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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3483582 No.3483582 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3483590

o boy

>> No.3483592
File: 113 KB, 600x588, IMG_001094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>31 Aug. 2009

>> No.3483600

Adult diapers?

>> No.3483593
File: 185 KB, 1600x1200, 1254498299938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what I bought /jp/!

>> No.3483642

I love diapers! <3

>> No.3483653

What brand do you wear :3
I wear Abri Form

>> No.3483657

Reported and hidden.

>> No.3483675

The kind I have right now are Molicare Super Plus. I like the color ^^;

>> No.3483681

I haven't tried those, but I do like the purple :3
I'm in one of the diapers like the OP's pic, they're really thick and really absorbent.

>> No.3483692

They look comfy ^^

>> No.3483701

They really are!
And sleeping in them is a dream, they're so warm and fluffy :3

>> No.3483708

I can never tell if these threads are started by real people that want to wear diapers or just some troll that bought a pack of diapers and takes a pic...

>> No.3483715

This isn't /jp/ related.

>> No.3483721

The diapers in the OP's picture are $56 a case (a case being 3 bags, 36 diapers), I'd say they really do like wearing them :3

>> No.3483734

We really do like to wear diapers.

If you want it to be /jp/ related, I guess I can dig out some Japanese girls and anime girls wearing diapers *shrug*

>> No.3483741

I just wish there was a better play to discuss this stuff ;-;
It's not quite /d/ and /b/ is a joke for any real discussion.

>> No.3483759

Troll thread, you can clearly see it from the 2 or one guy discussion diapers. They clearly put a bit of effort into the trolling.
Just hide/ignore/filter it.

>> No.3483756

Yeah, it's such a small subset of us that usually threads just pop up in random boards.

Usually /g/ and /jp/ that I've seen.

>> No.3483757

Moot isn't going to make a cancer free version of /b/ or de-cancer /d/ anytime soon.

>> No.3483773

We're not trolling..

That's the sad part.
Even /r9k/ didn't work out, and I've tried making a thread there with little success.
The diaper fetishist communities are full of perverted psychos and in the end I never get to talk with anyone about it ;-;.

It'd be nice if we had a /fetish/ board

>> No.3483780

Oh god, don't get me started with the psychos on the other boards. Yeah I may wear diapers for fun, but some of those guys are messed up.

>> No.3483781

>We're not trolling..

then stop using
and so on.

>> No.3483788

Are you typing like girls because you are girls or because you wish to be one? Because if it's the former that's pretty hot.

>> No.3483801


>> No.3483802


I'm not usually uptight about forum rules or what goes where, but seriously, what the hell. Go ahead and post, I guess, but don't expect anyone to respond (positively, anyway).

>> No.3483800

How is one diaper fetishist any worse than any other one?

>> No.3483799

I actually don't do it otherwise, I did it for the other poster.

I agree.
I really hate the ones that get off about how they make everyone else feel akward in public.

>> No.3483811

I only pop up in threads like this, and I try to keep the discussion from being disgusting.
Some people though need to let everyone know when they're wearing a diaper and ask probing questions all the time "wats ur age" "can i see ur diaper " "wehre do you live"
They also feel the need to tell everyone when they actually use their diaper.

>> No.3483815

>Because if it's the former that's pretty hot.
So you like girls that wear adult diapers?

>> No.3483818

I'm the latter, sorry.

I'm sorry, but I just hate bottling it up inside of me.
I guess we could sage to keep the discussion going without bumping it.

>> No.3483827

Not that it really matters, but I'm a girl. Which would probably be why I type like one :p (in b4 pics, tits, etc)

>I actually don't do it otherwise, I did it for the other poster.

>> No.3483833

349 posts and 27 image

>> No.3483839

Then please don't use them here.

>> No.3483837


Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

>> No.3483836

How well do your Molicare's tapes hold?

The Abri Form diapers are good, but the tapes could use some improvement.

>> No.3483855



( ´Д`)


>> No.3483858

I've had signs of having a diaper fetish since was a little girl. I would steal my little sister's diapers and wear them when I was like five or six years old, and I'd put diapers on all of my stuffed animals and have diaper tea parties. When she stopped needing diapers I tried to make makeshift ones out of newspaper, that didn't work out so well. Then I just started wetting my bed for fun. I'd wet it only once a month so my parents wouldn't get suspicious. When I was 10 I had a friend whose old sister had to wear diapers due to some kind of bladder problem, she had really cute Sky Dancer and Carebears ones. We'd steal them and wear them sometimes at sleepovers. I'd like to start wearing them again but I still live with my parents and they'd freak out if a shipment of adult diapers arrived on their doorstep.

>> No.3483857

Heartless bastards on 4chan?

Wow, I'm rolling with the big dogs.

>> No.3483862

Do they ever talk about this on 2chan?

>> No.3483874

Places like XP Medical ship using brown boxes.
They don't even say "XP Medical" on the box, just "XP"
If you don't mind quality or just want to wear them then you could always go get some store brand ones from Wal-Mart or Walgreens

Most likely yes.

>> No.3483893

I think you got your quotes mixed up.

>> No.3483896

Oh, sorry.

>> No.3483933

Thats fuckin' gross, dog.

>> No.3483945

I don't shit in them or anything, but I do wet them..
It's about the mental security I get from them.

>> No.3483951

There's nothing gross about diapers unless it's combined with other fetishes that only fucked up people have.

>> No.3483971

I can see why they think it's gross.

>> No.3483978

Diapers ARE a fucked-up fetish. If you're not a baby, elderly or someone with a bladder problem and you wear diapers, you're a sick fuck and should kill yourself.

>> No.3483991

What is your problem, seriously?
I agree it's one of the odd fetishes, but what is your problem?

>> No.3483992

No sir. I think you're the abnormal one here

>> No.3484002

I can understand the average person thinking liking/wearing diapers is gross, but that doesn't bother me.

I can enjoy them anytime, and keep them hidden under clothing when necessary. But they give me that warm comfort and security that nothing else does.

>> No.3484011

A new person to the thread?
That's exactly how I feel. It's less about the sexual aspect and more about the comforting feeling I get from them, it's great.

>> No.3484024


Wow, I can't can't imagine caring that much about what someone else enjoys.

>> No.3484028

I'm the one with the problem because I find the obviously trolling diaperfaggots revolting?
You're the one pissing and shitting yourself, bro.

>> No.3484037

No, I'm the girl from before who likes to use the forbidden smilies and wrote the Japanese post *shrug*

>> No.3484038

How are we trolling exactly?
That being said, most of us aren't into scat.

>> No.3484042

Oh, sorry.

>> No.3484050

I don't care, but this thread isn't even remotely /jp/-related so it shouldn't be here.
Posting off-topic threads which you know will draw the ire of the majority of the board is basic trolling.

>> No.3484064
File: 107 KB, 629x350, ゆっくりしていってね.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /jp/,

Take it easy! ゆっくりしていってね!

Pic related.

>> No.3484070

I didn't even make this thread, I'm just posting in it because being able to actually talk about this in a civil manner is rare for me.
It's not like we can do this in /b/, /d/, or even /r9k/

>> No.3484077

BTW, to those opposed to this thread. Thanks for not sage'ing.

>> No.3484090

Gee, I wonder why? They don't want to see this shit either.

>> No.3484094

There's nothing wrong with using sage though.

>> No.3484106

Unlike other boards, /jp/ actually uses sage right.
It's not used to show displeasure with a thread like >>3484050 seems to think, it's to add tot he discussion without bumping the thread.

>> No.3484114

Even still...

>> No.3484153
File: 213 KB, 370x300, 1253253122683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diaper tea parties with stuffed animals

>> No.3484204

Sounds so nice. ;_;

>> No.3484226

Hell, I want to try that now. ;_;
