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3219015 No.3219015 [Reply] [Original]

"Look at this shit, it's almost as bad as Silversurfer, with projectiles everywhere Whenver you try to dodge something, you get hit by something else" - Transformer review

Let's submit Touhou to the AVGN!

>> No.3219022

It's not an old game


somebody submit mystic square to the AVGN

>> No.3219021


>> No.3219025

I'd actually love to see his reaction.

>> No.3219026

1996 is pretty old

>> No.3219027

lol'd hard at this video
"you die, you die, you die, die, die, die, die, die DIE !"

>> No.3219028

I'm torn between "this is a hilarious idea" and "this is a terrible idea".

>> No.3219023


>> No.3219032

Only the PC-98 games have a chance to make it.

>> No.3219041

He doesn't only do old games, there are just more shitty, needlessly difficult, poorly tested old games out there (which make for better reviews.) Newer games though, not so much.

>> No.3219043

Let's do it! Let's do it! Man, I'd love to see this.

>> No.3219047

Probably we can submit EoSD or PCB.
I'd go for EoSD personally.

>> No.3219048

Actually, in his interview he clearly said he only reviews older games "it even says so in the theme" as he put it.

>> No.3219050

I was just thinking of this in the shower today

>> No.3219053

He won't do it unless he has the physical game, no emulators.

>> No.3219055

Touhou is too new for this retro fag

>> No.3219063

He doesn't do reviews of good and new games. Not as AVGN that is. He did a review of a newer game once by himself, as James Rolfe, not as the nerd.

>> No.3219068

Is Touhou shitty enough for AVGN though?
To me, it's hard, but I can't call it shitty.
I mean, I would have to nitpick and be unfair to find fatal flaws in EoSD for example.

And anyway, what would the review look like?

>> No.3219074

Retro doesn't mean old, and he's done stuff about the same age as PC-98 Touhou.

>> No.3219088

Huh, I guess because of the Superman 64 review (which isn't exactly ANCIENT) and the new Ghostbusters game (though I now just realize he wasn't in character for that) I got the wrong idea.

>> No.3219101

Most people have no problem calling a game shitty if it's 'too difficult', even if Touhou fans enjoy the challenge.

He'd also have an easier time insulting the PC-98 games than the Windows games

>> No.3219114

Someone send him a copy of the game an the English patch.

>> No.3219157

Touhou is pretty average in both quality and difficulty as far as STGs go.

>> No.3219209

First of all, it has to be an old game. (PC-98 is not that old).
Only console dedicated systems; Commodore 64 is an exception.
He doesn't do weeaboo stuff.

>> No.3219215

Not in music bro.
Also spellcards.

>> No.3219232

Do you know much does a copy of a PC-98 game cost dear lad?

>> No.3219235


My kid brother is like that, he calls any game the worst game ever if he's doing bad at it and the best game ever if he's doing well, and he switches between those two every few seconds.

I wish he was a little bit older so I could punch him without killing him.

>> No.3219236

This game is like [stock insult]
I mean it's like [stock insult]
You see that? [stock insult]

>> No.3219238

The problem is, he would need a PC-98 to be able to do this. AVGN doesn't do emulators.

>> No.3219239

This. AVGN is shit.

>> No.3219247

I've played just about every shmup out there and I harshly disagree.

>> No.3219262

Then you REALLY suck at them.

>> No.3219267

James isn't going to review the same reason he won't review Visual Novels. They're too weeaboo and wouldn't appeal to the viewers of AVGN. Which are madden and shooter gamers.

>> No.3219277

>he won't review Visual Novels
He already did. It's called Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

>> No.3219284

Only touhou that needs review is UFO

>> No.3219286

Why would he review visual novels anyway?

There's gameplay involved to bitch about controls.

"fuck did you see that? when i clicked to fast the text moved and I couldn't see what the girl said! FUUUUUUUCK!!!111 wait, if you press up you can backtrack the text. oh well, nothing to bitch about..."

>> No.3219289

That was not a VN, faggot.

>> No.3219292

Not a japanese game.

>> No.3219293

Yes, every third game I've played on mame was like that transformers game and I liked all of them.
It also looks like he sucked a lot (maybe even on purpose) so that he can complain about the difficulty.

I like his http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkNvQYiM6bw however.
Baby Moses

>> No.3219313

He does do it on purpose. After all I'm not underage and have played these games myself in my youth.

And if I can land a motherfucking Fighter on an Aircraft Carrier with 6 years, he can too.
Shit was hilarious though.

>> No.3219332

Play Eight Forces

>> No.3219338

He has stated that himself in the FAQ on his page, I believe.

>> No.3219343

I used to be like that, shouting that I hated a game whenever it kicked my ass. I kept playing anyway, of course. I always had to convince my mom that I actually liked them whenever I asked for a new game.

>> No.3219388
File: 28 KB, 204x185, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3219424

Trolling with truth?

>> No.3219500

If you're not trolling, then I'm confident you've never played an STG in your life. Probably including Touhou.

>> No.3219510

I just rage quietly now.

>> No.3219663

Well if AVGN won't do it, do you think that english guy who does the ones for zero punctuaction would review them?

>> No.3219672

Yahtzee. Doubtful.

>> No.3219724

Yahtzee is an unfunny faggot, I wouldn't want him doing a touhou review. And doesn't he hate weeaboo stuff anyway?

>> No.3219742

He's not really funny, but he's at least funnier than AVGN.

>> No.3219769

Oh please, the sprite quality is no match for some other doujin games, as well as the difficulty.

Touhou would be like the the Normal mode in the world's Shmups Danmaku games.

>> No.3219784

You continue to prove my point.

Why don't you actually go PLAY an STG before commenting on something you don't understand?

>> No.3219813

>The World's Shmups Danmaku games

That would be pretty cool, actually. I'd watch it.

>> No.3219890


>> No.3219902



>> No.3219921

They're both unfunny faggots. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.3219934

I bet you think Jaakko is funny too.
You stay out of this!

>> No.3219958

Different person, but I've played just about everything available for mame and I own a Saturn almost exclusively for the shmups.

I find Touhou to be pretty average as well. Not bad, but not exceptionally good either.
