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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 786x477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3377157 No.3377157 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3377163

Add http://static*.4chan.org/* to your Adblock Plus list.


>> No.3377173

Fuck you, moot

>> No.3377180

On Opera:

Right click -> Block content -> click on the ads you wish to block

>> No.3377179

The url changes every few weeks/months. Just add the new urls to your ABP.

>> No.3377215

Nobody uses Opera.

>> No.3377216

Nobody uses Opera.

>> No.3377227
File: 55 KB, 351x197, NoscriptabouttodevourinferiorABP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your broken Noscript updates.

>> No.3377249


>> No.3377262

Noscript developer being butthurt ...

>> No.3377265

Those shirts aren't even that funny. How those shitty websites can stay afloat is beyond me.

Hell, it's not like you can even wear half the shirts from tshirt hell without getting a public indecency complaint.

>> No.3377266

Everyone uses opera
Everyone uses opera

>> No.3377271


What? Adblock Plus and NoScript work fine together for me and have done for as long as I can remember.

>> No.3377280


I do. Opera 9.27 to be exact

>> No.3377295

I saw that shitty ad at the top again earlier today and immediately blocked it. Those shirts are fucking idiotic.

>> No.3377296

If I wanted to ride a blind horse never knowing where my commands will lead me next I'd use Opera. If I wanted a horse that would most likely fall under it's own weight during a day trip to the hot springs I'd use Opera. If I wanted aforementioned horse to bang me up the butt repeatedly just for saddling it I'd use Opera.

I don't think that many people use Opera after all.

>> No.3377309

If I wanted to ride a blind horse never knowing where my commands will lead me next I'd use Firefox. If I wanted a horse that would most likely fall under it's own weight during a day trip to the hot springs I'd use Firefox. If I wanted aforementioned horse to bang me up the butt repeatedly just for saddling it I'd use Firefox.

I don't think that many people use Firefox after all.

>> No.3377317

That was just lazy, are all Opera users so lazy?

>> No.3377319

You presented no arguments so I didn't want to bother myself.

>> No.3377320
File: 202 KB, 800x600, shirt00529cn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. We actually have standards here at /jp/.

Firefox, not so good. Notice how add-ons are needed for even the most basic things such as an adblocker?

>> No.3377323

I use Chrome.

>> No.3377322

Get mad pussy.

>> No.3377324

That's clearly a purple Dango!

>> No.3377326

If I wanted to ride a blind horse never knowing where my commands will lead me next I'd use Chrome. If I wanted a horse that would most likely fall under it's own weight during a day trip to the hot springs I'd use Chrome. If I wanted aforementioned horse to bang me up the butt repeatedly just for saddling it I'd use Chrome.

I don't think that many people use Chrome after all.

>> No.3377327

Does opera have plugin like nicofox?

No plugins = shit.

>> No.3377332



Now gtfo opera devs.

>> No.3377334

>Notice how add-ons are needed for even the most basic things such as an adblocker?
It's just a tradition. You could install adblock to firefox back when no other browsers could do the same. Now they just roll with the flow.

>> No.3377335

>the most basic things such as an adblocker?
It has an adblocker by default. It's just that the adbocking extension is the most advanced adblocking program ever.

>> No.3377337

Sure is blatant samefag here.

>> No.3377346

Sure, like I really need some 4chan plug-in to hide threads. Only the most easily frustrated of people use that thing.

>> No.3377347 [DELETED] 


Get out opera dev.

>> No.3377352
File: 35 KB, 392x600, 512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your Gaia-level shirts. I kind of want Quiet Unsociable Person. It's not power-revealing at all and if anybody asks I could just say somebody got it for me as a joke because I'm such a quiet and unsociable person.

>> No.3377353

I need 4chan plugin to quickpost and and expand threads. It's very comfortable.

>> No.3377354
File: 52 KB, 281x283, kaguya_smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, are you still butthurt that Jones blocked you?

>> No.3377355

Enjoy your economy modo nicovideo, while we plugin users schedule nico video download and watch it in high quality.

>> No.3377358

Did you get those at a con or something? I'm curious as to how much they cost.

I hope not too much. The thought of someone doing something extremely easy like printing a single line of text on a random american apparel tshirt and selling it for more than 15 dollars is bothersome. Taking advantage of lazy people is wrong.

>> No.3377365

I use a 2ch reader plug-in.

>> No.3377371

Also this. And futaba plug-ins. And pixiv plug-ins. It's pretty sweet.

>> No.3377373
File: 86 KB, 1280x489, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think most people have him blocked.

>> No.3377378

Opera has thread filtering and all that fancy shit too. Because of asswipes like you /jp/ would be unbearable without them.

>> No.3377379

What does the pixiv plugins do bro?

>> No.3377401

What does that have to do with the 4chan plugin? Also, being filtered shows just how frustrated Jonesy gets IRL. So I guess I keep mentioning it because it greatly amuses me.

An Anon posted that pic earlier this year. I think he made them himself.

>> No.3377403

>Japanese b
i am disappoint

>> No.3377411

I don't think opera can extend the thread, quick reply etc

>> No.3377412

I do not use custom filters for imageboards because I am not a faggot

>> No.3377426

link to the nicovideo plug-in please?

>> No.3377428

Enlarge image within page, one-click save to specific folder, name files based on artist/title/tags/whatever

>> No.3377429
File: 38 KB, 276x142, funding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japanese bird is the soul of /jp/. YOU CAN'T CUT BACK ON JAPANESE BIRD! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!

>> No.3377436


But you are a faggot...

>> No.3377440
File: 97 KB, 834x746, Noname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3377443

Weak faggots use filters. He is a faggot, but not a weak one. He has huge guts.

>> No.3377447

how are you doing that?

>> No.3377451


Opera dev why don't you learn to stop bumping a shit thread? Are you trying to promote your shitty 0.1% market browser?

>> No.3377460

First thing you find by searching for "nicofox" on Google.

>> No.3377461


>> No.3377462

I use firefox because it shit on IE's face long ago. Now I don't want to bother with other browsers since everything does the same thing. That is, it allows me to browse 4chan, nico and pixiv. Getting worked up over browsers are for geeks.

>> No.3377467

thank you very much

>> No.3377470

lol opera devs viralmarketing

>> No.3377472
File: 2 KB, 76x84, fuckoff_operadevs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out opera devs.

Come back when you developed nicofox.

>> No.3377493


>> No.3377498

I think Firefox and Opera are both decent. The most useful add-on for me is "4chan show post in title" which is available in both browsers. It allows me to watch threads from my browser history. Chrome is nice too if you need to jew your screen space.

Also, I try not to filter anyone other than the obvious bots.

>> No.3377502


I always knew Firefox was for normalfriends. You guys go for anything that's popular.

Brolo 3, Bros of War, Firefox, etc.

>> No.3377504

Yeah, I have a script that does that. It's pretty nice, surprisingly useful for what seems like such a little change.

>> No.3377509

Where's Opera's nicofox equivalent?

>> No.3377535

Confirmed, Zun!bar hates anything that's popular.

>> No.3377547

It doesn't have one. People should use the browser that most suits their needs and if for you Firefox does and Opera doesn't, good for you. It doesn't make Opera a bad browser, though.

>> No.3377558

I use Uzbl. Anyone who does not use a browser such as Uzbl which takes its input by text streams, and thus can be coupled with other scripts and programs to do _anything_ *YOU* want it to do, have output redirected as another text stream for even more advanced use, is just another cog in the machine.

>> No.3377565


I want it to suck my dick. Can it do that? I thought not. Enjoy your hot topic-esque browser.

>> No.3377588

You should check which browser is still the most popular and used. You'd be surprised.

>> No.3377598


There's only so much of seeing the same image and text you can take. Those threads are pure garbage anyway so I'm not missing out on anything.

>> No.3377605

Wrong. Anything that does not suit me is a bad thing.

>> No.3377610

Is it IE6? I bet it's IE6.

>> No.3377612

It's a joke, as usual.

Does anyone else use their Notes in Opera? Mine is filled with wisdom and quotes from /jp/.

>> No.3377617


I have a bunch of copypasta, IRC quotes, words of wisdom, and AA stored in my notes. If it ever disappears, I would probably shit myself.

>> No.3377626

Wrong. Your perceiving it as bad does not make it bad to anyone else. I think Firefox is a piece of shit but that doesn't affect anything either.

>> No.3377661

Oh god, the notes. I think I miss them... still, I have a shortcut to Notepad somewhere around here and I'm always using it, so Opera's version is probably not needed.

>> No.3377668

Am I the only one who thought the OP was wat'ing at the "Enviar arquivo"?

>> No.3377806


that's no replacement for "Copy to Note" and clicking on the left side of the screen. The sidebar button was a stupid UI change.
