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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 298 KB, 1248x1530, hikari-aozora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34604681 No.34604681 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread:

>> No.34604737 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 678x452, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34604745
File: 607 KB, 772x570, 13141223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god that last thread was awful

>> No.34604747

Can't Hiroshimoot just make a /jav/ already?

>> No.34604761 [DELETED] 

>he actually forgot about that.

>> No.34604771 [DELETED] 

>extends the /pol/ shit here
World record for thread shitting.

>> No.34604794 [DELETED] 

I'm the best at it.

>> No.34604816 [DELETED] 

Keep it up and you'll earn yourself a vacation off of 4chan.

>> No.34604829
File: 396 KB, 1130x2009, 20210505_135126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34604882

these days that's every thread

>> No.34604888

The mods and janitors need to be reported on IRC and via Hiro's email address for allowing these NSFW JAV threads on a blue board. JAV stands for Japanese Adult Videos. Even if users don't post NSFW photos like this [>>34604737] the thread topic of JAV, is inherently NSFW. If something is SFW that means you could browse it at work or at school. Answer this honestly, would any of you browse a JAV thread like this at work or school.

>> No.34604895

i already do

>> No.34604896

>Answer this honestly, would any of you browse a JAV thread like this at work or school.

>> No.34604899

this would have been the kinoest if it had anal

>> No.34604907

I browse this at work lol. And that picture is sfw. There's no nudity dude. Quit being a prude. This is a discussion thread u fucking retard.

>> No.34604935

I browse it at the gym

>> No.34604972
File: 20 KB, 420x171, Screenshot from 2021-05-05 09-01-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the rules. It says blue boards such as /jp/ must not contain NSFW content. The word "content" does not just refer to pornographic imagery. If you text contains links to porn or is about pornography then it is not SFW. I doubt any of you have actually worked. No HR department, at least in the USA, would condone someone browsing a JAV thread, regardless if it had images disabled. Mods and janitors need to start doing their job or get reported on IRC/email to Hiro. Join me and report this JAV content.

>> No.34605036

You have lost your mind and need to get some help. JAV is part of japanese culture.

>> No.34605115

>JAV is part of japanese culture.
So is lolis, tentacle rape, boy love, and ecchi but that doesn't mean it should be allowed on a SFW board. Stop thinking with your little head and be reasonable. Everyone is his offended by this NSFW content on /jp/ need to join me in reporting the mods/janitors. A topic about Japanese ADULT videos (JAV) does not belong on a SFW board period.

>> No.34605145

What about that gravure general there's <18 girls in bikinis there.

>> No.34605156

what the fuck is kume doing on 4chan?

>> No.34605299

Girls wearing bikinis is not inherently pornographic. There's countries where girls are legally allowed to walk around top less. Porn is when a female is on camera doing sexual things such as touching or stroking their erogenous regions.

>> No.34605440

Thanks for killing the tread anon.

>> No.34605469

in record time

>> No.34605673
File: 24 KB, 303x566, 1616047073443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34606117

Asian women who can speak fluent English are an instant turn off.

>> No.34606176

>he hasn't watched Anri Okita call stepbro's cock "stinky"
I feel bad for you

>> No.34606187

your loss

>> No.34606206

i find it cute.

>> No.34606367

Nah, it's cute.

>> No.34606383

Agreed. They just come off as those White women with annoying inflections.

>> No.34606412

wow that is cute!!!!!!!

>> No.34606478

i'm amazed the first 2 had no accent

>> No.34606505

They try too fucking hard.

>> No.34606527

>is easily impressed by basic white bitch accent

>> No.34606541

im asian american and this shit impresses me greatly.

>> No.34606554

considering how shit japan is at english in general and most asian people that didn't grow up in an english speaking country will have an accent yes this is impressive

>> No.34606578

what song were they promoting?

>> No.34606601

It's just a skit.

>> No.34606616

kawaii, maybe i should start watching nogi again instead of jav.

>> No.34606635

You might think its cute but i guarantee you the first two girls boyfriends look like a young Chris Pratt while the last girls boyfriend look something more like you.

That's when you'll realize english speaking asian girls are vapid

>> No.34606638

No reason you can't do both.

>> No.34606683

It's because they've been abroad for a couple of years. The story is the same every time, kids spend a year or two in California, and they come back absolutely insufferable.

The more broken the English, the better the girl.

>> No.34606703

if you hate western countries so much why dont u move to japan u weirdo

>> No.34606845

Imitating Anglo accents isn't something to be amazed about.

>> No.34606879

I'd much rather stay behind on a sinking ship than shit up another country. I'm not a nigger, I'll die in my homeland.

>> No.34606896

well i got to respect that anon. such a noble man you are.

>> No.34606926

I wish I had your bravery but once this pandemic is over I'm white man burderning my way the fuck out of here

>> No.34606950

Where u heading off to.

>> No.34607082

A place with the highest quality and quantity of JAV tier azn qts

>> No.34607112

i don't know why you even care

>> No.34607133

There were round trip flights to Japan for $200-400ish just a couple of days ago from the US. Might still be active. I decided to hold out for flights through ANA or JAL to pop up, however.

>> No.34607136

buy a mail order bride and stop whining then

>> No.34607148

No, JAV means Japanese Animal Video.
There is nothing NSFW with discussing Japanese animal video in blue board.

>> No.34607163

ill see you there

>> No.34607211

Why even talk about this shit in the first place?

>> No.34607234

its just the flow of the conversation u retard. are u always this retard irl?

>> No.34607260

I'm smarter than the sub-IQ phoneposter like "u."

>> No.34607286

posting from a PC.

>> No.34607425

Stop typing like a dumb phoneposter then.

>> No.34607478

code. now. please

>> No.34607481
File: 352 KB, 1124x1357, E0k6Yp_VoAAICzC-vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Debate
Short hair Mukai or long hair Mukai?
which one?

>> No.34607505

short but long hair is nice sometimes

>> No.34607562

whatever schizoid.

>> No.34607588
File: 41 KB, 255x527, peakmukai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me what i was going to beat off to today

>> No.34607721

Go kill yourself.

>> No.34607756

No thanks, you can though.

>> No.34607784

You'd be doing the world a favor self cleansing garbage like you. Do it.

>> No.34607819
File: 118 KB, 1280x959, 821DD8DF-FC58-4057-9DC2-39ABBC15C106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Anri yelling "don't touch me!"

>> No.34607821

I'm quite a productive member of society thanks. Unlike a schizo like yourself. Stop turning the thread into garbage and fap or actually go cut your wrist.

>> No.34607841

>amazed the first 2 had no accent

They had accents. US accents. They both probably learnt English from US sources.

>> No.34607852

you know damn well what i meant by accent

>> No.34607891

Not before you ingest bleach in both your mouth and your anus.

>> No.34607924

This is my last reply lol. If you are projecting that hard you should go kill yourself right now desu. Maybe you're gay or something idk. You need help schizo.

P.s. it's you that should ingest bleach not me xx

>> No.34607928
File: 423 KB, 1128x1504, EotE7CqUwAU_L6G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish that were me

>> No.34607933

Fuck you.

>> No.34607940

I don't know that. Many Americans think they speak 'base' English and that it's everyone else (inc. the English) that has an 'accent'.

>> No.34607981

you've never heard kaho shibuya speak english? that's what i mean by accent

>> No.34608079

long, the boycut hampered her career and look how happy and popular she is now

>> No.34608159

And I'll leave this final (You) for you

Go. Kill. Yourself.

>> No.34608203

jav threads have the worse discussions

>> No.34608234

Only because there's a schizo around.

>> No.34608253

Yeah I came in to take a look because the OP was cute but I see this shit is a cross between pornhub comments and Kimmo Alm level discourse. Not that the gravure thread is any better. They both appeal to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.34608266

Chimps like you don't make it any better.

>> No.34608323
File: 107 KB, 461x408, 1314943260440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every general on 4chan

>> No.34608450

Alot of you anons won't be here when the Rona is over right anons? You will actually go fuck real women right anons?

>> No.34608565

>You will actually go fuck real women right anons?
sexpats need to pay for it unless they're content with busu goblinas

>> No.34608580

Even if I do, I'd probably still be here. Last couple of relationships I had weren't satisifying enough to kill my interest in JAV/porn.

>> No.34608607

Gonna admit short hair Mukai was the best. Such a shame she repeated that she's ''never'' going back short haired.

>> No.34608694

no shame in paying for sex if it's done by a professional.

>> No.34608784


>> No.34608816

If you look really hard you notice she's all plastic. She could be a plastic model for all we know.

>> No.34608945

Wasn't always like this 2bh. Especially at the beginning. Problem is we now have more people and bigger autists so it's just shitposting, baiting and off-topic crap while mods do fuck all about it. I almost feel like it's time to move on.

>> No.34609267

its going to get worse so might as well accept it

>> No.34609659

Anybody know the code to this?

>> No.34609761

did you try the comments?

>> No.34609878

oh sorry i didnt' know there was more

>> No.34610061
File: 93 KB, 632x1080, 1607852661849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I turn off chromatic aberration?

>> No.34610156
File: 182 KB, 720x1054, 20210505_143225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does she mean by this?

>> No.34610246

I'm surprised this girl isn't more popular. She's quite good looking.

>> No.34610304 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 720x554, 1620240321156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know why

>> No.34610344
File: 2.90 MB, 450x800, 1589332204474.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai waifu

>> No.34610369

by 2024 i will be rich enough to fly to japan and bang all my javfus

>> No.34610462

>literally a single pixel line on every picture to "hide" the actress identity
Kek, just get rid of the whole gimmick at that point.

>> No.34610479

no one else has those duck lips anyway

>> No.34610535
File: 75 KB, 800x532, 1619229854181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left

>> No.34610559

Oh now I remember
Why 3 years from now now?

>> No.34610576

Ichika gets better and better looking the more you watch her. It's something about that ass and that cheeky face.

>> No.34610653

Isn't pubes pretty much expected in JAV? Iori Kogawa has a thick bunch and she's quite popular.

>> No.34610667

It's on its way out. Never releases seem to have trimmed public hair.

>> No.34610830

>watch jav
>rock hard dick
>mind wasn't even horny
>stroke anyway
>ejaculate without orgasm
>literally felt nothing
wtf was that, did I just fried my last dopamine receptor ?

>> No.34610926

While I like pubes, Kanon has the freaking Amazon there, fucking garden of Eden. Wildest bush in the world. I wouldn't mind if she trimmed it down a little bit

>> No.34610938

Who is she? the bar doesn't let me see her clearly

>> No.34610994
File: 286 KB, 1128x1504, C562D5BC-F732-41DE-B634-33BE6FA0805C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34611045

Just take a lookt at the 1 hour sample video

>> No.34611080
File: 2.80 MB, 720x404, STARS-127 - 0.20.50-0.21.31.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish that were me

>> No.34611133
File: 381 KB, 1536x2048, 1615540752895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you save her?

>> No.34611159

She should convince her friends to join her in jav

>> No.34611330
File: 549 KB, 1920x1080, GVH-139_Kimijima_Mio_-_(ST)_Mama&#039;s_Real_Sex_Education.mp4_snapshot_00.11.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i had a time machine i would absolutely go back in time and try to waif her before she sold her genitals to salarymen on camera only to get rejected and not affect her JAV future in any meaningful way

>> No.34611390

>pics of girls posing provocatively in bikinis are sfw

You were doing so good, but you fell for the gravure sleight of hand trick.

>> No.34611406

Damn that's sad

>> No.34611447


I kind of admire how Japan managed to keep their pop culture stuck in the late 90's instead of continuing to ape American trends. It'd be like if America never moved past N'sync and Backstreet Boys. Compared to what's on the radio now I can;t help but feel that would've been a good thing. Not every change is an improvement.

>> No.34611501

What made her decide to do AV?

>> No.34611507


They're available but Americans still can't enter without having a Japanese relative (including wife) or you have a work visa from a higher tier job; English teachers are getting btfo right now.

>> No.34611540

Your skills in the sack. I thank you, anon.

>> No.34611546

stfu loser and go somewhere else if you are that fragile

>> No.34611566

There can really be onlt be one answer.

>> No.34611592

What if I enjoy both?

>> No.34611594

this is quite true

>> No.34611608

she is hot

>> No.34611633

actually it's a known fact that American broadcast companies often hire Canadians as that is considered a neutral English accent

>> No.34611724

Oh yea for sure eh

>> No.34611730

now I feel bad bros...
I cant fap to her anymore

>> No.34611745

wow, she is hot, and then a recommended underneath was something I've never seen, uncensored shaving of 4 cute girls


>> No.34611798

Ichika is elite, I wonder if there are any new up and comers that are as good

>> No.34611988

clicking this was a waste of time

>> No.34612065

It's aboat time Canada got recognition, eh?

>> No.34612345

I'm fapping even harder

>> No.34613149

>Japan managed to keep their pop culture stuck in the late 90's
I fucking wish.
Also, some no name idol group is in no way representative of actual mainstream.

>> No.34613293 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 367x540, 1620253350847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting tired of trying to dodge this photoshopped bitch

>> No.34613470

Himesaki Hana? but she looks amazing in motion

>> No.34613496
File: 350 KB, 1200x1798, 1597208563998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most important JAV of all time?

>> No.34613506

She's fat and not the good kind.

>> No.34613551
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, MMNF-001.mp4_snapshot_00.11.00.681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this girl and her small fox eyes.

>> No.34613562

>Tadai Mahiro anal warts in 4K
For what purpose?

>> No.34613565


>> No.34613581
File: 1.10 MB, 3021x2047, E0lSKUVUcAMDwxL (1)-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She and Riho Fujimori are currently the sexiest actress

>> No.34613592

can you show me?

>> No.34613601

she's amazing fag, at least she isnt all flabby like Yoshine Yuria

>> No.34613607


>> No.34613630


>> No.34613642

As a fellow chubby lover, I respectfully disagree.

>> No.34613644

hemorrhoid, not warts

>> No.34613703
File: 227 KB, 1170x1541, ExyJcQ7UUAgZ7Xn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, she's amazing

>> No.34613731

Nah, those are proper skin tags.

>> No.34613735

Who the fuck is that? That's not her.

>> No.34613820
File: 201 KB, 720x960, (1)-Tweets-con-contenido-multimedia-de--(himesakihana)--Twitter (3).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes she is

>> No.34613834

Where were you when hime-cut was kill?

She's still my javfu, though.

>> No.34613839

it's her, she's just been photoshopped so much no one knows what she really looks like

>> No.34613842

What's so sad about this?

>> No.34613902

Who is pure, innocent looking idol?

>> No.34613955

shoko takahashi

>> No.34613999


What I mean is there is no Japanese equivalent of Megan the Stallion blazing the charts in Japan. It's all fairly innocuous AKB48-esque bullshit.

>> No.34614027

what happened to her? why is she so malnourished now?

>> No.34614127

>all fairly innocuous AKB48-esque bullshit
It's not, it's 90% singer-songwriters and super generic pop-rock shit, with the remaining 10% being K-pop
Mostly stuff salarymen can sing at karaoke with a straight face, but yeah, the top charting artists are very conservative, which wasn't the case in 90s and early 00s.

>> No.34614141


>> No.34614154
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, 1613218645735.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34614181

AKB48/idol type music isn't as popular it used to be. still sells of course but nowhere near as much

>> No.34614196


>> No.34614285


My point is Japanese pop music isn't degenerate.

>> No.34614310

lol why the fuck do they even bother to film outside?

>> No.34614349
File: 421 KB, 2048x1536, E0qYb21VEAALGzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon, do your best today!

>> No.34614357

yeah its weird how she stopped posting on social media and lost weight

>> No.34614705

Burger detected

>> No.34614745

>onahole fapping to vr
>She starts kissing
>put my tongue out like a retard

>> No.34614890
File: 418 KB, 1536x2048, E0jc5jAVgAk_ANO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34614892

>do your best too!

>> No.34614894

uh oh i think i got the coof

>> No.34614910


Been awhile since I saw a real nakadashi/creampie vid. What are the other real creampies that were released recently?

>> No.34614975

Bruh. anyone know where i can find a torrent for this? Its so hard to find torrents for vr shit

>> No.34614998

Are they filming the new Cyberpunk JAV?

>> No.34615070

jfc lmao

>> No.34615078

fuck that bitch up hehe

>> No.34615100
File: 7 KB, 211x239, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34615164

she's just way too thin now, looks unhealthy

>> No.34615212

Canadians have a ‘neutral’ North American accent, not a ‘neutral accent’ in itself.

>> No.34615227

Wrong. Received Pronunciation is the neutral English accent, being that it is where the language originated.

>> No.34615245

Ever go a couple days or more without cooming in anticipation of a JAV so you'll coom more and harder for the occasion?

>> No.34615252

Yeah it usually works that way.

>> No.34615262

No, that's Ohio. They're the template American state right down to their manner of speech.

>> No.34615568


>> No.34615592

shes fucking discusting

>> No.34615604

How would you undisgust her?

>> No.34615605

shut up retard

>> No.34615607

send her back to america

>> No.34615611

That would be amplifying the problem.

>> No.34615619

at least she'll be disgusting outside the view of jav watchers

>> No.34615623

Can we at least trade her for Melody?

>> No.34615628

yes please

>> No.34615636

no. kys

>> No.34615664

That muteki title with Yua and Shoko

>> No.34615691

currently watching hunta-987, so hot

man, i love hhh group. I think my fetish is indoor settings and casual or lounge clothing

>> No.34615772
File: 655 KB, 1440x1800, 1 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close but not quite.

>> No.34615820

wow who is she shes fucking sexy look at her boobs?

>> No.34615827

Tweet has-been deleted

>> No.34615898
File: 34 KB, 380x536, 144451058_856851031550876_6982347207601067011_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34615901

what was the tweet?

>> No.34615928

June Lovejoy being disgusting.

>> No.34615936

who is she, damn

>> No.34615965

show ab scars

>> No.34615980

she c section?

>> No.34616081


Akari Niimura/Aramura

>> No.34616083

Why is ass eating so popular in JAV? or is it just my JAVfu?

>> No.34616142

I've had Asian girls lick my butthole, it is actually kind of cool in the scope of the whole session.

>> No.34616154

yeah feels fucking nice when they rim your asshole
causes your dick to twitch and leak precum like crazy
my gf won't do it
but luckily i can pay prostitutes to do it for me

>> No.34616190


>> No.34616199

It must be an Asian thing? I mean I'd only do it to my JAVfu, and not some random whore. She seems to get her ass eaten every video, maybe she likes it?

>> No.34616212

It feels good and they make the JAV girls do it on the actors and vice versa.

>> No.34616280

Yes...maybe too much.

>> No.34616303

Short Hair for sure but is she is happy with it long that's fine too.

>> No.34616344
File: 77 KB, 533x800, h_1100hzgd171jp-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity. When it comes exclusively to JAV
what exactly is the type you lean towards?

>> No.34616346

no just razor cuts on abs

>> No.34616360

>blessed with huge butt
>grifts insecure girls into working out to make their butts bigger
atta girl

>> No.34616399

based and dogpilled

>> No.34616420
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, Mura-Amateur-Girl.wmv_snapshot_08.13_2012.04.10_01.05.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ideal Javfu
White, Blonde, Must have a good Ahegao, Preferably no tatoos, and of course she must like taking creampies.

>> No.34616476

Chubbyish like >>34613703
Yumi Shion, Ruka Inaba etc. Love gals too but they are exceedingly rare these days. I've love for a group of mid 2000's gals to burst into my house, eat up all my food, be so loud and obnoxious it upsets the neighbors, go out to clubs every night and come home drunk to smack the shit out me for not having cleaned up and made their dinner while they were gone.

>> No.34616487

why are you even here you fucking retard

>> No.34616496

Is Yua getting fat? She looked bigger in her latest release.

>> No.34616557

I'm so confused are you a white male who likes watching AMWF?

>> No.34616563

there should be a tag for aspiring idols becoming AV actors, kinda a weird fetish.

>> No.34616592

Incest, older woman (or at least roleplay as the older one), big tits and big bonus points for armpit licking/fucking.

>> No.34616605

late 20s/early 30s wife and kotzukuri-nakadashi

>> No.34616641


>> No.34616668

She said that she filmed a lot of films during the pandemic so it's normal that she looks a bit chubby.

>> No.34616679

The prettier she is and the harder she gets rekt, the better.

>> No.34616680 [SPOILER] 
File: 164 KB, 1162x1500, 1620281432661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jav needs a S class tomboy. Haven't been one since Riku retired

>> No.34616684
File: 28 KB, 512x243, 9E4BC1BA-0E05-48D6-BB84-311B93EBDF94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34616706

what's the significance of this title

>> No.34616757

jav fkn boring these days

>> No.34616768
File: 11 KB, 353x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the lads on EMP. Would you rather have JAV uploaded in a megapack or all single torrents for a single girl?

>> No.34616788

Megapack for the freeleech

>> No.34616796
File: 557 KB, 938x1200, 1619600240270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new prestige girl is a fucking scam
shame since prestige has a good track record of hiring the cutest girls
oh well i guess the scouts can't find the cuties what with the coof going around and everybody wearing masks and avoiding human contact

>> No.34616842

Megapack is always preferable.

>> No.34616847

Why doesn't Prestige do rape anymore?

>> No.34616906

what is the scam?

>> No.34616918

I wonder if my empornium account that I haven't used for about 10 years would still be active, if I can ever remember my login and password that is

>> No.34616923

You could go to their irc and ask to be re-enabled.

>> No.34616925

Prestige is usually honest with the covers for their exclusive girls because they have a good track record of scouting the cutest girls in porn. Not this one.

>> No.34616926

couldn't agree more :(

>> No.34616935

Besides freeleech, what is the advantage of bundling videos into group torrents?
I have an EMP account, but I've never uploaded there, only Oppaitime. Going by the standards of most Gazelle trackers, the usual thing is uploading videos individually.

I've never given it much thought, but it seems like it would be harder to tag/search and pick out individual videos, and it would encourage partial seeders.

>> No.34616936

unironically my fetish

>> No.34616954

People generally only upload megapacks for a single girl or site/stuido not just random videos. Also uploading on EMP is kind of anoying as you need to make a description of what is going on in the video. Uploading a megapack makes it a lot easier as you can just describe whats in the megapack and not each individaul video.

>> No.34616960

megapacks are set up so entire folders are able to be seeded in some capacity
maybe you want SOE-001 and another person just wants SOE-004, but now for someone who wants the entire thing they have a chance to get both SOE-001 and SOE-004 from leechers, as well as grabbing the entire thing from the seeders

>> No.34617054

I am Asian.

>> No.34617086

correction: you're american asian which means you let race politics run your life
it's also a real treat that everyone here has to deal with your asian american experience even though nobody asked for it

>> No.34617120

my condolences

>> No.34617122
File: 49 KB, 480x300, YMDD-194-JAV-Melody-Marks-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess, but even if I didn't exist, there still would be AMWF JAV posters in this thread because lets be honest, almost all of these JAV sluts look exactly the same because of Dr. Kim destroying their faces. On the other hand, these white women are exotic, and interesting for a growing number of Japanese men. It is also so much easier to remember the white JAV actresses than the Japanese ones, as off the top of my head I can think of 10 white Actresses and not a single asian one.

>> No.34617149

jfc take your meds
absolute trash tier delusional human being

>> No.34617153 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 960x540, supposedly FC2PPV-686280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have this video in HD? FC2PPV-686280 Misato Yukawa supposedly is the name

>> No.34617158

delete this

>> No.34617160 [DELETED] 

Excuse me sir this is a NSFW board.

>> No.34617261

Anyone know why JAV releases slowed down recently?

>> No.34617309

Have you seen the news lately? There's a coof going around.

>> No.34617324

[STARS-377]My G-Spot Is In My Titties ... The Sensual Nipples And Titties Of A Beautiful Girl Who Can Cum Just With Her Boobs

>> No.34617333

I'm asian Australian and I only like seeing asian men nailing asian women you race traitor.

>> No.34617349

thats victoria white right?

>> No.34617353

Melody Marks tier girls are like 1/20 white women in the 18-25 age range. Now divide that tier of whitoid by the ones who are actually interested in Asians it's like a 0.3% chance.

>> No.34617371

I wanna cum LOTS inside Tsumugi Akari

>> No.34617389

she monke

>> No.34617399

>Asian Australian
How does it feel to live in the land of Yellow Fever Inflicted White Men?

>> No.34617403

Feels good. They think all the ugly asians are good looking.

>> No.34617410

>when the enviroment textures doesn't load live

>> No.34617429

I miss this brownish slim short haired bitch like you wouldn't believe

>> No.34617432

A what?

>> No.34617435

You make it look like she's uggly, she's cute, not "will wipe the floor with Airi and all others cute" like some anon claimed in past threads. But yeah, someone airbrushed too much the cover

>> No.34617439

monke. she monke. ooh ooh aah aah.

>> No.34617457

https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWIAMA/comments/3mbeiz/i_live_in_japan_and_have_slept_with_100_japanese/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I always found these threads to be funny lol.

>> No.34617478
File: 76 KB, 800x534, dasd00657jp-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Exemplary chang behaviour

>> No.34617482

Reddit is only second to this thread when it comes to posting bullshit about Japan.

>> No.34617497

I’m a simple man. I see Toyohiko, I beat my meat.

>> No.34617499

her succulent breast meat spilling
excellent for such an old granny

>> No.34617546
File: 32 KB, 531x388, 3123412412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tf is this hag still 29

>> No.34617573


>> No.34617592

I really wanted to like her but the whole beastiality shit turned me off. Shame since I love Yuri Honma and Nao and they both did it too.

>> No.34617607

she fucked doggy???
can you show me? O.O

>> No.34617611

That's from more than a year ago, due titles being released several months after the filming I wouldn't even be surprised if it was from 2019. Her looks took a nose dive around march-april 2020 and now she looks too haggard

>> No.34617616


>> No.34617631

so true

>> No.34617650

i'm not even into that shit but i'm kinda curious

>> No.34617652

this porn whore strong

>> No.34617663

im pretty sure he means blacks

>> No.34617671

what a fag

>> No.34617673

oh. cos i remember jav with actual doggy fucking was from 15 years ago.

>> No.34617684
File: 233 KB, 988x1263, E0sPpYwUUAATYOr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34617691

kinda disturbing desu

>> No.34617692
File: 309 KB, 1363x2048, E0sPpY2UYAM0N9t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34617701
File: 311 KB, 1361x2048, E0sPpYvVUAAXcm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34617705

Way to turn the big pp into the small pp, fag.

>> No.34617711

is there any jav actress with an ass like sasha grey?

>> No.34617734

Better question. Is there a Western actress that has a face like Hikari Aozora?

>> No.34617777

now that is a fucking pornstar name

>> No.34617786

the ntr in this series is quite brutal
plot heavy and really drives the ntr feel with the sets and themes
even has attempted suicide by the protag

>> No.34617809

there's rape, you just need to know which titles to look out for.

>> No.34617814
File: 198 KB, 1054x1500, 81wK1MXPMhL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably mid 30s since saying you're anything from 1-10 years younger seems to be standard jav practice

Here's a hot juicy tip: just don't watch those particular titles. It's not like you'll ever meet/date/marry them anyway so why let a few nogs stop you from enjoying some objectively fantastic performers?

>> No.34617839

Is she a good performer? Reason why I was able to look past Nao and Yuri was because they're top tier sluts.

>> No.34617867

her best code?

>> No.34617900

>will only be in 720
Life is hell

>> No.34617971

This, they're skin folds, hemorrhoids literally are swollen veins, that doesn't look it at all.

>> No.34618037
File: 589 KB, 1920x1080, SDNT-025.mp4_snapshot_00.04.29_[2021.05.03_01.27.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a series dedicated to women getting gangbanged while wearing this kind of masks?

>> No.34618075

She's playing Sekiro

>> No.34618097

not sure about gangbangs

>> No.34618167
File: 38 KB, 550x425, E930E062-F7F3-4A8F-9993-A568C4E84BF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34618210

>the go for the jaw, nose and moles and never for butthole skin tags, pimples and facial scarring
They whiten their faces but never go for a cute butthole and clean skin

>> No.34618238
File: 165 KB, 1200x799, EtsdyCZUUAAZp7S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her performances but I'll also admit her milf-lite looks are a big part of it for me. She's been in the game a long time and from what I've seen, she does pretty well in pretty much all the genres she's tried. My favourites are when she's a bit more proactive though so I can strongly recommend:
These also happen to all be POV and I watched them with CN subtitles -- you can probably find the srts somewhere and run them through deepl to get more out of her performance/dialogue/dirty talk etc

>> No.34618291

Nao is deformed now.

>> No.34618297

no she's not

>> No.34618531

I’m getting bored of Aika Yumeno. She never does creampie. Fucking bitch

>> No.34618586

Non cream pie girls are not worth watching.

>> No.34618723

Right. Idk why aika yumeno is popular. She only did one creampie and never again. Boring to watch now.

>> No.34618740

She did 2 "creampies" in S1 though. I and quote because it's S1 so the chances of them being done with actual semen are low

>> No.34618865

I'm abit retarded when it comes to jav. Is rhe fake semen done by inserting it after a different shot of the sex scene?

>> No.34618867
File: 71 KB, 620x414, photo-1-1591605497145652955089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lost too much baby fat (probably surgery + purging + naturally) and it makes her jaw/chin look out of balance but she's still pretty and an amazing performer. Easily in my top 3 for best moans in all of JAV too

>> No.34618895

They actually do it all the time, especially bleaching.
Shoko also debuted with a skin tag there and immediately removed it.

>> No.34618935

is that site legit? ie the money goes to the producers in Japan?

>> No.34618992

Very unique moan. That was ravaged my a black man.

>> No.34619002

There's something about yui nagase blacked that I find so Kino.

>> No.34619094

Thanks muchy!

>> No.34619151


That anon does that all the time (refers to blacked as beastiality) and confuses other anons in the process.

>> No.34619234

>Allowing blacks to live in your mind, rent-free and without permit, (un)ironically like an actual negro does

I think I pretty much forget they exist until someone tangentially mentions them here

>> No.34619391
File: 771 KB, 643x801, fake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera cuts indeed

>> No.34619459

Usually burgers because they have to live with them in that shitty country of theirs.

>> No.34619484


It's really only 1 or 2 posters that seethe about blacked jav to the point that it can bring the quality of a thread down. Then 1 or 2 other posters try to troll them by shilling blacked and the cycle continues.

>> No.34619496

For how often they get paired up, it's really weird that June came out to say that Karina Nishida doesn't want to set up an interview together.

>> No.34619513

if only those 2 fags weren't so insecure abt this that would never happen

>> No.34619621

How do I get his job?

>> No.34619698

That's prestige's own online distribution platform. It's the only place to stream it now that they removed their stuff from fanza and r18.

>> No.34619716

Don't fuck with me?

>> No.34619877

Sasha Grey having never done JAV is a grave injustice.

>> No.34619924

Is this Airi's first? Thanks for this.

>> No.34620021

i'd say it's time to kys

>> No.34620047

Damn just like an actual movie. Actors stop having sex. Insert fake sperm. Continue.

>> No.34620172
File: 15 KB, 236x295, 804e6c2f58ac8914042e2538414ec1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax anon, it's honestly not even bad and has been a very slow and gradual process rather than an insta-bog like Shoko. If you hadn't noticed by now you probably don't mind it and/or already used to it. For most people and at a glance, she just looks skinnier and less youthful

>> No.34620175

If she has never done it with an Asian back home, then you know where she stands.

>> No.34620323


That doesn't mean anything. Male Asian porn actors are barely a thing in America. Sasha would have fucked anyone.

>> No.34620393

wow anon its almost like porn is fake

>> No.34620415

Bananafever is Asian Dog Fart.

>> No.34620449

S1 is a shit agency then.

>> No.34620551

preaching to the choir my man
if people are watching S1 knowing that there are studios who do everything better than them then they are S1 for life

>> No.34620571
File: 465 KB, 1054x1500, 20210507_000230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is top left and bottom left in this image?

>> No.34620602

My brother... also tokyo bulldog series

>> No.34620615

Pov, screen kissing, handjobs and blowjobs
I dont wanna see some fugly jap dude banging my waifu

>> No.34620666

are you dumb? their names are right there

>> No.34620678

He coomed so much he became white colorblind.

>> No.34620693

Oh shit I legitimately couldnt see the text
Go easy on me, its small and blends into the background

>> No.34620702

i'm just going to say -- well done sachiko with the glasses, because if she didn't wear them in her scenes she would be lost in the busty/chubby jav actress shuffle
the bush is also *chef's kiss*, perfecto

>> No.34620849

Pube peek is severely underrated

>> No.34620898

Any recommendations for some good doctor/medical themed JAVs? Preferably with the actress as the doctor role.

>> No.34621008

Imagine the things she could have yelled while Taku or whoever violated her pretty face.

>> No.34621014

Ruka Inaba and Tsubasa Hachino are my waifus

>> No.34621026

That one with Rei Mizuna and Yui Hatano is an ancient one but a gold one
REAL-512 If I'm not mistaken

>> No.34621125

>Ruka Inaba
>Hachino Tsubasa
Yes Please!

>Eimi Fukada
I don't like her or watch her content.
Not my type of goblin but she is popular and we need the DVD to sell.

>Hibiki Otsuki
No! No! No!
I would have preferred June Love Joy or Kaho Imai.

>> No.34621159

this will be no female interaction cringe right??

>> No.34621267

Why do you hate hibiki?

>> No.34621339
File: 66 KB, 640x360, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ohhhhh fuck i will not be able to afford this"

>> No.34621490


>> No.34621560


baka at Eimi being featured the most prominently while being arguably the least attractive one. It's a travesty she's as popular as she is but I guess nips like what they like.

>> No.34621713

Hibiki has the cutest face there

>> No.34621731

I think its more because her acting is good
She fucks like a madwoman

>> No.34621755

This. Contrary to some really dumb redpillers here, you don't just coast by on your looks if you want to last long in JAV.

>> No.34621783

Unless you look like Rara Anzai, then you can be a dead fish in bed and still pop boners around the globe

>> No.34621803
File: 248 KB, 560x840, cap_e_1_326scp-016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. Just do not like her post op body modifications. They are distracting and not in a good way. As for Eimi I simply tolerate her existence because like I said she is popular. One bogged pill actress in a multi actress title in more than enough. Worst yet they will probably take away screen time from Ruka, Hachino, and Sachiko to appeal to worst girl(s) in the film.

>> No.34621837

Sure, but that's only going to last a year or two tops. Do you think someone like Tsubomi would still be doing it if she just played living onahole?

>> No.34621871

Didnt they bring Anzai back due to popular demand?

>> No.34621911

I don't follow her so no idea.

>> No.34621968
File: 215 KB, 1280x890, Mao-Hamasaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexiest voices?

>> No.34621999
File: 92 KB, 700x1225, abGnxXO_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I remember correctly she was fired and blacklisted for some reason

>> No.34622188

Newfag here.
Why some unconsored title has numbered as if they are normally regulated?
I thought jap banned uncensored stuff?

>> No.34622264

What's the evolutive goal of wanting to mate to infinity and beyond with women like her who more likely are 15+ years older than me? Am I fucked up in the head?
I like young girls of course, but there's something about moms like her that drive me insane

>> No.34622289

More experienced can take care of your kids. Plus better at sex.

>> No.34622425
File: 327 KB, 1152x2048, 20210507_002450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening anons.

>> No.34622565

Those are usually for the Jap expats.

>> No.34622615

this picture amazing sir

>> No.34622693

Imo she looks better on her videos

>> No.34622731

Ai Mukai was pretty much a tomboy in her first years until she decided to grow them out and be long haired.

>> No.34622829

its shopped to hell
look at the strings on her bra

>> No.34622924
File: 160 KB, 924x1233, EAUmtAXUcAELhVM-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to thank Ruka with your seed tonight.

I would have posted a screen from one of her movies but this is a worksafe board.

>> No.34622958
File: 82 KB, 800x534, 46DAE263-4637-431A-8035-85B0D4BF85DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 hours until this month's Ideapocket releases are available on FANZA.

>> No.34622974

Code for that still?

>> No.34623032

IPX-660. Looks based from trailer and description.

>> No.34623058

Fucking animeman made a video on sodland and had suzu honjo whisper dirty sentences behind his head.
life is nothing but pain and agony

>> No.34623075

If it makes you feel any better we are in a lock down and you wouldn't be able to go anyways.

>> No.34623089

Isn't he part of that insufferable Trash Taste Podcast group or something?

>> No.34623342

If anyone using R18 to search JAV, typing Anime will match Animal.

>> No.34623538

So will black man

>> No.34623693

yeah. dude is an overall twat actually

>> No.34624793
File: 94 KB, 800x510, Sasha-Grey-disfrazada-de-alicia-tiene-un-interracial-con-asiatico-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasha Grey has 2 or 3 with Asian men (aka Asian-Americans) in porn. Here are pics from that scene and the title is below if you want to google the scene


if you think Asian-American male actors in Western porn is rare, you clearly dont know anything when some of the biggest sites in the West like ATKGirlfriends have Asian guys as the male talent.

>> No.34625094
File: 205 KB, 991x1366, ryo-hitomi-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess i'll take it upon myself to make this thread about jav again

post hags

>> No.34625102

new thread

>> No.34625187
File: 33 KB, 480x640, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find nagisa good looking but her ears are strange.

>> No.34625199


I knew about that guy, didn't know she did a scene with him though. Yeah like I said Sasha is an equal opportunity whore.

>> No.34625253

it must be hard for you living such a pathetic existence, i feel for you but no one here gives a fuck about your inadequacies so stop shitting up the threads with this garbage

>> No.34625273
File: 237 KB, 1128x1504, 1594150297688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me about it

>> No.34625341

i was already telling you about it

>> No.34625491

She ever get fucked by a fat man? Didn't think so.

>> No.34625574

what good is a hag without an ass?

>> No.34626093

missing the 2010-2015 JAV scene
all of the actresses now have resorted to livedoor and youtube/niconico streaming

>> No.34626211
File: 18 KB, 480x360, B76D4083-346E-40F2-A6DB-1FC29B35EC4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34626442
File: 36 KB, 569x320, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek anons were complaining about my high cholesterol tastes - thought i'd switch it up and post a skelly hag for once

>> No.34627298

You literally killed this thread

>> No.34627550


>> No.34627714


new thread
