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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3387768 No.3387768 [Reply] [Original]

To the fat guy with black hair in my Japanese class who keeps spouting 4chan memes (I know you're probably in here)...


That's all. Keep on rockin', /jp/.

>> No.3387769

Try /a/.

>> No.3387771

Listen to >>3387769

>> No.3387788

Too afraid to reply back with 2ch memes, OP? What a wuss.

>> No.3387791

Hey are you Tom that shy kid that don't talk and just lurks.

>> No.3387796

No i'm fred the moderately good looking one.

>> No.3387800


>> No.3387801

Probably not me, I keep my power level quite well.
except replying back to graffiti on the table

>> No.3387816

Make friends with him jesus christ, why you've got to be such an elitist asshole ?

>> No.3387820

fat guy with black hair here.
You're all fags, and specially your a faggort OP.

>> No.3387828

I keep my power level as low as possible. I have earned the respect of my teacher by acting with the utmost civility.

One time, the class was going to be canceled due to most of the other members being absent. I however has been missing for several weeks and one more would be one too many. As such, my teacher invited me to her home to complete the lesson but instead I invited her to mine where I prepared tea and served it with all the gentlemanly flair I could muster.

I'm not going to spoil this hard work by throwing in with HIS lot.

>> No.3387838

I yell "Suiging" at random birds

>> No.3387851

Short thin guy with blonde hair here.

Thread reported.

>> No.3387874

what a faggot. she probably thought you were weird as fuck. fucking tea party playing little girl fat man.

>> No.3387881

>invited me to her home
She was going to fuck you. Then you ruined it by acting like an asshole and then making tea, what the fuck.

>> No.3387886
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That's not hiding your power level, its just being a huge fag. Who invites a woman over and prepares tea like some fruitcake? You aren't Ronove.

>> No.3387893

One time, my advance algebra class got cancel canceled due to most of my students being absent. However there is one faggot that has been missing for several weeks and one more he would failed his attendance. As such, I took pity on him and invited him to my home to complete the lesson but instead he invited me to his where I was expecting some hot sex (Being a lonely virgin in her 30s is quite sad you know) . Instead he just served tea like a faggot without doing anything.

>> No.3387902

He's a gentleman. You should look up to him.

>> No.3387905
File: 64 KB, 472x372, 1244841471400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am. Or I will be, some day.

>> No.3387911

Telling yourself you're like some 2D character is the complete opposite of suppressing your power levels and ten times worse than just running around screaming memes and singing shitty jap tunes during class.

>> No.3387913

Gentlemen would follow a woman's wishes, not be a fucking asshole.

>> No.3387925

A gentleman would do nothing that hasn't been expressedly wished for.
This is how servants proceed.

>> No.3387924

One time, our class got canceled due to most of the students being absent, myself included. A group of about ten of us all went to an all you can eat sushi joint, went back to my house, watched movies and drank, then had an all night orgy in the basement, fucking each others brains out.

I heard one of the faggots who went to the class invited the teacher to his house to study. That's some creepy shit.

>> No.3387920

>I prepared tea and served it with all the gentlemanly flair I could muster.
You were wearing a fucking top hot and monocle, weren't you.

>> No.3387921

>Telling yourself you're like some 2D character is the complete opposite of suppressing your power levels
It's not. Those things are completely unrelated as long as you don't try to cosplay him all day and try to use his phrases in dialogues

>> No.3387932

Keep telling yourself that if it's what makes you feel better. Everyone has the right to delude themselves, brah.

>> No.3387933
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I expected better from /jp/. Surely you can appreciate that I view our connection as purely platonic?
Furthermore, she's many years my senior. It would simply be improper.

>> No.3387934

And she wished for him to come to her home. Not be an asshole, reject her, force her to his home and be a selfish little brat by making tea and playing pretend.

>> No.3387943

All you managed to do was deeply hurt her feelings. You're a failure as a gentleman and a servant.

>> No.3387948

This, what was the point of refusing to go to her place to begin with if all you were inviting her over for was to play a game of pretend and act like a metrosexual?

>> No.3387954
File: 234 KB, 855x1300, 1244848146104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on earth do you people assume she wanted to have sex with me? For goodness sake, I'm sure the woman has far more professional self-restraint than that - irresistible though I may be.

>> No.3387960

Because I wanted to be polite and play host rather than guest.

>> No.3387968

You rejected her invitation to her home, as if her home and tea were not good enough for you, it was insulting and hurtful. Whether she wanted to have sex with you or not doesn't really matter.

>> No.3387977

"playing" host is exactly what you did. You weren't actually being one, just pretending to be with your tea and 'gentleman' bullshit.

You're a pretentious fag in college who plays pretend 'gentleman' based on shit you've seen in anime, she knows that and you made it clear here within a single post. Stop trying to pretend you're something else.

>> No.3387988
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I may have exaggerated in my post - I merely provided tea.

>> No.3387986

What the fuck is this anime club doing in my /jp/?

>> No.3387994

I'm the "fattest" guy in my class (seeing as I'm not awfully skinny), but I don't have black hair.

>> No.3387996
File: 36 KB, 640x480, herpderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP got told.

>> No.3387998

I am in my Japanese literature class right now. I wish to kill myself. All the people here are awkward as shit and mega weeaboo.

Why the hell did I even bother taking Japanese in college in the first place?

/personal blog

>> No.3388004
File: 35 KB, 800x600, 1244995002663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to base yourself on a fictional /jp/ character, at least make it an awesome one.

>> No.3388005
File: 42 KB, 394x400, 1239239115401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3388024

Find the strength within. Turn the hatred of yourself into hatred for everyone else.

>> No.3388027

It's you. You're the only awkward one.

>> No.3388034

And I bet you're captain suave here on /jp/?

get real.

>> No.3388040


Get the fuck out sasukefag.

>> No.3388048

The what, now?

I should probably post a reaction image, but I won't.

>> No.3388243
File: 62 KB, 604x453, 1253215482687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucken tea serving weabo, I wanted COCK you gave me PG fucking Tips!
