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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 796 KB, 1280x960, 180_reimu_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35082200 No.35082200 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/, it's >>21872565 again, here with a collection of all the visual resources from TH18. But wait, there's more! This time, I've also fixed and upgraded all the previous collections, making them easier to navigate and more useful. There's quite a lot I'd like to say, so I'll break it up into several posts.

Before anything else, here's a link to the MEGA folder where you can download each game's archive:

>> No.35082213
File: 298 KB, 1693x720, compositing_and_names.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first of three major changes, I completely reorganized the PC-98 collections to bring them in line with the Windows standards. Back when I first put them together, I wanted to preserve the original images as much as possible, partly as a point of historical interest, and partly to show off that I had actually extracted them and not merely ripped them from screenshots or something. But that turned out to not be very useful, since a lot of the images you'd want on their own (ie, character portraits) are combined with others, and a lot that would be easier to view on spritesheets are dispersed among many files, some with comically unwieldy resolutions like 16x2048. So now they're all processed, renamed, and organized just like the Windows games' resources. However, I have also uploaded versions in the old style (with the "o" suffix), since I do still think they're interesting in their own right.

Secondly, I changed some naming schemes. Character portraits now use a suffix indicating expression, rather than just a number. (More on that later.) Spell card backgrounds are now named after their users. Stage background names are a bit more readable. Numerical suffixes are now separated from the rest of their names with underscores. Combined names now use "+" as a separator, while "-" is used as an alternative to "_" for alphabetizing purposes. And there are a few other places where names were made clearer or more useful on a case-by-case basis, while also trying to make everything more consistent.

For the last big improvement, all "modular" character portraits are now composited. Again, these are images that I had originally wanted to leave as they were, but that was a poor decision which led to unhelpful results, so now all valid combinations of character plus expression are rendered as they would be in-game and saved as separate images. All the components that would be useful for editing purposes have been preserved as well, in subfolders named "components"; however, even from these, all white padding has been removed.

>> No.35082227
File: 82 KB, 1152x640, errors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few other details I'd like to point out.

All PNGs were put through pngcrush (with "-blacken -rem alla -reduce"), to both save space and remove any chunks my editing software may have left behind. They're not guaranteed to be optimally crushed, but it still made for a >20% filesize reduction overall.

Some images might look like they have errors, but these are probably ZUN's errors, not mine. That said, I did fix a few images from the PC-98 games that I had originally rendered with the wrong palette, and added one that I had somehow missed extracting the first time. It's possible that there are still some genuine errors, but I really did my best this time to look everything over carefully.

Some images were removed - mostly in-game manuals, as well as some other large text-only images.

>> No.35082242
File: 130 KB, 1600x384, portraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding character portraits, in every game since 8, the original files have been named with abbreviations indicating expressions. Pic related, you can see the abbreviations and how I decided to translate them for the new filenames. Some of them don't always work perfectly. For example, I think "n2" is supposed to mean something like "no expression 2", indicating a variation of the neutral expression. However, "excited" usually fits the bill, and even where it doesn't quite, I've left it there for consistency.
For 7 and earlier, the original files did not have such helpful names, but in those cases I used the same expression names (again, for consistency) and tried my best to fit them to the images. You might disagree with some of those choices, but please forgive me.
The exception to all of this is 2, where Reimu has TEN expressions, and they're all tiny little images, so I just used the old numerical suffixes. It can't be helped.

>> No.35082257

The weird smudge effect around Reimu remains a mystery.

>> No.35082277
File: 1.00 MB, 512x512, 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lastly, since someone asked about it last time, the Tasofro games - I didn't do them. Sorry. I wasn't able to get the extractor to work with 13.5, but more importantly, there's just way too much stuff in those games to give them the same treatment as the others. Maybe I could do only portraits, since those would probably be the most useful and also a reasonable amount to process.

Anyway, that's it for my comments. Again, please enjoy!

>> No.35084003 [DELETED] 

i was the one that aksed for the fightan sprites looong ago, but happy to see you again, nonetheless
thank you for your hard work.
i can just take quick pictures of the fightan sprites, but yes, full portraits would be amazing. IaMP's ones are cut off by lots of texts.

>> No.35085293

why did ZUN forget the whites in her eyes holy fuck it makes me so upset on an OCD level

>> No.35085664

Thanks again. For the fightans I'm personally interested in the character sprites, but there's already rips of those.

Easy mistake to make, especially digitally. I don't think it looks that weird, but Bright Noa really built up my resistance.

>> No.35087680
File: 115 KB, 533x459, 1540916379459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.35089392

Thank you!

>> No.35089677

seriously? jannies deleted my post because I expressed pure happiness from seeing sprite-anon?
gosh, hey really do it for free, huh?

>> No.35089794 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 750x396, please bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simping for e-girls with facerigged anime avatars is the only janny-approved way to express happiness. Now please go and bump /hlg/ - Hololive General - #1273 and its 15 subsidiary generals, Janny's favorite fictional streamer gets sad when her thread is not on page 1.

>> No.35089829
File: 39 KB, 1152x263, 1601237509892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jannies deleted my post because I expressed pure happiness from seeing sprite-anon?
nah, they probably did it because you repeated based a bunch of times in an in a way that added nothing to the post beyond filling up lines. Kind of weird how you didn't mention that at all.
If you want I can repost your post without that and risk the delete myself.

>> No.35090072 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 520x792, utsuho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny, suck my dick you dumbass simp.

>> No.35091077

>Kind of weird how you didn't mention that at all
because it's not important? the only weird faggot here is you
imagine seething over latin characters

>> No.35097136

>The weird smudge effect around Reimu remains a mystery.
Are you sure?
I'll have to look at the title screen again, but it's hardly noticeable in a blue-green background.

>> No.35097230

I'm referring to the distortion of her and her gohei layered beneath her, and the red thing in the top left.
Some insane people were theorising that she was possessed or something back when the demo came out.

>> No.35097794
File: 798 KB, 1280x960, 180_reimu_title_fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you.

It's not that insane, it was actually the plot of 17.

>> No.35101985

>why did ZUN forget the whites in her eyes holy fuck it makes me so upset on an OCD level
I honestly forgot about that.
>Some insane people were theorising that she was possessed or something back when the demo came out.
Well, there's no real way to know. Any number of things can come to mind.

>> No.35102363

Wow ZUN’s art is a lot better

>> No.35113565
File: 272 KB, 700x700, 170_youmu-spirit_sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP!
This is perfect.

>> No.35121350 [DELETED] 

One more.

>> No.35122953

Thanks, I'm always keen on getting these

>> No.35123102
File: 205 KB, 316x396, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35123418

Every social media site has different language, different humor, differnet memes and so on. It makes those sites uniqe in their own way, so people who don't like the way other sites operate can always find a board/forum etc. they like, like /jp/ for example.

If you use the same slang, same humor and the same memes on every site, you're making the internet into one big shitshow with "Current_Year" memes and teen slang everywhere.

If you don't like the way things are on jaypee, maybe you should go to r/Touhou instead?

>> No.35123768

You're trying too hard to fit in, Janny. Sniping random posts with crossie lingo won't change the fact that you and your 15 e-celeb generals don't belong here.

>> No.35123838

I don't think they're a meido, and I think there would be something seriously wrong if they had any say on what belongs here.

I do browse /r/touhou for Western fanart and such, since that isn't appreciated here for the most part. If you want aggregated content by some group of people, that's literally what reddit is best at.

>> No.35124473

>If you don't like the way things are on jaypee, maybe you should go to r/Touhou instead?
What a fucking room temp iq post from a true cock wrangler. Go back there if you like it so much that you had to project it, faggot

>> No.35125957

obnoxious take.
you defend crossboarder behavior and then turn around and suggest people go to r*ddit which is peak crossboarder behavior.
I'll remember "Current_Year" anon the next time I have a disagreement with /jp/ so I can watch you recover your reputation.

>> No.35131643

it makes sense

>> No.35140449

/jp/ is /jp/.
/jp/ language is not /v/ language.
/jp/ behavior is not /pol/ behavior.
/jp/ culture does not follow site culture. The only place you will see that shit flourish is in one of the generals.
