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3191379 No.3191379 [Reply] [Original]

How do you find the balance in Hisoutensoku?

My mains were affected quite a bit (Reisen & Komachi), but it seems like it was mostly for the better. Love the new spellcards especially.

Any particular character that comes off as unbalanced to you?

>> No.3191394

I think they overdid the Aya nerf a bit, and Sanae seems kind of underpowered.

But still, it's not too bad.

>> No.3191398

Okuu far too strong imo

>> No.3191412

Changes to Remilia make her very un-fluid now.
2A comes out a lot slower, her B bullets have very limited reach.
I don't really like Remilia anymore, which is unfortunate. She is still very playable, but the changes really hurt.
Thankfully Meiling is a lot of fun!

>> No.3191422

Yeah, good going ignoring her being much much faster.

>> No.3191424

And far too slow

>> No.3191429

I felt she was much slower personally.

>> No.3191444

They messed with Alice a bit more than I was hoping.
The 236BC dolls now cancel the last one deployed if you place another, and her 5AAAA 6A combo never freaking works anymore.

>> No.3191464

As much as Reisen was buffed overall, I miss her damn bullet illusions.

>> No.3191522

Definitely agreed on this. I've given up on Remilia in favor of some of the characters that got buffed.

You can still do it if you have good timing, though it is a lot harder now. f.5a comes out a bit quicker than 6A, though, so you can use 5AAAA f.5A (1 hit) 6A 6B. You can also just follow up with the boot.
Really, Alice got nerfed, especially on her guard crush strings, but she's still a pretty good character. Most of her old competition got nerfed just as bad or worse.

Sanae actually strikes me as one of the best characters. She has some ridiculously high hitting air unblockable attacks, really good pressure, and can combo off fucking anything.

Suika and Youmu seem to have been missed almost entirely by the nerf bat, and they were two of the best characters before. Suika's retarded grab SC got nerfed through system mechanics and Youmu's 6C got its range nerfed, but overall they're probably the strongest in the game, especially right now, since everyone knows how to play them.
On the underpowered side are Remilia, Tenshi, and Patchy. Remilia and Tenshi got nerfed hard all around, while Patchy just didn't get much of anything useful (other than being able to use a couple skill cards in the air, I guess) despite being the worst damn character in SWR.

>> No.3191543

How'd Aya get nerfed? The only thing I've really noticed is that it's harder/maybe impossible to combo off of Tengu Drum.

>> No.3191555
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As much as I love playing Suika and Utusho, they have too many easy to pull off, really good moves still.

I love the buffs to Reisen. Was hoping Peaches would get a couple new tricks, but now that she's out of the story, they don't give two shits about her...

Which is a pity. ;_;

>> No.3191565

Marisa got nerfed the hardest. As my main I just gave up playing her.

>> No.3191593

Fucked over all of Yukari's guardbreaking options, Patchouli plays pretty much the same, her new 236 would be nice if I didn't use default 236 so damn much

>> No.3191602

I like how they balanced Komachi's life cutter attack.

>> No.3191609

She's still good. Just nothing cool added to her. New skillcards are too situation or have horrible drawbacks.

I really don't like how they just randomly give her a 5b and call that a new bullet. I seriously like how my old 5b is a spiral rock, not some wimpy rock. ;_;

>> No.3191614

your trolling right?

>> No.3191646

old bullet is 6b now, I think

>> No.3191666

There's no more midscreen combo besides 5AAAAA.

Her 6C laser is shit now because it doesnt combo off B, 2B or j6A anymore. -> air damage -50% and no more full screen punishment

The new B sucks for blockstrings now and j2B kills corner damage from jA + no more loops

Low blockstring 3a6c can be grazed out now.

High blockstring 6a 22b doesnt work anymore, 6a is punishable no matter what you do now.

Bullet string AAA 2B 6C doesnt work anymore.

66A is no longer safe, so its even harder to get into melee range.

22B/C completely useless now.

Spirit damage lowered.

Stardust reverie was nerfed, lower damage and huge limit.

214 even less safe than before.

So if you find out how to get the opponent to block longer than 3 seconds, tell me.

>> No.3191668

I don't like pressing 6b when I'm doing blockstrings. Obviously spiral rocks is like a blockstring god, but when you screw up and hit the 5b wimpy rock, you feel like shit when you when they get out of it. ;_;

>> No.3191694

Her overall damage was lowered so you can take about 500-900 off every combo that was possible before and you have the new one.

>> No.3191699

Reisen's new skillcard is fun to use, but does upgrading it even do anyhting? It's not like it deals damage.

Yuyuko seems very buff, with the new cards and faster attacks.

>> No.3191700

This is true ;_;

>> No.3191889

Go into practice mode and see how little damage she gets for a 3 card spellcard. Her damage is pretty much shit, with or without a card. Her reversal tornado is also easily punishable now. On the upside, she's one of the few characters whose spirit orb damage is intact, so she's a fast character with strong pressure who doesn't get much damage. I'd say she's still plenty powerful.
You can still do j.6a 6c unless it's all the way from one side of the screen to the other.
Her new B is overall worse, but somewhat more useful for zoning.
6a 22b is punishable now, but you can still do 6a 236b, which is almost as good, since 236b does a fair bit of spirit damage.

To make it clear, I agree she was nerfed, but so were a lot of the high tier characters. She's still a good character.

>> No.3191906

>I've given up on Remilia in favor of some of the characters that got buffed.
>Marisa got nerfed the hardest. As my main I just gave up playing her.

I don't know what to say about those horrible comments.

>> No.3191915


So who do you main?

>> No.3191921

my main ;_;

>> No.3191925

She's still fucking Marisa. If you stopped using her because she got nerfed, you never deserved to play her to begin with.

>> No.3191931


>> No.3191940

Non-damaging moves in this game usually become faster or last longer. The startup time on her teleport probably gets lowered with levels like Sakuya's teleport. Whether that's actually worth investing cards into is another matter.

Overall I generally like the balancing of the old characters, except for Suika somehow escaping any nerfs. High tier characters generally got worse, while low tier characters generally got better. As for the new characters, they are horrible for the most part. Sanae and Suwako are pretty terrible overall while Okuu is completely overpowered at lower levels of play. Her 5C is practically a fucking super, and thus bad players keep picking her and spamming non-stop every single game. About as fun to play as the old Yuyuko spammers.

Meiling is the only new character that feels like a fun, balanced addition to the game. Cirno is definitely not The Strongest, but unlike Sane and Suwako I have no problem with her being Dan-tier; she IS a joke character after all.

>> No.3191946

No one because I don't play this piece of ...
because I played UFO instead and my internet connection is (still) bad.

My point is >>3191931

>> No.3191947

Forgot that far 5a has a horrible delay now. Corner traps no more.

>> No.3191963

Guy who gave up Remilia here, I play more than half the damn cast because they're fun characters to play. Remilia isn't as fun to play anymore.

>> No.3191971

Same with me. I generally just pick whoever, but Remila feels so shitty compared to other melee-heavy character there just isn't any point. I'd rather play Suika, Youmu or Meiling.

>> No.3191979

Am I the only one who thought that Sanae would become the new Aya?
Suwako seems like an unpredictable character but Sanae just underpowered with her short melee moves and slow danmaku.

>> No.3191983

I like what they did to Reisen. Useful sexy rabbit is useful.
I don't know what they did to Iku. I haven't played her that much recently.
Utsuho is a little bit too powerful. Cirno looks underwhelming.
Meirin is very fun to play. Suwako too, if a little 'lol wut'.
About Sanae, I was planning to main her alongside Reisen, but honestly I have no fucking idea of what to do with her.

>> No.3191987

>I'd rather play Suika, Youmu or Meiling.
Why not all 3?

I wonder who is currently considered the weakest...

>> No.3191988

Go play one of the Sanae mains in one of the netplay threads. She's fine.

>> No.3191992

The 'assist' thing was a complete and total failure. They're just normal moves with a long cooldown on them for now reason. Kanako DP and windtunnel are the only worthwhile assist moves.

The 'manipulate your projectiles' thing has more potential, other than her B attacks it's pointless currently. Her 'frog bomb' alt 22 is so much better than her default, so there's no reason to fuss with it.

>> No.3191999

Iku seems exactly the same, which is fine as she was already decent. Her new moves seem shitty, though her new 22 looks cool. She didn't really need anything though.

>> No.3192039

I like how many moves recieved some proper scaling in Hisoutensoku, for example, Komachis teleport and "Scythe of the Grim Reaper" alt 236BC.

What intrigues me even more though is all the new system cards, I bet that some months from now, people will figure out what cards benefit their strategy and use specific combinations.

>> No.3192045

Her new 22 is fucking amazing. You can aim it and it does pretty good damage and lasts a while.

>> No.3192121

Utsuho is overpowered, Meiling hasn't changed much since IaMP (needs more flashy martial arts), and Cirno and Sanae are boring to use.
Awkward Suwako is actually the best new character.

>> No.3192135

A lot of the buff system cards seem overly strong on the right character. Suika is full out retarded with control rods (mash A for more damage than some characters level 5 supers), and you can use substitute dolls to completely negate the drawback. Pretty much every character benefits from a few books; I except those to get nerfed as they render the magic pots completely obsolete.

>> No.3192148

I still play vast majority of games as remi, shame to you faggots who gave her up just because of minor nerfs.

>> No.3192168

>Suika is full out retarded

That's why I main her, Bro!
46464646 WHEEEEE

>> No.3192173

How come this is so often brought up around this site?
www.Yähøø.com - Do you Yahoo?
www.eBäy.com - Buy and sell online!
www.AnønTälk.com - Discuss anything anonymously!
www.Wikipediä.org - The free encyclopedia!

>> No.3192191

>Suika is full out retarded with control rods (mash A for more damage than some characters level 5 supers)
And of course the enemy can do the same as a level 4 super by doing the same thing, since Suika would then take a ton of extra damage too. Control Rods aren't nearly as good as Substitution Dolls. Decks built around passive stat boosting cards are stronger in longer battles, so why would you want a card that not only gives less total bonus (2.5% damage advantage vs. 5%) but also ends the battle quicker?

>> No.3192208

Let the computer play as Marisa. I've never seen anyone pull of that many combos that fast, outside of maybe Patchy. I can typically mop the floor with most of the characters, but I either barely manage to win a single match against Marisa or Patchy, or they totally destroy me.

I finally thought I was going to get into one of the Touhou fighters, but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.3192218

I can't get into this game because I'm not immediately good at it.

>> No.3192256

>using the cpu to judge a character

>> No.3192267

The computer sucks at the game. Hard. Just to make sure, I went and perfected Marisa on Lunatic in Vs. Com. The computer doesn't understand corner pressure.

>> No.3192272


Same here. I try SWR+123 and it looks cool, but the pile of things to learn is overwheming, and then I see threads like these, full of people who have already learned all those things, and I realize that that gap is too wide for me to ever jump across and give up.

>> No.3192283

Yeah I kinda stopped after the 3rd day since 12.3 came out and now every game thread is like collective blog of every player detailing their entire match.

>> No.3192311

Here's what you need to learn.




There. That's all there is to it. Everything else will come as you go.

>> No.3192318

Learning a normal fightan gaem is already pretty damn overwhelming what with all the priorities and cancels and frame advantages and that other nonsense to worry about, but SWR adds a whole new layer on top of that with cards and weathers.

>> No.3192324

Made easier:

>> No.3192332



>> No.3192333

UNL is a shit ton simpler than GG, BB, Melty Blood, etc.

>> No.3192339

Cards and Weathers are rediculously easy to learn.

You use a card, you hit your opponent really fucking hard.

You use a skill card, you power up an attack or replace an old one.

You use a system card, you get a temporary or permanent boost.

Weather is, too. Just go look up what they do or download the weather patch. Bam. You now know weather.

12.3 is one of the easiest to learn fighters I've ever seen, since the inputs get no more complicated than a shoryuken, and 99% of the fight is just spent dashing around and shooting bullets unless you're playing a melee character.

>> No.3192342


Sure doesn't seem that way.

>> No.3192378

What's so complicated about it? It simplified supers AND guard crushes and added basically nothing more complicated than the average fighter

>> No.3192399


What say we set up a league of our own? No tourney fags.

>> No.3192419

Just be sure to say "low tier" or "shit tier" or something when you host.

I started playing SWR about a week before Hisoutensoku came out, so Im pretty bad, but Im getting better.

You don't need to know all cards or combos, just find something that works and use it for yourself.

>> No.3192432

Dude. I'm not a tourneyfag. but the game isn't that fucking complicated.

>> No.3192434

I don't think even Magister is a tourneyfag. If you mean no one who's actually good at the game, go ahead.

>> No.3192461
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Speaking of which. Hosting. Only-playing-for-five-days tier, running Suika/Reimu/whoever I feel like minus Okuu, West Coast.

>> No.3192476

How high is the damage and defense increase for Life Elixir "Grand Patriot's Elixir" per use and how good is this 3card one compared to the system cards?

>> No.3192478

Suika got buffed, or is it the they fixed her 5AAAA last hit detection, now it actually connects well.
It use to connect only when enemy is at the corner.

I have no idea how to use Sanae and can't get any decent damage off her attacks, anyone enlighten me?

>> No.3192482


Cirno is NOT a bad character. During early game her options are severely limited, and her melee is complete ass.
Fortunately she can punish turtling by interrupting projectiles with timed moves like 6C and later defend her own side of the screen with alt. 236 icetraps. 6A is hardcore underrated and can lead into some ridiculous corner combos, but on the downside she takes a stupid amount of practice - more than most - to actually LEARN and figure out the timing for using 66C to punish timing mistakes or gain extra distance in the same sense as Suika's loliball.

Is she easy to use? Fuck no.
But she has every opportunity to be taken seriously as a character and really become THE STRONGEST.

>> No.3192514

Substitute Doll: 5%, 10%, 15%, 30% defense
Control Rod: +10% attack and -7.5% defense per level
Reisen's SC: +15% attack and +15% defense, +20% and 20%, +25% and 25%. Level 4 causes a 5,500 damage explosion that is basically never worth losing the buffs.
In other words, Reisen's SC is drastically better than the system cards, but it's punishable unless you wall slam or blue ring them. The system cards can be used pretty much any time the enemy gets more than a third of the screen away, since they have like half the recovery time.

Also, if you use both Reisen's SC and one of the system cards, the percentages add, not multiply. 3 levels of the SC and 4 control rods gives a 65% damage increase, not 75%.

>> No.3192522

I combo in the corner with C, headbutt, C, spin.

>> No.3192536

The first netplay match I had (absolute first, actually) was the two hours I had the most fun while playing a game in my life, even though we lagged horribly. Maybe who I fought didn't mind it, as I was using the name Unlimited Lag Works, but damn, that was really fun.
I would play more if my computer didn't try to explode that time, or if lag didn't make the game unplayable for most people.

As for 12.3's balance, I don't really know, since I barely ever played SWR. All I know is that there are some new attacks and characters.

>> No.3192552

Tier A
Yuyuko,Youmu, Reisen, Meiling, Remilia, Utsuho, Suika.
Tier B
Everyone else except.
Tier C
Yukari, Aya, Tenshi, Iku, Sanae.

>> No.3192554


>> No.3192563

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.3192573

As cool as that sounds - mainly the fact that you're comboing INTO a headbutt - do you seriously start with C?
This may just be the Melty Blood player in me talking, but that's ridiculously unlikely to work unless you just happen to pull it off when they're either attempting to use a projectile or not blocking in the corner when you're RIGHT IN FRONT of them. And if either are the case, then your opponent either has really unlucky timing or is just plain a scrub.
The goal is to use moves that throw off their timing and hit them hard for it, such as 6A or 6C, possibly even some others. 5C is definitely a hard hitter but most of the time there's a tiny margin of error to getting it right, so I wouldn't consider it a viable option for starting corner pressure unless you know they're going to attempt to retaliate.

>> No.3192578

Not my opinion, that's what the good players came up with lately. Touhou fighting game tiers are subject to change easily though. That and the 1.02 patch will likely fuck around with a lot of stuff.

>> No.3192582 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3192586 [DELETED] 


Go back to /b/.

>> No.3192594

So the first activation of Reisen's card for 3 cards cost is worth as much as 3 dolls + the damage of 1 1/2 control rod,
but the second and third add only 5% each and cost 1card more than the same % increase overall in dolls would.

>> No.3192613

>cost 1card more than the same % increase overall in dolls
Same cost for just defense except in the odd game where you actually draw and are able to use all 4 dolls (I played over an hour with a deck based on this strategy earlier and it happened once). That you get attack too makes the SC superior, assuming of course you have the time to use either, for all three levels.

>> No.3192641

>I have no idea how to use Sanae and can't get any decent damage off her attacks, anyone enlighten me?
Yeah, me too. Relevant to my interests.

>the 1.02 patch will likely fuck around with a lot of stuff.
If any.

>> No.3192816

Just play a lot. Much of the meat of the game (movement, zoning) is stuff that builds up from experience. Other things like spellcards and alt. skills I learned by observing what my opponents used.

And combos in this game are really easy. For Cirno:
Air combo: j.5A 5C 623B or j.5A j.8A 5C 623B
Ground (Corner): 5AAAA 623B
Ground (Midscreen): 5AA 5C 623B

Compare that to stuff you see in Melty Blood, ex: "2A5C4C5A6A6A 2B5C2C5A6A6A 2C5[B]5B JBJC JCJ2C"

Only when you go into blockstrings, frame traps and guard crush strings does UNL start to become complicated, but many of us in the netplay threads aren't at that level.

Yeah, many people initially thought Sanae sucked. I think those of us who got our butts kicked by the two or so Sanae players think otherwise now.

>> No.3192821

I do not even know what blockstrings, frame traps and guard crush strings are. ;_;

>> No.3192850

>For Cirno:
>Air combo: j.5A 5C 623B or j.5A j.8A 5C 623B

Whoops, forgot your j.5A j.6A 6B 6C there.

Fancy ways to describe hitting your opponent a lot of times.

>> No.3192853

>Compare that to stuff you see in Melty Blood, ex: "2A5C4C5A6A6A 2B5C2C5A6A6A 2C5[B]5B JBJC JCJ2C"
My favorite is Arc's
2aabc 4b air dash j.C (623c extend I can neither remember nor do myself goes here) 5abc xx 5abc xx 5abc 4b j.bc dj.bc air throw/(22b 66b 22c)

>> No.3192868

Not really. I find the j.5A j.8A j.5C j.623B much easier to land consistently, and it's 100% limit so that's good enough.

>> No.3192883

I love this game. Unfortunately, I suck but still: it's awesome.

>> No.3192907

i find that pretty easy to remember

>> No.3192918

I guess you're right; I'm still not used to j.8A connecting after a j.5A because most of the other characters I play (like Suika) have a j.8A that only works if you're RIGHT BELOW them. Plus, I always try to switch out 623B/C for her alt. 623 icesword as early as possible because that and icecharge completely turn around her melee game.
I like j.5A j.6A 6B 6C so much because the 6C at the end forces them to block if they try to tech giving you a chance to rape their face in the corner, and if they don't you have plenty of opportunity to rush up and plant something for them when they get up, ie. icetraps or alt. 22 freeze if you aim it right.

Really, the only problem with Cirno is that her default skillcards are just about completely useless in most situations with the exception of 623 in certain aircombos like the ones you described; I use icesword because with most opponents it plays mindgames and they stop blocking thinking they can knock my ice fairy out of it after the first hit. It never works.

>> No.3192961

The only character that is worth noting as an outlier to what would be considered balance is Youmu. Youmu is so far above everyone else she pretty much has her own tier, with some matchups being near hopeless against her. Some of the new characters seem very weak, and might be low tier, but it is still a little early to call. At high level play Utsuho is being deconstructed very easily right now.

>> No.3192985

A blockstring is a combo that works on block, keeps you close, and cannot be punished. You can throw in random overheads, low attacks and cross-ups to attempt to break through their guard. A crush string is the same thing but it does heavy guard damage. Any game where you can crush someones guard in a single string is shit.

SWR has some lame auto-block feature someone will probably explain and Melty Blood doesn't have cross-ups because it prefers things like buggy bunker cancels.

Frame-traps are when you leave a hole in a block or attack string so your opponent has a severe frame disadvantage, which can potentially be used for all kinds of stuff: like watching your opponent backdash out of whatever clever shit you had lined-up.

>> No.3192989
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>> No.3193025

A block string is when you hit someone and they block.
A guard string is when you hit someone and they block but fall over.
A frame advantage is when you stop hitting someone.

You don't need to do any of this shit. Just learn one combo and do it over and over. Doujin fighters are about single player execution, not interacting with your opponent.

>> No.3193058

>Doujin fighters are about single player execution, not interacting with your opponent.

That's the most bullshit thing I've heard all day.
I'm not gonna deny that it applies to most doujin fighters but SWR and this nonsense have characters like Reisen and certain system cards specifically for the purpose of playing mindgames with your opponent and relying on human error on their part as opposed to execution on yours. Even with shit like green potion's effects and calm weather being visible during her invisible SC or default 623s, in high-level play if something like that can make them whiff even once you've succeeded in that department.

If anything, the reason I like Touhou fightan so much is BECAUSE it doesn't rely on shit like single-player execution as much as other doujin fighters.
I almost want to say it's polished enough to be achieve commercial status like Melty Blood did soon, but that's hard to gauge because of how uniquely it plays.

>> No.3193206

I play an Utsuho, and against any half decent Youmu its a nightmare.
Utsuho's ground is much better than her air, but so is Youmu's so she outprioritizes you everywhere. She's not afraid of the 5C since Youmu's ground dash goes right through it and punishes before you can even hjc it. She can also DP the 2C-airdash-j.5A gap in your blockstring with ease, while you can't poke at her at all under pressure because of lolpriority. What a fucked up matchup

>> No.3193233

Last time I played games like this it was called Street Fighter and was played on SNES. I was fairly good with Ryu.

Who would be a good character to start?

>> No.3193252

The guys in netplay all either play China, Okuu, or Cirno. Pick someone who isn't one of these three and you'll gain the element of surprise.

>> No.3193262

play Marisa, she can spam hadouken

>> No.3193265
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Is Yuyuko any good? She is one of my favorites.

>> No.3193274

Sakuya worth maining?

>> No.3193276

Yuyuko is the best bullet spammer, ever.

>> No.3193277

Yuyuko is ALWAYS good.

>> No.3193282


>> No.3193283

like any other fighters rule, pick who you like and stick with it.

>> No.3193296

If you like playing her, she's worth maining.

But yeah, sakuya is pretty good at bullet spam, has ok melee. She's basically an all arounder, but with insane mind games and tricks. A magician of illusionary tricks, etc.

>> No.3193369

>That's the most bullshit thing I've heard all day.
>I'm not gonna deny that it applies to most doujin fighters
It's been a relatively bullshitless day, then?

Clearly it was hyperbolic. I was going to write something about Akatsuki Blitzkampf for shits and giggles, but didn't as my post was too long.

>> No.3193451

Is tehre a place where I can find special moves?

>> No.3193469


>> No.3193508


>> No.3193642

Holy shit Yuyuko is made of lasers!

>> No.3193692

What? Didn't you play Perfect Cherry Blossom?

>> No.3193701

Yuyuko always had tons of lasers.

>> No.3193714

HAHA Iku Tier C?

/jp/ fails at fighting games, not even going to bother with this anymore. This thread made me RAGE.

Have a nice day.

>> No.3193733
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Why is she such a joke character?

>> No.3193746
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>> No.3193747

I'm pretty sure he's quoting some IRC faggots. Our resident tourneyfag has said Sanae is mid tier.

>> No.3193785

Is this the girl who is always with Suwako?

>> No.3193803
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>fighting games

>> No.3193818

Iku used to be high and get nerfed.
Her being low makes sense, but then again, nobody on /jp/ or mizuumi plays iku at all, so I honestly don't know.
Also the person he's quoting, who I think is Satsu, has said that these tiers have very little difference between them.

>> No.3193856


>> No.3193877

And a quite good one, at that

>> No.3193890


Iku's movement got all fucked up. Hard. I mained her back when I still played SWR, I loaded up Soku and tried it out and could instantly tell that there was absolutely no grace to her movement at all anymore. It was like they gave her lead shoes.

This is why she dropped, because before she was slow but moved well and now she's just slow.

>> No.3193917

Stupid joke. ignore it.

>> No.3193937

You're just a butthurt faggot.

Bullshit and more bullshit.

Combos are just a way to capitalize more damage on punishment, not the whole metagame, if so, every fighting game would be very limited and everyone would be top player. I'd say the most important factor at SWR's high level play is spacing.

No I'm not. I'm pretty sure Iku is one of the top tiers right now because her damage got several buffs, she has a 3k dmg loop on most characters etc. There's still the excellent zoning and guaranteed blockstrings.

Anyway, Hisoutensoku managed to be even worse than Hisouten. Not a good game to tourneyfag, guys. IaMP is a clearly better and less boring option.

>> No.3193962

>Anyway, Hisoutensoku managed to be even worse than Hisouten
Why exactly?
When people said SWR was shit compared to IaMP, they had arguments to go with it.
Now all I see is a bunch of jaded iamp players "giving soku a chance" by half-heartedly playing it with the mindset of "let's see just how shit this is. Because it's surely shit", then claim it's worse than SWR and leave again.
And then there's the few people that actually gave it a fair chance and claimed it was much better than SWR, but still silly and needing work.

So yeah, not saying you're wrong, but would you care to back up your claim?

>> No.3193966

Delude yourself all you want. You do not need a grasp of fundamentals to be good in any of this doujin trash because it's all about abare and robbing.

>> No.3193983

>Not a good game to tourneyfag, guys.

>> No.3194033

Same applies to every fighting game since the dawn of history.

>> No.3194109
File: 71 KB, 479x479, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm really on IRC.

>> No.3194193

Well, I must agree that several improvements were made, like Spring Haze's nerf and the decreased stage size. Well, Spring Haze is still pretty shitty and you can't hit each other properly(graze melee lol), but it's still better than NO MELEE LOL. About the stage size, no major complaints on this matter.

But yeah, I think they overnerfed some characters, like Aya. Aya was one of the only characters in the game that could actually play a very good risk/reward offensive gamein the midst of the usually safe bullet spam. Well, she lost her dear okizeme(still possible with cards, though) and her damage on combos and specials is now shitty. Remilia was pretty nerfed, too, the 2C nerf being the worst of all, many 2C combos are invalidated just because this shit. Hasn't tasofro tought of this? And yeah, shitty characters, with Suwako being the prime example of this, however, every game has one. Suwako isn't a major issue.

Some spellcards are pretty bad too, but I gotta go buy cup noodles for dinner now. I'll write something better later.

>> No.3194420

>Suwako being the prime example of this
4k damage off a 5A, amazing corner rape, and escaping blockstrings with invulnerable forward dashes disagree.

>> No.3194714
File: 16 KB, 469x219, Funprohibitedbn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, god it's tourneyfaggotry all over again.

MOMENTUM CANCEL (getting hit)

>> No.3194802

alright, i give up on this game, i can't even beat the computer on normal

>> No.3194808

If you're not having fun you might as well give up on it. But if you keep playing, you're bound to get better.

>> No.3194978

I suggest that you start at easy.

Bind keys so that they are comfortable, and train in practise until you can do specials most of the time.

Just remember that Dashing = Bullet dodge, and that the computer will block recently used moves, so you need to vary your attacks.

>> No.3194979

I don't think Utsuho is good. She falls apart in all high play I've seen. She wrecks lower skill, but she drops off so steeply it's not even funny.

The only problem I have character-wise is Youmu. She was second to Aya in SWR, and she's virtually the same with even more shit while almost everyone else was nerfed. She's easily top in this game.

>> No.3194989

I cant beat the com, cuz, i dont feel like its worth it. beating ppl online however is satisfying.

>> No.3195012

Youmu has light speed strings, ridiculous priority, and ludicrous damage if used properly. She's frightful to face when a good player is using her.

>> No.3195050

Komachi works surprisingly well against Youmu.

>> No.3195072

Unfortunately, I'm rather inexperienced with this game. The only character I feel comfortable using is Hong Meiling. I may have to give Komachi a shot if I continue to run into good Youmu players, though.

>> No.3195084

>She's frightful to face when a good player is using her.

Fuck, she's frightful to face when a clump of dirt is using her.
I secondaried her a little in SWR, but now I'll occasionally pick her during long games with people when we've already played the crap out of our mains and she takes down characters who would be a close match with whoever I usually play like nothing, and I don't even remember what half her skills or SCs do.
Everything about Youmu now is broken bullshit and she either needs a HUGE nerf or a flatout ban in all levels of play, even casual.
At this point, casual Youmus can crush FIGHTAN GODS who've been playing for years, and that's just not fair.
But that's just a slight exagerration.

>> No.3195098

I don't know about you, but I've encountered some rather skilled clumps of dirt. I wouldn't be too quick in dismissing their ability.
Hyperbole is the best way to make a point, am I right?

>> No.3195102

Komachi is the one matchup Youmu doesn't piss all over. If Komachi can cover and space well, Youmu kills herself trying to get damage, though it is a bit easier on her now because of the way Komachi C souls work this time around. But that's your only (not even) good matchup, you'll have to work decently hard to beat anyone else.

>> No.3195155

I tried Youmu out for the very first time in practice mode a few seconds ago just for the hell of it, and did a 2.8k jump-in, untechable combo without using any cards or orbs. Does she do that kind of damage ALL the time?

>> No.3195163


>> No.3195193

She got a damage nerf in 1.06 SWR, it used to be worse. Youmu is scary for the reason that she's fast, is always on your ass once she's in, does tons of damage, and every random hit she gets goes into a combo. And she's the only character with a real, good DP. Her only shortcomings are no proper graze attack and her strings in the air are lacking if you block them.

>> No.3195202

If you think that's much try playing Okuu. 2800 is about the most you will get without spellcards.
Youmu has a great arsenal of fast melee moves, depending more on frametraps and mixups than anybody else because her projectiles are not for offensive use.

>> No.3195269

Her 623B/C reminds me of Haohmaru's from Samurai Spirits. I sorta like that; too bad she doesn't have any of Ukyo's moves, though. I'd love to see her slice through an apple and into your multiple times as maybe a 4 or 5 card spellcard.

Or it'd be great if she got the Tsubame Gaeshi. :3

>> No.3195290

What do you guys think is the most useful system spellcard? Some of them seem clearly better than others (I rather like Yukari's fan).

Anyone use 4 Giant Catfish cards in their deck? It doesn't look like it deals much damage on the off-chance it connects, but it's always amusing to see it pulled out in a match.

>> No.3195340

You utter muppet.

>> No.3195348

One of my Meiling's deck has 4 catfish for corner pressure. I'm a really aggressive player, so I happen to love using 4 Okuu's control rods; huge damage is HUGE. Other than that, the pushback coin is pretty useful, as well as Iku's reversal card and Alice's take less damage cards.

>> No.3195363

I didn't try Komachi's pushback coin, but from the description I couldn't see how it would be useful. Guess I should give it a second chance.

>> No.3195387

Well, I've only ever had it used against me; I haven't used it myself. But it pushed me back quite a bit, so it gave the guy some breathing room. All in all, it didn't seem too bad.

>> No.3195459

Oh, okay. I tried it out. Doesn't seem to push back much (and at one orb cost, that's a bit of a gamble), but it's nice that the card lasts forever unless used as spellcard fodder.

>> No.3195499

I stopped because trying to do a 236 motion while walking forward is super frustrating.

>> No.3195558

I stopped because it seems like that a good 50% of the people in /jp/ that play the games are unbearable morons.

Feel free to believe that you're part of the "good" 50%.

>> No.3195611

It's almost impossible for Suwako to zone, most smart players won't even get cornered by her. Forward dash can easily punished, and most characters can easily escape from a blockstring in SWR/UNL, just wrongblock HJ8, works like a charm.

>> No.3195640

Oh god I fell in love with Okuu the second I started playing her but whey is she so shitty

>> No.3195647

explain how to punish her dash, please

>> No.3195668

It has enough lag for normal means of punishment.

>> No.3195674

Patchouli is bullshit.

>> No.3195681

At least in 12.3 it isn't FIREBALL FIREBALL FIREBALL anymore.

>> No.3195686

I can't seem to do it, she's like invul on popout
or maybe my timing is bad
Also explain what to do for okizeme punishment, do you predict the tech and dash at it? Or try to put bullets over it or something

>> No.3195715

Tech-chase is quite high risk/reward just be sure to time your 5A well, otherwise, go for the okizeme punishment. Well, I play Iku, so I tend to mixup 5C / 214alt for okizemes.

>> No.3195724

Ah, her popout has like 2F lag, if you can't time it well, just use a long lasting hitbox.

>> No.3195739 [DELETED] 

Have you tried Google?
Drink Coca-Cola!
http://www.AnønTalk.com/ICARE - Do you care? You should.

>> No.3195824

>Anyway, Hisoutensoku managed to be even worse than Hisouten. Not a good game to tourneyfag, guys. IaMP is a clearly better and less boring option.

Cool trolling bro.

>> No.3195858

I really don't get why people are still bitching about Utsuho. Assuming both players aren't complete newbies, she's incredibly easy to beat. She has the worst flight in the game, and every single move she has comes with heavy cooldown. For fuck's sake, it even takes her longer to turn around. The only thing she really has going for her is the great priority of her 5C.

>> No.3195970

Not trolling, IaMP is a really better game.

>> No.3196085

I thought I might say a few words about Patche and how she manages in Soku, as she's my main. As someone else here pointed out, she's pretty much the same. 5C is slightly slowed down, which I'm cool with. People who spam 5C without remorse doesn't know how to use it. The most important tweaks to her default specials ought to be her 22B/C, and her j.236B/C. I surely don't have to explain the 22B/C, but the thing with j.236B/C is that it hits further away from Patche, and even bends a little. It takes many players off guard as they don't expect it to reach them. She has some cool new alt.cards, but most of them are inferior or overly hard to use compared to the ones we already know. Personally I don't feel Patche needed to be further buffed, it's mostly the top tiers who needs some hits with the nerf bat.
