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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 1200x675, En1o2RjVgAAAT4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34002663 No.34002663 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33966589

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.34002680

Is there any way to hide fandiscs from your search results on VNDB? They really get in the way when searching for shorter titles.

>> No.34002707

People were complaining about the boys not getting a lot of scenes in Yukiiro Sign but honestly I kind of prefer it this way. They aren't really that great of characters and I find the scenes they have together pretty cringe. The girls are a lot more entertaining.

>> No.34003142


>> No.34003596
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, 2021-03-30-182120_grim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.34003647

RIP. He was too good for this world.

>> No.34003652

is this the zoomer version of ugly bastard?

>> No.34004909
File: 194 KB, 384x384, 782460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean really most people dont give a shit about the MC.
Heck they are usually so irrelevant that they rarely appear in the game's website and sometimes not even the synopsis mention their names other than protagonist.
So unless the MC appears in the box art and promo material they might as well make room for the heroines as the center stage.

>> No.34005143

Help me bros I'm looking for a nukige I played a while ago, it had a mother and her teen daughter as the main heroines. I specifically remember the daughter wore blue dungarees. Pretty sure it was released after 2010 too.

>> No.34005754

Unless it is plotge and the MC is right in the center of the plot I dont think a lot of screentime is required early for him. Talking specifically about Munefuyu we know a lot about him thanks to the shared background with Miku and Hironaka.

>> No.34006113
File: 60 KB, 1280x161, 2021-03-30-205607_grim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a god a sex
Ah yes, my favorite cliche.

>> No.34007946

That's moeshit issue tho. Look at kamige like まいてつ and it's protag Sotetsu. That's how it should be done. Removing mc because he's irrelevant is lame, just make mc relevant instead. I hate that incel pandering in my moege, pizdec.

>> No.34008005

Which VNs are we looking forward to play in april?

>> No.34008010

Just stop

>> No.34008153

Maybe I'm just too used to short MC names like "Yuu" but hearing the girls say Munefuyu and Hironaka all the time in Yukiiro is really annoying me for some reason.

>> No.34008176
File: 192 KB, 704x960, 51710156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyan Blue, I don't care about the autist here crying about separation endings, at the very least the porn should be nice.

>> No.34008220
File: 781 KB, 1920x1080, 我が姫君に栄冠を (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34008376

Nice thread title, retard. Wagakeks are just as dumb as EOP majitards.

>> No.34008476

I haven't read any eroge in the last 4 days. Depression is too strong. What do?

>> No.34008511
File: 484 KB, 1030x908, chrome_2021-03-31_01-51-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone write so much shit about a moege trial? At least wait until the actual game is out.

>> No.34008548

This is a true fan.

>> No.34008791

Reminds me of that copypasta

>> No.34008798

Not a moege.

>> No.34008919

Well it's not as if trials are only 10 minutes long or like watching a 3 minute OP. You get a good amount of playtime out of trials.

I wrote a lot about the Clarias trial because it was long and showcased the gameplay, characters, story and production values. In hindsight the trial was perfect... in showing how bad the final product would be.
The Wagahime trial was kind of the opposite: enjoyably deceptive. Everything after the trial's content turned to shit.
Cyanblue had an enjoyable trial and I think the final won't be any different unless the writers drop the ball with the √ endings.

I believe trial reviews can be very useful when it comes to gameplay critique, or when a game is overall so bad that you just have to shit on it and warn potential buyers not to waste their resources.

>> No.34009129

Finally some good interaction scenes between MC and heroines in Yukiiro. Only took 8-9 hours and still have not seen the opening video goddammit.

>> No.34009187

How slow do you read? Damn.

>> No.34009216

People without MTL read fucking slow, because they actually learn japanese.

>> No.34009224

I listen to all the voice acting too, narration only parts I read them in few seconds. Im not like those autistic EGS fags, skipping the voice acting that was recorded with so much effort.

>> No.34009254


>> No.34009292

>t.clueless EOP

>> No.34009303

Fuck you. by appreciating all voiceactors you don't appreciate the good ones enough. You should skip all voices besides the seiyuus you like.

>> No.34009369

Well all the seiyuu in Yukiiro are pretty good.

>> No.34009485

if you don't appreciate the BAD voice actors you can't appreciate the good ones. yes I'm telling you to eat shit to know what shit tastes like

>> No.34009504

Reading Wagahime is doing wonders to reset my standards. Some VNs I've read before don't seem so bad anymore

>> No.34009564

Got anything to say about まいてつ、sweetie>?

>> No.34009571

How far did you get?

>> No.34009656

I'm a bit into the second arc. If the writing quality doesn't improve I'm going to drop it. It's a shame since the trial was pretty nice, I don't know what happened to the writer

>> No.34009677
File: 731 KB, 1280x720, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clarias is kamige.
Wagahime is kamige.
2021 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for eroge.

>> No.34009685
File: 418 KB, 2560x1440, 1607030689450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the kamige Lupercalia as well. Literally no disappointments.

>> No.34009741

You're probably near where I am. What a letdown.

>> No.34009754

Any EGS scores for Wagahime?

>> No.34009788
File: 178 KB, 751x359, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34009825

I suspect it's going to go down a few notches

>> No.34009828

You have to wake up

>> No.34009856

>Time it takes to get good: 2 hours
Anyone who actually read it will know that it's the exact opposite

>> No.34009866
File: 522 KB, 2560x1440, 1588018342793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 80
There must be some mistake, this kamige deserves way higher

>> No.34009879

Okay, I'll bite, how is it any good?

>> No.34009910

If it's any consolation, I am enjoying the 2nd route a bit more than the empire route. Part of it might be due to Erin's goon squad being more fun. Not too far into it, just left mermaid country.

>> No.34009950

I also think that Wagahime doesn't have the production values to pull of a story of this scale. Sure it does have a lot of backgrounds but quite a few of them look pretty bad and a battle with the Windows XP wallpaper in the background isn't that climactic

>> No.34009974
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, 1588420058250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34010013

I forgot to mention excessive reuse of backgrounds for different places

>> No.34010020 [DELETED] 

Ludos cat died.


>> No.34010026


>> No.34010038

Wrong thread retard.

>> No.34010053

Lupercalia shafted the imouto character and lost the right to be kamige.

>> No.34010065

I'm still in the first main story but my biggest gripes so far are:
- bland main characters (protag, Noah)
- characters sprites that look blurry at the "default" zoom, it's like they drew them in the wrong resolution
- tons of boring lore and politics irrelevant to the story

Lo and behold, I'm still having fun so far. But it ain't no "fantasy Majikoi", the cast is just too weak for that.

>> No.34010246

How long have you been in the capital?

>> No.34010296

You can request that. It'd be doable, you'd just need to be able to include relations into the search, so you could filter out games with an "original game" relation.

Should honestly not be that hard, and I'm kinda surprised it doesn't exist yet.

>> No.34010389

But Lupercalia was actually good.

>> No.34010390
File: 231 KB, 1280x720, HyakkiRyouran_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge you. The name is also absolutely great. What a fun character this was.

>> No.34010405

Unless the writer fixed double standards, highly doubtful.

>> No.34010589
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, 我が姫君に栄冠を_GYkR1ZOlPd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isn't an actual scene.
what were they thinking

>> No.34010777

What double standards? Elaborate.

>> No.34011117

Sca-ji will announce sakutoki release date pretty soon now

>> No.34011421

And? What a useless post. I can speculate too: Yuzusoft will announce a new game pretty soon.
Why not talk about actual news like the newly announced Cartagra HD remaster?

>> No.34011461

Remasters are useless. Who cares about shit everyone's already played years ago.

>> No.34011513

Not everyone has played it and some want to replay it in HD with full voice, QoL improvements and possibly improved scenario. Not everyone only gives a shit about FOTM new games.

>> No.34011529

It's not speculation. It's happening on April 1.

>> No.34011585

Announcing or releasing stuff for real on April 1st should be made illegal. Worst day of the year after Christmas.

>> No.34011607

That's okay but I don't like this remake era. It feels like this medium has exhausted its creative juices and all we can do now is play remakes of shit we enjoyed back in the day. This is depressing and sad.

>> No.34011721

Every medium is plagued by this remake/remaster era. Innogrey have been doing it for a while. Let's hope they're just cashing in on KnS series so they can make something new. Worst case scenario they remaster the Flowers series over the next few years.

>> No.34011920

Speedreading should not be shunned. Fuck listening all voices to the end. VNDB has some idiots who literally extract the game audio to determine the length of a game because they read at molasses speed and thing that a game that takes a normal person 25h to read should be classified as long.

>> No.34012005

Sounds like vndb is full of based and smart people.

>> No.34012026


Based? Based on what? In your dick? Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like p*ggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly you dumb bitch

>> No.34012056


>> No.34012232


>> No.34012328

I'm pogging the FUCK out of my chair!

Translation: すっごく嬉しいぞ!

>> No.34012338

nice """"thread"""" you fucking mongoloids jops cant even title properly

>> No.34012352


>> No.34012564

>doesn't understand language
>God gave us freedom of speech
lol what a retard. To expand on the topic at hand. All people have different reading speeds so you can't say a game is xx hours long based on you being a speedreader who skips voices and "boring" scenes. vndb doesn't poll every reader about how long it took them, so there's no data for an average. Even if there was, it would not be objectively valid as people not only read at different speeds but also have different reading practices like skipping voice vs listening to them all, skipping boring segments, skipping H-scenes, skipping routes, only reading 1 route, only reading H-scenes, dropping a game and claiming you finished it, going for 100% which in gameplay titles takes a lot longer and is full of randomization, etc.
All that considered, the only way to objectively set a length for eroge is using the total duration of all voice files or the inferior method of playing on default auto-mode, which will always be unreliable and much slower than any reading speed. Only a retard like you doesn't understand that.

>> No.34012590

The thread wasn't even made by a JOP, what did you expect.

>> No.34012626

You must be that nigger that posts and extracts the voice files on vndb. You have absolutely no clue how anything works and you better kill yourself mrkew.

>> No.34012873

Did someone piss in your cereal? What’s with the attitude?

>> No.34012913

Please don't resort to namefagging as this is an anonymous imageboard, not your favorite shitcord. You guessed wrong, because you were just arguing with someone else. I could take a guess at your username as well, but it would be absolutely pointless.

>> No.34012918

I just don't like it when someone ruins our jop haven with shitposts.

>> No.34012937

>something new
It's just going to be more yurishit, Flowers or not.

>> No.34012956

Because Kara no Shoujo 3 was definitely yurishit, retard.

>> No.34012990

They managed to shoehorn it in there too, correct.

>> No.34012991

Not that anon but it did have yuri
retarded schizo bitches at that

>> No.34013097
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, 我が姫君に栄冠を_A4C7gMYPSu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this like, each main heroine has 3 sub-heroines choices, or these are the main heroines?

>> No.34013127

the former, you unlock the sub heroines after the main is done

>> No.34013178

yes I got that, what I am asking is like if each main heroine(the elf, and the demon) also has 3 sub-heroines routes(or more) like pic related

>> No.34013201

erin does don't know about crone

>> No.34013222

oh ok thanks

>> No.34013258

Erin: Her squad of 4 girls
Crone: Your imouto

>> No.34013283


>> No.34013722

Play NTR VNs and realize that almost all VN protags become Salarymen and the heroine you like will be at the mercy of other men.
There now you have destroyed the idealized version of the moege that hurt you.

>> No.34013950

If only there was a moege where after story is basically NTRshit.

>> No.34014059

I don't see anything wrong with that. You can fuck her all the time in HS so she's just a normal slut if she still cheats you despite that. But salarymen have to work hard all day, come home tired and weary. This decreases their sex drive. It's only natural for his wife to cheat on him in this situation out of necessity. Any good husband who cares about his wife will turn a blind eye to her whore shenanigans. Open relationships are the way to future. People should stop putting sex on pedestal. Monopolizing your partner's sexuality isn't good once you're an adult.

>> No.34014114

That's like 1960s rhetoric. The way of the future is work from home while fucking your wife.

>> No.34014182

Every work should have it, though I obviously didn't check every, as it's enough to see it in two. An easy example is the ending of Kamimaho, as the protagonist was fine getting something where the game said before that's no good with another character. There are more instances in that game, but it's obviously spoiler, and it's been some years.
The game after Kamimaho already starts with several double standards. Like the protag being a loner, yet proceeds to showcase that he talks to several different girls on a regular basis in private. Or how he claims that he doesn't want to get involved in shit, yet immediately gets willingly involved, the moment something starts.

In the latter case it's easy to fix. Just shut up about the loner thing, and have the other thing be a case of "I have the bad habit of getting involved into shit I really shouldn't, and try to avoid it", which then, once again, would fail. The way it was though, it just felt all retarded, and if there's one thing that kills any drama, then if the setup is dumb.

I can see not everyone caring about double standards everywhere, but it makes shit rather not enjoyable for me, especially with how frequent they are, and how they come during the more important parts. (setup, resolution) In Kamimaho it's especially dumb, as a really questionable twist leads to the double standard to begin with, and that was only there because it was supposed to be cool. I can't imagine why that shit would need to happen for otherwise. Well, spoilers.

tl;dr: It makes the entire experience frustrating to me, because this stuff could be mostly fixed easily. Kamimaho's ending wrote itself, but no, gotta double standard.

>> No.34014379

I see, still gonna check it out.

>> No.34014534

Checked out 悠久のカンパネラ and already dropped it 4 months before release. 元恋人 no fuck you

>> No.34014646

Chill down, incel. Try to be open minded.

>> No.34014684

I was talking about the MC. I don't give a fuck that a side character is used goods.

>> No.34015350

They are polluting sacred nekopara with shitty otome game. Ultra gay.

>> No.34015458

Sayori is dead for me. Wasting time on this garbage instead of rushing the 5th game where you get to fuck Shigure. Absolute trash.

>> No.34015530

They should've at least went for traps

>> No.34015676

They made the same joke as last year?

>> No.34015735


>> No.34016082
File: 475 KB, 1007x787, April Fools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hamidashi Creative fandisc announced

>> No.34016092

>This decreases their sex drive
Wrong. Salarymen are horny bastards and regular visitors of love hotels and soaplands.
>Monopolizing your partner's sexuality isn't good once you're an adult
Doubly wrong, polycuck.

>> No.34016124

God I hate april fools so much. Let's see if it's actually real.

>> No.34016166

Wait it's not a fandisk you retard. It's just the youtube episode. Fuck you.
>今度の新作はなんとまさかの完全無料!! 『ハミダシクリエイティブ』追加エピソードは、 YouTubeで動き出します! 「ハミクリ」の世界で紡がれる 「もう一つ」alternative の 可能性!

>> No.34016178

read the filename

>> No.34016278

You write like a retard and I regret reading the entire post
>Like the protag being a loner, yet proceeds to showcase that he talks to several different girls on a regular basis in private. Or how he claims that he doesn't want to get involved in shit, yet immediately gets willingly involved, the moment something starts.
shows how retarded you are with your "double standard" issue. "Loner" doesn't mean you can't talk to people / girls. It just means you prefer doing things or being alone. And the protagonist gets involved in shit despite not wanting to? WOW it's almost like there would be no story to tell if he didn't get involved. Fucking Clannad, D.C., YU-NO and other games did the same thing with the MC ages before.

A really weak example for the "double standard" thing. I'd maybe understand if it was something like MC being completely against others taking lives and moral grandstanding all the time, until he himself decides to kill and then rationalizes it with 仕方がない.

>> No.34016309

I want to drink his breast milk

>> No.34016341

This is nice if only just to show how good Sazanami Suzu is, I really like her and how much she's showing up recently.

>> No.34016401

Let's be honest, by far the biggest star of Hamidashi was Yanagi Hitomi. It's ridiculous that she hasn't been in anything since.

>> No.34016443

>>34016278 is right, unless you meant a shut-in or someone who has コミュ障, loners are perfectly able to talk to people. Especially in private. They just don't do the group thing.

>> No.34016448

You got a case of the Himukai Chihiro too huh?

>> No.34016745

Dunno why you keep replying to that /vn/ fag. It's obvious they MTL.

>> No.34016790

Ci-en still down after 3 hours and I can't read eroge makers' blogs.

>> No.34016898

read eroge instead

>> No.34016910

There's only so many times I can fap per day. I gotta do something when I'm spent.

>> No.34016942

Not him, but I finished Himukai Chihiro two days ago and got a case of "what the fuck am I doing with my life?"
I really need to get a fucking job and fix my life before it's too late. I'm 28 after all. Maybe it's already too late.

>> No.34016977

What's the verdict on Island Diary? Is it Kamige?

>> No.34017035 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 1920x1080, 1591594715342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so CUTE!

Also the game gives you an additional file to download after you complete it. I'm excited like a kid for christmas!

>> No.34017059 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 200x98, 1609731592663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey that is so cool!

>> No.34017090


>> No.34017104

This is almost a moege.

>> No.34017119

Wait, I am actually in the wrong thread. Sorry!

>> No.34017200

Hahaha Min got beaten up again

>> No.34017237

Haha oh those japs! They really know how to write comedy

>> No.34017427
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>> No.34018856
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x720, 我が姫君に栄冠を_g50d4eVUi8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Escudo route
at least don't tease us like this...

>> No.34018926

She has an ending

>> No.34019374

so there are routes that are not Seya?

>> No.34019565

She appears in the character selection screen after finishing Noa's route. I haven't read any of the sub heroine routes yet so I don't know how long they are

>> No.34019691
File: 898 KB, 1058x577, mvn54df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screen? I thought this was for the Urusula and the Imouto route since that is what it is in Seiya walkthrough, damn now I feel much better, even if her route ends up being small, thanks brah

>> No.34019755

Yeah, that's for the main heroine of the arc and the associated sub heroines

>> No.34020588

Why anyone would ever want to prolong the misery that is Wagahime is beyond me

>> No.34020719
File: 64 KB, 445x1085, 1613751156602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beyond me
openly admitting that got filtered, based.

>> No.34020926
File: 160 KB, 1067x600, jops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34023493
File: 304 KB, 1600x900, YukiiroSign_OJmAeF4jq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miku's my favorite girl, so much so that I'm planning on saving her route for last, but damn I wish I could fuck her sister

>> No.34023639
File: 942 KB, 1280x720, image20210401094934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No NTR, please understand!
This maid suddenly tells her background story to guests

>> No.34023789

This a lot of voice acting for an April Fools joke

>> No.34023883

literally bending over backwards for this stuff shuka tells shaon she reminds her of her kid, later "oh i didn't actually have a kid but my sister did and i got to thinking what if I had a kid, probably would be a lot like you hahaha call me mama btw;^)
it's kind of cumbersome

>> No.34025567

You are getting too hang up on the choice of words and what you think it means. I chose loner, because he monologues about how he is always alone, going to eat alone in a place nobody is at school and whatnot. Just to immediately go and talk to several different girls, which turns out he always does.

See, this isn't the issue. It's just a non spoiler example. The writer does that all the time, even in key scenarios. First something is bad. Then the exact same thing is good. Sure, you might not give a shit about it, but I do.

>> No.34026115
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 我が姫君に栄冠を (56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm enjoying the second route significantly more than the first one. I think it's a mixture of the constant traversing across the commonwealth and the overall better side cast. Erin is also a pretty fun heroine and a big step up from Noa, which isn't really hard but still. I do miss the rabbit though...

>> No.34026391
File: 33 KB, 500x368, White Album 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading White Album 2, why is the main character such a beta cuck? I want to drop the VN now, but I've already sunk over 12 hours into it.
I just read the part where he has to search for Setsuna who went to some party with medical students. He finally runs into Setsuna and despite wanting to tell her his feelings, he just holds it in and lets her cry and yell at him. Jesus, I didn't have much respect for this cuck before, but now I'm quite convinced he literally is a cuck. When she was lying about enjoying the party, he just accepted it without giving a shit. The whole medical department could gangbang her and he wouldn't have cared. Someone, give me 1 good reason why I should continue reading this VN with perhaps the most pathetic protagonist I've ever seen.

>> No.34026611

The new Making Lovers is looking good

>> No.34026762

>can't even understand soap opera shit
WA2 isn't for you if you want chads and moege romance

>> No.34026767

バシャール looks cute

>> No.34026815

>WA2 isn't for you if you want chads and moege romance

I don't want or even expect chads. But the MC in this one is almost an NTR level cuck.

>> No.34026850

just wait till u read naokos route in この青空に約束を―

>> No.34026934

If you look at EGS a lot of the reviews are like "first route is boring but 2nd is good and then 3rd is amazing", I think it's because the 1st route spends a lot of time building the setting/characters and also the school SoL which doesn't appeal to a lot of people

>> No.34027043

Dude, he feels guilty and wants setsuna to live without him.

>> No.34027132

He's a hypocrite. There's a digital novel which shows setsuna's side of the story during the common route and how haruki despite wanting setsuna to forget about him gets angry at someone who confesses to her.

>> No.34027277

wish it was real

>> No.34027449

>how haruki despite wanting setsuna to forget about him gets angry at someone who confesses to her
>he's a hypocrite
There's nothing wrong about that. No different than getting jealous when your ex gets a new bf despite you not loving her anymore or having a new gf yourself. Or you like some girl and she rejects you so you give up but then you still don't want to see her with another guy. Or your best friend goes after the girl you liked and you want to break his 3 legs. Have you never been in love or what?

>> No.34027514

>o different than getting jealous
It wasn't just him getting jealous. He acted on his jealousy in a spectacular way that undermined what he was trying to do. His half-baked resolve is the reason people around him suffer. He lacks conviction. He can't decide on something and follow through with it. He can't even talk things over with setsuna to come to a proper resolution and just plays stupid mind games with her.

>> No.34027542

>beta cuck
fuck off to /v/

>> No.34027661

April will be my month for japanese. I will read every single day in Japanese and always NTRge. What are your resolutions for april?

>> No.34027692

ive read every single day in the past two years

>> No.34027695

>He can't even talk things over with setsuna to come to a proper resolution
That's your typical drama writing in any medium.
>I love you!
>what? I couldn't hear you
or any other idiotic way of not taking 5 minutes to talk things out and then avoiding each other thinking dumb shit before the tearful reunion XX hours later. This crap always bugged me about high school romance in Japanese media. Think about it. Characters clearly love each other but because of not talking, being honest or dumb misunderstandings they often spend 3+ years not getting together and maybe even dating other people they clearly don't love. All could be solved with a short talk. They waste years of possible love and fun for dramatic purpose. And we're talking about school years which are when you have the most time. Idiots waste them and then start their romance entering adulthood and work life or studying at different colleges. The honeymoon phase will suck and their hard-fought love will only turn to shit over time. Crappy dramas like that never end in happiness.

>> No.34027706

So are you using Tadoku or nah?

>> No.34027712

no clue what that is

>> No.34027760

tadoku.app jop dick measuring contest

>> No.34027778

Every month is the same so I don't need resolutions. I'll read whatever I want to read whenever I want to read.

Currently reading the second route of a FD and it's bugging me how a huge character change from the end of the original route is just plain ignored. It makes no sense and I hate it. Best girl deserved better.

>> No.34027780

yeah never used it

>> No.34027804

Tadoku. I heard of it. Does this mean that the DJT and untranslated thread users have a significant overlap?

>> No.34027856

It's more of a discord thing

>> No.34027900

untranslated thread is infected with discord too?

>> No.34028492

Mild infection, but contagious. Remove the hosts to stop the spread.

>> No.34028595

Are there any good jop discords? Darakuen I am already on.

>> No.34028619

theres no good discords

>> No.34028690

All of them are good, now fuck off to them.

>> No.34031580

If you actually knew japanese you'd just join japanese communities

>> No.34031853

they fucking suck. Japanese are so secluded and never really want to talk about anything but moe shit.

>> No.34032277

I hate armor vocab.


>> No.34032337

>the girl with the biggest boobs is heavy armor
Har har har.

>> No.34032460
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Who unironically wrote this exchange

"Flying Boner" kek

>> No.34032540

I haven't finished Dead Aegis yet (actually put it on hold while I finish something else), but it actually seems pretty decently put together so far despite the ludicrous premise and stuff like that being played 100% straight. Maybe it drops the ball later, but the EGS reviews are pretty positive.

>> No.34032551

I think it's funny how Rask continues to produce R18 merchandise while removing any R18 content from their games.

>> No.34032643

How many new eroge do you try out per month? Excluding trials. For me it's like 2 or 3 but I rarely finish them

>> No.34032726
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Adorable three honestly. The dumb one in the middle has the best voice acting but I love Illyusha. Minori gets better and better every good moment she has.

>> No.34032750

Usually 0 because backlog but last month I did finish 1 new one (Clarias).

>> No.34032793

imo gameplay VNs count as two mid-size ADV because they are usually like 50h long

>> No.34032944

Eh, that one is on the shorter side. It was fun, but I didn't think the gameplay was very hard for the most part.

>> No.34032982
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, 1592809890083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women defending the male gaze in Eroge? What is this

>> No.34033068

>This crap always bugged me about high school romance in Japanese media. Think about it. Characters clearly love each other but because of not talking, being honest or dumb misunderstandings they often spend 3+ years not getting together and maybe even dating other people they clearly don't love. All could be solved with a short talk.
that's just how high school is like baka

>> No.34033238

can confirm, this is just what hs is like.
source: happened to 私, twice

>> No.34033277
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, 1606155908643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. Now I finally get a sense of scale of big these C.C must be. This is some kind of boss monster that looks like a mushroom.

>> No.34034029

No it's not. Your balls drop and you man up to confess. Girl says yes you go out. Girl says no you move on to a better girl. If you have problems you talk about them. You knock her up, you take responsibility after taking a paternity test. If you think she's cheating you bang her ass until she confesses then you move on to a better girl.

>> No.34034735
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, kasen_H5ALN8Caah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for? Cuck perspective always fuck with me.

>> No.34034871
File: 2.06 MB, 1792x1008, kasen_62KAvMPmf5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, I'll put up with it for this.

>> No.34034960

Does the cartel still exist and is it overlapping with this thread?

>> No.34035457

the amount of people that can read japanese and are interested in untranslated porn games aren't that big, what do you think?

but if you unironically care about the cartel you really need to get bullied and shoved in a locker

>> No.34035699

That's what the cartel would say.

>> No.34035733

The cartel is dead because the games they care about don't come out anymore, it's all about moenukige nowdays.

>> No.34035758

Musicus was the last eroge after all...

>> No.34036517 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say TotoYES to Totono!

>> No.34036658

Time to continue reading dead aegis. will blogpost.

>> No.34036724

A couple of oldfags who post here behave like hardcore moogydrones but other than that this place is free from hadler or moogy's influence.

>> No.34036795

>sca-ji, Romeo, setoguchi
All these faggots are releasing their new VNs this year

>> No.34036902


>> No.34036948

Sca-ji is a washed up hack now
Romeo is a washed up hack now
Setoguchi was always a hack

>> No.34037019

Everyone here only reads moege so no

>> No.34037069

They don't really exist anymore

>> No.34037079

I don't know who these faggots are so probably no.

>> No.34037125

What are your top 5 favorite VNs?
let's see who is from the cartel here

>> No.34037156

Yeah. They used to post here a lot just 2 years ago. All of them suddenly disappeared???
I guess most of the moogy era pretentious jops stopped playing VNs

>> No.34037216

Doesn't exist anymore and most of those people either stopped playing eroge or are way more focused in JRPG's.

>> No.34037234

They watch vtubers and read yuri LNs

>> No.34037331

Nekopara volume 0, nekopara volume 1, nekopara volume 2, nekopara volume 3, and nekopara volume 4.

>> No.34037411

Who doesn't?

>> No.34037437

wtb yuri LNs that aren't shit

>> No.34037548

So I resumed reading Wagahime after taking a break, and I got past the Mermaid region in Erin's route. So far it's better than Noa's, but there's still lots of flaws I take issue with. Random side characters will just show up, get short character development arcs that are finished in a few sentences, and disappear. Speaking of disappearing, Ebi has completely vanished from the narrative - apart from then the writer wants to jam in more food autism and "UMAAAAAAI". The "muh discrimination bad" subplot(?) is still being continued, and is still just as cringe. Characters never just sit down and talk without it being about some dumb quirk of theirs, food, clichés that fit their archetypes, etc. Well, some of the bodyguards do open up a bit about themselves, like Shuka, but then say dumb shit like "Call me Mom" for no reason other than to appeal to a specific fetish. And Yorkshire just sucks the MC's dick for some reason and it's never brought up again (at least so far). Erin is a better heroine than Noa, though she's just as hollow as a character. MC is a total wimp who refuses to touch her goods when she willingly (for some reason?) offers to let him. And what the fuck was the point of that Oni that attacked them twice?

What do you guys think about it so far? Does it get better?

>> No.34037587

Oh yeah, forgot to mention: Sometimes, characters (mostly Erin), will get a scene that seems like it's going somewhere deeper than surface-level chitchat, but then it's abruptly cut short because we need to hurry hurry hurry. It just feels so damn rushed.

>> No.34037629
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Dessert soft poll. Yeah I told them

>> No.34038795

Pregancyfags have it rough

>> No.34038857

Speaking of Dessert Soft, has anyone read 神様のしっぽ? Is it any good? Apparently the team is completely different from the Tomefure one except for the director.

>> No.34038918

It's not good. Too many heroines. It's a clusterfuck.

>> No.34040806
File: 3.99 MB, 2560x1440, preggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I just finished 日向千尋は仕事が続かない. This shit fucking hurts. Haven't felt this pain since Riho in ReCation. Aoi Tokio really makes for the perfect OL gf. How do writers stomach writing such saccharine love stories? I would kill myself if I had to write these for a living.

>> No.34040822
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 我が姫君に栄冠を (79).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope that's the case because there was a lot more buildup in this route with stuff like Crone's mom, endgame's scheme with that mysterious figure and something being sealed.
Overall Erin's route was a lot more enjoyable and I did have some fun
Hopefully Crone's route is good enough to justify the time spent building the lore and setting. Also mysteries revolving the 大禍時, Min's lore which seems to coincide to when it started and the previous era of the seven kingdoms, and ウォルナ.. If that stuff doesn't get covered with all that build up and repetition throughout the first route, I'll be fuming.

>> No.34040829

Not really.
Yeah I know they are shovelware but Miel releases a pregnancy game a month which should be enough for most thirsty preggo fag.

>> No.34040841

Why do you people post like this about new games like you do you really have to put plot points in the image title

>> No.34040933

The heroine gets pregnant at the end of a moege is a plot point?

>> No.34040945
File: 178 KB, 1067x600, 敬礼.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nationalism powers times 3, nice.

>> No.34040958

It obviously is?

>> No.34041255

>tenmazoku's route begins with the same opening as the empire's route
>none of it shows up as read text despite me knowing it's the exact same
>do want to skip just incase there's anything new
Fucking lame

>> No.34041276

That is the one scenario where it is acceptable to speedread.

>> No.34041316

Well I just got back to the part where Santiago tries to rob the party again and this time it had an option to beat the shit out of him instead of just "Pay up or Don't Pay up". So yeah, I'll just speedread instead of straight skipping. Still annoying.

>> No.34041392

not skipping was the right call, there's an event which wasn't part of the empire's route

>> No.34041402

You'd think they would program these things better so the skip works until you actually get to the new scene (or shortly before it at least).

>> No.34041549
File: 1.07 MB, 800x597, mugen_mSGHqkNTYQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to get into mugen kairou since I'm a femdomfag and the plot seemed interesting but I can't stand how it is structured.
The only way to actually progress its repeating the same scenes multiple times with slight variations, it just feels like padding.
Also I'm not even sure the plot itself is going anywhere

>> No.34041553

I'm kinda new to this so forgive the retarded question, but what exactly is the point of soft-denchi DRM giving eroge a 100 year expiration date?

>> No.34041626

> moege
> plot point
off yourself incel

>> No.34041680

Yeah it's pretty lame, thankfully it seems to branch relatively early
For anyone wondering, it's just after a new choice selection where you get to spend time with one of the party in a bar

>> No.34042605

Where's this from? Is this from https://vndb.org/v27829 ??

No CGs for this specific scene?

>> No.34043034

Not too far since I'm a slow reader, but it was just part of a flashback from the MC, no scene.

>> No.34043050

that's sad af.

fuckin love that design -_-

>> No.34043148
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x720, 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing good English in a VN is so uncanny.

Game is great by the way. Going for Kasuri's route first because of her banter.

>> No.34043172

Kasuri is such a great girl. It's a shame her route sucks.

>> No.34043330

If I hadn't finished it already, I would have hated you, retarded spoilerfag.

>> No.34043383

Overall Asami Asami's art has improved a lot. Shame that the last two games are cosplay focused.

>> No.34043392

Nowadays it's pretty much 0. Barely read anything in general. Today I'm gonna play some Utawarerumono Prelude though. Or I try to. The writing and characters make it hard to enjoy, as its age really shows. Not like I didn't expect that.

>> No.34043575
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if this is a good place to ask but does anyone know where to pirate fata morgana remastered? Someone did make an english patch, but it's still not on nyaa

>> No.34043824

play Atelier Ryza 1+2. tons of content to fap to

>> No.34043854

>I don't play new games
>I can't play old games because old=bad
so you don't play anything but still come here. find a new hobby and fuck off then

>> No.34043985

That's what you wrote. I don't feel like writing about all the circumstances of the industry around Utawa's release. It's simply a product of its time. Do you call all pc-98 games bad, because if they'd be released today they'd be largely considered bad and aren't that enjoyable?

There's a reason why Utawa became popular back then. It's not the writing. It's not the voice acting (it had non anyway). It's rather the scale of what it tried to do. And just like it can be interesting to play a nes game or whatever today, it can be just as interesting to play Utawa.

>> No.34044010

Just play good old shit from 00s that still hold up today.

>> No.34044028

If it held up it wouldn't be getting remastered.

>> No.34044042

Most of the time only art or voices gets remastered so the writing holds up?

>> No.34044054

>The girls are a lot more entertaining.
i find them boring asf. then again i hate anime where its just chicks doing mundane shit to start with. I need an involved mc not this guy thats barely present even in routes.

>> No.34044064

Writing is timeless.

>> No.34044080

>Finally some good interaction scenes between MC and heroines in Yukiiro
good to know that actually exists, gives me the will to go pick it back up after gikkei. I couldnt drag myself through the boring ass heroines only shopping trip.

>> No.34044084
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>> No.34044123

That's what they always say but in the end they're enjoying it as well.

>> No.34044148

I'm not calling old games bad at all, you said it's aged. Coupled with you saying you don't read much these days it just sounds like you hate new and old games. I for one love PC-98 games and don't look at them from a modern perspective. That's why your "aged" comment triggered me, I hate how everyone is unable to enjoy old stuff for what it is. Always the "it's aged"," this game with PS4 graphics looks like a PS2 game", "waa waa this 480p VN looks like shit on my 4k monitor I can't read shit, gimme remake gimme upscale algorithms", "haha look at those ugly uguu characters", "waaa why are old heroines not virgins and why is there so little porn, fuck old games" etc etc etc.

To say that Uta didn't become popular for its writing is disingenuous. People loved the characters, setting and yes the story it told as well. Gameplay is another reason, which I always considered overrated just like Kamidori or Baldr Sky. They're "fine" but nothing outstanding.
>I don't feel like writing about all the circumstances of the industry around Utawa's release
I'm not aware of any drama regarding the original, but the sequels+remake and failed attempt at gacha, anime shit and making the series all-ages have nothing to do with the first game. And despite their flaws people still highly regard Uta2+3. I don't think there's any point in playing the 1 remake because it's pretty much the same game with removed porn. Just a graphical "upgrade" with few gameplay changes.

>> No.34044149
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True, they love it.

>> No.34044156

>i hate anime where its just chicks doing mundane shit to start with. I need an involved mc
you might be gay

>> No.34044159

>next game will have live2d
it'll be worth it, anon

>> No.34044206

Did you just abuse the quote function?

>> No.34044220

Did he just abuse the quote function?

>> No.34044260

Utawa's writing is too juvenile and cringe for me these days. It doesn't even have any good character dynamics.

>> No.34044282

It has that SAO tier trashy writing feel

>> No.34044305

I would like to know this too, surely it got uploaded somewhere

>> No.34044401
File: 1.75 MB, 1552x873, 4bf470e1f47f5faf7483eb9dc6321cdf_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.34044415

> comparing sagaplanets and preggo in generic moenukige
neck yourself virgin

>> No.34044504

the point is that moege can obviously have plot points and don't all end the same way which you would be aware of if you had read more than two of them you worthless piece of shit

>> No.34044506

If you're not a virgin you need to leave.

>> No.34044573

That's a charage, retard.

>> No.34044884 [DELETED] 

i fucked your mom lol
sagap is not moege so die lol

>> No.34045714

This girl's tits are too big, should have used K子 for all of them.

>> No.34047024

Got anything where MC gets heavily bullied by girls and then he fucks them (not rape)

>> No.34047228

>(not rape)

>> No.34047266

Rape is too easy. I want her to fall by ordinary means.

>> No.34047373

Hypnos Fuck if you don't count hypnosis as rape.

>> No.34047653

I most certainly do. I meant like making the girl fall in love by being カッコいい in the right moment.

>> No.34048537

>and then they got married, za endo
Why does Wagahime do this

>> No.34048744
File: 1.55 MB, 1282x752, hrh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute autist. Teacher is good too. Scenes with stepsister are very warm. This game looks promising.

>> No.34048990

bumping this, this is a super popular trope in anime/manga but I rarely if ever see it in VNs

>> No.34049020

Is TrymenT episodic? What's with the AlphA and OmegA stuff?

>> No.34049478

First route? It's shit

>> No.34049542

It happens in Erin's route as well. The epilogue is just a tiny bit longer.
>no kids
>age difference subplot just gets skipped "haha I guess im still alive"

>> No.34049562

Yeah the romance in general has been really underwhelming.

>> No.34049717

Have you started Crone's route yet? If so, how is it so far? I really want the last route to be worth all the monotony of the other two routes.

>> No.34049779

I'm not very far in. I haven't even met Crone yet so I can't really say anything

>> No.34049807

How far is that? A few hours?

>> No.34049914

Probably less than an hour

>> No.34051487

Autist has such a cute design but I don't like her voice.

>> No.34051685
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, 我が姫君に栄冠を_2021-04-02_21-21-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I forget that the MC exists

>> No.34051779

I don't blame you
It should be a crime to be that boring

>> No.34051795

her voice is great though
What do you dislike about it?

>> No.34052148

It just doesn't fit my image of her I guess. Yume to me looked like a dandere but this voice is too baka genki which fits better on Yume. And Gotou Mai could've been great as Yume. I'll just have to get used to this.

>> No.34053191

Why is there no Kusarihime translation?

>> No.34053207

>Gotou Mai
should never be allowed to retire. she gets me hard as diamonds everytime i hear her. even non-sexual dialogue.

>> No.34053697

Same. It did suck though when I accidentally read 4 games with her in a row and 2 of them simultaneously with 1 being the perfect imouto and in the other she went through dark stuff. That clashed so hard I needed a break from her voice...

>> No.34054718

We wait for a Spanish translation.

>> No.34054740

You are in the wrong thread retard. No translations here.

>> No.34055297

Just finished case 0 in hakuchuumu.
What the fuck is that final stretch of the case? the Alzheimer's heroine, everyone is suddenly becoming paralyzed and dream matrix land.
Think I liked the more grounded cases more, the love story was still pretty cute though.

>> No.34055319
File: 41 KB, 1080x519, a9eb684bd8128ed2646ce2b4afc84f4ce30511990983a069e3cf5133e78f1193_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any VNs with a good "revenge" romance story? Like a MC that is super bullied for being weak or fat but then becomes ultra fit chad? just by willpower/workout, no super power/hypnosis bullshit. All VNs are like, if he is fat then he has some hypnosis power shit, or blackmails the heroine with something. I want something that takes effort

>> No.34055487

Serious spoilers: Not Anon's Life

>> No.34056729
File: 96 KB, 1067x600, double_slit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correctly explaining quantum mechanics
What the heck, I'm not used to Japanese fiction doing this.

>> No.34056901

I've seen some lit schroedingers cat explanations

>> No.34056957

>schroedingers cat
Ah yes, that's definitely one people explain incorrectly 99% of the time.

>> No.34057022

u don't know whether the cat is dead or alive until observation so you'd have to say it's dead and alive at the same time (superposition) which is absurd and the same principle applies to quantum states the end

>> No.34057068

The copenhagen is the most reasonable interpretation but yes.

>> No.34057686

Sakuretto taught him that.

>> No.34057985

All Fanza titles at 500 yen only

>> No.34058057

Has a compiled version of this tool ever been uploaded on this general? I want to try and edit the text on the game Maggot Baits, but so far with the available unpackers I haven't been having any luck.

>> No.34058241

Wrong thread. EOP thread that deals with shit like that gets made on Sunday.

>> No.34058353

You ever look at a VN and think there are vestiges of an earlier draft you can see poking through?

>> No.34058413

That third voice sample is pretty hot, and the h-scene in the trial was also nice, are Lump of Sugar games worth it for the porn? I thought they were Yuzusoft tier vanilla.

>> No.34058428

look at her hands and ask that again

>> No.34058896

Another VN for next winter

>> No.34058973

What are those VNs called which aren't plotshit or moege but they have character focused stories with reasonably grounded characterization?

>> No.34058999


>> No.34059020

I am really not sure what the fuck charage even means. You fucks say kinkoi is a charage here >>34044573 when it seems like a moege with nakige shit. You can't really compare writing in kinkoi to something like koinaku.

>> No.34059068

>fuck charage even means
games with character focused stories. Kinkoi and koinaku still both fit in that broad category.

>> No.34059099

All Moege are also character focused. I am asking for a narrow category with character focused stories that have grounded characterization like musicus or koinaku or WA2 etc. Shit like kinkoi has moege fluff through and through in terms of heroine writing and events.

>> No.34059591

>suegara rie
instant diamonds

>> No.34059895

Moege: 80% moe moe and sex, 20% tacked on character story
Charage: 20% moe moe, 80% character story

Very roughly that is. The basic difference is that a moege focuses on.. you know, moe, while a charage focuses on character stories. A prime example for the latter is Daito, that spends most of its route time on the character story, while the "moe" and dating and sex is tacked on the end of routes and fairly short. Another example would be Hitotsuba, where you get the romance rushed, and then the character story and race stuff for the large majority of the route. (well, the one route I've read, but most games keep their style)

Moege are basically modern charage. Industry realized that actually writing stories is risky and effort, and reduced it over time, so classic charage are actually fairly rare. Kinkoi gets close enough though. A good ten years ago it was still the other way around, where games more commonly focused on character stories, rather than moe. Charage are also known to generally give less of a fuck when it comes to moe tropes. Like having bittersweet endings and the likes is much more common than in a moege. Makes obviously sense, due to the generally bigger focus on the character stories. Think of something like Satsukoi. (I miss Alcot Honeycomb btw)

>> No.34059936

>Instantly knew who it was before even looking at the CV.

Who are anons' favorite seiyuu?
I love my hags Misonoo Mei and Tezuka Ryouko.

>> No.34059959

Suegara Rie
Aoi Tokio
hags rule this thread. don't let fags and cunnyposters tell you otherwise.

>> No.34059993

>that spends most of its route time on the character story
The routes are extremely short and they have short drama arcs like most moege. After that it's just two ichacha and two sex scenes.

>> No.34060027

Also the heroines in daito are pretty moege tier too

>> No.34060029

Kinkoi? Outside of the last route, that is relatively short (and next to 100% charage esque) I wouldn't say the routes are short.
It's definitely more of a mix of charage and moege, as far as I'm concerned. Depends on the route though. The (sometimes) twintail girl is fairly moege with a bit of MC story, as far as I remember. But I think some of the other stuff was going a bit more into charage, like the princess stuff. Admittedly, I only skimmed that, so I could be very wrong.

The fandisc definitely makes it seem like more of a moege, but I personally ignore the existence of that piece of shit.

>> No.34060047

I was talking about daito.
Like I said here >>34059099 I was talking about stuff with grounded characterization instead of full-on moeblob heroines.

>> No.34060115
File: 691 KB, 2500x3588, d723334cf024d6f2da83e67ded6cac2b708e0fa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kajita Yuuki
Aoba Ringo
Kimura Ayaka
I really like Tanezaki Atsumi too, but that's split between her eroge and anime roles.

>> No.34060319
File: 457 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinkoi is somewhere between moege and charage and kinkoi is good. As long as you imply these things are different and totally not made up by schizo jops trying to prove they're better than just moebuta.

>> No.34060329

Kirihana, Misino Mei, Ayumi Sarah, Kusuhara Yui, Haruka Sora, Kawarino.

>> No.34060542
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, apeiria_2020-02-07_14-59-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sign of a kamige

>> No.34060672

>made up by schizo jops trying to prove they're better than just moebuta.
that's exactly the case
nobody gives a fuck about the moege charage distinction unless they need to win an argument, see above

>> No.34060749

>nobody gives a fuck about the moege charage distinction unless they need to win an argument, see above
Pretty much this, but "charage" is still a good word whenever you mean something like "slightly better than average moege".

>> No.34061073

usually girls that have some strong characteristic in their voice and not many roles
kawashima, misonoo and isshiki are nice but they have so many roles that i get sick of them

>> No.34061945

If it has a true route, it's not a moege.

>> No.34062194

Kinkoi is garbage no matter what

>> No.34062277


>> No.34062288

Is monobeno good or boring like maitetsu?

>> No.34062805

Moebuta got roasted LOL

>> No.34063017

Whoever wrote kinkoi should be crucified for that dumb true end.

>> No.34063086

>Whoever wrote kinkoi should be crucified for that dumb true end.
its ok they fixed it.

>> No.34063099

Whoever wrote kinkoi should be given an award for that amazing true end.

>> No.34063347

One of the best ending in eroge. Deal with it, moecuck.

>> No.34063366

>its ok they fixed it.
where? in the fd?

>> No.34063378

Fd is trash, original ending is kami, fuck off lol.

>> No.34063410

learn english

>> No.34063445

No, anglocuck, ain't learning your trash.

>> No.34063468

>read kinkoi except ria route
>read ria fd route
perfection 10/10 kamige

>> No.34063498

how long is coyote going to blue ball me for in gikei? All these Hcgs that arent actually hscenes is killing me.

>> No.34063546

Pathetic moefilth way. Not gonna work this way btw.

>> No.34063617

Wagahime is the only true kamige

>> No.34063647

But you retards crying all over because it's shit

>> No.34063654

I have stockholm syndrome

>> No.34064794

Crone's route so far is muuuuuuuuuuuuch better than the other two. It's quite clearly the "true" route.

>> No.34064838

It started off strong but then became boring. I'm now at the part where it gets good again hopefully

>> No.34065037


>> No.34065372

What if it has a route that looks a lot like a true route but isn't explicitly called it?

>> No.34066114

Isn't that like most true routes? They get called that in the walkthroughs.
