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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3629324 No.3629324 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ consider to be the best visual novel?

I'm kind of torn between Saya no Uta and YMK. Leaning more toward Saya, though.

>> No.3629329
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>> No.3629326

Planetarian. It really benefits from the music.

>> No.3629333

this threads gonna go over great

>> No.3629332
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>> No.3629336

Saya is pretty top tier in my books. YMK is average to good tier.

I'd go for Muv-Luv Alternative, though.

>> No.3629337 [DELETED] 
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>best visual novel
>torn between Saya no Uta and YMK

>> No.3629343
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>> No.3629348 [DELETED] 
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>best visual novel
>torn between Saya no Uta and YMK

>> No.3629351
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>> No.3629353
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>best visual novel
>torn between Saya no Uta and YMK

>> No.3629355


>> No.3629358

I liked Saya. YMK was pretty meh, but I've seen different opinions.

>> No.3629365

>Top two VNs discussed in /a/

>> No.3629362

Sorry, I need to rename my images ;_;

>> No.3629376

Look at the difference between those who read non-translated and those who read translated.

Translated: YMK is in the top two
Non-Translated: Alternative

For those who have played Alternative, I'm sure they see how ridiculous it is to even try to compare YMK to Muv-Luv.

>> No.3629386
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>> No.3629391


And what happens when it gets translated? SHIT SUX, SAGE, etc.

>> No.3629395
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>> No.3629417

Saya deserves this spot. No questions asked.

>> No.3629421

muvluv alternative is the shittest of the series pediod.

>> No.3629423
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>> No.3629427
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>> No.3629453
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>> No.3629477

So Saya no Uta, YMK, Planetarian, and Muv Luv seem to be the only VNs that /jp/ has played.


>> No.3629482


Or nobody cares enough to participate in this thread.

>> No.3629497


He/she said what we consider the best, not how many we have played.

>> No.3629526

I'm pretty sure even most people who only read translated visual novels wouldn't consider YMK to be the best, unless they haven't read very many.

>> No.3629537

Out of the six that are translated, it's at least 4 or 5.

>> No.3629540

Mmmm Little Busters! EX maybe? Certainly not YMK or Saya.

>> No.3629546


Someone picking a Key game that isn't Clannad? This is a surprise

>> No.3629549
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>> No.3629675
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My choice.

>> No.3629714

I would have a hard time choosing among Ever17, Planetarian, or True Remembrance. The plots and themes of each are quire different, so it's hard to draw comparisons. Planetarian was the first VN I read that made me weep. Ever17 had the most intense set of plot twists and reveals in the last route. It had my jaw on the floor for days after.

True Remembrance is probably gonna take my vote for best though. I cannot find flaw with it.

>> No.3629715


>> No.3629721

Saya. It could have a more satisfactory ending but if you're gonna compare them based on how good of a VN they are, Saya had the best delivery.

>> No.3629744

I don't like Clannad.

>> No.3629747

Out of translated visual novels, Clannad.

>> No.3629751
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>> No.3629753
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The pseudopsychology in True Rememberance made it kind of difficult for me to really get into it.

>this thread

>> No.3629756

Crescendo is the best no question.

>> No.3629759

Ever17 or Umineko.

I would never vote an eroge for the "best", so that pretty much rules out almost everything else. And KEY games suck (except for maybe Planetarian).

>> No.3629762

There are to many criteria to choose a "best" without settling for a common denominator.

In terms of music, Umineko is the best.
In terms of atmosphere, Saya really succeeded at what it set out to do.
In terms of user interface, I have to admit that Chaos;Head wins with its delusional triggers and survey inputs, but it does lose points for breaking the skip function.
Best use of multiple routes is Ever17.
Best ending is Cross Channel.

>> No.3629761

Gyakuten Saiban

>> No.3629766

Is this a troll thread?

>> No.3629768

*too many

>> No.3629771

/jp/ knowledge is minimal to even decide that. And lol at those retards mentioning umineko

>> No.3629773

Either Saya no Uta or Umineko no Naku Koro ni.

>> No.3629774

Okay this is definitely a troll thread,

>> No.3629776

>Best ending is Cross Channel.
I didn't realise that that was what we consider good endings these days.

>> No.3629777

Honestly, from the little that I have read, my personal opinion is that Clannad is the best. Of course, I'm no "Visual Novel Expert (has read 300+ visual novels)", so it's just my humble opinion.

>> No.3629778


I doubt it's trolls, just people who haven't read anything outside of translated VN's.

>> No.3629779


Name a better non-ero VN than Umineko and Ever17.

Oh wait, you can't.

Actually, Remember11 would be a valid pick there.

>> No.3629781
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>Best ending is Cross Channel.

>> No.3629783


I take back what I said, after reading >>3629779 it's definitely a troll thread.

>> No.3629784
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>> No.3629785

When did /jp/ turn so shitty? People try to post about their favorite visual novels, then suddenly the thread fills with jackasses calling anything anyone posts trolling. We used to be somewhat civilized.

>> No.3629788


ITT butthurt faggots that get annoyed when people imply that their porn games aren't brilliant works of art.

>> No.3629789

Haha yeah, even for only sticking to translated VN's saya and umineko are pretty meh, even YMK is pretty shitty. The smaller vn's like Planetarian and True Remembrance had a larger impact. Don't forget narcissu as well.

>> No.3629790


/jp/ was always shitty.

>> No.3629794

Muvluv Alternative standard edition

>> No.3629795


Even Nasu VNs are better than Planetarian. Get out of here with your KEY nakuge shit.

>> No.3629798

Umineko is mediocre garbage with a semi-big circlejerk, that's all.

>> No.3629803

This shit started when people started making copy pasta threads of YMK on /v/ , so basically we got a flood of idiots who never played a vn before. So they think YMK is the greatest work of art ever, this is the same with Saya and Umineko. I'm not condemning the people who joined in on the VN fad with those, but they're not even that good reads.

>> No.3629805

Your argument is, "it's a tearjerker, therefore it's bad?"

>> No.3629806

>Clannad is mediocre garbage with a semi-big circlejerk, that's all.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.3629807

But I played YMK when it first come out, and I still think it's one of the best officially translated titles.

>> No.3629809

Get out emoge devs

>> No.3629810


It isn't even a good tearjerker. It's at best a decent night's read, but certainly not worth of a title of "best" or even "great".

>> No.3629811

Actually compared to the anime it is. Not saying the anime any good though.

>> No.3629812

Stop responding to obvious trolls, people.

>> No.3629815


Given that the list of officially translated titles that aren't totally shit can be counted on one hand, that's not saying much...

>> No.3629821

For me shorter visual novels always have less of an impact.

>> No.3629822


Same here. There's just something to sucking you in for days at a time and then hitting you with a load of bricks, however the VN chooses to do it. It's harder to get the same effect in just a few hours of play.

>> No.3629826

For me, memorizing the long sequence of events in order to finally get the good end in a long VN just makes you more fed up than emotionally attached.

>> No.3629832


I can't wait until your favorite moonrune VN gets translated, then you do a sudden 180 and hate it. What's the matter, now that more people can understand it you can't have your super secret elite club anymore?

>> No.3629833


Well IMO that's bad VN design. The king of that has to be Kagetsu Tohya, which by the end had me going through the game in an absurd graph search pattern to try to find the necessary scenes that I've missed. It's completely non-fun and pointless.

This is why choiceless VNs like Umineko work so well; they don't break immersion by forcing you to track absurdly complex chains of events.

Fate/Stay Night did it right as well; there are only three paths which you get locked into early, so you don't have to worry about much. Though the constant bad ends get really stupid after a while.

>> No.3629834

Well those were kinetic novels where you dont need to make any choices. Sometimes when you just want to sit down and not worry about stupid life changing decisions that change your fate you can just read a nice story.

But yeah, you get more attached to the longer stories. Kira Kira was pretty sad.

>> No.3629838

What makes you think that? I want the VNs I like to be translated.

>> No.3629839
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If Kagetsu bothered you, don't ever do Extravaganza. It's got an even more complicated choice/full completion system.

>> No.3629842


Read some of the posts in this thread and you see people strongly imply the greentext, if not outright state it.

>> No.3629847

I just think they want people to play a wider variety of things before saying X is the best.

>> No.3629860

I can only think of a couple VNs where I had any trouble getting good ends.

>> No.3629863


It seems more like they (the non-translation people) are mad that they (the people who play translations) aren't saying THEIR favorite VN is "the best." I somehow doubt they simply want them to try more VNs, as if they're being helpful or something.

Basically, whining and moaning that not everyone has the exact same tastes as theirs, like a good little 4channer. And just like a good 4channer they will reply to "not everyone has same tastes as yours" with something like "you're right; their tastes are shit, mines aren't."

Me, cynical? Why, I never!

>> No.3629920

If everyone was forced a tripcode in opinion threads, there'd be less trolling. Or actually, more trolls trolling trolls and general butthurt.
