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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 600x800, 0760376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3296304 No.3296304 [Reply] [Original]

I tried to explain why 2D is better than 3D to a woman and get this, very scary.

>> No.3296307


>> No.3296309

she's jealous

>> No.3296310

People often react very negatively when confronted with a truth they don't want to admit is true.

>> No.3296314

3D is fucking superior.

>> No.3296316


>> No.3296317

Oh yeah? What exactly happened?

>> No.3296336

Well, I was like -"Can understand why some are in 2D only"
She was like -"2D is not 3D, we are better"
I was like -"In what"

Then she tried to explain but i always had a counter-argument.
Then she was like -"Such an outrage to us real women ! You dare to compare us? Fuck you"

>> No.3296338

I don't think this ever happened. Enjoy your delusions.

>> No.3296344

"Man, I should be totally offensive and rude to this person whom I interact with in the flesh and blood. I'll be a hero to a bunch of anonymous internet personalities on a niche imageboard!"

>> No.3296346

>"Can understand why some are in 2D only"

>> No.3296353

Heh? Then try it too. I was surprised too.
I SWEAR you'll get something like that.
( With a real-sociable girl, or it won't work )

>> No.3296360

Without a blow by blow this is very boring, so elaborate.

>> No.3296362

He tried to sound like a normalfag.

>> No.3296371

If I could talk to women that weren't related to me I wouldn't be on /jp/.

>> No.3296375

>implying anyone in /jp/ leaves their room

>> No.3296388

Well I just defended pedofiles by saying that being a pedo doesn't mean you're also instantly a child rapist.

>> No.3296395

Typical bitch. Nothing new.

>> No.3296400

Scared of realizing the truth: that she's obsolete.

>> No.3296408
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>> No.3296410


OP here, I didn't expect answers like that.
You really think i'm trolling? Here's the full thing then :

I was just talking about 4chan basically with her, saying that browsing threads here was somewhat fun from me.
Since we were talking about the "Body Pillow incident" (well she's 3D, couldn't start off with a touhou discussion, she wouldn't know about it) we gradually started to talk about a somewhat war between men & women because we are supposely "disposing of them" (her words) because of 2D.

Too lazy to continue, the thing is :
It ended up like that.

>> No.3296428

>>from me.

>> No.3296442

>but i always had a counter-argument.
Yeah, I can imagine that

-'But 2D isn't real'
-'At least they aren't fucking bitches like you, whore'

One has to wonder why all the negative responses. Probably because they're jealous.

>> No.3296452

>disposing of them
The sooner, the better

>> No.3296484

who was this woman, a friend?

>> No.3296494

OP here. You got it.

>> No.3296561

You told some woman she's inferior to drawings and she got pissed at you? Amazing, to think I could have went through the day without knowig this.

>> No.3296605

>>You told some woman she's inferior to drawings
No... ... But didn't see it that way.
Well was still funny.

>> No.3296631

ITT perma-butthurt femanons.

>> No.3296632

Why the fuck would anyone talk about 4chan.
One of the most essential rules is to completely conceal your hobbies.

>> No.3296683
File: 32 KB, 400x300, fight-club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3296697

>>One of the most essential rules is to completely conceal your hobbies.
Wha..? Fuck, ok i'll do that.

>> No.3296709

That's his coolest role ever.

>> No.3296740

sure, tell that to /b/

>> No.3296756

they're the faggots that talk like that rule is important

>> No.3296783

Retreating to 2D = Failure to procreate, inferior genes aren't passed on to future generations.

Darwinism at its finest.

>> No.3296808
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>>Retreating to 2D = Failure to procreate
>>Implying that a 3D one makes you want to procreate

>> No.3296839
File: 289 KB, 1230x770, anonymous tells the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth. I look forward to a future where rednecks and sand niggers dominate the gene pool, while biological traits that makes you more likely to become a nerd are practically nonexistent.

>> No.3296862
File: 21 KB, 411x334, 1248884047163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>great people

>> No.3296868

Who's the guy in the topleft?

>> No.3296883
File: 115 KB, 472x388, 1251268839607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great people seen by anonymous

>> No.3296895


>> No.3296898

Four popped collars god dang.

>> No.3296902



>> No.3296911


I call this style "trendy onion"

>> No.3296926
File: 113 KB, 600x594, MikuWedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell my female friends (in b4 I have none) that I have no interest in 3D all the time. It's mostly tongue in cheek, but some of them have asked me if I'm gay. They assume you must be, if you don't like real women.

>> No.3296934

Yeah, Why the fuck do Americunts wear it like that?

>> No.3296945

huh? was more like "get a psy" for me

>> No.3296969

They don't. This guy posed for a funny picture that wound up on the internet. He probably had his collars like that for all of 30 seconds.

>> No.3297038

I've seen a guy with three popped collars but never four.

>> No.3297063
File: 85 KB, 800x600, d956a4d85a4204448707a2ce7f66cbf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That always make me rage/facepalm because of their stupidity. I like this (pic) very much, so of course I must be gay!

>> No.3297091


What are you talking about? You like dollfies so you're obviously a 3D loving normalfag.

>> No.3297096

back when /b/ was good, fight club was in the mandatory "to watch" list

>> No.3297105


You lost me.

>> No.3297132

femanon here 2D women are superior because they won't betray my friendship... I hate my female "friends"

>> No.3297135

good, go on.

>> No.3297166

Well there's nothing much the only thing they talk about's how what they got from their BF, with who they cheated on them (and how they were in bed) and when they plan on dumping their actual BF for someone with more money. Ah yes did I forget to say that they were bitches talking behind their other friends back (and porbably mine when I'm not there).

>> No.3297176


You're bad at spotting sarcasm. Please leave.

>> No.3297180 [DELETED] 

back when /b/ has idol threads and japan topics

>> No.3297185

Tell her you're only interested in 4D girls.

>> No.3297186

back when /b/ had idol threads and japan topics

>> No.3297192
File: 16 KB, 144x302, collier-lilith2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illustration predates photographs. Some pre-humans also made crude drawings, so technically it also predates real women. This image is a work of religious art relevant to the current discussion, so it is worksafe and on-topic.

>> No.3297198

If you really believed that 2D is better then you never would talk to a 3D woman in the first place.

>> No.3297215

They're still people. It's hard to just ignore them when they talk directly to you.

>> No.3297219


Certain girls are nice to keep as friends as long as you make clear that you're not going to be their gay friend and/or nice guy.

>> No.3297226

Believing something to be superior doesn't necessarily mean you refuse to acknoledge the existance of the inferior object nor does it make you an instant hikikomori.

>> No.3297227

pieces of chocolate in a piece of shit does not a piece of shit unmake.

>> No.3297230

>blindly incoherent sentence with "i'm female"
>giving her (him) the slightest acknowledgment
>giving us your life story

Fucking attention whore

THIS is why 3D women are inferior creatures.

>> No.3297233

Are you seriously telling people you have no interest in real women?
Jesus...I thought having no real friends was pretty bad of me but you guys take it to a whole new level.
Let me put it to you this way: Nice girls are rare. You have to find them and get them. It also helps if arn't a little pussy afraid of talking to people. It also helps if you don't look fugly and maintain yourself. I guess if it really makes you happy to be bitter at women and normalfags go ahead and live the rest of your life alone. Me? No. I'm better than that. I may have no real friends right now but fuck, I'm rising and breaking through the top and no one can stop me.

>> No.3297244



>> No.3297245


sugoi hanashi, aniki

>> No.3297246


Enjoy being a slave to The Man.

>> No.3297269


>> No.3297277

Fuck why did I bump this I AM SO SORRY

>> No.3297298

WORST case: I end up working at a job that I don't mind and have a steady income married to a medium tier girl.
That's right. Look at me. No real friends. Over 1TB worth of anime I have seen. Plays video games and reads VNs. And yet, I still plenty of potential.

>> No.3297300

Im potential here too!

>> No.3297302

>>Let me put it to you this way: Nice girls are inexistant

>>makes you happy to be bitter at women
Actually i'm not the first throwing the rock.
- "Hahaha, a man who finds 2D girls cute is just a LoooOooSer"
- " ... Hoh?"

>> No.3297303





>> No.3297306


>> No.3297307

>- "Hahaha, a man who finds 2D girls cute is just a LoooOooSer"
No. But living in some sort of imaginary world that only exists in your mind does make you a loser.

>> No.3297320

I have an interest in 3D girls. I have a gravure folder and I have a porn folder.

I'd love to have a 3D girl who would love me but most of the females I've met were gold digging shallow whores.

So guess what? For the time being 2D is superior. Even then when and IF I do get a girlfriend. I'm not gonna drop the things I like.

>> No.3297329

I'm not really willing to set myself a lifetime of misery just so I can brag to my family, friends and online, and have free sex.

I'm not really against 3D women. I just don't believe in them when it comes to relationships. I'd probably be gay if I had interest in men, but I find petty when people assume I must be gay because I'm not interested in relationships.

>> No.3297334

>>living in some sort of imaginary world that only exists in your mind
This. I'm not (yet) the typical Neet/jp/user/youfailednotnoticingthetroll, i wouldn't give a fuck if they actually living in their own world (... lol'd) BUT the "i'm3D i'm better u're a looser" just makes me sick.

>> No.3297339

>lifetime of misery

>> No.3297359

>>if they actually

Also :
>> I just don't believe in them when it comes to relationships
>>most of the females I've met were gold digging shallow whores
Well not so good examples, but still you have to wonder why it's happening.

>> No.3297373

Looking in the wrong places and most people are generally trash. Also, similar types of people are usually in similar places.

>> No.3297384

>>similar types of people are usually in similar places
This... was BAD.

>> No.3297395

I'm not wrong. Don't take the statement too far.

>> No.3297396

I've had enough experiences with women to clearly say I want nothing to do with them on a personal basis.
I will not risk anything that is mine, including my emotional well being, over something that has proven time and time again to be deceiving, opportunistic and definitely lacking in morals.
Every single woman that I have met has been a source of disappointment to me or someone else.

>> No.3297412

You have to be able to predict which girls are bad and which are not. If they start flirting with you or anyone, they are bad.

>> No.3297413

I have no regrets.
2D is the only path.

>> No.3297418

And if they don't they are not interested.

>> No.3297419

It's not on a sexual plane, they are just bad people in general. the statistical gain associated with women is negative.

>> No.3297425

>>Don't take the statement too far.
Well, still ringing very bad for a statement

Let's not fall to the -own experience of women-.
It's just the FUCK your 2D attitude that is somewhat stupid since lots of them are actually fapping to 2D (oh well, 3D stars like bawson most of the time too)

>> No.3297441

I met seen quite a few very nice girls. Maybe your city is just shitty and you should move somewhere else.

>> No.3297446

I think that the only women I'd have some interest in are the ones with some sort of disability (no, I'm not a KS dev), since it's the closest we can get to moe in real life.

>> No.3297450

2D!=3D. Disabilities are NOT moe.

>> No.3297474


I don't think you know what the meaning of closest is.

>> No.3297480

>>Implying women are different depending on the city
Yes, Americans women are sluts and Japanese ones are moe~
... ... ... Wait ! Wha..?

>> No.3297487

I don't think you have ever taken one step outside your house.

>> No.3297499

Lets face it, if you live in New York you get different girls than if you live in a rural city. The environment they group up in is completely different.

>> No.3297510


cool story bro

>> No.3297511

>>some sort of disability
Sorry, real disability is UGLY, or are you just talking about blindness and things like that?

BAD trolling.

>> No.3297518

>BAD trolling.
Whatever you say bro....whatever you say...

>> No.3297531

They'll lie and cheat in the end. It's all useless.

>> No.3297538


Blind, deafmute, or even a missing limb, as long as it's not something hideous.

I once met a girl who had her arm bent in strange way. She acted really cute trying to hide it. I thought it was moe (in before another idiot questions the usage of moe), but couldn't ass myself to try to start a proper conversation.

>> No.3297542

let's just assume i want a 3D girl (just assuming okay)
More girls = More Choice = More chances to bump on a slut.

>>rural city
I HOPE you're not thinking that rurals' women are better than cities' ones, otherwise...

>> No.3297573

"nothing ever works out in 3D like it does in 2D.", there's never any argument there.

>> No.3297579

Sorry to barge in, but rural girls ARE better.

Just a FYI

>> No.3297591

There is nothing to work out in 2D...there are only fantasies that you can never fulfill.

>> No.3297597

Unless you are fulfilled by the fantasy.

>> No.3297598

women spotted

>>There is nothing to work out in 3D...there are only fantasies that you can never fulfill.

>> No.3297610

Yes, keep believing that sitting alone for the rest of your life. Personally I will never be satisfied by that. I will try and fulfill my 2D fantasies in 3D.

>> No.3297624

enjoy being arrested for life after killing and then eating some random girl

>> No.3297632

Why would I do that?

>> No.3297633

>I will try and fulfill my 2D fantasies in 3D.

"I'll be rich by being poor!"

>> No.3297638

>>Yes, keep believing that sitting alone for the rest of your life
Woman's logic. Who said that it was my goal, for example..?
I'm just not treating other people like shit unlike you BECAUSE they can't stand 3D

>> No.3297647

>sitting alone for the rest of your life

Why do you fags keep trying to make this sound like it's such a bad thing?

Some people just don't like or feel comfortable interacting with others. I understand normalfags and their need for shallow and empty company.

>> No.3297646 [DELETED] 

. <-Post
.<-your reply

>> No.3297650

I wish I was more attractive and charming so I could refuse to acknowledge the appeal of women and actually make them feel like it's a loss. Sure, you see them get trolled on 4chan once in a while regardless, but what I really want to experience is have someone fall in love with me, and reject her on the basis that her whole existence is disgusting.

>> No.3297656

>Why do you fags keep trying to make this sound like it's such a bad thing?

Because it is a pretty bad thing.

>> No.3297660

I'll let you try my wu tang style.

>> No.3297668

This thread makes no sense, how is this even an argument.

Your 2D fantasies will never be realized, if you can't accept this then you've found yet another thing you fail at.

Either you remain like this the rest of your life, or settle for an ignorant broad who cares nothing about you except for the day when your check comes in.

There is no happiness unless you have ALOT of money, but even then you'll never get the right girl. Unless of course you have billions and manage to create the perfect android girl.

>> No.3297670

Objectively bad? If so, you should be able to provide some scientific evidence for it.

>> No.3297671

>and reject her on the basis that her whole existence is disgusting
putting oil in the fire is not so good...

>> No.3297673

Not if we are satiated by it.

>> No.3297683

Cash rules everything around me.

>> No.3297686

>>Your 2D fantasies will never be realized
Neither will the 3D fantasies, or you're just lying to yourself.

>> No.3297689

Real > Fantasy.

Stop living a lie.

>> No.3297698


I don't claim to be a complete recluse (I'm a lot closer to normalfags due to my line of work), but I simply can't relate to people. I hate trying to make a good first impression, I hate spending money on girls, I have nothing in common with most people, and I don't even like talking about my weeaboo tastes outside of the internet.

Being alone is best.

>> No.3297700

Because humans are social creatures and derive happiness from interacting with others? I guess you can live off of online interactions but it's just not the same.

>> No.3297702

Except when it doesn't for us.

>> No.3297703

What makes me laugh is that if a person here says he honestly does not need love and is fine alone and without it he is bombarded will psychological babble about human nature and "oh everyone has to be with SOMEONE!!!! It's IMPOSSIBLE to live alone and be happy!!! You're just in denial!!!" like they just cannot accept the fact that there are individuals out there who are truly happy in the company of only themselves and no one else.

This rams home the short sighted shallowness of the human species.

>> No.3297707


shit my bad, that's kinda what I meant. Your 2D fantasies will never be realized in the 3D world...I can't tell if I'm wording this right.

>> No.3297710

Shit, the bot is losing it.

>> No.3297711
File: 21 KB, 250x242, 1250799403370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real > Fantasy

>> No.3297717

I guess it depends on your fantasies.

>> No.3297719

[citation needed]

>> No.3297721

No one cares pal. Go back to sleep.

>> No.3297726

Actually it does. Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.3297738

>>"oh everyone has to be with SOMEONE!!!! It's IMPOSSIBLE to live alone and be happy!!! You're just in denial!!!"
I'm getting tired to hear this shit.

>> No.3297740

Except when it doesn't. You see where this is going?

>> No.3297747

>It's IMPOSSIBLE to live alone and be happy!
You can live alone fine but it will usually be better to live with someone else...unless you are seriously fucked up in the head(NOT /jp/ members)

>> No.3297749 [DELETED] 

Could you please elaborate?
Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE

>> No.3297751

You continuing to lie to yourself?

>> No.3297761

I've already accepted that I'll never be as good as 2D.

>> No.3297765

Being happy in a fantasy romantic relationship is a delusion I can live with. I prefer it over any possible 3D romantic relationship.

>> No.3297777


Some people, like me, just don't want to be in relationships anymore.

Although I'll admit I would adopt a child if given the possibility.

>> No.3297780

What about those holy men or gurus in India? Are they all miserable since they're not getting any poon? As far as I know reclusive people have always been around.

>> No.3297781

Oh yeah, those,

>> No.3297785
File: 108 KB, 610x432, 1234871641732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This' like talking to a wall, without ears, who is proud to be a wall and that is a faggot wall, pink and all.

That said, could someone pour some grey over the black and white of this thread?
>It's IMPOSSIBLE to live alone and be happy!
It's POSSIBLE to live alone and be happy, but it's much easier to live alone and be miserable. Specially when you're alone not by choice, but by fear. And I know most of you are.

>> No.3297804

Romantic love is something men feel when they project their ideal of femininity onto another person, who (in most cases) does not deserve it. These sorts of feelings come back to bite you in the ass, usually sooner rather than later. Romance and love mean suffering and servitude to whomever becomes the embodiment of one's ideals. The prudent Anonymous will learn to recognize and control tendencies toward such emotions, redirecting them to imaginary or inanimate objects and learning to suppress them as needed.

>> No.3297814

Haven't you guys ever watched married with children? That show perfectly shows just how "happy" you 3D fags are in the end.

Accept it, living alone is a virtue. I eat what I want when I want, I go wherever the fuck I want(although I guess I don't leave that often BUT the point is the option is there). I'm my own boss damnit, you go ahead and get yourself a 3D girlfriend and get married. See just how *happy* you become

>> No.3297835

my 2D fantasies are usually realized via erogame,
that's what i meant.
>not like my waifu pillow can leave me,
>at least i hope not.

>> No.3297837

>Haven't you guys ever watched married with children? That show perfectly shows just how "happy" you 3D fags are in the end.

Wait, you serious? Do you even know what a comedy is?
Long story short: Married with children is what 3D life would be if you fail at it. Scared enough to not try it? Though so.

>> No.3297846

the reason none of you guys can find girls is because you're misogynistic fuckers with no lives. it's not that there are no nice girls, it's that they don't want to associate themselves with you. nice people become friends with nice people. you can't just sit there and think you DESERVE a nice girlfriend. just like slutty girls get dumbass boyfriends, only nice guys can get worthwhile girlfriends.

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.3297852


I love how naive you kids are, have fun with your failed relationships. Not that you'll ever get one anyways

>> No.3297853

He gestured me to my feet and I stood again, straight, frightened, he regarding me. He had already erased the signs of the day's lecture on Hegel. This I had taken as evidence that he was ready to soon make his departure from this lecture hall. I did not meet his eyes, staring instead at his bowtie and rumpled shirt. I did not dare to meet the gaze behind his tortoise shell bifocals. In his presence, aside from my fear and vulnerability at not having done the reading, I felt, for the first time in my life, certain deep, and overwhelming and indescribable sensations of fear at not having proofread my essay on Plato's theory of The Good. These sensations, I knew, had something to do with his tweed-and-corduroy-covered maleness, so strong, so willing to direct discussion questions at specific members of the class; my femaleness, so small, so weak, so much more interested in Professor White's epistemology course at 2:00. I was confused, astonished, troubled. I wanted to please him. Yes! But how could I tell him that his lecture failed to address the latest special issue of Analysis? That I, an Undergraduate girl, the helpless captive of an arthritic, underweight academic, dared to attend his office hours? And willingly? Yes, it is true. It is simply true. Hold me in contempt if you must. I do not object. I am not ashamed. I wanted to please the chalk-coated beast.

Before I had known him I had believed the weak lie of tenure review and course evaluations. Now I knew true happiness, that it was my willing place to fill in every 5 on the scantron sheet and gleefully write "no suggestions necessary. Professor Brakkus is my favorite professor. He has taught me so much." And that was no lie. He would withhold the A, giving me the B+ I deserved as woman.

>> No.3297857

>>Married with children is what 3D life would be if you fail at it
>Implying that even if you're married, you could still failed
and the fuck is this failed at life thing?
if i don't want to be a fucking sheep following the fucking crew and procreating with a fucking slut, why or when did i fail??

>> No.3297875

You guys need to take it easy. Wha
t the hell are you doing on /jp/ 
anyways with this?

>> No.3297877


If your life is going to be as awesome as Married with Children then it's okay.

Enjoy your boring life with your overwight waifu and kids that hate you.

>> No.3297892
File: 18 KB, 815x622, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only nice guys can get worthwhile girlfriends.
I was the 'nice guy' for years but all I got was bitches and whores. The nice guy never gets the girl, it's the badass and the richboy.

Sage for wrong board ect.

>> No.3297902
File: 3 KB, 150x150, hilariousreactionimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ image macro
>Sage for wrong board ect.

>> No.3297905

The only way to win at life is to be happy.

Most of /jp/. is lonely because they think they don't have a choice, not because they wanted to.
In the end, the learned to like loneliness. But they still failed and so do you.

>> No.3297906

you guys argue against "normalcy" but you're all the same.

>> No.3297908

>>the reason none of you guys can find girls is because you're misogynistic fuckers
>>with no lives.
Failed +2
>>it's not that there are no nice girls, it's that they don't want to associate themselves with you.
I'm grateful to hear that.
>> nice people
>>become friends with nice people.
... ...
>>you can't just sit there and think you DESERVE a nice girlfriend.
Look again. We don't GIVE A SHIT about them. Is that clear enough now for you?
>>just like slutty girls get dumbass boyfriends,
So being tricked by a woman make you a dumbass okay?
>>only nice guys can get worthwhile girlfriends.
So you're thinking that sluts can't act like a -worthwhile girlfriend- then? Wew, good luck !

>> No.3297915

it's the ones that don't come after you that are the good ones. don't expect all women to just become your girlfriend, you have to work at it. don't just let any slut be your girlfriend.

>> No.3297924

It's 'normality', and you're not using it right.

>> No.3297926

whoops, sorry! well, i bet you all know what i mean.

>> No.3297933
File: 47 KB, 655x560, 1251552675625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3297954

ITT: We judge others acccording to our own values.

>> No.3297971

ITT: We waste time that we could be sleeping with.

>> No.3298124

There should be a VN where this is an option. Would i be BAD or GOOD end?

>> No.3298135

wanko prequel

>> No.3298154

Oh no, anything but Wanko. Well, thanks anyway, there are some cool VN developers out there (in b4 given fact).

>> No.3298157

>164 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

excuse me wtf r u doin?

>> No.3298225


An entire shitstorm later and I'm still right.

Face it, liking 2D exclusively means you're a genetic failure. That means all of you. Rationalizing won't help. Go donate to a sperm bank or something.

>> No.3298243

>genetic failure

So donating to a sperm bank would be IRL trolling?

>> No.3298247

Procreation is not important to many of us. Being happy is. You really shouldn't imply that genetic imperatives are the be all end all of individuals.

>> No.3298254

Is it so hard understanding some people just want nothing to do with women ?
I'm not turning my back on civilisation.
I chose ,based on both empirical and anecdotal avidence that women are all treacherous and vile, to refuse interacting with women on an interpersonal level.

>> No.3298261

Which is kind of a problem because I wish to have children someday.

>> No.3298277

Adoption? Kidnapping?

>> No.3298282

If not procreating means failure at life, isn't it better to fail than have your life directed by something outside youself?

>> No.3298285

If you went 3D because you didn't want to be a genetic failure, I have bad news for you...

Long story short, who enjoys life wins at it; so, if you're happy being a tool then I guess you win... but you're still a tool.
Think for yourself goddamnit. Of all the reasons to go 3D, you had to choose the only one that makes you a faggot.

>> No.3298288

Seems like those are the only options.
If I'm lucky, cloning technology will have developed by the time I reach my forties.
Enabling me to have the perfect child.

>> No.3298306

No adoption agency would ever release a child to a non-married man, especially not one as creepy as you.

>> No.3298307

Please use the REPORT function to 
help remove bad threads! Make /jp
/ a better place!

>> No.3298311

I'm not creepy !
I'm rich.
