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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 4 KB, 107x126, dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3428115 No.3428115 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, we have tripfags roaming around, tripfag-ego-stroking threads, and what not... But how about our anonymous bros?

ITT: /jp/'s anonymous bros appreciation thread. Also, Dan Kim.

>> No.3428126

That image greatly reminds me of the obamicon posters. And I'd make one too if I had actually had any decent rumia images on hand.

>> No.3428135
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>> No.3428137

>Also, Dan Kim.

What's up, Dan Kim?

>> No.3428138


>> No.3428143

There is no one else besides Dan that's worth to be mentioned.

>> No.3428145

If you want to talk to Anonymous go to /bun/ this is tripfag country.

>> No.3428147

Dan has been MIA for months.

>> No.3428149
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>> No.3428152

Greetings, my fellow Anonymous. Let us drink and be merry.

>> No.3428157

>>ITT: tripfag lure thread.


>> No.3428160
File: 324 KB, 320x180, 1253721236399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where would /jp/ be without it most important people?

>> No.3428165

and that is?

>> No.3428166

We have some great anonymous contributors.
Some worth for shit too.

Here's to all the posters that help make /jp/ good, anonymous or using a name.
Shame for all the rest.

>> No.3428175

I'd like to give my genuine thanks to all the music-inspired anons who relentlessly update us with all that good music after every Comiket. Thank you. Love you guys.

>> No.3428187
File: 47 KB, 345x267, TAIKOGAMESH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ore wa /jp/

>> No.3428195
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>> No.3428200


>> No.3428214


>> No.3428225

> I read this on http://www.anentalk.com/ (en = on) last night.

>> No.3428226
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>> No.3428233

To all the anon contributors, this is for you: a tripfag threads.

>> No.3428238

I never did understand the point of tripcodes. Why do people bother using them at all?

>> No.3428242


>> No.3428246

It's really the same shit with or without, what makes anyone think it'd be different if people didn't use trips?

>> No.3428259

False impression of prestige on the Internet. False recognition on the Internet.

>> No.3428269

>It's really the same shit with or without, what makes anyone think it'd be different if people didn't use trips?

What makes them think it would be different if they did use tripcodes?

>> No.3428275

The only legitimate reasons I can think of don't apply to any of the current tripcode users.

1) Person making periodic updates to an interesting story, to dissuade samefagging attempts.

2) Being able to identify your old posts on the archive.

>> No.3428291

I wouldn't mind hearing a tripfriends rationalization for being one.

>> No.3428294

True. Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to our fellow trips here in /jp/.

>> No.3428297

i don't know, i sure don't think it's any different
would you like me more if i was anon?

>> No.3428303

you people need a tangible idol you can identify.

>> No.3428314

Getting attention.
Having entire threads whose sole purpose is to understand the mental process leading you to your actions.
Having people generally overanalyse your actions.

>> No.3428319


>> No.3428327

Or simply having fun...

>> No.3428333

take a hike mugen, go back to chatting on your japanese shit

>> No.3428335


You don't think it's any different? I wonder why you use a trip then...

>> No.3428338

That's just a nice way of saying >>3428314

>> No.3428344


Yeah, nothing screams "fun" like being a well known poster on 4chan.

>> No.3428349

i lay awake in bed at night wondering about it myself

>> No.3428345 [DELETED] 

>A: In a forced-anon system, every post is taken completely on its content and value, Good threads are posted in, bad threads are generally ignored (or devolve into a shitfest of trolling, which happens in both forced-anon and systems with registration). In a system where tripcodes are rampant, posts are taken on past-reputation, off-the-topic posts referring to the tripcode user (ex. tripfag posts something, the people who hate him call him a fag, he defends himself, thread inevitably de-rails)
>tl;dr Anonymity in fact contributes to the quality of a board, rather than taking from it.

>B: You're on to something here anon. I often wonder what would happen if my team at work were forced to have meetings anonymously. There are often times when egos and reputations get in the way of solid innovation and sound business decisions.

>A: "One Toshiaki (the default name for an anonymous poster ) is as good (or as much a loser) as another." There is no reason for anyone to feel like they stand out as someone important in this Japanese community. If nicknames were used, as the creator of the board 2chan Hiroyuki Nishimura once explained in an interview, those people would gain authority in this network over time... an authority which would make it harder for others to tell them "what you say is wrong/boring/lame." Nishimura says, “All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument will work.” And: "People can only truly discuss something when they don’t know each other."

>> No.3428353

Tripfags are all attention whores.
Tripfaging is a load of fail.

anonymous = god tier
namefag = garbage tier
tripfag = shit tier

>> No.3428362


Get your logic out of here.

>> No.3428363

Well I didn't know you guys took trips this seriously.
This is my formal apology with correct spelling and grammar.
I'm sorry.

>> No.3428368
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A: In a forced-anonymous system, every post is taken completely on its content and value, Good threads are posted in, bad threads are generally ignored (or devolve into a shitfest of trolling, which happens in both forced-anon and systems with registration). In a system where tripcodes are rampant, posts are taken on past-reputation, off-the-topic posts referring to the tripcode user (ex. tripfag posts something, the people who hate him call him a fag, he defends himself, thread inevitably de-rails)
tl;dr Anonymity in fact contributes to the quality of a board, rather than taking from it.

>B: You're on to something here anon. I often wonder what would happen if my team at work were forced to have meetings anonymously. There are often times when egos and reputations get in the way of solid innovation and sound business decisions.

A: "One Toshiaki (the default name for an anonymous poster ) is as good (or as much a loser) as another." There is no reason for anyone to feel like they stand out as someone important in this Japanese community. If nicknames were used, as the creator of the board 2chan Hiroyuki Nishimura once explained in an interview, those people would gain authority in this network over time... an authority which would make it harder for others to tell them "what you say is wrong/boring/lame." Nishimura says, “All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument will work.” And: "People can only truly discuss something when they don’t know each other."

>> No.3428370


We tripfags take them seriously as well, it seems.

>> No.3428376
File: 67 KB, 640x925, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa! Calm down... why the hate bro?... Can't we be... friends?

Here I give you very funny image...

>> No.3428377
File: 159 KB, 600x450, 1253480361394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tripfag's opinion is worth less than the one of an anonymous poster. I used to force me to post better, contribute more, and after the /a/rchive, track myself.

Now I'm with the faction that holds that tripcodes are for specific times, specific purposes, and not to use all the time. Plus, I hate to be thougt of as part of the current crop of tripfags that only do it for the attention and disrupting the place for cheap thrills.

The best part is that I'm practically forgotten by now. It works best when you're just a forgettable guy with a name and crackable code than a recognizable poster.

>> No.3428380


Again, logic, get out, etc.
Are people paying attention to me yet?

>> No.3428393

I don't care much for myself but my tripbros don't deserve to be demonized. Can't there ever be equality amongst us here in /jp/, we're more bro here any other board yet we have these pointless quarrels the most.

>> No.3428398
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that those who don't know about her will, by some off chance, decide to find out about her. That's all.
It's the duty of a fan to bless their existence.

>> No.3428404

You're excused, bro.

>> No.3428407

>doing something to intentionally make yourself stand out which ultimately accomplishes nothing

>> No.3428410

But you know guys... it's just like politics...

If you can't take the heat... get out of the Kitchen... tripfriends are here to stay, get used to it... you kill one... another one will spawn and take it's place... so can we be friends now?

>> No.3428414

This thread reminds me of the initial trolling jpproject got when it first started.

>> No.3428418

Let me again point out that it'd be the same whether I use a trip or not.

>> No.3428421

god bless filters

>> No.3428425

Clearly it is not.

>> No.3428430

Reported OP thread.

Am I doing it right?

>> No.3428441

You should be thankful if someone uses a trip; you can decide whether you want to see their posts or not thanks to the power of filters.

Think of it as my service to you. I'd rather let you judge me as a whole. You would not be able to do this if I were Anonymous.

>> No.3428446

But that's only on Anonymous' part overreacting about it.

>> No.3428448
File: 12 KB, 225x225, not_sure_if_want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a reaction face thread?

>> No.3428450


>> No.3428454

sup ZUN!bro

>> No.3428459

tsudere love

>> No.3428461

That clearly isn't the case when tripfag drop their tripcode to spam ">tripfag" with just a reaction image.

>> No.3428462


>> No.3428466 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 1250x1425, manguyasmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just don't want Suigin taking credit for my beard.
Also, archive searchability

I started using a trip a bit after AX when I got around to searching for a trip that suited me. Plus, Suigin kept on saying he was me and damn if I'm gonna let him take credit for dressing up in a Kaguya outfit with a beard.
It's your guys' fault anyway. Y'all gave me the idea for it

Sage for using a trip in an anon thread.

>> No.3428473

What do you mean? I don't think it was the same manner of trolling, but that was back in February and I don't feel like digging through the archives.

>> No.3428483

OP here. GTFO trips, this is an anon appreciation thread.

>> No.3428489


1 - you imply that using a tripcode is no different than not using one
2 - instead of not going out of your way and simply posting as the default "anonymous", you make a conscious effort to use a tripcode.
3 - since this, as you have said, does not effect the quality of your posts it seems illogical for you to do so.

>> No.3428491

But I'm appreciating anon, can't I do it while using a trip?

>> No.3428493

It turned out to be a tripfag bashing session, just like this thread now.

>> No.3428497

I just put text in fields and leave it there so yeah. What's your point?

>> No.3428499

You can see it as a clear counterpoint as to why most of anonymous has the potential to be good, while most tripcode users are just deluded on their own shitposting.
The best argument for anonymous posting I've seen.

>> No.3428513

True that.

>> No.3428516

>bullshit tripfag thread
>68 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

love em or hate em, you can't stop talking about them

>> No.3428523

Thread was suppose to be anon posters, not them

>> No.3428530


My point is that you make an effort (no matter how small) to do something which you have stated has no affect.
Because this does not improve or devalue your posting in any way, you must have some other reason for doing it. But I cannot think of one that would be rational.

>> No.3428531

It will attract the tripfags anyway, since its indirectly related to them.

>> No.3428542

You're thinking too deeply into this, you should chill out.

>> No.3428551

A good poster is someone who is recognized by his contributions, not his trip-name. This applies to both anon posters as well as tripfags.

>> No.3428556

Anon here checking in. We rule.
Tripfriends/tripfags = stool

>> No.3428566

Attempt to bring thread back on course:

Any other good anon contributors that are worth the mention, bros?

>> No.3428571

>"I am a tripfag. This is dumb."

Feels good, man.

>> No.3428584


Anonymous is certainly worth mentioning. He posts a lot of great stuff.

>> No.3428593


The guy that writes stuff.

>> No.3428606

What stuff?

>> No.3428611

Anonymous translator that translate VNs at tlkwiki..
Fuck the rest amirite?

>> No.3428617

Here's to all of anonymous that handle original content threads without using names.
Here's to all of the people that instead of filling threads with sage and bile, ignore them and keep lurking by.
Here's for everyone that sees a bad front page and instead of complaining they rescue or start new threads.
And never forget those that help out in time of need, that give source and point towards more info.
Here's to everyone that doesn't parrot or spams memes or canned responses.
Here's to those that hate green text implications and reaction images.

But most importantly, a salute to all the anonymous that take it easy, that don't overreact over little meaningless things and enjoy their stay here.

>> No.3428628

I cried manly tears. True bros indeed.

>> No.3428640

>And never forget those that help out in time of need, that give source and point towards more info.

>Where do I download X?
>Hey guys I just play X, what should I play next?
>X doesn't work, what should i do?
>How do I open ISO?

Sorry but I don't think we should help idiots.

>> No.3428647

There will be some who are willing. So all is good.

>> No.3428650

Anonymous has humility, tripfags do not.
Anonymous is part of the community the tripfag sets hemself apart from the community.
Anonymous seeks to fit in the tripfag seeks to be above the collective group and is disruptive.

>> No.3428655

Speaking of which, where do I download Touhou 12? /rs/ failed me.

>> No.3428660

I meant it for the more obscure stuff. And for those threads there's a single proper response:

>> No.3428669

You are a true bro indeed.

Any sauce yet for the littlegirleatinggarbage.jpg?

>> No.3428682

Sadly, no. Try running it through tineye.com

>> No.3428702

This anon thanks the willing anonymous and rebukes the sagers and complainers who can't seem to learn to ignore anything. Complainers drag everything down quality wise trip or no.

>> No.3428705

This is why we'll never get along, Anonymous, you're everything that you say we tripbros are.

>> No.3428713

Your point is?

>> No.3428723

Helping idiots->Idiots think what a nice place->Idiots proceed to stay->Quality go down

So helping them is detrimental to the quality of the board.

>> No.3428731

I could take off my trip for a week, but it would change nothing. Actually, the people who filtered me would be able to see my posts again.

And you guys say that Anonymous posting is still superior?

>> No.3428739

Its cool. These idiots probably wouldn't post anything besides questions, and those who were willing to help him initially will probably do the same. After all, everyone starts off as an idiot.

>> No.3428749

Your proof of this? You just want to think you are some kind of special snowflake. Responding to STUPID request is lame but not all questions and requests are stupid or lame. The knee jerk reaction of responding with no or GTFO is not necessary. Ignore the lame shit and it will go away. Before you post a no or sage bump a good thread instead.

>> No.3428757

Sadly, its the initial bias you've accumulated due to the certain clashes you've had with your haters. Same goes to Taiko. Whatever you do after, like temporary removing your trip, doesn't matter anymore. So take it easy and chill, bros.

I personally wish to see the day where good anons and good trips live together, and shitty posters, anon and trips alike, gets trashed. All together now...


>> No.3428760
File: 351 KB, 1600x2000, 1249625111074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is only you bro.
I lurk for months or years before posting my first post to fit in.
Also I google for anything, hongfire torrent, mediafire/mu ddl and iqdb sauce.

Asking /jp/ is my last resort.

>> No.3428765


I've actually thought of taking up a name and tripcode but killed the idea because 1. I really don't feel like attracting that kind of attention to myself, even of a relatively anonymous online sort, and 2. I honestly don't see a point to it. I can understand it if you're some sort of productive programmer, artist, writer or musician working on a project and posting about it, but that's about it for legitimate reasons.

>> No.3428776

Person that needs help asks for it.
Receives hate and irrational.
In order to fit in, it answers in the same way.
Board becomes a nest of neurotic hateful posters.

The canned responses are worse overall. The correct way to proceed is to point them to what tools they should use to find what they need in a sage post. Thread is ignored, everything is peaceful.

>> No.3428785

I was throwing around the idea of getting a trip of my own, but my lack of creativity in selecting a name shot that down.

Guess I'll be generic anonymous for a while longer.

>> No.3428789

Exactly. You still prove the point there are not as many 'idiots' out there as he puts it to be. And these small amount of idiots will not degrade the quality of the board simply by asking such questions.

>> No.3428797

Learn to trip+/tripexplorer.

Generate some random shit overnight and pick a shiny new tripcode the next day.

>> No.3428806
File: 39 KB, 848x480, snapshot20090924133009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the first person to have the same ideal as I do anon, I'm touched.
This is for the future.

>> No.3428818

You sir, are a moron.
I agree with >>3428757 and you're part of what makes me hate using a tripcode these days.

>> No.3428821

Tripfags don't want peace they want trolling and unhappiness to fee their egos.

>> No.3428824


>> No.3428826

Well I am pointing those idiots to paletweb/himeyashop for now.

Lets hope those idiots can contribute to the industry somehow.

>> No.3428828


>> No.3428835

I think you're missing the context

>> No.3428853

Taiko is a moron is an objective truth, I'm afraid.

>> No.3428857

I see it more as being able to recognize a person's individual tastes, writing style, and opinions. This works a lot better than it should on /jp/ because well, we get a lot of the same NEETs posting 12 hours a day. And of course we do not move as fast as the other boards.

I prefer to be judged as a person. A /jp/ bro can even decide to get rid of me if he dislikes what he sees. I feel that is a good enough reason right there.

>> No.3428862

I'm not denying it

>> No.3428875

All together now, LOVE. AND. PEACE!!!

That's just a blanket bias, bro.

>> No.3428887

Unfortunately, being the humans they are, not all tripfags have the same viewpoint as yourself. Miku-trip does it for his love for Miku. You do it for reasons of your own. White Ren just trolls. Arc is a fag. Alice Fagger is just a trap. And the list goes on.

>> No.3428912


>> No.3428928

It all just boils down to ego.

>> No.3428966
File: 178 KB, 420x390, ef3259a1e910b61a5ce6ce7289da76645a92107f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was beautiful anon

>> No.3428970

the only tripfag that needs to be hated is mugenjohncel for being filipino trash.

>> No.3428978

>I prefer to be judged as a person.

What a shit reason. No one cares about you as a person. Only ideas matter, distinct and separate from the person who originated it.

There are at least three good reasons why we should have forced anonymous:

1) Reduces bullshit attention whoring, drama, circle jerks and pile-ons (POSTAN IN A TRIPFAG THREAD, I'm with currybutt, SAGE FOR SUIGIN, etc.).

2) Ideas can be presented and criticized without concern for either your or another poster's e-penis.

3) Board culture can shift around more freely when big personalities are removed. Collective culture, author function, etc.

One good reason for tripcodes might be for productive threads (ha ha) where it's useful to know who is saying what (example: KS dev thread). For something like that, there's a few possibilties:

1) The OP can choose forced anon on/off when he starts a thread. Can also enable/disable subject lines. (I'm sure some goddamn attention whores would try posting with their names in the subject field)

2) Single thread tripcodes (automatically and securely generated based on your IP and the thread ID). No user-defined text can be put into your name field.

3)A special /proj/ board that always allows tripcodes.

Also, I really want RAGE to compliment SAGE.
Consider a single thread. If, after 15 minutes, enough unique IPs post with RAGE in the email field (say, 50% of the last 50 unique posters in the thread) the thread is deleted. No more need for janitors.


>> No.3428982

Judging you as a person, you're a fag.

>> No.3428984

Nothing new is being said, refer to the ghostboard thread on how to tweak the imageboards for further improvement.

>> No.3428987

I still have a few hours before flight so I'll stick for a while...

>> No.3428990

Whatever happened to forced anon anyway?

>> No.3428994


No. I hate some of the tripfags, but sometimes it's a hatred that feels good, sort of like a release, and I appreciate that.

Except that cunt who just posts reaction images and green text. He can go to hell for all I care.

>> No.3428996

Why would you want such a crappy system like that?...

>> No.3429001

That is stupid, and you are stupid.

>> No.3429007


>> No.3429015 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 1039x720, 1246079021988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying his personal tastes justify anything

>> No.3429017

Unite, we must. The age of apartheid here in /jp/ will soon be over. We have a common enemy, and that which could only be defeated through the unity of trips and anons. Our enemy seeks to sow hatred and distrust among us by posting under the disguise of anonymous as well as being a trip themselves. They seek to turn us against ourselves, post idiotic posts, spam random memes and what not. And against this threat, all seems lost if we do not unite.

Just like how we have whites and blacks living together in America, we too can live together in peace; trips and anons. And just like how America have their share of both white and black terrorists, we too have both trip and anon trolls.

If you can't live together, then just sit in the sidelines. Bob Dylan once sang that times they are a-changin'. That your old road is rapidly agin'. So get out if ya can't lend a hand.

Again, all together now:


>> No.3429025

tripfags are only lame when they hijack a thread and start talking to one another or sucking eachother's dicks. also, tripfags who knowingly repost shitty memes constantly should be permabanned (that means you suigin and taiko)

>> No.3429029
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>> No.3429033

Good will is nice and all, but how do you intend to do that?
I rather be anonymous and avoid the rest of the tripfags. Most of them have let me down and there's no way I can take them seriously anymore.

>> No.3429035

I like the /jp/ tripfags, as a matter of fact. They contribute to the board in both positive and negative ways, which makes /jp/ all the more interesting.

Isn't that what we all come here for? To relieve our boredom?

I strongly believe that a /jp/ without tripfags, while still an interesting place to go when boredom strikes, would just not be the same without the trips fagging it up.

>> No.3429036

No thanks, same a bun, fail.

>> No.3429037

We've only just started making up, Anonymous, it doesn't have to be this way

>> No.3429047

I would love per-thread user IDs. Anonymous for life and all that but sometimes I can't even tell how many people I'm conversing with. Doubt we'll ever see any useful board changes though.

>> No.3429058

>useful board changes
Yeah, NEVER bet on Moot.

>> No.3429065

Two things that will never happen. A report button that works 100% of the time and active moderation.

Problem solved. Most Trips that are a problem would be permabanned the first week. Using that trip again would be an autokick with ip ban.

>> No.3429083

>active moderation

Many of the best threads on here would be 404'ed if there were mods on.

>> No.3429102

Off topic shit doesn't go here, what is hard or wrong about that? In reality the best place for that is is in an IRC Channel.

>> No.3429107

Am I the only one who likes tripfag shitposts?

A troll thread is the highlight of my evening.

>> No.3429118

you must be cumming your pants several times per minute then.

>> No.3429121


I'd rather leap into a running woodchipper than go back to IRC for anything ever again.

>> No.3429146
File: 502 KB, 1252x1008, metodhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429155

Sound like you don't know how to IRC to me.

>> No.3429157

sir, please refer to this thread
I think it is relevant for you

>> No.3429162

Which channels did you go to for such a bad impression of IRC?

>> No.3429192

You can't seperate the ideas from the person here. I already addressed this in a previous post. Also not directed at you, but I think it's unwise to compare /jp/ to 2ch. We're different beasts with a different purpose.

Besides, I rather like having people being accountable for their actions. Personally, I see Forced Anon as a safety net for trolls. Once you seperate the ideas from the person then it encourages even more trolling, dishonesty, and all of that nonsense. And since this is the internet you will be seeing a lot of that regardless if there is forced anon or not.

And the rage thing is unnecessary and seems to limit freedom of posting even more. I do not like seeing heavy, internet forum-esque moderation on an image board that doesn't even require registration. The whole point is to let people post whatever ideas they want, and this includes both the good and the bad.

>> No.3429193

Tripcodes were used when the OP has something to contribute (translations, making a game) and is dropped after the thread. They are used again if someone asks about the contribution or if the OP needs to make another thread.

>> No.3429197

But now they are mostly use by trolls and fail artists.

>> No.3429203

/jp/'s IRC channel may as well be #/b/.

>> No.3429206

Problem is no one is accountable at all here ever. Trips just compound that by introducing egos and fanboys into the picture.

>> No.3429211

Looks pretty dead in there to me

>> No.3429209 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 225x225, UNGH_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I you've convinced me.
Looks like I've found my new tripco

>this thread

>> No.3429214

Janitor? Um, Janitor?

>> No.3429215

#/jp/ - Idle/Nothing

>> No.3429217
File: 25 KB, 225x225, UNGH_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, you've convinced me.
Looks like I've found my new tripco

>this thread

>> No.3429233


I do; that's the problem.

>> No.3429239


#/jp/, #4chan, various semi-related/unrelated channels that were either full of blowhards or totally inactive

>> No.3429247

Well I see a server with VNs, to bad I don't run windows I might play through a few.

>> No.3429289
File: 32 KB, 225x225, sanae_moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429309

Good job anon, you've successfully revealed that tripfags are all insecure shits that think their opinions matter.

Good thread.

>> No.3429316


>> No.3429320
File: 488 KB, 3200x2400, 5527 - maribel_han touhou 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we're awesome right? Next objective: The Wheel.

>> No.3429340

Lets do this shit, nigga!

>> No.3429342

Bear in mind that this may become the focal point of our future development; thus, we should plan accordingly. I venture to suggest we use a square; it's a nice, even shape, and has never failed us before.

>> No.3429396 [DELETED] 

That can't possibly be a bad idea.

>> No.3429414

Friends don't trip/name fag.

Anonymous is appreciated highly.

>> No.3429801


>> No.3429831

You might be just a bit late I think.

>> No.3429845

