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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 441 KB, 1280x1830, キー・ラ・ボックス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35223053 No.35223053 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread >>35008540

>> No.35223147

The colors looks nice, but those hands look off.

>> No.35223833

I need ossans

>> No.35224138

Is 2021 ded game revival and EOP lucky time?

>> No.35224296

Because I needed to whine about this as I just finished this route, what the FUCK was the writer on when writing Madarame's route
>Maradame himself doesn't appear before
>route builds him up for a couple of hours before he appears
>his entrance is actually pretty well done
>then the route devolves into some shitty ntr doujin where Towa's ex comes back and makes him drop his previous life because he fucks and hits too good and he can't go back to nice and comfy anymore
>the plot itself is basically 15 minutes long, super anticlimatic, rushed and halfway offscreened
And worse of all
>Madarame has no character development
>or character
>or personality beyond "I do stuff just because"
>his main gimmick is that the game's main gimmick DOESN'T work on him so his intrispections are a bunch of Ah... and ....... and trying any harder nets you a bad end because "you can't understand him"
>but he likes animals so cute!!!!
I was really enjoying the game up to this route which was a colossal waste of time and outright poor writing for the most part.

>> No.35225028

>he fucks and hits too good
don't you think for Towa that's a good reason enough?
no floor shitting

>> No.35225041

That's the whole reason he goes with, so obviously it is but it's just so empty and Madarame is such a non-character.

>> No.35225083

funnily his route sounds like an otome lol
nips seem to love him for some reason though

>> No.35225140

Of course they do, the first thing he does is put towa in a collar with a chain after beating him to a pulp rendering him unconscious.

>> No.35225152

for me it's taku

>> No.35225633
File: 815 KB, 751x1085, EzG_ljfVEAQ2NP_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to play his game on switch, right?

>> No.35225735

all for mizukamis sake

>> No.35226467

>by the time they start their relationship properly he's 50
SD is oji-san paradise.

>> No.35226529

that's amazing

>> No.35227262
File: 222 KB, 1600x1200, WhatsApp Image 2021-06-14 at 13.35.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm selling my collection of Otome stuff(drama CDs and Limited Edition extras) and male VA stuff (lots of Hanae Natsuki character CDs, but also i.e. Otomate Party 2015 & 2016). Shipping from Germany.
Otome Stuff: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybw2eb_wyV9e96EWw31--2znZYRyV6-qyNT71Yra3Jw/edit
VA Stuff: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-zyuMXBPmO8h-Qcb1sJ23SR1Fq9EJ5DXqOSCHljzM-g/edit

Send me a mail: bluenappingcat@gmail.com

>> No.35227625
File: 81 KB, 519x778, 7abfaffdb2204d5087e148fe4d11d153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a heroine be this lewd to be considered porn?

>> No.35227694

why does that look like it was drawn by a neural network

>> No.35227751
File: 106 KB, 560x701, Aspashia.full.2758017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Author of kaichou wa maid sama must of liked it enough.

>> No.35227811

Never mind it was by Nari Hibiki.

>> No.35228070

When is slow damage coming out?

>> No.35228175

If no one is interested here, you could try the otome plebbit subreddit, they have a thread for selling otome stuff. The autism there is extreme, but thanks to them, I got rid of the shit no else wanted and at a very good price to brag.
Don't feel sorry for them, overcharge them, they deserve it.

>> No.35231135
File: 95 KB, 1024x576, 1596562208154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are all my faves always the one that's least popular

>> No.35233091

Because you have the most refined and taste

>> No.35233105

Mental illness is underrated

>> No.35233415

Sis what happened

>> No.35234938

Cinderella was best boy

>> No.35235738

Weird way to spell Gretel and Kaguya

>> No.35238041

they're all good as long as we can agree Red and Snow White are shit

>> No.35238238

we failed, sisters

>> No.35238288

Doesn't this game already have an english patch though?

>> No.35238584

It has an eng patch for years now sis, and even if they did localize it, they would still use the same aarin translation.
If you wanted it for uncensored dicks, some drawfags could help.

Jast was late. They could have picked up taishou mebiusline by now, but that new company that picked up Tokyo onmyoji, will probably do it.
They should rush and strike a deal with pilslash before another company does. Karin and Grisedge too.

>> No.35238812

Good honestly, Jast needs some competition

>> No.35238975

They said the reason for that is because other games sold badly, but didn't Dmmd sell like hot cakes? I also remember JAST mentioning Sweet Pool's limited editon selling out? I honestly call bs on their reasoning

>> No.35238987

Their Sweet Pool LE is currently on discount so I'd imagine it didn't sell all that good and they needed to discount to get rid of it

>> No.35239027

Huh, stg they were boasting about it on their Twitter. Then again, maybe it was something else

>> No.35239078

>Dmmd had large number of preorders to the point of JAST running out of badges
>Non-BL fans were getting the game for the memes
>Dmmd broke JAST's site
>almost 500 reviews on Steam(many BL titles could only dream of this amout o attention)
>Dmmd's sales weren't enough
Guess I'm just bitter, JAST promised to translate every singe N+C game and NOW they're backtracking?

>> No.35239082

Sorry, what's on discount is their "Premium Fan Collection" ("Available in limited quantity only!") for the game
but regardless, neither it nor the other limited edition have outsold

>> No.35239219

Thank God Jast didn't pick up mebius.

>> No.35239250

I think they should have done DMMD and Lamento before sweet pool and TnC, honestly.

We don't even know if Moonchime will pick up Mebius. Isn't that thing actually a monster to translate? I wouldn't hold my breath.

>> No.35239498

Moonchime said they will, if onmyouji sells well. They will consider doing a crowdfunding for it too.
Even HolicWorks are super excited about it.
I wish it sells well for both mebius and for Holic, to finally continue the slutty priest game.
Mangagamer MTL translators can't and should never ever touch mebius. Jast have the skills, but they would try to make it burger friendly, thinking EOPs are too retarded to google historical stuff or Japanese celebrities.
How worse than that can this new company be?

>> No.35239514


I never knew people actually had a fetish for the disgusting old fat balding men you'd see in a NTR game, but there is an audience.

>> No.35239576

Yeah, that's if it sells well. I don't think it will, as much as I wish it would.

>> No.35239636

The artist is quite famous bl mangaka so it might actually, if fujoshi look for it.
I believe in the crowdfunding more. Most companies don't do it, but they already did a successful one or got enough patreon donations.

>> No.35239681

>English version is set in japanifornia
>senge now raps and can't stop dropping memes about Kim Kardashian
>the rest of the guys talk like southerns
>the game is now much shorter because they got rid of the parts where the other countries got mentioned so Americans wouldn't be confused
We were robbed..sisters

>> No.35239789

My understanding is that it's too long to translate and there's a huge possibly it will not sell as well as DMMD because of the setting and having only 3 LIs. So they will jump on the project that is guaranteed to sell well instead of wasting their time on trying to market it to the western audience

>> No.35239964
File: 265 KB, 1000x669, package.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone actually like Hanayaka Nari?

>> No.35239977

I liked best boy Isamu, yes.
His route is fun, everyone else was varying degrees of meh.

>> No.35240105

Any games with monster BOYS? Asking for myself. Also no I do not mean furshit.

>> No.35240282

Loved it. Isamu and megane. I liked the policeman too.
Just wtf happened to her art.

>> No.35240349

What the fuck were they thinking by releasing sweet pool first? Not only BL games are niche even in japan, what's there to say about west that's obsessed with vanilla shit? And the game itself is basically a pleb filter. They also didn't fucking warn about all r18 scenes being cut out, and the existence of the patch on the steam page. So some of us spent a very retarded hour of our lives trying to figure out why the game was so confusing and what the fuck mc was talking about.
So jast can fuck off for being retarded, they don't deserve the cats.

>> No.35240373

Eh, one has a full fan translation and is old as fuck, the other is a bit newer without translation. Their choice totally makes sense.

>> No.35240387
File: 409 KB, 561x700, Hanayaka.Nari.Waga.Ichizoku.full.2055846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Haru saying?

>> No.35240412

DMMD, togainu no chi and sweet pool all have fan translation patches that have been a thing for years.
Lamento translation is also really very good, and it doesn't require a retranslation by sweet pool-taisho alice translator.
My issue is their blaming everything on the fans and poor sales instead of their retarded marketing.

>> No.35240422

*also very good
Fuck, it's late

>> No.35240448

Yeah, agree with that, their statement sounds like a lame excuse.

>> No.35240548

Newfag to this general, are there any extensive resources specifically for otome CDs? Or nip torrent sites that might have the more obscure ones? The links in the pastebin are useful for games but didn't help much for what I'm after.

>> No.35240634

I recall people tracking the numbers on release (the premium collections are all numbered) and the highest someone tweeted was like 43.

At cons pre-covid they were trying really hard to sell it but people wouldn’t bite. On the Jast USA discord they mentioned they have 2 physical titles that are taking up space in the warehouse and rarely ever sell. The Sweet Pool premium collection is believed to be one.

>> No.35240722

Good, I want untranslated shit, stop porting shit that is already available.

>> No.35240729
File: 87 KB, 1081x1080, 1623522023164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's there to say about west that's obsessed with vanilla shit?
Vanilla is the best.

>> No.35240734

Vanilla romance in the midst of edgy stuff is by far the best.

>> No.35240745

consensual sex with sukuna

>> No.35240826
File: 665 KB, 706x790, 1548472673253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twittershit gave vanillafags a bad reputation. Just because we like slow consensual sex with the light off and hand holding and kissing and gazing into each other eyes it doesn't mean we are triggered by rape and shit or send death threats over gore.

>> No.35240974

>an American BL publisher said that social media outrage affected which titles they would and would not license
They destroyed your reputation beyond repair. Why doesn't it happen to hentai and yuri

>> No.35241025

non vanilla yuri literally doesn't fucking exist

>> No.35241034

read more

>> No.35241045

no you

>> No.35241576

My guess is that Hentai and Yuri isn't mixed with social justice movements

>> No.35241598


>> No.35241641

Which publisher was this?

>> No.35241668


>> No.35241878

hahaha wow

>> No.35241908

Sublime has mentioned something of that sort.
Also this is taken from /y/, apparently it was said on one of the fujocon panels, but not by Sublime:
>they are talking about antis and how they are bad for marketing
>for example a company wanted to the the tagline "fresh new bl" and they were told not to because the antis will start posting that fresh means its pedophilia and stuff
>apparently this is completely fucking up licencing behind the scenes when it comes to US releases

>> No.35241937

so basically you've got three options:
- vampires, and other stuff a bit weirder that's basically the same in that they're perfectly human-looking but enhanced somehow, and feed on humans (eg even the bees in jooubachi are like this)
- demon (lords) and stuff like that, don't expect more than some horns or wings
- "half-beasts", which just means kemonomimi dogboys 90% of the time.

>> No.35242085

The shading is also bad in a lot of places.


This general sucks ass

>> No.35242099

>Rating : 4.4/5

>> No.35242191
File: 28 KB, 256x300, 31023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting old fat balding men
absolutely sublime
I wish there was even a gag game with every LI being a rapist janitor and such

>> No.35242244

>tfw no cute, young, non-ugly/balding chubby guys in otome
being a female fatfag is suffering

>> No.35242380

>drug addict
towa's love interests...

>> No.35242413

Are a blast, yes.
Mutual healing is king, unless you are the hobo then you're stick as hobo for life.

>> No.35242448

Keep train shitposting out of this general, slut. He is a man.
Okamas aren't trainsexuals, crossdressers aren't trains, homosexuals in denial aren't transport.

>> No.35243252

Rei is such a filter for trannies
>my gender issues are just lashing against my dad and I actually enjoy being a man and will work towards accepting my own body and feeling comfortable in it
>also cutting your cock is a bad idea

>> No.35243533

>Jast cancels Lamento right before they announce Muramasa

>> No.35244118

madarame has a nice ass but tattoos are cringe

>> No.35244232

No lamento by jast means no jelly donuts and asato talking like an american teenager.
Thanks jast!

>> No.35244906

How monstrous are we talking about? >>35241937 has it covered in the usual forms seen in most games. The creators are far more adventurous in BL or doujin games.

So that’s the other thing I missed.

Hello, fellow anon of culture.

>> No.35244999

>retarded marketing
I don’t understand what’s going on with their marketing team. Are they being paid peanuts or what?

>> No.35245336

>ywn eat Bardo's jelly donuts

>> No.35246123

Does it even exist

>> No.35247157

looks like shit as expected

>> No.35247218

Looks okay, no? I just wish they'd show more of the system, since that's kind of the part that's making the series good.

>> No.35247238

Looks better than expected

>> No.35248068

>EOPS begging JAST not to cancel Lamento
>Read comments of people saying they'd rather play Lamento than SD
>SD is too "problematic" and triggering to play it won't sell well, but Lamento definately will!
>Would rather buy a game they already played and know
>Lamento is less but still "problematic", but JAST would censor it so no worries!
>Begging JAST to open a crowdfunding for a game that already has a patch.
>They don't like the fanpatch because it's not official and JAST translator would make it "better" and more comprehensive.
>Won't admit they are too retarded to apply the damn patch.
Nice motivation to do daily reps.

>> No.35248521

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.35248581

Lamento is actually problematic because the main character is in denial of his homosexuality from the start to the very ending. And the game never sees an issue with it! Therefore this gay sex game itself is homophobic because it supports the notion that gay men are inferior to others, and they must always deny themselves on order to seem "normal" to the others!

There's also another moment everyone seems to forget, it's the racist villagers and their treatment of Asato. Do I have to mention that in the end he forgives them for the years of racist abuse and gang raping his adoptive mother? It led me to the conclusion that the game supports racism, it enforces the idea that minorities must earn the respect and love of their racist abusers.
Let's go back to the topic of female characters, there's only 3 female characters in the entire game, and you don't need to ask me what happens to them :) Two of them are prostitutes and 1 has been gang raped for years!! I was already mad at the game for including only 3 female characters in a gay game full of men..and now they pull this disgusting thing ugh.
And oh boy, don't let me started on normalization of cannibalism, men washing themselves with their tongue (ew), drugs, prostitution, age gap relationships (he was a freaking child 18 years ago!!)
We should scrap these disgusting projects and stick to american yaoi on steam.

>> No.35248854

You forgot the scene where poor Konoe is raped by tentacles!! Tentacles can you believe tentacles!! That's sooo problematic in so many ways. Don't they care about vegans or animal lovers!? I feel so offended and it is traumatizing triggering my ptsd. I once chocked on a takoyaki! How insensitive.
We need to cancel them! So many good games exist by indie companies. Why not support them?! You can play as a genderfluid non binary transgender gay man and date a cisgender bisexual black LI. Don't bl fans realize how lucky they are to have such gems!

>> No.35248919

problematic nonconsensual sex with Azuma

>> No.35249004

Problematic non conseual sex with both azuma and towa.

>> No.35249019

* non consensual

>> No.35249038

>Club suicide ebas route is out in English
>They require proof of purchase

>> No.35249101

I would send them vintage shock content for being a dumb cunt.

>> No.35249117


>> No.35249205

Because “hentai” and yuri are targeted at a straight male audience. Straight men in the West who are into niche Japanese porn games are very unlikely to care about political correctness and social justice shit. The otome/BL communities on the other hand have many people who will throw a tantrum over anything “problematic” in the games they play. This is obvious from taking a casual glance at any otome/BL community outside of this thread. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is unfortunately.

>> No.35249221

I think it's inevitable as BL/Gay shit is not the "default", so you still have people even triggered by it and whatnot.

>> No.35249378

problematic consensual sex with healing and handholding

>> No.35249679 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 1279x722, 1623792473986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, done with Slow damage, now I get why the title screen kept changing by the route, really cool twist.
Also Towa's smile was 1000000% protected, based Fujieda really, all the routes have a t least a couple of things I don't really agree with but this one was by far the best one and he's probably the best husband Towa can ask for.
I still wonder what point Madarame had in the game, considering he appears for like five minutes outside of his route in the whole game, and the route isn't even relevant all in all, just foreshadows some stuff Fujieda's actually delves in, which makes it pretty worthless all in all. Rei's was also completely irrelevant since they never explain it but I'm sure his dad was the one who bought Mei and took her to the brothel but at least the route had content in it and Rei is always around.
More games should focus on kuudere sluts going through rehab and getting all embarrassed when they get lovingly fucked, that's by far the best part of the sex scenes, Taku's taking the cake.

>> No.35249757
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, jiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The otome/BL communities on the other hand have many people who will throw a tantrum over anything “problematic” in the games they play. This is obvious from taking a casual glance at any otome/BL community outside of this thread.
This is kind of weird. Previous western fujo spaces didn't have such a prevalence of SJWs and then with tumblr it somehow got worse and worse and here we are now.
That's the shit.

>> No.35249803

Not sure if this will impact future licenses, but this yuri game got review bombed due to its dark content and marketing, especially in the Chinese market. Still pretty much an exception though.

>> No.35250089

Does Fujieda have a bad end?

>> No.35250456

>This is kind of weird. Previous western fujo spaces didn't have such a prevalence of SJWs
My guess is that it has to do with how SJWs view sexuality in general. Straight male sexuality is seen as inherently predatory, and the average moe/bishoujo eroge is seen as highly sexist and exploitative. This leads to a filtering effect: straight male SJWs (which there are of course a lot of) are unlikely to get into eroge in the first place because it doesn’t line up with their value system. So the communities for those games are made up of people with an anti-political-correctness streak.
With otome and BL on the other hand, because they sexualize men instead of women, those genres would be viewed as potentially empowering by SJWs, so it makes sense that more SJWs would be fans of and insert themselves into those communities.
But this is all just a guess and I could be talking out my ass.

>> No.35250676


Is it autism?

>> No.35252246

One of the reviews mentions that the mc hates heterosexual people, they're probably angry she'd hate them if she were real. And chinese mainlanders probably haven't seen a gay booba in games for years so they don't know what's happening
It doesn't help that the new fans see the loudest mentally ill people who treat cartoons like real humans and think it's a default behavior. It's time to hit the books, because this is going to affect the licenses a lot in the nearest future

>> No.35252260

I understand that importing games from Japan is expensive as fuck but most of them were planning to get a steam version only anyway. Can't they just install the patch like normal humans?

>> No.35253044

>yesterday it was "not in the near future"
>today it's "MAYBE in the near future"
Nice backtracking! I'm no longer buying your shit, JAST. What kind of retardation even caused yesterday's statement?

>> No.35253074

Why are they still promising shit without confirmation? Oh I know, to guilt trip people into buying more games/copies. Fuck off
Just say Lamento's in the limbo for now. That would be far more honest

>> No.35253402

They do this for every English patch I've seen, at least in recent years. Well it's a doujin game so I can understand the logic of not wanting to take away sales>>35249019

>> No.35253417

Oops, accidentally pressed send after tagging someone else. And I meant "not wanting to help with taking away sales". Well if people want to rip out the patch they'll do it anyway like with the diabolik lovers one

>> No.35253664

Is that an actual background from Slow Damage?

>> No.35253750

What was the point of translating and editing the game so fast if they're going to take 10 years to release it. Work faster lazy sluts

>> No.35254267

>But this is all just a guess and I could be talking out my ass.
I think it makes sense, personally. The already small western BL community feels like it's fractured into several micro communities. The people who went to the fujocon discord are fine with dark content but are still genderspecials or genderspecial allies, but you've also got the fujos in denial who will only play BL games if they're western garbage from itch.io, and then of course the bigoted chuds like us. Either way I'm glad I just started learning japanese. Even if I'm lazy and it's taking forever I'm better off than the EOPs who are waiting for localisation companies to give a fuck.

>> No.35254439

Which fandom is more insufferable? BL fans or otome fans?

>> No.35254473

I don't particularly mind any of you ladies.

>> No.35254510

It's the title screen once you finish the game, based on the MC's room, otherwise it's really fucking darak.

>> No.35254534

You are all my friends.

>> No.35254616

BLfags easily.
They all want to pretend they like to see men fuck for the brownie points instead of admitting they're just fujos and there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.35254864

Agree on this. I think slightly more moralfagging happens on the BL side of things compared to otome. Really, it's mainly westoids/burgers in general being insufferable.

>> No.35254870

Anybody here getting Slow Damage artbook?

>> No.35254874


>> No.35255162

In the west, BL fans. In Japan, otome fans.

>> No.35255364

>japanese BL fans
>the fandom that not only argues about couples, but also the proper way they should fuck too

>> No.35255397

The best kind of arguments.

>> No.35255399

And? The main characters must be dicked and in the way I want

>> No.35255460

I mean they are autistic yes, no one is doubt that. But contrary to the average otaku they are way better and also more cucked though.

>> No.35255587

>In Japan, otome fans.

>> No.35255661

Excluding western faggotry, both aren't bad.
It's the joseimuke fandoms that don't play BL/otome games and fight over breadcrumbs of ship/yume pandering that are the worst. Seeing how much players are willing to shill for a jpeg really makes me salty the genre isn't doing that well.

>> No.35255705

not op but jp otome fans tend to be yumejoshi and get weird and clingy with oshi. yumejoshi in general tend to be insufferable bc sometimes they refuse to be friends with or even acknowledge other people who have the same fav because they're the only person allowed to like them.

i'd say there are annoying people in both bl and otome circles--neither is worse, they just both have their handful of crazies.

>> No.35256031

For having shit taste and giving fan-disks to the wrong games.

Anon the future is bright, yumejos are moving on from otome games and are always mourning in their containment thread on 5ch. Every poll I see the self-insert preference gets smaller and smaller.

>> No.35256056

But I do self insert, what the fuck is bright about that

>> No.35256059

Fuck me, first reply meant >>35255587

>> No.35256183
File: 195 KB, 541x303, warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this warning on a totally safe for work sample CG on the site for the kankinkon game always makes me laugh

>> No.35256216

How are these games anyway? Mostly Yamato's.

>> No.35256280

RIP anon. Anon I wouldn't worry, self-insert players are a different breed from nip yumejos. Unless you are triggered by the current state of otoge heroines, the image of a heroine or the current amount of dialogue then you will be completely fine.

>> No.35256622
File: 23 KB, 256x300, 103907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are Reiichi and Inori related, I wonder? Is he our son?

I really dislike that Live2D animation. I'm sure it could look good (some galge look impressive, for example), they're just shit at animating it here for some reason. And the new art style doesn't help.
I'm glad to see, at least, that there's going to be more interaction between the boys, which I had been hoping for since 3rd Story.

>> No.35256833

Yamato is cute. He's more yangire then yandere. I've only played Yamato's route so far and didn't listen to the drama cds before playing. Having skimmed Yamato's cd afterwards, I don't think the game is worth it if you've already listened to the cd. It's pretty much the same minus the heroine dialogue, but if you haven't listened to the drama cd then the game is the better version.

>> No.35257075

Can't believe none of you nigresses played Arcana Famiglia or literally any Neoromance game

>> No.35257115

But I did, I fucked shades in front of Luca and made him call me mom

>> No.35257137

He better be our son, I don't accept Himuro sensei putting a dick inside someone else. I'd rather fuck our son

>> No.35257917
File: 128 KB, 1048x590, E38UuF4VIAI5amh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you taking on your 4p date?

>> No.35258003

Definitely not those nerds.

>> No.35258252

Balding fukuyama jun

>> No.35262701

How would you react if one of the LIs in the sequel to your favorite game was the child of the LI from the first game, but the LI from the original game impregnated a random woman, not (You) 1.0

>> No.35262828

I would feel nothing

>> No.35262958

Pathetic, even a faceless 2d woman would beat you in a fight

>> No.35263578

How would you react if one of the LIs in the sequel to your favorite otome game appeared as a side character and got married to a man instead of (You)

>> No.35263599

I would feel sexually excited

>> No.35263714
File: 23 KB, 608x126, otoko no asobi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once I was playing what I thought was otome game but then got hit with a scene of the male lead having sex with a random ojisan

>> No.35263802

I'd pay twice to see it happen. At one point I was pretty sure Nicola from zzzfiore would kill (You) off and rape Dante next to (You)r dead body

>> No.35264258

ojisans are too powerful

>> No.35264789

Pimping the ass of your M LI who is twice your age, to your rich friends

>> No.35264820

Shut up cuck

>> No.35264869

games for this feel?

>> No.35264870

ojisanTACHI to
what a whore

>> No.35265154

Any more games with damaged goods and healing?

>> No.35265216

Ntr is the worst fetish. Imagine letting that bitch friend from tokimemo win

>> No.35265638

Having threesome with your oniichans.
>One moans like the whore he is
>the other hates everyone, but more himself and cries inside (but won't stop fucking his sis).

>> No.35265695

Best satisfying big brother routes. Even their bad endings are delightful and became even better in the fandisk.

>> No.35265730

I love how miserable everyone is. And MC deep down enjoying and triggering their misery.

>> No.35265865

True. I love that everyone's served an extra heap of suffering and uncertainty in their bad ending after stories. It's a nice contrast for how great everything's going on for them in their good ends. I would've liked to see an alternate story where the common ending continued into a new world for the MC. I saw a doujin summary long ago that had a synopsis like that. Too bad I forgot the name.

>> No.35266008

I wish anon, I wish. It would be great if they ever made a small game about it even. An alternative story with a few endings only.
Like chasing after her brother to be together, this time both knowing they are siblings and not only one suffering. And have a side story for soldier finally fucking her slut brother out of desperation for her running away

>> No.35266602

I don't think they would dare to do that to one of the most popular characters in the franchise. It could be another one of his cousins, or a nephew, but the age does add up, so it could be his son. I'm so curious, but I guess we'll know when the game's out. And if it is in fact his son with another woman, the shitstorm would be insane, I can't wait.

The two glasses and someone else.

Imagine not wanting to cuck your boy with the girl rival. If only that was possible.
But yeah, I also wish there was more netori in otome.

>> No.35266616

I would just like to steal guys.

>> No.35266672

The widest and pointiest of them all naturally. But seriously while I don't like the art style, I hope the writing and gameplay's improved or else I'll just stick with the third one again. I liked getting blindsided by the hidden depths of the guys in the third game especially Junpei. It makes me glad I left him for last.

>> No.35266821
File: 359 KB, 1062x638, 1562481956918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n*tori loser

>> No.35267226

I can excuse scat, piss, gore, and would even appreciate the brother who drives the mc's family to ruin, turns her other brother into a slut, and makes her take the slut brother's place in a bdsm gang rape club. I would even find hot his having the most miserable fap of his life as he is watching his sister being ravaged by faceless fat bastards.
But I do draw the line at NTR. I'd buy a copy of tokimemo 2 just to burn it on camera if that happened.

>> No.35267479
File: 87 KB, 837x720, Fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to play the sd mobage hoping to see more Eiji
>Original character designs are bad
>Fumetsu mc?
>Play for free
>Has checkpoints but fine so far, still gotta wait some days to collect stuff
>Game is gory enough, quite a lot of self harm and cutting, but seen worse
>Reach a route with 2 endings
>One has Futsu's bf, fucking him to death. He also fucks his corpse.
>The other ending has again, Futsu's bf fucking him hard, but this time he decides to strangle Futsu to death. As Futsu dies he pisses himself (Unfortunately for omorashifags that was not shown, but it could be heard. It was pretty detailed too)

>Still have 3 endings
>Probably will pay if need be

>> No.35267536

Wait, I thought mobile games were all ages?

>> No.35268160

It's SD's web game.

>> No.35268386

sometimes I play TM2, have my boy stolen by the rival and have my best friend swoop in and get their ending. it's pretty nice.

>> No.35268411

>I enjoy getting cucked and settling

>> No.35268494

Have fun paying money to see short-ass endings, sis

>> No.35268732

kek what kind of megacuck made this pic?

>> No.35272975

I really like friends to lovers, okay

>> No.35273378

I mean, it makes sense, if you're not too attached to the boys romantically.
Did you like Best Friend mode?

>> No.35273415

Best Friend mode is the good shit even if it's annoying to proc. If 4th doesn't have it, it can go straight to the discount bin.

>> No.35274479

better this than the moral policing western fanbases go through.

>> No.35275118 [DELETED] 

Pre-reg started.

>> No.35275146

Pre-reg for Tears of Themis is live.
(shameless invite link)

>> No.35275896

Gachafags should be tarred, feathered, and then shot.

>> No.35277259

They punish themselves by wasting money on gambling simulators that play with their feelings.

>> No.35278833

I think shutting down the gacha they whaled everything on will be a much better punishment

>> No.35281631
File: 355 KB, 1920x1080, title00.mkv_snapshot_00.32.21_[2017.03.05_18.48.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boys have white hair.

>> No.35281916


There is nothing better than the cries and futile screeching when a gacha is shut down

>> No.35284144

Open shirts are invariably the sign of a shit boy and worst boy more often than not.

>> No.35286515
File: 2.96 MB, 256x199, 1476761546334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gacha is the current and the future. unlike this dead thead where everyone shitposts, not playing anything until the next fotm is released once or twice every year. this thread is even worse than /vn/ now.

>> No.35286546

Will it be on the global store too, or dimestuc only?

>> No.35289422

Have any of their other games' official artbooks been offered on their global store? There's your answer. best to import, sis

>> No.35289779

Quitting the gacha shit I was playing was the best decision I made in my life, but then I ended up filling that void with FFXIV instead of actually playing more Otome or BL so I'm not sure if I improved.

>> No.35289854

I feel like the only people that truly despise gacha are the idiots that actually spent money on one lol

>> No.35290353

the only thing i don't like about gacha is that in the event the server dies there'll be tons of content just lost to time
like sure maybe there's someones Unregistered Hypercam2 recordings but its not like having a game installed to play as you like

>> No.35291300

"games as service" was a huge mistake

>> No.35291344

I've never spent money but I still hate them because I defend that you should be able to actually get everything in a game without needing to pay for it extra.

>> No.35292180

Oh God when will these proof of purchase first, then send translation faggots realize that shit doesn't work... Be it game, movie, novel, manga.
My fucking sides when they go reeeeee once it's leaked kek

>> No.35292487

All of em. Nothing but bitching from either side. Nothing but bitching in these threads.

>> No.35293258


>> No.35296870

Nah, they go reee and backtrack the moment they realize they won't be getting enough attention. Knowing that someone else might take over would be killing them inside. Just look at what went down with Chinese homo novels. Manga Dear Gene is another recent example.

>> No.35299131

Hashihime side stories keep getting translated.

>> No.35303328

I want to date more mentally ill boys. Ignoring yanderes though.

>> No.35304244

Denpa schizos are the only good mentally ill boys.
played for laughs
>borderline sluts
never seen one
seen too many

>> No.35304259

*narcissists fuck

>> No.35305542
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acts like a narcissitst superficially
>basically a manwhore
>mentally ill enough for suicide
(Personal) best boy for a reason.

>> No.35305756

kurasudo boys have kino personalities

>> No.35305783 [SPOILER] 
File: 534 KB, 1327x997, 1624134189522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the other hates everyone, but more himself and cries inside (but won't stop fucking his sis).
That's why he's best boy

>> No.35305891


>> No.35306467

Fuck I'm gonna replay it for the 20th time now.

New aromarie brother fucking game when

>> No.35307370
File: 305 KB, 1080x1200, Sai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you like him?

>> No.35307476

>wants to fuck a girl with the mind of a 12 year old
>EVERY character in that game wants to
Nope, sorry, couldn't do it despite liking the childhood friend.

>> No.35307658

worst boy


>> No.35307690

any games that have nice caretaking scenes? otome or bl, i don't care, just in the mood to take care of some boys

>> No.35307840

I could understand if she at least looked 12, but it's like fucking a mentally stunted girl at that point.
The gap is offputting.

>> No.35307965

Aren't most Protagonist-chans mentally stunted?

>> No.35308000

she acts like your average MC but more sassy

>> No.35312863

Who are the best schizo boys?

>> No.35315882
File: 233 KB, 1024x1024, kiu_game-933614222356856832-20171123_193230-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has sex
>can cook
>says he'll be a good doggo as long as he gets sex
>gets the job done sending Nadeshiko back without shitting around with science
Good boy

tfw the average heroine you play is dumber then a 12 year-old

>> No.35318283

Rejet boys

>> No.35320415

Excellent taste. He deserves to get the pegging he desperately wants.

>> No.35321408

What are some games that have a bit more gameplay than the typical VN but are still under the otome/BL audience?
For, example, are there any otome demographic JRPGs (no generic fantasy setting/isekai-setting/Dragon Quest stuff please)?

>> No.35321466


>> No.35321658

Did you make this post to hurt me?

>> No.35321692

Fire Emblem, if you stretch the definition of JRPG and squint hard enough

>> No.35321799

It's only fantasy genre unfortunately

>> No.35322176

I think the only tangentially "otomeish" games that had some gameplay to them that weren't exactly marketed as otome were the original Ateliers before the Ryza invasion.
Other than that >implying BL/otome is allowed to have gameplay

>> No.35322281

I remember some anon mentioned mass effect 3 once

>> No.35322308
File: 314 KB, 1280x720, EQT8VzWUUAIXeXS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atelier really wasn't like that even before ryza. Sure there were endings with male characters but nothing romantic and the atelier always had more yuri fanservice.

Escha and Logy doesn't count since Escha only likes Logy.
Sterk will forever follow Rorona but they will never fuck.
Firis actually had romance with the DLC guy and the ending is Firis confessing.

>> No.35322416

/blog/ doesn't really get to have vns with gameplay outside of stat raisers.

>> No.35322874

>mass effect
If your fetish is hideous humans, just fuck a 3dpd

>> No.35323018

Its ignoring the latter part of your question but you can already tell from the replies that there isnt much variety, Rune factory 4/5, harvest moon and stardew valley should count but all have fantasy elements.

>> No.35323277

Why would you want to fuck the humans when there's cute aliens?

>> No.35323308

Just started reading her game and there is quite a clash between her character design and personality, not what I expected (in a good way) will keep reading for her.

>> No.35323345

They're equally hideous so you may as well go for the more accessible option

>> No.35323457

Shit taste. Garrus is an adonis.

>> No.35323996
File: 259 KB, 1920x1080, 13 Sentinels_ Aegis Rim_20210516051433_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire Emblem I guess and some other VN hybrid like Persona (I'd say P3P could pass for an otome, not to much for the BL audience though. )
13 Sentinel has a route that plays very much like BL and a route that plays like a shoujo as well iirc some female staff members heavily influence the work. Though it's a VN with tower defense sections.
Atelier of course, in particular Ayesha has a huge otome fanbase I believe?
Genshin Impact I guess with the female MC feels pretty otomeish as well many gatchas.

More VN adjacent Fata Morgana and Sharnoth could probably interest BLOG?

>> No.35324024
File: 82 KB, 217x250, 1446087087495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Estelle's game?

>> No.35324049

>BL with gameplay


>> No.35324066
File: 57 KB, 146x151, 1618634675337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I remember checking this out as a teen. Nostalgia blast.

>> No.35324753

Garrus is forever and always will be best boy.

>> No.35324844

What route does Setsu appear in norn9?

>> No.35325875

Ayesha is pretty good if you want to fuck old men

>> No.35326139

I still find it hilarious the canon end for that is AyeshaxKeith and turning into a borderline terorrist milf in a couple of games.

>> No.35326428
File: 358 KB, 588x535, Galtia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone here play Galtia? The setting interests me but for all I know the writing may be trash.

>> No.35326612

I did not play it however I heard it was indeed trash in the story department.

>> No.35327092 [DELETED] 

Atelier was never marketed as otome it was marketed as "cute girl doing cute things" to men.
Even there was some romance.

>> No.35327098

Atelier was never marketed as otome it was marketed as "cute girls doing cute things" to men.Their target audience was clearly men.

>> No.35327102

P3 portable if you pick the feMC

>> No.35327286
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, Atelier.Shallie.full.1753888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the old man is hot tho

>> No.35327690

I want to fuck him sisters.

>> No.35327996

>play jack jeanne
>first boy is childhood friend introduced in a flashback
>low self esteem
>loves MC from the get go
>feels unworthy to be with her
>won't be given male roles despite wanting them
>huge inferiority complex towards MC and the retarded not-main guy
Fuck you game I can't not choose him and I can't delay choosing a guy any further.

>> No.35328004 [DELETED] 

zettai kaikyuu gakuen fandisc when

>> No.35328578
File: 25 KB, 254x187, millisar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of games with otome elements, anyone else remembers scavenging the ds library for content? Who was your husband? I liked this edgy boy.

>> No.35329109

Doesn't Atelier have a huge female fanbase in JP?

>> No.35329351

Felt like the worst sort of generic BL game, I hated it and dropped it a couple routes in.
Maybe it got better later but I have no will to check

>> No.35329504
File: 224 KB, 600x900, scien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meet my wife

>> No.35329547

>the one route theme that sounded even remotely interesting
The game will be garbage because the author hasn't been involved in a single non shitty thing.

>> No.35329563

because the games MCs are likeable and theres pretty boys but you don't romance them.

>> No.35329697

Your wife needs more ass.

>> No.35330085

it's the classic "chest and ass have to both get in the shot" pose
I think your wife might be a whore

>> No.35330276
File: 173 KB, 550x350, avalon code.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can hardly remember this game, but Ur was cute and the gameplay concept was pretty unique.

>> No.35330336

I don't care if it's trash, if it's gay, japanese and doesn't have hairy assholes I'm in

>> No.35330709

The ds series was literally marketed to little girls and they have always held huge female audience appeal for obvious reasons to the point Otomate churned out a crappy Atelier otome game with nostalgia fanservice that referenced the very earliest games in the series.

>> No.35331105

Is asking for the proof of purchase the new trend? I'd rather stop being a dekinai chan than suck off some ugly retard for translations

>> No.35332007

Natsuhiko's iirc. Don't get your hopes up though, he's just a side character.

>> No.35332343

Of all fucking BLs...blegh
If Mebiusline had a interesting and even somewhat realistic plot involving politics, Galtia's full of bs fantasy politics. The boring, nonsensical and downright retarded kind. I tried following the plot, but I can barely remember anything because it was just generic at the end of the day.
Characters were either ok or just bad, art was somewhat awkward and forgettable. Music? It felt like I was listening to TnC ost(same composer, ZIZZ). Overall 4/10, not interested in playing that again. I wonder if Tokyo Onmyoji will be an only interesting BL translation project for several more years

>> No.35332494

hopefully luckydog will rise from the dead

>> No.35333513
File: 927 KB, 1302x800, nwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope EOP companies translate love delivery games. Let eops give them enough bread to release the slut priest homo game. They must.

>> No.35333580

>than suck off some ugly retard for translations
But you did it anyway didn't you

>> No.35334584

No I didn't, unless you count paying Jast for Slow damage in 2025

>> No.35334678

Mebiusline is long as fuck, its language isn't something you would be able to mtl either. I heard similar things about 24ku. So no way in hell mangagamer is doing either of these. TM also has best boy Senge, and say anything you want but BL fans are more anal about muh problematique content than yumejoshi who would be happy to be fucked to death by Yang. They'd even embrace racism for the hot guys in Olympia

>> No.35335934

So my babby Japanese reading skills isn't enough to tackle these huh. Why are the most interesting ones the hardest to read? Apart from the length, what makes it difficult to translate? Is it too late to switch learning Russian instead? Give me some Russian learning tips, and books to start with, my Russian fluent /blog/ buddies. I'd like to read the Master and Margarita along with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago series in their original language someday.

>> No.35336258

I despise this meme

>> No.35336416

whats the point of learning russian if there's no russian bl to read...

>> No.35336869

Just watch any gay apes documentary with Russian subs

>> No.35337579 [SPOILER] 
File: 306 KB, 800x590, 1624316182851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35337861

Transfem and agender on the right. What a brave soul.

>> No.35340985

Personally I selfinsert as the non-binary lesbian transformer on the left

>> No.35341459

What the fuck are you bitches saying

>> No.35341473

Her breasts are cute

>> No.35341474

shitty memes

>> No.35342596 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 531x750, 1624350698221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it.

>> No.35342625


>> No.35342659

To you, in 10 years.

>> No.35342722

in the time since it was announced I went and learned mandarin and then read the otomedream patch. I’m not even pressed anymore I’m just wondering what’s going on.

>> No.35342980

3 more days...

>> No.35343378

Wasn't the issue is their buying an mtl translation and realizing that it was too late?

>> No.35343381

Russian translation of Mebiusline is worth it desu
> Apart from the length, what makes it difficult to translate?
So I've talked about it with the Mebiusline's translator: she said the hardest part was trying to figure out how to make all the historical context understandable and easy to follow without the need to look into history books during play session(we Slavs barely learn anything about Japan, much less know about events mentioned in Mebius).
As for learning tips, google Russian children books or something. They're rarely full of typical language bs and let you concentrate on some common words and sentence structures.

>> No.35343398

The localization fucked with the gender of the crossdresser for no fucking reason and crazy self-inserters now treat it as canon

>> No.35343473

I thought they bought up that fujo’s script translation that she hosted on her blog (with great presentation, as I recall). You’re telling me that was MTL all along?

>> No.35343650

He still a dude in the the translation at least, but all you need for these cases is a single line. They still think Chihiro from Dangaronpa is transgender.

>> No.35343683
File: 1.13 MB, 648x750, E4Z_SepVEAABmxm.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curios to see if the translation will be worse or better.

>> No.35345505

But kanjaS releases in September.

>> No.35347193
File: 111 KB, 914x693, aKP1Uvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35347212
File: 102 KB, 1225x457, dK7nP4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35347545

>do eop companies hire their translators from tumblr and twitter only

>> No.35347630

Who quote

>> No.35348464

of course, Mizukami is my favorite in Katakana no Hashihime

>> No.35348700
File: 224 KB, 703x998, kod_tokuten_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heard doc is an amputee rapist.

>> No.35348808

I'm looking forward to bad ends

>> No.35348924

Right translation is wrong though. It's more
>I'm a boy, I wouldn't like another dude, isn't that right?
Because he's checking Hiijyama's though process.

Funny that other languages translated the script fine, all 5 of them

>> No.35349071

i think it was spoiled that he was an amputee in cgs and rapist is a given from his char design/being a pirusurashu LI so not really a surprise

>> No.35349103

i should add, his VA voiced nii-san in pigeon blood so

>> No.35349636

Hot, what about the other guys

>> No.35350102

Americans are special so they'll die if you don't change a gay story into something about their own gender identity.
That's just another reason to learn the language

>> No.35350115

The weirdest thing about 13S for me is that the first I didn't even want to see porn of the characters. Just cute things for that pairing. Even with adult versions.. Just vanilla, safe art.

>> No.35350142

It's just a result of tronnies taking over and their general dislike of men and non binary garbage requiring zero effort for being special. Check twitter, literally 90% of liberal circles have weird pronouns these days

>> No.35350322

Same, I just wanted to see vanilla tentacle porn, and clone foursomes

>> No.35350339

Pretty sure there is a crossover doujin where the clones meet their 2188 versions and 2188 Hijiyama keeps cucking Clone Hijiyamaa and stuff.

>> No.35350408

kino of dystopia

>> No.35350728

shame there seems to be no download edition, I might have actually bought it

>> No.35351149

2188 Hijiyama is based and he deserves to cuck as many of his clones as he wants. His boyfriend is so lucky..

>> No.35351304 [DELETED] 

I feel kinda bad for the clone, it's not like he chose to be born in 1929. Luckily he's young so he'll be able to make up for it.

>> No.35351479 [SPOILER] 
File: 422 KB, 824x713, 1624397147819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kinda bad for the clone, it's not like he chose to be born in 1929. Luckily he's young so he'll be able to make up for it.

>> No.35352175

Does this picture imply high impact sexual violence?

>> No.35352222


>> No.35353521
File: 597 KB, 1030x607, hashihime3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post boys who deserved better routes
