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File: 107 KB, 850x601, __hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_nanaironokabi__sample-2a38941b2cd03ff454b590eac11450c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32157201 No.32157201 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had a Touhou dream before?

My most vivid Touhou dream was one in which I was Meiling doing something like guarding the SDM gates, and I was talking to Remilia about something and she was warning me about something cryptic, but I don't quite remember what the talk was about.

>> No.32157716

There was this one anon, who had a very vivid dream about living with Mokou and written it down:
They call him "Wanderer" or "Dream-fag". I wonder if he still lurks on /jp/.

>> No.32157805

this guy is extremely pathetic

>> No.32158570

Yeah I remember that, actually; I participated in that thread.
It was weird because it reminded me of that 'the lamp is wrong' thing but also it makes some amount of sense; such a dream like that occasionally comes along, and it may be spiritual or not, but regardless of whether that is the case, said Touhou dream was an interesting case study to look over.

>> No.32158728

All the time, the most recent one was a dream where I went to moriya shrine during a festival and played this weird game organized by kanako and suwako. You would take this playdoh thing and swirl it around in a bowl of fluid, and the playdoh would absorb it and get bigger. The faster you swirled it around, the faster it would grow, but if you did it too fast it would explode in your face. As it got bigger you could then mold it into different shapes, but the more fluid it absorbed the harder it became to mold it, so you had to take that into account in the beginning. You would be scored on how fast you finished (when all the fluid was absorbed) and also the quality of whatever you made. People made fish, frogs, snakes, lizards, stuff like that. I did horrible and everyone laughed at me.

>> No.32158763

I've never had a dream in Gensokyo, but I've tried getting there before during a dream and failed. Since this is /jp/ I won't greentext this.
I was sitting on the porch of a house feeling the sun in my face. I opened my eyes and in front of me was a playground with a small structure and a lady walking in the park. Something struck me as particularly off about the whole deal and I realized I was dreaming the whole thing. I walked up to the lady, who resembled Yukari, and asked her to take me to Gensokyo. She gave me a hug and I remember a feeling of accelerating very rapidly, but instead I ended up in a dark, empty, modern apartment on the outskirts of Tokyo. I saw the bluish glow of a smartphone in one of the rooms, but before I got there to see who it was I woke up.

>> No.32162535
File: 335 KB, 600x600, Eiz394325sdfsa8g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up from a dream, but it wasn't related to touhou. Weird I haven't had one yet since I think about it so much.

>> No.32171545

yeah, but too bad doremy eats all the good ones

>> No.32179387

Yeah, it is a little weird. I have only had a few.

>> No.32179924

Yes, very often but it's to be expected since i've been thinking about it 24/7 for 10+ years. Complete ZUN slave here.

They range from characters appearing and talking to me irl to me being in Gensokyo. The Moriya Shrine in specific appears in my dreams often, maybe because of its irl counterpart or because I love the characters there the most

>> No.32189511

I argue it's just dreams in general. Nobody can interpret them but you. Of course there is a level of knowledge you must have when going about it, but it all makes sense later if you can remember it clearly.

>> No.32195804
File: 455 KB, 837x919, 1581967512643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet, although I'm considering getting into lucid dreaming so I can meet Doremy.

>> No.32197086

How do you know you haven't met her already?

>> No.32198789
File: 48 KB, 289x291, 1609466080978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dreamt last night that somebody made fun of the way I pronounce "Touhou".
That's all I remember.

>> No.32199104

I once dreamed that Youmu had her way with me while holding a sword against my neck. It was way less fun than it sounds.

>> No.32200314

I've only had a few lucid dreams but they're fun when they happen, would recommend
It doesn't really cost you anything but if you're constantly busy you'll probably forget to check

>> No.32204886

You're pathetic.

>> No.32213031
File: 263 KB, 600x578, Dream of Mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the Wanderer guy met Mokou again.

>> No.32222666 [DELETED] 


>> No.32222792

Had one today about the 4 devas.
It was a little weird, but it was black and white towards the end for some reason. It looked like Lost Word P2 palette Youmu-ish. Long hair, black, slicked back almost like running in the wind. Smug. My headcannon is that it could be an apparent 4th but it could also be Suika since desaturatized images don't really give indication to specific colors. The skin was normal.

>> No.32230479

Weird, I don't think I've ever had a dream where color was missing, except for the weird ones where it feels like you're just watching a movie on a screen about something.

>> No.32249636 [DELETED] 


>> No.32249788

I remember I had lots of great dreams about 2hu, but now I can't remember a single one of them. I should probably start writing them down after I wake up.

>> No.32256230
File: 245 KB, 800x800, 5d9361c401cd857c75e974b73c2cc92a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had a dream that I was being judged by Eiki. She told me that I was too self loathing, and my poor self-image was a result of my lack of confidence. She told me that this self loathing was the reason for my failures, and that the only way I would be successful would be work on my interpersonal skills and find value within myself.
Then I tried asking her out on a date. She declined my offer.

>> No.32257245

>the only way I would be successful would be work on my interpersonal skills
>I tried asking her out on a date. She declined my offer
What a fucking hypocrite!

>> No.32265189

Why would lucid dreaming attract her

>> No.32278653

>Then I tried asking her out on a date

>> No.32279322

Why do we do anything in our dreams?

>> No.32289501

I mean, you went from fighting a midboss to fighting a secret post-endgame boss

>> No.32305187 [DELETED] 


>> No.32308887
File: 2.97 MB, 212x146, 1385786196574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only natural for men to aspire for greater things.

>> No.32323209

You have a point.

>> No.32342220

Since this is the 2hu dream thread, I had a short lucid dream last night and attempted to visit Gensokyo again but failed. I became lucid in a cafe/bookstore because nobody was wearing masks, and spent a bit of time thumbing through the books and reading the menu, as well as looking a weird orange/amber stained glass lamp casting interesting light patterns on the ceiling. I walked out the door and turned the corner expecting a small town or the Human village or some shit, but ended up in Hong Kong instead.
I tried a technique where you spin in circles to reset the location, and the city gradually faded away, but when I stopped I was in a deeply forested area and I woke up very shortly afterwards.
Until next time.

>> No.32354783

>I tried a technique where you spin in circles to reset the location

>> No.32360878

When you're dreaming, if you spin around in circles (doesn't matter how you do it, whether push off like a ballerina or just imagine spinning) you will find the world around you to fade slightly. When you stop you sometimes end up in the same place, but often in a different location - sometimes even your bed (but you're still dreaming).
So whenever I catch that I'm dreaming, I try this and hope someday when I stop spinning I'll be in Gensokyo.

>> No.32371134

Nice to know.
>you will find the world around you to fade slightly
That happens to me without extra steps. It sounds nice but I'd rather let the dreams take their course.

>> No.32376505

That's fun too, sometimes I'm too invested in the story of the dream to try it, and later on when it gets boring I've already forgotten I was dreaming.

>> No.32391728

Dreams so real they confuse you in the bounds of reality.

>> No.32397443

>when it gets boring I've already forgotten I was dreaming.
The last bit is what gets me. If it's not a flood of things, when it gets to where you're about to wake up, you do, but you don't at the same time. When you really do wake up, it feels weird in a way I can't describe.
