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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 286 KB, 840x700, Reisen dual wield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3513284 No.3513284 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3513298

>Where am I now? Travelin' 1.19km/s(2656mph). 64,063km from the Moon. http://ub0.cc/8/kw 17hrs! RU excited? I am. #lcross

>> No.3513294

Hopefully it will reveal a subterranean cavern with a bunch of robots and abandoned mechs hidden within the moon.

>> No.3513299

What if the impact shifts the moon off orbit, and it eventually starts heading towards earth?

>> No.3513301

We could use more land.

>> No.3513306


>> No.3513310

Make it happen.
This would make live interesting.

>> No.3513329

>>Hey guys let's find an excuse to blow something up.

>> No.3513344

That's right, searching for water on the Moon is just a front put up by the US to test their interplanetary bombs.

>> No.3513396

NASA will destroy the moon for lulz, proving once and for all America's supremacy over stupid space rocks.

>> No.3513406

>The Centaur rocket will strike first, transforming 2200 kg of mass and 10 billion joules of kinetic energy into a blinding flash of heat and light.

You know, if all they want is water on the moon, couldn't they just blow it up with 2200 kg of water?

>> No.3513409

it wasn't enough to corrupt our beatiful world ?

>> No.3513416
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Ya couldn't have just maybe asked?

>> No.3513430
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>> No.3513434
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Foolish humans! For every rabbit that falls, ten more shall take her place! We breed faster than you can imagine!

>> No.3513439



>> No.3513442

get back to /mu/ faggot

>> No.3513446

It's a well-known fact that Burzum is /jp/-related.

>> No.3513447
File: 363 KB, 1333x1000, America did what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I can't click that link

>> No.3513463
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I... am normally a man of good moral standing, but I admit that I would volunteer to invade the moon if I could take these bunnies as spoils of war!

>> No.3513486


No, anons, you must resist! If you go around impregnating the moon rabbits, you'll only be replenishing their endless numbers! Think of the good of humanity! Think only of killing! Do not let their sex appeal divert you from the task at hand!

>> No.3513487
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Gonna get 'em.

>> No.3513490

>>What if the impact shifts the moon off orbit, and it eventually starts heading towards earth?

did any of the millions of meteors that were several times the mass of this bullet and traveling at higher speeds than it cause the moon to fall apart or crash on the earth upon impact?

it was happening for billions of years and it's still there.

>> No.3513491
File: 462 KB, 800x1000, 1230827224446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who rages everytime some retards try to do anything to the moon?

>> No.3513497
File: 85 KB, 700x737, 1253120782037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The TINY TINY CLEVER invasion of the Moon has started.

>> No.3513498

but this one is man-made

>> No.3513504

If it brings you any comfort, the bible says that humans are doomed to fail at outer space. It doesn't explain why.

>> No.3513508

We suspect the Moon of having weapons of mass destruction. The Moon hates our freedom. If we don't fight them there they will follow us home.

>> No.3513513


Domain of the heavens etc.

You get what god gives you, don't leave the clearly marked play zone

>> No.3513516

>still hasnt explained why

>> No.3513517


Don't trust the bible.

>> No.3513523
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>> No.3513537

You know, since ZUN had the Apollo landings be armed invasions of the moon, what would this be?

Nuclear bombardment?

>> No.3513539

Why am I seeing Raiden clones with bunny ears?

>> No.3513548
File: 283 KB, 911x1200, 1250208290630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what you do, humans, our moon will still dominate your night sky.

>> No.3513558

There is no moon, it's an age old conspiracy by the Church.

>> No.3513562

So the other day, I fucked my AG3 Reisen on moonscape room and I didn't use a condom. Was I actually helping the enemy? Am I now the father of a dozen new moon rabbit warriors? What have I done?!

>> No.3513584

So far no real success. Time will tell.

But why go for the moon? What is so special about a barren dead rock? We should be trying to research the abyss!

>> No.3513591


Because that barren rock is a good launching point. It takes a lot of energy to get off the rock we're on already; having a refuel station right there would be wonderful. Takes much less energy to blast off from Luna.

>> No.3513592

Because it's easier to launch shit into other planets from the moon than from Earth.

>> No.3513594

Reisen the Lunatic Udonegai <3

>> No.3513597


Because man will likely colonize the moon and mars before we spread to any other places.

The march to space is a step by step process. You start with the things closest to you.

>> No.3513601

It is

Until you consider the fact that the moon has no fossil oils to synthesize rocket fuel from, and that would have to come from Earth.

So after you've spend all the resources getting the fuel and material from Earth to the Moon, you have to do it again to get your payload from the Moon to x

>> No.3513602

And then we colonize the Solar system and realize we cannot go any further, haha.

>> No.3513603

There's nothing up there, you know. We should all just cling to this rock in the darkness and cry until oblivion comes.

>> No.3513605
File: 15 KB, 380x389, fangtooth-fish-78210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why we should start with the closest: The Abyss.

There is a ton of stuff down there and no real effort to study it has been done. The animals/bacteria there could yield data on all sorts of fields.

>> No.3513608

/tg/ is on this one as well

>> No.3513611

>Rocket fuel

Terrible fucking artist

>> No.3513639

Unless you use a mass driver.

>> No.3513666

>Unless you use a mass driver.
Where duz i get electricity ¯\(o_O)/¯

>> No.3513668


>> No.3513676


Moon rabbits toiling in the generator pods underground, of course.

>> No.3513675


... The sun?

Two week long days on the moon, brah.

Before you go "two week long nights", it means they take two week breaks. Don't need to be operative 24/7.

>> No.3513694

try solar panels. moon has no atmosphere so it doesn't filter out as much as earth does.

which only means it's weaker.

>> No.3513692 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on aпoпtaاk.com u dumb niggar's

>> No.3513699
File: 19 KB, 311x242, 1254950449047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I just get botroll'd?

>> No.3513716

I wonder what that tastes like...

>> No.3513726

Like all scavengers: Fucking horrible. Tough meat with a nasty flavor.

>> No.3513730

Oh, what a let down.

>> No.3513731

Oh goddammit. Thanks for ruining my childhood, Beato.

>> No.3513747

I would ride her magical school bus, if you know what I mean

>> No.3513840
File: 793 KB, 2240x800, 1233858785790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Douglas Adams laughs in his grave. In another dazzling display of brilliance, upon concluding once and for all the moon is uninhabited humanity declares war on it.

>> No.3513864

This moon is ours, witch!

>> No.3515523

How is the bomb gonna explode without air on the Moon?

>> No.3515528

NASA is still butthurt over losing territory on the Moon to the bunnies in the 60's.

>> No.3515531


Derp, it's a contact explosion. Force can't go nowhere.

>> No.3515548

Reisen (original) is always the one suffering ;_;

>> No.3515579

America: blowing shit we don't understand to hell and back.

>> No.3515582

Wait if the moon is slowly moving away from the earth wouldn't this bomb blast it out of the orbit?
