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3281455 No.3281455 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished Rain's route. Ghost end was sad. ;_;

Can someone explain me what the GOAT and CDF are? And also why Kou got an arrest warrant. I forgot.

So Sora really is dead... ;_;
And that terminal is mother?

>> No.3281477

GOAT: GU's Anti-AI battalion.
CDF: The city's police.

>> No.3281482

What's GU?

>> No.3281493

The world government (think UN with balls).
And yes, that terminal is mother, it gets explained later (Rain's good end I think)

>> No.3281512

So why is the world government against AI?

>> No.3281522

I didn't really interpret it like that. It's more like GU military just has a special unit against AI attacks/emergencies, as it's pretty obvious such a unit is necessary in the world of BS.

>> No.3281536

But they tried to persecute Kou's aunt forcing her and Aki to hide.

>> No.3281543

Listen to Yoneuchi's speech. The AI is dangerous, it corrupts people's minds inciting them to escape from reality (instead of working to make a better tomorrow), nanotech is dangerous, the man is no longer human as it has biomachines implanted, etc.

>> No.3281549

Well, I don't really think this was explained in all that much detail in Rain's route, but basically there's indications of some weird shit going on at Ark. Also the commander of GOAT isn't really very neutral about his job. This doesn't mean that GU is generally anti-AI.

>> No.3281556

Who's Yoneuchi? The guy that was mindhacked/assasinated in the midst of his speech? Isn't he only a small time politician?

>> No.3281582 [DELETED] 

Rain's father isn't it?
Can't really blame him though.

>> No.3281588

Yes, that guy. The important point is that he is, as the game calls him, a GU puppet. And so, he is advancing GU's agenda on the city (the city/state is self governing and GU doesn't have much power there).

>> No.3281590

That's Rain's father isn't it?
Can't really blame him though given what his family have gone through because of the cult.

>> No.3281609

Thanks everyone. I kinda didn't paid attention to the political setting, didn't think it was important.

So what was the initial reason Kou got an arrest warrant? Falsification of death?

>> No.3281654
File: 978 KB, 1411x851, sora_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that was it, I remember there being something else too tough... argh... starting to forget stuff already, need to replay it sometime before dive2.

Whatever Sora is dead or alive is bit of debetable, but you see the reasons in upcoming routes.. But Sora is love.

>> No.3281671

Yeah, by the end of the game, you can't help but feel sorry him. Nothing ever worked out right for the poor guy.

>> No.3281706

What the hell, I can't load my cleared data.
It crashes after the first loading scene.

Can you access the other routes by starting a new game?

>> No.3281811

I don't think you can; at least I'm not getting the choice that sets you on the Chinatsu route right in the beginning by starting a new game. Just load a save from as close to the ending as you can and complete it again.

>> No.3281847

One of the things I liked in BS were all the different groups/factions involved in the story:

Kou's mercenary group

>> No.3281925
File: 947 KB, 1396x867, rain_scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's one of things I liked too, it's nice to see how they react with each other how the "alliances" shifts between them. You forgot Giberts group from list tough and Kurihara can to some degree considered his own too.

>> No.3282032

I think I got it fixed. I turned off DirectX in the startup tool and seems to work fine now and runs snappier too.

Yeah, kinda confusing as hell though at first.
But I guess that's what I get for not paying attention.

>> No.3282142 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 800x600, snap007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they made it that Sora really is dead. ;_;

Oh well a Makoto is fine too.

>> No.3282151
File: 369 KB, 1239x1752, 86_Baptizein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, at start it is bit confusing, but later it comes prety clear who's with who.

btw, for those who have played survival mode, how far have you gotten? It get's pretty hard from 55 lvl onwards. personally most aften I lose at lvls 58-60, once I have gotten to lvl 65. It's kinda annoying if you make even one bad mistake you get raped by almost one life bar worth of hp.

>> No.3282163

damn jp and its hyping games, now I have to play this because it sounds/look great.

>> No.3282165

Played only twice, and got raped by Isao on lvl45 my second time around. I should level up my melee weapons, but it's pretty tedious to do that in the story mode...

>> No.3282187

Also, how in the hell do I get more HP in this game? I've already cleared the three main routes (plus one of them again, so 4 playthroughs on my most recent save), and I still don't even have two complete life bars (just the default yellow bar, and maybe 75% of the green bar). Is there any way to get more?

>> No.3282207

I liked it better when it was called Muv Luv Alternative.

>> No.3282211

No. For some weird design reason, you cant get the full green HP bar.

>> No.3282215

You mean that slideshow with paper mechs? Booooooooring

>> No.3282218

Alternative and Sky are both among my favorite eroges, but there really is basically nothing similar between these games, other than their general genre classifications.

>> No.3282225

Play it, it's awesome.
It's cyberpunk like GitS and explores similar themes too.

>> No.3282250

Is there a reason for the title, or is this another case of Japanese trying to be DEEP by throwing in Norse mythological names?

>> No.3282257
File: 288 KB, 635x1019, 1251558792830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto is good too, love those word blurbs of her. I refuse to accept that Sora is dead, well her real world body most likely is "dead", but her "soul" is somewhere out there. But that's enough, because we have teh assembler.

Small theory of mine about Sora's current state. She's alive in real world, but not in good shape. this bit is based on those teaser CGs at dive2s homepage. Now remember that Sora met Noi during the tournament and seemed to be friends with her, so this leads to me believe that's shes been staying with Noi some time. Noi even might been Makotos doctor during school years, which led to their friendship or something. Also Kou doesn't mention Sora in front of Noi even once, so that's why they never really talk about it. So maybe in dive2 Sora route starts that Koe mentions something about Sora and Noi for some reason buts in, because she definetly has more secrets than what has been said. . that's just something I theorized and just wanted to say, anyone else have any ideas what may happen in dive2?

>> No.3282263

So cute

>> No.3282264

There's a system called "Baldr system" in the game's world, but other than that, not really. I suspect it had more to do with the earlier games in the series, and they needed something to indicate that Sky is in the same series.

>> No.3282272


Just what I'd expect from an unsophisticated Baldr fan who needs gimmicky gameplay instead of a solid, immersive story. You could never understand MuvLuv Alternative.

>> No.3282276

well, Baldr is basically super AI, and the series revolves around them to some degree. the sky part is could be said to reference few things in story.

>> No.3282281

sky = Sora obviously

>> No.3282287

Oh come on don't start
Why can't we have both? I love them both

>> No.3282288

so deep lol

>> No.3282291
File: 1.44 MB, 1600x1200, baldrsky_spwall02_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, duh, ofcourse. but there are some other Sky related references, but ofcourse Sora is the biggest.

>> No.3282299

But Kou saw Sora dissolved right infront of his eyes.
She's probably a wired ghost now if she's still alive. Maybe she has CEBS(?) like Makoto, the AI did pick her for some reason.

>> No.3282321
File: 1.01 MB, 1213x1500, rain_wp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's true, but there could be something else too. and those are some very good points too. well it's long stretch, but Noi might have imperfect assembler or something. because I'm sure that she has way more secrets that's been told, i'm sure of that.

>> No.3282330

Sora's consciousness fused with Kuu when being assembler'd and became Agent
Agent is just some kind of wired ghost, she can exist thanks to the AI
The true end will probably have Sora's body reconstructed with a reverse assembler

>> No.3282337
File: 80 KB, 800x600, BS 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know which is the actual connection between Makoto and Naoki. They were shown together in only two scenes in Dive 1, but obviously there is much more stuff behind.

>> No.3282346


That terminal/agent outright said that she's not Sora or Kuu. She's mother or whatever the next iteration of that system is and just borrowing Sora's appearance.

>> No.3282352
File: 81 KB, 700x300, FUCKING_FINALY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, that pretty possible too.

yeah that too, also why did she join Dominion is one big ? too

And only 88 days till dive2, can't fucking wait

>> No.3282363

Why wouldn't YOU join Dominion

>> No.3282368

Well she lost her sister so she must have wanted an escape.

>> No.3282372

but didn't she also say that she isn't sure about everything about herself too? also the emotions she shows sometimes just can't be coincidense. Atleast there is some degree of connection between all three of them (sora/kuu/agent/terminal)

>> No.3282380
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1200, 1250431431614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, those are possibilities. But I'm sure there is more to it tough.

>> No.3282442

Can you change equipment in the middle of the battle?

>> No.3282445


>> No.3282455

There was bug in earlier versions that if you saved mid battle and quittted and entered survival mode and chaged weapons from that save, then those changes would be carried in the save when you continue the story. don't know if it still remains in 1.05 tough.

>> No.3282534

It's different, although I'm still partial to MuvLuv.
MuvLuv has a simple development without needing an overly complex background while Baldr Sky has too many "lol plot device" saving the day but the setting has been better thought. Both are enjoyable in their own way.

Also, why is the reason for mechs in the cyberspace?

>> No.3282571

Isn't it obvious why you need mechs? it's cyberspace and there are all those pesky viruses around in addition to other people why might try to kill you, and what's the best method to protect your self? mechs ofcourse.

>> No.3282573

I prefer Baldr because:

-Im not fan of linear scenarios in vn/eroge.

-No gameplay. Seriously, seeing those awesome mech designs in Alternative and not being able to wreck shit with them is disappointing.

>> No.3282592

I love Baldr Sky but it still didn't have the FUCK YEAH crowning of awesome moments of the second half of Alternative yet.
Hoping Dive 2 will deliver in this area.

I prefer the setting of Baldr though, and the plot progression is certainly more enjoyable.

>> No.3282605

>>it's cyberspace and there are all those pesky viruses around in addition to other people why might try to kill you, and what's the best method to protect your self? mechs ofcourse.

Best method? Against a virus? No, the best method would be an organic, non electrical/computer defence. Like a thick exoskeleton carapace that connects itself to the spinal cord for control. Giant humanoid robots wouldn't have anything on a bio-cyborg.

>> No.3282606

This is pretty much why /m/ would be disappointed in the Muv-Luv series even if Ixrec translated it. I personally found Alternative awesome, but overall the mechas and battles are far from the only thing in the series. I don't really get why Muv-Luv is mainly known as a mecha series.

>> No.3282623


What I don't get is why the fans constantly moan "It's not moe! Not at all!"

>> No.3282630

You seem to think that the people in Baldr have to board in their mecha in the cyberspace.
That's not what happen, mecha in Baldr are basically armor, you don't pilot them, you become one.

>> No.3282636

It's moe, right?

>> No.3282642

Why not a tank/fighter jet/power armor or something else? I like MuvLuv's bullshit justification for mechs better.

Baldr is also pseudo-linear, with endings in the middle.

>> No.3282649

EX is, UL is kinda borderline, ALT isn't.

>> No.3282655

>>Why not a tank/fighter jet/power armor or something else
Of course that's because it's much easier for a human to visualize and therefore control a humanoid mecha.

>> No.3282665

where´s my total eclipse vn âge??????

>> No.3282666

Bitches don't know 'bout my 暁遙かなり.

It gets too difficult if you don't grind so in that sense Baldr is better.

>> No.3282667

tanks or jets in cyberspace.... I'd see the pilot dead in few seconds, they are way too unwieldy/clumsy there. and the mechs pretty much are power armors in baldr.

>> No.3282682

What's the difference between the upcoming TL VN and the one that's included with Altered Fable anyway?

>> No.3282683

>Baldr is also pseudo-linear, with endings in the middle.
Well, its true that the scenario is not "wow complex branching", but still gives you many reasons to play more than once.

One run in Altarnative, and that's it. You have seen everything, no real reason to play again.

>> No.3282687


>> No.3282690

The AF one is just a demo of the first chapter

>> No.3282696

Why not be something small, like say a kamen rider. They can materialize weapons in thin air anyway I doubt their size would matter.

Harder to hit too.

>> No.3282709

>>Of course that's because it's much easier for a human to visualize and therefore control a humanoid mecha.

Explain how a human can visualize, I assume you mean this and not physically feel, complex and balanced movement versus rolling treads or straight jets.

>>tanks or jets in cyberspace

Really? Seriously? Cyberspace can magic powerarmor notmecha to be perfectly plausable, but it turns modern military machines into RC cars?

>> No.3282714


Sorry, but the character designs are clearly moe.

>> No.3282716

I see. IIRC Total Eclipse had a completely different staff though? Different scenario writer at least.

>> No.3282724

But Alternative is much more longer (or so it felt) than one route of Baldr. Kinda like comparing 3 sequential short stories with a long novel.

>> No.3282731

Saying that a game is a moe game means in my opinion that the moe is a major selling point of a game. Otherwise, we might just as well call most games out there moe games, as most games have at least one moe character.

Moe is not a major selling point of Alternative.

>> No.3282745

Oh noes, someone drew cute girls! The game must be all about moe moe school life! Which is completely true for EX

>> No.3282765

Alternative took me much longer than all routes of Baldr Sky combined. Though my Japanese may have improved a tiny bit between these games.

>> No.3282798

Well, alternative is extremely long, but you have to remember also that only half of baldr sky has been released so far if you want to compare the whole lenght of the games, but then youd probably have to take EX and UL also into account, and well thats....

Personally I don't mind either if it's only one route or many routes. altough I may have slight preference for many routes.

>> No.3282804


Has no idea what moe is.

>>Moe is not a major selling point of Alternative.

Then why don't they have designs that look the part? I'm not asking for grizzled buff male soldiers, but some women that actually look like they went through basic training.

>> No.3282810

And in a similar way, Alternative was only one part of the whole Muv-Luv series.

>> No.3282832

Are you implying they should have changed the designs from EX?

How many clearly "moe" characters are there in Alternative anyways? With liberal interpretation, maybe Tama, Kasumi, Sumika and one or two others. Not a very many, considering the massive cast of Alternative (and yes, many of the "side" characters also have a very nontrivial part in the story)

>> No.3282886


All the character designs follow clear moe archetypes, with maybe a handful of generic ones. This does not equal a military, maybe Barbie Joins the Military at best. Gundam SEED/00 has a more believable cast of military personel.

>> No.3282914

>All the character designs follow clear moe archetypes

Huh, I guess I really don't know what moe means, then. In any case, I fail to see what your problem is. Not spoiling, but there actually is a very clearly explained reason in the game why the people in Takeru's unit are almost all people who in normal circumstances wouldn't be in the military.

>> No.3283203

ITT games Ixrec won't translate. ;_;

>> No.3283311

What the fuck is the Baldr system? All I know is that it's a machine AI.

>> No.3283322
File: 27 KB, 320x240, kei..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even play the game ?

>> No.3285060
File: 172 KB, 1088x1201, 7ae1a2e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why crop it?

>> No.3286289

I don't remember hearing a Baldr system.
But then again I only finished Rain's route.

>> No.3286295 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 1088x1536, 0422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when speaking moe in alternative you just have to post this pic of Marimo

>> No.3286307


That looks like a horribly uncomfortable cockpit. Must've been made by the Russians.

>> No.3286308

closest mention of baldr system is at chinatsus route, but any more would be bit spoilerish.

>> No.3286318

Takano Miyo in future?!

>> No.3286388
File: 226 KB, 800x600, noehng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came.

Also, I just finished Nanoha and Rain normal ends. I only have Chinatsu normal and the bad ends left. But, shit man, these normal ends are depressing. It makes me wonder how bad the bad ends really are.

>> No.3286649

There are only 2 bad ends (Nanoha and Chinatsu), Nanoha's is pretty lame actually. My favorite (or most depressing) endings are Chinatsu's bad and Nanoha's normal.

>> No.3286663
File: 339 KB, 1024x768, 03_1024768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the middle of Nanoha's route now. Shit's starting to get really interesting.

I'm not encountering random crashes on loading screen anymore after disabling DirectX. I guess Baldr Sky hates my onboard vcard. I don't see any changes except for the battle sprites not anti-aliased.

>> No.3286680

Nanoha normal ed is utter depressing. Chinatsu bad a bit less.

>> No.3286747

Chinatsu's normal end might as well have been a good end 2. Probably the second lamest end in the game (after Rain good)

>> No.3286771

aaa, It's a Noi, get in the bed...

Rains and Nanohas normal ends and Chinatsus bad end are definetly pretty depressing stuff (altough Rains is more of a bittersweet taste), and probably the best written endings in the game. Also Nanohas good and bad ends are basicly the same, other just has some assembler/agent hax while other doesn't, kinda stupid in that regards, Rains good and chinatsus normal ends are pretty stupid tough, and chinatsus good end is only good for suprise loli end.

>> No.3286837

Are there other people inside the Arc besides Kou and company?

>> No.3287063

there is, it's just that it's pretty closed up/secure/private space so only few people do get in there.

>> No.3287760

I see you never get to see someone else in there, I thought it's not yet open to the public.

>> No.3287827

Doesn't Aki's title in the company in itself imply that there are a lot more people in Ark than what we have seen in Dive1? I mean, she's supposed to be a programmer at a much higher level than "normal" Ark programmers.

>> No.3288376

I was wondering how well does Aki know Rain anyway, Aki mentioned that she had seen Rain before but wasn't sure where (was there anything else beside the area/school they were living), so atleast they didn't have that deep relationship, but after their first talk at arc they seemed to be friends/agree on somethings (was it ever told what they talked anyway or was it just general agreement to not tell Kou about gray christmas untill he learns about it himself)?

>> No.3288386

How do you guard in battle?

>> No.3288390

Probably Aki had seen Rain when she was wandering around Seishuu.

>> No.3288579

When is Dive2 due again?

>> No.3288593
File: 124 KB, 600x450, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, only 87 days left, 87 long days of torture of waiting

>> No.3289531

Finished Nanoha's route and I just realized something.

During Rain's route the assembler carrier that you mindhacked into and killed is Nanoha isn't it? ;_;

>> No.3289537

It mindfucked me a great deal when I realized it.
I sure don't look at Rain's ending in the same way as before now.

>> No.3289543

yeah, tha'ts righ, makes Rain's route that much more depressing once you realize that. ;_;

>> No.3289577

Shit, I was hoping I'm wrong. ;_;
That's fucking tragic. He doesn't even know he killed her.
That flashback the agent sent to Kou with Nanoha being mindhacked and dying is the one that happened on Rain's route isn't it?

I guess I'll move on to Chinatsu's route now.
I hope this time no one dies on the good end.

>> No.3289611

That's how I interpreted it.
About people dying, minor spoiler (no names said) some people may die or live, depending how you choose to interpret some of the plots events

>> No.3289698

Viewed Nanoha's bad(I think) end.
Why didn't they put a cg there?
I kinda want to see two lovecraftian horror having sex.

>> No.3289741

Update the game to 1.05. Nanoha bad end CG was added later.

>> No.3289750

Could you post it here, with spoiler tags? I lost my savefile and I can't find one with all the endings done

>> No.3289766

Mmm, i have to edit to image because its bigger than the standard 800x600 resolution. Maybe later, or maybe someone who has the HCG set handy will post it.

>> No.3289775 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 806x625, nanoha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the whole image, just the important part.

>> No.3289800


>> No.3289827
File: 64 KB, 800x600, snap011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird I can see that on CG mode but that didn't show ingame. I also can't find on CG mode a variation of that used on Nanoha's good end (one with nano flowers and clear sunny sky).

I also don't remember seeing this CG but it's unlocked.

>> No.3289839

wasn't that CG just quickly flashed, it was never that long on screen if I remember correctly.

wasn't this CG also used in good end, so that would also unlock it, but then it's weird if you dont have the sunny version of it because it's also played in good end...

>> No.3289849

Those are Drexler institute's scientists, it shows up in some flashback I think.

>> No.3289862

Just checked it, but that sunny sky CG veriation doesn't show up in my CG mode either. maybe it's a bug or something.

>> No.3289870

Come to think of it I vaguely remember something like that quickly flashed onscreen. Nanoha's parents I think.

Yeah, I saw that scene ingame - without the two amorphous blob.

The sunny variation not unlocking really is weird though, maybe I need Nanoha's normal end to unlock it?

>> No.3289880

nah, I doubt it will unlock, I have probably everything unlocked except anything that does come after +65 lvls in survival, but it still wont show up, unless then it gets unlocked further in survival for some weird ass reason, but I doubt it.

>> No.3289904

That reminds me.
If Kou and Nanoha can survive the nanomachine disassembly and got turned into amorphous blob, Sora might have turned into that too. She might still be living as an amorphous blob somewhere.

But then again, her location was incinerated by the satellite cannon. She probably didn't survive that, amorphous blob or not.

>> No.3289915

Sora is still alive somewhere, the existence of Agent is proof of that.

>> No.3289941

How would the existence of the Agent proves Sora is alive?
IIRC agent is just is just the AI's terminal borrowing Sora's appearance and has access to her data.

>> No.3289989

But how do you explain that agent has Kuu's ID when she's on top of NPC, as IDs are unique, and if Kuu exists Sora exists, ofcourse we don't know what happened with Kuu as there was somekind of accident of which we haven't been told yet, this ofcourse brings allkinds of doubt to surface.

>> No.3289993 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 1088x770, 5fb2ccd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My take on Sora's route is that Kuu inherits Sora's memories and thus she becomes Sora. Then, Sora could be linked to a cyborg so she also has a body in the real world.

DELICIOUS CYBORG SEX ensues. Picture related.

>> No.3290019


>> No.3290025


>> No.3290050
File: 123 KB, 600x450, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's possible. Now that you bought Sumika here, did anyone else think that Nanoha got Sumika'ed in her normal end, don't know really where that came up, but seemed bit similar.

My theory about Soras current state is that she actualy might be alive, considering that she got melted assembler and nuked by ion canon, that could cause some unexpected side effects, like rematerializing her body somewhere. ofcourse her body wouldn't be in good condition, but still alive and maybe having lost her memories like Kou and Kou having to bring them somehow back. Okay, that might be little bit of optimistic thinking tough.

>> No.3290056

Too bad it's not getting translated by either fucking groups.

>> No.3290067

At the end of Chinatsu route (good end) Agent says that she used to be Kuu, and that Sora still exists somewhere beyond that wormhole that appeared many times through the game. So my guess is that Kuu memory got affected/rewritten when the Assembler "kills" Sora

>> No.3290083

But that agent said that Sora is dead and Kuu no longer exist. I'm assuming the AI is omniscient in virtual space and has no reason to lie.

So Sora couldn't possibly exist in the net, unless a wired ghost or something are undetectable to them.

But since they have Sora's data and can rewrite the assembler program, maybe they'll revive her that way.

But would that really be Sora then?
That's just pretending like Ghost end on Rain's route. ;_;

>> No.3290152

Sumika became a brain because she was a slu... I mean because she was stripped down by the BETA against her will. Not really the same circumstances in which Nanoha got the brain in a can treatment.

I doubt your theory about Sora. True, it's the future and there are all kinds of crazy shit going on but most of that is in the cyberspace, I highly doubt you escape your fate if you are being disassembled at molecular level and then disintegrated from lasers. Most likely it will be some bullshit like Sora becoming a wired ghost or at least something related with the organic AI.

>> No.3290164

Maybe she got turned into something that has a teleportation ability?

>> No.3290186

Yeah, Sora becoming wired ghost is probably most likeliest scenario. And now for some reason I'm getting this image that the final boss will be tranqulaizer possessed Sora, in same vein that baldr forces final boss was Leviathan Ren .

>> No.3290214

>But would that really be Sora then?
Of course. Sora has been always linked to the Agent so her personality and memories are stored in somewhere, probably in Eve.
The physical matter is not the same, but the essence is the same.

>> No.3292245

I really hope what Maasa says at Chinatsu's route is red herring. If not, I'm going to be very displeased with this game.

>> No.3293168
File: 139 KB, 600x450, 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

86 days left till we get more Makoto HNNGGGGGgggghhhhhh....

>> No.3293379

about dive2, does anyone else wish that there would past school life section in dive2? So you could just view the school sections of game in chronological order, as it stands now it's bitch to view them if you only want to read them for something more lighthearted.

>> No.3293419

Almost 3 months...goddamn.

True final boss will be Dr. Noinstein's wired ghost fused with Arc AI system. Of course, its going to get a new mech that blows you away with one hit.

>> No.3293574

I think Dive2 would probably diverge from chapter 1 with Kou not forgetting anything and capturing the scientist immediately.

>> No.3293603

well, that probably is rather unlikely, as there is a lot that he needs to remember still. if that happens, it happens in Soras route, but not before it and I doubt that happens even then as I doubt that they will go to whole incident with Kuu and Sora in other routes, so... But he could remember all necessary parts tough and that would lead to capturing.

>> No.3293740

Well dive2 is named recordare which means 'to remember' in latin. Maybe he just remembered and didn't managed to capture the scientist.

>> No.3293745

no. There's probably already at least as much stuff in the present timeline to explore in Dive2 as they can fit in game of Dive1's length. Any more school life stuff than what we see in Dive1 would either mean that they have to cut out on other areas, or the game would be unnecessarily long.

>> No.3293884

What I meant that there just would be mode that let's you play all that in chronological order (not adding stuff) without the jumping around as extra mode or something, as it's quite confusing what events happen in what order currently. There isn't that much left to explore at that time period, only things really left are Makotos hospitalisation and the incident with Kuu and Sora and subsecuent events that causes Sora and Kou fall in love , so I doubt we will be spending time in past in dive2.

>> No.3294210

bump for best eroge ever

>> No.3294216


I'm sorry, but you missed the F/SN thread.

>> No.3294218

Is there something that you can unlock that allows you to view scenarios at will?

Only finished Rain's and Nanoha's route.

>> No.3294224

Not to my knowledge. I've finished all routes, and am not seeing any sort of unlocks other than wallpapers in Survival mode past lvl35.

>> No.3294406

How do you get nanoha's normal end?

>> No.3294461

There's the battle towards the end of the game, I think it's chapter 12, where Noi is being raped by Gilberto &co., and Nanoha is also in there. The last battle before you get the option whether or not to check the situation in Noi's lab, determines whether you're going to get the good end or the bad end (assuming you still win against Naoki). To get the normal ending, you basically have to be very fucking slow at it. You'll get a GAME OVER if the battle lasts more than 5 minutes or so, so aim just below that. This took me a few reloads as well.

>> No.3294466

>determines whether you're going to get the good end or the bad end

should have been

determines whether you're going to get the good end or the normal end

>> No.3294608
File: 95 KB, 800x600, snap013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, finally got that end. ;_;
This game really likes to play with your feelings.

What a really depressing end. I thought everything is fine and well for a second there. Poor Nanoha.

The end wouldn't be that bad if they didn't showed the state of the world.

But how did Kou survive the nanomachine unscathed? Wasn't he infected too?

>> No.3294618

But how did Kou survive the nanomachine unscathed? Wasn't he infected too?

No, I don't think he was. He only was in the good end (and bad end), because she embraced Nanoha out of his own will. In the normal end, Noi comes before that happens to give out her instructions.

Or maybe I just remember incorrectly.

>> No.3294644

No, he was already embracing Nanoha before the battle started.

>> No.3294669

Oh, that's weird. I'll probably have to reread that at some point, then.

>> No.3294946

Gotta agree, most of endings are rather powerfull/emotional. This makes me wonder what kind of endings dive2 will have, hopefully they are as good as they are in dive1.

Bit of brainstorming and I have came up some ideas that could be likely, ofcourse this is full of specutalations only:

good - whatever is going to happen it ends in good note
normal - Arc plan succeeds and everyone is turned to wired ghost and continue to live on in cyberspace
bad - shit happens, Gregory dies. Kou goes insane and becomes new Gregory

good - can't think anything good, as her current state is unknown
normal - Kou dies, but gets turned to "memory shell" (those things in rain route) and "lives" with makoto in cyberspace or otherway around
bad - Whatever Gregory is doing fails and everyone is turned to those "memory shells" instead of wired ghosts

Good - Assembler hax happens and Sora is restored to real world as living
Normal - shit happens, and Kou get's turned into wired ghost, but gets to live with Sora who's also wired ghost
Bad - Sora dissipates to data bits and is scatter around the whole cyberspace in front of Kou, and Kou becomes obsessed again and tries to search everybit of her again

end of speculation. okay, those might suck a bit, but I still felt like posting those ideas.

>> No.3294983

Could someone post a bit about each ending in Dive1? Wondering which one I want to shoot for next.

>> No.3294996

Basically, at least in my opinion, they are rather homogenous when it comes to both writing quality and emotional impact. IMO the best three endings were Rain's normal, Nanoha's normal and Chinatsu's bad, followed in a rough order of Chinatsu's good, Nanoha's good, Nanoha's bad, Chinatsu's normal and Rain's good.

The "normal" title is a bit misleading, though. Basically, Nanoha's and Rain's "normal" endings are in a sense "bad" endings, while Chinatsu's "normal" ending is much closer to her "good" ending.

I personally went first for the good endings, then for the bad endings and then for the normal endings. It was a decent order IMO, but only because I left Rain's normal ending for my last one.

>> No.3294997

argh, should have said heterogenous, not homogenous

>> No.3295040

Only finished Nanoha and Rain's route (in the middle of Chinatsu's route right now - fucking difficulty spike) but if I have to rank the endings:

Nanoha Good - I like my good end. Poor Chinatsu though
Rain Normal - Bittersweet ending, at least she got her wish.
Nanoha Bad - A lovecraftian horror is fine too.
Nanoha Normal - A brain in a can is fine too. Would be higher but they didn't tell how Kou survived the ordeal unscathed.
Rain Good. Nanoha ;_;

I consider all of them great except for Rain's good end which didn't leave any impact to me.

>> No.3295327

Which things in Rain's route? Corpses? they're just corpses that stayed in the cyberspace. Nothing special.

>> No.3295672

Seconding this, I don't remember encountering those 'memory shells' you speak of.

>> No.3295877

I lol'd heartily at Chinatsu's fellatio scene. Shit would be so cash it could happen IRL.

Not that I could get girlfriend anyway ;_;

>> No.3295906

I meant the people like Rain's mother, I kinda forgot what they were called. I don't think they are corpses tough, because they have a bit personality based on when they were alive. They are after all people made of dead peoples data, but not the perosons itself, so calliong them corpses doesn't fit me

>> No.3295933

They're ghosts. They have memories and a certain level of consciousness that make them think that they are the person they're representing.

Nevertheless, they don't have a "soul".

>> No.3296025

>>3295933Wait they are?I thought they're just programmed NPC with the deceased' data.

>> No.3296067

This is what I thought as well.

>> No.3296138 [SPOILER] 
File: 164 KB, 770x139, gregory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's Gregory's POV. And that's his way to achieve Dr. Nointzein (or however he's called) vision.

>> No.3296483

But he can mass produce those things. Poor Rain. ;_;
It can't be a ghost.

>> No.3296636

Who says that a ghost can't be mass produced? It's just a heap of data after all, with memories of a deceased person.

>> No.3297728

Can someone recommend a good equipment set for survival?

>> No.3297744

How hard to read is baldr sky? Easy like blackcyc games or somewhere in the area of cross channel?

>> No.3297770 [DELETED] 

So fucking tired of this.
Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE

>> No.3297778


Not that bad, I can get along just fine with a little understanding of the language and ATLAS.

Having a voiced protagonist also helps a lot.

>> No.3297794


Excellent, thank you anon

>> No.3298700
File: 104 KB, 600x450, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85 cruel days of waiting and counting

>> No.3298739


>> No.3299144

Much easier than CC, maybe a bit more difficult than Gore Screaming Show with the technomumbojumbo, but a lot of that has katakana-English furigana.

>> No.3299492

That really looks like the Gray Christmas ruins. Maybe the assembler really recomposed her back immediately after decomposing her?

>> No.3299535

hard to say, those sample CGs on site only make me that much more want to play it now, beause they show some rather intresting things, and we having no idea where or when they are. altough those pics with Sora with bit different hair style make me believe that she's still alive, unless they are in cyber space in them.

>> No.3299624

Yeah >>3288593 looks like Sora with mercenary Kou. Maybe she really did survive Gray Christmas unscathed?

But if she did, what did Kou see?
My memory might be wrong but wasn't Sora using an old school video terminal when she contacted Kou? I don't think that could be corrupted/faked.

>> No.3300059

I doubt she survived unscratched. those screens might aswell be from cyberspce at present and she might be wired ghost or something. As I doubt the whole video call/disintegration was fake. There is just too much we don't know and all we can do is speculate, but I'm prettu sure Sora we see in those sample CG's with those different hair ornaments is real Sora, alive or wired ghost or something else. But incase she's alive in real world, I'm pretty sure she not complete herself, maybe suffering from memory loss too as her mood in this pic >>3288593 feels off.

>> No.3300322

>Can someone recommend a good equipment set for survival?

Seconding this. I'm especially looking for good melee combos. I pretty much went through the story mode using a 100% ranged setup, but it evidently isn't working all that well for survival level 40+.

by the way, holy shit this thread has been alive for a long while. keep it up niggers

>> No.3300399

Been quite a while since I played it but I mostly used an air combo, did quite a lot of damage.
ランス, サイス, クォウトワイヤー, マグナムアッパー, ヒールドライブ, ブーストキック, ガトリング, ダブルサブマシンガン, バズーカ砲.
You can also start with スウェーバックナイフ.
Do about 1800+ damage without any force crash, and it's pretty quick.
I mostly used this combo.

>> No.3300480

well it's been around for 4 days, let's try to keep this up atleast 5 days or untill autosage.

As for combos. I myself use mix of bith close and range. But for close combo I usualy go (no idea about official names and can't be bothered to check) some charge/tackle move preferably with shielding (shield moves or whatever they are called are pretty important to have) -> move that lifts enemy in air -> few moves that lift myself and enemy up at same time (preferaly with shielding) -> air combo. this pretty much gives decent damages and escapes from sticky situations. Most important is to find a way to find something that fits your playstyle tough and air combos are preferable as then you can avoid some clustering and escape.

what is some good recordign programs, maybe I could try to upload somehing to youtube for example. altough I'm not that good. But I can effectively get to lvl 60 on survival.

>> No.3300512

>shielding (shield moves or whatever they are called are pretty important to have)

Hmm, what are these? I must have missed them... Is it some kind of plugin you have to buy? I didn't really pay much attention to them except for the extra HPs.

>> No.3300536

Can someone recognize his air combo?

He has some moves that I haven't unlocked yet so I don't know.

>> No.3300545

Not plug-in, but some moves have "shielding" in them, that makes you uninterrupable and make you take 1 damage, you know that thing that some enemies have too when they flash "shield" on them and they take 1~5 damage and become uninterrubable, I don't think any shooting move has it, but some melee moves have it.

>> No.3300560

Translation where? ;_;

>> No.3300597

Quick question about Rain's good end. Apparently one of the conditions is to clear chapter's 10 Simalcrum battles really fast, but how do I know if I was quick enough? Not sure what I'm supposed to be lookin for.

>> No.3300605

Just switch to very easy if you have doubt you being too slow, but you should be fast enough as long as you dont intentionaly slowdown or suck alot in the game portions.

>> No.3300610

You can check from the scene replay mode how far the slime thing progressed during your playthrough. The slots in the scene replay mode for that are 2-6; during my first playthrough I unlocked only 2 and 3, which was fast enough for the good ending (even though I don't think I was really fast at all).

Generally though, the speed requirement for these things are fairly liberal. With Nanoha's normal ending I had more trouble with destroying the enemies way too fast every time, even though I tried to do it as slowly as I could.

>> No.3300617


Thanks anons.

>> No.3300744

The CDF battles? Just finish at leas 3 battles within 2 minutes.

>> No.3300958


Yeah it was incredibly easy, just was curious what the threshold was. Rocket launcher is beastly.

Also, Gilbert Gilberto has to be the best name for a villain I've ever heard.

>> No.3301006

GIGA's Baldr Sky site has been updated today. Looking quickly, they're announcing a new edition (ie. not "first press limited") of Dive 1 to be released this month. There's also info on the extras of Dive2's first release, including apparently the OST on 3 discs and some kinda booklet(?).

>> No.3301049

Yeah, saw it already, the site pretty much updates each friday with atleast with diary. today there was bit more.

But, hell yeah finaly "release" date for the OST. So who has pre-ordered dive2 already? I know that I have already done it.

>> No.3301064

I've "preordered" my "copy" from the local internet "store", yes.

>> No.3301337

Finally finished Chinatsu's route, got the normal end though since I can't kill that last boss.

What happened to Nanoha in that route? Don't tell me she's still the assembler carrier?

>> No.3301382

I don't think that fact would have changed in that route, so she probably is. BTW best way to defeat last boss in good/normal route is just circle around it while boosting (its attacks are slow and easy to dodge) and when it launches an attack just dodge it and then combo it's ass into tomorrow. rinse and repeat. well that's how I do it anyway. Personaly I found the bad routes final boss harder (it's different from good/normal routes boss)

>> No.3301401

I guess it depends on your general playing style and setup. I had to reload a few times against the good/normal boss, but raped the bad boss on my first try barely even taking any damage at all. About Isao, IIRC melee works pretty well against him right after he has tried to attack you, so if you have a high-level tackle, use that.

>> No.3301437

That's what I was doing but the by the time I faced that boss my life is minuscule and the dialogue before it doesn't allow you to save.

There's no penalty for playing on very easy right(like missing scenes, etc.)? I think I'll just play on very easy to get the other endings.

>> No.3301595

>There's no penalty for playing on very easy right(like missing scenes, etc.)?

None that I know of. I did Nanoha good at that difficulty at some point to test something, and at least that wasn't missing anything.

>> No.3301739

Thanks I got all the ends now. BTW what's the name of the song that played during that battle? I can't find it on music mode. Its also the same one used on Dive2 trailer IIRC.

Chinatsu's route is a bloodbath. ;_;
At least her good and normal end are both good... but only to both of them.

This game is awesome now I can't wait for Dive2 too. I guess I'll go complete the scenario chart and survival mode.

But Nanoha isn't in the net cafe when Naoki went there to save Kou. He was also cornered and escaped. Even if Nanoha was hiding in there I don't think Naoki was able to grab her. I wonder what really happened to her.

>> No.3301759

The song is called Paradigm Shift, perfomed by Rekka Katakiri. It should be in the music test room.

>> No.3301769

>what's the name of the song that played during that battle?

Which battle? The final battle of Chinatsu good/normal is called "Paradigm Shift", and it's actually released as a single.

The Naoki battle's title is "End of [something]" I think, it's in the music mode. It's track number 53 if you use ExtractData to pull out the BGM files (don't remember whether these numbers correspond to the music mode).

>> No.3301800

Which program do you use to pull out the bgm?

>> No.3301810

ExtractData, you can find a link to it in tlwiki. You can also pull out other stuff with it, but for example the script files seem to use some kind of encryption which I don't know how to decipher (I know absolutely nothing about this kind of stuff, just played around for fun). The BGM extracts right out as .ogg's though.

>> No.3301817

Paragdim shift has single? has it been released yet and if it has do you happen to have it? As I kinda like that song.

>> No.3301825

Yes, it's been released ages ago, and I know that at least nipponsex has put a torrent of it in tokyotosho. I can't upload it right now, but you should be able to get it from Share if nothing else.

>> No.3301845


>> No.3301881

Full OST where?

>> No.3301930

It comes when dive2 is released at the latest, if no-one else does upload it, I will

found the torrent, but no seeders and ain't having luck with share either. If you could upload it to somewhere when you can I would be thankfull

>> No.3301999


seems like the filename might have gotten fucked up for being too long, but it's a .rar

>> No.3302041

My thoughts on finishing the game.
Best route for me is Nanoha after all. It has the best pacing, cliffhanger, romance and soundtrack. I also like how she's only a normal person.

I wonder what the hell is wrong with Naoki. Split Personality? Or maybe possessed by something? He seems to know about AI's observation. His body also seems to be composed of nanomachines. He doesn't seem like a villain, I mean he tried to prevent Sora and Nanoha from coming to the lab and tried to warn Chinatsu.

Kou turns stupid on Chinatsu's route but when he isn't its good. The initial few and last few chapters are good but the middle are kinda dragged out. And WTF is that random Masa conversion. He suddenly got converted WTF.

Rain's route is good too but too little was revealed there. Also poor Nanoha. ;_;

BTW anyone else noticed that the agent/terminal seems to be counting the route. It happens when Kou noticed the agent's pendant.

Hmm I can't find it on music mode. Link to the single? Anyway I found it as track63 using ExtractData.

>> No.3302064


I wouldn't attribute that to being a good thing.

>> No.3302073

It is, it makes you want to read the next chapter sooner.

>> No.3302085

Don't bother if the tracks aren't fully tagged, I'm just too lazy to do it myself

>> No.3302090


No, I prefer a complete story and not having it chunked to pieces when the interest I've invested into it has started paying back.

>> No.3302091

thanks a lot

well, I'm sure that we will get more of explonation of Naokis actions in dive2 and Masas sudden conversion too probably will get get an explonation or it's just him going. and about the pendant, I noticed it, it's probably because that I fear that we might get LOL RESET ending and that's so DO NOT WANT, unless it's really well done.

Also what do you people think that will be final bosses in dive2? I personaly think that in Aki final boss will be tranqulaizer, it just fits so well in my opinion. Makoto routes final boss probably will be Gregory and for Sora route I can't think anything reasonable or it might be Noitzeun or Eve or agent.

>> No.3302112

Dude you can read the next chapter immediately, it's not like the cliffhanger is in the ending.

What I mean to say is that on Nanoha and Rain's route, most of the chapters ends in shocking twists and revelations. Which are also expounded upon immediately at the start of the next chapter.

>> No.3302187

I don't mind if they included a reset end, I want a really happy end where everyone lives and it doesn't seem possible without a reset end. Its not like it's the only end anyway.

What I don't want is a lolmatrix end which they seem to be hinting too. ;_;

I think this is how the route would split:
Aki - Joins fenrir and doesn't betray them.
Makoto - Prevented eddy from being killed by dominion, hence making Kou immediately investigate the Dominion.
Sora - Self destruct was paused by the agent so he didn't lose his memories and gets the assembler data. As a result everyone's after him with the AI/Agent helping him. Cold Kou slowly opens up to the agent.

>> No.3302227

well yeah, everyone happy end would be hard without reset, but only thing I need is happy end for Sora. And that other option, urgh, I dont want that either, in a way it's worse option.

And those ideas for route starts, I like them and they seems realistically possible. Kou and agent/Sora together against the whole world would be nice, as I'm sucker for that kind of scenarios

>> No.3302323 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 800x600, snap017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I already got all the endings but I'm missing tons of hscenes. What are those?

>> No.3302362

Most of them are different levels of the H-scenes you get from battles where the battle's duration decides the H-scene (Rain chapter 10 and Nanoha chapter 12). Other than that, you're missing 2 from Chinatsu's route (right next to the 2 where Chinatsu and Masa are being raped, you get the other 2 from choosing differently before those two scenes you already have)... Other than that, I think the only one you are missing is Noi's H-scene.

>> No.3302363

Nanoha/Noi rape variants
NPC group rape variants

>> No.3302373

upcorner, be slower at rain route during the slime thingy. missing two variations of chinatsus "rape" scene, buy lolicon plug-in for Noi H-scene in rain route. also missing two variations of nanoha routes Noi gangbang scene, be faster in that chapter

>> No.3302379

Seems like you're missing some of the Chinatsu and Noi rape ones. The top left one should be the last scene in the Chapter 10[?] Rain scene.

>> No.3302393

It is possible to get all the Nanoha rape scenes in a single playthrough? (Get the first one, reload, get the next one)

>> No.3302401

yes, just make sure the last one you get is in accordance with the ending for which you are aiming

>> No.3302419

Excellent, im missing two variations, and im going for the DEAD END, so no problem there.

>> No.3302552
File: 748 KB, 1600x1200, 04_16001200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rain is perfect waifu material. Beautiful, loyal, capable, pure and intelligent. Only drawback is that she can't cook.

Plus, she has a great father.

>> No.3303011

I dont know about that father part, in past he seemed to be a decent person, but in current time he's pretty shitty father if I had to say. but then again I'm more of a Sora person altough Rain is great too.

>> No.3303095

Why shitty father? If I had to choose a side without seeing all that singularity point and agent plot devices, I'd choose GOAT.

>> No.3303104

Too bad we didn't see her interact with her father too much.
Heck there was more focus on his relationship with Chinatsu.

>> No.3303314

Both are to blame, but Rain is the one rejecting her dad. Yes, he killed your mom's ghost, get over it. You also killed her. Several times.

>> No.3303324
File: 172 KB, 550x649, 89ac7f9b2f02b6cf523daa7735a82858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep thinking it's an image of Takano at the top of this thread.

Then I realize it isn't, and am disappoint.

>> No.3304368

Is the guy who played Baldr Force here? I was wondering if the wired world there is the same cyberspace in Sky. If so (or at least is similar) who/what is controlling the wired world? A machine AI?

>> No.3304377

Same, it's driving me fucking nuts.

>> No.3305081 [DELETED] 

Nah, he went crazy on Chinatsu's route.

He used to be a genuine good guy, but after gray christmas he's now crazy against AI and doesn't have any qualms about the methods used as long as its eliminated. That guy used Kou and Chinatsu and withheld info to them. They even blocked Chinatsu's memory while she's in Tranquilizer.

BTW what's the relationship of Isao with Eiji and Yae. Based on the dialogue it sounds like Isao tried to kill Yae. Love triangle?

>> No.3305098

Nah, he went crazy on Chinatsu's route.

He used to be a genuine good guy, but after gray christmas he's now crazy against AI and doesn't have any qualms about the methods used as long as its eliminated. That guy used Kou and Chinatsu and withheld info to them. They even blocked Chinatsu's memory while she's in Tranquilizer.

BTW what's the relationship of Isao with Eiji and Yae. Based on the dialogue it sounds like Isao tried to kill Yae. Love triangle?

>> No.3305438

>BTW what's the relationship of Isao with Eiji and Yae. Based on the dialogue it sounds like Isao tried to kill Yae

Huh, I don't remember anything like that. However, I think it was stated (in Rain's route, when Kou meets Isao for the first time) that Isao and Eiji used to be in the same military unit, sorta like "comrades in arms", which is why they got to know each other so well at least

>> No.3305507

It looks like there is more to it than that.

During Chinatsu's route he keeps dropping Yae's name everywhere. Thing like Sora is similar to Yae. If I have a wife like Yae I wont leave her alone. I feel sorry for Yae, etc.

It sounds like he really is obsessed over Yae and probably the reason his wife wanted a divorce.

And then during the last chapter, if you choose to believe in the agent, there's a dialogue between Isao and Eiji. In it, Eiji seems to imply the Isao tried to kill Yae. Isao answered that he doesn't want the AI to take her. It wasn't outright stated that it was Yae but there's only one person those two have in common that have CEBD.

>> No.3305554

Hmm yeah, I remember that, but I didn't really try to interpret it too much... this is one of the topics I'm hoping they will explain more in Dive2

>> No.3305697
File: 131 KB, 600x450, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya, only 84 days till release.

This thread will hit autosage soon too, make a new thread?

>> No.3305925


>> No.3305984

Autosage now huh, I guess its time to start a new thread.

>> No.3306048

I give this thread a rating of 90 out of 100. Good job, gentlemen.

>> No.3306180

New Thread: >>3306179
