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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 396x384, 1560463776850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32541243 No.32541243 [Reply] [Original]


do NOT navigate to any site containing "animecards" in the url. these sites are posted by spambots and host malicious javascript. report and move on

>> No.32541249

posting in an epic thread

>> No.32541263
File: 2 KB, 201x76, 1531150012357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say big thanks for using the Paste Images As WebP Anki add-on. I've read the latest reviews on AnkiWeb and I'm going to work on features you asked for.

Download the current version: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1151815987

If you have more suggestions or bug reports, join the official DJT study room https://chat.tchncs.de/#/room/#djt:g33k.se

>> No.32541273

i been learning particles/basic sentence structure and memorizing kana. im behind but gonna make it!

>> No.32541286

This post is advertising or begging.

>> No.32541307

>malicious javascript.
i agree but why the heck does your site host discord links then? discord has nonfree malicious javascript code too.

>> No.32541327

fuck off retard. i've literally done what you asked me to do - implement new features for the addon, so why are you complaining.

>> No.32541353

nobody asked for it faggot
go talk to yourself in your chatroom please

>> No.32541385

you asked.

>> No.32541406

loli feet

>> No.32541438

quite literally nobody did

>> No.32541480

the reviews on ankiweb are public. there you asked me to disable upscaling for smaller images. so i clearly did what you asked.

>> No.32541494


>> No.32541505

nobody here uses ankiweb

>> No.32541573

Quite literally almost everybody in this world uses Ankiweb if they use Anki.

>> No.32541576

I understood her response to my superchat, anki paid off

>> No.32541625


are online games spyware

>> No.32541650

yo dj t what up ?

>> No.32541689

anyone with access to google can tell this is incorrect

>> No.32541696

>ask native speakers questions about words
>"you better forget those words, no one uses them anymore except maybe some old people wwwWWwWwW"
Never gets old.

>> No.32541699

depends on the game.
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/List_of_games - these games are not spyware

>> No.32541763

Thank you

>> No.32541775

How do you access Google?

>> No.32541789

finna read

>> No.32541808

who would ever upscale an image in the first place wtf

>> No.32541855


>> No.32541867

if you want all your anki cards to have images of the same height, for example. they look nicer this way.
upscaling is off by default now. if you want it back, enable it in the addon's settings.

>> No.32541902

that's what I thought

>> No.32541909


It would happen with that add on if you turned off the confirm dialog and you pasted in a smaller image than usual.

>> No.32541934

if you insist on that then do it with css instead of bloating and irreversibly ruining the images lol

>> No.32541940

Wasn't last thread numbered 2658? Why did you go back a number?

>> No.32541965

you can't edit css on ankiweb because it's dogshit

>> No.32541989

retards need images to remember lmao

>> No.32541998


>> No.32542033

don't worry, it's fixed now.

>> No.32542039

Yeah alright alfredo

>> No.32542065

bloated spyware

>> No.32542086
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>> No.32542112
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>> No.32542189

learning grammar is retarded

>> No.32542198


>> No.32542264

popped an edible gonna watch more devil summoner tv drama and see if it's funnier

>> No.32542277

bruh that sounds awesome

>> No.32542328

smoked pounds and never been high

>> No.32542340

you have to inhale

>> No.32542358

my lungs will never be the same

>> No.32542441

how tf can 急ぐ be transitive and intransitive at the same time

>> No.32542461

why not

>> No.32542479

how can hurry be transitive and intransitive at the same time

>> No.32542499

ok i may be more stoned than a fucking quarry but if you don't appreciate this fucking artistry you don't deserve to learn japanese

>> No.32542515

Why are you advertising your patreon here?

>> No.32542527

i'm not advertising my patreion here.

>> No.32542613

it really amazes me how 80s singers used to pronounce english so well in their songs even when their songs are in english only

>> No.32542736
File: 1.55 MB, 1814x1894, 20210122_073747_resize_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i just looked at the goatfuckers patreon and he's using a pic of my books as his header lmao

>> No.32542769

has anyone here ever fully did core 30k lol

>> No.32542791

Previous thread
>>32541243 #2659
>>32520879 #2658
>>32498804 #2657
>>32483224 #2656
>>32465313 #2655

>> No.32542805

pathetic little leech

>> No.32542809


Hurry is both transitive and intransitive in english. The mother hurried her children out the back door before the soldiers came.

>> No.32542837

kill yourself

>> No.32542847

>> No.32542859

>The mother hurried her children out the back door
This could also mean she's taking a dump.

>> No.32542891

more along the lines of giving birth anally

>> No.32542950

>I would not have been able to develop this add-on without the support of my patrons. Thanks so much!
theres no way you have any patreons

>> No.32542964

If I want to say "I will go to sleep in 1 hour" casually, is it correct to say 1時間でねる

>> No.32542977

no kys

>> No.32542994

I will in 1 hour. How do I say, "I will kill myself in 1 hour"?

>> No.32543013

use google translate

>> No.32543034

Some people just want to cause trouble.

>> No.32543042

That's what I did but you said it was incorrect. You're prolonging my life, let me kill myself already.

>> No.32543057

they help me make the addons though

>> No.32543127

i'm his patron

>> No.32543234


>> No.32543250

this thread is boring wheres og when you need her

>> No.32543278 [DELETED] 

suck my dick faggots

>> No.32543334

sure *slurp*

>> No.32543462
File: 259 KB, 645x520, 1477357426696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yoga pics. i start

>> No.32543479
File: 63 KB, 363x613, 1599500666813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i got

>> No.32543513
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>> No.32543565
File: 180 KB, 352x329, piisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32543641
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>> No.32543648


>> No.32543658

fuck im stoned as fuck everything is going so slow

>want to say "I will go to sleep in 1 hour" casually, is it correct to say 1時間でねる

seems weird. idk man it's weird it feels like "1 hour to go to sleep" that's how I read it


>> No.32543664
File: 456 KB, 2753x2791, EjvA13_WkAEJRA-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32543680
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>> No.32543724

hate doing anki and ending up with brainfog all day

>> No.32543730

is it vuh-car-oo or vah-ka-roo

>> No.32543762

is it jih shuh or jay shaw

>> No.32543779

quit playin with me

>> No.32543804

vo cuh roo

>> No.32543817


>> No.32543823

post bangers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRCm9Km74yA

>> No.32543829

what the fuck

did jap hands write this post?

>> No.32544033

banger alert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uizb8feoVg

>> No.32544039


>> No.32544077

reminds me of my childhood

>> No.32544206






>> No.32544247

Sweet, thanks!

>> No.32544347


>> No.32544374

vo cor raa spelled how its pronounced retards

>> No.32544406

va ca roo

>> No.32544430


>> No.32544590

Serious question, why learn how to write (specifically write) kanji outside of helping memorization?
If you know how to say a word you'd just type it out on your keyboard and look for the kanji because you know how to *read* the kanji you're looking for. For instance I dont know how to write 裁 by hand at all. But I typed it just now because I know how to read it.

Why learn how to write most kanji when the most handwritten japanese you and most people do is a post it?

>> No.32544619

what do you use to mount a multitrack cue file in 2021

>> No.32544692
File: 562 KB, 995x997, 1565045118070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32544724

lmfaooooooo get fucked

>> No.32544901

nice bros my seiyuus 処女膜s are safe now

>> No.32544955

who cares about sports anyway and the orympics are rigged anyway

>> No.32545007

anons, I’m not kidding: I... I just understand it

>> No.32545008

Knowing how to write them helps you know how to read special fonts and bad handwriting, which is very useful because a lot of artists still handwrite.

>> No.32545105

virginity is gay

>> No.32545212

Didn't the PM just get up in parliament and say it was going ahead? Guess it could just be laying the groundwork for it to be called off.

>> No.32545344

wotd: 好々爺

>> No.32545402
File: 552 KB, 958x948, 1553331669085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32545697

>having to solve botnet captcha to post
this djt is shit

good djt: https://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/a/2635

>> No.32545722

i was thinking more about nuke and jamal when i found this word

>> No.32546025

this guy really sucks

>> No.32546073

are matt v japan and yoga from DJT originally?

>> No.32546092

how does it feel knowing a retarded japanese native knows more than u?

>> No.32546139
File: 11 KB, 290x174, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because its fun and looks incredibly aesthetic if done properly - but its by no means neccessary.
its also something that even native japanese people can do properly less and less because of our digital world.

if your goal is asap fluency it might be a waste tough. but i found out that it really makes you relax and appreciate japanese again between the grind.

>> No.32546189

how the fuck do you read that

>> No.32546221


>> No.32546236

most natives dont need to write because they can barely retard

>> No.32546350

>people streaming their anki reps on twitch or youtube

couldnt even do that because i have so many lewd cards

>> No.32546363

lolicore is some good shit

>> No.32546385

can someone make a real guide already?

>> No.32546429

never thought i'd say this but what a nostalgia trip these two are.

>> No.32546478

already have

>> No.32546500

all I wanna do is touch your power points

>> No.32546529



>> No.32546554

this looks ugly terrible and stupid

>> No.32546624

is this man honest about anything?

>> No.32546638

you aren't the only one who has that book...

>> No.32546727

its the exact same picture i posted in here months ago not just the same book lol just admit you're trying to look literature to attract patrons

>> No.32546754


>> No.32546780



>> No.32546837


>> No.32546850


>> No.32546871


>> No.32546878


>> No.32546927


>> No.32546951

yeah but does ur djt have eceleb drama?
doubt it, and thats the only reason to post in any djt

>> No.32546973


>> No.32547017

most natives have terrible judgement about this kind of thing they also rarely read

>> No.32547087

sometimes i accidentally open a raw manga and skim through because i forget i can read japanese now

>> No.32547093

>ask natives questions about grammar
>uhh i dunno why i just know its like this

>> No.32547225

i wonder why inochi and mei share the same kanji

>> No.32547235


any good cooking channels?
want to pick up cooking vocab

>> No.32547269

2021/01/22 21:01ってかいてあるのん


>> No.32547273

Yeah I dont get why ore and boku and watashi are all written differently when they all translate to I.

>> No.32547366

i need a man

>> No.32547688




>> No.32547751

Is there any real rule as to what the fuck "kakaru" and its usage as a suffix means at any given moment? "Context" doesn't count

>> No.32547811

no real rules in languages things just are

>> No.32547828

you need to read more

>> No.32547995

now htis is how i like to start a thread


>> No.32548144

no see op

>> No.32548309

Daily reminder that everyone in this thread GONNA MAKE IT [SPOILER]cause we are autist who can deceive to anything we do even if it is painful to us [/spoiler]

>> No.32548352

i never learned kanji i am just learning vocabs on 2.3k... is there any issue with not learning kanji?

>> No.32548404

is this bait

>> No.32548488

post more bangers

>> No.32548508

lets do reps!!!!!!

>> No.32548526

yeah if ur not learning kanji how are u gonna read the words lol dumb dumb

>> No.32548537

shit just makes me laugh at how cheesy it is. can't imagine an adult watching it.

>> No.32548571


>> No.32548658
File: 195 KB, 336x498, burazaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32548704

she has a wider face in that video than in her pics

>> No.32548708

tfw mini rapist didnt get blown up

fucks sake

>> No.32548721

what does this even mean
did you put the hiragana on the front or something

>> No.32548722

I hope so. I plan on visiting the country in the summer and I want as less foreigners as possible.

>> No.32548787

all japanese trick with lenses or filters to get a narrower face
went to a concert of a japanese band once and all their faces were like 20% wider compared to their videos, it was unreal

>> No.32548795
File: 1.65 MB, 1094x795, 1587199478506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh never knew they had a maglev in tokyo
only realised when i saw this building at 1:50

>> No.32548958

could you translate 査問 as a summons
that would be fun

>> No.32548979

that's not a maglev and that's in chiba
japan does have maglev though

>> No.32549119

oh nvm that's the yurikamome line i thought it was the chiba monorail. still not a maglev

>> No.32549131

i read it like kirei
pls god help me

>> No.32549160


>> No.32549221

殿 and しりがい have something to do with the back.

>> No.32549252

>tfw i dont even move from my seat

>> No.32549265

yeah mb looked at the track and it looked exactly like the one i saw in china
defo going to come back over to japan to ride on scmaglev when it opens

>> No.32549333


>> No.32549473

things sure lookin funny over there in china

>> No.32549515

fickle-ass thread. its not rewarding enough to stick around sorry not sorry

>> No.32549528


>> No.32549580
File: 164 KB, 1842x1036, EsVGjc8U0AI12UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32549629

well, the しり is on your rear side

>> No.32549654

he's american that should explain his response

>> No.32549670

wonder if i'll ever get tired of this

>> No.32549709

my eyes just gloss over modern anime character design and va work. so uninspired and derivative

>> No.32549741

Hosting Olympics wastes so much money and it really sucks for Japan they're not going to recover any of their losses from actually building and preparing all the shit

>> No.32549757

yup, they dont make them like they used to

>> No.32549778

good fuck off

>> No.32549813

silver lining is a recession will lead to more conservatives attitudes and btfo spoiled liberal フリーター twitter zoomers

>> No.32549814

could hear this one in my brain just from looking at the thumbnail

remember watching this when i was like 10 and loosing my shit over the tiddies even though they were so badly drawn in hindsight

>> No.32549835
File: 44 KB, 1200x675, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when high level gaijin speakers are better teachers than natives

>> No.32549844

>badly drawn in hindsight
delete this, Takahashi tiddies are fucking perfect

>> No.32549851

nobody cares faggot

>> No.32549884

two other anons agreed before you even finished typing that, faggot.

>> No.32549887

i mean the shape is great and all but the nipple is just a dot of color, at least in the anime it wasnt as good as in the manga

>> No.32549907

overdetailing the nipple is disgusting. shadman tier. a hint of color is aesthetic as fuck

>> No.32549915

dont care

>> No.32549922

just as bad as underdetailing

>> No.32549943

iiiiiiiiii caaaant stop loving youuuu

time passes quickly and chances are feeew

i wont stop till im throuuugh loving youuu girl

>> No.32549954

no. thats, how animation works retard.

>> No.32549975

Please reupload the Jalup anki deck. The mega link is dead

>> No.32550012
File: 178 KB, 519x410, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesn't she just say 食べたい?

>> No.32550013

you are really determined not to make it huh

>> No.32550048

cause they dont mean the same thing lol

>> No.32550124

she did, though. she just elaborated to show that its somewhat sudden state change which implies something made her hungry for it

>> No.32550125


>> No.32550219

The nuance is that she became hungry, or entered into a state of wanting to eat bread and drink milk. What's the rest of the page look like? Like if she just walked by a パン屋 or something it's pretty yotsuba-style to suddenly be in the mood for bread.
>I'm hungry
>I want milk and bread
>Suddenly I'm in the mood for milk and bread

>> No.32550225

thank you anon

>> No.32550262

havent even done anki yet and im already getting headaches

>> No.32550273

Maybe in the context of the manga in that scene the change was sudden, but I'm pretty sure てくる, when used to express a change in some state, doesn't necessarily show *sudden* change; simply, it shows change from some point in the past up to the present.

>> No.32550333
File: 587 KB, 743x1079, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32550378

i knew someone was gonna nitpick over the "suddenness" but i think in context its still worth saying because it affects why you would word it that way in the first place. you people need to feel out and stop relying on fucking textbook entries and im not clicking that shit

"now I feel like eating milk with bread" is the best translation even and the "now" shows the contextually there is a suddenness to the state change

>> No.32550398

i remember when i thought オ and ホ were some kind of kanji lol
man i used to be retarded
still am but

>> No.32550414


>> No.32550445


>> No.32550489

animation is carefully deforming things just the right amount
the process yields differnt artstyles depending on the level of deformation

what do you think underdetailing means?
if you take it too far viewers cant recognize the shapes anymore

>> No.32550509

No need to get upset. I didn't know the context, so I simply said what I said in the case that the change wasn't sudden - I wasn't saying you were necessarily wrong. And based on >>32550333 it seems like you were right. I made my post 念のため

>> No.32550527

had the same issue with カ vs 力  & 夕 vs タ

>> No.32550687

not him but ur right for pointing it out, ive seen a lot of translators get the nuance for てくる/てきた wrong because they just feel it out and have never referenced a grammar book

>> No.32550755

i still cant feel out what てくる does exactly in a lot of cases after 2 years. ive also looked at the explanations in grammar guides and shit but it hasnt helped.

>> No.32550777

nuance is something that is primarily felt out, retard. its the opposite of what you are saying.

>> No.32550778

Same with any other language. A 7 year old in any country mogs 80% of foreign speakers and doesnt know what "grammar" means.
Talking with natives is good for developing a feel for the "real language" once you already know the textbook version, but purely learning by listening is suicide. No one knows how their own language actually works, it just comes naturally to you.

>> No.32550848
File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います 第01話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 取得条件

>> No.32550853

>ive seen a lot of translators get the nuance for てくる/てきた wrong
why are you reading/watching a lot of translations

>> No.32550861

> but purely learning by listening is suicide
you dont know japanese, you can't understand raw japanese and you never will because you're a retarded uppercaser

>> No.32550901

it something you both learn and feel out, retard

>> No.32550911

i should rewatch this
maximum comfy show

>> No.32550917

not them, but I think they're saying that people *try* to simply feel out the nuance, but because they haven't referenced a guide they fail to properly feel it out.

>> No.32550923

does that mean i only have to let og blow me for 3 hours while not unloading?

>> No.32550950

anyone else here literally unable to cum while standing up?

>> No.32550965

not sure will try that on sunday and report back at you

>> No.32550968

no but it's definitely a bit harder

>> No.32550971

werks on my machine

>> No.32550983


>> No.32551032
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います 第01話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32551033

though not to say a grammar guide is the only way to better "feel out" nuance

>> No.32551052

well you found a way to last longer with women, then

>> No.32551092

i'll never find out though lmao

>> No.32551101
File: 146 KB, 446x416, 1609949829135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32551162

ranma is 1 of the few animes i can just throw on any random episode and its great

>> No.32551192

yea i made a really good anime back then

>> No.32551258

ranma could have been good if it didn't randomly end

>> No.32551295

djt could have been good if it wasn't shit

>> No.32551296

Its very sad that you're upset over this. I hope you get better.
800 words form 75% of "normal use english". Regular people from the street would use around 2k on the daily, from their 20k vocabulary pool.
Aspiring to learn grammar from people that most likely never actually learned any grammar in highschool, or aspiring to learn vocabulary from people that have never read a book in their lives is a complete waste of time.
Again, if you *already* know a language, by all means, talk to natives. But if you think you're actually learning anything new by listening to raw audio of people speaking you're delusional and cheating on your anki reps.

You're literally just wasting time, but then again that's why you're on this thread to begin with.

>> No.32551301

newfag here: who is that guy (girl)?

>> No.32551313

>another year until s2
hold me bros...

>> No.32551327

>But if you think you're actually learning anything new by listening to raw audio of people speaking you're delusional and cheating on your anki reps.
lmfaoooooooooooooo oh my god these uppercasers cant be real

>> No.32551333

did S2 get delayed a year?
had it in my mind that it was this year but just checked and it said 2022

>> No.32551370

the fuck

>> No.32551387

don't think they mentioned a timeframe before

>> No.32551389

you now realize this song is in english

>> No.32551436

is this a troll

>> No.32551441

i'm just better than basically everyone itt

>> No.32551474

after watching bofuri i wanted to play a jrpg using 極振り but then i remembered that in most of them you can't actually manually assign your statpoints and i'd have to play a shitty western rpg instead

>> No.32551486

'cept me

>> No.32551488

better at what

>> No.32551525

>cant speak yiddish
>listen to yiddish podcast
>can speak yiddish
Literally wasting your time with anki reps, get with the program.

>> No.32551603
File: 22 KB, 236x260, 1600024964030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32551626

unless you study language major

>> No.32551629

fuck qms guide we moe now

>> No.32551665

definitely not the moe who posts here cuz he's not plugging his mal

>> No.32551703
File: 7 KB, 725x128, vit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ragnarok online has some 99 vit builds, mostly for the paladin class since it works well with your other defensive and healing abilities

>> No.32551768
File: 908 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw anime is teaching filthy neets like me how to be /fa/

>> No.32551778


>> No.32551789
File: 591 KB, 673x674, 1595990128123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was he so fucking based

>> No.32551792
File: 80 KB, 680x381, EpCHvcqUUAADPAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the first word?

>> No.32551812


>> No.32551817


>> No.32551865


>> No.32551909

convince me by posting your best nukige made by the yiddish

>> No.32551938

"cockroach colony"

>> No.32551944

what a fucking cuck kek

>> No.32551947

pisses me off that you can only display 25 of your favorited characters on ur anilist profile

>> No.32552022
File: 56 KB, 691x448, burden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this language is fucking free for me as a german

>> No.32552035

*cries cause a character with 1/3 of an episode worth of dialogue died*
saddest anime ever bros...

>> No.32552155

for the anacreon mpv script, i get the "note updated" message if i copy the 1 line the word i add was said in but if i copy more than that line(like in the QM example video) it doesn't update the note

is this a setting or some shit i don't have on

>> No.32552158

who is this person they're obviously familiar with djt cuz they mention animecards and shit

>> No.32552177

if everyone's your favorite
no one's your favorite

>> No.32552178
File: 261 KB, 1280x853, 1609546223728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there is a war in japan i will be the first voluntary

>> No.32552192

dq8 has skill points can't remember if it let you pick main stats or just weapons and shit tho

>> No.32552207

try a different html page or browser

>> No.32552248

ye you can only choose weapons and slightly enhance some stats with seeds

>> No.32552287

i've been listening to this song almost daily for about 8 or 9 years now

>> No.32552317

my dude
tell me how you learnt your native language

>> No.32552374

yeah this was the trick, thanks

>> No.32552381

because it actually helps? learning without writing is like using duolingo, absolutely useless

>> No.32552404


>> No.32552416

actually decent guide

>> No.32552430

this is better

>> No.32552451

you meant to say learning with writing is useless

>> No.32552460


>> No.32552503

read this as hokorobi

>> No.32552535

i always misread 危惧 危懼 by reading 危惧 as kiku and 危懼 as kigu

>> No.32552555

i like the dango song better

>> No.32552577


>> No.32552629

there are two main reasons for learning to handwrite:
1) you enjoy doing it
2) you live in japan and are in a position where you need it
but it is pointless for learning to read and understand japanese
there is a case to be made that it helps with memorization but the time investment and effort that go along with it aren't actually worth it

>> No.32552709

why do people get so upset when somebody mentions writing is it cope?

>> No.32552727

who's upset

>> No.32552743

is imposing urself on self-isolation due to the fact that interpersonal relationships are annoying redpilled or bluepilled?

>> No.32552764

it's because the majority of people here don't need to know how to write japanese. most people here wanna watch anime, play games, and read vns

>> No.32552800


>> No.32552818

why do the japanese like to play with words in this way? there's also a word that describe something yarasii that has a mirrored version

>> No.32552929

i like handwriting kana and kanji. ofc i rarely do it and even my English handwriting is abysmal (ive misspelled my own name on a paper form before like an autist retard)

but it's good to know how to handwrite if you ever need to.

>> No.32552957

>ive misspelled my own name on a paper form before
dont think that has anything to do with handwriting

>> No.32553024


>> No.32553142

>writes 檸檬 in front of a Japanese person
>jap: うわッ

>> No.32553143

dunno how you do that it's the same 具

>> No.32553201
File: 63 KB, 517x585, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm learning to write and agree with >>32552629
i didn't start doing it until i could already comprehend pretty much everything i read and watch, you absolutely don't need it

>> No.32553209
File: 123 KB, 400x537, barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but its based

>> No.32553218

going through anki and seeing puns i missed when i mined the word

>> No.32553259

they believed writing was important when they didn't know any better, and then realized how much of a massive waste of time writing was relative to the benefits.

they are aggressively anti-writing because they don't want beginners burning out and quitting because they think something as worthless as writing is important.

if you want to learn to write, do it after you're fluent like quiz did.

>> No.32553262

do i have to learn the kana and kanji? can't i just use romanji?

>> No.32553312


>> No.32553317
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, basedonwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32553335
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>> No.32553359

i'd fuck this gay faggot up if he did that to me

>> No.32553368

you dont have to do anything
you dont even need romanji as long as you have the audio

>> No.32553381


why do you


like this?

>> No.32553398

i'm from reddit

>> No.32553405

not a single case where you (you the reader on jay-pee) would actually NEED to write kanji beyond the absolute basics. dedicating time to memorizing precise stroke order is retarded. you literally dont need to know how to write 99% of kanji. this saw-tier scenario where you need to write 痙攣 on a piece of paper without looking it up doesnt happen in real life.
unless you want to go for kanken1 for style points using duolingo or doing anything else is a better use of your time.

>> No.32553430

women fear the barrel hobo as he doesn't need them

>> No.32553493

why do you put a newline after the quote? disgusting

>> No.32553558

what's the sentence font? looks nice

>> No.32553573

i always did it cuz it triggers spergs


>> No.32553577
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>> No.32553586

im not at a level where i can start reading and i just never thought about other ways to get input while im at this stage
that moe guide was kind of a little wake up call. u guys have any recommendations for listening input?

>> No.32553630

do you also have a card for パンツをくわえる (咥える)

>> No.32553633

jp subbed anime is the best type of input for beginners

>> No.32553649
File: 73 KB, 757x442, 1592838615319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32553677

>u guys have any recommendations for listening input?
jav and hololive

>> No.32553718

What’s your goal? If you simply want to be able to understand audible Japanese, you technically don’t need to know any kana or kanji, but knowing them - especially knowing how kanji are typically read - really makes learning much easier. Knowing kanji and how they’re typically read can help you better infer what novel words you hear mean; and the more kanji you know, the more powerful the ability becomes.

>> No.32553719


>> No.32553759

just read and do anki
that's literally fucking it

>> No.32553797

just read 清く as isagiyoku

>> No.32553820

based on kabane's cock

>> No.32553849


>> No.32553902

i miss unkos busu posts

>> No.32553907

cant read yet stop saying read dumb faggots

>> No.32553923

ok read and watch

>> No.32553972

whats this pic saying

>> No.32554014

u think i can watch if i cant read are u handicapped

>> No.32554025

finna read

>> No.32554029

are you? audio and visuals help make things comprehensible

>> No.32554043

how do you think you learn how to read?

>> No.32554062

you can watch raw dorama with zero knowledge of japanese

why do you think its not possible?

>> No.32554111

cuz u wont understand shit except a few words here and there

>> No.32554194

yh your right grind core 30k and then you will be ready to read

>> No.32554206

yeah that's what's supposed to happen
over time you will understand more words because you're practicing it

>> No.32554208

and? next time you will understand more
guessing and inferring is part of the fun

right now youre just wasting time doing nothing

>> No.32554251

Literally it's something like "About the talk about being able to add me to the student council..."

>> No.32554314

wow a real life yama ni tachi des example

>> No.32554382
File: 71 KB, 1024x1365, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read shounen manga
it's how the japs learn to read

>> No.32554432





>> No.32554449

anime name?

>> No.32554492

Don't know, not my card

>> No.32554537

mahouka koukou no rettousei

>> No.32554561
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, 1410029177818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onee sama

>> No.32554584

is it true that japanese people don't like excessively big penises?

>> No.32554605

no one does it just hurts

>> No.32554624

thats technically a different word

>> No.32554631

bit rude

>> No.32554781

is it true that Japanese people don't like ホワイトピッグ?

>> No.32554810


>> No.32554858

does it have cp or drugs?

>> No.32554875

>eng subs

>> No.32554905

thanks for the dolphin porn bro

>> No.32554906

noto sans cjk jp

>> No.32554925

what anime should i watch with my gf

>> No.32554940
File: 251 KB, 450x613, 1412469566859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved before i even knew what kana was
those were good days

>> No.32554990


>> No.32555198


>> No.32555329

queens blade
its about strong women, she will like

>> No.32555837

just read 憎悪 as ぞうあく

>> No.32555854

It's not just bad handwriting; it's handwriting in general. If you don't have an association between the kanji and the hand-motions used to write it, you'll be thrown for a loop by all the little shortcuts people take when making those hand-motions, including shit that would be no problem for a native and is therefore not considered bad handwriting. It's only bad handwriting to baka gaijin who can't read it because they don't know how to write.

Is learning to handwriting a high priority when you are starting out? No. Will you need to learn it eventually? Yes, I'd say so.

>> No.32555910
File: 1.38 MB, 960x720, handwritten-postcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.32555917


>> No.32555932

pork eaters ngmi

>> No.32555937

don't remember what it was about but couldn't stand more than 10 eps

>> No.32555961


>> No.32555967

I once had what I assume to be a bug in Yomichan, I think the dictionary got loaded in it's entirety, and because of that I had no delay when hovering words.
Is there a way to force this on demand? The small delay when reading from disk is annoying.

>> No.32555985

the one and only

>> No.32555996

r u a boy or a girl

>> No.32556034

the only likeable korean in existence

>> No.32556052

download more ram

>> No.32556160

kim jong un?

>> No.32556163

THIS with fucking passion, i learned english only with inmerssion but i never did hand writing and now i am seeing the consequences

>> No.32556169

i figured she was korean

>> No.32556214

do you retards live in the last decade or something? handwriting is becoming irrelevant

>> No.32556303

typing is also handwriting btw

>> No.32556439

we need a final solution to the uppercaser problem

>> No.32556557
File: 3.24 MB, 1080x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32556607

I decided I had enough of Anki and I'm gonna quit forever. I'm done reading manga too. I only read novels from now on. I've read about 4 so far but it's exhausting and a I need to look up a word every 2-3 sentences. Sometimes more if it's in narrative voice. How many novels do I have to read until I can read them comfortably? I'm so fucking sick of this language. When does it ever end

>> No.32556649
File: 4 KB, 691x597, 1343456439046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32556667

>I'm so fucking sick of this language
no one is forcing you to learn it
it doesnt seem like you want to so why do you even do it?

>> No.32556668

its not about how many novels u read but how many years uve read daily in general

answer is probably another 5 years if ur reading everyday

>> No.32556692

>it doesnt seem like you want to so why do you even do it?
the prestige of having learned a language.

>> No.32556703


when learning a language,
who not to ask: non-native beginners, average natives
who it's okay to ask: non-native advanced learners
who you should be asking: native language arts teachers

>> No.32556724

redditor faggot kill yourself

>> No.32556746

i'm here since 2008 i'm prolly less reddit than you

>> No.32556749

just filter every post starting with A-Z

>> No.32556752

there is no prestige no one cares if you know japanese

>> No.32556767

they do it's just subtle people care a lot about the skills and knowledge of others on a subconscious level

>> No.32556794

nobody is above intermediate here

>> No.32556869
File: 256 KB, 1000x1414, 1608109714554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no respect for those people who read like 50+ vns all in english, imagine the gains if they read that in jp

>> No.32556892

same goes for eng subbed anime

>> No.32556896

and that's why i never ask here

>> No.32556918


>> No.32556936

djt senpais should i do tango n5 deck along with core2.3k
im 800 words in in core2.3k

>> No.32556973

what the FUCK

>> No.32556986

they cant tell how much japanese you know and they dont care you can impress them in 6 months by vr chatting dogshit n6 jap
learn only for yourself

>> No.32556994

when i turn 30 in 3 years it'll be my sixth year of studying japanese
wonder how fast i'll be able to read then

>> No.32557003


>> No.32557020

>imagine givin her a hug

>> No.32557031


>> No.32557037

wotd 思春期乳腺肥大症

>> No.32557042
File: 231 KB, 431x512, I-hear-he's-a-real-hunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why it's not a high priority when you're starting out.

>> No.32557077


>> No.32557179

>When does it ever end
you've probably invested less than 500-1000 hours into it what the fuck did u expect lol

>> No.32557188

love writing kanji

>> No.32557197

just read 魂 as 鬼

>> No.32557262

if you're put in a situation where it's revealed you don't know japanese then that could all come crumbling down so you have to learn more than that for a secure cover. also you derive self esteem from having learned something most people can't

>> No.32557274

For once I agree with the twitter tumblr refugees that her lower back must be killing her. Thats gotta be four or so kilos all day every day strapped on your chest.

>> No.32557279

you dont matter

>> No.32557310

im sure someone would help her carry that weight if she asked
its her own pride that is killing her back

>> No.32557323

Unironically especially for nonstandard stuff like pitch accent where most people would say "its just like that or just repeat after me bro" with no real explanation.

>> No.32557328

if you hate it then quit
you get good by consooming retarded amounts of nip and if you don't enjoy it you won't do that so just give up

>> No.32557362

you're quite the pathetic little worm arent u lmfao

>> No.32557366

you never have a secure cover no matter how much you learn
most people dont learn jap cuz they dont care thats the only difference youre not special

>> No.32557389

what made you think he's getting ironic you dumbfuck

>> No.32557392

if thats natural
1. no its not
2. what the fuck are those genes
if its surgery
1. imagine the cost
2. why
3. how is she walking with no support

>> No.32557396
File: 35 KB, 1228x756, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32557398
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1608637585135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last 1:30

>> No.32557408


>> No.32557419


>> No.32557436

>getting ironic
fucking esl turdlicker

>> No.32557441

>who you should be asking: native language arts teachers
they have never learned the language themselves

>> No.32557448
File: 2.75 MB, 1600x900, 1609379702732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32557451

you're exactly the same but you lack self awareness

they don't care to learn it because it'd require enormous effort but if anyone could snap their fingers to instantly learn japanese they would. jsls are obviously special stop trying to go for the edgy nihilist 4chan take you're not cool and it only gives you status on 4chan which won't make you happier (but irl status will)

>> No.32557457

wow i want to fuck her

>> No.32557461

ugly people shouldn't be allowed in anime

>> No.32557464

autocorrected now now kill yourself

>> No.32557494

breast hypertrophy
its a disease

>> No.32557500

shit on esl all you want but this thread shows esl anons have a much higher chance of making it, retards in this thread that dont realize that learning a language is not fast will never make it.
On average to become "good" on a skill you need roughly 10 000 hours invested, do you have even half of that?
stfu undisciplined burger

>> No.32557527

>On average to become "good" on a skill you need roughly 10 000 hours invested
agree with the sentiment but the fact you actually believe this pop sci absolute nonsense means you're a dumb fuck who just happens to have gotten this issue correct rather than someone who is generally smart and capable and regularly comes to correct conclusions. dumb fuck.

>> No.32557544

i hope she doesn't get any 乳房縮小術 because that would be 冒涜

>> No.32557549

americans live rent free in every esl's head
many such cases!

>> No.32557557

i don't even speak to anyone irl

>> No.32557579

my dopamine

>> No.32557627

they dont care cuz they dont care
there are millions of things which require enormous effort you could kill yourself doing them and no one would clap no one would care

>> No.32557632

there are no people in anime

>> No.32557658

Of course i am not being literal, it depends on how quick you are at learning(different types of skills will need different types of intelligence), and how smart you study.
My point is, learning a language takes a long fucking time and commitment unless you wanna be one of those "polyglot" that only know a set of phrases and larp as i know how to speak X.
Imagine that america even matters when your country is imploding, it's sad since i'd rather have america as the world most powerful country since they are a deterrent to china but it seems we are doomed to have china as our new overlord.

>> No.32557680

This is the worst thread to learn japanese out of the whole board, possibly the whole site.
You have a higher chance of making it by browsing /diy/ or /mlp/.
What a waste of bandwidth and collective brain juice.

>> No.32557700

they do care they're just too lazy. people care if you can play an instrument. most people would like to play an instrument but it requires a lot of effort and that's why they don't play one. it's not accurate to say they don't care.
>there are millions of things which require enormous effort
and a lot of them would give you respect and status, such as learning a language.

>> No.32557706

>your country
why does every esl retard assume anyone speaking english is american?
truly rent free

>> No.32557752

last graph i've seen it was still like 70% american ips

>> No.32557753

the intermediate deck is really good btw

>> No.32557806
File: 225 KB, 1500x1552, 1610330205386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree with anon, when people know that you have some hard skill for example, a hard instrument, languages or other things not relationed to your job, but to a hobby they think you are a disciplined man because you could spend your time wanking, watching TV, shitposting on the internet, but you are expending improving yourself.
It helps attracting girls also.

>> No.32557851

yea and they dont care about how good you rlly are only surface level counts you can tap some ez shit on guitar you learned in a few months and theyll clap its all the same to their ears as some pro ditto with jap
you should quit because youre retarded even if you make it your japanese wont compensate for your lack of brain lol

>> No.32557867

yeah if you have something to show for it, not just reading vns in your room all day

>> No.32557868

>It helps attracting girls also.
thanks i really needed to hear this

>> No.32557879

"i study japanese"
"how do you say x in japanese"
"well i don't know because i only read eroge"

>> No.32557890

>about how good you rlly are
shifting the goalposts after getting owned. nice. i'll take that.

>> No.32557891

yeah bro im learning japanese for the prestige

>> No.32557899

you can't learn japanese on 4chan retard

>> No.32557910

>you're exactly the same but you lack self awareness
i literally am not please dont project ur pathetic character onto me

>> No.32557917

i learn japanese because i wanna man

>> No.32557933

someone asked me how to say pencil and i couldn't remember. not really that often people talk about pencils

>> No.32557948

(not finna make it)

>> No.32557961

>shifting the goalposts
yea take it up the ass faggot you cant even read english

>> No.32557962

you could also be asexual but it's probably not the case and you probably care about your status. don't care if you deny it

>> No.32557966

the only acceptable answer

>> No.32557967

you're literally so stupid that you think a thread on 4chan can contribute to u learning a language and you have the gall to condescend despite that.

par for the course with retarded uppercasers.

>> No.32557968

i hear it as i want him in

>> No.32557991

yea you shifted the goalposts a little earlier lol thanks

>> No.32557996

should've done core

>> No.32558001
File: 773 KB, 800x1000, 1601640120055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read eroge you should know how to translate.
If you are talking about pitch accent you just go and speak it, most people dont give much shit about pitch accent.
And even then you can go
>I've been focusing on the written language for now, i plan on studying pitch accent to have a more natural accent later on though
It's not so much because of the skills but because you are different from most, girls like that kind of shit... as long as you dont go for the lower denominator sluts that live for alcohol and sex.
Yeah you dont need to tell them that do you?

>> No.32558006

im talking about learning japanese so u get validation from other people not whatever it is your spitting out of ur cocksucker mouth atm

>> No.32558048

yea yea you're just like quiz talking about how he's saving himself for marriage and hates women and then the first opportunity he gets he fucks some whore. you 4channers try way too hard to signal how much you don't care about shit when you obviously do

>> No.32558050

how is that shifting the goalposts

>> No.32558051

>If you read eroge you should know how to translate.

>> No.32558071

imagine the PRESTIGE when I finally learn japanese
awards, money, girls, hotel reservations, etc
life is pretty much made for you at that point

>> No.32558084

>they care
>they don't "really" care. they don't care "a lot".
i'm telling you right now i'm taking those goalposts and putting them right back where they used to be. don't care about your waffling

>> No.32558090

will never live the good live because i wans't born with a 8x6

>> No.32558110

>you 4channers
kill yourself reddit shitstabbing faggot

>> No.32558121

>anon how do you speak dont cry in japanese?
What is hard about it?
A 1 week in faggot could do that

>> No.32558160

you get a dinner with the prime minister of japan and 5 trillion yen if you pass the highest kanken

>> No.32558180

you can't even speak english despite spending years reading 4chan

>> No.32558185

esl anons also have a pretty big advantage with understanding grammar faster too.
japanese grammar is a bit similar to my native language, which has made grammar way easier than it would have been if I was a burger.
i can translate the japanese grammar expressions in both english and my native language, which helps a lot.

>> No.32558195

you get your dick sucked and 2 billion yen if you pass n3

>> No.32558199

why dont jp women like beards??? i look terrible without mine though i look terrible with it too just less so

>> No.32558213

nobody likes beards except men

>> No.32558222

rent free

>> No.32558230

because it shows you lack basic hygiene and grooming skills
women in japan even shave the peachfuzz off their arms its ridiculous

>> No.32558255

>rent free
i own my house ofcourse im living rent free

>> No.32558258

they cant tell how much japanese you really know and they dont care to find out
there is no additional prestige beyond faking knowing it
you never have a secure cover
youre a numbskull

>> No.32558263

wanna sniff unshaven jukujou armpits

>> No.32558268

having hair grow is hygienic

removing natural hair is actually not hygienic

>> No.32558271

many women in the west like them
yet they dont shave their snatch?

>> No.32558318

consecutive based posts

>> No.32558358

?? if there's no hair what protecting your skin from shit

>> No.32558394

the average white girl has more arm hair than the average japanese guy does
in fact i've seen certain white girls have more arm hair than some middle eastern dudes

>> No.32558403

>yet they dont shave their snatch?
female logic

>> No.32558446

sounds based if i wanna fuck some smooth twinks

>> No.32558480

imagine what kind of complete fucking faggot says "snatch" unironically

>> No.32558504

you said it twice haha

>> No.32558526

beards are filled with fecal bacteria and as dirty as toilets

>> No.32558533

stfu jamal

>> No.32558536

how am i supposed to ask a chick if she shaves her pubes?

>> No.32558537

brown nigger esl

>> No.32558544

*licks milk off beard*

>> No.32558579

i like moving my upper teeth row throw my beard and listen to the sounds this movement produces

>> No.32558584

yeah dude and your keyboard has 10 times more germs than a toilet haha
what is this 2007?

>> No.32558594

dont ask just feel

>> No.32558609
File: 79 KB, 980x513, final fantasy 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32558621


>> No.32558640

only if they eat ass

>> No.32558646

tifa belongs to don canonically

>> No.32558658


>> No.32558663

wow cant believe i didnt think to feel it out
thanks bro, never realized i could apply my nihongo learning skills to this problem

>> No.32558669

>what is this 2007?
yeah, japan's social standards are stuck in that time, maybe even earlier
if you come to your workplace with a beard they will ask you to shave it

>> No.32558747

you got a problem with snatch? you sound like a twat to be honest. get the stick out of ur slit, don't want ur gash to dilate too much haha

>> No.32558862


>> No.32558879
File: 52 KB, 688x517, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love to key her snatch

>> No.32558887

anyone know a grammar book made for nip kids? i wanna see how they explain the various てくる usages lol

>> No.32558988


>> No.32558989

Yeah, I want to try the Intermediate JALUP deck. A reupload would be nice.

>> No.32558993

my dopamine

>> No.32559009


>> No.32559011


>> No.32559130

rip djt

>> No.32559143


>> No.32559154

literally cannot stop stuffing your fat face with food can you dude?

>> No.32559158

is there even a chance to get a japanese gf if you're sub 5'9

>> No.32559159

how about you jalup these nuts lmao

>> No.32559193

doesnt matter, but if you cant get one in your home country you wont in japan either

>> No.32559200


>> No.32559217

what kind of question is this the answer is always "higher than your chances with western women"

>> No.32559234

>filled with hannies

>> No.32559240

are you fucking stupid? vast majority of nip men are below that height lol

>> No.32559264

japanese women seem to be really into tall white guys so i fear i will lose the game with my short height

>> No.32559284

wow guess i've got it made as a 6'2'' demigod though my face looks pretty rough

>> No.32559291


>> No.32559331

you new to the thread?

>> No.32559353

my 140cm japanese wife is pregnant

>> No.32559367

my b

>> No.32559370

yeah this thread sucks i agree, we should first remove all namefags to improve it

>> No.32559376

who's the father

>> No.32559377

whos the father?

>> No.32559398

yeah you over 100 kg for sure man

>> No.32559433

jamal is like 5'5 and 200 pounds and even he got a wife so you prolly can too

>> No.32559478

microwaveable pussy doesnt count as a wife

>> No.32559503


>> No.32559594

jamal is 5'7 and 132 pounds
imagine not knowing the stats of your favorite eceleb

>> No.32559655

>tfw 1.90m latino god
feels good tainting japanese wombs whenever i travel there
I cant hold my laughter whenever i think on those bitches i fucked settling down with a office worker japanese beta but they will never forget my 大木 latino dick.... their wombs already broken

>> No.32559660
File: 39 KB, 739x640, 1597458285952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab*

>> No.32559681

why do people lie on 4chan

>> No.32559694

at least make it believable

>> No.32559712

bet you dont even know his スリーサイズ lmao

>> No.32559714

Do you think spics cant be 1.90m or something?
You'd be surprised.

>> No.32559720


>> No.32559724


>> No.32559843


>> No.32559861
File: 35 KB, 640x480, '1010 A real head-turner.' New York Times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32560011

thread cant 404 fast enough

>> No.32560030

fucking baaaaaaased

>> No.32560099

never expected to hear jennifer lawrence mentioned in jujutsu kaisen

>> No.32560360


>> No.32560627

my english language arts teachers have taught me english grammar
is japan education gay or some shit lmao

>> No.32560696

doesnt look like they taught you very well

>> No.32560895

do you think im gonna use proper grammar to talk on a mongolian basket weaving forum
>uppercasing lowers ur iq this is known

>> No.32560897

wow wtf her normal speaking voice sounds way different than i thought it would. you can hear the seductress bit coming through a bit though.

>> No.32560939

stfu unfunny faggot im not talking about uppercasing

>> No.32560948

nt know what any of you are talking about and dont care
im dedicating the next thread to hamburgers

>> No.32560960

the idea that talking with proper grammar on here is dumb and u should be able to infer thats what im implying

>> No.32560961

didnt ask

>> No.32560968

i've never seen a pretty seiyuu

>> No.32560977

it's the "have" that u threw in there that makes u sound esl. should also be japanese or japans and not japan

>> No.32561008
File: 830 KB, 630x1200, 1587233383643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32561032

i don't like wide faced chinks sorry bro ur gonna have to try again

>> No.32561059
File: 213 KB, 225x350, 1611291005604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32561083

dont give a shit about voice actresses

>> No.32561100

dont want to know what seiyuu look like cause itll subconsciously influence how i view their characters

>> No.32561137

didn't know aqua was this hot

>> No.32561142

not totally busu but I wouldn't look twice if I saw her on the street

>> No.32561163

post some women u find attractive

>> No.32561165

dont do that

>> No.32561166


>> No.32561232

kawasaki aya

>> No.32561260

just went outside

>> No.32561273

im tired of QM bragging now hes going outside too?

>> No.32561315

Yukie Nakama
Rachel Bilson

>> No.32561330

all shit

>> No.32561357

real people arent attractive whats the point

>> No.32561372

>real people arent attractive
maybe if youre mentally ill

>> No.32561377


>> No.32561392
File: 195 KB, 1080x1080, 83406600_526866014611637_3617548496192487894_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this japanese football player is カワイイ

>> No.32561440

looks koreans so im out

>> No.32561528
File: 200 KB, 1080x1080, 20838325_692050284320881_7177277508557996032_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture of me n my gf :) shes japanese

>> No.32561725

dont give a FUCK about these lame ass 3d whores sick of faggots posting them here youre not interesting

>> No.32561733

she looks really into that pumpkin bro id watch out

>> No.32561765
File: 717 KB, 942x1278, 1527734762719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32561809

you're even less interesting seething like a lil bitch lol

>> No.32561816


>> No.32561828


>> No.32561927


>> No.32561943

god i wish i was dating a japanese vegetable

>> No.32562011

for me its okayus voice

>> No.32562035
File: 2 KB, 285x29, B9TKnFq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to read for 8 hours

>> No.32562222
File: 48 KB, 307x325, noog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.59 hours

>> No.32562268
File: 1 KB, 287x23, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to watch anime for 8 hours

>> No.32562269
File: 61 KB, 488x905, 325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i doing guys?

>> No.32562321

What do you think about Misa's body of work?

>> No.32562355

>still no new video

>> No.32562368

i think misas body works for me

>> No.32562396

I'm not familiar with this application.
Does this mean that you can just barely remember such kanji as 人 or 開?

>> No.32562434

learned at the ミサ to not waste thoughts on bodies other than jesus

>> No.32562449

the application has no value at all because it looks at words you failed and sets any kanji associated with those words to weak regardless of your actual comfort level with that specific kanji

>> No.32562479


>> No.32562556

Speak English motherfucker

>> No.32562561

>watch anime
>hey this is interesting ill check out the manga
>new episode comes out
>wow the pacing and everything is so weird this was 10 times better in the manga
>drop the anime and read the manga instead
why is the manga always better? literally always. no exceptions

>> No.32562575

who are u quoting

>> No.32562579

never dropped a show so i can't relate :)

>> No.32562589

the voice in my head

>> No.32562641


>> No.32562644

wish there was a jap with huge tits that taught japanese

>> No.32562659

manga is shit and it's rare to find one that is good, read light novels instead, I recommend "high speed", it's about a group of high schoolers that enjoy swimming

>> No.32562718
File: 40 KB, 1283x722, yakuza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read light novels

>> No.32562761

nah lns have even worse pacing than anime
dont want to have to read a page telling me how a room looks when i can get all that information with a single glance in manga

>> No.32562764
File: 34 KB, 600x550, Yuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ass to thigh ratio

>> No.32562784

how can a post be this retarded

>> No.32562801

if you could swallow a pill that gave you perfect japanese skills would you take it

>> No.32562808


>> No.32562822

it includes compound words that use those kanji aswell

>> No.32562835

knew some faggot would nitpick something but not liking that ass is gay as fuck

>> No.32562854

先、あたしは物を英語で書いて試みた。そして、結論に着いた!英語はとてもくだらない、マジです!あたしは「~と思います」を言ってたかった。でも、これは文の始めを行かなければならない、それともそれは適当文法じゃない!これは愚かと紛らわしい文を作る。あたしは「I think that that...」を書かなければなりませんでした。。。英語は糞を食らえはず、あたしはこの言語を嫌いだ!

>> No.32562855

>not liking that ass is gay as fuck
read my post again friend

>> No.32562915

once was enough for me to know ur sexuality

>> No.32562932

i just wanted you to read my post again
simple as

>> No.32562955

can we have sex

>> No.32563053

stopped reading right there

>> No.32563075


>> No.32563089

yes? why wouldnt i lol muh journey not the destination fags can get fucked

>> No.32563103
File: 189 KB, 720x540, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liking ass is pretty much the gayest thing ever
only gay people want to have sex with an ass

>> No.32563116

shut up retard

>> No.32563156

acting like a retard on purpose to farm (you)s is the gayest thing ever

>> No.32563190

if you put on something cute, sure

>> No.32563195

acknowledging someone's farming (you)s and then giving them a (you) is the gayest thing ever

>> No.32563201

yeah so i can finally move onto an actually useful language, like mandarin

>> No.32563213

i'm gonna do the plowing tho

>> No.32563217

i'm not gay for wanting 肉付きが良い太ももs

>> No.32563239

i always wanted to fuck someone while they work on the field outside. jaa korede kiwarine!

>> No.32563254


>> No.32563300

damn i'm too clumsy to do these sick comebacks

>> No.32563469
File: 137 KB, 702x916, Pierre_Woeiriot_Phalaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i could do this to /djt/

>> No.32563493

masturbation is gay because it's a man's hand making you cum

>> No.32563499

i fuck my pillow tho

>> No.32563538

ive said multiple times that ciaran meeting his end in a brazen bull would be fantastic

>> No.32563549

a man's pillow

>> No.32563559

fuck ...

>> No.32563608


>> No.32563610

no, masturbation is only gay if you touch a dick
same way anal sex is only gay if you are on the receiving end and a blowjob is only gay if you are providing it

>> No.32563631

what are your favourite silly sounding jp words
or words with silly meanings
either works
stuff like 時々、年下、ぐぐる。。。

>> No.32563644


>> No.32563763


>> No.32563776
File: 186 KB, 1280x609, suna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea looks alright would rather go out like this though

>> No.32563789

ive said multiple times that ciaran meeting his end in a 簀巻き would be fantastic

>> No.32563805


>> No.32563848

for queeran, it's scaphism

>> No.32563847

i’ve been living with this girl for two weeks now and we tell each other we love each other every day, i felt something and that is why i did it with her, and it’s a girl i know from real life why do you call her random whore

>> No.32563870

i live in the same city i will steal qms gf

>> No.32563871


>> No.32563886

but he said in a vocaroo that he wants a man

>> No.32563902

this gonna be a messy breakup for you

>> No.32563935

what did you mean by that

>> No.32563956

>living organism
>being in any sort of relationship with it

>> No.32563962

someone post it again

>> No.32563981

the best part is quiz will be in his 30s someday and look back on this and cringe lol

>> No.32563990

for og, its the norse blood eagle

>> No.32563990,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.32563990,2 [INTERNAL] 

