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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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36300975 No.36300975 [Reply] [Original]

"Please Don't Be Mad" Edition
Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amazon JP-
Fumo: https://www.amazon.co.jp/s?k=東方Project+ふもふも&language=en_US
Suku: https://www.amazon.co.jp/s?k=東方Project+すくすく&language=en_US

Amiami- *Note, they rarely keep Fumos in stock at this point, but they do have other touhou plushies on occasion

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.

For all your Fumo cleaning needs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qryl5WUUc1Q

#/fumo/ irc available on irc.rizon.net

link to the op text: https://pastebin.com/awdXbthx

Previous thread:

>> No.36301002
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Fumos have souls. You've told your fumos you love them today, right?

>> No.36301041

I looked at the other thread's post count.
7 fucking hundred.
You people really love fumos don't you.

>> No.36301087
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Always. Even the ones I don't have and possibly will never have, I love them!

We do, but whenever the biannual Gift sales happen the threads often become very much flooded. It's normally a lot calmer, but I'm assuming this is also getting a huge amount of attention due to the influx of new posters / twitter lurkers. I think it's best if we just have easier threads without stressing over the silly twitter kids.

>> No.36301099

>I think it's best if we just have easier threads without stressing over the silly twitter kids.
This is literally achievable if you simply ignore them.

>> No.36301116

The power of autism

>> No.36301125

Place your bets on who the new fumo will be

>> No.36301133

I think the four most likely candidates are Nitori, Suika, Kanako, and MAYBE Rumia. Of those, I don't think Kanako will be next since we just had a hag fumo, so I would place the bet on Nitori or Suika.

>> No.36301144
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It does disappoint me a little that there are annoying people out there, but that's life for you. I prefer ignoring them when I can, but I also want to remind others to not think so hard about it.

In other news, I really love art of 2hus holding fumos. It's just an extra layer of adorable

>> No.36301165

Oh and forgot Eiki. I feel like Eiki is super likely too.

>> No.36301171
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>In other news, I really love art of 2hus holding fumos. It's just an extra layer of adorable

>> No.36301185

popularity poll says eiki or kogasa

>> No.36301193

are fumos really worth it?

>> No.36301195

If they did a Kogasa fumo, would they include her umbrella and sandals? They didn't give Aya or Hatate wings.

>> No.36301196


>> No.36301197

I would actually fucking sell organs for her

>> No.36301203

mr umbrella lives on in our hearts

>> No.36301220

If you get them at their retail price, yeah. They're very high quality but it's really unfortunate that Gift has such a poor business model. I'm sure in a better future we'll have affordable softs to go around for everyone, but it's probably not anytime soon.

>> No.36301312

yes :D

>> No.36301345

new fumo when?

>> No.36301359
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>In other news, I really love art of 2hus holding fumos. It's just an extra layer of adorable

>> No.36301558

Frankly I'm surprised people non-ironically demand the things as much as they do.

>> No.36301891

I'm glad my thread got so popular, I just wanted to share beach Tenshis and then a sale happened.

>> No.36301924
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Gift should probably look into getting official listings on eBay/amazon and reserving/preordering characters for their next batch.

seriously selling something for 1/10 what eBay Sellers hawk them for(including counterfeit)

Japan is extremely bureaucratic and they get so fussy about details that 50% of all their work is needles BS at this point so not a great place to run a company either.

>> No.36302029

Ebay/Amazon charge a shitload for fees.

>> No.36302227
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i bought this desu

>> No.36302590
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>> No.36303196
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I got a order-cancel email from rakuten
it's over, hopefully I can get Kaguya by fall

>> No.36303208

I just got one as well. Sad day.

>> No.36303338

>Excuse me, but as we are informing you on our website,
>With the transition to the new system under the guidance of Rakuten Ichiba
>Regarding reserved products, we cannot accept orders for product configurations other than single products.
>Therefore, this order will be canceled once.
Fucked up. I was really hoping that message was just trying to say you couldn't combine preorders with other things or something. What a shitty system.
Guess I should have just made multiple orders....

>> No.36303461
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sad day for yom because yuyu isn't coming

>> No.36303551

Help me. I ordered from Rakuten yesterday but now I got a mail that they won't ship to my tenso.com address. This combination worked before. Can I do anything now or am I fucked?

>> No.36303586

Same. Using tenso as well. Received an email saying that address is a forwarder address and is not valid

>> No.36303629

>>Regarding reserved products, we cannot accept orders for product configurations other than single products.
I just ordered one, it still canceled

>> No.36303694
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>> No.36303778

New to fumo friend tries to help me out send me to amiami. set alarm ok let's do this get shion because she cute. site looks like it's being DDoS to hell try but fail. tell friend he also failed sends me to another site tells me to use white rabbit get order in. get email while sleeping she sold out. I'm not even mad this was a hell of a ride for my first time can't wait for next time.

>> No.36303780

I thought Rakuten and tenso are partnered.
So we have to move to Japan now?

>> No.36303797
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is it just me or are they just making up shit to cover that they fucked up?
I had a japanese adress from one of my family members too

>> No.36303800

if i'm reading correctly, it probably amiami rejecting the address and not rakuten
Trying to look for a solution. Since Blackship also might get rejected by amiami

>> No.36303840

I don't know what is their problem, I pay for it, they send it out and from that it's my problem what happens not theirs.

>> No.36303851

please get out of /jp/

>> No.36304077

Japs really, really hate dealing with baka gaijins so them banning forwarders is not unusual. Let that sink in, they'd rather lose very lucrative sales than to sell to waitto piggus and chinas.

>> No.36304122

Same here. Sadly WSE is slow on weekends and in the end she was already sold out by the time they sent me the cancellation email.

But all hope is not lost anon. https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/j732486719 Cheap Kaguya here. But….no buyout price. So you need to gamble to get ‘er.

>> No.36304127

Wtf I hate Japan now

>> No.36304188

Got one here as well and lost 2 of my soft friends but luckily I got a confirmation for Patchy so looks like I'll still be able to get 1/3 this time around.

>> No.36304249

Did they not get you to change your address? Or did you use a proxy?

>> No.36304287
File: 23 KB, 622x349, 2021-08-28 02_47_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the confirmation email. I basically got 2 emails back to back, first one was an order cancellation email for 2 of the fumos, and the second was the confirmation email for the fumo I bought individually. I'm not sure what you used but I used Blackship and so far, nothing about an error with the address.

>> No.36304294

Thanks anon, I gonna try to change to blackship and see if it works

>> No.36304316

No problem but until Rakuten actually takes my money I'm gonna be a bit on edge.

>> No.36304370

>I'm gonna be a bit on edge.
I will only be relieved once I see it's shipped and arrive at the forwarder

>> No.36304537

>Look up fumo prices on ebay
Uhh, I don't really want to sell but that is a lot of money for one. What the fuck.

>> No.36304758

At least white rabbit returned my money right away.
Next time I'm going to use a forwarder.

>> No.36305762

I got a message saying the address is used by too many people and has been suspended (tenso) and has to be changed. Well what the hell

>> No.36305793

Scalpers with bots i guess.

>> No.36305814

Anyone come up with a solution for this yet?

>> No.36305908

Why do some of you say that Gift should sell authentic fumos on Ebay despite Ebay's anti-anime stance?

Why give business to a business entity that hates anime?

>> No.36305926

What do fumos have to do with anime?

>> No.36305979

It is amiami. What the fuck is gift doing and why do japs have such a big stick up their ass

>> No.36306262


>> No.36306383
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The one day I decide to not go on the internet

>> No.36306615

cumstain, chinks, and shitskins need to keep their hands off from fumos now that Gift has supplied their greedy and slimy gaijin lust on this experimental sale.

>> No.36306877

and what are you exactly fuckface

>> No.36307046

Bump for this. Does anyone have anything that worked for them? Every single order I placed is accepted but I need a change of address.

>> No.36307420

Get another forwarder and just add that address. That's what I'm doing

>> No.36307435

what the fuck is a "fumo"?

>> No.36307447


>> No.36307463

these feel really cheaply made when it comes to the hair. its literally cutting a swath of cloth and folding it over itself with a half assed stitching hidden by a hat most of the time.

>> No.36307496

The email says that we need to send them a message with our new addresses also. How do we make the message look convincing? Since if we send in english they'll deny

>> No.36307582

>Get another forwarder
A lot of Japanese sellers have blacklists with forwarder addresses and usernames, your best bet is to convince a friend living in Japan or find an obscure freelancer forwarder.

>> No.36307614

I thought we just need to send the address in Japanese like we did with tenso. Not any additional things.

It's worth a try. But if that doesn't work I suppose we just gotta chance it with some "friend" in Japan.

>> No.36307628

Email I got translated from DeepL:

>If you wish to continue your business with us, you will need to change your address to a different one.
If you wish to continue your transaction, please send us a message with your
 Order number
 Your name
 Your address
 Phone number
We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
We apologise for the inconvenience, but please also adjust your registration details on the website.

>> No.36307701

Yeah just add the rest of the info of your forwarder on there. The only problem might be your name since it will be a foreign katakana name. But it might not even work in the first place like another anon said since they apparently blacklist people. I'll still try it regardless though and maybe we get lucky with a gaijin-friendly japanese working there

>> No.36308020

>We do, but whenever the biannual Gift sales happen the threads often become very much flooded. It's normally a lot calmer, but I'm assuming this is also getting a huge amount of attention due to the influx of new posters / twitter lurkers. I think it's best if we just have easier threads without stressing over the silly twitter kids.
Twitter kids don't like to actually visit 4chan
They'd gladly buy some shitty merch with 4chan logo, but even being read-only is a no-no for them.
At least it feels like that.

>> No.36308124

My gut feeling tells me some boards on 4chan are designed to be Twitter friendly. For example, /v/ and /vp/

Every time there is a Pokemon or Smash leak, twitter personalities cite /v/ or /vp/ and sometimes articles are even written over Pokemon or Smash posts on 4chan.

>> No.36308135

I think those are our resident retards, twitter isn't at fault here.
Why would they discuss their shit here where they can't even ban a person they don't like?

>> No.36308155

>they can't even ban a person they don't like?
Yeah... about that. /v/ most definitely isn't safe from that.

>> No.36308162

What do you mean?

>> No.36308181

Something something cultural phenomena.
Basically mods are shit and allow twitter threads and remove 2hu threads that aren't complete shit. They do allow the shitty ones as long as there is no discussion going on.

>> No.36308183

Even here.. I have an image upload ip ban for no reason..

>> No.36309116

I really hope we will see an Okuu fumo soon

>> No.36309369

So does AmiAmi ban literally all forwarding services or just specific ones like Tenso.com?
I don't want them to get me blacklisted and get my order cancelled.

>> No.36309537 [DELETED] 

a based nip, nigger

>> No.36309553

>meta shit and complaining about twitter
take this shit elsewhere. v, trash, twitter, and discord are down the hall.
if you're here take it easy and leave the actual secondary twittershit discussion at the door. acknowledging them feel more comfortable here.

>> No.36309968


>> No.36310166

twitter's a trashfire I'm just complaining about ip jannies lol. anyway i sent my new details to rakuten, hope they dont block the order again. I really want my patchy fumo

>> No.36310545
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Take it easy. Also post comfy fumos in bed

>> No.36311114

Please take it easy.

>> No.36311429
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the whole buh-gah

>> No.36311571

do it slowly

>> No.36311982

Is the Mr Beast Burger any good?

>> No.36312044

With the exploding popularity of fumos, are you now afraid of potential fumo bandits?

>> No.36312144
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we need to admiral Perry some more fumo stock.

>> No.36312710


>> No.36313161

We'll see, probably just tenso. Which I don't understand why they would do. Except racism. Which is just ridiculous since it would just increase the popularity of fumos further and give them more money. But no, we are proudo japanesu

>> No.36313702

I've heard that it's because people use these services to bypass "Max quantity per household" restriction.
Apparently they banned Blackship lately as well.
But still I'd wait for more info from anon about his blackship order.

>> No.36315450

Fuck those people.
Hope there will be a solution before time is up.

>> No.36316211

Have we reached Peak Fumo?

>> No.36316265

Reminder that these god damn plushes got notoriety because lobotomites from this general have been blogging about them publicly on Twitter since 2017. Now actual Touhou fans can't get them because they're such a meme amongst zoomers and ironic weebs who don't give a fuck about Touhou beyond "haha cute girl".

>> No.36316309

sell sell sell

>> No.36316357

yumemey singlehandedly did this
Fumos were known in the the West for many years before Twitter urchins made them a meme (thanks to anime conventions selling them and people taking them to fighting game tournaments) and they never got popular

>> No.36316811

Damn, they don't send to any forwarders at all? Well then..where can you hire someone in Japan to ship it to instead?

>> No.36316861
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Well, even if I couldn't get the fumo I wanted. At least I still have my bae

>> No.36316930
File: 189 KB, 1200x791, agdq fumos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yumemey singlehandedly did this
Nope, it was 100% the fault of the AGDQ who started memeing fumos since like 2015.

>> No.36317057

None of this. While yes they have been gaining in popularity slowly, but the whole reason for the sudden upsurge was something called "Become Fumo". When that dies, the popularity of fumos will also die

>> No.36317068

Hey retard you just said yourself we've been there since 2017. Why do you think nothing happened til 2020? Surely it can't have been some other outside influence that attracted all of the normals and underages (like the fucking ROBLOX game some absolute mongoloid shat out)

>> No.36317138

its all of it at once and some more things that we cant see that made fumos mainstream

hope it is from now on going downhill in popularity

>> No.36317198

There was a Mr. Beast burger near me! Crazy to think there are fumo owners in the same region as me

>> No.36317219

My prediction is that in about 6 months the normals will stop caring about their fumos and throw them in the garbage when the next new big exciting game or series comes out with a bunch of anime girls. Since they have no regard for Touhou at all.

>> No.36317472
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I don't into Twitter but do you also blame Gift's Twitter accounts? If so, isn't Gift allowed to advertise its products however, and to whomever, it likes?

While I doubt the first option will happen, because Gift doesn't seem to like money, let me pose this dilemma:
* Popularity continues, fumos take effort to acquire, but Gift decides to make fumos for more characters
* Popularity wanes, fumos become plentiful, and Gift continues to drip-feed 0-2 new characters per year
Which would you prefer?

Unfortunately the reality is probably this:
* Popularity continues for a few years, fumos are scarce for that time, Gift continues to drip-feed 0-2 new characters per year for the foreseeable future.

>> No.36317699

Was there another fumo release recently?

>> No.36317704


>> No.36317992
File: 979 KB, 851x614, image - 2021-08-28T184447.519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 years changes a fumo.... take care of them..

>> No.36318397

Once Reimu gets in Smash, it is over

>> No.36319804
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imagine not having several selenium bots on 3$ vps to snitch fumes in fraction of second

>> No.36320630

Send it to my address,
I may have to keep the item as payment through

>> No.36320675


>> No.36321378


Give it 2-3 years, hopefully the popularity dies down and it becomes easy (or GIFT gets the message and just amps up the production because it will sell).

Or screencap this and laugh at me being a dumb retard two-three years from now for thinking it'll die down.

>> No.36322642
File: 40 KB, 680x510, 1629739620538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own fumos but have bought dozen for secret santa, what happened jaypee? What the hell

>> No.36324023

Maybe they blacklisted only the biggest ones. Trying smaller, less known forwarding services might be worth a try.

>> No.36325113

So to change the address where exactly do you type it in? Do you just send them a mail?

>> No.36325276

I guess you have to send them email with updated details... But they also asked to update information on the website.
>"We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but we would also like to ask you to adjust your registration details on the website."
How am I supposed to do that without an account?

>> No.36326868

>secret santa
wtf, when did /jp/ have secret santa?

>> No.36327026

NTA but ive seen around the earlier 2010s, it was a really long time ago

>> No.36329115

How the fuck did that even work? Giving your address to 4chan is just asking for it.

>> No.36329478

By giving your address and full name. Do you think average anon is out to get you? Of course not

>> No.36329479

Not on a comfy board like jp. Also po boxes are a thing

>> No.36330247
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>> No.36330339

/a/ has been doing it for years without much trouble, although there is always a risk of someone troublesome.

>> No.36330465
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>> No.36332084
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I do not think this is likely. The fumo fomo will become it's own bubble, fueled by social media posts until supply relieves the pressure. You'd have to convince people to stop posting about them on twitter, discord, tiktok, and the others.

>> No.36335460

Is there a good way to get a custom fumo?

>> No.36335504
File: 19 KB, 641x602, 1608100563892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the site still doesnt work for me

>> No.36335605

how did you get a picture of my children anon?

>> No.36337333

That's an old picture...

>> No.36337926

can someone with a Tenshi fumo post this Celestials cute butt

>> No.36338587
File: 785 KB, 2785x2650, D24AF210-D898-499E-A2B8-BA429076F9B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, got my first plush recently to go camping with me

>> No.36338891

the texture on that hair reminds me of my grandpa's lazyboy

>> No.36338912

Is there something that can be done to smooth it out?

>> No.36339148

I tried the most obscure private forwarder out there and this is what happened.

>To customers

>Thank you for contacting us.

>We apologize for the inconvenience, but it has been confirmed that the address you wish to change is also an address that cannot be used at our shop.

>We apologize for the inconvenience, but we cannot accept your order even at this address.

>If you wish to continue the transaction, please return and provide the details of the address other than the transfer related company.

AmiAmi hates foreigners. You will never be able to buy a fumo unless you know someone in Japan from now on. Congratulations Gift, you're fucking retarded

>> No.36339160

Gift shooting themselves in the leg

>> No.36339178
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>AmiAmi hates foreigners. You will never be able to buy a fumo unless you know someone in Japan from now on. Congratulations Gift, you're fucking retarded
Nope, you're just bad

>> No.36339195

Remember that one canadian normalfag reading out lout anons letters with his friends?

>> No.36339227

Well tell us your secret mystery man. Because either you live in Japan or know someone there from what I know.

>> No.36339256

I was in the room. It was /a/toronto doing a secret santa event. People exchanged gifts. A couple people opened their /a/ secret santa gifts at the meetup.
It wasn't disrespectful, it was people exchanging gifts at a secret santa

>> No.36339267

Not using a site intended for Japanese customers when theres a site intended for American customers and works perfectly fine if you have a sturdy F5 key

>> No.36339288

Nice riddle, it helped alot

>> No.36339304

Dont use amiami.jp when there is an American version
You can use american amiami without any forwarder or proxy

>> No.36339309

Anon asked for help with forwarders not how to get lucky with shitty websites made for baka gaijin.
Why did you even reply to him?

>> No.36339320

I was too late for that anyway. I ordered via rakuten (like many here), and now I'm dealing with the trash AmiAmi support that won't allow forwarder addresses.

>> No.36339337

Pretty much this. Whilst I do think twitter is why they blew up all of a sudden (that and the Roblox game [Which I’ve played and will admit is comfy] but I think were it not for twitter that wouldn’t be nearly as big).

This post is correct. Its not twitters fault this happened (even if again I think its why Fumos blew up so much).

Really the blame lies within scalpers who fucked us all over. Twitter is (for once) innocent.

>> No.36339348

Hes clearly having an issue with amiami here since
Its almost as if they dont want you to use forwarders when they set up two different sites to prevent issues with them. If rakuten is listing amiami with fumos then that's an issue with them, they arent hoarding them to japanese people only and if they did they would be sold out immediately because surprise: most scalpers are Japanese

>> No.36339388

>I tried the most obscure private forwarder out there
What forwarder exactly?

>> No.36339439

Right now though there is alot of us dealing with the rakuten mess. Since after AmiAmi sold out an anon linked to rakuten where alot of the fumos were still selling. So we all jumped on it and now we're dealing with this, and what I said still stands. You need to know someone Japanese to get out of this. Not like we can reverse time and get luckier ordering from the trash AmiAmi website.

A private one off ebay I purchased that was still trustworthy. It was worth a try

>> No.36339459

Can any anon show them buying from Rakuten? One person showed that they mistakenly listed themselves with fumos and like how giddy groups work you all overreacted and got your hope's up over nothing. You don't need to be japanese, you can fine japanese twitter users complaining as well. It's just luck

>> No.36339494

I have a order confirmation from there with order number and have until September 3rd to change my address. Then after I tried with the new forwarder I got until September 5th. The Japanese twitter users were probably too late and got the declined mail. They specficially mention in the mails they don't want forwarder addresses.

The question is though if I cancel the order will the fumo get restocked, or just saved for another time?

>> No.36340054

I responded to their email saying to change my address in full Japanese, and simply just changed it to a Blackflag proxy. They fully accepted it this morning. Keep trying.

>> No.36340073

Sorry, "Blackship" not "Blackflag". Rise above, we gotta rise above

>> No.36340551

So they won't accept private ebay forwarder, but Blackship is okay? How does it work lol

>> No.36340933
File: 3.20 MB, 4000x3000, autistic deejay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me show you the music of my ppl

>> No.36341012

Guess I'll keep trying...Can you send me exactly how you formatted your email? And what you said? And did you just respond to their email not via your rakuten account?

>> No.36341529
File: 73 KB, 770x717, Komeijis boating safely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck up ordering from Amiami if you have an IQ over 12? It's literally the simplest way to get a fumo.

>> No.36342193
File: 1.59 MB, 2800x2100, unamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The international website was dead because of scalpers and japanese amiami won't ship internationally or to forwarder addresses. How hard is it to understand?

>> No.36343670

How's the second hand market doing? These Fumos deserve love as well

>> No.36343813

Could you guys link me good jap fumo twitter accounts? I don't really know how to navigate twitter, but I want more fumo content than this thread.

>> No.36343869

I wrote them a reply today too. I originally used tenso and now try to change to JPN Depo. Their address seems better but we will see what happens.

>> No.36344151
File: 1.06 MB, 1400x1100, wooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pay five or six times the actual cost and get your fumos on ebay. Resellers do hard work and have to make a living as well.

>> No.36344165

No clue, I think I just got lucky. Japanese customers have also been complaining of getting orders cancelled, so I guess they thought I was one of them?

If you placed multiple orders, send one email for each different order. They consolidated their response into covering different individual orders for me, and maybe they were overwhelmed. Otherwise, the email just consisted of exactly what they asked for:

(In japanese) order number, name (respond in katakana), address, phone number. Include in your response the japanese terms for all that they gave. Finally give them a thank you (ありがとうございました). Good luck.

Good luck to you too anon.

>> No.36344186

Oh, and it was via email, yes. But I also changed address on-site, like they asked.

>> No.36344717

Is it possible to change the address of an order I placed as a guest?

>> No.36344744

Yeah I did that except an email and via the rakuten to amiami message function. That might be the problem. But do they not care about the zipcode that seems weird? Or you add it in the address? Thanks for the reply anyways

>Include in your response the japanese terms for all that they gave.
What does this mean?

>> No.36344764

Oh yeah everything in Japanese I get it. I did do that.

I couldn't find how to change it on the site? I could only message them via rakuten

>> No.36344786

I sent them both latin and katakana name. Did I fuck up?

>> No.36344879

Depends on what they sent you anon, If they sent you the email saying they cancelled you could try and email them back with it just like I have. Although I made an account, they can clearly see these are my first orders from it, so I dont think there'd be customer bias.

Yeah, they want the full zipcode + address (〒[zipcode], [address]).
> Include in your response the japanese terms
I just meant the ones given. Gmail sometimes auto-translates foreign text, so I just meant make sure you sent them "受注番号: and not "Order number:" by accident.

You can't change it for each order, since it is not displayed ("You cannot change the order details, please contact your shop directly") but you can change your default address. This would just be in your account settings.

Looking at this I realised they 100% approved the orders today, but my old proxy address is still attached to them. Wonder where they'll actually be sent lol.

Maybe, but be positive. Good luck anons.

>> No.36344943

>but you can change your default address. This would just be in your account settings.
Alright thanks I didnt know this. And I appreciate the detailed response even if it fucks up

>> No.36345024

anyone had success for cancellations due to checking out with two items in a cart at once? I didn't think there was much I could do about it but figure I would ask.

>> No.36345122

>Could you guys link me good jap fumo twitter accounts?
Japs don't think about fumos at all, the only people going crazy over them are western pigdogs and chinks. Even 2ch is baffled about it, to them it's just generic Touhou merch, nothing special.

>> No.36345312

Cool, now give me the links.

>> No.36345566

The solution is quite simple. Before you can checkout your fumo, you have to 1cc on the spot. I'll even be generous and let the customer pick whichever game and difficulty they want, as long as it's danmaku and a full 6 stages (or extra).

>> No.36345603

thats too easy if any difficulty
should be lunatic only

>> No.36345668

No problem anon. I'm doing this in return for the anon that gave us the Rakuten links to begin with, happy to help. I'd put smiling Eiki here but I'm upload banned for some dumb reason lol.

Do you mean two different items or two of the same? I ordered two Ayas in one of mine and that has been approved. I didn't think it was possible to order two of the same in one purchase, since the site limited me.

It's cause Western popularity is at its peak right now (check google search trends). What is happening now is basically the start of 2009-era Touhou for the Western fandom.

I cleared PoFV on 1cc just now and it's been driving me crazy. Eiki has been mean and dragging me to 4 minutes plus, but she just randomly gave me the win this time, I guess I repented enough. Give me my fumos please sir.

>> No.36345703

I had two different fumos in one checkout(one each). The site didn't stop me from doing that, then I got an email saying they cancelled my order due to that.

>> No.36345728

Sounds like a site-related fault. Have they outright denied your order then? I'm sorry if they have.

>> No.36345764

Their email claimed that it was a bug on their site, as part of some new stuff they had been working on for it.(at least that was the vibe I got from the machine translation). It seemed they had completely cancelled it saying "check out the items if they are in stock", which almost seemed like taunting me. The whole thing was kinda bullshit, and I contemplated trying to put pressure on an inconvenience on my side due to a bug on their side but what can you do.

>> No.36345794
File: 183 KB, 248x319, 1620636943919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eiki has been mean and dragging me to 4 minutes plus, but she just randomly gave me the win this time, I guess I repented enough
I'd have to you to hum the first minute of "Fate of Sixty years" to prove.

>> No.36346047
File: 107 KB, 1024x682, 1421661575397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is happening now is basically the start of 2009-era Touhou for the Western fandom.
You're right, back in 2009 the Japs were crazy about fumos.

>> No.36346102

If anyone has any advice for putting some pressure on this(if that's even a good idea or possible), I'm all ears.

>> No.36346932


>> No.36347241
File: 1.52 MB, 1291x673, 5829342913423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're fighting over the last poptart !!

>> No.36347467

Retards who use WI-Fi or open 15+ tabs simultaneously and constantly refresh them to get blocked by AmiAmi's firewall.

>> No.36348985
File: 13 KB, 800x500, EaxSsHeX0AAKC4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had fumo for 7 years and I usually take it very easy but I'm really fucking mad right now and don't feel like visiting /fumo/ anymore

>> No.36349002

what is bothering your Mr.Twitter file-name

>> No.36349008

I wouldn't panic too much Anon, more then likely the Twittertards will get bored of fumo in a few months and there will be other forwarders that aren't blacklisted.

>> No.36349014

has anyone here ever made different outfits for their fumos? i've seen others on sites like instagram making outfits for those tiny anime boy plushies and taking pictures of them outside, it seems like a fun thing to do or try.

>> No.36349276

When did JP amimi start not allowing proxy/forwarding? I did it a few years ago when they had some items the english version didn't.

>> No.36349296

I didn't make any, but I bought some from the Gift Closet line.

>> No.36349977

i want them to sell fumos on gift online shop again so normalfags get filtered by forwarding/proxies
this sucks

>> No.36350052
File: 1.17 MB, 2250x2749, IM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36352027

>paying more than twice the amount for a fumo

>> No.36352399
File: 591 KB, 1536x2048, E-CPf8IVgAU6hZN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice and Marisa reminding you to wear your masks and to get the vaccine

>> No.36352419

Very cute Alice! I'm still not getting the vaccine though.

>> No.36352506
File: 607 KB, 1536x2048, E-CPf8HVIAIoQah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats okay

>> No.36352651

>Twittertards will get bored of fumo in a few months and there will be other forwarders that aren't blacklisted.
I feel like the storm is only beginning

>> No.36353004

I love his edits

>> No.36353032

PO Box is all you need

>> No.36353099

>Twitter file-name
BUSTED. Fucking phonies.

>> No.36353101
File: 407 KB, 1033x1200, 92240777_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to infect you with cirno!

>> No.36353332

I want Cirno to infect me

>> No.36353480
File: 84 KB, 894x894, cirno vir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been vaccinated against Cirn-09?
>your government told you it was to stop coronavirus but actually stops pic related

>> No.36353776

There isn't? That's a bummer, I was planning on buying one after finishing all games.
When do they announce new ones? Or is it better to pop in from time to time and ask here

>> No.36353954

who are you quoting

>> No.36354069


>> No.36354224
File: 889 KB, 4781x2689, yuyusgreatexpectations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fwighting

>> No.36354264


>> No.36355721 [DELETED] 

This one didn't work too. They told me to get Japanese friends and send them.

>> No.36355730

remove the tag

>> No.36355739

I got the reply, this one didn't work either. They told me to get Japanese friends as forwarder.

>> No.36355990
File: 161 KB, 141x707, ty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got email from AmiAmi
>"Thank you for contacting us. In response to your inquiry, we have changed the shipping address and will continue to accept the following orders. The status of your order will be "Rakuten Processing". Rakuten Market will confirm your order and process your payment."
Looks like Blackship did work. Thanks anon!

>> No.36356078

Thanks for the info I give it a last try before giving up.

>> No.36356118

We just have to keep trying until they give in or blacklist us. Fuck them

>> No.36356135

How is Blackship working when it specifically says on their website AmiAmi blocked them?


>> No.36356143

It's just pain to compose emails in Japanese. I really have top up my language skills.

Good question. I tried JPN Depo because of this. JPN Depo said on their website that they are compatible with amiami but they blocked too.

>> No.36356156
File: 2.06 MB, 1600x1600, 1630199027880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must fight back.
People are getting the cirno virus and hospitals are euthinaseing them once they become the strongest!

That's why you need a ton of fumos if you get these into the ICU there is a chance that you can sneak yourself into somebody's luggage and blend in with the pile of fumos before the nurse sends you straight to hell with the gas

>> No.36356197

Just wait until the 9th wave
Global brain freeze.

>> No.36356298

Should you enter in the whole address for Blackship? It seems abit long

>> No.36356515

I'm wondering the same. They literally could just google your shipping address to find out. My guess is that they are relying on some broken algorithm which for some reason allows Blackship while private forwarders and regular people get blocked. But who knows?

I sent them "〒141-0031 東京都品川区西五反田6-2-7 B1階 KXXXXXX" as the address. Works for me. Remember to replace "XXXXXX" with your unique code.

>> No.36358038

this place is better than the fag fumo discord
post more fumo thks

>> No.36359883

I bought a thinkpad two months ago, now all I need is fumo but I have no money for fumo!

>> No.36360027

>fag fumo discord
Which one? And why are you using a discord, you fucking retard?

>> No.36360104

Now kiss

and remove that tag you fucking idiot

>> No.36362492
File: 75 KB, 1200x900, okuus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36362615

Underage detected

>> No.36366108

gtfo secondary

>> No.36366140

One filled with emos and shit tier messages
If this thread has more activity will consider switching any suggestions?

>> No.36366821

Does anyone compile charts of second hand fumo prices over time? I think it would be interesting to see. I have some code written to scrape yahoo auctions that I could use for it.

>> No.36366962

mr. beast burgers are cooked at mom and pop shops. you pay for the right to sell their paper bag and "custom burger" all the food is okay but expensive becase meme youtuber.

>> No.36367027
File: 977 KB, 1344x1342, 1597718045063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but how do we stop hospitals from murdering all the people who become pic related.

Cirno virus patients are treated like baby roosters are in factory farms after they have become the strongest.

We need to smash hospital windows so they can fly out

>> No.36371209

I won. Blackship is really working. They accepted it and already charged me. Hope it will work out till the end.

>> No.36371432

You didn't win anon. We did

>> No.36371451

Though I noticed I entered in the wrong phone number. But they still accepted me? How important is that?

>> No.36372043

its pretty rare for someone to actually call somebody when they mail something unless the post office doesn't dispatch it

>> No.36372291

I just asked them to change it anyways, just in case. I didnt type it in wrong, but they for some reason took one of the previous addresses phone numbers.

>> No.36372416

dekas being shipped at 10th of september!!!!!
brace yourselves!!!!!!

also this image ip range ban is very annoying

>> No.36372532
File: 122 KB, 1035x1336, 1597716343723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considered getting a 4 Chan gold account,
some faggot got banned from making threads and nobody with my ISP in my area can be an op without it and i regularly get that 1 new message thing from Wikipedia about other peoples retarded edits there.

>> No.36372796
File: 1.63 MB, 3472x4624, 1630488393205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry hiromoot, I have no intention on buying your passu

>> No.36373372

But you can post on >>>/vip/ desu

Gotta figure out that crypto shit because (((they))) aren't letting 4chan take credit cards.

onlyfans were total pussies and didn't do shit the credit card companies only backed off when some simps converted to Islam and vowed to destroy them because of riba/usury etc.

Can I buy fumos with BTC?

>> No.36373887

You can use crypto to buy stuff with zenmarket.

>> No.36375138

I doubt anyone remembers, but I posted here long ago about how my proxy seller wasn't sending me my fumos because they said EMS hadn't returned. I finally was able to get them to say they'll send me the fumos by Friday! I'm so excited, they're finally coming home after so long! I've waited literally months for this, so it'll be a joy!

What do you guys do when you first receive a fumo?

>> No.36375550

Just the common things when you buy stuff online
Check fumo is authentic
Take lots of photo
No torn parts
Check her a wash if a secondhand

>> No.36378152
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, Yuuker - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC pls rate

>> No.36378167

Where do you live

>> No.36378172


>> No.36378180

Cool rock, did Yuuka grow the grass herself?

>> No.36378199

That's the Japanese garden I work at in the States.
She's very skilled and talented

>> No.36378207

>That's the Japanese garden I work at in the States.
Cool, I wish I had place like this close to my house
Nice Yuuka also

>> No.36379081

I'd be far too afraid of her falling into that murky water. Like that guy that had one fall face first into plate of tomato sauce or something.

>> No.36379134
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1280, 1582478830425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed yuuka

>> No.36380889
File: 3.89 MB, 4032x3024, 20210830_140255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka lives dangerously

>> No.36381096

Save her!

>> No.36381800

I don't suppose anyone is looking to sell?

>> No.36381812

I'd sell my Cirno for 200

>> No.36381845

How about a cool $50?

>> No.36382054
File: 1.02 MB, 675x829, 592394234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this to your fumos

>> No.36384259

No, be gentle with your fumos! Don't bully them!

>> No.36386350

*claps hands together*
ah, sorry. you see.
The best I can do is $9.00.

>> No.36386662
File: 11 KB, 225x300, 46743635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my Remilia

>> No.36386740
File: 1.50 MB, 2576x1932, 63257357346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i sent the one for ants

>> No.36386770
File: 960 KB, 1932x2576, 1630565897266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit

>> No.36387288

>Silver, brass
Oy vey where's the gold?

>> No.36387328
File: 949 KB, 200x200, 1627948048738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a secret

>> No.36387404

Do remilia bootlegs not come with the hat

>> No.36387473

has a hat its just not a very good hat

>> No.36387541

Wrong opinion. It is the best hat.

>> No.36389346

Bern Fumo when

>> No.36391575

Why did you make her pee into a cup?

>> No.36392877

why, are you a fag

>> No.36394536

when next fumo batch

>> No.36394582

Yuyu goes well with snow.

>> No.36396520

thats not pee its a home made mead

>> No.36398668
File: 171 KB, 974x1200, 1592431425170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for cirno but haven't been able to find anything besides a $380 listing. I thought she was supposed to be common and relatively cheap. Am I looking in the wrong places or is she completely out of stock? Should I expect her to be restocked sometime in Autumn? Sorry if I'm being retarded, this is my first time buying fumo.

>> No.36398826

shes the rarest and most expensive besides inu sakuya, she might be there next sale whenever that is but she'll also sell out fast

>> No.36399082

>I thought she was supposed to be common and relatively cheap.
She is usually.
All the low hanging fumos are gone right now, please wait warmly

>> No.36399930
File: 2.73 MB, 5496x3929, thebigfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fumos were fighting while I was asleep.
Kaguya tied up Mokou with the help of Eirin but luckily this hot head never lost her composure and burned through her bindings.

>> No.36399961

powerful mokou!

>> No.36400121
File: 57 KB, 600x600, yhgyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, thanks anons

>> No.36401276
File: 806 KB, 2752x1548, patchy_neogeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36401481

Since when were amazon links timestamped
what is this shit

>> No.36401630
File: 165 KB, 1080x1440, tenshigaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fumo gaming

>> No.36405076
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1527187627516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how painfully cute a Kosuzu fumo would be.

>> No.36408460

after 17.5 releases in two weeks

>> No.36408470

17.5 will never release though

>> No.36408628


>> No.36410674 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 160x224, 126034682_1022909198214276_3113432045904267615_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Please Don't Be Mad"
we need to keep talking about this
This is the angryest comment in the universe...
If you tell this to people you are causing a form on dementia.
PLEASE DONT BE MAD BUT YOU got an inheritance
is it a question no
Is it a comment no
Its a prequel to emotional energy that doesn't exist
Go ask an engineer to divide by 0 and then say please don't be mad
Or say to an engineer please don't be mad then divide by 0
everytime you think about this you literally lose memory
Its like saying to masterbate to a chair
Its nonsense
You will lose everytime
You have to quit
If you say this out loud to everyone on the planet at the same time the human race will collapse
Its mental maturation
Imagine talking to someone who just screams at you while your trying to perform surgery
and when it fails they start making fun of you
Negative rights
These are civil and political rights, notably present in the ICCPR. They are called “negative” as they imply the non-interference of the State for these rights to be fully promoted. Examples: right to life, right to the freedom of expression, right to not be tortured, right to vote, etc.

Positive rights
These are economic and social rights, included in the ICESCR. Unlike negative rights, these require the State to intervene in order to be respected. Examples: right to education, right to work, right to health, right to food, etc.

Collective rights
These rights appear in the first article of the ICCPR and ICESCR, and more recently in new documents (eg: Declaration on the Right to Development, Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities), testifying of the constant EVOLUTION of the system, in order to better protect individuals.
This statement is an judgment of a question
nOt being asked
you are implying
I am in pain.
it is true
you are saying i am not angry
that is not true
you are collecting silence
you are cutting off my dna
hey i just made a new anime
please dont be mad
I end up being angry
I lose a literal emotional sense of pain
the act of causing severe physical pain as a form of punishment or as a way to force someone to do or say something : something that causes mental or physical suffering : a very painful or unpleasant experience
It makes people angry
when they are in pain
they WILL lose silence in their heads and will probably have a medical emergency
we have to ban this.
i am going to pray it doesnt turn me gay
little memories?
no your little feet are working the machine
please dont be mad but do you want some tea?
i am in pain

>> No.36410748


>> No.36411199
File: 1.51 MB, 1500x844, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36411226

cute! glad I beat the bots out to buy them!

>> No.36411242
File: 118 KB, 472x318, 1603946787992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was shaking badly but i did as well...
got a little bit of schadenfreude seeing people begging afterwards too.

>> No.36411245

what is this

>> No.36411246

Same. It's as bad as fumos. I was tempted to PM that dude asking to buy one for $100 lmao

>> No.36411256

When was this a thing? I don't remember ever hearing about it.

>> No.36411263

seacats. it's doujin + by a westerner
that same dude botted amiami to order every fumo on sale last week. i hope he suffers

>> No.36411277

What a rude. Guess his plan in to resell them?

>> No.36411337
File: 56 KB, 680x552, terminal purupuru pikopuyo virus.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya he was posting his order screen around and taking offers
don't want to talk about twitter here anymore than i have already though
just glad i have my cat & candy coming in the mail now... makes me feel better about the fumopocalypse and my forcibly canceled rakuten order

>> No.36411521

Wack. It's always a few people that ruin shit for everyone. Smart idea with the preorders though. Shame they're gonna take a while, but frankly something eventually is better than nothing ever.

>> No.36411620

The guy is taking orders for another run of these with no limits, you'd have to be particularly retarded to buy one from a scalper.

>> No.36411651

ah, i was referring to the touhou ones. scalping these umineko ones would be stupid i agree

>> No.36411663
File: 3.24 MB, 1920x1080, kasen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kasen's fumo is so rarely posted! I want to see her!

>> No.36411923

>right to not be tortured

>> No.36411963


something that causes mental or physical suffering : a very painful or unpleasant experience
It makes people angry
when they are in pain
they WILL lose silence in their heads and will probably have a medical emergency
we have to ban this.
i am going to pray it doesnt turn me gay>>36411199

>> No.36411998


>> No.36411999

An Akyuu or Kyouko fumo would be adorable as well

>> No.36412028
File: 806 KB, 1058x965, 406088 - fumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people having mental breakdowns in the fumo thread?

>> No.36412036

how would he have a phone in the mental ward

>> No.36412047

i just saw his face

>> No.36412556

My Kasen's smoke arm has become unraveled and her booties have flaked off. God I hate that material, should just be the regular fabric so that shit wouldn't happen.

>> No.36412566

how new are you?

>> No.36413491

Is reitaisai cancelled and will that affect fumo sales from gift?

>> No.36414009
File: 113 KB, 1155x1263, 1630599004308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally fly smartphones into insane asylums
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The Spagheti tears a hole
The old familiar bolignaise
Try to eat it all away
But I remember . . .
. . . I remember . . .
remember ?
>im sorry what were we talking about?

>> No.36415232
File: 2.96 MB, 4160x2340, 0813161819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36415239

the good old fumofumo days....buying them by the bagfull in akiba....

>> No.36415991

If you have a Shion fumo, is she bad luck? Do you have to put her away from your other fumos?

>> No.36416046

fumos are always good luck

>> No.36417309

The recent fumo popularity mostly come from the autismo game Become Fumo though. Also Touhou LostWord going global has brought new people to the franchise, and so new people discovered fumos too. And it's only going to become worse in the upcoming months as normie roblox youtubers started to notice Become Fumo too.
The way I see it, only three outcomes are possible. In the first scenario, the popularity dies out with time and we go back to how it was before (neutral ending). In the second scenario, the popularity keeps rising, Gift realizes the potential of the western market and increases the fumo production (good ending). Last scenario, the popularity of fumos keep rising but the fumo production stay as small as it is, old 2hu fans can't have fumos anymore because they have to fight with normies and newfags (bad ending).
The last AmiAmi preorder only had about 300 fumos per 2hu girl, that's such a super small number compared to the recent popularity of fumos.

>> No.36418547

Call me optimistic, but I think we’ve peaked. People will move onto other things, and I’m sure the Gift fiasco last week will deter some people and they’ll go onto ruin next weeks funny plush fad.

>> No.36419087

You are optimistic in a time where there are no new things to move on to.
But I hope you are right regardless.

>> No.36419274

This fad will quickly fade into nothingness and things will go back to normal soon after the normies go back to their boring wagecages post-coof

>> No.36420301

the school year is just starting and internet traffic in general is already dropping
tendies will have a ton of new games to play starting in october through march
I agree with the other anon in that we've probably already hit peak

>> No.36421184

Mhm. There’s only so much enjoyment edgy Twitter teens can get out of a Cirno Fumo captioned with something dumb in the Impact font, especially if they’re not even fans of Touhou. Christmas is coming up relatively soon anyway, so Padoru’s will likely drown Fumo’s out if they aren’t already dead, and they’ll all forget.

>> No.36421538

New thread incoming

>> No.36421716

migrate when ready
