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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 28 KB, 550x800, 7975d97e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33875902 No.33875902 [Reply] [Original]


Apparently they think it's child porn.

>> No.33877119

If you buy shit from amazon, you're the lowest of the low. 'nuff said.
Find a real service.

>> No.33877405

it seems more concerning that there is a slippery slope and a bigger problem with an overall attack on anime and Japanese culture in general that could become commonplace


>> No.33879102
File: 105 KB, 650x800, ExMPKa9VIAgU4Yy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33881335
File: 50 KB, 600x800, FIGURE-118535_08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck buys figures from amazon? they're 99.9% guaranteed to be fakes, or just shitty prize figures.

>> No.33881768

Wouldn't an endless stream of fakes be the more likely reason for delisting? Or at least, I hope so...

>> No.33881988

>figures without genitals
>child porn
Will they ban western toy dolls too?

>> No.33882648

Good. Otaku should be a niche culture. Normies need not apply

>> No.33884666

I guess having to go to Japan would be a bit of a deterrent for them

>> No.33884971

American thread

Explode riajuu

>> No.33885960 [DELETED] 


>> No.33887600

Stop using Amazon

>> No.33888429

gentlemen, you have completely missed the point

amazon jp's changes reach beyond figures as well

>> No.33888600

amazon is great for buying miku prize figures without having to wait weeks for delivery or paying high fees for a more reasonable delivery date. never buy anything other than a prize fig from amazon

>> No.33889488
File: 10 KB, 48x82, 1477245543435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china owns bezos they can make him do whatever they want

>> No.33889530

I noticed they stopped shipping a lot of gravure photobooks to the west too now

>> No.33889724

Based meltyposter

>> No.33889830

based on what?

>> No.33890207

get your shit from proxy services like Buyee or local shops if you're lucky, Even if Amazon pulls the plug on these shit (outside Amazon.jp) shipping costs can be a bitch.

>> No.33890458

summer started early this year. lurk moar, newfriend.

>> No.33890666
File: 1.96 MB, 1574x1080, rena5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't this exact same guy talk about this exact same issue last year and it turned out to just be a group of people exploiting the flagging system on amazon or am i remembering this wrong

>> No.33891274

Sneed's Anime Shrine
formally chucks

>> No.33891318

fuck off im not visiting your blog

>> No.33896449

different posters

>> No.33900358

Why would they remove figurines that are SFW? They aren't even in bikinis or anything. I legitimately don't understand.

>> No.33900734

being prude and xenophobic

>> No.33901793

>Why would they remove figurines that are SFW? They aren't even in bikinis or anything. I legitimately don't understand.

Because to normie twitter faggots 'anime = CP'.

>> No.33901963

the woke crowd won't be happy until all fanservice is gone from anime, and POC are represented in every anime

>> No.33901980

>summer started early this year.
Summer started last year in March oldfig. This is Summer month number 12.

>> No.33905100

surely there must be an explanation for this other than "woke culture"? a move like this walls out customers overseas which i'd imagine cuts into their bottom line (making money)

>> No.33905592

bezos doesnt give a shit about amazon shipping.
AWS is what makes thefucker money and china togheter with any company even the military bends to cloud services.

>> No.33905660

Flag the comicbook fag shit in retaliation until Amazon fixes their shitty report system

>> No.33908396

>surely there must be an explanation for this other than "woke culture"?

Nope. They rather eat losses than deal with "bad optics".
