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3616114 No.3616114 [Reply] [Original]

Would my android waifu have rights?

>> No.3616118

wait until the law forbids you from having sex with her

>> No.3616122

Do you mean in terms of legal rights or natural rights?

>> No.3616124
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>> No.3616126

Depends where you are.

>> No.3616150
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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


They're coming. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But soon!

>> No.3616166

The case law on robots’ rights is pretty thin but not, as one might expect, totally nonexistent. One criminal case, widely reported in the popular press under the sensational banner, “Computer Raped by Telephone,” involved a professional programmer who invaded the computer of a competitor and stole a copy of a valuable proprietary program using a telephone link and several secret passwords. During the course of the investigation, the question arose whether a search warrant could be issued to order the computer to retrieve evidence of the programmer’s invasion. The first such warrant was issued prior to Ward v. Superior Court of California (3 C.L.S.R. 206 [1972]). This was the first time a computer had ever been hauled in for questioning.

> Computer Raped by Telephone

>> No.3616168
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You can do whatever you want with your Persocom.

Just don't mistreat it and take care of it.

>> No.3616175

I wonder if there's a VN that explores this a bit. I mean, Planetarian made me feel sorry for the dead robot and all, but how would humanoid robots be received if there was a sudden push for them to be weaved into society?

>> No.3616180

no, because the bible doesn't say robots have souls or some shit like that. Shame really, sentient robots really should have rights.

Also you might want to keep in mind that robot reproductive organs are made to process materials into robots, this usually entails molten metal, metal cutters, and high vacuum environments....

>> No.3616182
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But would sex void the warranty?

>> No.3616185

The closest things she'll have to rights are the 3 laws.

>> No.3616196

Why are robots so goddamn sexy.

>> No.3616199

And to raise the (currently) risible notion of robot sex again; would it be possible for a robot to press charges of rape or sexual assault against a real person, or even another robot? Or for a person to press the same charges against a robot? Until their status as citizens is established, there are huge avenues of potential abuse to be explored. It would be a terrible shame to see humanity revive the practice of slavery, using the artificiality of its subjects as justification (which is in many ways similar to how the slavery of humans was justified).

You can’t rape an autonomous vacuum cleaner (although you could conceivable have sex with it, and knowing humans, people probably already have – the tales of people with vacuum related injuries turning up in casualty departments are too common to be completely unfounded). But something with a mind of its own, however limited? That’s another question entirely. In some ways, it might be considered even worse to sexually abuse a robot with limited intelligence, if for instance it was considered analogous to abusing a human with learning disabilities.

>> No.3616211

She'd have the right to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.3616214

Here's a good story.

-Protagonist hates robots.
-Protagonist meets a girl.
-She's actually a robot.
-Protagonist tries to push for sentient robot rights.
-His robot waifu is raped, because no one likes robots.
-The protagonist gets a cyborg arm and beats the shit out of the rapists.

The end.

>> No.3616215

The Three Laws are responsibilities, not rights. (Not that robots will ever have Asimovian limitations built in; too much work to implement a system that Asimov himself made damn clear in his books wouldn't work.)

>> No.3616218

nobody has rights.

>> No.3616245

The problem with this thread is that you are talking about androids. My waifu is a ROBOT. She does only what I program her to. She has no mind or rights. She just services me in every way.

>> No.3616249

I just watched Surrogates and it was shit.

>> No.3616252


>> No.3616261

It's clang clang clang, not clank, moran.

>> No.3616262

Isn't that the plot of Armitage III?

>> No.3616263

Anyone read Helen O’Loy by Lester del Rey?

>> No.3616273
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Rights like...survival?
or rights like any human would have (f such a thing existed to begin with)

>> No.3616290

She loves you, even though you don't realize it, even though she can't express her love because she can only do what she is programmed to do.

>> No.3616302

NTR-revenge eroge? I'm in!

>> No.3616346
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As I stepped into the alcove, I head a light patter of feet, and an eager voice called out, "Dave, dear?" For a minute I couldn't answer, and the voice came again, pleading, "Dave?"

I don't know what I expected, but I didn't expect Helen to meet me that way, stopping and staring at me, obvious disappointment on her face, little hands fluttering up against her breast.

"Oh," she cried. "I thought it was Dave. He hardly comes home to eat now, but I've had supper waiting hours." She dropped her hands and managed a smile. "You're Phil, aren't you? Dave told me about you when... at first. I'm so glad to see you home, Phil."


>> No.3616380

It's a denser object that reverberates less. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3616468

Was Time of Eve good?

>> No.3616495

I want my robot waifu programmed to be able to feel pain. Both physical and otherwise.

>> No.3616503


>> No.3616574

The idea of robots gaining sentience sort of scares me.

Not because of what the robots might do, but more of what humans would do.

>> No.3616586

What would humans do to a robot?

>> No.3616613

What do humans do to things that they're afraid of and don't understand, Anon?

>> No.3616651

You should be more afraid of nonsentient software replacing you...

>> No.3616713

I already don't do anything.

>> No.3616722


Replacing me at doing what, playing eroge? We don't need more robots fapping.

>> No.3616728

You should read about technological singularity.

>> No.3616745

Unless the android is a sentient being capable of thinking for itself, I don't think anyone can argue it has any rights.

>> No.3616747

fucking feminists

>> No.3616785

Then you have already been replaced by robots, please proceed to the nearest suicide booth.

>> No.3616809

A point where we'll have robot waifus that love and respond to us properly will probably never happen.

>> No.3616815

No, rights come with responsibilities. You have to do something for society, or at least it needs to be the consensus that you will do something for society. For this societal "good" you are given rights, so you may continue doing these "good" things. This expectation of doing something for society is called responsibility.

>> No.3616859

That's not true. The current thinking is that, at least in America, all humans are born with inalienable rights.

Even the mentally disabled who contribute nothing to society have rights in society. Even dogs and cats have rights which are enforced by law.

Contribution to society is a sloppy way of assigning rights because that's not how it works in the real world.

Rights is a human idea. In a state of nature, there are no rights. Rights are something that only exists when they are enforced for the benefit of all, regardless of what they do. Example, a mass murderer has the right to a fair trial. But only because we live in a nation of laws. Otherwise, mass murderers and rapists would most likely be lynched by mobs.

>> No.3616883

I don't think I'd want to try lynching a mass murderer. That guy has PRACTICE

>> No.3616923
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>> No.3616934

when ever people bring up android rights, I like to ask them how they would feel about giving their cell phones rights, because that is what we are talking about.

>> No.3616943

The ideal that all people are equal under the law was born out of liberalism, as in people with money and power can't just go about committing crimes.
One could argue that these "inalienable rights" were given so the public wouldn't rise against the institutions. Of course they are not really enforced so it doesn't matter.

>> No.3616969

That's a pretty bad analogy if we're talking about sentient androids.

>> No.3616970


Is your cellphone sentient? Because if it is, that would be awesome.

>> No.3616974


It gets more done than I do either way.

>> No.3616989

a long string of IF ELS statements doesn't make something sentient it makes it well programmed.
once you give robots rights whats next? Toasters? Blenders? Hammers? Nails? Where dose it stop?

>> No.3617032
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Define sentient.

>> No.3617036

you first

>> No.3617037
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are we gonna go over the whole definition of human, soul, alive, consciousness and all the blurry, not-yet-well-defined stuff again?

>> No.3617041

a very very long nested if else statement is how your mind work

>> No.3617046

Mind If I format your brain and install DOS?

>> No.3617063

You're the one bringing the word into the argument. Define your terms.

Oh wait, you can't, because you are simplifying a complex philosophical question down to a single undefined word.

>> No.3617083

ok, you want a definition: the ability to think creatively.

>> No.3617099

The ability to suffer and experience pleasure.

>> No.3617198

"Serious" androids probably won't be available for mainstream consumers, but I guess you can try to make one yourself.

>> No.3617248
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>> No.3617268

pgHUJG KoNlbrr BzJnE

>> No.3617292

It bothers me how far this thread got before Asimov was even mentioned.

>> No.3617334


>> No.3617340

>even though she can't express her love because she can only do what she is programmed to do

Copypasta time

No anon think about the question from another direction.

Even if you have a real person waifu who loves you, can you guarantee the two of you will not have a change of heart in the future? Humans are fickle by nature and we get bored of everything given enough time. It doesn't matter if your waifu is human or robot, given enough time you will grow tired of her and stop loving her.

Your robot waifu on the other hand will always love you, for as long as she remains operational. It doesn't matter if you change heart towards her, doesn't matter if you die, it doesn't even matter if everyone who knows you have died and your name can no longer be read from your tombstone, her heart always remain true to you. She have to endure the pain of seeing infront of her her one love pass away, with no chance of ever getting over the grief and moving on with someone else.

And you have the nerve to think her love is somehow less worthy compaired to yours

>> No.3617344
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>The Three Laws
1. Serve the Public Trust
2. Protect the Innocent
3. Uphold the Law

>> No.3617353

Superior laws:

First Law:
A robot may not have sexual intercourse with a human being without his agreement, or through inaction, allow this human being to indulge in solitary pleasure.

Second Law:
A robot may obey all the perverse desires of human beings, except where such behavior would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law:
A robot must protect its virginity as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

>> No.3617355

My waifu will wear down and rust over before I die so that copypasta is sort of worthless. What sort of machine outlives it's owner? You don't even keep the same computer for 5 years and it's FULL of your 2d waifus.

>> No.3617378

Fuck, this confuses me so much.

On one hand, property doesn't get rights. On the other, I don't believe that something that looks exactly like a human should be enslaved.

>> No.3617386

You don't think self-maintenance would be on the agenda?

>> No.3617402 [SPOILER] 
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>or through inaction, allow this human being to indulge in solitary pleasure

So every time I try to fap, she'll come and tell me to fuck her instead?

"You seem to be horny. Would you like to ride me like the bitchbot I am?"

>> No.3617404

can anon actually afford them though

>> No.3617406

Why so much emphasis on sex, and not as much as on classical companionship?

>> No.3617409

It's a good point, with a robot around with those three laws, you can't fap even if you wanted to. You can order her to leave you alone but because First Law overrides the second she will insist on having sex with you.

>> No.3617412

The part when he got he is ability to curse back was one of the few times I've really laughed at cursing.

probably not at sentience, most likely at sapience.

>> No.3617417


So if I keep saying no she'll force herself on me and rape me? But she can't do it without my consent, so I guess she'll just keeping begging for me to fill her artificial hole while crying and leaking synthetic lubricant all over my fine berber carpet. I hope I don't have to top up her lubricant, because we'd be going through a LOT.

>> No.3617418
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>> No.3617420

Fapping is medically healthy. No Azimov android would stop you from fapping.

>> No.3617424
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>> No.3617427

Tell her:

If you are around, I will not do anything sexual, because I know you are obliged by the laws to have sex with me instead of letting me masturbate, and I don't feel like having sex with you.

If you leave, I will masturbate, since you are not around to stop me.

I therefore order you to leave, now.

You must leave now, because I wish to masturbate and the second law compels you to follow my order. But you must also not leave, because you already know that if you do, you will be violating the First Law as I will proceed to masturbate.

Watch her BSoD, then masturbate.

>> No.3617429
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>> No.3617437

She would proceed to rip off your penis and carry it into the next room, because nothing prevents her from hurting you.

>> No.3617442
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>> No.3617445


Great, a bunch of robotic Lorena Bobbitts.

>> No.3617446

duzz yer flesh n blood wife have right?

>> No.3617447
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>> No.3617453
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>> No.3617457
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>> No.3617463 [DELETED] 

plz stop spammin ur shitty board on niggerfucktalk.com ("niggerfuck" = "anon") ok we no ur jealous but u need 2 get ur own traffix ok

>> No.3617471
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Poor Delores-chan, she'll always look like a futa.

>> No.3617477
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>> No.3617483
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>implying that is bad.

>> No.3617487
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>> No.3617496
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She'll never be as hot as valsione either way.

>> No.3617506
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Not really a robot, but I love this picture

>> No.3617517

I would sex up the winner.


>> No.3617529
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>> No.3617531
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>> No.3617543
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>> No.3617569
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>> No.3617579
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