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3267369 No.3267369 [Reply] [Original]

so what's something good to do while waiting on that Isoroku patch

>> No.3267377

Get family bonuses for One Eye, Mouri and Takeda.

>> No.3267375

Raep Ran.

>> No.3267388


I don't get it. Catgirl image aside, why is Suzume (ninja, silent, stealthy, etc) wearing bells?

>> No.3267405

Why is footman commander dressed in maid outfit? Why is youkai king an eyeball that rides little go-kart?

>> No.3267408

Same reason Naruto is wearing orange

>> No.3267410

Bells are cute.

>> No.3267415
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>> No.3267427


furry fanservice.

>> No.3267433

Because you are the greatest ninja when you can move around without alering anyone.
Testament of Suzume's greatness.

>> No.3267453
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Well. Naruto is an idiot and Suzume is a genius, so there's a bit of a difference...

>Bells are cute.

... but can't argue against that.

>> No.3267456

Because of her name. Suzu means bell.

>> No.3267465


they're both idiots but are genius ninjas in their own way.

>> No.3267481

Not really, no.
Unless Naruto has used his clones for sex.

>> No.3267493
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Come back when Naruto cuts off the enemy commander's head in the first 10 seconds of the fight, and we can talk.

>> No.3267503


as much as i don't care for naruto, naruto did end up beating legendary ninjas. suzu is just good for sex killing and sex. as said, geniuses in their own way.

>> No.3267510

I can't believe that /jp/ is even having this discussion. Fucking Rance-fags.

>> No.3267515

It's the end. Serious naruto discussion in /jp/.

>> No.3267529
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Xavier can kill overpowered shonen heros. Discuss.

>> No.3267523


Obvious Bleach/stay night friends.

>> No.3267522

Before we derail much:
Suzume was established as the best ninja early on. Even if she acts silly, she is never shown to be stupid, rash, or incompetent in her job. And she is consistent in what she does. And uses her clones for sex.

Naruto is a gay boy that keeps using clones and a demon inside him to win against ninjas that trained for fucklong and who other genius guys lost to them pathetically. In a universe where every ninja and his grandma has developed his own special Jutsu with inconsistent mechanics.
Small difference.

>> No.3267531

>>Naruto is a gay boy that keeps using clones and a demon inside him to win against ninjas that trained for fucklong and who other genius guys lost to them pathetically.
>>Implying that Suzume isn't a plothax character herself.

>> No.3267535

Same, i was going to complain has well. Why are we comparing Suzume and Naruto of all things? Better yet your on /jp/ for crying out loud, why the fuck are you reading Naruto?

>> No.3267539

She does not do something overly incredible in the setting she is in, and has had no need of powerups.
She sneaks well, runs fast, gameplay wise has skills others get too.
Don't be a butthurt fan.

>> No.3267543

What if they are also demons?

>> No.3267544

Better discuss Rance vs Naruto.
Both have plotshield EX

>> No.3267550

I will throw Demon King to the mix.

>> No.3267551

what patch is the most updated for this game?

>> No.3267553


>> No.3267556

>>She does not do something overly incredible in the setting she is in,
>>one-woman army who can kill hundreds of expert ninjas in seconds

She'd fit right in Naruto.

>> No.3267564

When did you see her killing hundreds?
She sneak kills a couple dozen stationed guards or a dozen ninjas.

>> No.3267568

In Naruto she would only be allowed to hold a kunai and do nothing with it.

>> No.3267588

She could heal people or be a meatshield.

>> No.3267589

>so what's something good to do while waiting on that Isoroku patch
discussing naruto

>> No.3267590
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Perhaps (haven't followed the series), but he does it with a lot of BOOM and ZAP, out in the open in some unspecified wasteland. As has become the tradition in modern shonen.
Suzume is quiet, quick, lethal, and only works optimally in a carefully thought out plan. Traditional ninja values that you don't see a lot of in modern media.

Shame it had to be a porn game.

>> No.3267595

Healing bitch would be Natori.

>> No.3267611

Better yet, watch all the fillers!

>> No.3267622

Sauce? I know about Naurto but not this.

>> No.3267632

No shame at all!
I'm glad we get adult humour and sex scenes right of the bat instead of heroic lack of sex drive.

>> No.3267639
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Strictly speaking, most of the time she doesn't even kill anyone - she just sneaks in and gives the commander a bonk on the head.

>> No.3267646

But Kiku is better unit than Suzume!

>> No.3267663

Hey /jp/ can you help me? I haven't played sengoku because I'm waiting for full patch, but I'm tired of waiting. If i install the current patch, will my save data still be there when full patch comes out?

>> No.3267675

Suzume starts of with Assassinate 2 and is supported to be strong storyline wise. Even if most ninjas have better stats, it sticks.
Only motherfucking Gekkou is truly the BEST.
Most probably not, all the saves from previous patches worked in each case.

>> No.3267682
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This Thread makes even Trollkastel Rage

>> No.3267686

So far I've been able to apply each patch and my save has been intact. Impossible to say if that'll be true for the next one, but it's likely.

>> No.3267691

I like Suzoomay, but I would have liked her more if she did succeed in her plan to kill Rance.

Maybe she should have used better methods.

>> No.3267695

Thanks, I guess the waits still on

>> No.3267710

Well, it's either sudden slice of the neck, which failed due to being alert, straightforward fight, which would not be that good since Rance is strong and there are others there, or poisoning through Sex, but Rance can never die if sex is involved.
Thus, not many options left.

>> No.3267719
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Rance is satisfied by this thread.

>> No.3267733
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She could have. But that would've killed the franchise and made the last game very short.

>> No.3267740

I fucking hate this Character Clear mechanism.
I had ALL the conditions cleared for Ranmaru's Character Clear, pretty much since the first 10 turns.

But that fucking game wouldn't let me see her undressing scene until turn 80 or something like that. By that time I was already at the end, duking it off with the demon army.

Can anyone confirm that you're only supposed to get the character clears at the end?
Or was I fucked over due to randomness?

>> No.3267743

it would have been better if masamune was the mc. a sex scene between him and omachi would not only be extremely funny but hot as hell.

>> No.3267747


it's not really that random. you just didn't properly fullfil her requirements.

>> No.3267752

I am displeased by the lack of sex scene of her. Just some nudity isn't enough.

>> No.3267756
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... I'm not entirely sure I want to try imagining this.

>> No.3267757

I followed the walkthrough for her character clear. If you don't believe me, I can upload my savegame and you can test t yourself.

>> No.3267761

It's not random. You just had higher priority beginning-of-turn-events pending every turn before that.

>> No.3267767


her events will appears as long as no other events are taking place that turn. unless you had something happen every single turn for 70 turns you messed up somewhere.

>> No.3267771

She had them delicious thigh highs though. Maybe she'll become available as reinforcement in future games. There's still possibility for porn scenes there.

>> No.3267786


>> No.3267791

Look what you've done, OP.

>> No.3267796

>unless you had something happen every single turn for 70 turns
I didn't. And that's the weird part.

>you messed up somewhere
Her Clear was pretty straight forward in the descriptions so I doubt that.

>> No.3267814

Delicious Ran, I must raep.

>> No.3267898
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She would crush you like a roach under her bare little pink-manicured feet.

>> No.3267993

It's okay, I'll fuck over her country with my army. She has no choice but to get raeped.

>> No.3268046
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As has occasionally been stated and equally occasionally confirmed, Anon can, will, and would dearly love fucking a stone.

>> No.3268066

I'd....I'd kiss the stone back to life so I could raep her ;_;
