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File: 41 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3399696 No.3399696 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Sakura so slutty?

>> No.3399711


>> No.3399707

she is a woman

>> No.3399718

Because Nurture > Nature.

>> No.3399717

A+ would read again

>> No.3399728


Being a slut runs in her family.

>> No.3399731

But then why isn't Rin a slut?

>> No.3399733
File: 128 KB, 232x544, 1250031225602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to have a lot more fun with a girl who enjoys sex than with one who doesn't, truth be told.

>> No.3399744

Because she wasn't infested with penis worms and raped by her brother daily.

>> No.3399756

but Rin is a slut!

>> No.3399767

I don't think penis worms have anything to do with what's going on in the OP image.

>> No.3399768
File: 485 KB, 640x480, 1252866270018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she isn't.

>> No.3399846
File: 469 KB, 1929x2925, bf56c2b26f4e738b1ff529feda620342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back, nigger.

>> No.3399864

Two daughters? What a pure mother.

>> No.3399873
File: 36 KB, 332x223, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is hurtbutt rinfags in this thread.

>> No.3399882

Sup, Sakurafag?

>> No.3399917

What's wrong with an experienced woman who knows how to please a man?

>> No.3399952

Because she had WURMS inplanted inside of her.

>> No.3399964

What's wrong is she is a very experienced woman who can please several men. At once.

Rin slept with how many women? She's a lesbian slut, but a slut nonetheless.

>> No.3399974

>can please several men. At once.

>> No.3399987

She didn't sleep with any. The only girl she's been with is Saber, and that was necessary to prepare her for Shirou.

>> No.3400010
File: 66 KB, 640x480, not a dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3400048

That Rider, what a slut.

>> No.3400045

This clearly isn't a dream.

>> No.3400063

>what an ass-licking slut

>> No.3400067

That never happened.

>> No.3400069

she loves to feel good.

>> No.3400080

You got proof?

>> No.3400088

Do you have proof that it did? Rin even says when she's with Saber "Wow, I didn't know I swung this way", which indicates that she had no prior sexual experience.

>> No.3400099

In that route, maybe.

>> No.3400121

In all routes, Rin is a pure girl.

>> No.3400156

Except the ones where she gets the jackhammer.

>> No.3400167
File: 68 KB, 700x544, rinarchersexytime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fucked Archer in that route . . .

How do you think he recovered from those debilitating wounds overnight?

And why wasn't Rin all shocked at the sight of the penis and knew EXACTLY what to do with Saber to get her ready?

Annndddd why do you think she was pining and mourning for Archer so badly after he died in Fate when in Heaven's Feel she really didn't give a rat's ass?

>> No.3400198

Rin is an eroge heroine. It's impossible for her to be "pure".

>> No.3400221


>> No.3400227

Rin had sex with more than one person
She is a slut

>> No.3400235

So getting jackhammered is her fault and she's a slut?
Sure why not!
After all, Sakura is a slut because she's a rape victim and infested with worms that force her to have sexual tension.
And Rider is a slut too since she's also a rape victim to Poseidon.
Saber must be a slut too since she had a Mordred. Even though that was Merlin who gave her a dick, and Morgan got a hold of her sperm to make him as a homunculus...It still counts!
Oh yeah, and don't forget Caster. What a slut, getting all over Jason like that. Even though it was done by Aphrodite - and this version is confirmed in the Nasuverse. But that doesn't matter. A slut is a slut, right?
And even Taiga too. How dare she have eyes for Kiritsugu, but as soon as he dies she gets all over Shirou.
Bazett wants Cu Chulaiin, Caren fucks because "you've got a demon" and Illya just wants Shirou's dick before she dies, even though it's her brother.
Yep, they're all sluts /jp/. They're dirty and corrupt and certainly not good enough for any anon.
But that's ok. They're just fictional characters. We all have our real life girlfriends with us and would never need to pretend any character is "pure" and only for us.

>> No.3400257


>Saber must be a slut too since she had a Mordred. Even though that was Merlin who gave her a dick, and Morgan got a hold of her sperm to make him as a homunculus...It still counts!

That makes her a manslut not a girlslut.

>> No.3400258

They are eroge females.

They're basically porn stars.

Porn stars are sluts.

>> No.3400260

So in Realta Nua, most of them become pure?

>> No.3400269

Sakura is still a slut that hungers for blood in Realta Nua.

>> No.3400278
File: 318 KB, 512x582, 1246863651071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was necessary to establish a proper connection with Shirou. It's not like she wanted to do it or anything, geez!
Did you not read UBW? She was shocked at the sight of Shirou's penis, thinking it'd only be about half as big as it was.

>> No.3400280

Sakura will always be a slut.

>> No.3400293

Hence 'most'.
Though with Rider and Medea background, it's more like Half.

>> No.3400334

Aww, she shouldn't be embarrassed. She simply made love to the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

>> No.3400368

I'm sure Shirou will provide Rin with a healthy successor, using his powerful genes.

>> No.3400410

Shirou doesn't have powerful genes. His UBW is unique to him and him only. It's not genetic or something.
They're child will hopefully get it all from Rin, otherwise the Tohsaka lineage might as well be considered dead.

>> No.3400466

Sakura is a bigger slut, but Rin became a slut willingly.

>> No.3400497

Shut up, they will give birth to a beautiful gem sword.

>> No.3400500

I fucked you're child.

>> No.3400613

Rin is not a slut.

>> No.3400615

She'll have a kid whether Shirou wants to or not.

>> No.3400618

Your a asshole

>> No.3400624

I wouldn't picture Rin as the type who would really want to have children. But I guess she kind of has to, in order to pass on the crest and all.

>> No.3400629

And with Shirou having the habit of cumming inside people, it will happen at some point.

>> No.3400641

But he pulled out of Rin.

>> No.3400653

Pull out at the last moment is not the best contraception (pre-cum)

>> No.3400681


Pre-cum lacks sperm. gb2 health class,

>> No.3400692

woah buddy, that's totally wrong!

>> No.3400694


>> No.3400697

anon is such a card

>> No.3400705


>> No.3400707

Pre-cum can contain sperm from a previous ejaculation.

>> No.3400713


>> No.3400721



>> No.3400758

Not in hentai.

>> No.3400767

I wonder what Rin's reaction would be to Shirou cumming inside her.

>> No.3400777

her tongue would stick out, and her eyes would roll back

>> No.3400784

This thread is hilarious. I love how you guys get so fired up when someone calls your 2d waifu a slut.

>> No.3400785

Suddenly, rin is looking more attractive.

>> No.3400789

She'd beat the hell out of him.
"Don't come inside me unless I say so! Now clean it up with your tongue!"

>> No.3400793

...What doujins have you been reading?

>> No.3400795

It happens EVERY TIME.

>> No.3400802
File: 223 KB, 800x600, 445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, she'd just smile as she accepts his seed.

>> No.3400806 [DELETED] 

T-That's none of your business Anon!

>> No.3400809

Y-you idiot! I didn't say you could cum inside me!

Next day when shirou asks if she's okay

Don't worry shirou i used my magic to remove all of that stuff inside me.

(Rin had an abortion)

>> No.3401023

That fucking slut.

>> No.3401039

At least she won't get kids like that.

>> No.3401053

But she needs at least one. What if she aborts the best one?

>> No.3401056

What the fuck are you guy talking about.

>> No.3401067

What would she need a kid for?

>> No.3401082

To pass on her family's crest. It is her duty as a Tohsaka to produce a successor.

>> No.3401098

I think he was wondering more about the 'abortion' issue.

>> No.3401120

She can have a few kids, determine the best one, and give the rest away.

Sort of like what her parents did.

>> No.3401130

You missed the point.
