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3306179 No.3306179 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread on Autosage: >>3281455

ParadigmShift Single (Thanks to the anon that uploaded it):

Now for some random speculation on my part:
I think Noi is Dr. Noinstein or a clone. She knew way too much about the assembler. She also seems to be Makoto's doctor.

The 'pollution' mother is talking about is probably the Baldr system trying to takeover.

Someone or something is possessing Gregory and Naoki. I don't think its Eve though since they have Agent. Probably the Baldr system again.

Isao probably knows more than he let on. He knows Arc's plan when even Kou and Aki-nee don't.

BTW I never encountered the cg of Makoto crying to Naoki and that was heavily shown in the OP.

>> No.3306267

Well, I think that CG or scene got moved to dive2. there were also 2 other CGs shown in OP, that did not appear in game, so same probably happened to them. Also was it mentioned that is Noinstein male or female? my memory is starting to get fuzzy, but in the case he's male, he would be king of anonymousses, adult male turning into little girl, ofcourse this asumes that my theory that Noi =Nonistein is true, instead of clone

>> No.3306279

It was hinted in dive1 that Noi, Makoto and Shizel were in the same tournament team

>> No.3306297

Really? Where? I must've missed that.
I only remember Mohawk saying he saw Kou during the tournament.

Speaking of Shizel, I wanna see her in a frilly dress eating cake.

>> No.3306303

huh, I tought that Makoto attended it alone, and Noi and Shizel were there just for the heck of it or for some othre reasons. Or did I misread?

>> No.3306397

I don't remember them mentioning Noinstein's gender. But I never paid attention to the pronouns so I could be wrong. But if he's a man he's living /jp/'s dream of becoming the little girl.

Since Seira is her disciple it's probably only a few years since her supposed death. What's weird is that Noinstein's existence is kept secret, not even a pic. All we know is the name and her contributions to society. There must be a reason for this.

According to Isao, Noienstein died while jacked inside the net. So he either became a wired ghost or transfered to another body.

>> No.3306508

Was it ever stated in the game why Noi looks so young even though she evidently isn't? Cloning?

>> No.3306585

Yeah that's one of the mysteries too. It's been hinted that she's a designer's child though. Or at least that's what Kou thinks.

>> No.3306706

I always tought that Noi as a doctor used some kind of medical hax/surgery on herself to make her look younger, considering her hobbies I never tough it woudn't be possible.

>> No.3307008

It's funny if Noi turned out to be a red herring. They already did something like that with Nanoha in her route so I wouldn't put it past them.

But then again, they also hinted tons of stuff which also turns out to be true.

>> No.3307028


I remember hearing something like that. At least, I thought that she blamed her parents for why she is like that.

>> No.3307134

What's the rewards for survival mode? Only wallpapers and hscene? No extra weapon or other useful stuff?

Also what are those extra arms patch? I installed them but I don't know what they do.

>> No.3307143

List for Survival rewards:


Basically, wallpapers, the 3 omake scenarios, some plugin and "Overkiller". I don't know what the latter is, as I haven't gotten that far, but I'm assuming it's some kinda weapon, probably an FC.

>> No.3307268

Thanks, so I guess it's just wallpapers, the 3 omake hscene and 2 plugins (Enemy Action: CPU and Overkiller).

>> No.3307403

Dr. Noin mentioned a "HE" when she was talking about Noinstein

>> No.3307458

>The 'pollution' mother is talking about is probably the Baldr system trying to takeover.
That's an interesting idea, but I haven't read anything that hints that. Remember that to disable Eve, Baldr had to brought to the core of it, I doubt it had the power nor capabilities to hack into an organic AI system.

Noinstein is a weapon. A weapon does not have gender.

No. Noinstein died when he attempted to connect directly to the unfinished Baldr System. Noinstein could have merged with Baldr if anything.

>> No.3307499

Personally, from the hints the game has shown and the way the plot has progressed, I highly suspect black bars.

>> No.3307542


>> No.3307699

WTF? Noinstein is a person. How can a person not have a gender? Unless Noinstein is just a massive conspiracy of everyone involved. Highly unlikely though since Seira outright said she's Noinstein's apprentice.

Well Yae seems to have sensed something evil from it. If Noinstein really fused with it, that thing would be capable of finding a way to mess with the organic AIs.

My theory is that Baldr system is driven by pure logic. They probably put it a directive in it like 'protect the humankind'. But since the machine is driven by pure logic it'll do it without regards for sacrifices. Hence why Gungunir annihilated the whole city instead of only the lab area.

Seira foresaw this and hence pioneered the replacement Organic AI. This new AI isn't driven by pure logic but instead is a self-learning organism. By teaching the AI human qualities she hopes that the new AI would protect humanity in a humane way.

During Gray Christmas, Baldr detected the assembler outflow and took over the satellite system to incinerate the city in order to save humanity. The organic AI tried to stop this by launching a singularity point to halt the firing. Baldr saw this and identified the organic AI as a threat to humanity. For some reason the organic AI lost and choose to self-destruct to prevent anymore contamination.

>> No.3307736

How the hell did that guy got converted so fast? Did he liked the Sora NPCs blowjob that much? That's the most random plot progression that happened in this game.

>> No.3307759

Probably, who wouldn't? I would atleast convert. But on more serious note I think that there happened something else that we weren't shown or more likely he became insane the same way as Naoki and Gregory have, as we don't know how fast that progress happens.

>> No.3307764

Dominion is expert in finding people's weak points and using them
I guess Masa liked Sora and was driven crazy when an army of Sora-faced NPCs gave him a blowjob
That, plus brainwashing

>> No.3307778

Most of /jp/ would convert to Dominion

>> No.3307788

Read the game again, Chinatsu route. I forgot which chapter. Noinstein was the ace under the sleeve weapon of the Anti-GU forces. After the great war he was recruited to work for the GU.

The definition of AI by itself implies that it's a self learning system (whence comes the intelligence if not?). The difference between mechanical and organical AI is that the latter can understand "feelings". However, humans cannot comprehend it's logic anymore (it's internal data representation is in a incomprehensible format for humans).

And I wouldn't bet on Ark anyway. Seira is as nutty as Gregory with all that fucked up ideals. Giving up the real body and living happily inside Eve as wired ghosts? I can perfectly comprehend Isao's actions. I'd do the same if I were in his position.

>> No.3307789

I would at least hold off until I get to put it in.

>> No.3307855

Yeah I read that. He's the mad scientist of the anti integration forces that advanced technology in multiple fields and pioneered designer's child and first generation.
He's still a person, which means he has a gender.

Isao and Seira:
They're both batshit crazy. Isao has an irrational hatred for AI and is no longer sane. Look at Chinatsu's route, he withheld info about the tranquilizer to Kou and Chinatsu. He even went as far as blocking Chinatsu's memory while she's piloting the tranquilizer. He also do not mind killing her daughter. It was even implied that he tried to kill Yae because she has CEBD, just so the AI wouldn't take her. He didn't even care when Tranquilizer and Baldr went out of control.

I prefer someone that commits suicide for her misguided ideals over someone that tries to sacrifice everyone else for his misguided ideals.

>> No.3307880

This might be a bit far-fetched, but another possibility is that there's some kind of physical drug they're using (not sure how this would work in the net though, but wasn't there a lot of stuff about virtual drugs in some chapter anyways), which wouldn't work all that well on Chinatsu because of her body

>> No.3308086

Shit, didn't think it like that. I don't know why I was dead set on the idea of that he was a cyborg or something. Probably lack of sleep.

I wouldn't say that Isao is crazy.
1 - Gray Christmas. Assembler, that depends on the AI of the Commander, runs amok disassembling everything. Shit should not be allowed to happen again.
2 - Mother, who is supervising Drexler institute shuts down unexpectedly due to data corruption. Is the organic AI faulty?
3 - Ark industries, where Eve (who has Mother's memory) is located, refuses to disclose what really happened on that night. They must be hiding something.
4 - Ark Project. "Let's live happily in the virtual world and let's forget about the real one!". They're fucking nuts like Dominion.
5 - [Chinatsu's route] Ark housing the Assembler and doesn't give any explanation except "Wait and see. Believe in us.". Nigga please.
6 - Ark tampering with Gungnir's command. And Gungnir is the insurance if something goes wrong. Why would they do that unless they don't want assembler to be destroyed?
7 - Because of the AI, people becoming cyber-NEETs and society is destroying itself with no one to stop that degeneration. Man is headed for its own extinction.

His hatred for the AI is not baseless nor his actions unexplainable.

>> No.3308091

Continued, field too long.

Regarding Chinatsu's memory lock, it is also understandable. It's a battlefield where the world could be destroyed (if assembler is let loose again), you don't want to take any unnecessary risks. You prevent your soldiers from being swayed by the enemy's psychological tactics (sweet words, fleeting emotions, past memories, etc).
Regarding Yae. If he really attempted to kill her it's not because he was crazy, he just wanted to put her out of her misery. Imagine someone close to you who cannot recognize the barrier between reality and fantasy. It would be painful to watch This depends on your own ethical values, but I wouldn't say that he was "crazy",
Regarding Rain. It was either her daughter or the world. You need balls to make that decision. Rain ;_;

Of course, in this game the organic AI is put on the role that will make a world a better place so Isao will always be painted as a villain. The game premise is to believe the organic AI., But from a skeptical and rational point of view it's impossible. There are too many unanswered questions and the AI itself cannot be understood. It's like offering your body and mind to "superior existence" to control the world because it says that it can make it a better place.

tl;dr, Isao made the right decisions with the limited information he had.

>> No.3308119


6 - Ark tampering with Gungnir's command. And Gungnir is the insurance if something goes wrong. Why would they do that unless they don't want assembler to be destroyed?

Did you see Chinatsu's bad end?

>> No.3308120

That's really unlikely though. I think someone possessed him. The Dominion seems like someone or something are controlling them. Look at Gilbert on Rain's route, he suddenly started talking like Gregory.

But still I freaking hope what Masa said is a red herring. A matrix ending would be really really reaaallly shitty. Though I think GIGA is planning to pull an Ever17-type true end based on the agents action.

I wouldn't mind a reset ending either. The school life part is pretty good and I would play a standalone game based on it. Anyway I just want an end where everyone gets together and no one dies.

>> No.3308183

Yes. It was unexpected, but at that time that was the only plausible explanation. Not everything goes as you planned.
If Ark didn't tamper with the satellite command, there would be no need to bring out Badlr in the first place.

>> No.3308224
File: 99 KB, 515x600, imagek11_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I freaking hope what Masa said is a red herring.
This, fucking this.

>I wouldn't mind a reset ending either. The school life part is pretty good and I would play a standalone game based on it. Anyway I just want an end where everyone gets together and no one dies.
Picture excessively related.

>> No.3308229

I agree on that possession idea as that seems rather likely.

and GIGA better give us school life mode in which we can play the past school life sections in one go without those skips to present time, when the game is finished or make it unlockable in survival ode or something.

>> No.3308236

Sure is black bars around here. In other news, Giga got around 1000 suggestions for new weapons in Dive 2. Who knows how many of those wil be used in the final game. An extremely low number, probably.

>> No.3308249

That reminds me, I really need to play altered fable one of these days. It would be neat if GIGA did something like that for baldr sky after dive2 ofcourse.

>> No.3308316

Yeah his actions aren't baseless but he's mad crazy about his ideal. Crazy enough to destroy a city. Also we as an omniscient observer knows that none of those are the AI's fault. He's a tragic character but he is not sane in any sense of the word.

4: Ark Project. How did he get ahold of that? Even Kou and Aki-nee didn't know.

6: Ark never tampered with Gungunir, it was Baldr that ordered the whole attack and it was Agent the halted the system.

7: And the proper way to do that is to destroy the city and its people? It's obvious he didn't care about them. He didn't even tried to enforce order. His troops are raping the civilians and he even has a firing squad infront of the gate, ready to shoot the refugees. He doesn't care because these people are second generations. All he cares about is midspire. He's racist.

Chinatsu- Did those two people consented to it? No. Those two wanted to live a happy life afterwards, he knows it and he purposely sent them to a kamikaze attack.
Yae- First, that incident probably happened before Yae got bedridden otherwise how would Eiji know? Hell Makoto has the same sickness and she's pretty fine. Second, Is killing someone else wife/girlfriend something a sane person would do?
Rain- That order came pretty fast without a hint of hesitation. He's drowned too much in his ideals like Naoki.

The biggest evidence of his craziness is his speech when Tranquilizer went out of control. That isn't how a sane person would act. He didn't even care. He's too busy celebrating that he won against the AI he hates so much.

tl;dr: He's an unfortunate tragic character that went batshit crazy for his ideals. Either that or he's a psychopath.

>> No.3308420
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Would be a massive troll if there's no Sora route and it's just an Agent route.

BTW I just realized that the routes are somewhat divided into question and answer arcs.

Rain - Assembler question arc.
Nanoha - Assembler answer arc.
Chinatsu - AI question arc.
Dive2 would probably something like this:
Aki - AI answer arc.
Makoto - Agent question arc.
Sora - Agent answer arc.

>> No.3308587

He didn't want to destroy the city, he wanted Gungnir to target Ark and the airport, he wanted to minimize the casualties. 6000 CDF and GOAT pilots in exchange of peace (stopping the assembler), he didn't want more civilians added to the death count. If he really didn't care about anything he would just get the fuck out of the city and bomb it from a safe distance, yet he even went to the frontlines himself when his ranks sustained enough loses.
Baldr going out of control and destroying the whole city it's not his fault. GU carpet bombing the whole city isn't his fault either.
And about the "we" who know everything, I already said that "Isao made the right decisions with the limited information he had." You have to see it from his point of view.

Ark project. Chinatsu knew at least some bits. If Chinatsu knew GOAT knew.

Rape? If that happened I didn't see it. I only remember a few GU soldiers talking about "buying services" at discount prices (a can of food) from the local population. And Isao is the GOAT commander, not the commander of all GU troops so those soldiers are out of his jurisdiction.

About the midspire, what would be the proper course of action according to you then? Let the armed mob ravage the midspire while infiltrated dominion followers disable the last bastion of order in the whole city? I'd like to see any government in the world not stopping an unregulated flow of armed refugees with religious fanatics within. People die in riots you know.

>> No.3308591

Chinatsu probably consented. She is loyal to GOAT and Isao's idea; The AI must be stopped at all costs. And Kou was also convinced to help GOAT without duress. It was their choice. According to the information they had, if Eve wasn't stopped, the world was in mortal danger.
They wanted to live a happy life? No. They both wanted to get to the bottom of all this. Everyone told Kou to get the fuck out of the city when he could but he didn't. And Chinatsu didn't want assembler to be activated again and wouldn't leave the city before completing her mission.

About Yae, we are speculating too much for now. More information is needed before pinning the responsibility on him.

About Rain, yes, he is a cold man. But his decision is valid. When put on the scales, the world's fate wight heavier than his daughter's life.

And I don't remember his crazy speech. You mean when Kou consented to help Ark in stopping Baldr? He was just reluctant to listen to the Agent and thought that Kou was being mislead just as he was misled by Eida's ghost.

Isao didn't go crazy, he did the beast he could under those circumstances. We can argue the contrary based on the extra information we have now but that's not fair to him.

>> No.3308906

First, Isao outright said that he withheld info to Chinatsu. Second, by this chapter she doesn't want to die anymore and wanted to live a happy life with Kou. Both of them wouldn't consent to a kamikaze attack.

By destroying the city I'm talking about how he didn't enforced any order in the city. He practically turned the city outside of midspire to ruins. Even Rain was talking about it to Kou as one of the reason they shouldn't join GOAT.

Chinatsu knew the Ark project through GOAT. How did GOAT know about it when even Kou and Aki-nee did not?

Implied rape happened during Chinatsu's route, the soldiers are bragging how the city and nice and has tons of virgins in real life. And then went on to say it's their duty as the occupation force to 'liberate' them NEETs. Afterwards they tried to hit on Chinatsu and Rain and got beaten by them.

Crazy talk happened on all ends IIRC whenever Baldr or Tranquilizer goes out of control. Hello? Your AI just took over the satellite cannon and started incinerating the city and you're laughing maniacally because you finally defeated the big bad AI? Not crazy at all. A sane person would admit his mistake.

The point is that he's too sure of himself that he doesn't consider other standpoint besides his. Hence why he had no qualms killing her daughter. Did he even stop to think why her daughter is helping a group that's trying to destroy the world? That's not sane at all.

Enough about Isao I'm more concerned about what happened to Nanoha on Chinatsu's route. I hope she was with Aki-nee and managed to become wired ghost. Why the hell is she not mentioned during the later chapters? And her outcome was starting to look pretty good too. Poor Nanoha, she's only a normal person. ;_;

>> No.3308974

What are those other 2?

>> No.3309213

That would so FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU........... but nice find, that actualy fits to some degeree, didn't think it at all that way.

check dive1 getchu page they are shown there too.

>> No.3309728
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my bad, only one of them flashes during the OP briefly, the other one is just unused but shown at dive1 page. But the fact stands that there is atleast 3 CGs that were made but unused in dive1, so most likely they will show up in dive2 as their focus are Makoto, Sora and Aki.

>> No.3309751

Well, obviously. They must have completed a large part of Dive2 well before the release of Dive1. There's no way they could create another game of Dive1's proportion in just 8 months, even if they reused the engine and the battle system.

I wonder it's like with Muv-Luv and Alternative, in that they were originally planned to be just one game, but then split because of time restraints.

>> No.3309794

It's the fucking military. Your superior officer doesn't go around asking every single soldier if he is OK with every decision the high command takes. Chinatsu pledged loyalty and shared Isao's view (when you sign up for the army you can't disobey orders anyway). Kou was convinced by his ideals, the withheld information was that the Tranquilizer was piloted by Chinatsu. If he had told him that, Kou could've been compelled to participate so he could protect her (ergo, Isao didn't use Chinatsu to blackmail Kou into an agreement). And why a Kamikaze attack? If everything went as planned the losses would be minimal. Also, both of them survived in all ends.

On one hand you're blaming him for deploying troops to try to mantain order (at least at the midspire) and on the other you're blaming him for not being efficient enough. Weren't you against the killing of civilians? How do you disperse a riot? Arresting them, if that fails, you can only open fire on them when they don't stay still.

GOAT is part of the GU. Kou lost his memories and is just a simple mercenary. Aki is just a programmer in Ark who doesn't know anything (she had to hack into Eve to get some info).
Now. Who is the most likely to have a spy ring trying to fish out confidential information of the world's most influential corporation? Hint: There were 2 spies in Arval City who had contact with Chinatsu.

Again, Isao is the commander of GOAT. Those soldier are rank and file of the army, not under GOAT's command. Even if he were, oh my god, there are scum in the army lowest ranks! The commander in chief must be a horrible crazy person who likes raping people!

>> No.3309810 [SPOILER] 
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The post above and this are meant to reply to >>3308906

I'm not sure of that crazy talk, I just don't see it. Isao is surprised that Baldr took over Gungnir, I didn't see him laughing maniatically to the idea that he defeated the organic AI . See pic.

You have a point there but see >>3308086 again. He lost all faith in Ark and the AI.
There was no time when Rain showed up. Eve had to be stopped and his daughter was foolishly (or so he considered) believeng Ark's sweet words. When the world is at stake, you don't have much time to sit down and talk while drinking tea.

Regarding Nanoha I don't think she ended well in any other end. She's with Naoki, which means that she's probably with Dominion. And Dominion doesn't have good end anywhere. Yeah, her life sucks, in Rain's she is killed by Kou, in her end she's either a lump of goo or a brain in a can. In Chinatsu's she's probably killed.

>> No.3310885

So uh who is the priestess of Dominion?

>> No.3310904
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Paradigm Shift??

>> No.3312346 [SPOILER] 
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All right I might have been exaggerating on the laughing maniacally part. But still look at that, the tranquilizer went out of control and all he cares is shooting Arc to the ground.

As I said before, he can't see the other sides perspective, he doesn't even try to. He thinks he is always right. He's paranoid against the AI, but thats not baseless based on the input he was given. Still he is not sane, he is driven by mad fear against the AI and would do anything to destroy it. He doesn't even care about the consequences, look what he did afterwards he committed suicide. With all his talk about redeveloping earth he didn't stay around to do it.

Your fucking superior officer also doesn't go around and tell you that you're like his son and daughter to you. Or wish both of you to live a happy life. Then send one of them as an experimental pilot with high chance of driving you mad while the other is tasked to guard it, without both of them knowing. Not something a sane person would do, he's either a psychopath or crazy.

>> No.3312431
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Who knows? Could be anyone.
Pic unlikely related.

Nanoha in Chinatsu's route wasn't in the internet cafe when Naoki went there. Even if she was there I doubt Naoki could grab her with the few seconds he had. During that time Kou asked Rain to contact Nanoha and tell her to run to Arc. We didn't get a response since Kou got captured by GOAT. And then later Arc mentions that they have the assembler carrier.

Based on that I can surmised the following:
Nanoha went to the Dominion.
She got implanted with the assembler.
She got saved by Fenrir along with the scientist.
During the final chapter Arc is trying to rewrite to commander software to disable it.
Unfortunately they failed hence they have no choice but to target the satellite cannon over Arc.

Nanoha probably died and didn't became a wired ghost along with Aki-nee. Also explain why she's MIA in the ending, her body was dissolved by the assembler.
Poor Nanoha she's only a normal person. ;_;

>> No.3312795

I wonder who it is, one of the biggest mysteries in series, hopefully it gets explored more in dive2. but I'm more interested what Makoto is up to in present, she didn't show up at all in dive1, I hope nothing bad happened to her.

83 long and painfull days till dive2.

But, I wonder what going on in this pic? It's clearly during school period. maybe her ?CEBD? went out of controll and she caused somekind of incident, maybe even led her to her hospitalization?

>> No.3312802
File: 162 KB, 600x450, 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang forgot pic

>> No.3312833

>I'm more interested what Makoto is up to in present, she didn't show up at all in dive1

See pic of 3312431.

>> No.3312856

What the fuck did I miss?

>> No.3312966
File: 64 KB, 800x600, naoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>originally planned to be just one game, but then split because of time restraints
It's probably something like that. Also I think they were planning to only include Rain and Nanoha's route initially on Dive1. Her good end was probably done as a proper finale for Dive1. It even shows the same dream sequence shown at start of the game. Also everyone's alive and well with the exception of one. Her normal end was put in to hint at Chinatsu's route.

Now let's talk about Naoki, the most badass character ingame.
I don't think he's crazy, he's probably being possessed by something. First, He said he's fighting against himself. Second, he tried to turn back Nanoha and Sora and tried to warn Chinatsu.

I also think his assembler is working, I don't think his demonstration is a fake. He dissolved during Nanoha's battle which means his body is composed of nanomachines. I think the reason why Nanoha and Kou turn into blobs during the bad end is because the software was left halfwritten.

I know the AI ran simulations and found flaws in it but I think that was based on the old version of the assembler, the one released on Gray Christmas and not the current newly developed one.

The cg on the OP with Naoki crying to Makoto probably happened after Gray Christmas when he realized what he had done.

>> No.3312993

Now that you mention it, Agent did say
電子体はAIが人を観測して生まれる 複製できない だから彼は彼ではない

>> No.3313069 [DELETED] 

What's even weird is that he knows that the AI observes and even asked them why they stopped being impartial.

I wonder if he got turned into nanomachines even before the game start. During school life he easily won against gilbert in reality and that's a genetically modified human with enhanced strength.

That or his hometown's radiation turned him into a some kind of mutant.

>> No.3313088

What's even weird is that he knows that the AI observes and even asked them why they stopped being impartial. Even Seira and Gregory was confused when the Agent first appeared. While he, although confused at first immediately asked why they stopped being an impartial observer.

I wonder if he got turned into nanomachines even before the game start. During school life he easily won against gilbert in reality and that's a genetically modified human with enhanced strength.

That or his hometown's radiation turned him into a some kind of mutant.

>> No.3313118

>It even shows the same dream sequence shown at start of the game.
Wat, you mean the dream sequence where Intro monologue plays, then Kou wakes up and Sora is next to him? I dont remember that being shown at all.

>> No.3313125

The dream at the very start of the game with the white screen. It's in Nanoha's good end. Except this time he woke up not in the middle of a battle but with a recomposed Nanoha and him in a field of Nano Flowers.

>> No.3313133

Ah, during Nanoha good end, i kinda remember that scene now. I has been a while since i got that end.

>> No.3313143
File: 283 KB, 800x600, naoki1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But didn't Naoki also Nanohas parents. was this before even the school events started and Kou&co just found out it during then or did it happen during the school life? all that jumping around made me bit confused when all the events happened and in what order. and then there were those thugs he beat up. So these things lead me to believe that Naoki has been "possessed" quite sometime, but if he's been possessed that long, wouldn't he have found a way to resist it properly?

Also Makoto seems to know bit more about Naoki than we are let to know, heck Makoto might be in dominion because of Naoki.

just maybe AI changed because of Sora was absorbed in to it during gray christmas, and this caused somekind of change, implying that Sora had something that we don't know of. I doubt that agent just for heck of it looks like Sora.
which then leads to Sora good end somehow yaya.

>> No.3313228

I just finished Rain's route and I was curious.

Who/what exactly is Sophia? Gregory and Gilberto seem to rave like mad about her. Is she just Dominion's "deity" or something more?

>> No.3313243

Naoki is probably being possessed by Dr. Noinstein, though something like split personality could be true as well

>> No.3313254


>> No.3313268


Ah thanks, didn't catch that.

>> No.3313286

He said that's probably him. He's not sure of it. But yeah it happened before the school life part. Poor Nanoha all alone, then the school life didn't even last a year and she became alone again. ;_;

He also probably became nanomachine around this time. Recall the description of nanoflower. It's a flower that's made up of nanomachine, it completely functions like a flower and even grow seeds and stuff but is fundamentally different from it. A flower but not a flower. Which really sounds like >>3312993.

My guess is after the success of nanoflower he wanted a human experiment but Nanoha's parents are cautious. So he experimented it on himself and succeeded.

I think it was during this time that he got possessed, possibly by the nanomachine's AI trying to takeover.

>> No.3313289

Techgian mentions that Sora's uniform in the Dive 2 CGs is a military one, so I smell a SO3 Disc 2 flag.

>> No.3313309

Not from the military, it looks similar to Kou's coat, and he is from a random mercenary group, not affiliated with any organization

>> No.3313311
File: 124 KB, 600x450, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? really? the one in this one? and what happened in SO3? havent played it.. But if that's true, makes me wonder did could Kou have had run in Sora in present and not known it?
Was there any other information in techgian, thats not been generally known?

>> No.3313313

Damn I'm having a bad idea here.
What if they turned Sora into a nonvirgin slut? ;_;
I mean look at Sora's omake scenario. I don't think that's a dream.

>> No.3313341

From Techgian:
Mercenary, military, secret organization, something?

>> No.3313357


In SO3 we find out in the second half that the universe was really a massive mmorpg

>> No.3313374

Where is this military dress they speak of? >>3313311?
Oh well, I don't think its GOAT, Isao isn't that heartless and he really likes Sora.

It's probably the anti-integration forces. Dr. Noinstein was originally from the anti-integration forces so he must've left some technology there.

Anti-integration forces is the only faction we had yet to see in game. Integration forces turned into GU and has GOAT.

Mercenary seems unlikely, you need to register to the mercenary guild to join one. Kou and Rain would've found her immediately. Unless she's an illegal mercenary like Gilbert and his group (dyingslave?).

>> No.3313383

That's even shittier than a matrix end and that's already shit.
Don't do it GIGA.

>> No.3313410

Oh wow.
What if she was the one that hacked into Gungunir and accidentally annihilated the whole city? Suddenly this pic makes sense: >>3312802
Maybe Naoki asked her to hack into Gungunir during Gray Christmas.

>> No.3313473

Oh yeah, it makes sense. and in retrospect when you think Makotos actions and mood in present, it feels like she did something bad and that's why she doesn't want to her friends to suffer and takes all the blame herself. well that's how I interpreted her actions.

>> No.3313489
File: 92 KB, 1088x768, 4711ad5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, I would not say crazy or insane. I, personally, would have done the same to the if I were in his boots and had his information and experience. And is not mad fear, it is experience what made him.

For example, if you don't know what fire is and every time you got near it you get burned, you would think that the fire is bad and would stay away from it. Even if the fire itself when properly handled is good. If someones comes and tells you to believe in the fire without giving you any proof or reassurance, you wouldn't believe them.

He commited suicide because his decision to use Baldr was a wrong one and thus the city was on the verge of annihilation because of him. You could say that he took responsibility in a way.

And he didn't send Chinatsu and Kou happily to that mission. It was a crisis situation and they were the only ones who could accomplish the mission. Just because he didn't get emotional, become a pussy, cried for his mommy, hid under his bed and prayed for the bad guys to go away, it doesn't makes him a heartless mad monster automatically. Painful, misguided, but he did take for the sake of saving the world.

Shit's becoming more and more like Alternative. Disappeared girlfriend who is the key to the story coming back to perform military duties?

>> No.3313528

yeah, it's bit similar, but the situation is extremely different in my opinion. and there is alot we dont know of, mostly Sora and Makoto both are big black boxes to us, we know who they are, but their pasts are still shrouded in mystery.

But I have my doubts whatever Sora is in any official military kind of duties, I'm more inclined to believe that she might been found buy some random military/mercanary group and because she didn't have any where else to go, so she stayed there or something like that.

goddamit, the more I read, the more I want to play dive2 now, this wait is killing me.

>> No.3313559

Did you notice the timestamp getting fucked up when Gungnir was firing in the opening movie?

>> No.3313646

really, I haven't paid that much attention that either. goes to check... oh crap that's true. I doubt thats just accidently put there, there are alot of small hints, that I havent noticed before, but come to notice after this thread. for those who can't bothered to check, in OP movie the timestamp when gungnir fires is 5:28:xx.xx and then it's shown how the beam goes foward the timestamp has changed to 5:21:xx.xx. So theres 7 minute jump BACKWARDS in time. coincident?

>> No.3313793

Holy fucking shit.
The only thing I can think of why its like that is that there's another orbital cannon that fired before Gungunir.

What if the assembler outflow is just a pretext and coverup? Someone might have targeted the lab for some reason or another. My memory might be wrong but wasn't there a big flash of light during the end of Sora's last video transmission?

IIRC the assembler uses the living person as a bioplant to make more assembler and prioritize it's host life. Sora probably survived it and got recomposed back. Kou and Nanoha survived it on their routes.

Now I don't think Gungunir fired to the lab, it fired to the city. And the lab is quite outside from the city. According to Nanoha's route the school is a ground zero area.

Here's how I think the event unfolded:
Naoki launched the assembler to prove the world that it works. They started turning into a bioplant the nearest living organism: Sora.
Anti-AI or another group (doesn't know what Naoki do) targeted the facility to sabotage the lab. This killed off most of the assembler.
The remaining assembler did their best to keep their host alive. This expended all their energy.
The government figured out what happened and tried to incinerate the lab area, unfortunately the Gungunir went out of control and started firing at the city instead.

To coverup their mistake, the government blamed it all on the assembler outflow.

The biggest evidence that there's two laser is that the CG used in the game is different than the one used in the OP.

>> No.3313821

In a way, Gray Christmas never happened. Its all a big conspiracy by the government.

Sora probably woke up and returned to the city and only saw chaos.

As for why Agent/AI thinks Sora is dead, assembler probably only recomposed back the using her genetic structure. When Kou and Nanoha returned back they're naked. So the recomposed Sora probably doesn't have the brain chip inside her and also without any memories.

Kou and Nanoha retained their memories because it's the Agent that reprogrammed the commander AI. Agent/AI has access to their memories since they're part of the cluster. It's also the reason why Kou saw from Nanoha's perspective.

So Sora's living body is alive, without any memories. Since she was part of the cluster, her memories are saved by the AI. This is what the Agent means when she said Sora is alive beyond the singularity point. Sora's memory is in there.

>> No.3313827

But I thought Agent can't exist without Sora's brainchip still intact.

>> No.3313869

The Agent is just the AI's terminal. It's only borrowing Sora's apperance.

Yes she used to be Kuu but that stopped when Sora got severed from the network.

>> No.3313871

Jesus fucking christ, /jp/. I'm proud of this lengthy speculation and discussion, all condensed into one thread.

Too bad I'm terrible at speculating, otherwise I would contribute.

>> No.3313919

So how does Dominion, Gregory, Wired Ghosts, AI worship, and quantum communication factor into all of this Assembler talk?

>> No.3313990

I'm working on making a full OST of this game
I extracted the OGG, and I'm currently tagging the tracks, but I can't read kanji for shit
Could a kind anon post a transcript of the tracknames with kanji in it? I'll upload the whole soundtrack once it's finished

>> No.3313994

Hmm, we're both starting to sound like a broken record here.

I see your point though, based on what he experienced he have no choice but to believe that everything is the AI's fault. Hell I feel sorry for him.

But the fact is he is no longer sane. He can only see his way as right and does not consider everyone else's viewpoint. He's too driven by his ideals to believe otherwise. He's an extremist. Do you think real life extremist are sane?

He'll sacrifice everything if that's what it takes to rid the world of AI. Kou and Chinatsu acknowledge in the normal end that they were used by him.

He have empathy for Kou, Chinatsu and Rain. Yet he sacrificed them nonchalantly. He's either a psychopath or driven crazy chasing his ideals.

He doesn't even have a viable plan with what to do after the AI get eradicated.

Cyber NEETs? Have them work or die.
No Net? Humanity in the past survived without the net.
Environment Pollution? We'll think of a way later.

>> No.3314018

Isao's a butthurt spacefag.

>> No.3314039

Sounds possible and I like how that would bring nice synergy between Kou and Sora.

Also something thats been bothering me is in what order all the school life events happened. Is there any place they are listed in chronological order? if not then, I think they did go something like:
Kou&Masa come to dorm, meeting with aki and Nanoha -> simulcrum get & meeting wiht Naoki -> chinatsu and tournament preparations-> meeting Makoto & Sora -> tournament related stuff and tournament itself -> chinatsu related stuff -> Makotos hospitalisation -> the incident with Kuu -> Kou dumbs chinatsu? -> Sora falls for Kou -> Kou and Soras first date/Gray Christmas
I think it did go something like that, someone correct or add missed/missplaced events in that.

Genral rule: Everybody and their mother are after assembler. So they'll fit in there somehow in the end.

>> No.3314062
File: 117 KB, 800x600, snap008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Herrings. But seriously I don't know, they might really be red herrings. Or maybe they're a different plot point.

Let me try anyway:
Dominion & Gregory might be the one that fired the first laser.
Wired ghost might really be a red herring, its been hinted too strongly and doesn't fit with the new evidence regarding Sora.

Anyway I think my Naoki >>3313286 and Sora >>3313793>>3313821 speculations are both right or partly right. It fits with what the game hinted so far. I don't see any obvious flaws with it. Unless they go with the Matrix stuff and that would be shit.

I can't wait for Dive2.

>> No.3314103

In CG mode order:

Urban Surface -形骸都市-
[can't make out]
時空をこえて・・・ [has furigana which I can't make out]
[can't make out]
Restoration ~沈黙の空~

Might contain errors, but at least those make sense to me.

>> No.3314107



should be


>> No.3314120

Well, there's a high chance that wired ghosts are bit of red herring in that baldr force touched that subject pretty heavily, so I doubt they would recycle that idea too much. btw was it ever said that wired ghosts age? if not, I wih they'd put small Ren camoe somewhere in dive2, or make it so that you fight leviathan in survival mode somewhe, I liked that boss fight, altough that instant kill move was scary.

>> No.3314162

Thank you very much
I'll try finding a way to get those remaining two

>> No.3314173

I might look into it later if you can't find them, both of them had only like one kanji that was too unclear with the boldy font it uses.

>> No.3314230

Ok, I think they are 夢寐の随に and 統合行進曲『永久の礼讃』

>> No.3314263

should be
... can't believe my own stupid mistakes

>> No.3314478
File: 3 KB, 320x410, simulcrum_who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, in the case that Sora actualy belongs now to somekind of mercanary/military group, we can safely say that this is her simulcrum? others who most likely have simulcrum and we havent seen are Noi, Noitsuen and Agent/Eve/Seira (if they have even one), but I doubt it's theirs, considering that this seemingly is based of shadow wolf.

>> No.3314516

When was that shown ingame?

>> No.3314537

It's not shown in-game yet, thats just silhouette from dive2 diary page, it was posted there sometime ago.

>> No.3314604

And there it is
Many thanks to Anonymous, feel free to convert

>> No.3314813
File: 978 KB, 1411x851, sora_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, your work is appreciated

>> No.3314872
File: 124 KB, 806x625, isao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't an extremist. An extremist is someone like Gregory who wants to to "believe" blindly. Isao offers proof and tries to convince you with facts.

The problem is that the other viewpoint (Ark is doing the right thing stopping the Gungnir) doesn't give any reassurance. They have the assembler, they stopped Gungnir and they aren't answering any questions. And, knowing that Ark has some fucked up shit like the Ark project, where they give 2 flying shits about the real world, you can't really believe them.

He didn't sacrifice them nonchalantly. Their mission was critical to the survival of the city and the world.
Ark activates the assembler, Gungnir is stopped so either everything becomes grey goo or the city and surrounding are obliterated with nukes. No one, Kou and Chinatsu included, would survive.

He isn't championing the complete eradication of the AI. See pic. Doesn't sound like a madman who is just preaching AI's evilness.

>> No.3314954

Sure is black lines in this thread

>> No.3315231

Because this thread needs more black bars.

He is still an extremist. It doesn't matter how he got his ideas. He has an extremist way of thinking, one that doesn't consider other viewpoints besides his. Recall the flashback with Chinatsu, Kou and him and his reaction when he found out that Naoki was their teacher/role model. He's very prejudiced against AI and it's related tech. He even tried to kill someone just because she has CEBD. Do you think that's not an extremist action?

You make it sound like he only attacked Arc because of the assembler. That guy was planning on seizing Arc from the start. So yeah Arc has their own suspicious project. But is that harmful? No. It just involve them killing themselves and becoming wired ghost. It's definitely not something that requires a fucking army to suppress. If anything he should be rejoicing since those pesky CyberNEETs would be gone.

He's not advocating the complete annihilation of AI because he fucking can't. Only way to do that is to kill all the first and second generation person. Not to mention all the current tech runs on the net. You know he'd do it if he can get away with it. His attempt is similar to real life attempt of nutcase politicians trying to censor the internet.

Don't completely discount Gregory as a complete nutcase either, that guy probably is on to something. He seems to have access to people's memories. That guy might have proof that Sophia exist, I mean on Rain's route when Gilbert killed Gregory, Gilbert started acting like the priest. Gregory is probably being whispered into or possessed by someone.

>> No.3315251

sage for untranslated game.

>> No.3315259

Your fault for voting furry.

>> No.3315268

GTFO furry devs

>> No.3315285

bump for awesome game

>> No.3315293 [DELETED] 

Stop discussing shit not everyone can play.

>> No.3315304


People are still butthurt about this? Don't you have a half-finished game that you can focus your amazing deductive skills on and smother in long black shafts of spoilers?

>> No.3315318

>half-finished game

>> No.3315328

They fucking came - toehoe furry tripfags. I really pray that one day you'll get your own board and leave us alone letting us to discuss what we want.

>> No.3315344


We don't need people like you here. If you don't like this thread you can just ignore and hide this thread instead of coming here to shit it up. afterall this is just one thread and not multiple threads.

>> No.3315359

Why yes, yes we do.
Now please kindly stop shitting our thread while we discuss about this 'half finished' game.
Why don't you go start a furry thread? I heard majority of /jp/ likes furry.

>> No.3315375

No fucking way, I 've watched the OP movie multiple times, but I never noticed that before.

>> No.3315469

Yeah, same here. If that isn't just a fuckup on the part of the OP video team, that could mean all sorts of shit.

There's something else I've pointed out in previous threads but which has apparently gone ignored, namely that
in the end of Chinatsu's good chapter 14, after Kou and Chinatsu wake up from the ES "dream", Chinatsu explains what she saw, and that is exactly what happened in Nanoha's good ending. That is, the ES contains a lot of information, not just about the present situation, but also alternative timelines (or "dimensions"). If there's some device in ES that allows people to concretely access things or people from these other "dimensions", it could lead to a pretty stupid ending à la Alternative, but I'm hoping that isn't true.

>> No.3315474

>>Now please kindly stop shitting our thread

The irony is too much.

>> No.3315482

I rate this thread above the supremum of Inganock threads and meta-sagebombing shit.

>> No.3315529

This could somehow also be connected to agent and how she spoke about simulations or something. because AI has rather high cappacity to calculate things, maybe AI just has calculated all the different possibilities what could happen from Kous actions and Chinatsu just happened to see that one possible answer in ES dream. this way I can atleast reason it and lessen my fears of something like alternative ending happening.

>> No.3315533
File: 111 KB, 800x600, snap012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the trolls and lets discuss about Seira instead, a person that looks like a stereotypical villain based on appearance.

I don't think she still exists in the real world. She's probably already a wired ghost. Or she's probably already merged with the organic AI. Kou remarks that he feels like he's talking to an NPC.

What I don't get is why she's dead set on obtaining the assembler and Naoki. If their plan involves turning into wired ghost why do they care about the real world?

She's too secretive but at the very least I don't think she's a villain. She helped Kou and Nanoha during her route.

The organic AI and the NET probably have a big secret. The Agent said that the net isn't made up of 3 dimensions but are made up of infinite dimensions. It might be that it exist as a parallel universe and the organic AI are alien beings.

That happens to Kou in Nanoha's route too. Agent sent her a flashback of Nanoha being mindhacked. Also the agent seems to be counting the route. It happens when Kou first saw her pendant.

They're probably going for many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

>> No.3315545

Well, if we go by the "simulation" thing, there are infinitely many possible scenarios that could happen, so either the AI can compute an amount of simulations larger than the cardinality of real numbers (which in turns means that it could do basically anything, again leading to a possibility of some very stupid ending), or the probability for Chinatsu to see that particular scenario is precisely 0. I'd like to believe that the latter isn't the case, there must be some meaning to why they made Chinatsu see something we *know* happened in an alternate timeline.

>> No.3315547

You have a point there, he does seize Ark in other routes too. Also, a little reminder: Prejudice != Madness.

Extremist? Something extreme would be something like nuking Ark to eliminate the whole net, killing every second generation on sight, banning all kinds of nanotech or something along those lines. He is rather moderate, he just want humans to regain some control of their own fate from the grasps of the incomprehensible Organical AI.. With brute force if needed.

My good anon, can we please stick to the game contents? Your speculation is going too far, now you can read his mind too? How do you know that he really wants the complete annihilation when he clearly says the he doesn't? And who says about killing every second generation? Recall Chinatsu's normal end. They are recruited into the space program and on Earth the GU is stopping brain chip implants in children. Not a mass killing of everyone able to dive. Kill someone because someone has CEEB? I demand proof. In screenshot format if possible.

I also understand your point of view, the game drills the pro-AI point of view in you and is written in such way so the happy end can only be reached if you trust the AI completely; distrusting it because you know jack shit about it's objectives and its plans is wrong. That's why the anti-AI group are painted like a bunch of blind and dumb guys who can't see the wondrous future proposd by our friend organical AI..

>> No.3315574

I hope so much that there will be a "hidden" H-scene with Seira in Dive2, akin to the Noi scene in Dive1.

>> No.3315575

Post again when translated.

>> No.3315621

yeah, Seira is a bit of odd ball, from appearance one could probably say shes villain (I was kinda waiting him to backstab Kou anytime), but she turned out to be a decent person and maybe has few too many secrets. Wasn't it said that both Seira and Gregory were apprentices of Noitsuen and that Gregory was going to make same mistakes as Noitsuen did in whatever they are pursuing. But what if gregory is actualy doing it right way and Seira wrong way (altough she might believe she has made necessary differences)? Altough Gregory is doing his actions bit of the extreme way, so that leads to bit of disbelief. And what if that "voice" that has driven Gregory and subsecuently Gilbert insane is actyaly Noitsuen whispering to them somewhere.?

ewww.... do not want. if there will be 3 bonus H-scenes like there was in dive1, they better be:
Noi x Shizel
threesome with Makoto and Sora
oh no wait I take back what I said about Seira, the final would have to be Grogory x Seira scene, that would fit prety well

>> No.3315624

I'd say that it's profiling to that kind of end.If what Maasa says after he is tenderly loved is true, then it's just MuvLuv's ending with a twist.

MuvLuv Alternative spoiler ahead
Sumika is trapped in the world with BETAs and is "resetting"/trying to find an alternative reality (form the countless posibilities) until there is a happy end where Takeru-chan comes to pick her up. Takeru also remembers all differents endings of EX/UL (all the past "resets") by the end of the game. And the story finally ends with Alternative where Takeru finally finds Sumika. Replace Sumika with Sora and the story is more or less the same. Everything will reset until a happy end with Sora is found.. I am really hoping that they don't pull this end. I know that there is no more original content available to write, but I'll be very disappointed if they recycle the idea.

>> No.3315626

bump to piss off the trolls

>> No.3315626,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dammit down, just when I was about to post a lengthy reply.

>> No.3315639

Get the fuck out of /jp/ where us elitist fags do their circle jerking about their porn in any language and get back to /a/ where they can only jerk off to one language. No one complained about the NTR threads everyone makes; and two or three months ago we had plenty of Baldr Sky threads.

>> No.3315659

We all are probably hoping that nothing like that happens. and if it's true that Sora has become part of military/mercanary group it would be make it so that the "resets" atleast happen for different reasons and making the story quite different. as I doubt in the case Sora is alive in real world would have enough power to make the rests happen.

Another thing that came in to mind when looking the silhouette of this simulcrum >>3314478 ,that it has also points like what Gilberts simulcrum has, so maybe if Sora is mercanary, she might belong to Gilberts group for some fucked up reason? There not much to base it on and I'm sure that Gilbert couldn't keep his mouth shut about it, or in this case he might be able as it would cause a lot of agony to Kou, but he just didn't have time to use this "trump card" on Kou on different routes.

>> No.3315679

GIGA should release Dive 2 OP movie already, those are always spoilerific and we can have more fun speculating about the possible scenarios.

>> No.3315748

Sora is Gilbert's bitch? Fuck no, I hate NTR.

>> No.3315840

No, if Sora really belonged to Gilberto's group, there's no way he wouldn't have made a huge ruckuss about it at Kou in Dive1. He's just that kinda guy.

>> No.3315852

More Alternative spoilers, kinda OT
Now that you mentioned the countless resets, there's something I didn't quite get (or have forgotten) in Alternative. When it's revealed later on in Alternative that Takeru in fact lived multiple times through the events of Unlimited, shouldn't he be quite a bit older in Alternative? I mean, at least he doesn't reset to the same physical body in which he was in the first beginning of Unlimited.

>> No.3315874 [SPOILER] 
File: 151 KB, 800x600, snap022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because there's something more extreme than what he'd done doesn't make him not an extremist. What he did is still pretty extreme. Using an army against a corporation isn't extreme? That's barbaric. Like Kou said they should just leave it to the CDF.

Read my post again. I never said he was planning on killing Second Generations. I said that he couldn't completely shut down the net because the only way to do that is to kill all the nodes, i.e the second generation.

You know the AI side has an extremist group too. The game is portraying that extremism is bad. Fact is the GOAT is portrayed as an extremist group like the Dominion is.

>> No.3315886
File: 53 KB, 640x480, snap016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Gilbert, he does not wear pants.
Pic related.

>> No.3316181

cannot unsee it, argh

>> No.3316191

behold the missing strike witch

>> No.3316234

Is that still considered zettai ryouiki?

>> No.3316711

5 dollars on the BS world being a repeated simulation and the place beyond the singularity being the real worldo

>> No.3316863

Now I've remembered the reason (excuse, if you want) for occupying Ark. They're suspected of fraud. VIPs go into the corporation to never return. Ark is suspected of killing then and replacing them with ghosts so they can manipulate their funds.
Leave it to the CDF? They have a fucking army as security forces, they even have a ruthless PMC working for them. Not even GOAT and CDF combined forces could break into it without taking extremely heavy loses.
Barbaric? Using force to break in into a corporation who has a lethal nanomachine and is disrupting military satellites that is are the counter to said nanomachines? What should have he done? Sit back with his army and beg them to hand over the assembler, put Gungnir back on-line and pray that nothing goes wrong? Or just blindly trust them as Seira wants?

No. The net itself is giant cluster of server run by Ark and administered by Eve. Seconds are just terminals who can connect to it wirelessly. You just have to shut the cluster to disable the network, no need to destroy all terminals.

The picture you posted is the only instance that I can see him as an extremist. All his other actions were backed up with some kind of logical explanation based on his knowledge.

>> No.3316904

I played Alternative when it came out so my memory isn't in perfect condition either.
The canon path is EX Sumika end -> UL Meiya End -> AL end.
Takeru suffered 2 "resets", one made him end up in UL and the other one in AL.
However, we read that story because it's the only one that reached a happy end. All the other possible endings (with other girls) are dead ends that are happening in other dimensions. So yes, Takeru is slightly older than the rest.

I can't find that image where Yuuko explains all this. It has the image of a man at the left and a path that starts with one line and ends up with a mess of multiple ends.

>> No.3318282

>> No.3318521
File: 146 KB, 600x450, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

82 days till dive2 and counting. Also release the goddamn OP already GIGA.

>> No.3318583

Leave Aki alone you...you...damned Father.

>> No.3318621
File: 65 KB, 1280x1280, awesomeface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Gregory can manage to replicate the expression on this image so flawlessly.

>> No.3318723
File: 416 KB, 700x1050, 1243347875852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again you make it sound like they only went after Arc because of the assembler. They planned to seize Arc on Rain and Nanoha's route too. And those rojins and sickly VIPs? It's not the fucking military's job to investigate those, why not leave it to the CDF. It's not like they're abducting children and killing them. He was planning on seizing Arc from the start.

IIRC The Net is one big neural network, Eve(and Arc) is the largest cluster but by no means the only one. Second Generation are not mere terminal and are part of the cluster lending idle processing power. Seishu students are part of the Eve/Mother cluster. Why do you think things like the Anonymous City is possible? Hell do you think the military would connect their systems to it if it's under the control of a single corporation?

You know GOAT is portrayed as an extremist faction like the Dominion. Look at what they did to the slums. They ruined it and didn't even tried to enforce order on it. Hell they have no qualms killing the rioting civilians.

I hope Dive2 has an happy end, I mean happy for all the people and not only Kou and the heroine he choose. At the very least I want Nanoha to live. All the other heroines are kinda asking for it while Nanoha is just a normal person. Nanoha ;_;

>> No.3318890
File: 335 KB, 700x1050, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that Gregory isn't thinking anything along the lines: "Fresh meat... Must chop it up", in that picture.

Hopefully there will be somewhat good end for most of the characters in dive2, altough it might be hard to do without reset end, and thats the end I dont want. Both Nanoha and Sora deserve a good end in my opinion. But Nanoha probably has it harshest, for being so normal among everyone.

>> No.3319026
File: 95 KB, 800x600, snap013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this the most depressing end on Dive1.

Well Chinatsu bad end has worse fate but Kou's kinda asking for it on that end. Hence I didn't feel empathy for both of them on that end.

But the best beautiful yet tragic end is Rain's ghost end.

>> No.3319119

No, Takeru loops through all of heroine routes (hence unlimited) being rewritten after each of them. And after another loop he actually escapes from unlimited and comes into AL with pieces of memory from his previous loops

>> No.3319121
File: 242 KB, 800x600, rain_normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with you, those are good endings and Rains normal end just feels so real and sad, yet so beatifull. Altough Nanohas Normal end is so fucking unfair how it sucker punches the reader, it starts like it migh be a good end, but then it just BAAAAMM this is how things really are. ;_;

>> No.3319147

AL spoilers
yes, I know and it's stated that he's slightly older than the rest of the crew. But remember, the UL events take like three years from the beginning to the start of Alternative 5. If Takeru went through all heroine's routes even just once, shouldn't he be, like, a LOT older in Alternative? About the same age as Yuuko at least

>> No.3319351

I would prefer a reset end over a simulation, mmorpg or matrix end. To be honest I think what Masa said is a red herring, it's been hinted too strongly.

I think Agent is probably similar to Blick Winkel. They're higher dimensional beings, hence can observe parallel universe. ES is a higher order universe that's made up of infinite dimensions, ie a Hilbert space. The virtual world is a space within ES that's localized to only 3 dimensions.

What Agent is probably doing is observing multiple parallel universes trying to find a parallel universe where gray christmas did not occur.

The Agent are also probably trying to find a world where Sora survived due to Quantum immortality. The probability of Gungunir missing all of Sora's atoms is minuscule, but not zero. There's a world out there somewhere where she survived unscathed.

Since the game seems to be using the Many-worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics all the ends are valid. If we get a reset end that's only for the specific universe, all the other ends are still valid.

If they do a matrix, simulation or mmorpg end all the other end are immediately invalidated. ;_;

Anyway I don't think Kou is jumping across parallel universe, it's the Agent that do.

>> No.3319375

No he is being restarted after each route in UL, but after another loop of UL he managed to escape that system, so at the beginning of alternative he is 3 years older than in unlimited.

>> No.3319453

Look at final speech of Isao vs Eiji/Kou in Chinatsu good end. You can't say he is sane after all.

>> No.3319580

OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH that sounds a lot better than anything else on here.

>> No.3319630

Don't let this thread die!

>> No.3319754

The question is, are the AI/Agents aliens or something Seira made? I know the Anti-AI faction calls the AI faction Alienist but I don't think that can be a proof.

It somewhat make sense if the organic AI are aliens. After all according to Mother the technology came first but they have no method of communication. Afterward came Seira and her breakthrough which allowed people to communicate with the AI. Which is weird, I don't think you can develop a technology you can't interface with.

Seira is hiding the fact that their aliens. The real face of Arc's plan is probably Transcendence, moving everyone to the higher order universe - the ES.

>> No.3319903

I might be remembering it wrong but during Nanohas route wasn't Seira suprised to see agent and how much "power" it got? In case it's something deeply related to arc wouldn't Seira know better and not be suprised by it? On related note, Gregory also recognised agent as goddess, disregarding his insane rambling wouldn't that imply that Gregory also knows more than he seems? it's just harder to get information from him due to him being bonkers. What I'm saying that maybe agent really truelly is some unknown party or it might be only small part of arc that has different goals from Seira?

>> No.3319919

May I ask what would a moderate GOAT do? Our standards for "extremism" are different.
Extremism for me: Nuking the rouge city from orbit, disabling the AI, openly killing alienists, banning all nanotech, etc.
Extremism for you: Seizing a fishy corporation that singlehandedly controls the whole network (they house Eve).

Anonymous city is possible because they flood the place with random data and the AI leaves that alone because it would take a great deal processing power to administer it.
Even if every second lends idle processing power, my point still stands. The current net in impossible without the organical AI (if it were possible, GU would have it replaced ASAP). Take for example those cancer research or alien searching projects IRL, without the central server (and the related equipment, like radiotelescopes/medical equipment) you cannot search for aliens or process protein chains even if you have a million idle computers.

No. There are countless Takerus. One took the Meiya route, one the Chizuru route, etc. Only one of them took the canon route: EX Sumika, UL Meiya. That is the Takeru whose story is depicted.

>> No.3320146

This sounds like what an alien would say.

>> No.3320329

It appears that we do. By no means is army's job to spy on private corporations nor seize it using lethal means. And what they did to the slums is pretty extreme to me. And no, Arc does not control the network, they're just the largest cluster. Again, do you think the military or world government would let a single corporation control of a system that their weapons are running on?

I'm pretty sure Anonymous city does not work that way. It works by constantly spawning and destroying multiple threads and skimming of idle processing power. Basically a trojan botnet.

Think of their net as the current real life internet. Even if you shut down a datacenter the whole thing wouldn't go down, the rest would just reroute around. The difference is that their net is one big neural network (ie a single being).

Yes she is.I think the Agent is an unknown party unrelated to anyone. The Agent did say the she's only there to observe. Seira's probably surprised that its capable of producing a terminal on it's own. Gregory might have access to ES in one form or another, I mean he know's everyone's secret.

The mystery is what the 'pollution' Mother is talking about. Maybe the AI developed evil human qualities and it tried to purge it? Since Seishu Students are part of the cluster, maybe during Gray Christmas Mother got overloaded with feelings of grief and suffering of the students? The AI realized these are bad and to prevent anymore contamination the AI chose to self destruct herself.

>> No.3320346

The problem with organic AI == Aliens is that Baldr does not fit in it. At all.

Yeah that really sounds like an alien. I doubt a human developed AI would have concepts that can't be explained to us.

To be honest I do not want organic AI's to be aliens. It feels 'cheap'.

>> No.3320618

I honestly doubt that organic AIs are aliens. if they were there would be probably far more references to space other than that small thing Isao said. If something is not properly recognised, it could proably be somekind of mutation, as that is far more realistic than aliens, considering the setting. also AI and humans could have different perspectives that on certainn matters and those differences could be at fault.

>> No.3320627

Aliens don't have to come from space you know, they could be extra-dimensional aliens.

>> No.3320632

They could also be dirty foreigners from across the border.

>> No.3320643

Extradimensional aliens invaded AI space through Kuu and are contaminating the organic AIs blahblah

>> No.3320765
File: 252 KB, 330x1050, Baldr-4koma-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoSs was so bored that I got him to translate some webcomics.

>> No.3320772
File: 311 KB, 330x1050, Baldr-4koma-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[23:06] <+****> the RAIN TRAIN
[23:06] <+****> CHUUI CHUUI

>> No.3320787

Are there more?

>> No.3320893

Nice, are the rest translated?

the rest can be found here: http://www.web-giga.com/baldrsky/special/webcomic.html
ofcourse they are untranslated

>> No.3320933
File: 439 KB, 700x1260, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember seeing the countdown ones posted before, so I might well post them. I wonder if they'll make one for dive2 too?

>> No.3320936
File: 429 KB, 700x1260, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3320943
File: 379 KB, 700x1260, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3320946
File: 365 KB, 700x1260, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3320949
File: 373 KB, 700x1260, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all of the countdown ones.

>> No.3320975
File: 66 KB, 640x480, snapshot20070520182033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3320978

Afaik they were posted in previous thread but huh...

>> No.3320987

So anyone here managed to clear Survival Mode?

>> No.3320990
File: 323 KB, 700x1050, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you see those posted pretty often, but rarely those countdown ones. might aswell post rest of those now.

>> No.3320992
File: 274 KB, 700x1050, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3320994
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>> No.3320997
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>> No.3321000
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>> No.3321004
File: 285 KB, 700x1050, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3321008

I cleared it on hard half year ago.

>> No.3321016

Mind telling us how? Air combos? Ranged attacks?

BTW anyone here uses the initializer?

>> No.3321017
File: 268 KB, 330x1050, 4koma-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I did right now.

>> No.3321018

Pardon my ignorance, but is this game translated?

>> No.3321032

So is this english or what.

>> No.3321033

You use weapons depending on enemy. But yeah, learning air combos will help you on later levels. Also try to kill all bosses with one-two combos.

>> No.3321034

same fag, get out

>> No.3321061 [DELETED] 

How translated this?

>> No.3321085

Who translated this?

>> No.3321087


>> No.3321102

Why would you bump a thread on the first page?

Any examples with those one-two combos that can easily kill bosses?

>> No.3321123

LoSs of Nitro+ translation fame.

>> No.3321159

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYHWs7IfWeA search for more overthere

>> No.3321161

Is there are any chance to make him translate the game?

>> No.3321191

What the hell I don't have any of the skills used in that video.

Guess I really should've leveled up my melee attacks. ;_;

>> No.3321215

It's not the army. It's the Anti-AI division. Their job is to oversee all AI matters (as the AI is a dangerous thing that men cannot understand, it's fucking serious business). Think of it as an anti drug division. If they suspect someone making or trafficking drugs, they'll barge in at full force into their base seizing the suspects along with drugs and other evidence. The trial comes after the operation, where they judge if they the suspects were really engaged in illegal matters.

What they did at the slums is a necessary evil. You saw the kind of population that lives in the slums, they tried to lynch Chinatsu and Kou. How do you pacify those people? It's either restore order by force or let them ravage the whole city until they're happy. In b4 "HURR DURR they're brainwashed with Anti-AI ideas, GU is bad, Anti-AI are murderers"

You are right, Eve doesn't control the whole net, it's just the S class AI in charge of Suzushiro and some surrounding regions. Which is practically the same in the game as it only takes place in Suzushiro.
However, no one wants to shut down the whole network, Isao just wants to have certain control over what it does (no one know what the organical AI is thinking).
Can you say that Ark really has nothing to do with the game's main plot in any route? If they aren't clean, they're suspects.
GOAT's takeover over the company is not "extreme" taking into account that there are unclear matters like Ark project, the Assembler and the possible chance of instability of the AI (like what happened to Mother).

Lovely. I wouldn't mind having her as wife.

>> No.3321307


>> No.3321335

GOAT is part of the military, why do you think they have military ranks?

Why do you think the people rioted in the first place? Yeah I know the slums wasn't really peaceful in the first place but they made it much much worse. Hell at the end of Chinatsu's route it's pretty much destroyed. What I'm saying is that if they're moderate, they would've tried enforcing order on the slums. But GOAT is made up of extremist Anti AI people, that's why they only care about Midspire. Some of their soldiers were even raping the populace and was openly proud about it.

Now I never said GOAT is evil, they just have their own ideals. It's just that their ideals doesn't mesh well with the populace, except for the sheeps living in Midspire. Obviously if you tried to enforce your ideas to others, they will balk. The problem is that they didn't tried to enforcing order. They only cared about flushing out the Dominion. They're not acting like government troops.

Arc only becomes relevant to the main plot when they captured the assembler. I agree with you that Isao is warranted for attacking them based on that. But that only happens on Chinatsu's route. Can you say what GOAT did or planning to do to Arc on Rain and Nanoha is warranted?

>> No.3321336

And you made it sound like Isao is a moderate person. He isn't. He's a hard line anti AI even before the game start. And he became an extremist because of Gray Christmas. I don't blame him for that, if the satellite I'm managing ran out of control and annihilated an entire city I would become an extremist myself. Unfortunately he no longer consider other viewpoints besides his anymore. He'll sacrifice and use anyone to attain his ideals. Destroying the AI to him has a higher priority over anything else. He is no longer sane. The game portrayed him as one.

Isao is a really tragic character. If Sora didn't die, if Gray Christmas didn't occur he probably would've turn into a moderate person. It's all stupid Naoki's fault (or whatever's possessing him).

We've been debating this stuff for 4 days now, are we going to continue this till thread 3 and beyond?

>> No.3321407

This is like "the last fortess of /jp/". We must hold firm.

>> No.3321548

Question for those whose good at survival, if you get stuck in corner and there are something like 5 enemies hitting you at sametime and stunlock you, is there eny effective way getting away of this without losing like half of remaining life bar or do I just have to accept this and wait untill their weapons go for cooldown?

>> No.3321559

Get in the air. Or dashes.

>> No.3321572
File: 110 KB, 283x257, 090501_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you dash out of this?

>> No.3321580

air > finish with hammer -> dash -> rockets -> air -> ....

>> No.3321588

Also try using sword is you are not making it in time.

>> No.3321594

What weapon unlocks the hammer?

>> No.3321617

Afaik you need only sword. Maybe drill.

>> No.3321645

Ah, also you need some good move to get out of this shit while you are in the air.

>> No.3321674

On the subject of weapons, what's a good launcher for the laser thingy that shoots directly overhead you?

I use the axe, but the laser fails to connect most of the time.

>> No.3321728

What kind of game is this anyways?
I mean, until today, everytime I glanced at OP's pic I thought "Baldr Sky" was a doujin music album.

>> No.3321744


Basically Cyberpunk VN(think GitS) with Mecha.

>> No.3321760


Cyberpunk is so passe. Time loops, quantum technobabble, and the dullness of ordinary life are what's in vogue now.

>> No.3321762

Axe is ok, you need to practice more. Also there are some other chains leading enemy to hit the ground and raise up, you can chain it to them.

>> No.3321765

Than don't waste your time on it and go read some clannad.

>> No.3321783

Why does that guy's force crash bar instantly refills? Is there a plugin that does that?

>> No.3321796

Go read Cross Channel then.

>> No.3321881

It's still the division in charge of those matters, it's their jurisdiction, military ranks or not. They're not stepping over the boundaries of their duty.

The CDF tried to enforce order in the city but with Dominion trying to blow up the midspire (and GOAT) and the possible assembler activation, there are more pressing matters to attend.

Rape? I demand proof again. However disgusting and opportunistic is it, fucking virgins in exchange for a can of food is not rape. And again, it's the GU's army, not Isao's GOAT.

The people rioted because Dominion wanted to leave the city and if their request wasn't approved, they would activate the Assembler. Of course, GOAT can't let them leave with the fucking Assembler so they closed the city and no one could leave until the whole matter was resolved. Then, Dominion opened a few holes in the Midspire and chaos ensued.

Did you read Isao's lines at all? Isao's main objective is to prevent something another Gray Christmas (Assembler activation), not to destroy the AI.. To accomplish that he must ensure that all data regarding the assembler is destroyed because even if Dominion/Naoki/Ark is stopped for now, someone could attempt to recreate the assembler in the future.
Doesn't mesh with the populace? The majority of the world is Anti-AI.. Even those rioters in the slums were Anti-AI (attacked Chinatsu and Kou because they had neurojacks and were suspected of killing Yoneuchi).

>> No.3322068
File: 1.35 MB, 1179x1750, GIGA-081230_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread needs more Sora.

>> No.3322071

Protip: don't try to level up weapons with shit damage, shit combo ability and huge vulnerabilities in chinatsus route on normal/hard difficult. Shit gets hard and takes loooong time.

>> No.3322114

Is there an all weapon trainer/cheat for this game? Too hard to level up some of the weapons.

>> No.3322137 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.51 MB, 2500x1900, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, capturing Ark is warranted even if they didn't have the assembler itself. First, the VIP's disappearances (it is confirmed that there are ghosts in Arval city). Second, Ark is hiding data regarding the Gray christmas.

You have a point in that he is dead set on his ideals. But that is ideal is preventing another Gray Christmas, not the eradication of the AI. True, he harbors certain resentment against it, but is no madman. Even in Chinatsu's bad end, where Ark and the Assembler are eliminated he is not as joyous as if he had accomplished the goal of his life. In hindsight, he wonders if he really was right or not. And is not mad a Kou because he chose to believe in the Agent.

Gungnir run out of control back then? This is the first time I've read that. Where does it say that? I'm intrigued (no sarcasm implied).

The point I want to get through is that Isao is not crazy nor is a hardline Anti-AI.. If you want us to drop this now, I'll drop it.

I was partly right about Nointzen, he was a weapon that was recognized as human later.
Attaching a few screenshots.

>> No.3322184
File: 1.44 MB, 1600x1200, baldrsky_spwall02_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Baldr Sky thread needs more Sora.

>> No.3322186

force crash refills the bar if it used when the bar is red.

>> No.3322271 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 800x600, snapshot20090907154950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Dr. Nointzen is actually a sentient weapon? Maybe he/it is (picture related)

>> No.3322363

I have my doubts about that but it's possible, we still don't know what is that. Nointzen died by connecting himself directly to the Baldr system. Maybe he fused with it, and that could explain why the Tranquilizer went crazy and why Yae gave up her life trying to stop Baldr.

>> No.3322828
File: 298 KB, 330x1050, 4koma-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Un mas.

>> No.3322954


>> No.3323767

What is the source?
And "one more" is "uno mas".

>> No.3323793


4コマ at the bottom there.

>> No.3324365

When was it said the Yae gave up her life trying to stop it? IIRC Yae just sensed evil coming from it. Yae died from CEBD at home.

>> No.3324601
File: 196 KB, 600x849, c660664table3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

81 days and counting. Can we keep these threads up till dive2 gets released? Also anyone know if there is cleaned and bigger version of this pic available?

>> No.3324626


What a slut, each feather represents a guy she has slept with since the Gray Christmas

>> No.3324817

I think you guys are interpreting the weapon bit a bit too literally. Weapons do not invent technologies nor do they have apprentices.

I don't think so. Though it'd be funny if Sora turns out to be the only nonvirgin among the heroines. Oh wait I take that back, it'd be RAGE.

>> No.3324836


You know that she really has slept with like a million guys already at this point right?

>> No.3324880

I demand proof. Also don't you have an NTR thread to start?

>> No.3324966

I hope they made her happy.

>> No.3325332

Stop this shit, Sora/Kuu are pure, but bootlegged NPCs are sluts, altough I wouldn't mind owning one or many of them.

>> No.3325338

No she isn't look at her omake scenario. That's no dream. See how she willingly open up her groins. Also no blood. Confirmed Slut.

>> No.3325346

all the omake scenarios are dreams/fake. or are you saying all of them are sluts altough it's clear that they are virgins, but they just don't bleed

>> No.3325387

Makoto and Aki-nee's happened in the virtual world. Sora's happened in the real world. Sora also didn't act anything like its her first time. She was the one that wanted the cock inside her and by that time Kou realize it wasn't a dream and wanted to stop.

>> No.3325415

Who are you to decide whether or not somebody is acting like its their first time? Different people react differently. If the writer decided not to go the 'omg im so scared' route that literally every other fucking hentai goes, then more power to him.

>> No.3325424

Are you the person that posts in threads saying you didn't see any blood in the HCGs, therefore clearly all the heroines are nonvirgin sluts?

>> No.3325433 [DELETED] 

Of course no one. But if a heroine is a virgin the writer would try to find a way to put it or impy it in the script in someway or another. Sora is like 'It's not over yet right? Hurry up and put it in!' and 'Why is your dick so big?'. How can you imply that she's a virgin if she's saying stuff like that?

College fees are expensive you know do you think she can afford for the education of her and Makoto? She probably also fucked Isao.

>> No.3325437

Of course no one. But if a heroine is a virgin the writer would try to find a way to put it or imply it in the script in someway or another. Sora is like 'It's not over yet right? Hurry up and put it in!' and 'Why is your dick so big?'. How can you imply that she's a virgin if she's saying stuff like that?

College fees are expensive you know do you think she can afford for the education of her and Makoto? She probably also fucked Isao.

Shit, how did you figure that out?

>> No.3325440

Dive2 will probably show you to be hilariously wrong. Omake is omake, the way I see it. Shit didn't happen, virtual or otherwise.

>> No.3325443

Oh shut it up about virginity. Who the fuck cares?

>> No.3325450

Some people played Baldr Sky for the story or gameplay or something, not because they were specifically after VIRGIN DEFLOWERING GAME

>> No.3325455
File: 131 KB, 353x352, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3325461

傷ついた君はまだ 青い空 探していたね
崩れゆく未来 一片の夢を拾い上げ


微かな声のragged soldier

幻想は脳の中 幾重にも重なり縺(もつ)れ
打ち消しあって 慰めあい また増えてゆく


>> No.3325464


未来(あした)を見てたflying soldier
伝えるよ 何度も
この頭上高く 取り戻すと

遠い記憶 感じられるよ


>> No.3325467

I think there is a hint in the op song. Someone thought that it themed around Chinatsu but I think it is about Sora.

>> No.3325484
File: 284 KB, 1024x768, 06_1024768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do not care about the heroine's chastity, fine.
But can you really imply that she's a virgin if she's saying stuff like that?

Actually I don't think the omake is canon either. It doesn't fit in the timeline, especially Sora's. They started going out the day before Christmas Eve.

>> No.3325486

Autosage again. I guess time to start another thread.

It'd be great if we can keep this up till Dive2.

>> No.3325498

New Thread: >>3325496
