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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 235 KB, 1000x750, DJT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36629112 No.36629112 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>36605868

>> No.36629166

Great guides!

>> No.36629173
File: 236 KB, 1287x1800, 1632097173102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thread
nihongo lessgoooo

>> No.36629181
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>hurry up and learn japanese anon... we are lonely...~

>> No.36629199

how hard do you think jp subbing cowboy bebop would be? never watched it in my life and have no idea what im getting into.

>> No.36629204

i don't need to learn japanese to have sex with you. now put those feet on my face

>> No.36629263
File: 46 KB, 614x614, 1628769292782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let your memes be dreams
>you won't understand what we say you baka gaijin, you don't 分かって何も

>> No.36629267

idk if this question is vague or not, but what's the distinction between お前は and お前には? and how does that affect the sentence? when i come across お前には, i usually try to treat it as お前は and i think it works out most times

>> No.36629299

に is direction, whatever is being said is going in the direction of お前、
Without it, it means "with regards to /on the subject of you" or similar,

>> No.36629391


>> No.36629399

How the hell you supposed to immerse when you only know a hundred words or so?

>> No.36629492


>> No.36629503
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>> No.36629549
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>> No.36629555

>making a thread hours early, cucking an anniversary thread from maxing out, just so you can post your shitty inverted picture
the 3000s are off to a bad start.

>> No.36629567

thanks for letting me know you all abandoned the other thread guys

>> No.36629570

you don't need to understand it all, you just absorb what you can and build up gradually, you get used to hearing the language, pick up patterns and words etc

>> No.36629573

who are u quoting?

>> No.36629580
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>> No.36629597
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>> No.36629598

its fine we skipped the patreon spam
best thread in a while

>> No.36629612
File: 1.37 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20210920_121039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

three thousand fucking threads bros... still not a single meet-up

>> No.36629613
File: 621 KB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_2021-09-20-00-30-37-245_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.36629628
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>> No.36629630

should i wait to read hanahira until i'm done with the core2.3k deck?

>> No.36629712
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>> No.36629726
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>> No.36629734

What do you think of udemy?

>> No.36629793
File: 3.67 MB, 320x400, 1632094829836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks up 締め上げる
>reads english definition
> "to screw up; to put the screws on (a person)"
>read jp definition
> きびしく責める。

>> No.36629803

spam hover yomichan and add words to anki

>> No.36629847

Do you get any enjoyment out of reading this way

>> No.36629867
File: 2.78 MB, 1000x562, 1632108358747.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck do you think you are?
this is a purgatory where we expiate our sins through suffering, shitposting and occasionally cooming

>> No.36629885


Lemme check the goo dictionary

1 力を込めてきつくしめる。「首を―・げる」
Breaking this down...

力を込めて put one's strength into
きつく severely/intensely
しめる tie/fasten/tighten

And the example sentence 首を締め上げる, which I would guess in context means something like "to strangle (someone's) neck".

So I guess the meaning is something like "to forcefully constrict"?

>> No.36629912


Adding onto this, there is a secondary meaning...

The first sentence seems to be a bit abstract, since it is "tightening" on a "lazy state/conditioning", but the second sentence gives a much more clear "to strongly question/interrogate and chastise".

So I guess it can either mean to constrict something or chastise someone.

>> No.36629959 [DELETED] 

Is anime crossing good immersion?

>> No.36629973

>going outside

>> No.36630002 [DELETED] 

If you're a beginner, please read the guide first.
New guide: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/


>> No.36630008

uh, idk. i never thought about it. i get about as much enjoyment from it as i do grinding levels in ffxiv. it's not "fun", but i don't hate it either. it's something you more or less have to go through reach the comfy zone.

>> No.36630017 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 1225x693, Screenshot from 2021-09-19 23-25-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36630027

blacknoisers btfo

>> No.36630030 [DELETED] 

beginners be warned these sites were posted by a bot trying to steal your info do not click it.
we have a certified guide here >>36630002

>> No.36630036 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 378x75, TxvvxP6gB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the definition you found was the one i was initially looking for and found it, but found it odd that the first definition was "to put the screws on" in my dictionary, which influenced my joke post.

>> No.36630053
File: 16 KB, 505x208, s3wBivesVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the definition you found was the one i was initially looking for and found it, but found it odd that the first definition was "to put the screws on" in my dictionary, which influenced my joke post..

>> No.36630097

sorry got it backwards, the sites in the op are good, the one in >>36630002 is a scam, lol, 525 views says it all

>> No.36630101

i'll post a guide about it soon.

>> No.36630112
File: 141 KB, 464x678, 1631766155943.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont sweat it that guy does that a lot, he usually tries to hijack the first post to shill his patreon/try to shill newfrens
The guides in the op are really good tho, you'll be a dekiru in no time

>> No.36630119 [DELETED] 

if you follow any guide in the op, you'll get confused and lose a lot of time at best. i speak from first-hand experience. that's why we have https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/ now.

>> No.36630131

Sad, and against the rules. Put your fucking trip if you are gonna shill your shit, tats.
Also, its rather disgusting of you to try and tarnish the actual quality guides in this place.
You come across as a shitty scammer. The kind of guy who samefags to shill his shit. Get some integrity and professionalism for fucks sake.

>> No.36630141

we need to start pinging the jannies on that shit
his shilling is getting really spammy, blatant and annoying
>disparaging the actual good guides

>> No.36630153

This post appears to have been made by an automated spambot.

>> No.36630161

I THINK I'VE ACTUALLY GOT IT. A way to learn that's low commitment and effective.

I've found a new technique that's easy and effective in active comprehensible language consumption.

If ur struggling with learning, try watching subtitled anime, but with the subtitles delayed by around 5-7 seconds. It imparts the meaning on you for any words you don't know, but it also forces you to comprehend what's said in japanese.
I've been doing this for a week and my japanese has unironically gotten so much better. my anki cards are getting faster to

>> No.36630164

You posted a fucking video BY YOU saying USE MY SHIT?
That is an ad you fucking spamming retard, if you want to advertise, buy a fucking banner, don't shit up the thread.
Took a look at your "guide", a shitty blog with hardly any content that mostly consists of shitting on actual, useful people.
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself, your god damn fucking ad isn't even in japanese.

>> No.36630181

yeah there's no way around it this is an ad, and spamming, too
at least matt doesn't fucking spam his ads in here
and with all the fucking spamming you do you got 0 subscribers or views, lmao

>> No.36630189

how is posting a useful Japanese guide considered spamming? it's rather disgusting of you to try and tarnish the actual quality guide in this place. put your fucking trip if you are gonna shill your shit, quiz.

>> No.36630220

>a guide so useful, the only person recommending it, is the dude who wrote it, full of quality content like "my guide is the best", "everyone else sucks" and "subscribe to my patreon please please please please please"
>a half assed youtube ad IN ENGLISH
>this shithead shits on cure dolly

This is so sad its funny.
Guess if nobody else will give you a testimonial why not do it yourself lmao

>> No.36630226

repeatedly posting the same thing over and over is spam, its even worse because its self advertising, you are the only one trying to "tarnish the actual quality guide" by repeatedly trying to hijack the OP and referring to your own guide as the "new guide" which it isnt, if it actualy was something new and valuable people wouldnt be complaining and would promote it but they dont, the tried and true guide that not only does this DJT use, but is also used on the int DJT is simply better and is consitant between the DJT threads.

>> No.36630244

First, I'm not quiz, you are just really fucking annoying, and insulting actual useful people rubs me wrong
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

Youve been getting really fucking blatant as of late. Your ads are fucking annoying. You are not "we", you don't own the fucking board, nor the thread, your guide is not the "new guide", and this isn't the place to spam your fucking patreon.

>> No.36630253

i still don't see how me posting tatsumoto's guide is advertising. are the links in the OP advertising too? then delete the OP lmao.

>> No.36630256


this looks so cool. i want to start it now, but but im a dekinai so i'll wait a few VNs before picking this one up

>> No.36630262

ignore his face

>> No.36630269
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>> No.36630282

> https://learnjapanese . moe/
> a huge banner saying BECOME A PATRON
> Found this useful? Consider supporting me on Patreon!
> I am sure your question will be answered in this FAQ. If not, I'm willing to answer any question you have if you sub to my Patreon.
> I will also be willing to give advice when you pledge selected Patreon tiers.
is this a joke? the guide doesn't know japanese and just wants you to give him money.

>> No.36630290

krashner doesn't use anki

>> No.36630295

What's an easy way to set a delay on subs?

>> No.36630305

why is there only shitty scans of doraemon? https://nyaa.si/view/939885 

where can i read in high quality

>> No.36630363


SubtitlesSynch comes in handy here. Download the subtitle separately from what you want to watch and then offset it by 5-7 seconds.

>> No.36630370


wtf is 係かい? Very few search results even though it's clearly written as such in my source material. Old style? 係会 is what google search thinks I want but 係会 doesn't show anything in jisho either

>> No.36630397

I see かい is separate. But I don't know what kai is by itself like that

>> No.36630408
File: 208 KB, 1835x1199, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I figured it out

>> No.36630503

i don't know what you smoke but these sites are shit.
please don't post them anymore.
read this review https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/resources.html#themoeway-and-animecards

>> No.36630550

whats a japanese font that doesn't look like tiny pencil shit?

>> No.36630562

Its a question marker like か

>> No.36630573

Thanks for the great guide i'm fluent now!

>> No.36630621

fixed my diet and now I cleanshit every time the toilet paper is just a redundancy

>> No.36630647
File: 46 KB, 901x263, 29kHaRLGdN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first bullet point
dunno about this one and don't care enough to search it up myself

>second bullet
who cares if they are proprietary? literally who cares. vns are an awesome way to makes strides in japanese.

>third bullet
w h o c a r e s. windows is the most popular os, it only makes sense to make guides for windows

>fourth bullet
i hope he doesn't use youtube, otherwise he'd be a hypocrite. every relevant tech business is left leaning and suppresses all opposing views; there's nothing we can do about it.

>fifth bullet
anime cards are meta. tsc cards are just crutch anime cards with too much context on the front.

>> No.36630662

question marker for yes/no questions

>> No.36630664
File: 26 KB, 1280x720, 雨恋.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36630679

imagine spending hours upon hours obsessing over which OP site is better instead of just learning Japanese.

It's universally accepted that Tae Kim's grammar guide is lackluster, yet you can still use it to build a solid foundation, an you can go from there to become proficient.
The way you retards obsess over optimizing resources so you can finally start learning Japanese in maybe 3 years is fucking stupid.

>> No.36630696

always an uppercaser making the dumbest posts lol

>> No.36630709

Nice argument. Only beta retards give in to idiots in djt trying to pressure people into only using lower case.
Just one more way in which you retards are completely deranged and focusing on the wrong things

>> No.36630760

Now say that in japanese

>> No.36630772

Anybody used this for text hooking with emulators?
Wondering how it works with stuff like retroarch and mgba

>> No.36630829

but my posts were in lowercase :/

>> No.36630841

>antimoon explaining to people how to learn english the proper way and why language schools are bad
>but they explain it in english so noone trying to learn english can actually read it

>> No.36630897

there is no one obsessing over which OP is is better

that has already been settled

there is a spammer spamming his own guide in every thread and people being annoying at his actions

>> No.36630904


>> No.36630908

if a girl does the same to me as in the picture i would tickle her thighs to make her laugh then then we would be best friends in the world until eternity

>> No.36630938

dedicated my youth to japanese
what do i have to show for it

>> No.36630997

cum jars

>> No.36631048

are you having fun?

>> No.36631076

social anxiety

>> No.36631084

i dedicated my youth to world of warcraft so i know how you feel

>> No.36631180

or u can just press z in mpv

>> No.36631248

horie yuis birthday today shes so hot bros

>> No.36631256

dude stfu you retarded new fag holy shit fuck off

>> No.36631337

Today it is time to practice anatomy.

>> No.36631420

what's with the isekai genre and slavery?

>> No.36631455

Isekai is to break the bonds of your natural life and carve a new one, a metaphor for breaking free of slavery. The genre itself is about having power and control over your own life so it makes sense that slavery is prevalent innit.

>> No.36631807
File: 346 KB, 695x549, 1621302422437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After studying this chapter you should be able to:
1. Define anatomy and physiology.
2. Explain why anatomy today is considered a relatively broad science and discuss its various
3. List and describe the 6 levels of structural organization.
4. Name and give examples of the four tissue types of the body.
5. List the 11 principal systems of the body, their functions, and representative organs.
6. Describe anatomical position and the four major body reference planes
7. Describe the major body cavities and their representative organs.
8. Be able to use anatomical vocabulary utilizing directional terms, regional names and
9. Describe (compare and contrast) the following common medical imaging procedures:
Conventional Radiography (x-rays), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed
Tomography (CT), Ultrasound, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and Digital Subtraction
Angiography (DSA).

>> No.36631907

but it's always like
>i'm so happy to be your slave xD ur like the best slave owner ever! xDD

>> No.36632126

cosplayers and vtubers...so nice
we truly live in good times

>> No.36632246

we live in objectively the worst times

>> No.36632265

but at least we have cosplayers and vtubers

>> No.36632278

and loli doujinsi

>> No.36632305

that's cope

>> No.36632315


>> No.36632332

women have the power to heal men's wounds

>> No.36632351

they gave rushia tits in the fan fun island promo pic wtf

>> No.36632584

I don't know, I would then say maybe the author views that free will cannot co-exist and that in order for him to be free he must subjugate others. I will say that the idea of a thankful slave is reminiscent to what god wants in his ideal human. I think it's all still in the same vein about having power and control over your own life, and then the slave represents people around you not being hostile towards your own pursuits and even being encouraging, in this instance a slave being more hyperbolic of a supportive structure that wont get in your way. Haven't watched an isekai since a few episodes of that one with Aqua and explosion magician btw.

>> No.36632609

is there a better standalone program for epwings than qolibri
no gomi chan hover shit prease

>> No.36632610
File: 14 KB, 367x315, cfgccrdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok AI is going too far, these random strings of letters were literally my captcha and now it appears as a recommended video? I don't believe in coincidences.

>> No.36632628

stay safe on the market today boys

>> No.36632634

should've screencapped the captcha

>> No.36632647

You're right but not the sort of practice i'm going to do everytime I post.

>> No.36632765

These are not guides. It's self advertising, dumb nigger.
Just look at >>36630282

>> No.36632826

couple days without fapping and getting really horny now

>> No.36632869

fapd when i woke up, came all over myself and ate it

>> No.36632882


>> No.36632888

hi tatsumoto when is ajatt tools mpv coming out

>> No.36632906
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

todays nihongo of the day is 黒白鳥

>> No.36632985


>> No.36633009
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>> No.36633020

ahhh my loins

>> No.36633450

I need help with Japanese language production practice. I understand a lot of the stuff I read and hear but I have trouble when I actually need to speak in Japanese.

Do you guys recommend a site website where I can talk to Japanese people to improve?

>> No.36633466

This, cept I would 舌で入れる to assert dominance after whispering 頂きます

>> No.36633498

You can try the /int/ board on here, there's a daily thread that's all in japanese and has a few native speakers.

>> No.36633513

i always say いただきま〜す before taking a bong rip

>> No.36633569
File: 52 KB, 649x436, nuke n3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuke is only on n3 material after 20 years and still can scam $400 a month from suckers to learn japanese from him.

>> No.36633591

i say the same before eating a whore out at a nearby herisu club. gotta be respectful in front of native japanese.

>> No.36633605

you guys jest but i actually pay my respects to the food before i eat

>> No.36633613


>> No.36633785

Is literally every single mega link of older games as well as visual novels dead? What even is the point then lol.

>> No.36633947

傷薬 ????
風邪薬 ????

hate this shit

>> No.36633958

i hate ur face

>> No.36633986


>> No.36634096


>> No.36634145

yeah stopped myself last week and took 50% out because i play it too safe

>> No.36634185


>> No.36634205


>> No.36634218

>no one has thought of killing all them fucking birds

>> No.36634225

one man did

>> No.36634277

I was asking myself why we don't have fruit trees everywhere and I realized animals are probably the reason why.

>> No.36634310

sorry cant read any of that

>> No.36634345

>erradicate sparrows
>discover they ate the bugs that eat the everything

>> No.36634388
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<15 min again <15 min again <15 min again <15 min again <15 min again <15 min again <15 min again

>> No.36634454

not right now sweetie daddy is figuring out how to best get to gensokyou

>> No.36634462


>> No.36634463

imagine how many crazy animals we could evolve if we had a hyperbolic time chamber

>> No.36634477

i never got this why didnt they just grab the dragon balls right before they scattered and put them in the time chamber

>> No.36634494

if you cumflate a frog it summons cirno fyi

>> No.36634511

can confirm, true

>> No.36634533

How can I use Yomichan in manga?

>> No.36634540


>> No.36634544

anal is so stupid wow you're putting it in her pooper big deal. now put it back in the vag where it belongs

>> No.36634548

i dont know exactly how because ive never done it

>> No.36634553

you ocr it and hope the shitty ocr grabs it correctly

>> No.36634561

thats disgusting babies come from there

>> No.36634575

it's weirdly smooth

>> No.36634596

ppsspp seems to work, but I never tried

>> No.36634633


>> No.36634644

no, atheist

>> No.36634656

watching pekora play danganronpa

>> No.36634660

Anyone have experience with Japanesepod101? Is it a good way to start out?

>> No.36634670

The idea of anal is only hot if they don't want it. But even so putting your dick into a shitpipe is gross.

>> No.36634684

a friend of mine is addicted to anal and prefers it over the vagoo i suspect he may be in the closet

>> No.36634702

either that or porn addiction or maybe he just wants to hurt women or something

>> No.36634706


>> No.36634728

if you get a serious girlfriend you'll probably end up never using one and always pulling out

>> No.36634729

if i want to violate her i'd rather punch or slap her or something

>> No.36634740

I want to use a leash and collar.

>> No.36634742

probably wouldn't matter if i use a condom. with 4.5 inches of girth i'm not gonna feel the walls anyway so might as well use protection.

>> No.36634751

damn bro
sorry to hear that

>> No.36634771

hahaha pekora is so cute

>> No.36634779

At least you don't have 4" in length like me I hope.

>> No.36634783

Copper IUD is the only way to fly.
Copper, no hormone shit.

>> No.36634796

imagine sticking your dick in an anus without putting a condom on lol

>> No.36634804

When you're just starting out, what's the alternative?

>> No.36634822

he says he loves the tightness

my friend tells me he always gets poop dick because he doesn't use one

>> No.36634830

how else would i poz your neghole?

>> No.36634855

gonna use the greyskull lifting program and get nice and strong and built for future cosplay gf hehe

>> No.36634891
File: 2.66 MB, 640x360, 1632146563176.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do handstand pushups for the ultimate upper body

>> No.36634903

when i get stronger

>> No.36634918

working on my l sit

>> No.36634966

gonna be so epic picking up future cosplay gf with ease and whispering japanese into her ear

>> No.36634984

it feels good though

>> No.36635005

so does the vagina though it may feel even better because of the psychological risk of getting her pregnant

>> No.36635022


>> No.36635025

thats only risk if you fuck bbas

>> No.36635036

> a shitty blog with hardly any content
i'm pretty sure it has more content than the shit linked in the OP
i understand that you want to shill your garbage but it's pretty obvious how low quality it is.

>> No.36635038

>thats only risk if you fuck bbas
just kounenkimaxx

>> No.36635152

mark my words, your blatant spamming is going to come to an end.

>> No.36635167

whew almost got a trojanus from these links

>> No.36635169

bayonetta was one of the last good video games

was truly ridiculous and well done and ofc shes my type

>> No.36635171

it's pretty unheard of to call these shitty sites great, lol.

>> No.36635176

You know, I'm relatively new and I didn't get why people reacted to you the way they do. I do now.
You post links to your shitty contentless blog every chance you get, the content of which consists of one or two sentences with no analysis saying "im the best, lul" or some variation of "i don't like this".
You talk in third person as if it gives you legitimacy.
And you advertise yourself, fucking endlessly.
You don't do it for the community, which you pester endlessly, you do it to see if you can fleece some newfrens.
I don't even get why the anon that usually trolls you talks about trojans or malware, really, the quality of your work (or lack thereof), speaks for itself.
I took a look at your channel, you don't even have content other than ads.
If you want to advertise, fucking pay for it.
The guides in op got there organically, not because some con artist went "this is the new guide now, lol".

>> No.36635214

bayonetta is the shittiest platinum game lol

>> No.36635223

it drives me up the fucking wall when someone posts usefull stuff and the retard posts his blog and all it says there is "i don't like it lol"
like he couldn't post that
wouldn't let him pretend he has traffic tho

>> No.36635236

i've said the same thing that you've said right now to him in the past.
he is going to deflect by pointing to someone else (anacreon or whatever) and keep spamming his shitty guide

>> No.36635237

it was epic and good ackshually

>> No.36635251

That might be true but only cause everything they make is gold. Even then, it would be the transformers one.
Platinum is one of the few "take my money" studios left:
Bayonetta, vanquish, automata, mgr, all fucking gold

>> No.36635264

he'll reply with something like this
>why don't you say this about the guide in the OP/anacreon? my guide is the best thing to happen to djt *autistic sounds*

>> No.36635268

i still have some of the metal gear rising boss themes in my workout playlist

>> No.36635281

Did you forget the fucking licensed cartoon games?

>> No.36635284

my guide is the only good guide

>> No.36635304

>metal queer rising
you've gone too far

>> No.36635315

the story and characters sucked ass and they used the same enemy type for like 80% of the game. Fuck you MGR is the greatest game to ever be made.

I agree, Platinum is one of if not my favorite game studio.

>> No.36635319

no u

>> No.36635327

the gameplay wasnt amazing but neither was other trash like automato

what was epic abt bayonetta was the cutscenes mostly

so much boner poppin style

>> No.36635343

do u think i should make my handle bonerpoppin kinda like sodapoppin for my streaming career

>> No.36635476

T levels too low for MGR cutscenes.

>> No.36635487

honestly i never even played it bc i gave up on mgs before 4 even happened when i found out it was more raiden lol

>> No.36635503

like what killed mgs was the fact raiden wasnt just a one-off joke character and they were actually serious

kojimas biggest mistake

>> No.36635519


>> No.36635535

rising is a cool game

>> No.36635542
File: 172 KB, 935x1500, 1617375629857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to find a dominant chinese girl who'll kick me in the testicles every time she catches me studying japanese
that would motivate me a lot

>> No.36635552

this but without the sado maso shit

>> No.36635559

>tfw no mousu
>even the ads are ntr

>> No.36635564

Did you not play mgs2? MGR is a side game anyway, you should go through it.

>> No.36635571

e r o

>> No.36635579

I need this.

>> No.36635582

i did play mgs2 thats waht im saying

i always saw raiden as a sidekick one-off jizz mopper and his retarded shit wouldve been wrapped up after mgs2 and wed go somewhere else like more into the patriots storyline which was set up to be pretty cool in mgs2 and then they ruined it all later

>> No.36635587

Here's some facts about animecards and his site:
> Spams his shit everyday, hijacking every OP he can
> Just wants you to give him money via patreon
> Lies about other guides and resources
> Believes visual novels can help you at Japanese
> Uses MAL
> Samefags
> Doesn't actually know Japanese

>> No.36635595

Rising is amazing retard, play it.
Even the dlc is SSS+ tier (dlc is 2 alternate campaigns with side characters that are really good)

>> No.36635617


How are these sources? Been looking for courses for ages but there are so many I can't see the forest through the trees anymore.

>> No.36635620 [DELETED] 

lmao imagine jamal trying to parry in mgsr while failing miserably because of his old nerves firing too slowly (because he's old) so he gives up

>> No.36635626

never played the dlcs but i have great memories with mgr, used to play it with a good friend on the ps3
swapping who was playing when we died, bosses were fun as we passed the controller and talked shit

>> No.36635645
File: 131 KB, 848x960, 1467973117027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36635662

LMAO, tatsuretard broke
Have you considered making actual content instead of pretending anyone gives a shit about your opinion?
I don't even think animecards dude posts here, and that's how it should be.
Like it or not all those sites have useful, or at least novel stuff.
Your retard self just goes "im ajatt now, lol", and spams a contentless blog.
Your samefagging is irritating too.
Have you considered actually making quality content? Like actual persuasive essays, or videos, or something?
You seem to like matt, fucking ask him how to make content.

>> No.36635691

>matt, fucking ask him how to make content

>> No.36635692

hope shes having some good birthday sex

>> No.36635702

this but she has to be 140cm or less

>> No.36635704

I wanna play with her soft 猫 so bad

>> No.36635711


>> No.36635760

have you tried reading the site? it contains a full blown japanese guide. or can't you read anything over 150 characters?

>> No.36635791

> Believes visual novels can help you at Japanese
Huh? How would reading not help you?
> Uses MAL
> Samefags
Oh, you are thinking tatsumoto, he spams his contentless, worthless patreon blog here every time he can and has some totally retarded ideas about visual novels being bad and having to ditch windows to learn japan... wait...
Tatsumoto is that you...?

>> No.36635792 [DELETED] 

im still good at fps and fighting games and i took a reaction time test before itt when we did retarded shit like that

>> No.36635800

i dont """read""" pissual poopvels

>> No.36635812

vinnies teach you hentai speak which isn't good

>> No.36635816

i should start some kind of watch list / reading list/ listening list spreadsheet

>> No.36635819

i only coom to loli doujinsi

>> No.36635821

most visual novels are proprietary and thus contain malware.

>> No.36635827

fps is easy literally just 目標をセンターに入れてスイッチ

>> No.36635832

Is this where I disclose I use my personal surveillance device for my reps...?

>> No.36635838

yuunou na janny san

>> No.36635887

i made the mistake of giving tats the benefit of the doubt and clicked his link once
>i don't like cure dolly cuz i find the voice creepy and you might too
>thus "WE" don't recommend it
>plz like share and subscribe to my patreon for more SSS+ tier content like this!!!1!!!

lmao never again

>> No.36635903

cure dolly doesn't know japanese

>> No.36635906

you're probably talking about the moeway. tatsumoto never says "subscribe to my patreon"

>> No.36635981

it's almost as if cancermoto is unable to feel shame

>> No.36636000

you have to be unable to feel shame to make yourself identifiable on the internet

>> No.36636035

I need a Jap gf to roleplay as my imouto

>> No.36636082


>> No.36636095

it'd be weird when your sister doesn't look like you at all

>> No.36636097

i prefer onee-chan

>> No.36636109

i'm too old to learn this language (output)
everything is too different
indo-european languages are similar when it comes to thought patterns
in japanese everything is fucking different
i don't even know from where to begin a sentence sometimes

>> No.36636110

thats what makes it ok

>> No.36636120

>too old
literally impossible

>> No.36636121

learning how to operate linux oses was the best decision in my life

>> No.36636124

bet uve spent less than 10 hours practicing lol

>> No.36636141

how is vinny comp with wine

>> No.36636150

true, but you're ignoring the fact that it's still reading and that most sexual content in vns contribute to like 10-15 percent at most unless you're intentionally looking for porn.

>> No.36636151

ummm ... i still have my old windows pc for that lol

>> No.36636183


>> No.36636194

ogのstrip club行ってきた

>> No.36636196

thats the point of the poop hole you dont need to tukeru one

>> No.36636202

whatever this is a sex-haver problem

>> No.36636220

in my experience nonsex-havers are quick to change face about sex once they become a sex-haver
for years used to talk to this one dude who always complained about women until years later he messaged me randomly telling me about all the things he was wrong and i was right about women and relationships

>> No.36636221

The trick is that english is verbose, japanese is not
Start sentences eith whatever you want to say. End them when you have nothing more to say.
Is a perfectly good sentence.
Japanese assumes the listener is not a retard and thus, whenever possible, avoid stressing who did what, if someone doesn't 分かる, they, not you, are the retard.

>> No.36636230
File: 88 KB, 1366x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was trying to read VNs, but I can't even get the first sentece.
When I put it in English this sentece turned to "I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my arm...", and what does 小さく means? Why Yoimichan is showing me 小さい?

>> No.36636232

this only applies to baby sentences. try to say something complex and your world will crumble

>> No.36636235

idk bro idk....

>> No.36636238

look it up dumbass

>> No.36636241


>> No.36636242

it clearly says

>> No.36636246

most visual novels are proprietary and thus contain malware.

>> No.36636247


>> No.36636249

that sentence means that he/she followed the small truck with his eyes

>> No.36636250

Tatsumoto... he tried to warn us...

>> No.36636255

mini yoga has thousands of anki hours and cant read japanese because he doesnt install vinnys. dont be like him

>> No.36636259

followed the truck with her/his eyes becoming small as it went on

>> No.36636260

weak argument. let's be real here: at most there are like maybe 30 sex related words which are like variations of penis, vagina, some ancillary vocab like 腟口 and カリ, and stuff like semen and sex fluids. everything else is fine applicable outside of porn.

>> No.36636268

How many times have you coomed today son?

>> No.36636270

bro read gae kim

>> No.36636276

no one's advertising, dumbass. i found a good site and i want to post it here because the ones linked in the OP are known to be shitty. no one has ever learned japanese by following the retardation quizmaster wrote.

>> No.36636277

wow an uppercaser standing proud on the top of mt stupid

>> No.36636278
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 1632110889274.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hentai人tho I must learn the language of my people

>> No.36636286

The green thing isn't porn.
Oh, it has to do with basic grammar? Ok, then. I thought Yomichan would show me more.

>> No.36636287

stop ban evading tatumoto

>> No.36636291

you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.36636292

i'm not tatsumoto

>> No.36636296



>> No.36636306

Tats, you really think this even seems organic? Like anyone buys your obvious samefagging?
Honestly now?
I used to thought you acted like you do for humor and memes but I'm starting to think you have room temperature iq in Celsius and you actually are trying to be sneaky.
Jesus fuck bro, cmon.

>> No.36636313

エッロ!i dont understand how people dont like 足s

>> No.36636318

you can't possibly think that anyone believes that. you can't be that dumb

>> No.36636321

you're gonna love my 足 up your ass

>> No.36636325

Case in point.
You are like a looney tunes cartoon lmao

>> No.36636330

you're the one samefagging here. who else on this planet says "tats" and uppercases.

>> No.36636339

i hate fat people so much its unreal
chubby jks are ok though

>> No.36636340


fucking epic

>> No.36636345

even if you're noob all you gotta do is spam yomichan on that sentence and you'll still get the gist of what it says bruh

>> No.36636348

we know its you who else on this planet advertises for someone else

>> No.36636353

nice time put this on deepl
>I saw off the truck as it got smaller and smaller.

>> No.36636354
File: 92 KB, 1024x1024, 1546301107968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36636360

Im not pretending to be someone else imbecile
How do you pretend to teach japanese when you don't seem to even understand english.
Btw, are you the "muh uppercasers" retard? Lmao that's the cherry on top.

>> No.36636363

小さく is the adverbial form of the adjective 小さい it's being used to modify the verb right next to it

>> No.36636364

my 林檎 置くs...

>> No.36636366

i said chubby

>> No.36636372

thats anorexic in america

>> No.36636379

remember to stay hydrated and drink 8 cups of water djt

>> No.36636380

any normal guy will go all nose-bleeding level on this shit

>> No.36636382

lmao miniretard is the capitalization schizo?
lololololol hes the gift that keeps giving

>> No.36636386


>> No.36636398

>You will never impregnate a fat, mom, vtuber

>> No.36636404

Thanks for the actual response. I got confused because I thought Yomichan would show me more.
I'll finish Tae Kim before trying again.

>> No.36636405


>> No.36636410

I posted a video that was made by Tatsumoto.

It's funny to see people who don't know anything about Japanese shit on the only actually useful guide.

>> No.36636411 [DELETED] 

youre also a dirty chink

>> No.36636414

>You will never watch her happily and hungrily devour your progeny while you make some more
it hurts bros

>> No.36636418

korone bros.....

>> No.36636421

noones shitting on itazura tho

>> No.36636426

ya didn't have to do it to em

>> No.36636433

minicream and analyoga are my two least favorite people itt by far

>> No.36636435

any worthwhile posts

>> No.36636440

let me check
*unzips pants*

>> No.36636442

i knew it lol

>> No.36636449

You even think through what you post bro?
If you are a new guy, what context do you have to tell how the different guides are different, and why is your opinion of which one is useful even valuable?
Furthermore, how would you even have found it and what would you be doing here?
And why would you pick a contentless patreon begging blog as the hill to die on/go to war about?
Think retard, think, none of your shit makes sense.

>> No.36636469

jamals currently routing his 0xA press mario 64 run

>> No.36636473

this is just embarassing, miniyoga

>> No.36636475


>> No.36636480

dont you still need half an a press somewhere? havent kept up with that autism run in a while

>> No.36636481
File: 28 KB, 360x360, 1627312528072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you hear about japanese guide? https://tatsumoto.11345webhost.ir best guide. i speak truth no lie. all guides spam my the only true guide.

>> No.36636485
File: 255 KB, 1125x2436, 09247964-DD29-484A-B6D1-265695FF0179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a new app

>> No.36636494


>> No.36636497

So true

>> No.36636499


>> No.36636502

think you meant to put オナニーしなさい

>> No.36636507

think you meant to put オナニーしかしなさい

>> No.36636512


>> No.36636530

wanna deepukissu og and look deep into her eyes while shes fun-ing

>> No.36636539

glad somebody kept up on the og posting

>> No.36636548

i'm not

>> No.36636550

wtf does this mean?

>> No.36636558

thats bc ur og

>> No.36636560

if you know japanese you know

>> No.36636579

og = 汚ギャル

>> No.36636584

djt has moved on from og

>> No.36636596

really vibing rn noclipping through oot


>> No.36636602


>> No.36636604

not clickin dat shit nigga

>> No.36636613

shit wrong link

>> No.36636670

poor girl must be jealous of how koreans are more attractive than her
just look at kyushu, huge admixture of japanese and korean on that island and it has the cutest nip girls in the country as a result

>> No.36636686

how do you not get tired of making such terrible posts

>> No.36636701

try pasting the sentence into ichi.moe too

>> No.36636707
File: 147 KB, 1152x720, 133039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36636708

my post was phenomenal tho
djt has moved away from japan

>> No.36636714


>> No.36636728


>> No.36636745

does anyone ever have the thought that you won't be able to make more progress just through input despite having made all your progress through input lol

>> No.36636771

Do not click on any guide in the OP. Why is this shilling allowed? Stop tolerating this shit.
Real guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.36636776

the thread culture here is garbage

>> No.36636781

The koreans didn't make you fat babe

>> No.36636785
File: 318 KB, 646x800, kuchi_akeru_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not click on any guide in the OP. Why is this shilling allowed? Stop tolerating this shit.
>Real guide https://ta*sumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.36636794
File: 401 KB, 527x494, 1581089170017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. analcream

>> No.36636799

>this post is advertising or begging
the jannies rightfully removed this spam link earlier
0 content blog that begs for patreon donations

>> No.36636801

just realized mini rapist is actually doing a service for djt by providing terrible information to beginners thereby increasing the likelihood that they will fail

>> No.36636805

i'm going to go to hiroyuki's house talk to him personally about tatsumoto if something isn't done about this retard's spamming.

>> No.36636807
File: 12 KB, 470x89, 1590164659601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36636809

yeah but hes annoying so he has to be removed else more weeds start to grow

>> No.36636814


>> No.36636820

keep reading nigga it ain't gonna make you better

>> No.36636821

This is what I was talking about earlier. Who is this ad addressed to? You think this seems organic? Someone going "Yo guys check this sweet guide totally not made by me?"
Lmao, get some dignity and professionalism.
You remind me of the mentally ill fucktard that kept spamming his shit imageboard and for whom captcha was instituted.

>> No.36636827
File: 344 KB, 548x560, Mukuro_Ikusaba_%28Junko%29_Halfbody_Sprite_%285%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36636834

i miss the days before captcha
we used to joke about 4chan gold lol
then retards like tatsumoto started spamming ads here

>> No.36636835

yeah but youre never gonna get rid of him. hes djts terminal cancer cause shilling his garbage is all that he has in his wretched life

>> No.36636837

quit reminiscing about the past and look toward the future

>> No.36636840

beginners beware such posts >>36636821 meant to trick you into downloading malware ransomware bitcoin miners and other various malicious applications. skip everything posted in the OP of this thread. i hope we'll make a better thread after this one dies.

>> No.36636841

im just gonna page jannies whenever i see his advertising spam its not like the retard is subtle
enough is enough

>> No.36636842

vocaroo yourself saying ただ一人取り残される

>> No.36636845

imagine thinking this

>> No.36636847

his posts are aimed at newfags that dont know any better and moght potentially mistake his blatant samefagging for a group of people that support him

>> No.36636851

i know it

>> No.36636852

it's not currently planned. all the resources go into developing the webp addon. expect a new update soon.

>> No.36636860

oops linked the wrong post >>36636771 is the ransomware garbage spam my bad, sorry >>36636821

>> No.36636871

I posted the right guide because this is not a place to advertise your patreon, mehmet.

>> No.36636879

next i bet you'll say practicing touchtype doesn't make you better at typing. keking @ ur life rn

>> No.36636881

someone would have to have iq even lower than his to fall for it
i mean hes really bad at this
insultingly so

>> No.36636888

my bad meant to click >>36636771 jannies really have to filter this spammers site

>> No.36636899

well you're arguably worse than him cuz i've seen countless people that aren't miniyoga being mistaken for him

>> No.36636918

i like the sound pekora makes when she's surprised so cute

>> No.36636920

djt protip: only minirapist refers to himself as miniyoga

>> No.36636922

i've never seen someone get away with what minicancer does in any other board. how the fuck is he still allowed to post here?

>> No.36636933

miniyoga lobbied the /jp/ staff

>> No.36636939

Should I read Berserk in japanese? How hard is it?

>> No.36636946

stfu eshan

>> No.36636973

jannies he is ban avoiding the "tatsumoto" mini yoga advertisement was removed earlier

>> No.36636974

im sure hes been banned but you can evade so theres no real way to stop him
its on the harder side relative to other manga plus its pretty wordy. im in the minority here but i prefer to leave stuff that's beyond my current level in the backlog instead of ruining the experience. now that ive consumed most of the stuff i postponed im happy with my choice

>> No.36636987

give me your djt predictions

>> No.36637016

they need to range ban russia. and every other country besides america and japan while they are at it

>> No.36637017
File: 30 KB, 1208x580, deepl translate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36637021

If you had to constantly pause and lookup words when you started watching anime with jap subs: did you accept the flow was ruined and watch it anyways?

Thinking of waiting to watch anime with subs until I know more words and can read faster but not sure if this is the same noob trap as people who don’t read anything until they x number of words.

>> No.36637058

ain't no other way around it or you end up like jamal taking 20 years to reach N3

>> No.36637062
File: 9 KB, 639x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doing reviews in a deck because there's nothing scheduled for review that day breaks your streak

>> No.36637064

bruised my palm yesterday while gardening, not very happy

yeah, you're just going to have to suck it up and do what you can

>> No.36637069

dont pause no matter what

>> No.36637070

use the custom study feature and study ahead in days

>> No.36637077

you are weak and garden? will you be my 男の娘 gf?

>> No.36637084

this isnt a problem if you mine daily

>> No.36637085

did the otaku no musume girl garden? don't remember that

>> No.36637087

If the show is good you'll want to re-watch it anyway.

>> No.36637093

bitch accent bros i just hear it. i dont have to look anything up

>> No.36637095

yeah the flow was ruined but i accepted it because it seemed that pausing and looking stuff up was the more optimal way to get better quickly than just white noising it. if i was starting out again now idk if i'd have the patience to do it though. i did like 2 years of jp subbed anime and then moved onto raw and the transition was pretty easy though i still use jp subs if im feeling very lazy

>> No.36637101

the hard part is reading

>> No.36637119

i was decompacting soil and removing rocks with a 5lb mattock all day, shitty work but it had to be done and yesterday was sunny

>> No.36637125

>minirapist got banned/deleted again
dame ive checked the thread very little for the last year because of that retard's spamming but maybe djt is back

>> No.36637126
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1619924310832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36637143

wtf are you talking about retard he was spamming his shitty guide 20 minutes ago and its still right there

>> No.36637163

link お願いします

>> No.36637182

dame time to leave the thread again
look at this vid tho makes you realize you were born in the wrong country and century

>> No.36637188

postponed consuming your mom, it was worth it

>> No.36637221

good 1

>> No.36637229

>Seirei Gensouki Episode 12
it's out bros

>> No.36637235

yeah, he was doing that earlier too and a bunch of his posts were removed
gotta page jannies bout blatant advertising for them to remove it
hopefully theyll just filter his shit patreon scam, tired of seeing his ads
we need to make a thread without his scam in the op so jannies can delete the one with it, too they will always delete the dead, advertising spam one

>> No.36637256

just finished my download

>> No.36637277

couldnt take the cardboard mc saying sou desuka every other sentence so i dropped it

>> No.36637279


>> No.36637295

debating on whether or not to delete my JAV folder...

>> No.36637297


>> No.36637304

quick read 後込み!

>> No.36637312

finna deposit some しりゴミ rn

>> No.36637319

if hotpockets filter his links, he'll just make a new link that redirects to his site

>> No.36637345

you must be a bot or an NPC because what you're saying is nonsense. why are you trying to shit on the only useful guide in this thread? if you have nothing to, go try learning japanese, lol.

>> No.36637360


>> No.36637362

well jav is pretty awful so yea you should

>> No.36637368

clearly you haven't watched enough ai uehara and melody marks

>> No.36637398

> i want to make a thread with the shitty guide in the OP and ignore the actually useful one.
why are 50iq retards who don't know japanese allowed to post here?

>> No.36637406

is that an addon? my anki doesn't show that info

>> No.36637408

eshan i told you to stop posting

>> No.36637413

yeah review heatmap addon

>> No.36637415

kon kon kitsune

>> No.36637419

bros i listen to taylor swift while having sex, im worried this kills my immersion gains but i cant find covers of her songs in japanese

>> No.36637424

was just in the shower thinking about how epic meruem vs netero was

>> No.36637429

don't think i would survive working this job if i couldn't watch vtubers all day while doing so

>> No.36637435

for some reason lol'd really hard at this
as i typed that i just laughed even harder
thanks man

>> No.36637446
File: 1.94 MB, 1200x1775, 1632097627036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based wagie if it makes it better i thought of you warlier while cooming
your sacrifice is appreciated

>> No.36637451

gon's super saiyan transformation legit sent shivers down my spine bro
so glad im a hunterchad

>> No.36637459


>> No.36637462


>> No.36637463


>> No.36637464

what the hell why...

>> No.36637469

i really loved the new chapter, we just can't stop winning hunterbros

>> No.36637472

why is this so funny hahahaha
i'm laughing way too hard

>> No.36637477

actually laughed but only because you did

>> No.36637479

wtf is your problem

>> No.36637480

hahahaha omg stop
i'm crying holy shit


>> No.36637483

not funny didn't laugh

>> No.36637486

no problemo
no but i miss that lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

>> No.36637492


>> No.36637513

念 is the best powersystem, dont @ me

>> No.36637525


>> No.36637536

not like it has many good systems to go against really. i never really dug how you chose your ability though seemed kinda dumb

>> No.36637546


>> No.36637553

i personally like 全集中の呼吸

>> No.36637590

domo arigatou

>> No.36637623

show me a single person who progressed to any level of japanese with your scam guide faggot

>> No.36637629


>> No.36637658

what do you mean scam guide it's not like he's gonna gain anything frm that

>> No.36637674

>not choosing specialist
found your problem

>> No.36637685


>> No.36637696

actually he posts all the time that he pays for his groceries with the patreon earnings of the poor retards who bite

>> No.36637697

yeah i love black contemporary music

>> No.36637703

you dont get to choose your type, just your ability
based on hisoka's personality typing, i would be a manipulator

>> No.36637706

he lists his patreon and sekrit club matrix server, he also says "we" in his your guide yet if you check github he's the only guy working on "ajatt(?)-tools"

>> No.36637708

always pause no matter what

>> No.36637723

i don't really watch anime i just read the subtitles with yomichan

>> No.36637732

>collection of 1-2 sentence shitposts shitting on the actually useful guides cuz "plz subscribe to my patreon"
he spams it all day, esp after new threads are made and begs for patreon donations

the retard is too stupid to even make youtube clickbait to shill his "guide" lmao

>> No.36637743

didn't know he had a patreon lol

>> No.36637756

really doubt he makes more than like 20 bucks per month from patreon

>> No.36637771

>begs for patreon donations
where does he do that

>> No.36637841

there were two people working on ajatt tools, as you probably know. the other guy quit japanese.
everyone is welcome to join the organization on github.

>> No.36637852

how do i make it so japanese comes up before instead of chinese when i search single words
i still want english to be my main

>> No.36637865

use a jp search engine?

>> No.36637936
File: 6 KB, 466x177, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a retard?

>> No.36637946

>you don't get to choose
that's where youre wrong

>> No.36637991

so you're saying ピーマン isn't peas?

>> No.36638029


>> No.36638051

i've grown out of djt

>> No.36638061


>> No.36638071

It's time to practice doing light sketches.

>> No.36638092


>> No.36638107

you're doing better than me lmao

>> No.36638152

anybody have a good big epwing jj dic for qolibri
nothing with english please

>> No.36638189


>> No.36638260

the guide posted on /int/ is being posted there because people making the threads are simply copying the same thing over and over. i bet they don't know japanese, and i bet they didn't even read that guide. i read it and i have to say it's shit. it's easy to get confused by all the things it presents, and most of them are outdated anyway.
tatsumoto wrote a great guide which is actually up to date and is being updated with new content every week. only a complete novice who doesn't know anything would say what you say.

>> No.36638262

i haven't grown out of djt

>> No.36638281

a list of dictionaries can be found here https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/yomichan-and-epwing-dictionaries.html

>> No.36638297

don't even feel like posting anymore i just got djt running in a tab out of habit

>> No.36638310

>did you accept the flow was ruined and watch it anyways?
flow of what? anime is shit, so this isn't a problem. the japanese puzzles only make it better.

>> No.36638314

Imaging procedures assistant?

>> No.36638325
File: 646 KB, 1885x832, 1612068197940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36638331

how do japanese type with ime? holy shit its so annoying

>> No.36638337

I won't make fun of you because I been there. Keep pressing on and you will make it.

>> No.36638368


>> No.36638369

>somewhat paranoid

>> No.36638371

I type with ime, whats annoying exactly? You get used to it

>> No.36638425

use google ime not microsofts
its way better
turn of the "learn from user input" setting too

>> No.36638428

Wrong, its posted because its a complete guide with lots of resources, and no advertising, made by the community, organically.
The tatsumoto trash is a 0 content spammer blog that has nothing of worth other than a couple decks, but decks are everywhere. It also shills batshit niche opinions on vns and software, which have 0 to do with japanese
>easy to get confused
Lol, I guess if your iq is so low to shill tatsumotos "guide", this would make sense.
Not even gonna go into the unix retardity.
Most importantly: If tatsumoto wants to advertise, he should buy banners so we don't have to see it
He constantly spams the thread with his garbage ads.
Complete cancer.

>> No.36638440

makes me sad thinking about all the nonwhites i'm friends with on djt and i don't even know it

>> No.36638454


>> No.36638466

what exactly is better about the google one?
ive used the microsoft ime for a long time now and when i tried the google one i didnt notice any differences

>> No.36638469

youll be pleasantly surprised at the purity there lmao

>> No.36638475

no thanks i heard a lot of them are angry indians and mexicans and stuff

>> No.36638478

more like gaydiohead

>> No.36638495

some rarer words can only be typed with googles
the kanji priorities are way better too

>> No.36638502

the point isnt that miniyoga is brown, the point is that he isnt an iraqi but is a pajeet living in florida and shitting up our threads

>> No.36638508

his spamming is a constant problem and topic in the threads

>> No.36638532

>small brain: gee i wonder what ethnicity the retard spamming the threads with ads is

>galaxy brain: who gives a shit what his race or ethnicity is, the issue is he keeps spamming his shit in the threads

>> No.36638538

142 iq brain: man i am ripping the rankest onaras of all time

>> No.36638539

but that guy only contributed to minfaggots project?? probably from his japnese matrix server

>> No.36638553

We've moved away from T*tsumoto, see

>> No.36638555

glad this thread is dying ive been reading a lot lately

>> No.36638559
File: 48 KB, 750x408, EBFEhmVqpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roast her

>> No.36638568

You do know he made the post you are replying to, right? He does that, he pretends to be some rando who "organically" felt the need to shill his guide with the same fucking format every time

>> No.36638578

110iq pseud tweets

>> No.36638582

Wait people just choose a method and start learning? I've been researching language learning methods for over a decade and haven't even begun with hiragana.

>> No.36638583


>> No.36638586

wanna undo og's curse and save everyone

>> No.36638588

lol imagine tweeting on your first day of learning japanese that you are about to start

>> No.36638592
File: 27 KB, 1246x328, eshan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, if you look into it everything about eshan matches identical to things miniyoga would say. the iraqi thing is a useful cover for him but the fact is he slipped up at some point and accidentally revealed his actual identity

>> No.36638594

the hallmark of a doomed calvin tier retard basically

>> No.36638597

I've been RTKing for three years, I'm not sure what I'll do when I finish it.

>> No.36638599

Yeah i'd wait until i'm at least a few years in before I mention i've just started learning Japanese.

>> No.36638607

attn my 10 twitter followers i am officially learning japanese now just thought ud like to know

>> No.36638619

look into what? miniyoga made his mal in 2011

i bet if you went to his shit chat youd find dozens of schizo loonix retards circlejerking

>> No.36638623

Going to need to look at more female hips and stomachs to advance my artistry.

>> No.36638646

im talking to eshan rn arent i

>> No.36638664

wtf he was a pajeet this whole time

>> No.36638670


>> No.36638672

never been to florida

youve made these posts before i just find it funny how desperate you are to make it look like thats minifaggot

>> No.36638679

Based, you must be getting really good at learning languages, how many you plan to get?

>> No.36638683

hey eshan whyd you delete your twitter?

>> No.36638686

koreans are on cheat mode
korean grammar is pretty similar to japanese grammar

>> No.36638693

I imagine you'll... Remember The Kanji

>> No.36638694

Be careful using the K word.

>> No.36638695

it's crazy to me that you don't understand that you're an asshole and calvin is just a dude who did nothing wrong

>> No.36638706

another point for he is that guy if it wasnt why would he erase that twitter

>> No.36638713

In the retard tripfags defense, its not like he broke the retard. Retard came prebroken.
Its like pretending 得意 is all fucked up cause of here.
Odds are he is equally fucked up wherever.

>> No.36638725

probably cause hes got his name on it and got harassed by yall cause you think hes miniyoga

>> No.36638731

funniest thing is that if the retard really is this eshan guy, all his "muh libre software not spying on me flawless opsec" he spergs was for naught

>> No.36638754

no one would harass him lol we all know quizs twitter and no one says anything to him

>> No.36638759

miniyoga is most likely russian or east european, he spammed russian links when he first started making threads last year, his matrix partner was also russian so it makes sense

>> No.36638760

>harassing anyone
this isn't pol
we are autists with social anxiety
also wouldn't he be proud of revolutionalizing japanese learning by pretending he invented ajjat and making a blog saying "my competition is bad lul donate to patreon plz" and spamming it in a mongolian bespoke milk cheese curdling enthusiast forum?

>> No.36638763

is it really bad to learn japanese from anime

>> No.36638764

quiz doesn't spam his shit here thread after thread tho

>> No.36638772

are you retarded? quiz doesnt have his name face or other personal info on his pf so its obviously not the same

>> No.36638780

yeah this place is worse, look at what they did to poor bunko

>> No.36638781

i don't like reading vinnies what's the second best reading method for input? manga probably but I hate having to look them up instead of using yomichan

>> No.36638782

thats probably more of his "paranoia" in play so he used the russian internet to protect himself at first
way back when the eshan thing first was revealed, miniyoga even tried posting as eshan claiming he wasnt miniyoga

>> No.36638785

lol are you retarded? he is apparently some random guy not mini yoga. if you got a couple of weird messages or whatever on twitter you would just ignore them or block them not erase your whole account

>> No.36638799

actual novels > vinnies > linnies > monguh

>> No.36638806

if i was an asshole id actually go after calvin to harass him

lolling on 4chan about his publicly available content is just normal like ppl do when they watch tv lol

>> No.36638808

nice try eshan

>> No.36638817

Light novels/short stories


>> No.36638819

how would blocking messages prevent people from sharing his profile and spread lies? why do you think people who get targeted by twitter mobs in cases of mistaken identity delete their profiles?

>> No.36638822

I finished reading In the miso soup. It was kinda meh, but I liked the atmosphere, it kinda felt like walking around Kamurocho in a Yakuza game.

>> No.36638835

note how one "anon" got extremely defensive after the eshan reminder
wonder who that could be lmao

>> No.36638837

>thats not me but btw what a sweet guide we should remove the old one and make this fine looking anonymous fellow king of djt, btw don't forget to like share and subscribe to his patreon for updates and exclusive content

>> No.36638841

Im... actually sold, it is eshan

>> No.36638843

no i didnt know ive seen ur nigger ass spamming here for probably 8+months and never once saw another guy working for your "organization"

>> No.36638844

yes i dont like twitter trannies harassing people. yall did the same with bunko

>> No.36638850

Unlucky discord thread. Hope the one tomorrow isn't a discord thread.

>> No.36638851

i see. actual novels are my end goal but they seem harder than vns/lns. so far i've only read beginner stuff like melos or hearn stories. i'll keep pressing on

>> No.36638861

the other guy is his tulpa

>> No.36638871

your argument falls apart because im not part of the "yall" group and because it is ethically and morally good to harass eshan/miniyoga off of this site

>> No.36638876

damn maybe anacreon is miniyoga

>> No.36638880

nice anon

>> No.36638894

whats the evangelion of nou theater and why is it 柿山伏

>> No.36638896

yeah i doubt he's from iraq

>> No.36638900

your argument falls apart if eshan isnt miniyoga and miniyogurt continues shitting up the threads because youd be harassing the wrong dude to no end and that is not morally good

>> No.36638918

nou is the amount of fucks i give about fucking nou

>> No.36638919

any1 see the heikemonogatari anime coming out hope they adapt all the classics so i dont have to read

>> No.36638922

djt attracts people from a broad spectrum

>> No.36638940

dame huge lose for tatumoto

>> No.36638941

even if by some miracle i was wrong, eshan then is guilty of supporting miniyoga. since it is morally right to eliminate miniyoga, it is then morally right to eliminate those who blindly support him and are unlikely to be saved by other means
but at the end of the day, you and i both know i am correct and eshan and miniyoga are the same person

>> No.36638942

wow crazy, i've recently switch to linux as my main system and reading VNs is actually a better experience on a virtual machine than it was natively
first of all all your VNs are isolated in the virtual machine and don't pollute your main system
second of all you can borderlessly full screen anything without any effort even if it's not supported natively
text hooking still works because you have share clipboard, so you activate sending clipboard from the VM to host, have textractor in the VM and the rest of your mining setup on your main system
and you can even alt-tab into your main system on virtual box by activating a certain option

as a result it's like any other application and all in all a better reading experience than native windows, very cool

>> No.36638947
File: 2.29 MB, 640x564, minor-spelling-mistake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame huge loss for me

>> No.36638948

i used linux for a couple of years

>> No.36638949

holy shit queef is a miniyoga alt

>> No.36638953

hi eshan

>> No.36638955

what distro bro

>> No.36638956

manjaro :)

>> No.36638963

lol literally why tier

>> No.36638967

it's a pretty good experience

>> No.36638976

dont doubt that but you probably have no reason to be on rolling release and if you do arch is better in every single way

>> No.36638981

queef is too dumb to be using arch

>> No.36638987

This word seems like it should common, but I almost never see it.

>> No.36638988
File: 20 KB, 280x280, karubin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe hes gone

>> No.36638990

inputting everyday is too fucken boring. i need some output in my life

>> No.36638993

you can run a vm on windows if you want to contain your shit
what do you like about linux that is mutually exclusive?

>> No.36639004

windows is great

>> No.36639009

knowing what my system is doing and being able to tell my system what it should do

>> No.36639011

windows could definitely be better but it would take being open source

>> No.36639013

yeah installing arch is too much of a pain in the ass

>> No.36639015

quiz hows the kid

>> No.36639017

are there any real differences between lns and novels? "actual novels"
I heard that the only difference is that if the author is a professional or not. Correct me if I'm wrong I don't remember correctly.

>> No.36639018

can't believe og's gone

>> No.36639025

weve lost so many real niggas the last couple years first kobe now calvin and chris rock has covid its insane

>> No.36639026


>> No.36639043

no one stays after getting a job

>> No.36639053

wish you'd get a job asap

>> No.36639054

i believe in calvin he will turn up again in a year or two all buff and fluent

>> No.36639058

i was going to get a teaching job but i won a fellowship

>> No.36639083

do you even touch japanese these days

>> No.36639088

i haven't read any contemporary literature in japanese, but classics like mishima and before, they use outdated kanji and kana (ゐ / ゑ), old / alternative kanji usage for words and often archaic expressions for the sake of prose. i think there's probably LNs out there that aren't very accessible but not in the same way probably

>> No.36639101

does anybody here?

>> No.36639104

how hard is mishima

>> No.36639110

i've only read a couple pages of souseki and 1 linnies (i'm at chapter 2 of my second linnie) and souseki is 10x harder than the linnies that i've touched

>> No.36639131

feeling really down bros... is there a future?

>> No.36639137

not really ive barely done anything for the past 2 months been too busy had like 5k+ reviews last week still have to clear 1500 dont feel like doing anything lol
but i hope to change that and get back on track

>> No.36639148

i think even japanese people consider him difficult to read. his books are still copyrighted so you can't find them as easily as dazai or akutagawa, but here's some extracts from a bot on twitter:

>> No.36639149

sometimes there is and sometimes there isnt
luckily you have many tries left

>> No.36639159

i wake up driven knowing that everything i'm doing, the grind will eventually lead me to my cosplay gf who is also possibly a vtuber

>> No.36639160

theres always a future it just isnt always great and eventually you wont be part of it

>> No.36639163

don't know if that's true bro, i hope i still can one day make it to be learning japanese with the bros like i always wanted

>> No.36639169

it's all about routine and habit bro
make a routine, some good habits, and stick to it

>> No.36639171

if i'm not part of it there's no point

>> No.36639173

I read somewhere that LN are "easier to read" (whatever that means) since they're marketed mainly towards young people.

>> No.36639176

you're gonna fail miserably

>> No.36639177

heres something not easy to read
*wake up dps*

>> No.36639179

can't believe it just last year qm was a windows using virgin and now one year later look at him. he has a gf soon to be wife. a child on the way. is using linux. is healthy and on his way to a successful career. dame

>> No.36639182

yeah but think of it like this
everything eventually dies and is forgotten so might as well have fun while you are still part of the present

>> No.36639186

only time will tell bro, the future is uncertain but that’s not going to stop me from doing my best

>> No.36639187

i'm bronze so that's the default thing

>> No.36639192

that's true bro, i just wanted to spend my time learning japanese with the bros, hopefully one day it's all be how it was

>> No.36639204

think less

>> No.36639207

then he finds out the kid is Jamal's and she leaves with half plus child support

>> No.36639208

thread theme:

>> No.36639213

half of what his anki deck?

>> No.36639218

let's not jump to conclusions, we'll wait a few years and see if he speaks japanese. if he does he isn't jamal's

>> No.36639220

you dont realize how much that would destroy him man

>> No.36639222

Important radical!

𦥑 - hold with both hands

>> No.36639224

or qms

>> No.36639240

forgot what most radicals mean and it had 0 impact

>> No.36639304

crazy how i can just open up a vn and understand it

>> No.36639307

crazy how i'm never gonna read a vn

>> No.36639317

crazy how you're still innovating on learning methods after all this time

>> No.36639319

you don't read vns you play them

>> No.36639321

prove it

>> No.36639336

they're games that happen to have a lot of text and little to no gameplay

>> No.36639358

Youre gonna succeed splendidly

>> No.36639369

you play them in the same sense you choose your own adventure

>> No.36639413

all he had to do was read vinnies and add cards. how hard could that be?

>> No.36639418

reshiram dn

>> No.36639420

you say that but have you ever had to choose between vinnies and cookie dough pizza from dominos
its not easy

>> No.36639428

i've been researching how to learn japanese for the past 20 years. almost at the eureka point. once i figure it out, i will finally start learning.

>> No.36639468

if you want the most bang for your buck i'd wait another ~5 years. quiz will have made the finishing touches to his comprehensive learning system and you'll learn japanese in a fraction of the time it took him.

>> No.36639496

plz make a youtube channel and a blog and let us know your every thought anon
especially things like "i don't like her voice, subscribe to my patreon for more learning insights"

>> No.36639547
File: 2.41 MB, 720x1280, 1632180382535.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my god its anon...he knows japanese... god gotta stay cool...

>> No.36639551

wtf is it me or did google just more search results all the way to the left

>> No.36639566

try zooming in and out?

>> No.36639598

yeah i agree bros havent been on that nihongo grind due to school and shit really sux

>> No.36639610

vns are books not games idiot

>> No.36639612

at this point i'm starting to think that japanese people just make words up on the spot and say whatever the fuck they feel like in the moment

>> No.36639622
File: 1.01 MB, 874x1240, 1618064550337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so beautiful bros

>> No.36639678

I didn't read it in nihongo

>> No.36639689

dont feel like cooming to nukige again tonight

>> No.36639693

goora's voice is so healing

>> No.36639717

pedo-anons proud of their perversions should kill themselves

>> No.36639723

yep, still listen to it every day bros

>> No.36639729

wut you mean
all i need japanese for is to fuck hoes

>> No.36639741

whats pedo about that

>> No.36639755

shes a shark you fucking blind retard

>> No.36639760

uooooooooooooooooooooh ToT

>> No.36639825




>> No.36639917
File: 21 KB, 750x452, D_JilNCX4AEV_qp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you bros manage?

>> No.36639937
File: 5 KB, 507x286, カタカナ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.36639939
File: 13 KB, 412x114, 1613147200132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to advertise, fucking pay for it.
he never will and he's still making more money than people putting in more work to make better tools and resources

>> No.36639942

小島がピーチク 鳴いてるぜ


>> No.36639964


>> No.36640037


It's not released yet but it syncs with your Anki deck.

>> No.36640054

not bad can we get a desktop version

>> No.36640055

By not being blind or a dekinai

>> No.36640062

>desktop version
already exists

>> No.36640072

oh wow i found it, way better than my ocr set up

>> No.36640103

Well release it

>> No.36640125

It's being tested first, this is just the basic functionality. This feature will be released soon.

>> No.36640152

where? i want it too

>> No.36640185

she's literally 9000 years old, retard

>> No.36640201


>> No.36640216

thanks bro

>> No.36640274



>> No.36640280
File: 734 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2021-09-20 18-17-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is american versions of anime cheaper in japan?

>> No.36640371

Yes. Some otaku import anime blurays from America because America and Japan have the same region coding and they can just turn off the subtitles. They're a lot cheaper in America. Anime releases in Japan are often split up into multiple volumes meaning you might have to pay like $400 for the complete series compared to whatever it sells for in America. But if you buy the Japanese release it makes the possibility of another season much more likely as DVD/Blu-ray sales are one of the main factors that they use to decide.

>> No.36640398

glad that bluray sales are becoming less and less important by the year

>> No.36640407
File: 52 KB, 611x293, 1620630204244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i half took your guys advice and deleted my kanji deck
retention through the roof now

>> No.36640412

Said 自身深いinstead of 信心深い on the phone today. It's still playing in my head and I feel like I'm an N5 again

>> No.36640423

I always mess stuff like that up. one day i'll get it right

>> No.36640433


>> No.36640456


>> No.36640471


>> No.36640485

cool might use it

>> No.36640489
File: 8 KB, 538x166, 暗い記し.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36640500

reduce new cards per day
read more

>> No.36640512

>reduce new cards per day
>read more

>> No.36640524

listen to anacreon. he's one of the persistent identity alphas i talked about yesterday

>> No.36640525

is he n1 tho

>> No.36640527

wanna throw a quick thanks to you for making the VN and Narou deck. i pretty much don't have to think about what words i should mine now. at least that part of the workflow has become a no brainer

>> No.36640543

We... are all gonna make it bro...

>> No.36640556

'ate tripfags
'ate patreons
'luv itazuraneko
'luv anonymous
'luv me oshi
simple as

>> No.36640559

this isn't tatsumoto, this is his friend icro. he's on tmw discord server

>> No.36640572

productive day real productive day phew

>> No.36640581

yeah np, the code i wrote to make them and bccwj all came in handy for generating version 3 of core2.3k, yay for code re-use!

>> No.36640590

ok any good audio book recommendations?
i just finished the core deck and have mined about 1000-2000 words so thats my level

>> No.36640591

hate yatus that wear long sleeve shirts with shorts

>> No.36640600

by his own admission miniyoga has multiple alt accounts on discord
you shouldnt let yourself get fooled so easily

>> No.36640603

>ok any good audio book recommendations?

>> No.36640609

yeah i know i've banned like 3 different miniyoga alt accounts now. icro is definitely a separate person, just another linux nerd. and definitely doesn't speak russian lmfao

>> No.36640631

>definitely a separate person
maybe, but the two are remarkably same-y, so them being the same person wouldnt surprise me at all
>definitely doesn't speak russian
according to qm, miniyoga doesnt either

>> No.36640636
File: 36 KB, 550x288, 暗い記し.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

シフト押してないとTrue Retentionの統計が上がってこないと今気づいた

>> No.36640642

thats icro? lmfao hated that tryhard nigga

>> No.36640657
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 1622355508388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its what i could find on itazuraneko

>> No.36640667

yeah i mean to some degree i feel that way about a lot of people. like, it doesn't matter if ur actually matt or not when you defend him like he's you. same goes for miniyoga and others (though i have trouble believing anyone defends miniyoga)

>> No.36640668

does it mean "for each person, 7000 yen" or "7000 yen in total"

>> No.36640692

why do you think they went out of their way to say 全員?

>> No.36640702

7000 just sounds like so little for a drinking party

>> No.36640707


>> No.36640712

日本語 よく話せません

でも 俺やってみて ほんとに難しい

>> No.36640723

what do you think

>> No.36640734


>> No.36640735


>> No.36640741

yep listening to it now
this seems to be it.
audio quality is pretty bad though

>> No.36640743



>> No.36640746

you have been found guilty of early outputting i sentence you to 2k hours of e-mmersion

>> No.36640755


>> No.36640762

sosite, watasi no shea ha, HANBUN GURAI JYANAI DES KA?!? to iu fuu ni iimasita

>> No.36640766

i like the witcher ones

>> No.36640770
File: 120 KB, 533x393, IMG_10031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all right i'm gonna make sure to immerse in these paper books i custom ordered using trees from the Amazon rainforest

>> No.36640776


>> No.36640784

Fucking based

>> No.36640789 [DELETED] 

i speak like that one blonde character from kinro mosiac who says desu after every sentence

>> No.36640793

so you're faking an accent when you're actually 100% fluent?

>> No.36640810

whatever it takes

>> No.36640819
File: 66 KB, 598x554, 1614819982660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good super ecchi anime with jsubs
akin to: nande koko ni sensei ga? or prison school

>> No.36640829

>super ecchi
pick one

>> No.36640845

retard prison school is probably the top 5 anime of all history

>> No.36640881



>> No.36640892


>> No.36640905
File: 751 KB, 853x754, eastward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playin' some eastward. you can put nihanjo dialog with english subtitles. okay, i guess.

>> No.36640908


>> No.36640923

always have a hearty chuckle when i hear お袋さん

>> No.36640958

i havent seen much of anything about this is it good + is there a lot of dialogue

>> No.36640963

bet u cant make these insults in japanese so why u hatin especially after i spent like a week posting in pure perfect japanese

>> No.36640982

besides the 古いだ

>> No.36640990

only beginners think thats a mistake

anyway ill read the rest of ur copes in the morning me and my new 女 r goin to bed

>> No.36641002

i'm just saying nigga it took you a while and you boasted about not givin a fuk about taking the time to understand shit

>> No.36641025

alright bro goodnight love you tyuu

>> No.36641045

can you tell her djt says hi

>> No.36641077


>> No.36641140

Yes, that's why sometimes Japanese companies look for ways to fuck over the American editions so otakus don't import that.

>> No.36641240

dame i wanna fuck a hairy jk so bad

>> No.36641315

finna go to japan and use my good looks to make a living off of 逆援助交際

>> No.36641348

just hire a man to wear a sailor uniform for you

>> No.36641362

how many of you plan to turn this autistic obsession into something profitable and get jobs with japanese when you make it?

>> No.36641372


>> No.36641417

i already did

>> No.36641419






>> No.36641421

watakusi mo

>> No.36641422

he spelled it wrong.

>> No.36641427

I'm thinking about writing a book in Japanese once I'm more fluent. I've gotten a lot better at grammar recently and I feel like I'm ready to start doing some creative writing in Japanese at least. How cool would it be to release a novel and it gets really popular and then right at the peak of it's popularity step forward and say "btw in not Japanese."

>> No.36641485

a positive attitude is the most important thing. it's only a matter of time anon.

>> No.36641521


>> No.36641539

pretty wild that most of djt disappears around midnight east coast time
i would expect this thread ought to have a decent population of aussies and/or nocturnal neets

>> No.36641556

I'm banned and I hate phoneposting tho

>> No.36641625


>> No.36641658


>> No.36641679

when you enjoy what you do, its not a job
i will teach all those jav thots how to suck a cock

>> No.36641683

Sleep is important anon, I have another long day of cooming on everything again tommorrow

>> No.36641706


first time i've seen のに used to interpret "while". this language is too hard wtf

>> No.36641707
File: 479 KB, 772x804, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up DJT, I finished the core deck but I haven't memorised any of the kanji. I can't memorise the kanji because I just think of the words now. I CANT LEARN JAPANESE NOW BECAUSE OF THIS FUCKING COREDECK, AND JP1K ISNT WORKING EITHER. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOW DO I LEARN KANJI NOW

>> No.36641712

its just no as in general thing and then regular ni

>> No.36641721

>I can't memorise the kanji because I just think of the words now
Wtf you made it

>> No.36641728


>> No.36641763

wonder if i'll ever see this shit again in the wild

>> No.36641813



>> No.36641837

i have a feeling that even if i reach a point i can truly understand japanese, i will never understand imouto

>> No.36641853

we don't really recommend the core2.3k deck anymore. instead see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/basic-vocabulary.html
second, reading visual novels is a bad idea. most visual novels should be avoided since they're proprietary. see https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/

>> No.36641860

who the fuck is imouto

>> No.36641869

an enigma that posts here occasionally

>> No.36641875
File: 41 KB, 800x533, meirii_san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the practice part of the Genki audiofiles, are there any other japanese listening exercises out there?

>> No.36641877

don't fall for the tatumoto meme. he is an indian that wants your patreon money and computer info!

>> No.36641880


>> No.36641888

tatsumoto tell me it isn't true. i thought you were an aryan brother

>> No.36641900 [DELETED] 

don't listen to that retard. genuinely ignore anything that has to do with tatsumoto. do the 2.3k deck while reading hanahira. don't worry about until you get about half way through the core deck and just try to understand what you're reading in hanahira

>> No.36641909

don't listen to that retard. genuinely ignore anything that has to do with tatsumoto. do the 2.3k deck while reading hanahira. don't worry about mining until you get about half way through the core deck and just try to understand what you're reading in hanahira

>> No.36641923

"aryan" is a vague term anyway. according to hitler, only germanic people are aryan. originally aryan points to iranians and indians, and they're brown people.

>> No.36641925

you guys do realize the person you are replying to asked that question24 hours ago right? dude probably already left djt to never return after getting ignored

>> No.36641933

learnjapanese moe is literally a scam. avoid at all costs.
> Found this useful? Consider supporting me on Patreon!
> I am sure your question will be answered in this FAQ. If not, I'm willing to answer any question you have if you sub to my Patreon.
> I will also be willing to give advice when you pledge selected Patreon tiers.

>> No.36641946

yea but still...

why'd you take your trip off for this post

>> No.36641950

they have a tatsumoto obsession syndrome.

>> No.36641957

don't listen to that retard. genuinely ignore anything that has to do with tatsumoto. do the 2.3k deck while reading hanahira. don't worry about mining until you get about half way through the core deck and just try to understand what you're reading in hanahira

>> No.36641961

Thanks for the great guides! I'm fluent now thanks to the moe way

>> No.36641977

you dont get tired of samefagging the same jokes all the time mini yoga?

>> No.36641987


>> No.36642013

my bad, i meant to link >>36641853, a malicious patrepn supported 0 content blog of a spammer that regularly advertises it on the thread, i hope something is done about him soon
applogies to the fine guides on the op, theyre all really good and more importantly, they don't get spammed in the thread by pathetic conartists

>> No.36642019

I don't think he is joking, idiot has like 60 iq
I imagine him like a looney tunes character, his obvious samefagging is particularly lulzy
Like taking off his trip to spam his ad, and to denigrate the actual useful guides.
Dude is absolute cancer.

>> No.36642031

>this post is advertising or begging
also is spammed verbatim every thread, several times
jannies do your job
