistic 2D-lovers, and we enjoy it, too.

>> No.3668269

I disagree. It's not realistically possible for a woman to enjoy 2D.

>> No.3668272

>The main problem is that most of /jp/ just isn't interested in a romantic relationship to begin with, males or lesbians.

>> No.3668278

I'd act like that gay guy from YMK.

>> No.3668280


This is what the male anonymous of /jp/ constantly fails to understand. He looks at women in the world around him, and sees that they're by and large a bunch of jerks. So he assumes that any females on /jp/ couldn't possibly be anything but jerks.

Of course, what he doesn't see is that in the real world, most *men* are utter jerks too, manipulative bastards who spend half their days trying to seduce women, just as women try to manipulate men. *Everyone* is a jerk.

And that's why we're on /jp/ and not outside. Because we decided one day that we wouldn't deal with the jerks, and we'd stick to 2D instead.

>> No.3668285

Since when was anything 3D decent-looking?

>> No.3668291

Ignore this faux-true neet nonsense. You have no idea how 'normal' most people on /jp/ are. They just lie so people don't cry and sage when they post about themselves.

>> No.3668297


Sure, not everyone on /jp/ is a literal NEET or hikkikomori, but what we have in common is that we prefer 2D to 3D.

>> No.3668299

You're right, my bad.

>> No.3668303

Hold on a sec! Did you ask because of >>3667679 and >>3667790?

>> No.3668304

Figs 'n' 3D characters from games.

>> No.3668309


This shit is gibberishtastic.

>> No.3668314

>3D characters from games

Most certainly not. Computer generated 3D is worse than real life 3D.

>> No.3668320

You have not played project diva or idolm@ster games?

>> No.3668321


Computer-generated 3D is always better because it's perfect.

Real-life 3D is always flawed. Breasts sag, waistlines get flabby, and we have to obey the laws of physics. But in virtual reality, there are no rules.

>> No.3668326

It would be like Anonymous Kotomine all over again!

I'd become internally conflicted on if I should approach him/her or not, and probably not act on it. But if I saw them again, I would try to drop a hint somehow so that they would take the initiative instead, like let them catch me browsing /jp/ or something.

>> No.3668327

I haven't played project diva and my sole exposure to Idolmaster is from the 2D images based on the characters.

>> No.3668332

That wasn't the point. The point is that it's impossible for women to like 2D like us.

Women are jerks to us because of our flaws. A woman could have five times as many flaws as the average /jp/sie and she'd still get tons of dudes to white knight for her/to have relationships with.

>> No.3668333

Love Plus is nice, too. And the gundams in gundam games are a lot cooler than most stuff in real life.

>> No.3668334

haha there are girls on /jp/?

>> No.3668335

im@s is more 2D than 3D if screencaps are any judge.
3D modeling really isn't very good right now, though it's been steadily getting better over the years.

>> No.3668336

Computer generated 3D is just creepy looking. You notice all the unnaturalness and imperfections. 2D is clearly not real, so it's better.

>> No.3668341

Idolmaster looks 2D to you? Oh wow.

>> No.3668349

Idolmaster DS might be 2D but the rest are 3D.

>> No.3668370


The distinguishing factor of a /jp/ anonymous is not that he or she *cannot* find a relationship with a normalfag, it's that he or she *does not want* a relationship with a normalfag.

>> No.3668414

"Does not want" a relationship because he's been disillusioned in the past. A woman wouldn't get disillusioned simply because of how easy it is for her. Women cannot love 2D.

>> No.3668435

I've never been "disillusioned" because I am not a fucking faggot. I never wanted a relationship.

>> No.3668447

Didn't you want to have friends at an early age before you found out how annoying other people are? Or did you never want to have any relationships ever?

>> No.3668472

Keep telling yourself that. It doesn't work on a board full of people like yourself.

>> No.3668473

I don't know about you guys but I've always been far more interested in staring at a screen than having a relationship. Since age ten anyway.

When a nice girl hit on me in middle school I didn't even realize what happened until years later. I made her laugh a few times with my silly antics and suddenly she won't leave me alone. Feels bad man.

>> No.3668475


Other guys whiteknighting and being assholes in order to try to "get" you can be just as disillusioning as anything else.

And you really overestimate how much that actually happens. In reality, the shy nerdy girl with average looks will rarely get any attention from the guys.

>> No.3668480

You are not me. The easiest way to tell this is because I am not a faggot.

>> No.3668485

We're not talking about that kind of relationships, having friends has nothing to do with your love for 2D.

>> No.3668489

I've had this happen. It's quite annoying actually because I'm not a harsh person and don't want to hurt anyone, she was cute and I'm sure someone else would have been happy to get that kind of attention but I really didn't want the hassle of that kind of stuff.

>> No.3668514

I can't find the study anymore (sucks) but I remember reading a study that basically said a shy woman has almost no disadvantage compared to an extrovert woman simply because men take the initiative in relationships 90% of the time.

On the other hand, a shy man can spend his entire life without a relationship simply because he can't take the initiative.

Really, an average looking woman will never have any trouble in life concerning relationships, nerdy or not, shy or not. It's very different for men.

>> No.3668520


Your entire argument assumes that the woman *wants* the relationship.

Not all do. Some are hopeless shut-ins here on /jp/.

>> No.3668523
File: 234 KB, 588x700, 6981160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idolmaster DS is still 3D, just prerendered 3D for everything aside from the dancing and training and stuff.

This guy kind of doesn't know what he's talking about. 3D modeling doesn't really have any limitations at this point, especially on PS3/360/PC games with the implementation of normal maps. As far as attraction goes Love Death 2 has some very nice models, though I don't think it uses normal maps, it's just ridiculously high-poly to a fault.

Then of course there is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gug2lBNhCEQ

the ratio of good 3D to bad 3D is probably the same as 2D's, the only real problem with 3D is that it's a lot harder to stylize so it's often not as fun to look at

>> No.3668535

See, no. You can't "not want" a relationship if you've had a perfectly normal life. The only reason people here don't want relationships is because they've deluded themselves into thinking no one will ever want them. It's against human nature to want to be alone, sorry. Those who really want to be left alone with no particular reason are incredibly rare.

Anyone here having a shot at a relationship with a 2D girl gone 3D would accept it in a heartbeat. 2D is wanted so much because it's flawless and because it's the opposite of what we've seen in real life.

>> No.3668543

3D models either look inhuman or like anime characters.
That's the truth.

(Anime characters, cute though they are, can't really be considered 3D models.)

>> No.3668544

>It's impossibly everyone is not exactly like me.

>> No.3668546

I don't know, I wouldn't want to get in trouble with the law.

>> No.3668551

It's against human nature to want to fuck your sister. It's against human nature to want to fuck your own gender. It's against human nature to want to fuck a 2D drawing. It's against human nature to feel more comfortable when you're alone.

Guess what?

>> No.3668558

You know who makes good 3d models, Bethesda.

>> No.3668559


Normalfag detected.

Get out.

>> No.3668563

So confrontational and aggressive, anon-kun. Try to take it easy for a while.

>> No.3668570
File: 12 KB, 385x278, 1257139196612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave your room.

>> No.3668577


Anon-kun is tsundere for /jp/.

>> No.3668592

It's not about me, it's about the human race in general. Stop deluding yourself.

>It's against human nature to want to fuck your sister. It's against human nature to want to fuck your own gender. It's against human nature to want to fuck a 2D drawing. It's against human nature to feel more comfortable when you're alone.
None of this is against human nature, except the sister part, actually, and it's said in every incest thread that all the people who would want to fuck their sisters don't actually have a sister. Those who actually would are incredibly rare. Sure, it happens, but it's a ridiculously small percentage of the people in the world.

As for 2D, as I said, the reason people like 2D is because it's flawless unlike 3D. It's still the human characteristics of the 2D characters that are liked, not the 2D itself.

>> No.3668593

>implying anyone on /jp/ is normal

>> No.3668596

I'm taking it easy. I don't like when people lie to themselves.

>> No.3668600
File: 23 KB, 400x400, trollstrollstrolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr all humans are the same. why? because I said so.

>> No.3668604

It's around 10%, hardly a "ridiculously small percentage."

>> No.3668609


/jp/ is completely self-selected, so it doesn't really matter how "rare" any particular human attribute is.

>> No.3668615

>>It's against human nature to want to be alone, sorry.
yeah well, herd mentality was a part of human nature for millions of years because it was safer to live in those dangerous times. you had your pack help you defend yourself with whatever crude stone weapons you could have.

these days when we have everything, that danger is much lower. you can get a gun and suddenly you can protect yourself with it all alone, so, some people might be simply going away from that, as it's not required anymore.

"evolution" lol

>> No.3668636

It's actually less than 2% for those who have had intercourse with a family member. Kissing/flirting doesn't count as incest. It's also a percentage for incest in general and not brother-sister incest.

Back to /a/, /b/ or /v/, please.

As for the "point" you were trying to bring: it might surprise you, but yes, human beings have general things in common.

More or less. The average /jp/sie is an introvert 18-25 man into Japanese stuff. Nothing in that description leads to having most of the userbase be completely different from the human norm.

>> No.3668637

This thread makes me wonder how many people are there that post/lurk /jp/. Because running into them in public is not that probable.

>> No.3668641

Fat /jp/ resident here. I will browse /jp/ even if my laptop is not facing a wall. I can't do much else though if I'm out in the open. That's why I try to secure corner areas and such.

You might find me in the back of class playing something since no one can see what I'm doing anyways.

>> No.3668647

This happened on /a/ once the two started talking to each other. Apparently this started because one guy said he looked like Kotomine.

>> No.3668649

You lost me.

>> No.3668652

Sure you can protect yourself with a gun, but you can't survive on your own.

Humans are almost completely inter-dependent creatures. There are almost no people in the world that are self-sufficient, and those that are are only self-sufficient insofar as they can physically survive, in other words they live in shitholes. There are no "islands of humanity"

With that said, humans need other humans for things like food from the farmers, metal equipment from the manufacturers, etc, but we don't necessarily need SOCIAL interaction with them.

>> No.3668657

Normal people are extroverted.

>> No.3668661

>an introvert 18-25 man into Japanese stuff
>Nothing in that description leads to having most of the userbase be completely different from the human norm

Uh. Yeah.

>> No.3668662

You aren't right in every point you make (I even disagree with most you say), but one thing you are especially wrong about is incest. Everyone has the desire to mate with their own flesh. You know it.

For example, my sister is the most hypocritical and shallow person I know and I absolutely loathe her, I consider her ugly as well. Yet I have had several fantasies about her involving more of the "recommended dose" of sex.

>> No.3668663

Well think what you will, but it seems like you're stuck in the 90's as far as your perception of 3DCG goes

>> No.3668667
File: 34 KB, 682x454, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cannot deny this. I would would accept a relationship with a 2D girl gone 3D.

I'd marry Murakami Ten on the spot. Mainly because she looks like the girl from Hizashi no Naka no real.


>> No.3668684

I can't find the percentages quickly like this, but I am sure that the percentage of introverts isn't low enough to be a statistical anomaly (which is what someone who likes to be alone for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON would be).

No. However you look at it, incest isn't "normal" and it sure as hell isn't something everyone desires. Look up the Westermarck effect. It could only be considered normal if you've been away from each other for a long time since birth as reverse sexual imprinting wouldn't kick in, so you'd just be two people who are really similar, which is what would bring you together.

>> No.3668689

>I cannot deny this. I would would accept a relationship with a 2D girl gone 3D.
This is all I wanted to say before this discussion deteriorated. I honestly think most people here would agree with me on this point, but the average /jp/sie likes to pretend he's really really different from everyone else. I don't know what's up with that.

>> No.3668694


Pet his neckbeard.

>> No.3668697

Well I tend to disagree saying that's a personal opinion. I have the exact same feelings for my sister. Though unlike your sister mine tends to be considered pretty by normal standards and might have the biggest rack from all the females I have encountered in my lifetime. Even so I have never even considered fantasies of any kind with her. I... just can't.

>> No.3668700
File: 11 KB, 747x696, jp myersbriggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For everyone stupid enough to think that the residents of this board aren't statistically anomalous (from a poll a while back).

97% introverted.

>> No.3668714

Introversion isn't a statistical anomaly. Introversion has nothing to do with wanting to be left alone. You're missing the point.

>> No.3668717


30% INTJ instead of the population's normal 2% is a statistical anomaly. Are you stupid?

>> No.3668733

Does anyone have the screencap of this thread? As I recall, it involved an Anon with a baseball cap posting about someone with a Kotomine haircut who turned out to be browsing /a/ at the same time and rebuked him for bothering him.

>> No.3668740

I never denied this. If my waifu would suddenly go from 2D to 3D, and with that I mean physically retaining everything about her as best possible (meaning except animu eyes etc.) and keeping her personality of course, then I'd be willing to accept God exists (my bad not starting anything with that sentence).

>> No.3668741

It's not considered a statistical anomaly because as said here: >>3668609, /jp/ is completely self-selected. What we discuss is mostly liked by introverts, but being an introvert as nothing to do with liking to be left alone.

Sage because this argument is going in circles.

>> No.3668744

>>None of this is against human nature, except the sister part, actually,
being gay is against the very nature of life.

you can't reproduce that way, but that still doesn't stop and didn't stop anything or anyone from being so since the beginning of life.

>> No.3668747
File: 170 KB, 1600x1192, 1239605881093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd start cooking spaghetti for that anon

>> No.3668751

This thread is an eyesore.
This thread.
This thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread this thread.

>> No.3668753

I might, on my laptop. I'll check later if the thread is still alive and I'm not beaten to the punch.
I think I also had photographs of Anonymous Kotomine at some point.

>> No.3668758

Wow, I never knew that any photographs surfaced. That'd be interesting. Please post them if you manage to find them.

>> No.3668761

Argumentative Anonymous here, I'm gonna go watch Bakemonogatari 13 and then probably go try to 1cc ufo hard. I'm done arguing for no reason so feel free to take the thread back on track.

>> No.3668763

Definitely not start talking with that person.
First, because I know they wouldn't appreciate it.
Second, because I suck at talking.

Maybe I'd try saying a rather obscure reference to something related to /jp/.

>> No.3668765

>being an introvert has nothing to do with liking to be left alone.

It is very obvious you are an extrovert.

>> No.3668768
File: 291 KB, 868x4031, kotomine anon thread 1 - 1245720421213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3668775
File: 201 KB, 868x3085, kotomine anon thread 2 - 1245720462561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I also had photographs of Anonymous Kotomine at some point.
I didn't bother to save them. His hair might've resembled Kotomine's a bit, but what I recall was that he was fat.

>> No.3668828

Ha ha. Oh wow I didn't hear of this before. That looked like fun.

>> No.3668891

>>she mentioned something about triforce when she saw Houjou's flag

She hid her powerlevel expertly. I bet she's cleared it already in Japanese.
She is the perfect waifu and you dismissed her.

>> No.3668917

Wow, this thread is still up.

Makes me wish there was a /jp/ meet-up; it might have been interesting. Although no one would come.

>> No.3668926

Game of pretend

>> No.3668933

After 100+ posts, this is still the best answer. It also makes me think, what would I do if someone came up behind me and whispered in my ear "japanese bird cooking spaghetti"?

>> No.3668945

[x] Genuflect

>> No.3668962

Dunno about you, but I'd feign ignorance, get the hell out of there, and avoid that creepy person from that point onwards.
I mean really, a complete stranger whispering in your ear?

>> No.3668975

I don't know, it'd make me laugh pretty damn hard. Not sure how to follow up a conversation after something like that, though.

>> No.3668987

Do something-ing.

>> No.3669009


>>3667889 here.

I would actually ask you if you wanted to go play fighting games or something. Fighting games are a great way to get to know people.

Or we could argue TYPE-MOON powerlevels, whatever works.

>> No.3669044

I would say "Shiki can kill servants."

>> No.3669048


>> No.3669052

It would honestly scare the shit out of me and I'd probably be embarrassed about being seen, but I'd definitely laugh about it.

What would we even do, though?

>> No.3669063

Look at each other awkwardly, looking away and looking back every so often.

>> No.3669099

I'd wait till we're in a very crowded place and then say/whisper "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti" in such a way that they'll never know who it was.

>> No.3669105

I'd say "aw shit is that /jp/ what up."

>> No.3669116

>aw shit is that /jp/ what up
And I would ignore you.

>> No.3669120


I'm sure someone would come.


How about a game of pretend?

>> No.3669126

I'm amazed you'd even go outside with that sort of attitude.

>> No.3669127

"Japanese bird killing Servants."

>> No.3669175

State your location and something may work out.

Waterloo, Ontario reporting in, Toronto on the weekends.

>> No.3669193


Do I need to continue?

>> No.3669205

Germanfag here. A /jp/ meet up would be very wrong due to several reasons though…

>> No.3669227

Could you name a few?

Anyway, off to sleep. I hope to see this thread in the morning.

>> No.3669288

How about defeating the purpose of anonymity? Unless you want to wear masks, distort your voice and such.

>> No.3669438


There's nothing wrong with showing your face as long as you keep your /jp/ and real-life identities separate. It doesn't matter how much I know about you; if I can't tell who you are on /jp/, anonymity is upheld.

>> No.3669711

If there's ever a /jp/ meetup I doubt it'd be anything but discreet. Everyone would have some sort of /jp/ related meme to distinguish themselves. Now going Shiki can kill servants or Japanese bird cooking spaghetti might work here it will just make one look like an idiot while saying it out loud. All in all /jp/ meetup: not a good idea.

>> No.3669716

I would say, "Japanese bird's got nothing on me because EYEM the strongest"

The rest of the conversation could branch from there.

>> No.3669728

how about a tinfoil hat in addition to that?

>> No.3669812

Only faggots browse /jp/ in public.
Have you idiots forgotten how to conceal your powerlevels ?
Also, /jp/ itself constitutes a statistical anomaly, as a small percent of the population makes up mostof the userbase. However, the /jp/ posters aren't anomalous. Having a town with only women makes the town anomalous, not the women inhabiting the town.

>> No.3669985

>conceal your powerlevels

/a/, go back to it.

>> No.3670550

I would defintely talk to a fellow /jp/ bro.

I wouldn't reveal that I'm Zunbro though. That would probably result in disgust and/or a punch in the face.

>> No.3670559

Somehow I don't see a /jp/ meetup being much like this, but maybe I've got the wrong impression.

>> No.3670582

There won't be a /jp/ meetup because the most active posters are NEETs and people who never leave the house except for school/work.

>> No.3670590
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Damn, just talk to her already. It's obvious that you want to after posting about it 4 times. You got nothing to lose. You also have common interests to talk about. This person will definitely enjoy talking about TM and Toohoos with you.

Other people aren't strange and foreign beasts; they're your fellows. This goes double for you friends still in school.

>> No.3670620

This post fills me with disgust and a desire to punch you in the face.

>> No.3670656
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>> No.3670670

Even if you have a job and go out, your peers are clearly your enemies. More so if you have a job or are trying to get a job.

>> No.3670671
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Why? It's the truth. Especially for the friends still in school; the people you meet there are all good and kind people for the most part. You all even share a common goal (to graduate).

To be honest, I'm quite envious of all these /jp/ bros who keep seeing people enjoying /jp/ stuff IRL. I have never seen such a thing before.

The only thing I've seen was some guy and his girlfriend browsing /b/. But they were also playing some online game so I talked to them about that instead though. Like hell I'll talk to someone about /b/.

>> No.3670680
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>some guy and his girlfriend browsing /b/
>on 4chan

>> No.3670683

The good and nice people are the ones who are polite enough not to bother you with anything other than pleasantries. In other words, you are suggesting somebody be one of the obnoxious jerks who goes around pestering other people.

>> No.3670718
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Pestering involves being an asshole. It is quite easy to tell if someone does not want to be bothered.

A person playing Fate/stay night in the middle of class? That person is basically saying hi to fellow TM nerds. Go ahead and talk to him/her about your favorite characters, parts of the game, power levels, etc. That person will most likely welcome it.

Also Version 2 KOS-MOS, not so good.

>> No.3670730
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How about a Version ID 3 KOS-MOS?

>> No.3670742

>It is quite easy to tell if someone does not want to be bothered.

This is what obnoxious jerks really believe.

>> No.3670840
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Seriously, the vast majority of people out there (especially at school) don't mind talking. It would be wrong to assume that everyone in the world is incredibly hateful as we are in /jp/.

You are not being an obnoxious bastard by saying hello. You are being one if the person starts showing signs of disinterest and yet you keep on bothering him/her though.

But my whole point is that Anon who keeps posting about wanting to talk to that girl who plays eroge/Touhou in class would have wonderful success if he actually does it. Nerds (who be nerds in public) will never turn down an opportunity to discuss their favorite nerdy subject.

I'll take two!

>> No.3671819

For some reason I get frustrated whenever reading your posts. Remind me again why I didn't filter you? Oh well it's never to late I guess.

>> No.3671823

Also sage because I'm a faggot who can't seem to differentiate to from too.

>> No.3671827

I don't think that would happen, I live in a country where the locals don't speak english.

if they can't read english they wouldn't be on an english oriented site.

>> No.3671834

They would notice me before I noticed them. I would handle the situation accordingly.

>> No.3671840

Well put.

>> No.3671847

I know there's a fuckton of /jp/ people in California, let's hang out

I want to eat lunch with ZUN!bar and CurryButt and everyone will get along and let the good times roll ;_;

>> No.3671858


I'm scared that if I meet any /jp/ posters they'll either assault me or rape me.

>> No.3671867

I saw a guy and his girlfriend (no, I don't think it was the same pair in >>3670671) browsing /b/ and some site full of lolcats. No /jp/ encounters though.

>> No.3671879

Uhh...just don't wear your trap clothing if a meetup is ever planned

>> No.3671886

But otherwise hugging any of you'd be gay.

>> No.3671888

Oh hoho! that will never happen!

>> No.3671891

not really, no

we don't even have to hug if you're self-conscious about two dudes hugging

>> No.3671894


I hug everyone all the time, so I assumed some may find it incredibly awkward.

>> No.3671907

I'ld be afraid of meeting any of /jp/ in real life, I mean there's that handcuffing me to a lamp post in the dark area of the park copy pasta everytime I start a thread.

>> No.3671930

you mean the

>>I want to blindfold, gag and handcuff you to a broken lamp post in a dark corner of a park, I'll lift up your skirt and fuck you in the ass while peeping toms watch from afar. When they come closer I'll suddently lift up your skirt and cum deep inside your ass, I'll then leave you there for other's enjoyment till the sun rises.

>> No.3671954

If it were the library, I'd print a picture of Japanese Bird Eating spaghetti and drop it off at their desk. Elsewhere I'd drop a note with apanese Bird Eating spaghetti on it.

>> No.3672000

If I remembered correctly /jp/ did have a Comiket meet-up, what happen to that?

>> No.3672035

I was about to mention this but I never saw any threads about it after.

>> No.3672038

they had an orgy, don't ask

>> No.3672051

>Seriously, the vast majority of people out there (especially at school) don't mind talking. It would be wrong to assume that everyone in the world is incredibly hateful as we are in /jp/.
>But my whole point is that Anon who keeps posting about wanting to talk to that girl who plays eroge/Touhou in class would have wonderful success if he actually does it. Nerds (who be nerds in public) will never turn down an opportunity to discuss their favorite nerdy subject.

The flaw in that is that the girl in >>3668045-san's post is also from /jp/.

>> No.3672060
File: 7 KB, 103x123, 1235310435379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many faggots that still like JBCS spam. It amazes me how some people can still get amused by that shit.

I hope you are happy AoRF.

>> No.3672071

When I still went to school, I used to purposely do /jp/ related stuff and try to make it obvious so someone would see and say something and maybe me my friend. No one ever did.

Most I got was a bunch of weird looks when I was watching the episode of After Story where Nagisa died and started bawwwwing in public.

>> No.3672072
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>> No.3672082

In 10 minutes down at the mall. GO!

>> No.3672089

I am in favor of a California meet-up. Are most of us in NorCal or SoCal?

>> No.3672093

I used to live in Brea... almost 10 yrs ago. i now live in a little island country in the pacific

>> No.3672113

Going back to the incest subject a bit, I'm curious about the statement that, if you have a child with your sister or brother, will that child really be retarded or whatever?
Or is it just pure bullshit in order to prevent people from having sex with their siblings?

>> No.3672146

Never personally heard of any real cases. Soo beats me.

>> No.3672155

The only downside of having a child with a blood-sibling is that genetic diseases are more probable.
The chance of having a retarded child is fairly low, but higher than normally.

>> No.3672170

Any of you fags go to FSU?

I could've sworn I saw someone on /jp/ in the library a while ago but I was in a hurry so I didn't stick around to harass them.

>> No.3672176

I see, interesting.

>> No.3672294

In my school, I can play Touhou, browse /jp/ and read manga and everyone gets into it too.
What the fuck is wrong with my school?

>> No.3672415

But the mall is huge... ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.3673900


SoCal here. Transit is a bitch in the LA area though. No car either.
