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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 419 KB, 690x486, joe danda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33885395 No.33885395 [Reply] [Original]

guide: www.wanikani.com

>>33874429 (#2759)
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>> No.33885448

good OP, I think this will be a good thread for a change

>> No.33885467
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>> No.33885500

Anyone else notice how many "Ko" kanji there are?


I get mixed up so often

>> No.33885520

might as well add:

to the list of memory trip ups

>> No.33885523

こう しゅう ちゅう
top tier onyomis

>> No.33885564

yeah I get mixed up with the しゅう ちゅう thing too

I need some kind of memory supplements, it gets frustrating having such a fuzzy recall, it is really slowing up my progress having things constantly in review

>> No.33885603
File: 101 KB, 576x1024, EPdfVqBU8AwWpgF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gain confidence when I see Japanese people that aren't good at kanji.

>> No.33885649
File: 40 KB, 518x321, learnthese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33885664

didn't know 呪い

>> No.33885726

Is there any definitive list of primitives for kanji? Nothing I find lists 丿 + ⺄ for 九, usually only one is listed for indexing purposes.

>> No.33885742

wiktionary has those but it's not a list

>> No.33885751

I'm looking for one too online, I am sure there are in big old dictionaries for sure, it almost seems like nobody learns how to search dictionaries by radicals and strokes anymore

maybe I just haven't looked hard enough

I know Chinese people are big on using radicals

>> No.33885756


>> No.33885791

I seriously never even thought of using English websites.

>> No.33885824
File: 1.35 MB, 500x375, e5c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making me feel something alright

>> No.33885920

i watched the first movie before watching the series and it got past it after like 2 episodes so dunno how they're gonna pad the rest of the season

>> No.33885971

Is that 2.3k VN anki deck or whatever any good? I feel it starts off with significantly harder kanji than most other decks I've tried.

>> No.33886074

what's wrong with the berserk movies? heard they got panned but not as bad as the reboot tv series

>> No.33886110

have any of you used both Anki and Wanikani? I am using wanikani now, but I wonder about switching to straight Anki, but haven't really learned much about how hard that is to set up or anything.

Curious to hear from any of you that used both before

>> No.33886118

all of the violence in this show is either a literal 0 fps painting or just offscreen

>> No.33886132

you pretty much have to use both eventually even if you pay for wanikani

>> No.33886139

why is that? just read

>> No.33886145

Anki is too hard for me or I just don't get Anki.

>> No.33886146

Haven't actually heard much bad about them, but there's a lot of CG and they of course skip the Black Swordsman arc.
There's only one way to really experience Berserk and it's the manga. Susumu Hirasawa's music is considered part of the series' image though.

>> No.33886155


>> No.33886163

yeah its not perfect but its probably the best core deck
the point of it is just to give you base of the most frequently occuring words in vinnies to get you started on reading asap

>> No.33886174

any vinnie you recommend as a starter? I haven't tried yet and I am only on level 5 of wanikani right now, but want to get more input

>> No.33886177

as bad as wanikani is at least it has a modern user interface. and for beginners the most important thing is that you dont have to pick a deck and shit, just obey. i dont recommend anki to beginners i know irl because they won't even get started, just struggle to pick the right deck and set it up right. once you get through wanikani you should probably just be reading and not worrying about SRS. but yeah time to switch to anki or alternative if you still need it

>> No.33886178

The difference between it and the deck I was using before it is kind of crazy though, how long should it take before I start retaining some of these? I'm like 2 days in and I can barely recognize any of them still.

>> No.33886199

is there an anki deck where they describe the meaning of a word in like an english sentence? not example sentences. something like "this word is used for bla bla"

>> No.33886223

is there an N2 deck that has sentences? yes I am that fucking lazy

>> No.33886229

yeah, for me it is important to be up and running quickly with no fuss, I just don't have time to fiddle around

>> No.33886241

like i want something that says "矢印 this is for the symbol of an arrow, like in diagrams"

>> No.33886301

this is a good idea

I know I got confused with the kanji for "tie" meaning a draw in a match, the English word is ambiguous so it is easy to have learned it thinking the wrong meaning

>> No.33886333

I'm still waiting for og to slide into my dm's so we can get her a visa.

>> No.33886386

Can you get me a visa?

>> No.33886400

I can't get you a visa, but I can talk with you and help you towards the right path or whichever one you qualify for and help you figure out a plan based on your situation like I did.

>> No.33886418

Thanks I appreciate it, but I gave on that dream once already. I'm just being dumb

>> No.33886456
File: 1.35 MB, 1096x3489, vinnies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dno how wanikani levels work so you might get smoked but go thru pic and these two, find something easy you like the look of and setup a texthooker + yomichan to look up shit you dont know
gets easier, recognising words and kanji is a skill like any other the more you practice the better and faster you'll get, and all the core decks are gonna be the same difficulty once you get out of the real simple stuff
if its really getting to you tho could try doing some isolated kanji study (warning wastes a ton of fucking time that could be spent learning japanese)

>> No.33886470

isn't the first time you start learning kanji through anki always going to be just a bunch of squiggly lines that make words? i don't think you're meant to start retaining them immediately, that's the point.

>> No.33886495

No worries

>> No.33886538


I skimmed that and wonder a couple of things. Do the changes you make to your system have any other effects like to your keyboard or anything? How long does it take to set up from scratch to be up and reading your first one?

>> No.33886789

do any of you recommend Tokyo Dark that is on steam for skimming? was just looking at it and it is on sale right now

>> No.33886935

guide says to read tae kim fast, may i ask why?

>> No.33886968

what guide are you talking about?
it doesn't say anything about doing it fast

>> No.33886982

what ever source you use, read it first so you can input early, once you're ready to output reread it once again as a refresher

>> No.33887164

has matt become a real japanese?

>> No.33887174

looks like this is a good thread so far no trip fags

>> No.33887179

thanks for the chart bro, it's a great chart

>> No.33887198
File: 1.63 MB, 901x814, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average ankidrone

>> No.33887211

>subfolders based on show
i have 1 deck and i slap everything into it

>> No.33887236

love how he was tlaking about being inconsistent
duh, look at your shitty anki setup looks like trash i'd just puke every day if i had to see that, fucking retard hundreds of open lessons and reviews no wonder

>> No.33887272

man, i remember starting out and fucking did 50+ new words a day, made separate decks for shits, thinking that consuming that number would mean i'm learning japanese, 3 days later I was burned the fuck out

>> No.33887287

the "forgetting" rate must be really high, I know when I try to do too much I hardly retain anything a week later

>> No.33887289


>> No.33887303

its a rite of passage, that's exactly the moment where you'll learn if Anki is a friend or not. You either get burned out and stop, or you push through and hate every second of it. (i.e drones) or you learn and see anki as what its supposed to be, a fucking hammer.

>> No.33887322

how would you react if you found out your daughter was doing jav?

>> No.33887339

fuck her even more

>> No.33887354

I'd think her sex life is her own business and not say anything about it.

>> No.33887381

buy all her videos and fap to them

>> No.33887395

i setup anki in 10 minutes for my friend who is so technically illiterate he didn't get a smartphone till last year and it worked fine for him with german

>> No.33887405

honestly have no idea, never wanna be put in that situation.

>> No.33887412

commiefornian detected

>> No.33887415

why would he learn german lmao retarded language of a retarded country tell him to learn jApAnEsE

>> No.33887421

i think the way the mother reacted is pretty nice

>> No.33887423

didnt watch the video since she's a vapid whore who sounds like a moron

>> No.33887430

cause he was moving to germany. he already knew german though he just wasnt sure how good he was since he had never had to use it daily. turned out he didnt need anki at all.

>> No.33887470

What to read once NHK Easy starts becoming too easy?

>> No.33887514

anything you're interested in
how the fuck do people get these questions, just fucking use your brain if you have one if not youre ngmi anyway

>> No.33887747



>> No.33887758

regular nhk

>> No.33887763

I’m asking about news sites specifically you dumb bitch

>> No.33887776

not that guy but that wasnt obvious at all probably cause you're a stupid uppercasing cocksucker

>> No.33887838

It wasn’t obvious to you because you’re a low IQ retard who can’t into inference.

>> No.33887850

u didnt infer jack shit idiot lmfao

>> No.33887877


>> No.33887940


>> No.33887946

idk some faggot who probably posted the video himself here yesterday
not gonna look for the link for you

>> No.33888024

if my daughter was doin porn id chase her around kicking her in the ass till she collapses and then id keep stomping her ass all the while tears are flying out of my eyes

>> No.33888052

peak ngmi ankidrone bingo:
conjugation cards
production cards
audio on the front cards
cards with false information

anything to add?

>> No.33888069

no trip fags itt gtfo stop being a fucking plague

>> No.33888084

well she first linked her a pic and said that the girl looked like her to see if she would be honest about it, and when she was she said if that is what she wants to do she'll support her but if she ever has problems and wants to come home mommy is always ready <3

>> No.33888086

sorry these are my threads youre gonna have to go somewhere else

>> No.33888095


>> No.33888100

how come every name/tripfag eventually loses it and posts porn to get banned

>> No.33888106

ive never done it

>> No.33888133

acquired 晩婚化

>> No.33888172

>audio on the front cards
nothing wrong with that

>> No.33888234

acquired decktah

>> No.33888239

true, but you get banned once every blue moon so you dont have to

>> No.33888258

usually its by some rogue dipshit who doesnt know who i am

>> No.33888276

i mean thats great and all but if ur daughter does porn you have objectively failed as a parent

>> No.33888306

you literally have

>> No.33888310

certain things are just outside of your control as a parent
like what if your child is gay or even worse, a communist

>> No.33888311

when and with what

>> No.33888323

a while ago with goatse

>> No.33888327

if my son was gay id bring a hot slut to just rub all over him and when he gets a boner ill be like yeah ur not gay stop being a faget

goatse is goatse thats not porn

>> No.33888343


乗り遅れ or 乗り遅れて?

>> No.33888356

>a fucking hammer.
what did you mean by this

>> No.33888375


>> No.33888386

>goatse is goatse thats not porn
kind of is so you kind of did post porn, cope

>> No.33888394


lets gooooo

>> No.33888397

nope goatse is not porn thats like saying posting the statue of david is posting porn

nope ur wrong、objectively

>> No.33888400

probably meant it's a tool

>> No.33888404

why use a dull hammer when u could use a bazooka

>> No.33888411

oh well that’s true

>> No.33888433

cope all you want, it's porn and you posted it, you're taking a massive l

>> No.33888436

whats the bazooka in this situation

>> No.33888437

Think of japanese itself as nails, and yourself as a plank of wood, for each japanese thing you consume, a nail embeds itself into that plank of wood, some nails slide in easily but some sticks out and needs a whacking for it to stay down.

People who make lots of decks for different things that ultimately amounts to the same thing is like having multiple hammers but in different colors.

>> No.33888441

ajatt is like blowing they're heads off with a bazooka

>> No.33888450

goatse is not porn it is a cultural icon like the statue of david

>> No.33888451

thinking goatse is porn is a big self own

>> No.33888453

jamal's watashi no kata blowing himself the fuck out for not knowing japanese and talking shit about people who do

>> No.33888454


>> No.33888461

oh ok

>> No.33888470

>cultural icon
doesn't mean it's not porn

>> No.33888479

uve been on a steady diet of watasi no kata for years and dont even understand it

no its mostly the not being porn that means its not porn

>> No.33888496

if i can whack off to it it's porn
goatse is not porn

>> No.33888499
File: 734 KB, 1080x720, 9vh3vqp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my cat his name is 夏目 漱石

>> No.33888511

cats are gay dogs are better

>> No.33888514

gay porn isn't porn?
>it's not porn cause i think it's not porn
love to see you clench so hard, especially when you're getting such a massive l up your asshole, stretch up boy

>> No.33888515
File: 22 KB, 220x314, 220px-I_AM_A_CAT_by_K._Ando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to mention i picked the name because of this book

>> No.33888524

>gay porn isn't porn?

>> No.33888534
File: 37 KB, 400x387, loser-hand-sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33888544

in this case 乗り遅れ and 乗り遅れて are both correct and both mean the same thing except the first is just more 文語的. technically it has some minor nuance differences that you can briefly read about here
summed up by

>> No.33888552

cool, thanks for admitting you're retarded
you know you're winning when jamal starts busting out the music videos and images and doesn't have any arguments left

>> No.33888564

whats there to argue

ur a woman so u lose by default

ive only just humored u for a short while

>> No.33888565

what a cute lil kitty

>> No.33888567

i mean jamal is right, gay "porn" is more propaganda than porn

>> No.33888572

goatse isnt porn its like posting a pic of numa numa guy or something. its just a part of internet history

>> No.33888591

if it has nudity its porn
end of

>> No.33888597

the U.S. supreme court disagrees

>> No.33888601


I see, thank you anon!

>> No.33888609

found him, nothing interesting zzz

>> No.33888611

not og, but nice try schizo

>> No.33888613


>> No.33888631

never said u were

just that u post like a girl

>> No.33888637

btw your original sentence is pretty unnatural anyway. you shouldnt use example sentences from tatoeba or wherever you saw it. that's from the tanaka corpus which is known to be trash

>> No.33888652

if u read a visual novel ull see the れ thing a lot and come to just feel it out

>> No.33888653

>just that u post like a girl
you said i AM a woman, another l

>> No.33888670

u are tho thats why u lost so hard

theres really no other explanation for it

>> No.33888680

I was trying to figure 羽目になった out and got confused with the れ、ended up learning two things tho so thank you

>> No.33888690

>og is the only woman here
nice logic
definitely a woman

>> No.33888692

like the degree 2 which u lost can only be attributed to the inferior gender haha

>> No.33888708


>> No.33888712

lol og knew that jamal was right when he said he would win because he was a man so she had to pretend shes one of the boys to be on equal footing

>> No.33888736

AJATT is like sucking 50 guys' cocks to get a bit of protein by drinking their semen instead of eating an egg.

>> No.33888751

why do uppercasers always make such retarded posts

>> No.33888749

just went out to sungaze for 20 min and get some fresh air
can already feel the energy gains

>> No.33888765


>> No.33888770

you had it at
>AJATT is like sucking 50 guys' cocks

>> No.33888772

you forgot to post a music video along with your cope

>> No.33888773
File: 610 KB, 750x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

todays nihongo of the day is ドヤ顔

>> No.33888787

ask anime godfather if ajatt's been going well for him

>> No.33888790

oh yea here u go


>> No.33888801

you don't know nihongo so why are you posting this?

>> No.33888804
File: 51 KB, 215x182, mittomenai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33888821

i know nihongo

watasi no saino wakaranaino ??

>> No.33888827


>> No.33888831

everyone who knows japanese studied textbooks and did a course for at least a year or two before "immersion"

>> No.33888838

wotd is always posted by the n5 guy who lists words he just learned today

>> No.33888842

what about khatzumoto?

>> No.33888852

whatever you say, watashi no kata

>> No.33888867

how does jamal do it every single time?

>> No.33888870

tired of this bait

>> No.33888874

khatzumoto studied rtk and that book about particles

>> No.33888882
File: 95 KB, 380x217, moe vs unko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33888883

true, that's the only way to learn japanese by studying textbooks
he didn't learn japanese until he went to japan, that's the only other way of learning japanese

>> No.33888890


>> No.33888902

true true true

>> No.33888907

yeah but don't think bum learned any japanese today, or any other day for that matter

>> No.33888910


>> No.33888914

tae kim counts

>> No.33888917

>that's the only other way of learning japanese

unless going as a student, is it true that moving to work in japan and expecting to 'learn' the language a bad idea?

>> No.33888943

it is because most people naturally will gravitate toward other foreigners and not japanese ppl which will hinder their development
if anything u want a situation like matto had where u have a host family and hopefully ones that wanna talk to u and teach u a lot of things
thats why its so fucked up all he wanted to do was make cards and review them in the toilet he had the opportunity to actually become legit and blew it lol

>> No.33888954

he also made like 7k flashcards so it's not like he didn't really know any japanese at all

>> No.33888962

a better example would be george, not matto

>> No.33888963

going to japan while knowing 0 japanese seems like a shit idea since ur work will have to be in english and you'll likely end up in a foreigner bubble to cope with not being able to talk to nips. many many such cases where people never learn jack shit. i think its better to move to a country when you're already decent at a language to get to the next level. i did that with a different language and i became near native within 6 months of living there

>> No.33888965


didnt know this as a native german, would say Druckgaszylinder or Druckgasflasche

>> No.33888968

rarepotato is the greatest japanese learner of all time.

>> No.33888969

george speaks fluent japanese though and isnt really cringe at all unless we are talking about his personality

>> No.33888972

what the fuck would you know, watashi no kata, stfu

>> No.33888982


>> No.33888984

you really got baited by that stream didnt u lol
spoiler: it was a planned troll

>> No.33888988

>it is because most people naturally will gravitate toward other foreigners and not japanese ppl which will hinder their development

I had a friend who did exactly this, his thinking was "I'm going to befriend that other english dude just so we could talk about how we're both here in anime land and how every thing is just so strange and different", months later their circle never grew just more foreigners

>> No.33888991


>> No.33889014

So having a pretty good foundation even if its just massive input (currently sitting at 7.5k vocab) even with 0 output would make a huge difference?

>> No.33889039

what happened to the itazuraneko link. Wanikani is slow as hell. I could cram these radicals in my head in just one day.
Am i missing a setting that lessens the time?

>> No.33889042

well, but the thing is, if you wanna illustrate a concept or promote something, it makes more sense to use a positive example first, so people get hooked onto what you're trying to pitch them in on, instead of merely assuming some hypothetical shoulda/woulda that makes it sound like you could predict hypothetical alternate timelines

>> No.33889053

cant speak on the output part since i was conversational when i moved in my circumstance but seems logical that being able to understand what people are saying to you would be helpful

>> No.33889066

>it was a planned troll
lool, keep sucking jamal's dick

>> No.33889076

no its intentionally slow to prevent burnout

>> No.33889081


>> No.33889091
File: 1012 KB, 1073x1161, djt shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep sucking jamal's dick

>> No.33889097

im just gonna come clean guys

i read it as kata in earnest

>> No.33889099

wanikani shitposters are spamming the link everywhere don't worry about it

>> No.33889101

Maybe if you gotta move there because you could get a better job there than in your home country, but I don't get the point of doing it if you're just gonna end up as yet another English teacher or some shit like that.

>> No.33889106

mined 紫陽花

>> No.33889136

>i read it as kata in earnest
i don't blame you that's what the texthooker said was the reading

>> No.33889148

u would know after all

>> No.33889150

why does earnest have both "ear" and "nest" in it?

>> No.33889165

its comes from ernesto "che" guevara who was one of the most honest men to ever walk god's earth

>> No.33889227

oh god she even likes che guevara god shes actually the worst

>> No.33889233
File: 6 KB, 246x339, 1616591556551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think wearing these nest-shaped earrings will make me more earnest?

>> No.33889247

we can each wear 1 and then do fusion dance

>> No.33889271

who do you think is more honest:
a person who hones a knife or a person who has a nest full of hoes?

>> No.33889274

potara don't need a fusion dance you FUCKING retard

>> No.33889315

oh ur right thats true i havent watched dragonballz in a while my memory got a bit corrupted

well then no dance just fuse

>> No.33889318

george can't even read kanji lol jamal is really butthurt matt actually knows japanese and is more popular than his 1 donor (himself) patreon page

>> No.33889337

what grown adult would read ur post and go yea that sounds about right

i mean besides my failing patreon part thats obviously right

>> No.33889347

k well then let's see if you can type in the kanji for "lol"

>> No.33889358

the ones who spend their money on their "education"

>> No.33889375


>> No.33889382

thats bear

>> No.33889385

>what grown adult would read ur post and go yea that sounds about right
ones that don't read hou as kata

>> No.33889417

fuck off scum

>> No.33889420

is there even a japanese word for "bear" (as in "the right to bear arms", not "grizzly bear")?

>> No.33889430

ur mama a hou

>> No.33889432


>> No.33889434

what is an "off scum" and how do i fuck it?

>> No.33889440


>> No.33889451

規律ある民兵団は、自由な国家の安全にとって必要であるから、国民が武器を保有し携行する権利は、 侵してはならない。

>> No.33889464

what about jamal

>> No.33889466

that sounds like some voltron shit

>> No.33889470

lol jamal is so defensive about this, looks like we've found his weak spot

>> No.33889480

i mean its all uve said for the last hour what else is there to chat about

>> No.33889519


>> No.33889521

jamal redemption stream when?

>> No.33889527

2nd amendment don't say that

>> No.33889529


what made you make the mistake?

>> No.33889546

idk it was like a year ago i cant remember what happened but it happened

>> No.33889570

the only thing i can say in defense 2 the guy who said i used a hooker is if i was using 1 u should be able to find a lot more things a hooker would show incorrectly that i read just fine

>> No.33889582

fuck hookers

>> No.33889598

especially now, their business isnt going well cuz of the rona
gotta give them more support

>> No.33889608

does anyone know any japanese youtubers that review swords/armor?

like this guy but in japanese

>> No.33889615

>the right of the people
its implied

>> No.33889678


>> No.33889686

do i read this as ねつしゃ or ねっしゃ

>> No.33889698

japs only care about japanese stuff

>> No.33889703


>> No.33889715

like 顔写真

>> No.33889735

this actually looks quite interesting thanks

>> No.33889757

tfw you download too much shit and can't make a decision on what to read or watch anymore because the amount of choice is so overwhelming

>> No.33889770

i have the opposite of that because i hate all jap shit

>> No.33889771
File: 438 KB, 611x860, scoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33889777


>> No.33889788

*teleports behind you*

>> No.33889880


>> No.33889897


>> No.33889913

this was already posted here before and he seems like a nice guy

>> No.33889920


>> No.33889921

i know thats from a youtube comment this is an epic bait lol!!

>> No.33889937

what lol

>> No.33889944


lets goooooo

>> No.33889956

what the fuck is tmw

>> No.33889960

still can't get over what an awful brand name "refold" is

>> No.33889967

the madajatter way

>> No.33889968

the manga way

>> No.33889996

the textbook? or did someone come up with a method with the same name?

>> No.33890007

probably just the textbook

>> No.33890014
File: 1.10 MB, 1096x3489, beginner vinnies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for posting it
i just had to make one minor change cause it turns out that steam only offers the english version for ponkotsu akuma

>> No.33890024


>> No.33890050


>> No.33890053

out of which disgusting corners do these types of people come from? and why do these fucking cretins self-advertise their shitty videos here all the time

>> No.33890094

stfu schizoid

>> No.33890228

your video sucks and nobody cares about it. deal with it

>> No.33890284

a 10 second funny clip from it would have been fine though

>> No.33890287

i thought it was a decent vid. seems like an alright guy to me. wish him nothing but success.

>> No.33890329

i had that game as a kid too
but probably you meant "medieval"

>> No.33890406

lmao i didnt look at the chart cuz its trash but lol

>> No.33890453

jamal seething cuz someone made a chart after actually reading the games they put on there

>> No.33890465

get a life

>> No.33890478

says the retard with the trip

>> No.33890483

cope and clench

>> No.33890488

concession accepted

>> No.33890492
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>> No.33890576
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thread sux 2day

>> No.33890629

why do people make videos about their japanese learning journey even though they almost always use the same resources (rtk, tae kim, anki, jisho/weblio), talk about how they used to not understand either spoken or written japanese that much but ended up understanding a bit more even though there's still some stuff they can't quite catch onto, and then list a bunch of anime/manga they went through that they don't really have any opinion in particular about?

>> No.33890649

just thought 牧師 meant rancher

>> No.33890655

reddit-tier joke

>> No.33890665


>> No.33890671

well, what does "pastor" mean in latin?

>> No.33890712

from all 7 viewers?

>> No.33890718

how can i say んです informally
don't want to sound like a fag and say desu

>> No.33890731

you shouldnt be speaking at all

>> No.33890736
File: 37 KB, 300x300, 810G7iyjSbL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang you're right
here's the fix if anyone cares

>> No.33890737

for a person with 0 friends, 7 views is a ridiculously high amount of attention

>> No.33890743

shepherd, huh

>> No.33890761

bros ever since i landed in japan my lips have been dry as fuck and chapstick does nothing is jap air just dryer than based american air?

>> No.33890763

matt asked people to do it to prove his method and now people just keep doing it cause they see others or get asked

>> No.33890768

suck off a few japs and let them bust a nut on ur lips

>> No.33890781

no thats gay

>> No.33890802

you're a faggot so it shouldnt be a problem

>> No.33890815

whats the difference between 登り and 上る

>> No.33890834


>> No.33891010

just read this correctly thanks to you bro

>> No.33891011

it didn't until the trip fags joined it

>> No.33891042


>> No.33891079

they aren't even posting
thread still sucks because we have to share it with people like you who have nothing good to post but are still here anyway

>> No.33891217

put your trip back on retard can smell your shit from miles away

>> No.33891344

>re zero season finale
lets fucking gooooooooooooooo

>> No.33891462

didn't bother watching this season yet cuz they decided to be retards and air it in two parts
waiting for bds

>> No.33891500

the pacing was also weird af
part 1 basically nothing happened and part 2 had everything jam packed into it

dunno if thats usually how they handle two part cours

>> No.33891611

only watching re zero cause emilia and her VAs voice are qt

>> No.33891701
File: 737 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good taste

>> No.33891753

can someone help me translate this

>> No.33891870

dont say desu shits homo

>> No.33891893

yes someone can help you translate that

>> No.33892044
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>> No.33892090


why are women so much better at japanese than men?

>> No.33892143

>tales of versperia

played this a while ago, posted a single screenshot here and people told me to fuck off because of how bad it looks
think tales of games are perfect for immersion

>> No.33892146

>tune in
>"i've heard migaku is like really good"
oh no

>> No.33892233

anyone.. お願い

>> No.33892241

playing a game with chat constantly interrupting you must be so annoying

>> No.33892316
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>> No.33892554

isn't it illegal to hit your kids in the us now though

>> No.33892777

are these real kanji?

>> No.33892782
File: 297 KB, 617x807, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33892786

i knew it was jamal saying this cringe shit in every thread

>> No.33892808
File: 131 KB, 788x330, スクリーンショット 0003-03-24 午前10.10.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to learn some kanjis

>> No.33892820

946漢字 2990単語

>> No.33892878

wanikani lowkey based

>> No.33892936

i still like the series but the author needs to cut down on the excessive and dramatic dialog. there are so many god damn episodes that consist entirely of talking. they've spent 2 cours at the sanctuary when it should have been 1 (or keep it at 2 cours but communicate ideas through actions rather than words). cut out half of garfiel's and meyer's scenes. be quicker in introducing emilia's past, and so on and so forth. you can still have themes of subaru learning to love himself and the mystery thriller plot where redos re-contextualize shit and all that but pacing matters.

>> No.33893058

not sure how its in the novels but yeah i agree
didnt really dig this arc that much
the whole elsa stuff was kinda anticlimactic

emilias past was interesting, otto's as well but kinda weird and he just stopped using his powers now i guess
didnt give a single fuck about garf or roswaal would have loved to see more of the 魔女教 and rem plotline

>> No.33893343


>> No.33893365

damn hes freaking based but he says it in a questioning tone kinda weird haha

>> No.33893384

millions of people learned japanese before the invention of visual novels

>> No.33893403

and none of them made it

>> No.33893439

how is the influence of djt so powerful

>> No.33893557
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, odori.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define "made it"

>> No.33893620

>so powerful
somebody posted a comment in the stream of a nobody

>> No.33893711


>> No.33893751

someone give me the rundown on the bunko meltdown

>> No.33893758
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>> No.33893875
File: 51 KB, 197x355, dakanaito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33893905

Current thread: #2760

Previous threads:
>>33874429 #2759
>>33864098 #2758
>>33850134 #2757
>>33839846 #2756
>>33825962 #2755
>>33808857 #2754
>>33800167 #2753
>>33785909 #2752
>>33772036 #2751

>> No.33893919

he ragequit a discord because he failed an easy test and then ragequit djt by posting manko dunno

>> No.33893986

how did japanese ammo with misa get so fucking annoying. i just tried to watch one of her latest videos and she's so fucking obnoxious, fake laughs from her shitty jokes all the time and sits there half naked and fiddles with the clothes around her waist all the time, she really tries to cater to the average fat smelly anime weeb japanese learner and still didn't buy a fucking decent micorphone lmao

>> No.33894019

still don't know what she meant by japanese ammo

>> No.33894045

it's ammo for they're bazooka

>> No.33894069
File: 423 KB, 1150x2048, EBrn3dSUwAAIROD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33894147
File: 244 KB, 931x361, taitei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess imma start posting 大抵s i find during immersion now instead of 役に立つ

>> No.33894197

lol was thinking about doing that a few minutes ago

>> No.33894298



>> No.33894539

everyone who learns japanese becomes mentally ill

>> No.33894920

so was bunko spamming the thread all day long?
over 50% of posts must've been him

>> No.33895108
File: 616 KB, 1280x720, ツンふわ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33895116

and then had to relearn grammar when they actually discovered native materials
i barely remember anything from my textbook/class phase it felt really useless

>> No.33895175

he’s cute

>> No.33895193

he has friends

>> No.33895225

what test

>> No.33895242

is this show for gay men? it sure seems that way

>> No.33895262

been wondering why the thread was so slow today, then i realized there was another thread this whole time
decide to check it and its just the offtopic posting thread talking about women in the infantry or whatever
the absolute state

>> No.33895277


>> No.33895285

play しりとり with yourself but with the entire last kanji as the しり for example

like that :)

>> No.33895492

if you dont like men, you cant learn japanese

>> No.33898398

Is there a way mods can set up a djt thread bot instead of these faggots trying to spam promote their websites? there are three fucking threads up
