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3490785 No.3490785 [Reply] [Original]


Direct link: http://www.tsukuru.info/sharin/download.php?id=20

No partial patch for chapter 4.

Full thing next month.


>> No.3490788

I love Touka's voice and NEET end is hilarious. Good chapter, even if it's not as strong as some of the others.

>> No.3490824

Personally I thought the subclimax in Chapter 3 was a bit stronger than the one in Chapter 2, but the ending was a tad weaker and it probably could have been pared down a thousand lines or so without losing much.

Still quite enjoyable.

>> No.3490828

What does "The Child is father of the Man" actually mean? I know it's from a Wordsworth poem, but

>> No.3490837

No thanks OP. That patch is full of viruses. It's not working great ): .

>> No.3490840


>> No.3490843

Something like a healthy childhood is the foundation of a productive adulthood.


>> No.3490874

Chapter 3 more like chapter pee

>> No.3490913

hanks for links op they work great 10/10

>> No.3490916

hot! I already came twice!

>> No.3490921


>> No.3490934

Good work, keep it up.

>> No.3490940

Awesome passwords OP they ++rep

>> No.3490948

she sexy i juste love her body

>> No.3490962

>Total: 2079/3326 (62.50%)

Still a shitload to do in a month

>> No.3490967

Probably going to wait til this is complete, but good job guys. Anticipating this greatly.

>> No.3490977

Same, i only did that once with FSN, but it was a big read so it was okay.

>> No.3490979

Waiting for the final version, can't wait to play it.

>> No.3490980

Oh ho, this project is coming along nicely.

>> No.3490986

Well, I meant just sometime next month, not like as soon as November rolls around. My bad.

>> No.3490992

Well, he said next month, not in a month. But chapter 3 is ~28% of the game and he did it in 25 days. So even 1 month isn't impossible(though it'll probably be a month and a half or so)

>> No.3491000

Okay so somethings around x-mas. Hell, last year i played Saya on that day, why not that thing this year.

>> No.3491020

>Sharin no Kuni in one day
It'll be a long day.

>> No.3491022

Isn't Sharin no Kuni something like 20 hours long? You could easily read it all in a day.

>> No.3491027

It's not really 20 hours long. It takes 20 hours to read all the text in it, sure, but the structure of the VN makes it impossible to read all the text in it without doing a massive amount of skipping.

>> No.3491031

I always read VN around 01:00 in the night until max 05:00.
Gives the best atmosphere. Might as well play it in a few days if it is so long.

>> No.3491033

~20-25 hours or so I guess, but how is that easily readable in one day? What kind of nerd sits in front of their PC for over 20 hours straight 'easily'?

>> No.3491036

>What kind of nerd sits in front of their PC for over 20 hours straight 'easily'?

>> No.3491041

I've played a VN for >40 hours in one sitting, having meals at my PC etc.

This particular >40-hour session began the day Clannad came out. Not a Key fanboy or anything but I had been anticipating it for a while. Otherwise I typically finish VNs I've been looking forward to in 2-4 days (unless they're especially short).

>> No.3491048

Me. Not 20 hours but something like 15 or 16 every day. Once a week i go out, sometimes more, sometimes fewer. Been that way for 5 years now and the future looks promising now that i got myself a 700 euro fucking comfy chair that i can lean back and sleep in.

>> No.3491067
File: 385 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't I have an Onee-chan like her?

>> No.3491073

any working torrent for this OP?

>> No.3491078


>> No.3491080
File: 326 KB, 803x604, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenichi sure knows how to treat the ladies!

>> No.3491082

I think VDZ has it on his server. Or just Google it, it's not like it's hard to find torrents.

>> No.3491089

correction. working torrents. I found a couple but most of them are dead

>> No.3491104

Disregard that. Found them on a DDL list
If anybody wants it:


>> No.3491105

>Username: Anonymous
>Password: /jp/
Under Visualnovels2 and Being translated folder

Dunno if it works with direct links, but here:

>> No.3491107 [DELETED] 

Could you post the address?
No active thread now, and my old one does not work (IIRC, he changed it?)

>> No.3491117

Damn, just when i am downloading Anime off boxtorrent.

>> No.3491132

That's if you skip the voices though, which would be a crime against Norio Wakamoto.

>> No.3491223

What kind of faggot would do that.

>> No.3491258
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These faggot male voices ruining my porn-game experience, so I switched them off.

>> No.3491275 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 350x294, yama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3491332

Am I the only person who actually thought Touka's chapter was the best one of the three "main" heroine chapters?

In fact, chapter 3 was probably my favorite one of the whole game; the insert song moment in chapter 5 was really awesome, but other than that, the chapter is pretty short and all that.

>> No.3491363

Me too, I think chapter 3 was the only chapter to make me really ";_;" Touka is easily the best heroine as well.

>> No.3491617 [SPOILER] 
File: 450 KB, 802x601, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That scene is awesome.

>> No.3491918
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>> No.3491920

Unless that's the MC, that better be someone you can fuck. Because he's drawn like somebody you can fuck.

>> No.3491931

No and no.

>> No.3492015
File: 380 KB, 801x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to play Otome games with Touka.

>> No.3492017

Fuck yeah!

>> No.3493384

this deserves a bump

>> No.3494792


>> No.3495394


No Wakamoto? Seriously? 0/10

>> No.3495406

So what % of the total game is translated then?

Im thinking I should just hold out for a full patch before starting this.

>> No.3495470 [SPOILER] 
File: 351 KB, 801x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's clearly off her rocker.

>> No.3495490

One more chapter, estimated release somewhere on November.

>> No.3495501

>estimated release somewhere on November.

This is what /jp/ actually believes.

>> No.3495506

This is what one of the people involved in the project said.

>> No.3495560

The translation is over 80% and it only took like 4 months to get that far, bro. The odds of the game being released after November are practically equal to the game seeing an October release.

>> No.3495890


Check TLwiki, they are moving ridiculously fast.

>> No.3496326
File: 236 KB, 800x600, 650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl on the left looks a whole lot like Nagisa Oone from Konboku.
Both are produced by Akabei Soft2.

>> No.3496339

It's because Alpha can only draw four different girls so she keeps reusing them game after game.

>> No.3496354

Same surname, too.

>> No.3496361

Oone Nagisa is an obvious tribute/reference character to Touka. Same catch phrase, same voice actor, same design, etc.

>> No.3496421

Suddenly. Not so looking forward to her works in other games.

>> No.3496667 [DELETED] 

Well... After completing, I have to say I liked ch2 considerably more. The whole dragging part with Touka's indecisiveness and the part when Kyouko repeatedly determined/failed to try cooking disappointed me. And Houzuki's twist was kinda predictable in my opinion.[/spoiler At the very least, I like Isono a lot more now, than I did during the first two chapters.

I guess, maybe after chapter2 I had too high expectations. Oh well, I'm sure I'm going to love the last two chapters, since even a blind can see that Natsumi was the intended main-heroine, and probably her background will be the most complicated. (It makes me curious why don't she have a supporting character like Touka and Sachi.)

>> No.3496670

Why don't you faggets translate something good like Swan Song or BALDR SKY?

>> No.3496679

Well... After completing, I have to say I liked ch2 considerably more. The whole dragging part with Touka's indecisiveness and the part when Kyouko repeatedly determined/failed to try cooking disappointed me. And Houzuki's twist was kinda predictable in my opinion. At the very least, I like Isono a lot more now than I did during the first two chapters.

I guess, maybe chapter2 might have raised my expectations a bit too high (then again I don't really like tsunderes so that could be another reason).
Oh well, I'm sure I'm going to love the last two chapters, since even a blind can see that Natsumi was the intended main-heroine (and for some reason she seems to be the most interesting character for me), and probably her background will be the most complicated. (It makes me curious why don't she have a supporting character like Touka and Sachi.)

>> No.3496692

Fairy from the forest is easily the best character in this game hands down. Bolder and crazier than the main character.

>> No.3497530


>> No.3497860

Houzuki chapter > every other chapter

>> No.3497869

> Old. I already read this on the far superior http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
I agree with you, OP.

>> No.3497896

I like Touka more than Sachi but chapter 2 was better imo. Still, this will probably be my favourite VN when I finish it. Also I want to be the little fairy.

>> No.3497932

I cry at the end of every chapters.
This game is going to kill me.

>> No.3497955

When I first played I don't believe I cried at the first 3 chapters, though maybe I might have been a bit misty eyed.

The chapter 4 and 5 climaxes did get me though.

>> No.3498635

It would be a crying shame if this thread died.

>> No.3498644

No one cares about Sharin no Kuni, G-Senjou no Maou gets all the love.

Isn't it sad? ;_;

>> No.3498659

Sharin gets more threads/posts on /jp/ at the moment than G-Senjou does.

>> No.3498664

Cause people Read Sharin now thanks to the patch, with Senjou does not get.

>> No.3498670

Well yeah, that's because G-Senjou's translation is stalled and there hasn't been any translation patches in a while. But G-Senjou's threads were always bigger and more abundant.

>> No.3498688

That's understandable. G Senjou is like a big juicy delicious looking steak that tastes pretty good.

Sharin no Kuni is like a pretty good looking steak that tastes fucking delicious and juicy.

More people are going to eat the first one.

Holy shit that's the worst analogy I have ever written

>> No.3498758

I agree, though Sharin looks outright bad at first sight in my opinion. I was never all that keen on reading it because of the title "sunflower girl" and the synopsis on vndb sounds silly. It was only after reading G-Senjou that I really got interested in it. Then I felt bad that I missed out on it for so long.

>> No.3498772

G-Senjou and Sharin are my 2 fav eroges ever written - Sharin probably a little bit more, but just because it's more of a classic, whereas G-Senjou is more entertaining.

>> No.3498797

Is it a linear plot, a la Cross Channel, or do you have some classic routes? I mean, how does the week system work?

>> No.3498814

Bit of both. The story is, in general, linear, but you can 'choose' a heroine at a number of points, typically in her route. That heroine is yours for the rest of the game - you can't get another one.

This means you have to do a LOT of skipping and replaying to clear the game, unfortunately.

>> No.3498818

Almost completely linear. Depending on which girl's "route" you choose, you'll fuck her, get a couple of extra scenes, and her ending will appear after the ending song finishes.

>> No.3498823

Though 90% of the content unique to each heroine are just the h-scenes and the endings. All of which you can just download a complete save data and watch from the extra menu.

>> No.3498942

Thanks for the answers. So, the replay value isn't that high, except if you really care about the H-scenes of course. Well, that's not really a problem as long as the main storyline is as awesome as people say.

>> No.3498957

The endings are worth watching, but you might just be better doing what >>3498823 said if you can't be bothered skipping through it all.
