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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 197 KB, 1280x720, 157432328983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32139517 No.32139517 [Reply] [Original]

guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous: >>32111270

>> No.32139550

first for the love between matt and yoga

>> No.32139576

that reminded me of that one time i posted japanese from hxh and someone said it was crippled

>> No.32139578

daily reminder: if you struggle with parsing hiragana there is no way youre hearing japanese when listening, dont let kanji be a crutch

>> No.32139596


It's funny you say that because the creator of Mother 3 said he wrote it in hiragana even though kanji was available at that point to recreate the feeling of people reading hiragana out loud in old games to sound out what it means.

>> No.32139635

someone play me in じゃんけん dammit

>> No.32139690

mother games are spaced hiragana though for most text dumps so its not quite the same as hiragana walls

>> No.32139710

damn i lost

>> No.32139712

lmfao you got destroyed

>> No.32139714

is tae kim really all you need for grammar

seems like cope

>> No.32139764


>> No.32139779
File: 86 KB, 1200x800, dictionary-of-basic-japanese-grammar-japan-times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really want this one

>> No.32139794

No it’s just a first exposure to some basic grammar to get you ready to jump into the deep end of reading native content.

>> No.32139795

i was crushing randos but djt is better than me

>> No.32139838

its like flipping a coin bro

>> No.32139921
File: 290 KB, 762x1200, x15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32139943

no it isnt, its a game of psychology

>> No.32139990

Even if writing is falling out of practice, you won't be alive by the time it's completely obsolete. As long as pen and paper exist, writing will exist. Your goal should not be to just get by with the language, it should be to surpass a native speaker.

>> No.32140012


shoulda stuck to your guns はさみくん

>> No.32140015

thanks, i'll get that one

>> No.32140071

who are you to tell someone what their goal should be lol

>> No.32140091

im getting manhandled every round now

>> No.32140143

good ol rock

>> No.32140217

too in my head
expecting djt to be too wary to start off with rock worked up until that round

>> No.32140226

imagine being lower iq than the average djt poster
that must suck bro

>> No.32140331

i still use winamp

>> No.32140335

I don't want to be like one of those guys that takes years to release a fan translation. I want to be so proficient that not only will I never need a fan translation, I also won't need years to translate all the text in a game. That's not to say my goal is to do video game translations, but I want to be better than those who are just getting by. Aim high.

>> No.32140361

theyre not saying anything concrete but i guess there is some patterns in human behavior you can exploit

>> No.32140363


>> No.32141732


>> No.32141949

If you've somehow reached the point where you can write any 常用漢字 on paper by memory, you've proven you have superb recognition and memory and will be less likely to have trouble with those kanji.

>> No.32142329

or you could just read more

>> No.32143275


>> No.32143413

imabi is good if you want to read nothing forever

>> No.32143414

better than reading at crustacean level

>> No.32143726

best part about imabi is the guy who wrote it being butthurt tyler kims guide is more popular than his

>> No.32144239


Also I'm not sure I agree with that on grammar either, but I'd have to think about it. My gut is that basic grammar rules are pretty clear cut, but if you want to be an advanced speaker you have to understand what rules you can bend and what you can't, what you can cut from a sentence and not sound weird, etc.

>> No.32144362

く-> いて
ぐ -> いで
うつる -> って
ぬむぶ -> んで
す -> して

>> No.32144646



>> No.32145165

how do u translate it

>> No.32145209

Transation takes a really long time even for professionals. It’s just the nature of the game. You will never get to a place where it doesn’t take a long time to translate things.

>> No.32145267

ur saying a native in english and japanese wouldnt be able to translate smt in 5 mins

>> No.32145270

Ga が marks the subject—person/thing that performs an action (with verbs) or is what exhibits a certain state (with adjectives/adjectival nouns). By doing so, it is implied that the listener(s) are receiving new information, potentially even the speaker. Contrary to generic statements, it is the objective voice needed in making neutral statements as well as answering questions with the information the asker seeks.

Wa は, unlike ga が, is not a case particle. It is a special kind of particle called a bound particle: its purpose is lived out by the comment that follows, which means it is not restricted by what comes before it. Wa は is bound to the comment that follows. In return, the comment dictates the function of wa は. The only thing the listener can know is that wa は marks the topic of the discussion to come. Its motto is “I don’t know about other things, but as for X…”

>> No.32145341

I honestly think Namasensei is a really good start. The way he teaches you hiragana and basic words gives you a glimpse into how you learn japanese- you do it 50 fucking times until you remember.

>> No.32145737

you read it right. sorry to crush your dreams

>> No.32145916

why does core start with fucking numbers and every variation of them? holy shit this is rough

>> No.32145995

>every variation
damn bro youre in for an awakening

>> No.32146034

just wait until you start receiving words like "this day", "last day", "next day", "every day", "the day before the last day", "the day next to next day", "every night", "next night", etc

>> No.32146036

watch how you talk about kimura sensei

>> No.32146300

conjugation song

>> No.32146467

>mental disorder
just a social construct. the lines drawn to segregate certain human possibilities as "metal disorder" is really arbitrary.

>> No.32146535

Do RTK or the core deck is going to be hell.

>> No.32146665

yes it means to memorize grammar points like I'm memorizing facts from history textbooks

>> No.32146674

wow great thread

>> No.32146751

nice idiom

>> No.32146787

how many years before I can read everything posted in djt

>> No.32146878

is it seamonkey hours already

>> No.32147021

rtk is for actual retards. enjoy translating kanji to english to japanese in your mind every time you see a kanji instead of just learning kanji in japanese

>> No.32147569


>> No.32148054

you can try but ull never have the same understanding a native does

>> No.32148098

Yeah man I’m sure you’ll learn kanji real fast by staring at arbitrary scribbles in anki for hours every day. People who do the core deck without kanji study end up with retention rates of 50%.

>> No.32148315

But I don't know how to pronounce these... should I focus on just learning to read them then learning to say them?

>> No.32148377
File: 31 KB, 375x350, radical-types.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first you need to understand the different types of radicals
once you have that down you should spend 2 months memorizing the different kinds of radicals and what they means
this makes doing RTK a lot easier, which will only take you 2 more months instead of the original 4
although in the end the time is about the same, you will have a very deep understanding of kanji, which is when you can finally start learning vocab

>> No.32148480

dunno worked for me, i did around 2k of it without studying kanji at all when i started and managed around 75-80% but i was reading too so probably saw them a lot more frequently than you normally would

>> No.32148552


just do the kanjidamage anki deck while you do core
the mnemonics are dumb but you can ignore them unless a kanji is giving you trouble. the important part is recognizing how to form a kanji, and the most common pronunciations of the kanji (both of which it will teach you)

it is still not ideal but it's probably the best kanji study that isn't paywalled

>> No.32148610


I should also add that the main reason why I don't think you should just do rtk for months first is because you want to see 木 first as き/もく and not "tree." rtk will not teach you the pronunciation for quite a while, while other kanji study methods will do that

>> No.32148697






>> No.32148714

Yeah, that's what I was kinda worried about. Kanjidamage seems to be really good though, thanks for the suggestion, anon.

>> No.32148739
File: 4 KB, 43x40, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you mixed in a circuit diagram with your radicals
I wonder what the stroke order is on this monstrosity

>> No.32148758



>> No.32149526

I see...

>> No.32151025

bros im so happy i found out that my dick is actually very thick i thought it was small haha

>> No.32151316

woke up 15 minutes ago and just measured my heart rate and it's fucking 42 bpm lol im gonna die in my sleep aren't i

>> No.32151463

fuck god retard

>> No.32151673

hate cats but this cats pose is かわゆい

>> No.32151714

send me a picture of it

>> No.32151771

im already there whenever im in this thread

>> No.32152487

hm looks ok

>> No.32152963


>> No.32153233


>> No.32153393

seabolt sounds like a horse name

>> No.32153680
File: 68 KB, 680x638, ErkSSFgW4AMKude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this showed up on my twitter

>> No.32155297
File: 480 KB, 1280x720, 美少女万華鏡_-_神が造りたもうた少女たち.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32155711

i mean u still know basically fuckall, even with 2500+ i still suck at japanese lol

>> No.32155806

it's decent on r*ddit

>> No.32155846

qm doesnt know japanese

>> No.32155924

N1 has 10k words. That's the beginning of fluency, not the beginning of Japanese. Native speakers know around 30k words but considering that many of those are passive vocabulary (as opposed to active vocabulary) 10k is a really good level in terms of reaching fluency. also quiz is not a linguist.

>> No.32156001

most redditors haven't even reached n5 yet. I think this is basically fluent compared to them.

>> No.32156105

stfu n1 is beginner level don't make me call qm and make him dizz all over you dekinus

>> No.32156136

n1 is beginner for quiz because he doesn't actually know japanese, only words lol

>> No.32156158

this is a tough one

>> No.32156188

are we doing quizzes now cool

>> No.32156320

so good

>> No.32156499

i am in a very high percentile of whiteness so logically its very likely im whiter than you. my basis for what i said is way better than u calling me a nigger in any case.

>> No.32156569

mined 染色体

>> No.32156859



>> No.32156936


>> No.32157411

cant comprehend watching twitch whores either

>> No.32157416

theres prolly like 3 black guys in rockstars staff

>> No.32157426





>> No.32157458

how can people learn japanese i just cant comprehend it

>> No.32157472

found out a few days ago that jamal is a paki
damn that sucks bro

>> No.32157562

ill give u 100 buckerinos to make a chart for either non-vn games or animu

>> No.32157574

has mine removed last year. had the shits for 6 months so i kind of regretted it

>> No.32157634
File: 383 KB, 1280x720, ドラゴンボール超 第069話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't expect an actual dr. slump episode

>> No.32157638

yeah but it turns out I have pancreatitis waiting for the doctor to tell me more right now

>> No.32157675


>> No.32157741

isnt that just 霊 before they simplified it?

>> No.32157815


>> No.32157888






>> No.32158007

kind of want to watch more of this for the rape scenes but also dont really want to watch it because it got boring after the 1st season

>> No.32158075

the first arc of s2 is the best part of the show

>> No.32158424


non-JLPT kanji is a funny list. They really don't use 分 anywhere? or 的?

>> No.32158454

yeah it's just common sense

>> No.32158834

you're out of your tiny chink brain if you think im clicking that

>> No.32158892

so basically any anime that isn't primetime is easier? interesting... wonder if there's a way to easily check that when looking for new shows

>> No.32158894

he's not white nor japanese, that's all that matters

>> No.32159013

he's just a normalfag now
>check out how much sex i'm having haha

>> No.32159135

yeah it is really true, whites are simply just seen as superior. sorry that this is news to you

>> No.32159217

ye got a lot of filipino friends too, those are some shady mofo's lol

>> No.32159597

tae kim turns obsolete genki 1 and 2

imabi is unreadable

>> No.32159616

ad dojg trumps all

>> No.32159677

calls itself a dictionary but doesn't even have an entry for basic grammar like たる

>> No.32159678

"i asked him how he was liking his new dog ..and he said it was delicious." lol he could have been fucking with my dad too tho idk

>> No.32160350

there are restaurants in the states that serve bugs too, everywhere has weird people

>> No.32160355

if its back faces the sky its good to eat

>> No.32160381
File: 159 KB, 861x1200, EBxaZeWUwAEnWlB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32160382

hmm neat

>> No.32160430


>> No.32160466
File: 311 KB, 1200x1480, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youn gonna eat ze bugs and you gonna be happy

>> No.32160513

you'd know a lot about being a mongoloid

>> No.32160588

go die stupid cunt

>> No.32160602

she looks like she eats mad ass

>> No.32160650

she has "i'll eat your ass" written all over her

>> No.32160670
File: 113 KB, 1366x768, 1584083780013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've lost the amount of cats i catched and drowned because they spent the whole night meowing in my roof without letting me sleep

>> No.32160730

>killing cats because they wont let you sleep
Imagine being this much of a psycho.

>> No.32160782

>killing cats because they wont let you sleep
Imagine being this based

>> No.32160803


>> No.32160830

Why does the core 2k/6k deck in the sticky only have 4000 cards? Shouldn't it be 6000?

>> No.32160861


>> No.32160907

lmao no one tell him

>> No.32160916

mine has 5999, i feel cheated

>> No.32160948

same anon, same... rounds up ig. but it's like getting one less chicken nugget than you're supposed to

>> No.32160957

20 cards left before i can do japanese again..

>> No.32160969

new one piece was pretty good

>> No.32161115

read 荷車 as にしゃ

>> No.32161506
File: 101 KB, 720x1080, Ep6-5j5XYAAYGUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anybody who posts in these threads who can actually understand japanese? I don't mean looking at kanji and going "uhh yeah that means cat.... cat... go in... building" or whatever. I mean can you actually understand it like you do your native language?
I don't want to spend hours studying something just so I can struggle through children's books for the rest of my life and not enjoy it.

>> No.32161684

the assなさ is cute

>> No.32161827

wtf japan pedophile

>> No.32162162

hope you get run over by a bus while your mother watches

>> No.32162232


>> No.32162300
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>> No.32162309
File: 343 KB, 1095x1195, 1386032154515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32162602

anyone here ever felt as if they arent normal and not fit to live in society
i am quite quick to anger and the first thing that comes to my mind at these times in commiting murder i dont think that's normal bros normal people dont resort to murder to easily i fear one day i might get my anger get the best of me and i end up doing something i should not
this happens even with people i love its fucked up i am actually considering going to live somewhere where i can be all alone to avoid this shit
end of blogposting

>> No.32162616

quiz is a russian inbred

>> No.32162808

pretty sure anger reduces lifespan you might have hypertension or diabetes some other underlying medical condition that unknowingly makes it worse have you had a physical done recently

>> No.32162823
File: 631 KB, 870x524, 1608264527069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32163000

nothing he said is wrong

>> No.32163024

anyone have this vn rec picture/guide/list
had labels like とてもやさしい/優しい each difficulty was a different colour
had emotes indicating if there was sexual content or not

>> No.32163207

im sure there are people here who know japanese as well as their native since we have a lot of eop retards that suck dick at english a la output cumdump

>> No.32163248

I sincerely dont think it affects that much since modern life is full of stressful moments.
Anyways it's known that neurons can create new connections to make up for lost neurons and i read quite a lot so i dont really fear that.

>> No.32163257

What's some baby level manga for an absolute cretin who's 6 months in.

>> No.32163696

someone post the clip

>> No.32163702


>> No.32164208

>There are times when the location of an action is also the topic of a sentence. You can attach the topic particle (「は」 and 「も」) to the three particles that indicate location (「に」、「へ」、「で」) when the location is the topic.

>> No.32164286

Yeah, if you take out ni it makes sense, but i doubt ni is there for no reason at all there is probably some difference that i cant catch(neither can you it seems...)
anata is not a location though
Actually i can understand this phrase, i still cant get why there is a need of a ni though.
japanese is so gay

>> No.32164308


>> No.32164333

>anata is not a location though
my nigga you don't know japanese
read tae kim

>> No.32164475


>> No.32164488

hey whats going on guys djt here

>> No.32164502

japs are the big dekinai, they take years of 24/7 full immersion to become fluent, yet they still learn nihongo through sheer tsuyokunaritai

you can do it anon, i believe in you

>> No.32164518


>> No.32164543
File: 537 KB, 918x767, 56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32164559

Yes i know ni works not only with locations but also targets from actions but anata is not the one suffering the act it's the one doing it which is why i dont understand the ni(while the ni made more sense on jamal japanese output tryharding)
Are you just gonna write the same phrase structured differently, now you wrote it like a faggot what is it next time.

>> No.32164583

yeah "learned"

>> No.32164610
File: 625 KB, 918x767, also works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32164630

oh no!
even the japanese prime minster has trouble reading japanese

>> No.32164688

never made that mistake

>> No.32164722

imagine all the time this guy could spend immersing if he just did >>32164662

>> No.32164905

And i actually understand in YOUR sentence, it made sense.
It doesnt on the sentence i posted though the ni serves literally no purpose on my sentence.
it's not linguistics shit i just want to understand if there is some reason the ni is there when it looks like it serves no purpose or if its just anime faggotry

>> No.32164926

yeah bro it's that darned anime japanese haha

>> No.32164954


>> No.32165179

i wasnt joking when i told you to go to int with this shit you might actually get an answer there
people here dont care about grammar stuff because well it doesnt actually matter

>> No.32165252

gotta feel it out

>> No.32165257

what does that have to do with the basic ni particle

>> No.32165270

dont know how to feel

>> No.32165286

Text interpretation anon i am not talking about this exact ocurrence but the fact that most people here dont study the grammar.

>> No.32165300

me neither but i love jamal

>> No.32165392

u must be paki urself given ur obsession with an unknown nation

>> No.32165497

women are meant for cooking in le kitchen lol

>> No.32165691


>> No.32166390

it's crazy to me now that i had a 365 day streak a mere few months ago. was doing new cards consistently too. now i skip reviewing 4 days per week and i dont do any new cards at all. im one of the suckers that has found anki to be beneficial yet i cant force myself to do it.

>> No.32166488
File: 1.34 MB, 1558x869, 1599877403427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did elon musk, the richest man in the world, mean by this?

>> No.32166490

>365 days
>still hasn't finished everything

>> No.32166491

reminds me of the daily jamal threads lel

>> No.32166750

no it fucking sucks, that's why you never use it as a currency. it fails pretty hard at its only real goal and is instead a meme bubble

>> No.32166796


>> No.32166808
File: 494 KB, 1076x1438, tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32166992


>> No.32166996

already did but i heard it's quite different and at least from what i've played so far that appears to be true

>> No.32167007

why did he specify white women instead of just women

>> No.32167055

white women are trash tier

>> No.32167057

yeah and it's completely different
>at least from what i've played so far

>> No.32167069


>> No.32167075

because colored women know their place

>> No.32167127

u havent played enough to say anything

>> No.32167342

yah and esls are at the top of the list lmao

>> No.32167461

do you want to do a group reading? at a chill pace ofc

>> No.32167474


>> No.32167578

sick of noobs who cant even read 2 mil characters

>> No.32167938

Where do you get this test

>> No.32167944

it's cool, have fun

>> No.32167954

its an anki add on

>> No.32168021

tell them to kys

>> No.32168115


>> No.32168124

it's not gay if you jerk it to heterosexual h-scenes together

>> No.32168201

feel when no ともだち

>> No.32168224

p rich for somebody who posts screenshots for others all the time

>> No.32168279

we should hold a monthly "djt reads" with a vn from the short category on vndb

>> No.32168293

Can te iru apply to something that is not currently happening but happened in the past but whose effects affect the present?

>> No.32168300

>Just USE japanese
>achieve fluency in six months
>don't even know what anki is

isn't this in total contradiction with /djt/ beliefs and theories?

>> No.32168355

you can become fluent in japanese in 1 week

>> No.32168405

you realize the discord is doing this all the time right?

>> No.32168417

no based

>> No.32168422

you go first

>> No.32168435

they choose medium length ones tho so very few people actually end up reading them

>> No.32168455

someone stream a short nukige plsss

>> No.32168487

but you can just drop in and read as much or as little as you want... no one is going to sit in a chat for 10 hours to completely finish a short vn together

>> No.32168502

some say they even choose some crazy fuckin long ones too

>> No.32168522

discord sucks cuz everyones tryna passive aggressively one up each other

>> No.32168529

fucking baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaased

>> No.32168555


>> No.32168566

that's literally what the people here are constantly doing too

>> No.32168579

yea so they both suck but im here so why go there

>> No.32168611

ummm i thought that 4chan haxors only use irc

>> No.32168630

they did until jamal shutdown the djt server lmao

>> No.32168686

*delete message*

>> No.32168695

hi matt

>> No.32168711

analcream betrayed jamal and killed the server

>> No.32168721

first nukige i read ima whip my dick out mid stream and masturbate furiously to climax and then end the stream in shame when that post nut clarity hits

>> No.32168788
File: 241 KB, 680x709, 1606419835254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32168880


>> No.32168898

been ages

>> No.32168904

its wild that i was able to watch tv before hd was a thing
i look at pixelated messes now and i can barely make out what im looking at, got way too used to hd quality

>> No.32168950

yeah im still having diarrhea so im expecting a big stream of molten liquid lava shit to erupt from my asshole soon

>> No.32168953

anything above 1080i is bloat

>> No.32169106

nah even 1080 is bloat https://youtu.be/_x-u8mUSFss

>> No.32169117

yeah dno

>> No.32169123

like just press f7 dude

>> No.32169126
File: 18 KB, 500x77, HYIk6pTXbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32169127

know but i dont care

>> No.32169141

except you're talking to an adult not a child

>> No.32169144

poor ppl cope

>> No.32169146


I guess, but I'm more curious about the why

>> No.32169174

Help anons. There's something I'm trying to make sense of with this string ”挨拶するのが”
"挨拶" is a noun already. From my understanding "挨拶する" basically makes that noun into a verb. Then this "挨拶するの" basically turns it back into a noun? So what the fuck is the purpose of the added "するの”?

>> No.32169196

ctrl+i is better imo

>> No.32169205

does your native language have gerunds

>> No.32169219

any non-coomer visual novel with Japanese audio/subs that you guys recommend?

>> No.32169227

works with google ime

>> No.32169237

the ga's there for formality if you know japanese you know what i'm talking about

>> No.32169249


>> No.32169275

just buy a yuzusoft game on steam or something

>> No.32169288


>> No.32169309

if he wants it non-coomer then yeah

>> No.32169315


>> No.32169331


>> No.32169386

Yes, I thought that was how て form operated though.

>> No.32169403

ijiban atui
itipan atui hOon

>> No.32169406

i thought i knew the te form...

>> No.32169486

is it very short? naa

>> No.32169522

almost read 仕方 as しほう

>> No.32169803

the muramasa guy is a troll btw

>> No.32169819

some places out here they pay you to shoot them because they take over and spread disease

>> No.32169825

agreed, i use immersion solely to practice what i already know
maybe i am a brainlet lol

>> No.32169833

got nothing against fat people but that would complicate my goals

>> No.32170020

violence is the way

>> No.32170055

[–]Outside_College 10 points 6 hours ago
Excuse me for the unsolicited preaching: not studying is not lame or unjustified whatsoever! If you do keep at it, it's extremely cool (and maybe even noble), and you should be very happy about it, but it's not like personal hygiene or taking care of your dog, where if you can't find the time to do it, there's a real problem.

I've taken unplanned breaks from studying languages and it's always regrettable. To prevent this (or to get back on track), I make it as easy as possible to keep learning (and to make learning habitual). I also stop as soon as I feel lethargic or feel a headache coming.

When I was in college, I loaded my phone with Japanese podcasts, TV shows (Netflix), YouTube videos, manga, light novels, games, and music and removed non-Japanese ones (except books and what I needed for work). Naturally, whenever I wanted to do something enjoyable, something Japanese was sitting there waiting for me, so activities like listening to a Japanese podcast while eating or playing Japanese games on weekends or reading manga while in the bathroom became habitual.

If there was some conscious studying I wanted to do, I usually set myself a goal of 10-mins per day. On days when I'm feeling not so good, 10-mins alone is usually just enough to make a some dent at whatever I'm studying / reviewing / learning. On days when I'm feeling good, more often than not those 10-mins lead to many more.


>> No.32170097

wow that guy might actually make it

>> No.32170127

thats a relief, itd be a major blow to my self esteem if i wanted to share a chick with a fat guy

>> No.32170131

I was gonna ask jamal to play quake with me but then I realized my voice is breathy so you can tell I'm fat and I knew he'd make fun of me like he made fun of John and Yoga and all the other fatsos.

>> No.32170155

>lift me with one hand
wait you arent a midget right?

>> No.32170202

so how do i learn radicals? am i supposed to learn how to recognize by keyword? is there something more?

>> No.32170216

tkyosam ate the o

>> No.32170233

cant believe nuke quit

>> No.32170273

he shuda listened to me when i told him to read eroge

>> No.32170280

nuke has 無限な patience thats impossible

>> No.32170303

wanna learn japanese so i can teach nuke before its too late

>> No.32170354

you sound bitter that a black person is better than you haha

>> No.32170356

im clicking report but nothings happening

>> No.32170372

like a year ago someone posted a link to various jp expressions. maybe they were idioms im not sure. i think they were ordered by some sort of frequency criteria maybe? anyone remember what im talking about?

>> No.32170432

it probably quakes when you walk haha

>> No.32170467

no im not

>> No.32170501

poor john couldnt take it

>> No.32170548

he plays diabotical on the china store bro

>> No.32170600

just failed 後ろ in anki what should i do

>> No.32170605

why do people remove their gallbladder

>> No.32170622

even banned him from his discord
jamals toxic af

>> No.32170642


>> No.32170693
File: 691 KB, 1280x720, vid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching with en subs is great
today i learned the word for left is 右


>> No.32170705


>> No.32170714
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, vn_guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32170766

always a self own when people post shit like this. why are you checking the eng subs? lol

>> No.32170801

i didnt i just saw that pic in the thread on /a/
this is the crunchyroll quality sub btw

>> No.32170817

sometimes they're baked into the video

>> No.32170829

don't you hate how there are no reliable rules for reading shit in this cursed language

>> No.32170867

are gomichan users masochistic

>> No.32170877

ssl cert error
made over 50 card without realized audio isn't working

>> No.32170881

no cuz i dont use gomipod

>> No.32170888
File: 399 KB, 402x592, 1585951822225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do nips really film shit with a ipad on a tripod?

>> No.32170892

works for me just mined a card

>> No.32170902

i don't even bother with audio on my cards the pitch info is enough

>> No.32170911

probably a mobile streaming app

>> No.32170920

i don't even bother with cards

>> No.32170922

gonna need one that has gay/non gay

>> No.32170969


>> No.32171073
File: 237 KB, 986x1400, mushikan-eromanga00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32171077

matt is a jew and jews are self-admittedly only "white" when it benefits them but they actually aren't.

boy, the tide is changing on this whole output issue with my involvement. some pretty good arguments like >>32162454

>> No.32171103

really really informal japanese

>> No.32171112

always double check words like 正門 too

>> No.32171113

Who are you?

>> No.32171192


>> No.32171194

someone who doesnt matter

>> No.32171207

its like you want people to hate you.

>> No.32171212

do u actually care about federal politics? dont remember the last time it affected me

>> No.32171343

no, im not even against wearing masks in public. but if you are afraid to leave your house over rona as a healthy person under 60, you might have a vagina growing where your balls should be

>> No.32171354

nobody cares

>> No.32171406

three embarrassing posts in a row

>> No.32171421

if no one told me obama was replaced by trump i wouldn't have noticed

>> No.32171443

my nigga

>> No.32171454

man anime is so HOT

>> No.32171459

funny you think i mind screaming into the void. also only one of those posts was mine

>> No.32171529

jamal you dont have a vagina your just gay

>> No.32171550

hard to care about politics when you dont care about society

>> No.32171558

i just want congress to buy me a new computer with that $2000 dont care about any other political bullshit

>> No.32171611

the only type of pigs worth hating

>> No.32171618

im actually pissed about the stimulus, everytime they give us one graphics cards become even more impossible to find

>> No.32171638

>he's getting the full amount
and here i thought you made decent money, aren't you in ur 40s

>> No.32171641

dont even know what impeachment is and dont care

>> No.32171645

kys rapist dont you have some innocent aid workers to burn alive

>> No.32171651

based dumbass throwing usabucks to the chinese military

>> No.32171680
File: 103 KB, 1285x585, Erlmlw3VkAANNDG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need to know is it has something to do with sunspots

>> No.32171690

for me it would go to my 推し

>> No.32171710

yeah like 10 bucks of it lmao

>> No.32171719

10 ars

>> No.32171758

thats not informal

>> No.32171786

yea you can never know if you're right or not
is 温泉宿 おんせんしゅく or おんせんやど

>> No.32171790

interesting correlation, prolly coincidence but if not maybe we know on a quantum level or something when theres a solar storm and we chill out as a species

>> No.32171791

are you actually from the middle east?

>> No.32171799

she said nandeskua without putting the ga in there.... lol if u knew japanese ud know what im talking about

>> No.32171865

lol i see what you did there

>> No.32171874

my gut says やど

>> No.32171876

yeah dude the president has the ability to control global pandemics lmfao

gosh how are you going to cope with the world without your current scapegoat?

>> No.32171907

mine did too but you can never be too sure

>> No.32171908

get a japanese gf if u wanna learn faggots

>> No.32171957

i see the crayon's trying to top the worst poster ranking now that the 1st place is vacant

>> No.32171966

i dont wanna learn faggots
