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File: 2.33 MB, 3250x2018, __hijiri_byakuren_yasaka_kanako_and_toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_tatuhiro__8f07e3ec763a3c564efe1f490cd42c51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36513454 No.36513454 [Reply] [Original]

I might as well make this a general "ask questions instead of making individual threads" thread

Is there any reason Yukari doesn't shut down Kanako, Miko, and Byakuren? It seems to me that each of these character's ideals are directly counter to everything Gensokyo is supposed to be, and they actively work to change that. Miko and Byakuren both wish to upset the carefully cultivated youkai and human relations in Gensokyo, and Kanako, aside from generally causing incidents, wants to fashion herself as a god of technology and progress, and she lets Sanae openly spread and discuss science. Has it been explained or shown why Yukari hasn't come down hard on these characters like she has other characters like Eirin for lesser things?

>> No.36522106

Trust the plan

>> No.36522205

Yukari has given up. She's getting old and can't keep up with this stuff anymore.

>> No.36522303
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When is Reimu gonna pick her up and take her to the old youkai's home? They can get her some proper care and treatment.

>> No.36527078

The real question is: why'd they let a biased bitch like Akyuu write the Gensokyo Chronicle?

>> No.36527229

Go home Yuuka

>> No.36532264

I can respond in the case of Miko: She is a Taoist, what she wishes for and what she actually does can and do easily differ in nature. Taoism is all about following the ways of nature and not going against it, if Miko is told that Gensokyo's entire existence as a metaphysical space is built on the current Human-Youkai relations, then she won't go against it, at least as far as she's aware that the humans aren't being harmed over this.

>> No.36535208

This I think is reasonable. Though is Gensokyo considered the way of nature when it's youkai-made to go against the flow of the outside? I still agree that Miko wouldn't go against it to destroy Gensokyo with that understanding, it's just interesting to consider that.

>> No.36535267

For the same reason they let libelous crow tengus write newspapers.

>> No.36538259

Dumb question, is there some reason Nue has a trident? I guess she has a snake because mythological nues have snake tails, but a trident seems oddly specific. ZUN designs have a lot of little details where I'm not sure if something is flying over my head or if it's just ZUN being weird.

>> No.36538311
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Hecatia threatened war if Aya continued her libelous xenophobic propaganda. And she also told Aya that she should focus more on their filthy lunarians since they're the REAL race who deserves hatred.

>> No.36538553

Yukari does not control Gensokyo. Besides, she's already won--the populace self-regulates. Read SoPM and also read Keine's BAiJR article. Nobody wants the status quo to change

>> No.36538565

Because she's biased.

>> No.36539445

Yukari really doesn't have that much Authority over Gensokyou. None of the Sages do. They could sabotage them/diminished their Influence but they can't really get rid of them without direct confrontation which would lead to war and disabilities Gensokyou. This is how interpretiert/understand it

While she does spread Technologie around it's all on the base of happening because of her. Basically Technologie and Science = Moriya Shrine Blessings and Miricals
Basically what this (>>36532264) Anon said.
She's trying to replace the fear of Youkai to simple belive. Basically Humans won't be afraid of Youkai but they still will know that they exist. If you see them and thier powers everyday, maybe even have them as work colleagues, friends or eben lovers then you hardly could deny thier existence.

>> No.36541052

Can Kogasa control rain?

>> No.36541185

If by controlling rain, you mean manipulating it so that it won't hit me then yes, she can control it.

>> No.36541691

How much does Reimu charge for paizuri?

>> No.36542093

You're hand in Marriage. But for that you have to fulfil these conditions
1) Either have a stable income or be useful in some other way to the Shrine
2) Be loving and caring
3) Be Good-looking and Strong to not weaken the Hakurei Bloodline
4) Be Interesting to Reimu
5) Have the approval of her Moms (Kasen, Yukari) and her friends stalker (Okina)

>> No.36542275

Very funny, funny man.

>> No.36542510
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Okina is the person that shuts down people, not Yukari.
The reason why is because they don't overstep their bounds. Gensokyo is literally full of youkai that can destroy it on a bad day, both literally and ideologically. All of them scheme to be at the top in some form.
Greatly policing all of them would result in a great number of all the already endangered youkai being gone. It's better to let them be until they overstep their bounds, then do an Okina.

>> No.36550657

>Has it been explained or shown why Yukari hasn't come down hard on these characters like she has other characters like Eirin for lesser things?
I'm guessing she sees it from a perspective of small fries and big fish.
Eirin, though living in Gensokyo in exile with Kaguya still has ties to the moon. She could become a threat at any time.
Of course you can go the path that considers her status as the brain of the moon, in which case Yukari would likely want to challenge for nothing more than small mischief at face value. Who knows. I imagine she's just bored and doesn't see someone like Kanako modernizing Gensokyo as a threat when Yukari ultimately has the final say in most things.

>> No.36560574

Too much effort; I'll just pay Aya for it instead.

>> No.36565643

A question thread next to a loremaster thread.
What is this sorcery.

>> No.36576338 [DELETED] 

This, but this unironically

>> No.36580231

Well of you put the effort you don't have to ever pay again

>> No.36588889
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I don't get how "danmaku" and "spellcards" work in the Gensokyo universe
ZUN said that they are all just having fun and this is just a game, but:
Who made these concepts in-universe and why do the youkai and humans abide to such laws to begin with?

>> No.36589912

Officially, these rules were created and proposed by Reimu, although it's implied that some youkai was actually responsible and that Reimu just passed them on.

The rules allow youkai to cause incidents and make themselves known and feared by humans, but also make it easier for humans to solve these incidents, while also making youkai "attacks" non-lethal

Why do people go along with the rules? Because Reimu said "or else". Reimu's ultimate technique, Fantasy Nature is said to make her intangible and unable to be defeated while attacking with no known restrictions. Except, of course, for the Spell Card-compliant version proposed by Marisa.

>> No.36590831

>which would lead to war and disabilities Gensokyou
With how powerful the Gensokyo sages are, does that really matter especially when almost everyone in Gensokyo would prefer the current status quo. If even Reimu, whose reputation in Gensokyo as a youkai exterminator could hardly get a visitor to her shrine then surely the other Gods won't have that much followers to rally behind them should the sages openly went against them right?

>> No.36591325

>Why do people go along with the rules? Because Reimu said "or else". Reimu's ultimate technique, Fantasy Nature is said to make her intangible and unable to be defeated while attacking with no known restrictions. Except, of course, for the Spell Card-compliant version proposed by Marisa.
This bit is false. The draft of the rules identifies the reason immediately, actually.

It's not Reimu that's a threat. If anything, the rules are in effect to protect Reimu.
>Duels between youkai threaten to destroy the small world of Gensokyo.
>However, a lifestyle without duels will cause the youkai to lose their power.
>Accordingly, we would like to permit such duels under the following contract.

The rules were made because so many youkai are so absurdly powerful that they might destroy Gensokyo itself. Making everything play reduces the risk of total destruction.

>> No.36594456

Isn't Reimu seen as a Youkai Lover by the Villagers? Also her Shrine is the second worst place for Human to pray after Moriya Shrine.

>> No.36594499

If these Youkai are that Powerful why don't they just take over the Outside World? Gensokyo seems too small for them.

>> No.36595146

If there are people like Sumireko and Sanae who come from the outside world, there are probably more of them out there. Reimu alone is enough trouble for them

>> No.36597243

Youkai just do whatever the fuck they want. Suika was seen walking in and out of bars and restaurants for months.

>> No.36597523

their powers are too weak in the outside world which is why they went to gensokyo in the first place

>> No.36598904

1) They literally can't. Because people don't fear or believe in them and reason is overwhelming, youkai were being dismantled and dying out. Gensokyo is a refuge, not a base of operations. It's a nature preserve.
2) They tried. They tried to expand like a thousand years ago, under Yukari's suggestion, and many of them died in the struggle. This was the Lunar War. Yukari deliberately fought the Lunar Capital because she knew they would all lose, be humbled, and understand that trying to gain power would merely kill all of them. Or, that was PROBABLY her intention.

>> No.36601450

There was a good thread here a while back talking about Yukari mostly being a lonely person who buts into things, and plays herself off as cooler and more of a mastermind than she really is. It was pretty interesting.

>> No.36602336

Didnt that one doujin where Yukari raped Seija hinted about that? I read it quite a long time ago so I don't remember the details.

>> No.36602625

Because Yukari's plan isn't to try to stay in the past forever. If it was, Gensokyo would be wrecked within a few hundred years as it continuously falls behind the outside world.

Maybe the Lunarians develop a military industrial complex and need to start a foreign war for no good reason. Maybe humans from the outside world armed with power armor, fighter-bomber drones, and laser beams from outer space find a way in. Or maybe there's some other group of monsters tucked into another pocket dimension similar to Gensokyo but who haven't modern technology.

Bottom line, Gensokyo can't stay in the past forever. It's unsustainable. And Yukari is smart enough to know it.

Gensokyo is like a lifeboat for youkai. A lifeboat will get you off a sinking ship, but it can't sail the open ocean on its own. It needs to either find another ship or head to dry land.

The other sages' projects are helping the youkai slowly adapt to the modern world. Miko and Byakuren's experiments give youkai other options than preying on fear and superstition, and Moriya shrine slowly brings technology forward and encourages youkai to adapt to it.

>> No.36602707

Who has the biggest boobs in the land?

>> No.36615554

Is the Lunar Capital on the moon hidden from people on Earth?

>> No.36616616

Yes, in a similar way to how Gensokyo is hidden

>> No.36616674

It was in the lotus eaters thread two chapters ago

>> No.36616979

Then how did the Lunar wars between them and the humans happen?

>> No.36617065

It didn't. Basically all accounts suggest nothing happened, but the Lunarians were scared

>> No.36617192
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As they should be.

>> No.36617293

Now that you said that, they were literally moving to Genksokyo without even attempting a fight against Clownpiece, so them being scared of humans actually makes sense

>> No.36617312

So the Lunarians are a bunch of chickenshit pansies then?

>> No.36617363

It they're subjected to too much impurity, they easily die

This said there are a few suggestions that SOMETHING happened. Eiki says Reisen left her comrades the die (which she did, she left the front lines) but it's never been directly said that rabbits were killed. Junko says that the astronauts are rumoured to have done back from the wounded, and finally the Watatsukis say that they lost many rabbits in the last war (the moon landing). I haven't seen the raws for SSiB though (I think it's not brought up in CiLR) so I don't know if by loss they mean anything electric (deaths, or AWOL)

>> No.36617385

Don't phonepost, kids
>It they're subjected
>Eiki says Reisen left her comrades the die
To die
>rumoured to have done back from the
To have come back

>> No.36618467

Lunarians are a bunch of scums, what's surprising? Heroines wouldn't have help them to fight Junko if it wasnt for the fact that those faggots took Gensokyo hostage.

>> No.36618589

So the cumstains on my jeans can kill some moonies then? I'll keep that in mind next time I head that way. I'll wear an apron to cover them.
Really though, what counts as "purity" in this case? Is it more of an ascetic kind of pure?
By easily die, does it mean it makes them weak and susceptable to other things, or does the impurity itself kill them?

>> No.36618609

>Really though, what counts as "purity" in this case?
Being free of kegare

>> No.36618625

Oh. Well, I suppose that's something I can appreciate then.

>> No.36618762

You can think of impurity as "filth". Poop, death, and the nasty parts of living.

Lunarians are a little bit impure, and thus are mortal, though they will take an absurdly long amount of time to die naturally.
Sex is not seem as impure

>> No.36618771

>By easily die, does it mean it makes them weak and susceptable to other things, or does the impurity itself kill them?
They'll regain ordinary lifespans, meaning they will quickly die natural deaths

>> No.36618832

Ah, I see. Thanks fellas.

>> No.36629862

If they could, they would. Fact of the matter is they live in Gensokyo because they lack the power to do so. They'd quite literally die before they can take it over. The modern era is devoid of superstitious belief. Even someone like Yukari would have trouble doing anything long term out there.

>> No.36639648

>Basically all accounts suggest nothing happened
Moonite propaganda.
>nothing happened
source: Moon people.
They went to war with Yukari, and presumably lost a chunk of their forces.

>> No.36640542

Not Yukari. He's talking about Apollo 11, and the supposed war between lunarians and the invading astronauts.

>> No.36653897

>He's talking about Apollo 11, and the supposed war between lunarians and the invading astronauts
My bad then.
