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3485722 No.3485722 [Reply] [Original]

How do people in Japan commit suicide most frequently? How about /jp/sies?

Pic unrelated, but I couldn't be fucked to find a SZS picture.

>> No.3485729


>> No.3485737

Suicide is /jp/ related.

Tell all tales of your attempts!

>> No.3485742

Anonymous2007 tried to off himself by drinking antifreeze or something weird like that.

>> No.3485745

#1 Hanging themselves in that forest
#2 Jumping in front of trains
#3 harakiri

>> No.3485747

If you "attempt" suicide, you're doing it wrong. Only attention whores "attempt" suicide.
If and when I do it, I'm jumping off the tallest building I can get to the roof of downtown.

>> No.3485749

He should do it again

>> No.3485762

Not necessarily true. Many people want to die unpainfully, and thus choose methods that are less likely to succeed as a result (pillz etc)

this is coming from a one-time suicide attempter who is now drunkposting

>> No.3485763

inb4 aokigahara or whatever the fuck its called

>> No.3485770

I just need a 100% effective, pain free method that won't cause anyone else problems. Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.3485781


Pills are incredibly dangerous unless you know what you're doing. It brings me great amusement to think of all the idiots who tried to overdose on pills thinking they could simply go to sleep and never wake up, but instead ended up enduring an agonizing hospital visit and organ damage.

Drop hanging is where it's at.

>> No.3485782

Can't get much more painfree than jumping in front of a bullet train or leaping from a skyscraper.

>> No.3485788

mix cleaning products, receive gas.
jumping off a tall building on a busy street makes you a total attention whore. be considerate and do it someplace out of the way.

>> No.3485794


Me again.

DROP HANGING. It's discreet, you will lose consciousness instantly, and its foolproof as long as you know how to tie a goddamn knot.

>> No.3485795

Hanging. Get a sufficiently long drop and you'll be decapitated instantly.

>> No.3485797


If you do it in the right place and at the right time I imagine you could also cause some serious trauma to other people on your way out

>> No.3485799
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>> No.3485802


That would certainly be a bonus, if you're into that sort of thing. Also, you could eat a really big meal beforehand just to make cleanup a little messier.

>> No.3485803

The problem with hanging is if you fuck it up in any way it's going to be extremely painful.

>> No.3485804

attention whore.

>> No.3485805

nah something like that would attract people to gawk. Traumatic would involve slowly dying in front of them.

Grab on to power lines and explode.

>> No.3485807

Falling on someone and killing them in the process would be amazing.

>> No.3485815

Other than hanging, my most favored method of suicide is definitely using inert gas.

- buy a tank of helium at a toy store
- hook up a hose and plastic bag to it
- put the bag over your head, turn the valve
- sleep

There would be no feeling of choking or needing to breathe either, since that is caused by excess CO2, not lack of oxygen.

>> No.3485817

>Grab on to power lines and explode.
I'd feel bad for the people who have to clean up. I think maybe some cement shoes and jumping into the ocean is the way to go, but I'll need a way to knock myself out first so I won't feel the pain of drowning.

>> No.3485819

getting your stomach pumped and being treated nicely by your parents is more painful than suffocation.

>> No.3485821


Fucking up hanging yourself would be very, very hard. And even if you did fuck up and it was painful it doesn't really matter, you will die pretty quickly.

>> No.3485826

I don't know if you've ever had your body weight supported by a rope digging into your neck, but it doesn't sound very pleasant.

>> No.3485831


You drop, idiot. It breaks your neck and you lose consciousness immediately.

>> No.3485833

I don't understand why people are afraid of pain. I mean you're going to die and 1 of two things are going to happen.

A: You'll go to some religion's hell and feel real pain forever
B: You'll cease to exist or reincarnate or something so that you won't remember being alive, let alone the pain.

It's not like you're crippling yourself for like and have to feel it forever. Unless the afterlife is like in beetlejuice or something.

>> No.3485837

Depends what you classify as problems. Does removing your corpse count?

1) Take Friday off work as a holiday or flex-day or cancel your shift due to "Looking after your mother"
2) Sleeping pills *AND* vodka.
3) Sock in mouth, gaffer over sock.
4) Two layers of plastic bag over your head, gaff at bottom.

You'll fall asleep and die from OD, and if you vomit, you'll die from vomit drowning.


>> No.3485841

>yourself for life

>> No.3485842

have you ever seen a western? gravity decapitates people. do the math on you body weight falling for a meter. apply that force to the surface area of 1" thick rope x the width of your neck.

>> No.3485847

You guys make hanging yourselves sound a lot easier than it actually is.

Anyway, I think a safe, effective method is a guillotine.

>> No.3485852

as this guy implies, it's fairly easy to fuck up, in a way that will traumatize those left behind, without careful calculation.

>> No.3485854

all neets have one of those lying around.

>> No.3485867

wait 'til winter and spend a night outside. I hear you feel all warm right before death.

>> No.3485869

Hanging is pretty safe.

3 options (Provided you have sufficient drop and don't hit the ground like a dumb shit, in which case try again with a shorter rope as you should definitely finish the job).

1) Rope is too long - You get decapitated
2) Rope is just right - Brain stem snaps, instant death/loss of feeling and you suffocate painlessly (not sure which)
3) Rope too short - You suffocate. This is the crying out for attention one, only use if you're sure no one will come by in the next 5-7 minutes.

>> No.3485873


That's because hanging is easy.
No drop at all? You suffocate, pass out, then die.
Drop too short? Pain, then you pass out, then die
Perfect length? Broken neck, die.
Too long? Tears your head off. You die.

Want to be extra careful? Just make the drop really long. Fuck it.

Also, notice how you die in each scenario i listed. None of this changing your mind, or having to drink activated charcoal or anything. It kills you. And you only need a rope. Shit, there are even charts explaining drop length and weight.

>> No.3485879

I don't get it. What's the point on suicide? Even if you reached near the end of the line, your life is still not over and you can still do plenty of things. Suicide is only a considerable option when someone is physically uncapable of continuing his life normally, in which case it might be easier to just end it. But why would NEETs and their ilk commit suicide, they're already living a life which they chose, so they shouldn't do it.

On topic: There's this one comprehensive guide that was posted once on Usenet, and mirrored in many places which shows dozens of methods to suicide, their ratings from various points of view, consequences, instructions, and everything else one might want to know. It's hundreds of times more informative than this thread.

>> No.3485882

You're not taking into account tying the tie incorrectly.

>> No.3485883

From memory the warm blood retreats from the extremities (fingers, toes and such) to concentrate on the important organs/parts. After a while when the body has pretty much admitted defeat it releases the blood back into the extremities and you get that warm feeling.

>> No.3485888


If you can't tie the noose you deserve the worst kind of pain in the world. Why the fuck would you bring that up? It's not rocket science, it's a goddamn knot.

>> No.3485895

You don't need a noose, that is designed to apply pressure to the brain stem. Any knot will do provided it holds (any tard can tie a slipknot) however you're likely to end up following the suffocation route.

>> No.3485928


Did it give him brain damage and that's why his posts are so unintelligible?

>> No.3485944

No, his posts have always been unintelligible. That's just how he is.

>> No.3485961


There was a guy who jumped off a building and landed on someone, and the guy he landed on died and the jumper survived with minor injuries and got charged with manslaughter or something.

>> No.3485992

That makes it sound so peaceful.

>> No.3486028

According to the World Health Organization:

1. Fewer than 5% of suicide attempts are successful.

2. Males are four times more likely to die from suicide than are females. However, females are more likely to attempt suicide than are males.

3. Approximately 1 million people worldwide commit suicide each year.

4. In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. Suicide is now among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15-44.

>> No.3486030

You don't really need cement shoes, just go out far enough into the ocean, chance of your body washing up is slim. I sail occasionally so my plan has always been sailing 'accident'. I don't want to leave people behind with my mess, especially not the fact that I committed suicide. An accident is just a lot cleaner.

>> No.3486046
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>> No.3486051


Making it look like an accident also makes the handling of your estate and other legal stuff simpler than if the death is considered a suicide, as well as being easier on those left behind.

>> No.3486058


Plus your family can't collect your life insurance if your death is ruled a suicide.

>> No.3486079



>> No.3486171



>> No.3486177


>> No.3488288

I wonder if /jp/ would ever be interested in an offline meet for this kind of thing?

>> No.3488351

>2. Males are four times more likely to die from suicide than are females. However, females are more likely to attempt suicide than are males.
If a man wants to do it, he gets it done.

>> No.3488374

Suicide is great. Hibachi grill or otherwise ~

>> No.3488380

I dunno about you guys, but if I die I wanna cause as much trouble for everyone around me as possible.

I want to feel the delight of making others suffer atleast once before I die.

>> No.3488381


>> No.3488385


>> No.3488392

Well alright then.

If that's how you feel that's how you feel. But I stand by what i've said, i'd much rather harm then be hurt.

>> No.3488394

Then stay alive and be a dick to people or something. Killing yourself to bother others sounds fairly odd.

>> No.3488403

>Pills are incredibly dangerous unless you know what you're doing.
I don't think you want to use the word " dangerous" to describe a method of suicide.
Try "susceptible to failure".

>> No.3488404

suicide is ridicilous

>> No.3488406

japan suicide thread and only one person mentioned offline meeting? /jp/ I'm disappoint.

>> No.3488423

A suicide pact meeting sounds lame. Unless someone has an empty room and a lot of inert gas we can share.

>> No.3488446


and it is, but japan people seems to love kill themselves in such way <or at least media tells this>

>> No.3488450

They don't seem all that difficult to make.

>> No.3488491

Paranoia Agent.
Welcome to the NHK.

>> No.3488499

I think the type of websites for these discussions in Japan are called Yamagami websites or something...

>> No.3488501

The whole inhaling inert gas thing is cool because since it isn't CO2 your body doesn't really react to it and you just pass out and die ~

>> No.3488511


Yes, but... no offense meant, I respect your taste. But it sounds kind of boring?

>> No.3488517


inhaling CO2 reminds me NHK manga

>> No.3488522

/k/ here.

You're all sissy faggots. Do it the american way, and shoot yourslef in the head.

If you're too pussy to do it yourself, call me, pay me 500$ and I will execute you like the little weaboo bitchslut you are.

>> No.3488531

Boring is okay I think.

>> No.3488538

I don't think anything other than 'quiet' is how I'd like to do it.

Though really maybe it would just be easier to lay on the train tracks. The DB rail train I was on the other day was going around 235km/h ~

>> No.3488541

Why wouldnt you just go nuts instead of suicide. You can leave a bigger change on the world instead of just killing yourself like a baby. Do you always let other people choose your path for you and when you don't get help you give up and die? Death is the reward at the end of life, it will only be better the more you do before it comes.

>> No.3488553

Speaking of suicide; what's that forest in Japan called?

Not that I plan on offing myself there or anything, but I might drop by next summer when I'm going to Japan for a month.

I can't really spend all the time in Akihabara (since I don't shit money).

>> No.3488567

>If you're too pussy to do it yourself, call me, pay me 500$ and I will execute you like the little weaboo bitchslut you are.
I would laugh so hard at your attempt to defend yourself in court.

>> No.3488568


The suicides aren't really suicides, though. Beware the soul-sucking witch of the forest.

>> No.3488596

I hope by "go nuts" you mean like go "skydiving, give all your money to a single homeless man, be a mercenary in africa" kind of go nuts and not the "be an emo faggot who goes on a homicidal rampage in a mall" kind of go nuts. Because the second one is really fucking pathetic. At least try and storm a police headquarters or something.

>> No.3488611 [SPOILER] 
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Alright, thanks.

I don't really believe in witches, so I guess I'll be alright if I bring a map and a compass.
It's rather convenient to have it near Fuji-san since I plan on going there too.

>> No.3488637

Only faggots attack those who are weaker. If you have nothing to live for you are already stronger than the average person, you can risk your life for anything.

>> No.3488723

I assume that's what he meant when he was talking about leaving a big change on the world.
In any case I don't see what storming a police headquarters would do. Police generally enforce the law with relatively little corruption in most Western countries, and they aren't the ones responsible for making the worse laws, such as making BDSM porn or cartoon porn illegal to possess, and in any case the typical police officer is nothing special; there are plenty more out there. The people in the first world inflicting the most cruelty on the populace would probably be the religious leaders. Storming the vatican would be far more effective, although most likely impossible for one man to pull off. Still, it would be a great boon to mankind if we didn't have evil power mad bastards organising campaigns to spread lies such as about condoms having "tiny holes through which AIDS can spread".

>> No.3488753

It's a test of skill. You know, "I've trained for years to gain full control over my pee so that I can will it to fly to the toilet on its own and I don't have to walk. I wonder how many policemen I can kill with my mind-controlled pee spears until I run out of piss and get shot" sort of thing.

>> No.3488771

If you went into a police station and started trying to pee on people, I think they'd just arrest you rather than shooting you, and you'd probably be given a psychic evaluation, so chances are unless you have the balls and cunning to do it quickly, you'd lose the oppurtunity to commit suicide. Also I highly doubt you could kill anyone by pissing on them.
Unless all your talk of mind controlled pee was some sort of unbelievably crappy metaphor for a gun.

>> No.3488778

How about attempting a blaze of glory and using up your life for something worthwhile and memorable?

>> No.3488796

Is there anything they typical anon here could manage to do that is worthwhile or memorable, even by not caring about dying?
Apart from possibly setting a record for the most times a person faps in one day. Come to think of it, are there any records for that? Most I've ever managed in a 24 hour period is 7 times I think, but that's still probably well short of human limits.

>> No.3488801

>Also I highly doubt you could kill anyone by pissing on them.

I was thinking about waterbending, except with pee.

Bible mentions 40 times a day, if I recall.

>> No.3488807


Shooting yourself is fine as long as you succeed at doing it right. If you fail... There is a pic, quite popular on /b/, of a guy with his entire face missing, turned into a messy mixture of meat and blood - no mouth, no lower jaw, really horrible. Even self-immolation is a better choice.

>> No.3488809

>Bible mentions 40 times a day, if I recall.
Wait, really? The bible mentions the most times a person managed to fap in a day?
In any case, 40 times is massive; I don't think I could ever beat that. At least not without performance enhancing drugs. My dreams are over before they began.

>> No.3488818

>At least not without performance enhancing drugs.

The dude used grinded spanish flies, which have a rather potent aphrodisiac that also doubles as a potentially deadly venom.

It was sex though, not masturbation.

>> No.3488820

I heard Viagra gets rid of the refractory period after orgasm if you ever decide to use drugs.

>> No.3488821

Any suggestions?

To be honest, the will to die has sort of waned since I've been on vacation. Maybe getting away for once was the trick~

>> No.3488825


If you have nothing to live for, you have nothing to risk and nothing to lose. You just have to - before you slip past the point of no return - leave something to remind yourself not to go out with a whimper but with a bang.
The sky is the limit.

>> No.3488830

>Any suggestions?
Dissect yourself and record it. Now that'd be hardcore.

>> No.3488843

Personal vivisection? Would rather just die.

>> No.3488853

That still doesn't help if you can't get an orgasm anymore.
I don't have this "refractory period" most people seem to experience, but still, a hard dick doesn't help if you can't come anymore after three times even if you stroke your wang at full force for half an hour. It's just no fun.

>> No.3488864


Nah, that'd be... being brutally honest here, that'd be pathetic. The sort of suicide they'd show on Jackass, to be circulated on /b/ for some brief internet fame and then passed to Encyclopaedia Dramatica.
Basically people will be happy to be rid of you.

>> No.3488872
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Ah, so he did he use a drug then. Well, if I used, say, viagra to get rid of the refractory period, I'm sure I could beat 40 with enough effort; and the help of Rika.
Only problem is that much could damage your penis for life. If I could never masturbate again after I probably would want to commit suicide.

>> No.3488871 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
Saw this posted somewhere else...

>> No.3488876

How about instead of killing yourselves, you just let me brainwash you?

You're machines of flesh and bone and I could really, really make very good use of you if you'd only let me.

>> No.3488887
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So, suggestions?

Burry me here when I die~

>> No.3488915


... what/where is that?

>> No.3488933

Cemetery...er kyrkogården in Lund where I'm staying now. It's the nicest cemetery and there's a path to walk through the middle.

>> No.3488978

Like what?

>> No.3488992


Oh... never been there.
I once attended a public picnic in a cemetary, but it has been closed off since. A shame. I respect that some people want to keep graveyards untouchable, but cutting off contact between the living and the dead only furthers fear of death.

If I manage to build up a fortune later in life, I've made plans to be entombed in an intricate mock-fantasy tomb complex. Just so future archaeologists will have something fun to excavate.

>> No.3488995

Well, I was thinking mess around a little. Screw up history a little bit. Terrorise a little.

Y'know, stuff like that.

>> No.3489004

Give you a bunch of hornets, stick a queen up your ass and send you to kill people with bees.

Unless you'd like to be sent into space and become a pyromaniac living meteor instead.

>> No.3489010

Sex, obviously.

>> No.3489020

I've wanted to do something similar, but it was more like make my tomb the head of that 1:1 scale Gundam they just built in Japan and then bury the whole thing in a desert or at the bottom of the ocean or something.

You know, there are two time capsule satellites that are set to return to Earth on the years ~52005 and ~8400000.

>> No.3489023
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I like where this is going.

>> No.3489041
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>> No.3489047


Was inspired by Xin Zhui. Though wiser from experience, I'd make sure the organs were taken out beforehand and preserved separately for the future.
Cut-up mummies with new stitches just don't look as impressive in a museum.

About those sattelites, only heard about one younger of them. That is the one in the shape of a globe?

>> No.3489070

"I just need a 100% effective, pain free method that *won't cause anyone else problems*. Is that so much to ask for?"
Hm, that's hard to say. Your parents may care for you, so you may need to off them before yourself, I'd think?

Call a hotline, and wind up phone sexing. Gogo.

>> No.3489082

The younger one is KEO which isn't launched yet (you can still add a message until December!) and the 8.4 million one is LAGEOS which is the globular one, but it's not really a "time capsule."

Imagining 8 million years from now is ridiculously unfathomable, though.

>> No.3489116

I've always wanted to be launched into space when I die. On a similar note, jumping into a black hole is the perfect suicide. Completely painless, fail-proof, no mess for others to clean up.

>> No.3489123


>> No.3489137

Bleh, i just think that they're now trying to commit suicide for weird things :
- couldn't get a girl/boy
- being fired from work ect ect...
The fun fact is- lots of young lovers are trying to keep their mate with that :
"I'll kill me if you leave me !"
"I cannot live without you"

>2. Males are four times more likely to die from suicide than are females. However, females are more likely to attempt suicide than are males.
Real women even failed on that one, wow..

>> No.3489143

How about turning you into the perfect servant to serve ojousamas around the world?

>> No.3489160

It happen almost instantly though. You would be ripped to shreds before you even realized what was happening.

>> No.3489166

Women who attempt it a lot do it for attention / choose methods that aren't always lethal whereas men just want to die I suppose. I did read an article once about anorexic girls choosing methods that would for sure kill themselves, though. Determined to die ~

>> No.3489173

>Implying 3D women can act as a nice/tsundere/2Dgoodreference ojou-sama

>> No.3489184

That's the point of it. At the same time, a girl will be kidnapped and brainwashed into being the perfect ojou-sama, worthy of you to serve.

>> No.3489456

In an external time frame yes, but your time frame goes a bit weird near a black hole, it wouldn't be much fun if it did something like asymptote at your death.
I don't know much relativity though, so I'm not quite sure what happens near a black hole even under simple models.

>> No.3489564

Best way to kill yourself is clearly the Cadbury Surprise

>> No.3489766

Ive had sex in a graveyard. that was fun...

>> No.3491568
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"I just need a 100% effective, pain free method that *won't cause anyone else problems*. Is that so much to ask for?"
Hm, that's hard to say. Your parents may care for you, so you may need to off them before yourself, I'd think?

Call a hotline, and wind up phone sexing.

But TBH, I fee; if you are not born with an illness/disability, you should reconsider.
Never know what you will come back to in another life. AmIright?



>> No.3491589

Fuck, I must have had a physics blackout there or something. How embarrassing.

>> No.3491616

Why don't you teach me your hypnotism techniques. I've played a bunch of mind control eroges, and I'm pretty sure being able to pull off that shit would make life worth living for a while.

>> No.3491666

>jumping into a black hole is the perfect suicide
To be able to jump into a black hole would mean you'd have to be far enough away to still move, in which case you'd be jumping into space and then sucked into a black hole. Going into space (suitless) will kill you in ~5 seconds. Your blood will boil and you might even explode, of course, being near a black hole will make clean non-existent.

>> No.3491676

Cyanide is pretty effective and painless.

>> No.3491677
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>this thread

>> No.3491687

In outsiders frame of reference all processes in you would seem to slow down the closer you get to the event horizon and you would also fall slower and slower (without ever actually reaching the event horizon), because of gravitational time dilation. Also the frequency of light (or any radiation) you emit would diminish due to gravitational red shift, which would eventially make you unobservable.

Similarly in your frame of reference the time around you would seem to go faster and faster and everything becomes brighter and brighter, the closer you get to the event horizon. However in your frame of reference you would fall down with just the speed given by Newtons theory of gravity. So no infinite life from your own point of view. ;_;
But as a bonus just before you reach event horizon you would get to see the whole future of the universe around you since the time around you keeps accelerating infinitely. Of course you would also absorb all the light all the stars in the universe send your way during their whole life time, which scorches you pretty effectively.

Also unless the black hole is supermassive (like those in centers of galaxies). You would die a long time before reaching the event horizon from tidal forces. That is your feet would be much closer to the center of the black hole than your head (since black holes from dead stars are very small in diameter) The gravitational force is much stronger on your feet since gravitational force is inverse of the square of the distance between the objects. So you would get ripped apart. Supermassive black holes have such large diameters that your legs aren't that much closer to the center so you might stay alive until getting scorched by hyper blueshifted stars.

>> No.3491692

>>Your blood will boil and you might even explode

That's actually an urban legend.

>> No.3491801
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Ah...a suicide thread.

Personally, I think that if you ever get to the point that you're so sick of your life you want to die, you might as well just throw away your life and try to start a new one. Just take all of your money, disappear, move somewhere far away ("I can't pay the travel costs" is no excuse, you can walk if you have all the time in the world) and start a new life somewhere else where nobody from your previous life can find you. Become a hobo if necessary. If absolutely necessary, even fake your own death. It's possible to throw away your situation in life without discarding life itself.

>1. Fewer than 5% of suicide attempts are successful.
Source? (WHO, but what WHO document?)

>> No.3491809


lol no


>> No.3491810

Hey, if anyone here wants to commit suicide, consider doing it in such a way that your organs can be harvested and used for transplant.

Just something to consider. If and (probably) when I commit suicide, that's what I'm doing.

>> No.3491811

Also, I'm going to stipulate that my organs only go to lolis.

>> No.3491814

I don't think you understand how being suicidal works. If they had the energy to do that shit, they would not be suicidal.

>> No.3491825


>> No.3491827

Neck + train rails = head gone. Enjoy your intact organs, sick brothers! ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ

>> No.3491829
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If a girl next to me did that I would be fucking her neck within seconds.

>> No.3491833

Just become a NEET, OP. When you start pissing on the floor you immediately forget about the pain of life.

>> No.3491836

I meant more like...laying on the rails. It's easier, and the odds of getting necrophiliacally raped is lower.

>> No.3491838


Unless it burns when you pee, then you're reminded of the pain of life real quick.

>> No.3491841

When I piss, my penis hurts. So no.

>> No.3491857
File: 78 KB, 600x750, ''Israel'' - flypapper -- cuz they get stuck there..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whjat's an 'NEET', sounds neat.


An hero.

>> No.3491859

Just some cool guy doing some stuff at home.

>> No.3491878

No, its just someone with who doesnt go to school and has no job.

>> No.3491883

The best way to commit suicide is glorious combat.

Join your military get the experience, If you don't die doing glorious things in your nations military, become a mercenary.

Then die living a glorious lifestyle where you can rape and murder everyone and engage forces far more equiped than you.

>> No.3491889

Was it ever explained what that thing by the house in the second image is?

>> No.3491908

Looks like a White Lady.

>A White Lady is a type of female ghost purported to appear in many rural areas, and who is supposed to have died or suffered trauma in life. They are often associated with an individual family line, as a harbinger of death. When one of these ghosts is seen it indicates that someone in the family is going to die, similar to a banshee.

Now that I think about it, a love comedy manga with a guy falling in love with the ghost that foretells his death would be quite entertaining. Especially given they are sometimes said to be ancestral spirits.

>> No.3491914

So, when you successfully killed yourself, how will your funeral look like?
I still can't decide if I should get cremated or buried.
I'd love having a grave like >>3488887
But the idea of getting eaten by worms and rotting away disgusts me so much I'd rather just get cremated.

>> No.3491915
File: 304 KB, 680x1000, sadako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ghostfucking AND incest? Sign me up!

>> No.3491937

There is no point in suiciding because there will be nano technologoy and other great stuff in 20-30years which will fullfil your dreams /a/. You just have to be patient. Therefore every day you live is somehow a glorious day towards a better future.

>> No.3491940


If /a/ is the future then that's more than enough reason to kill myself now.

>> No.3491959

Is there anyway I can kill myself and make someone take the blame?

>> No.3491974

Get the dude you want to play drunk, make sure he gets into his car.
When he's driving, jump in front of the car.

>> No.3491976

"play" should be "blame".
Pardon me.

>> No.3491978

Leave a note where you say that you can't accept X's harassment anymore and you're going to end up your days because of that. I don't know how that would work for the guy in question, though.

>> No.3491979

I assume jumping in to one's car doesn't kill you.
But I can make him go to jail that way.

>> No.3491981

I want it to look like that X murdered me or something.

>> No.3491982

/jp/ is fluent in ebonics.

>> No.3491987 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 701x695, 1253539295377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3492014

>Implying blood and saliva aren't both bodily fluids.

>> No.3492092

Have the guy treat you to dinner, put poisonous stuff in your dinner, eat dinner. You die, person gets blamed.

>> No.3492243

i want a viking funeral when i die

>> No.3492284

People in japan only commit suicide once.

>> No.3492328

Suicide would be too embarrassing. Atleast I'd have to wait a few years when no one even remembers me.

>> No.3492374


>> No.3492455
File: 100 KB, 400x400, 1209699964565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I would have a reason to post this....

But it's suicide, the cool way!
