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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3384083 No.3384083 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread hit bump limit, so yeah

Messing around with some of Meiling's cards

>> No.3384159
File: 122 KB, 480x800, 85997453d8334903608ec0fb0026cbc5f8ef2bdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watashi no namae wa China desu

Anyways, Hosting US West
Low tier

>> No.3384228

US Central

Nightly dose, but don't expect me to play long.

>> No.3384234

massive log feet.

>> No.3384246

Would any US mind if a lowtier AUS joined? Spectating doesn't seem to be laggy..

>> No.3384262 west coast

>> No.3384267

Spectating doesn't really lag from long distance, though, unlike real matches. I've been able to spec eu matches without lag before.

>> No.3384272

It's like we were really playing in the matrix! Good games, R1Zero.

>> No.3384302

Okay, let's try this again...

Haven't played in weeks tier.

>> No.3384361

>Guy starting a netplay thread
Whoa, now I've seen everything.

And where the crap have you been?
I'd love to play you with Okuu but I can't right now, so instead I'll post an insulting comment on 4chan. You faggot.

Lag's really not bad unless you're playing someone from Japan, because apparently they get offended if you do that. If you connect to someone and it's really laggy, just play one match then apologize and go onto someone else.
Unless it's me; I love playing in lag more than I love playing in notlag. Okuu and Reisen control great in bullet time lag.

>> No.3384390

Well I'm having fun spectating for the moment, might learn a few things.

>> No.3384425


I happen to work and I get send out to the country side where no internet is available.

>> No.3384439

So, I've been playing matches and spectating people for quite a while now, and I rarely ever see people use a certain card. Am I really the only person who puts 4 Okuu control rods in all of his decks?

>> No.3384452

GGs Lurker.

Hurr 66C crossups.

>> No.3384476

I put 4 control rods into one of my decks. A Cirno joke deck.

>> No.3384490

I put 2 Control Rods and 2 Sub Dolls in my deck. Balance of offense/defense.

>> No.3384493
File: 290 KB, 500x600, suwakofly0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great 10 rounds. That Okuu is starting to get dangerous, and that Suwako alt combo is the perfect anti-Suwako (there's just no way to get close, unless you were a totally different character with continuous graze).

I'm done for the night. Thanks for the fun.

>> No.3384516

I put 4 control rods in my Cirno serious deck.

Your 2.7k midscreen BnB with Komachi was pretty cool, though.

>> No.3384528

I use four control rods in my Okuu and Suwako deck. A fully buffed Suwako (four control rod and four of her curse card) is really a DPS monster

VGGs E-Man. Just learned how to use that rocket with Okuu, it's nasty ain't it? Suwako battles are always fun. I was either gonna use the stone statue or the jade, but I thought the jade was more useful since I can use it in the air normally. It's pretty much like her 5C, but without the horrible charging time

>> No.3384545

Too much of a gamble and not very deck efficient seeing as you need to add a totally different card to counteract it. That is, unless you have that Meilingus aggressive-something-or-other disease and one-sidedly plan on not getting hit.

Next to card eater, it's arguably the second worse System Ca-... third worse card in the game. Marisa's pot is useless seeing as a BE would just do the same thing only quicker and with not wasted deck slots!

>> No.3384564
File: 59 KB, 640x480, Bittenfeld crush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Counter...act? Like...offset the penalty? Does this have something to do with this "dee-fence" word I've been hearing lately? That said, I love how when I use 4 control rods, I can do damage in the high 4000s off of a counterhit Heavenly Dragon Step.

>> No.3384571

>third worse card
What about bomb? Iku' scarf? Tenshi's freaking useless weather sword? the heaven's water drop?

>> No.3384582

You made the right choice, apparently. Stone frog isn't as predictable, but Suwako can get knocked off, where as those Jade Bubbles did some serious work on both offense and defense. But, like I said, had it been another character with continuous graze, Suwako's toast unless you time it perfectly of when they're going to attack right before their spirit runs out.

Okuu's "Psycho Crusher" hurts worst than Aya's, plus with the weird ass hitboxes of Kanako. Every time, I either thought I cleared it and got destroyed, or blocked and couldn't get a clean shot or hj. combo on her reentry! I'm glad you're using, really, but I friggin hate that card right now...

>> No.3384602

>What about bomb? Iku' scarf?
Pretty much necessary at high level play for most characters i.e. the ones that lack a good reversal move.

>> No.3384610

The weather sword is good if your character is one who does terribly in a certain weather, or if you're facing Suika during typhoon. Iku's scarf and bomb cards are a good way of saving yourself from having to risk a BE to get out of a good string. The water drop...yeah...that's pretty bad.

>> No.3384635

Whoa, bomb and hangeki get people off of you so they can't lay on the hurt, and truly high level play REQUIRES manipulation of the weather, which makes Tenshi's system the best in the game after Komachi coin, imo. Heaven drops really do suck, though. Card eater is okay, because it cancels from normal moves, knocks down, and derp, eats a card. Control rods are preference. They just get you killed faster against someone with good defense, but in the same step, Alice dolls just prevent your inevitable death if you suck at defending. I also think Marisa pot works for defensive types if you are good at BEing, because it instantly heals crushed orbs.

>> No.3384638

Anyways, rehostan

>> No.3384644

Does anyone actually use meilings super mode specials or spell card?

>> No.3384651

Bombing, Counter hits, and gaining Super Armor+killing Typhoon/River Mist are all defensive techniques of great use! I'll be the first to argue that 10 seconds of invincibility in a game where any one attack could make or break you is well worth the 3 cards slots. Especially on characters with piss poor defense, weak shots, and slow as all get out. You have no idea how many matches I've overturned simply by landing that 3rd Drop and feeling the "Oh shit!" moments of my opponents when their attacks are whiffing like mad. It's a great surprise tactic card.

>> No.3384663

That move covers about 1/3 of the screen. It's not as bad as Iku's lightning skill, that gay line stretches across the screen for god damn three to four seconds, chases you even if you jump up or attempts to land, AND chips your health on guard. My poor Suwako couldn't get near

>> No.3384673

Hmm, I start the game up, and it doesn't go past the first screen.

Even if I close it, it's still using up all my CPU power and I have to physically end the process...

>> No.3384701

Time for a new vid card, my friend.

>> No.3384705

I've got the typical 8800.

>> No.3384714

Sometimes the game get stuck on the first screen for me too. I think it freezes if you try to spam click buttons while it's on the first screen. Just close it, and reopen (no need to go to task manager), and it should work. At least, that's the method I use to solve this problem.

>> No.3384738

Good games Nipah, although the lag was pretty bad the matches were really close.

>> No.3384741

It's happened every time I've booted it up, I've tried at least 15 times now, both on version 1.00 and 1.01

>> No.3384750


OTL ... really close... y-yeah...

At least I got China.

>> No.3384755

Rehosting >>3384302

>> No.3384758

Haha, I'm actually atrocious with all of the new characters. They just play too differently from the standard ones while the others I can spam C.

>> No.3384784

Try reinstalling, you might be missing a file or two. That, or try to patch yourself to 1.03. If all fails, contact your administrator.

>> No.3384789

I might as well make sure, how big are everyone's DATs?

>> No.3384809

Oh cool, at 1.03 I get a runtime error.

I'm doing something very very wrong here...

>> No.3384812

my th123a is 962 MB, th123b is 49.8 MB, th123c is 26.4 MB. Please put into account that I am running 1.03.

(I have never used the patch 1.01, I went 1.02 then 1.03.)

>> No.3384815

Should be about 1gb.

>> No.3384836

Rehosting >>3384302

>> No.3384838

Thanks guys, file's definitely screwed, last time I extracted it th123a was like 300 mg and now it's not extracting at all.

>> No.3384850

GG. Sorry about the lag, my bro was streaming some crap.

>> No.3384853

Good games, Lolimew. It's beginning to look like I can only really start up Tiger's Strength after a knockdown, and then I quickly have to land a hit that matters in order to take advantage of it. Still, it's a little fun to have a counter hit on command, though.

The lag was getting really spiky, so I ended it a bit early.

>> No.3384970

GGs Nipah, being destroyed ain't fun. I'm not experienced against Cirno at all since no one plays her besides E-Man. That sliding low attack is really nasty, that speed is impossible for Okuu to counter with any of her melee or range. I'll take my poor Okuu elsewhere.

>> No.3384980


GGs Do not pursue. You should be more careful to where you are aiming with your Okuu, most of the time I was on the ground and you kept shooting air leaving you at my mercy.

Rehosting >>3384302

>> No.3384991

>no one plays [Cirno]
Quite a few people do. Admittedly, some of them haven't been seen around these parts lately. But Saje, a.a., and Giant Tree come to mind.

>> No.3384997


Heh. Playing Okuu vs Cirno, most Okuu players I have played against try to stay away from the ground probably due to Okuu being too slow. And those beams from the sky are deadly.

>> No.3385006

Not quite sure why, but I got a little trouble trying to trigger my rocket earlier (which turns into the anti air shot when I fail). To be honest, I don't recall Cirno being able to fire that concentrated shard that fast when I was using her in story mode, so I kept thinking I can rush in during your reload time and, well, I end up running into your next one again and again. I haven't learned my lesson have I? ;_;

>> No.3385069

Good games, Nipah. You don't seem all that rusty at all!

The connection is still surprisingly decent considering where we're located.

>> No.3385090


GGs Guy. The moment I saw your name I expected Meiling rape. Surprise surprise, I got my Cirno vanquished by another Cirno.

I feel rusty. I can't pull any combo as you probably noticed.

I will practice and I will expect that Meiling rape in the near future.

Rehosting >>3384302

>> No.3385107

You had the jump-ins, dial-As, and f.5As into 5C down, but you should finish those with either 623B or ice car. I just wanted to get some Cirno matches in since we didn't get to play each other on Cirno day. ;_;

Also, dat 66C.

>> No.3385131
File: 249 KB, 600x630, cca44dc3faccef2500a21cfd1b08d2516bea4980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostan US West
Low tier

Yes, Cirno, you're the strongest. Poor Okuu ;_;

>> No.3385183


Maxing out control rods actually makes Cirno's damage output pretty awesome. Such a pity Youmu's sword skillcard can't be comboed with Cirno at all.

>> No.3385186
File: 308 KB, 700x700, dfb020b6205605215c45f5d0e11098cbd7a3b2d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes Cirno, you are god damn the strongest.

>> No.3385190


Can Central.

>> No.3385211

Max control rod with Cirno is great. Corner your enemy, then 5AAAA -> 5AAA -> 5C -> sword SC -> awesomeface while Cirno does 4.5k damage.

Also, it makes any 5C she lands really painful, since you can connect 623B off of almost any 5C.

>> No.3385270
File: 188 KB, 640x853, 5552c2da648162977f2f435c5f1a2ee5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I never really figured out what the j. part of, for example, j.5A means. (Don't tell me to go to the swr.miz.net and read, because I can't go there - the site won't load for me.)

In return, I give you one delicious paper Suwako

>> No.3385275

"jump and then"

>> No.3385303

GG. It's getting late so I gotta stop now. I never faced a Cirno player, never knew her 214 was so destructive.

>> No.3385308

Good games.

My pad is on the fritz though. Sucks. Left doesn't work sometimes, and after that last match, I said screw it.

>> No.3385309

Good games Fox.
I should stick to hosting. Half of the time I thought my cards were on your side.

Speaking of hosting.
US Midwest

>> No.3385312


GGs. That sword dash was your life saver. It totally broke my confidence.

Why didn't you use it at the beginning? I was dominating there.

>> No.3385323

I'm trying to learn how to use my 214 properly for pressure. So in desperation to finally beat you, I had to use alt 214. I didn't really like using it because I felt like I was spamming it too much.

>> No.3385574

Mmm...I didn't quite get through all the characters, but I think I'll call it there. Good games, Duck, I'm still pretty horrible with mostly everyone; I don't even have decks made for a lot of characters. At least when I face you, I can train each other character just a little bit, though!

>> No.3385578

Good games.
I was hoping you'd join. It's been a while since we last played and you've gotten better with everyone except for Alice and Patchy.

>> No.3385926


>> No.3385986 aus unless it doesn't work

Trees tier

>> No.3386012 [DELETED] 

Tried Wikipedia?
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3386127


no dice.

>> No.3386166

any australian hosters?

>> No.3386181


>> No.3386219

Due to shitty networking, I can't get port forwarding working at all. Sorry ausfriends.

>> No.3386306

why didn't anyone join? ;_;

>> No.3386487

Bump for hosts

>> No.3386490

I wonder why.

>> No.3386495

Trying again.

>> No.3386513

Actually 07:02, but yeah, half an hour would still have been too long.

You around still?

>> No.3386543


>> No.3386557


>> No.3386566


Can't connect

>> No.3386568

rehosting - AU

>> No.3386571


Can't connect

>> No.3386573

Are you using 1.03? I know I can host.

>> No.3386577


I've played online before with other aus (few days ago), and was spectating a US match just a few hours ago.

>> No.3386580

try again now

>> No.3386583


There we go

>> No.3386661


Use your bloody spellcards Mez.

>> No.3386775


Had a fucking moth on the screen :X

>> No.3386779

Thanks for the games!

>> No.3386780

GGs, thanks for the games, enough for me!

If you were watching my non-remi's, it's because I don't know what they do ;_;

>> No.3386783


Just spam it, free damage.

>> No.3386798

Your remi is a beast, I hate your fucking dives.

Also, I had trouble doing that get up in a different direction thing with okuu (and patchy, but not as much), which led to getting raped in the corners too often.

>> No.3386803

Your usual low tier Suika looking for an host.

>> No.3386809

That big okuu spellcard is disgusting I don't know how to block it haha ;_;.
You need to learn when to punish me, you were getting better at it in the later games when you started punishing my 236c's, but you let me 22b/c as much as I wanted.

>> No.3386812


Yeah I really need to practice combos. My current strategy consists of dodge shit, shoot lasers. Need more melee stuff.

>> No.3386843, Finland
I've got an hour or so...

>> No.3387120 west coast
Low tier Sakuya/Cirno player.

>> No.3387160

ggs profile1p. Quitting early because I dislike playing in slowdown

>> No.3387165

Can't say that was very impressive at all. You had some pretty poor defense focusing on very basic reactions and stayed basic with your attacks. You play pretty dull.

>> No.3387168

anybody know what the Result menu does or is supposed to do?
other than holding it down to see a picture of Sanae

>> No.3387174

It lets you replay against spellcards from storymode.
Push right/left to move through other characters in storymode.
But if the entire thing is blank you've probably not beaten it once.

>> No.3387176

spell cards you capture in story mode by not losing a life.

>> No.3387181

wait what

Was this aimed at me or another post? If it's at me, I'm assuming the person I fought was either messing around or we desynced on both matches

>> No.3387190

Cirno's low tier?

That's a darn shame, not that it will stop me from using her.

>> No.3387199

When people say "low tier" in a hosting post they're referring to their own skill level. I don't actually play Cirno or Sakuya though, it was just a joke since a majority of people who visit the soku threads already know who I play and such.

>> No.3387205

haha what, no.

>> No.3387216

I see.

Guess I'll just have to judge her on my own, then.

>> No.3387353

Haha, in the end the hour got longer... Awesome games as always The Idler. But oh god, am I so bad that you beat me that easily with Suika? Or is she just too damn broken? I don't know.

>> No.3387381

Yeah, sorry for leaving but I've got some stuff I really need to do today.

>But oh god, am I so bad that you beat me that easily with Suika? Or is she just too damn broken?
I don't know, but she's definitely one of the easiest characters to play, and seems especially strong against characters like Suwako. Although it might be just that I suck with her. I usually play Suika a lot myself, but I don't like mirror matches.

Anyway, GGs, you're getting a lot better with Suika when compared to our first matches. Keep it up.

>> No.3387457
File: 471 KB, 768x1024, 3be0aaa917e08b91b910f49c4312beb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3387457 west coast
isn;t even scrub tier

Expect me to leave if it's really laggy

>> No.3387473


>> No.3387616

Is there a list somewhere about what all the System Cards do? I've checked the Touhou Wiki but they've not been translated.

>> No.3387639


>> No.3387640


>> No.3387644


>> No.3388092


>> No.3388158
File: 484 KB, 724x1024, Marisa love maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So, what is your duty? Love slave?"

>> No.3388245
File: 15 KB, 398x273, 1193898110969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go.

>> No.3388252 west coast

>> No.3388309


>> No.3388339

>Guy playing Marisa
I like the corner mixups. I don't like the over-reliance on default 214, excessively 6A (canceled into nothing), or the choice of using "Sure-Fire Master Spark" SC. All of those are way too gimmicky and punished by free comboes.

>> No.3388355

any hosts?

>> No.3388365 EU, suwako tier :3

>> No.3388369

dammit. only scored 1 there. sigh. gg.

>> No.3388372
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa, remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
Above beginner, below IRC "tourney" level player.

>> No.3388375

ggs, level 5 dunk on kanako is the most satisfying thing I've ever experienced

>> No.3388397

hosting, WC

>> No.3388413

Whew, good games, E-MAN. I really didn't expect you to break out Reimu like that. As you could probably tell, I'm still trying to get the hang of Marisa; I couldn't do a single one of my Bosky Sweeper combos correctly. ;_;

>> No.3388421

>excessive 6A

Those were supposed to be 3As. I suck at inputting, sometimes.

>sure-fire MS

I wanted to see if it was like Giga-Flare, where if you get their orbs low enough, they'll get crushed trying to graze it and end up eating the whole thing. It didn't quite work that way. ;_;

>> No.3388424
US Midwest
My connection seems a bit unreliable right now, but we'll see how it goes.

>> No.3388432

ok, that was dangerous. sigh. gg. www.

>> No.3388445

GGs Guy

Great, another rushdown Marisa I have to fear. Still some pretty amazing matches, but I was mentally gone by the 13th round. I was going to say something about b.s. in the 11th round, but now I've forgotten. I've learned how to overcome your corner combo, but started screwing up BEs and just looked like I was walking out of the corner. All in all, a good dodgan and learnan match!

>> No.3388490

I've neglected my "mains" for too long, so needed to get them some good EXP.

>> No.3388554
File: 267 KB, 667x1000, n37ul3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostan US West
Suwako tier (aka not so godly frog tier/lowest tier)

>> No.3388560


>> No.3388562


>> No.3388578

holding 4 tier

Good games, I'd type up a rant about Kanako since I haven't yet but I'm much too lazy.

>> No.3388584

GGs Lurker, time to prepare dinner.

Yukari was my IaMP main, but her SWR/Soku differences are way too much to overcome from playing one game.

>> No.3388591

>here we go.

Someone's been playing WET...

>> No.3388614


I don't play Suwako at all, but it seems to me that you need to use aerial tree more. It's good for countering, and if the opponent doesn't expect it and it hits them, you can follow up with J.6A J.6B.

>> No.3388624

What ggs? I said Suwako tier, and Lurker came in. What the hell, seriously?

>> No.3388628
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>> No.3388629


>> No.3388655

ggs www, you're really just miles ahead of me here.

>> No.3388656

Good games, Lim. It was a bit more laggy than we're used to, huh?

>> No.3388659

gg, Guy. those moves is retardedly slippery as hell.

>> No.3388687


>> No.3388713

didn't i play you once ?
your ip looks familiar

>> No.3388716

gg, possibly (i'm not playing for very long though)

>> No.3388738


rehosting this

>> No.3388767

GGs E-Man. I'm not doing so well today. I guess I'm gonna go practice for a bit (besides, my Suwako deck was all screwed up)

>> No.3388776

GGs Kyle, sorry for cutting it short, I only meant to spectate.

Your Marisa reminds me a lot of my own.

>> No.3388777


I DID IT!! I found a way to not get jade bubbled to death as Suwako! Now if I can only escape that cursed smoke, I'd be happy! Well, into practice mode for me. You wouldn't believe that corner combo was actually IMPROVISED, would you?

Your Okuu didn't quite shine today like it has in the past few days. Any reason why?

>> No.3388779

ggs sir, I apologize if my Marisa ended up boring you.

>> No.3388807

Oh no, not at all. There aren't enough Marisa players here. I don't know how long Guy has tried her out, but I bet it only took him a day and he already has the strongest Marisa I've seen here, which speaks volumes for how naturally good he is at this fighting game, but also the dearth of people who play her.

>> No.3388834

No more rehosting? Awww

US Central
Miko Meido tier

>> No.3388837

I've only been playing her for a few hours, but I still have monumental amounts of trouble with her BnBs. It's bloody hard for me to chain 5B -> 5C properly, for some reason; not to mention all the IADing I screw up.


>> No.3388851

I personally think it's my controller's fault. I switched my controller earlier since the other one was a lot heavier and I thought using this lighter one might be easier to hold/use. Apparently, it's not going according to plan and it's screwing up my game play or something. I might switch back if it is really the controller's problem. Besides that, I wanted to main Suwako, so I wasn't too serious when using Okuu. Also, my Okuu got owned last night so hard by Cirno (by two different players!), I pretty much lost confidence in my Okuu skills.

As for Suwako, I was focused on trying out her curse, her trees, and her lily pad defense, so I didn't bother using as much dive + jade combo. Plus, I'm using my SCs really bad today, wasting all my two claps and my curse god.

>> No.3388937
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Well this was rather fun. I need to head out now though unfortunatly. Tight schedules are a bitch like that.

>> No.3388943

Those were some really awesome matches there dustbunny. I'm probably a way too stingy with my spellcards, but hey.

>> No.3388954
File: 65 KB, 401x480, 1252999619507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I seem to be getting quite predictable!
Time to look up new methods of attack, apparently. great matches indeed!

>> No.3388978

hosting, WC

>> No.3389025

Good games, Doctor. As you could probably tell from my choice of 623, I got some inspiration from you.

>> No.3389054

Yeah, I noticed. I'm still in mid-rage because I lost as much as I did. Losing against your main to someone who doesn't main them feels bad man. GGs.

>> No.3389078

GGs vvav

Rage inducing rounds towards the end, but it's all good! For some reason, I couldn't get your character out of the sky today...

>> No.3389079

Why is Aya so bad? I expected to lose with Patchy because lol66C, but Aya... My god, I wish she was still at least decent. She and Iku are the characters I can never win with.

>> No.3389185


>> No.3389190

I was wondering if someone could help me with hosting games on Hamachi. I cannot seem to get it to work and guides on google are not really helping me.

>> No.3389221

You need your opponent to connect to your hamachi channel, then one of you connect to the other player through the ip displayed on hamachi. In the end, hamachi is a hassle to use unless you are playing your close friends. Just ask for a host instead.

>> No.3389229

GGs www.

Going random deck suggests to me you aren't playing seriously, so I'm finished.

>> No.3389255


Actually i don't really know how to play Aya or what cards are good, so i just made 4 decks for her with every card and see what everything does. lol.

>> No.3389262


1. Start Hamachi, get IP.
2. Share IP with others in same Hamachi network.
3. ????
4. The game.

>> No.3389267

>You just lost the game

>> No.3389291
File: 50 KB, 502x401, japanese_bird_playing_touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japanese bird cooking spaghetti tier.

>> No.3389312

No one loves me ;_;

Guess I'll try again later.

>> No.3389325


Not found.

>> No.3389362


No one? I guess it's not a good hour.

>> No.3389552

Rehostan again.

>> No.3389656
US west
irc tier
may leave soon

>> No.3389727
File: 87 KB, 364x169, madein5seconds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese bird being broken and easy to use.

>> No.3389745


You are the faggot of the century and I love you so much.

>> No.3389766

Good games, UmaiCake. You executed Tenshi's secondary BnB pretty well, it seems more like you need work on determining what bullets to use when and when to air tech than anything else.

>> No.3389791

I died a little inside when you low-blocked Utsuho's 6A and grazed the 2C every single time.
Played too much Okuu?

>> No.3389805

Yeah...you could say that. I've faced Aya a few times and Magister here and there; I had to catch on fairly quickly, and it works pretty well until Magister switches it up and instead of throwing out 6As, throws out 3As, making me wrongblock again.

The 5Cs into Giga-Flares were brutal, though; I'll have to be more careful, I usually don't think much of 5C.

>> No.3389824

Whoops, that sounds like my fault. Sorry about that.

But when you say 6A are you sure you don't mean 6[A]? If this is in the corner 5AA 6[A] 3A 2C makes for a ridiculously good crushstring, and I'm pretty sure you can follow it up with 22B but I haven't been able to concentrate enough to pull it off against anyone, apparently.
Anyway, the good thing about people getting in the habit of lowblocking in the corner is that this is when you get a chance to tap into Okuu's not-quite-as-bad-as-the-rest-of-her-stuff mixup game and hit with a 3[A] instead of 6[A] when they're least expecting it. Shit's cash when pulled off right.

Contrary to what some tourneyfags will tell you, don't use 6A at all ever if you get them blocking with 5As first, that's 6[A]'s job. Always and forever.

>> No.3389833

>Guy playing Iku.
W-what? Seems rather... unsuited for your play style, as well as Lim.

>> No.3389853

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.3389863
File: 90 KB, 640x908, Iku giga drill breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the drills, man. I can't resist the drills. Oh, and the John Travolta.

Oh, and don't think I forgot about your Okuu, Mister "I'm pretty much the only one who uses 6[A], so it completely takes Guy by surprise." I hear that 3[A] isn't as good, though, since the recovery time is so long.

>> No.3389922

Hosting a few.

>> No.3390094

Throwing my IP into the mix
Canadia Mid tier

>> No.3390136

Punished by a DP every single time he tried to punish the blocked 3[A]. Poor Lurker. ;_;

>> No.3390155

ggs Rabbit-Box, I see your name in these threads a lot but I haven't fought you very much. I have some stuff to do, though, so sorry if it seemed like I quitted early

>> No.3390159

Ah, twas a short but good few games Lurker

>> No.3390160



>> No.3390164

Also, rehostan

>> No.3390169

Hey, I did wait to block the DP one time.

(I still don't learn, though.)

>> No.3390175

I'm suprised how quickly your game progressed. Usually when I have to pick Youmu that means im not holding back

>> No.3390200

Looks like we disconnected.

>> No.3390203

bump for players.

>> No.3390256

I really need a lot more practice...I didn't even feel happy when I managed to finally get a win.

>> No.3390258

Alright, good games Lolimew.

Guess that was a bit more than a few. You had a lot of chances of using spellcards after 3[A] guardcrush, but you didn't. There's no reason to save them only for round enders.

>> No.3390275


Guys, I am not leaving until I get my ass kicked to bed.

>> No.3390278

Well the reason why I never hit it is because I never respond quick enough after the guard crush.
Are you hosting? Because I can't connect

>> No.3390282

disreguard the connection I suck cocks

>> No.3390353

Hey Nipah, a little hint: Youmu's pink sword move hits low 3 times. When you have to block it, block low otherwise your spirit orbs will be drained quickly.

>> No.3390397 [DELETED] 

MPP in Spring Haze was a bad mood. Too bad Guy didn't take advantage of it....

>> No.3390448

MPP in Spring Haze was a bad move. Too bad Guy didn't take advantage of it....

>> No.3390486

It sure was cool how you could somehow block right in the middle of my dial-A after getting hit by the first two hits, despite me being right in your face. What the hell happened there, huh, 12.3?

Youmu is goddamn annoying, though; "don't mind me, I'll just dash and make every single one of your 22Cs whiff; that's cool, right?" Good games, Rabbit.

>> No.3390488

Looking for AUS hosts.

>> No.3390494

Yeah, about that...Guy was too busy playing like an idiot: "whiff 22C into 4cost SC hurrrrrrr"

Meiling brings out the best and worst of me, sometimes.

>> No.3390497

Good games Guy, I figured I ought to try out some different characters this time around. I wish Youmu throw wasn't nerfed to the point of being useless, as before it was godlike what you could combo into with it.

>> No.3390531

I really got to ask this, otherwise I won't get any sleep tonight.

In that Youmu/China match, Rabbit was doing his patented 3[A]>623, yet later in the next round you ended up poking out of it. Was this instinct that you poked, or did you pick up he couldn't 623 anymore and knew it was safe ?

If it's the latter, your fight savvy has just scared the shit out of me...

>> No.3390542

Excuse me while I shatter your perception of me: I guessed. I had already punished him for the DPs several times before, so I figured he was going to expect me to wait. I decided that I hate waiting, and threw out some pokes.

>> No.3390573

Uh oh, I didn't know so many people were watching and that they have my Youmu gimmicks down. When playing against his China I really got the feeling that he realized I could no longer DP and adjusted accordingly to charges for throws.

>> No.3390574

Now that's a huge sigh of relief. You're mortal after all.

>> No.3390599

>I didn't know so many people were watching and that they have my Youmu gimmicks down

No, actually, I've been on the receiving end of it... more times than I want to count.

>> No.3390613

It's not really all that hard to face me. Just play hard-to-get long enough while throwing out projectiles, and eventually I'll get impatient enough that I leave gaping openings. Or you can just pick Youmu and be so short that whenever you run, 22C whiffs, even at almost point blank range. It's like I'm really playing against Oddjob all over again!


>> No.3390650

>It's like I'm really playing against Oddjob all over again!

R.I.P. Good Bond multiplayer games. I'll miss playing with my midget Asian with his insta-gib hat.

>> No.3390672
US Midwest

>> No.3390721

GG. I raged hard when I lost to your alt 22b/c. Your 214 is still very annoying.

>> No.3390725


That dash hitbox is huge, not even from behind can be approached, I have learned to hate it.

I only play with Cirno, when we started to random I was spamming random spells wishing one would hit.

GGs Lolimew.

>> No.3390779

Advice taken. After seeing way too many times the same move I learned to expect it and block it, too bad Cirno's puny punch only reaches to hit one time.

Rehosting, my ass is not sore yet.

>> No.3390777 [DELETED] 

>>3390353 Advice taken. After seeing way too many times the same move I learned to expect it and block it, too bad Cirno's puny punch only reaches to hit one time.

>>3390160 Rehosting, my ass is not sore yet.

>> No.3390806

Goddamn, a.a., your fucking Cirno takes forever to get chased down. I had to force a fucking typhoon to finally end it, Jesus.

Also, I wish I weren't so bad at doing Marisa's BnBs. ;_; Nice matches, though.

>> No.3390813

I love typhoon weather! But seriously, GGs Guy, short session since the night beckons for me.

I really fear for myself if you keep improving your Reisen--it's one of those characters that just tramples all over my Komachi. As for Marisa, try practicing the aerial corner comboes a bit more (tip: No j.Bs of any sort involved).

>> No.3390829

>No j.B

I know, but my thumb keeps hitting B anyways! ;_; Although, with one of the combos with j.B you can still get about 2.8k - 2.9k damage if the j.B -> j.5C -> 214C hits right.

>> No.3390840

One more thing, I could not believe myself when I cast Reimu's Pillar SC to "counter" your Final(?) Spark and not only did I avoid all damage, but you got hit. Talk about luck; I'm sure you'll get your chance next time.

>> No.3390852

Ah, it was just the Master Spark; but yeah, my jaw dropped during that.

Also, Marisa vs Marisa, your Final Spark whiffs, I roll behind you and Master Spark, and you take no damage for the first portion of it, causing you to survive and eventually take the win. Those were some awesome matches.

>> No.3390861

Haha, good games Duckator. I havn't had the chance to play you in ages.

>> No.3390872

Good games rabbit.
I still need some more practice with Sanae and Iku

US Midwest

>> No.3390967

any aus host?

>> No.3390976

Same, OP.
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3391119

GGs Nipah. Cirno is still the strongest, for now ;_; I forgot to change my red frog back to curse god, I have no idea how to use red frog at all.

>> No.3391126

looking for australian host, and no i cannot host.

>> No.3391134

GGs Do not pursue.

Stop cornering yourself on your own. Corner is not a good place to defend yourself.

I am a Cirno player, this random session was educative, heheh. Remilia's grace is frustrating. Komachi attacks have some extreme distances. Tenchi's game is similar to that of Cirno. Udonge is not a useless little bunny.

And why did you keep leaving against Yukari or Yuyuko? I was pressing buttons at random.

>> No.3391158

Rehosting >>3390160

>> No.3391186

I can try but dont think so.
aus 10800

>> No.3391197


Nope, cannot connect.

>> No.3391238

I have pretty much 0% chance when I fight Yukari or Patchy with my Suwako since she can't continuously graze against their danmaku barrage (and I know my skill ain't good enough to fight without grazing). The match with Yuyuko was already 0-1, and I gave up after I missed my SC since I couldn't stand watching you slaughter poor Suwako.

I have a bad habit of cornering myself in all fighting type games... it's just that, putting my back against the wall makes me feel safer/more comfortable since you only have to deal with what's in front of you

>Not so godly froggy tier

>> No.3391255

E-MAN using Giant Catfish AND Cirno ice slicks? I can't tell if those are supposed to be joke decks or not.

>> No.3391279 [DELETED] 

That match was with Duckator. I wasn't aware E-MAN was an alt of his

>> No.3391309

GGs Duck

Don't know why, but for some reason, just felt like playing Alice... My catfish were ineffective against you, but I'll take solace in the fact that ice is your kryptonite. Til next time.

>> No.3391324

Good games E-Man.
Sanae's wind makes it like river mist is on all the time. Okuu's attacks all come out too slowly. Iku is helpless against fast characters and I'm just plain bad with Patchy. I'll get the hang of them eventually.

>> No.3391336

>E-MAN using Giant Catfish AND Cirno ice slicks? I can't tell if those are supposed to be joke decks or not.
But the funny part is that, he gets hit by his own catfish and he trips on his own ice slicks.

>> No.3391341

Don't know if serious... YES, they're joke decks. Matter of fact, all my characters have three serious decks and one Frozen Fish deck with alt/SCs I've never used.

>> No.3391360

>But the funny part is that, he gets hit by his own catfish and he trips on his own ice slicks.

LOL, fun times. Fun times, indeed.

>> No.3391371

I just think it's a little bit rude to screw around with someone using joke decks when the opponent isn't, and the game results aren't completely one-sided.

But if no one else minds, guess it's OK.

>> No.3391548
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>> No.3391785

Looking for aus hosters.

>> No.3392181

Is there a new thread?

>> No.3392184

Looking for AU games.

>> No.3392274

New thread

