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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 167 KB, 1284x1024, ajpmerge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3393495 No.3393495 [Reply] [Original]

I was helluva bored today and I remembered that jpeg image where Eikiji Onizuka broke the wall between /a/ and /jp/.

So I decided to write a userscript which allows you to browse a and jp together (it seamlessly merges the threads).
It could do better, but since it looks like moot has finally decided to throw away the indecent markup 4chan consists of, that's as good as it gets for the time being.

you can grab it here:
the .user.js is for greasemonkey users and opera users
the .js version is a tweaked version for opera users

In return I'd like that gto image that I lost!

>> No.3393501

Who the fuck would want to browse /a/.

Get the fuck out /a/ devs.

>> No.3393503

Derek, is this safe?

>> No.3393505

ok, just post that image and I'm out of here

>> No.3393512

Who would want to browse /a/

>> No.3393513

I'm checking right now. It's supicious. s:

>> No.3393518

You mean the marisa get the fuck out of /jp/?
Too bad I don't have the pic now, posting from my work PC.

Protip: try using iqdb.

>> No.3393520

well, you can read the code and it doesn't use any greasemonkey gayness like unsafewindow.

>> No.3393526


>> No.3393527
File: 503 KB, 2606x4142, 1227974761413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's no image bro, that's a whole thread.

>> No.3393536

nope, it was a series of pics from one of the first episodes (maybe the first itself): the one in which onizuka goes to some girl student's home and break the wall between her two nearly divorcée parents' room

>> No.3393538

Well, I would like to discuss anime. But /a/ is full of bad threads so it doesnt really help..

>> No.3393540

Good times.

>> No.3393542

>the marisa get the fuck out of /jp/?
That image is fucking ugly.

>> No.3393543

Go to /bun/ or /ghost/.
But both are quite shitty too. But better than /a/ at least.

>> No.3393541


>> No.3393546

Drawn by Sai I think.

I saw it in his pixiv profile.

>> No.3393549

>Gore spammer



>> No.3393551
File: 380 KB, 1000x1000, 3744281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would have been really helpful back when I lurked both boards.
Still, can tweak it to merge the boards still bearable, so that's got to be worth something.


>> No.3393552

The image would be fine if it was just the drawing. Instead it's got ugly fucking text on it and ends up as yet another terrible macro image.

>> No.3393555

Protip - You can use the no text version.

>> No.3393556

damn, that's why!
Dude, thanks a lot: I've been looking for that for,
well, a day :)

>> No.3393562

I don't use it at all because I'm not a faggot. People will still be using that shitty text-overlaid version though, I've hardly ever seen the no-text picture being used.

>> No.3393564

>February 21 2008
The wall has served us well, at the cost of our souls.

>> No.3393567

yeah, you just need to modify the part which makes the links (or simply add #merge=boardname)
It doesn't work crossdomain though, so you can't merge /b/ and /u/

>> No.3393575

No problem bro.

Stop that.

OP your script breaks the firefox extension so until that's fixed I'll stick to the usual /jp/

>> No.3393583
File: 153 KB, 400x400, 1233877072540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go faggot, enjoy. Though I will still go for the text one because it pisses off fags like you.

>> No.3393593
File: 39 KB, 570x455, Kelemvor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't tear down that wall, you will regret it.

>> No.3393597

>There you go faggot, enjoy.
I'm not asking for the fucking picture, you imbecile. As I stated before, I'm not the kind of braindead moron who thinks reaction pictures and green text are the height of wit.

>> No.3393601

Andatevene via, NGIfags.

>> No.3393604

Ah, right!
that's an easy fix: I add a div around each thread(which is the way it should be, and will be from what I saw in /test/) for better handling, which probably breaks the 4chan extension.
Thanks for the feedback.
I'll take it into account when 4chan will switch to the new code and I'll have to rework some routines.

>> No.3393606

That "tear down this wall" faggotry was the worst shit. I was glad to finally get away from fucking /a/

>> No.3393618

rosichi perche' come tutti i niubbi non hai lo spazio web gratuito su ngi.
Spazio web su ngi = oldschool

>> No.3393633


Non so di che cosa tu stia parlando, NGI mi sta sul cazzo a prescindere.

>> No.3393642

well, I think it was nice.
I really missed /jp/ contents when I still browsed /a/.
Unfortunately /jp/ is too slow and I give it a look once in a while and /a/ without jp is really really really really really shitty.
Nowadays I only browse /b/ and /g/, but they are always the same shit, same threads, same fucking comments, many times there are two identical threads around in the board... too many posters.
And that's why I was bored

>> No.3393644

Troppi Italiani in questo thread.

>> No.3393656

If you really wanted to make a shittier version of /jp/, then why'd you choose to merge it with /a/ instead of /b/? Not that there's much difference in the quality of the posts these days.

>> No.3393662

Oh /jp/, you so tsundere.

>> No.3393673

technical limitations:

>> No.3393674

Italiani, sul mio /jp/?

>> No.3393677

Tsundere means there's a dere part.

>> No.3393685

proof why 4chan is shit these days

>> No.3393690

>Nowadays I only browse /b/
Jesus Christ.

>> No.3393695


Giusto, quelli di NGI rovinano sempre tutto.
Adesso me ne ritorno su DioChan.

>> No.3393704

It's like watching a bad movie:
you know it's bad, your friends know it's bad, the fucking actors know it's bad, but it's awesome

>> No.3393710

>Nowadays I only browse /b/ and /g/,
So you're in it for the speed eh?

I think the past 5 minute rule before posting should return. Fast boards aren't necessarily good, slow ones aren't either. But when people cave into boredom and just spam spam away and post on impulse I've noticed a decreasing likelihood of substantial threads happening.

>> No.3393713


No dai, Diochan no.

>> No.3393759

I think it's more related to the number of users around posting:
since 4chan boards have no memory and no index (it's not like you ask about CRT monitors in the CRT monitor thread), the task to remember things is given to the users.

Here's what used to happen:
one user: I'd like to build a new pc, here's my rig: blablabla

There is only one rate my rig thread on the forum and there haven't been similar threads for a while, so people reply and a decent thread develops: some guy post some fact most in the board know, some other guy replies to it adding more information which is then stored by all the readers.

Todays, there are too many people making too many identical threads (of course they do: no way to track if today we already had a US vs EU thread and especially no way to post in it if it was already destroyed), so we have caturday 5:58AM and caturday 6:50 AM
The point is that this way we fraction the users between multiple threads, and users get tired and contribute less and less, because each thread is felt less unique and special.

Sorry for the wall of text.
