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File: 520 KB, 640x480, ethical work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35764212 No.35764212 [Reply] [Original]

In all official material, all i've seen of her is that she has absolutely no morals at work, nagging and harassing people for the sake of writing articles, even though her newspaper lives by quantity over quality, with articles about everyday occurences that are more trivial than what you had for breakfast a week ago.

Her personality is trash too, she thinks she presents himself as a humble and honest journalist on a quest to show the truth to the world, but she's egocentric and extremely arrogant, even for a tengu. She even tried to scare Hatate out of trying her hand at her own newspaper because she's that fucking scared of competition from someone she was already deeming as inferior. She's a horrible person.

Atleast Shoot the Bullet and Double Spoiler are really damn good games

>> No.35764235

i want to make her pregnant

>> No.35764274

"annoying girl who forces herself into your life" has been a popular archetype for ages

sure, most of the time you get to fuck her instead of just have her character assassinate you and move onto the next story but it's the principle of the thing

>> No.35764285

They probably like her because of all of the reasons you mentioned.
Some people like annoying girls. That's just how it is.

>> No.35765689 [DELETED] 

I think she looks very fashionable. That blouse looks very neat. She looks cute as well but yeah, her personality is trash.

>> No.35765715

I've always liked reporter characters in media. I also think she looks very fashionable. That blouse looks very neat. She looks cute as well but yeah, her personality is trash.

>> No.35765832

>but she's egocentric and extremely arrogant
All these flaws you list make for an entertaining character to read about. I like her as a character but I'm not rooting for her. BAiJR is my favorite print work because her hilariously skewed articles and aggressive "interviews" give it a unique spin and also show gensokyo from the eyes of a pushy, busybody tengu. Plus it's nice to see when characters like Mokou turn the interviews around on Aya.

>> No.35766399

If she was ugly and not cute as hell we wouldn't like her as much

>> No.35767881
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Awww, looks like someone can't handle a real woman!

>> No.35767890
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>> No.35767984

some people here want to look like her or something

>> No.35768564

Ok now imagine you sex this arrogant tengu so good that she begs to be impregnated

>> No.35768772

She's an incredibly entertaining character, and it's nice to see her genuinely so passionate over something, even if it manifests in poor ways.

Hecatia though is a major hypocrite, giving Aya shit for her paper and then spewing xenophobic lies about the Moon Dwellers.

>> No.35769277

why does zun draw self portraits of him in lolita cosplay?

>> No.35771372

where did she get the camera

>> No.35771391

She still has to wind the film manually; film cameras have passed into fantasy.

>> No.35774645

are you saying aya IS ZUN

>> No.35775408

Its only one guy, he is a regular poster.

>> No.35775433

But he doesn't though

>> No.35777779

I recall she got her camera from the kappa.

>> No.35784897

passive people dream of an aggressive woman entering their life without them having to do anything

>> No.35785014

there was at least one other person
ultimately, it's all just wishful thinking

>> No.35785392

she sucks her boss dick like all journalist do

>> No.35785827

Aya is her own boss though

>> No.35786375

Megumu is her boss?

>> No.35786873

For me, it's the fact that behind all of her bullshit, she's actually hot shit and very able to fuck people up when attacked, a bit similar to Tenshi but much less insufferable

>> No.35789622

No, she is not

>> No.35792900

of course she is. she's the daitengu.
the all wise Megumu.

>> No.35803423

Aya isn't real, and most people wouldn't put up with her.

>> No.35806079

Even in Gensokyo, nobody does. They either don't trust her or shoot her on sight.

>> No.35806112

plap plap sex with Aya plap plap

>> No.35806203

In their defence, Aya tends to shoot on sight too.

>> No.35806956
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how passionate she is about her work, and how she believes in herself and her ability to change the world.
It doesn't hurt that her games are good, too.

>> No.35807033

Seeing that quote juxtaposed with the child like drawing is something else.

>> No.35807186

Aya lays HUGE eggs

>> No.35807425

This is the biggest amount of bullshit I ever read.

>> No.35810864

She's charming and her antics are entertaining. As flawed as she is, she's ends up being extremely likeable, specially compared to other characters like Mamizou.

>> No.35810919

How funny it is when journalists compare themselves to engineers

>> No.35818215

It's their fault for wandering around Youkai Mountain. Better for them to run into Aya than any other Tengu.

>> No.35818326

What's wrong with Mami?

>> No.35822864

Fantasies about wrecking journalists.

>> No.35823080
File: 679 KB, 850x1202, sample_1a12d777cc426c34b5d2ba81318bc665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like remember when everyone absolutely HATED her? Like I haven't forgotten witnessing the great tism meltdowns her games and appearances caused back in the day.

Me thou? Always loved this smug tengu gal. Her porn is also always the hottest too so nice bonus.

>> No.35823488

What do you mean what's wrong with Mamizou.
>How funny it is when journalists compare themselves to engineers
Hopefully it's just Aya who does this.

>> No.35823669

>she has absolutely no morals
>she's egocentric and extremely arrogant
You must hate Touhous in general.

>> No.35828093

Baketanuki should always never be trusted.

>> No.35828779

Meiling, Keine, Mystia, Byrakuren, Komachi, Shikieki, Kogasa, Iku, Reisen, Hina.

>> No.35833733


>> No.35834302

Exactly. It's not about "liking annoying girls", it's about the character being interesting. Whenever she appears in a story, you know she will insert herself in it in a very unique way that will reveal so much about the setting and the other characters. She pften represents tengu involvement in youkai powerplay over Gensokyo, but she has a built-in struggle of group mentality vs individuality so her role isn't limited to being a tengu.
She also has a cool power, cool musics and cool games. She is rather cute, I would want to look like her if I were to be reincarnated as a girl.

>> No.35834460

For me it was her song in touhou 10.

>> No.35835255

The world of dharma is full of light.

>> No.35840265
File: 359 KB, 1062x800, A typical hug from Mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus it's nice to see when characters like Mokou turn the interviews around on Aya.

>> No.35843074
File: 166 KB, 800x1200, I dont get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is just a random addon the artist decided on.

>> No.35843296

It means "Aya's day". I think July 23rd was Aya's day because of some number pun.

>> No.35845666

Her theme is really good desu.

>> No.35845766

Aya Showmeyourmoves

>> No.35853568


>> No.35854273

Aya "Fake News" Shameimaru

>> No.35855932

I like her.

>> No.35857114

Oh, thanks.

>> No.35857332

Can't spell Shameimaru without Shame.

>> No.35857417
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>> No.35858644

Wind God Girl was in Hisoutensoku. Therefore, canonically, she has the best theme.

>> No.35862106
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>> No.35862290

I like her character design.

>> No.35865561

Aya must have worked hard for that egg. She might be a Tengu, but it's still amazing she's still well, though probably intoxicated to deal with the pain.

>> No.35868510 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 850x1191, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_kanpa_campagne_9__sample-35b58b5b6d2206e2aca4a164f0bc4795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she´s cute ok?

>> No.35868557

is aya actually cute ?

>> No.35869559
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>> No.35869629
File: 351 KB, 1024x726, ONWARD TO NEWS!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personality and character-wise? Because she's a fuckton of fun. Aya stirs the pot and makes things happen, and fits perfectly in any already occurring events.
She also lends herself well to fanon/head-canon bullshit, but I won't get into that.

These guy gets it.

>> No.35872541
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